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There is much evidence that suggests that freshwater systems are more sensitive to introduced predators than are terrestrial or marine systems. We argue here that this dichotomy reflects widespread naiveté toward introduced predators among freshwater prey. Continental terrestrial animals are seldom naive toward novel predators owing to the homogenizing effects of historical biotic interchanges. Comparable biotic interchanges might have also precluded prey naiveté in most marine systems. By contrast, freshwater systems exhibit persistent large- and small-scale heterogeneity in predation regimes. This heterogeneity promotes naiveté at multiple spatial scales in freshwater prey, thereby producing a systemic vulnerability to introduced predators that is not seen in continental terrestrial or marine systems.  相似文献   

Network models of frugivory and seed dispersal are usually static. To date, most studies on mutualistic networks assert that interaction properties such as species' degree (k) and strength (s) are strongly influenced by species abundances. We evaluated how species' degree and strength change as a function of temporal variation not only in species abundance, but also in species persistence (i.e., phenology length). In a two-year study, we collected community-wide data on seed dispersal by birds and examined the seasonal dynamics of the above-mentioned interaction properties. Our analyses revealed that species abundance is an important predictor for plant strength within a given sub-network. However, our analyses also reveal that species' degree can often be best explained by the length of fruiting phenology (for plants degree) or by the number of fruiting species (for dispersers degree), which are factors that can be decoupled from the relative abundance of the species participating in the network. Moreover, our results suggest that generalist dispersers (when total study period is considered) act as temporal generalists, with degree constrained by the number of plant species displaying fruits in each span. Along with species identity, our findings underscore the need for a temporal perspective, given that seasonality is an inherent property of many mutualistic networks.  相似文献   

Lu M  Miller DR  Sun JH 《PloS one》2007,2(12):e1302


Aside from the ecological impacts, invasive species fascinate ecologists because of the unique opportunities that invasives offer in the study of community ecology. Some hypotheses have been proposed to illustrate the mechanisms that allow exotics to become invasive. However, positive interactions between exotic and native insects are rarely utilized to explain invasiveness of pests.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Here, we present information on a recently formed association between a native and an exotic bark beetle on their shared host, Pinus tabuliformis, in China. In field examinations, we found that 35–40% of P. tabuliformis attacked by an exotic bark beetle, Dendroctonus valens, were also attacked by a native pine bark beetle, Hylastes parallelus. In the laboratory, we found that the antennal and walking responses of H. parallelus to host- and beetle-produced compounds were similar to those of the exotic D. valens in China. In addition, D. valens was attracted to volatiles produced by the native H. parallelus.


We report, for the first time, facilitation between an exotic and a native bark beetle seems to involve overlap in the use of host attractants and pheromones, which is cross-attraction. The concept of this interspecific facilitation could be explored as a novel invasive mechanism which helps explain invasiveness of not only exotic bark beetles but also other introduced pests in principle. The results reported here also have particularly important implications for risk assessments and management strategies for invasive species.  相似文献   

Singapore is located near the equator, off the southern tip of the Malay Peninsula. The whole country consists mostly of lowland. It has many interesting types of natural habitats such as primary rain forest, freshwater swamp forest, mangroves, secondary forests, shrub, grasslands, and urban parks and fields. The climate is equatorial with relatively uniform temperature and high humidity. Unfortunately, many of the natural habitats and the native orchids which thrive there have disappeared due to habitat destruction. Some 226 species of native orchids have been recorded in Singapore. However, of these 178 are considered to be extinct, and only five are common. The orchid conservation programme aims to monitor existing species, explore ways to conserve their germplasm, and increase their numbers in natural, semi-natural, and urban environments through ex-situ seedling culture and subsequent re-introduction into appropriate habitats, including roadside trees, parks and natural areas. In the first phase of the programme, we have successfully propagated and carried out experiments of re-introduction on five species of native orchids, namely, Grammatophyllum speciosum, Bulbophyllum vaginatum, Bulbophyllum membranaceum, Cymbidium finlaysonianum and Cymbidium bicolor. Survival percentages 8-yr after the reintroduction events ranged from 10 to 95 for G. speciosum, the target species of the earliest re-introduction experiments. Size of the seedlings at reintroduction, host trees, and relative humidity seemed to play significant roles in the success rate of the reintroductions.  相似文献   

Islands harbour much of the world's threatened biodiversity. Recent work has highlighted how it is not species diversity per se but rather the interactions between organisms that breathes life into ecosystems. Thus, the real challenge to preserving and restoring biodiversity on islands is not to only focus on species themselves, but more importantly on maintaining and restoring the integrity of interactions between the species. Here we argue that mutualistic plant–animal interactions play a pivotal role with regards to conservation and restoration on islands. Furthermore, these interactions are ideally suited for inter-island comparisons due to ecological and evolutionary similarities across geographical and taxonomical boundaries. The similarities include highly generalised mutualistic systems, the evolution and readjustment of plant reproductive traits, and a disharmony in taxonomic groups of mutualists, compared to continental ecosystems. We highlight past and present threats to island plant–animal mutualisms, as well as the challenges and opportunities inherent to these interactions. In particular, we (1) argue that mutualistic networks provide an ideal approach to collect information and advance our knowledge on the systems, (2) suggest the use of interactions as biodiversity monitoring and assessment tools, (3) highlight the differences and similarities between pollination and seed dispersal interactions in the context of restoration, and (4) briefly discuss the ambiguous role of alien invasive species in the management of mutualistic interactions. Finally, we highlight how a recently proposed but controversial restoration strategy, rewilding, can be gainfully applied to and further advanced in island settings.  相似文献   

The impact of alien predator species on insular native biota has often been attributed to island prey naïveté (i.e. lack of, or inefficient, anti-predator behavior). Only rarely, however, has the concept of island prey naïveté been tested, and then only a posteriori (i.e. hundreds or thousands of years after alien species introduction). The presence of native or anciently introduced predators or competitors may be crucial for the recognition and development of adaptive behavior toward unknown predators or competitors of the same archetype (i.e. a set of species that occupy a similar ecological niche and show similar morphological and behavioral traits when interacting with other species). Here, we tested whether two squamates endemic to New Caledonia, a skink, Caledoniscincus austrocaledonicus, and a gecko, Bavayia septuiclavis, recognized and responded to the odor of two major invaders introduced into the Pacific islands, but not yet into New Caledonia. We chose one predator, the small Indian mongoose Herpestes javanicus and one competitor, the cane toad Rhinella marina, which belong respectively to the same archetype as the following two species already introduced into New Caledonia in the nineteenth century: the feral cat Felis catus and the golden bell frog Litoria aurea. Our experiment reveals that geckos are naïve with respect to the odors of both an unknown predator and an unknown competitor, as well as to the odors of a predator and a competitor they have lived with for centuries. In contrast, skinks seem to have lost some naïveté regarding the odor of a predator they have lived with for centuries and seem “predisposed” to avoid the odor of an unknown potential competitor. These results indicate that insular species living in contact with invasive alien species for centuries may be, although not systematically, predisposed toward developing adaptive behavior with respect to species belonging to the same archetype and introduced into their native range.  相似文献   

1IntroductionItisnowwellknownthatbiodiversityisbeinglostgloballyataratethatisfasterthanatanyprevioustimeinhistory(HeywoodandWatson1995).Worse,thisrateseemstobeacceleratingasgrowingnumbersofpeopleusemoreresourcestosupportexpandingnationaleconomies.Somepeoplemaycontendthatthelossofbiodiversityisoneofthepriceswemustpayforprogress.Butthisisashort-termview,becausebiodiversityisessentialforhumanwelfareandprovidessocietieswiththebasisforadaptingtothechangeswhicharecertaintocome.TheConventiononBiolc…  相似文献   

Native and alien invasive plants: more of the same?   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
We compare the ecological and habitat characteristics of alien and native vascular plants which have recently expanded in range m England, Scotland, the Republic of Ireland and the Netherlands In the great majority of respects, expanding aliens and natives are functionally indistinguishable However, there are a few consistent differences aliens are more likely than natives to be clonal, polycarpic perennials with erect, leafy stems, and to have transient seed banks We discuss these trends m the context of the difficulties faced by aliens in invading mostly closed plant communities in relatively cool, damp climates Our results are consistent with some predictions of the attributes of'ideal'invaders, but contradict others We argue that the ecological attributes of successful alien invaders are strongly habitat-dependent  相似文献   

Understanding diversity patterns along environmental gradients and their underlying mechanisms is a major topic in current biodiversity research. In this study, we investigate for the first time elevational patterns of vascular plant species richness and endemism on a long-isolated continental island (Crete) that has experienced extensive post-isolation mountain uplift. We used all available data on distribution and elevational ranges of the Cretan plants to interpolate their presence between minimum and maximum elevations in 100-m elevational intervals, along the entire elevational gradient of Crete (0–2400 m). We evaluate the influence of elevation, area, mid-domain effect, elevational Rapoport effect and the post-isolation mountain uplift on plant species richness and endemism elevational patterns. Furthermore, we test the influence of the island condition and the post-isolation mountain uplift to the elevational range sizes of the Cretan plants, using the Peloponnese as a continental control area. Total species richness monotonically decreases with increasing elevation, while endemic species richness has a unimodal response to elevation showing a peak at mid-elevation intervals. Area alone explains a significant amount of variation in species richness along the elevational gradient. Mid-domain effect is not the underlying mechanism of the elevational gradient of plant species richness in Crete, and Rapoport''s rule only partly explains the observed patterns. Our results are largely congruent with the post-isolation uplift of the Cretan mountains and their colonization mainly by the available lowland vascular plant species, as high-elevation specialists are almost lacking from the Cretan flora. The increase in the proportion of Cretan endemics with increasing elevation can only be regarded as a result of diversification processes towards Cretan mountains (especially mid-elevation areas), supported by elevation-driven ecological isolation. Cretan plants have experienced elevational range expansion compared to the continental control area, as a result of ecological release triggered by increased species impoverishment with increasing elevation.  相似文献   

The large heterogeneity in the cystic fibrosis (CF) gene is the main difficulty for genotype characterization. Numerous studies have reported considerable variations in frequencies of CF transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) mutations in different populations, such as African, Asian, or European populations. To completely characterize the spectrum of mutations in the CFTR gene in the Réunion Island population, we screened 228 CF chromosomes using denaturing high-pressure liquid chromatography and denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis following by direct sequencing. We identified 27 mutations, accounting for 93% of CF chromosomes. They included three novel mutations (M1T, 3121-3C-->G, and L1324P), which are described in this paper. The detection of such a high proportion of Réunion Island CFTR mutations is important for improving neonatal screening of CF on Réunion Island.  相似文献   

Saccharomyces cerevisiae Y5 is a newly developed wild-type strain demonstrating a strong bioethanol fermentation capacity. In the present study, we attempted to construct an а-agglutinin-displaying expression system for genetic immobilization β-glucosidase1 (BGL1) on a yeast cell surface in its active form. The AGA1 gene of native а-agglutinin under the control of a GAL1 promoter was integrated into the genomes of S. cerevisiae Y5. A cDNA-encoding BGL1 from the fungus Aspergillus aculeatus was fused with the gene encoding the C-terminal half of Aga2p. The multicopy plasmid containing this fusion gene was introduced into S. cerevisiae and expressed under the control of the GAL1 promoter as was the AGA1 gene. The display of the BGL1 protein on the cell surface was confirmed by immunofluorescence microscopy and Western blotting. The cells displaying BGL1 could produce 5.07 g/l ethanol from 20 g/l cellobiose as the sole carbon source. These results demonstrated that BGL1 was anchored on the cell wall in its active form.  相似文献   

Somatic embryogenesis was successfully induced with auxin in high concentration from immature cotyledons of 18genotypes of soybean(Glycin emax(L)Merr.)adaptable for planting in Northeast China.The frequency of somatic embryogenesis varied from 0.29%to77.62%among 18genotypes of soybean.The proliferative somatic embryos were obtained from 10genotypes of soybean at rate of 5.2%-22.1%.For the first time.plantlets were obtained even after subcultured and maintained on solid medium for over one year.This system provided a new and efficient receptor for genetic transformation of soybean.  相似文献   

Chikungunya is a re-emerging arboviral disease transmitted by Aedes spp. mosquitoes. Although principally endemic to Africa and Asia, recent outbreaks have occurred in Europe following introductions by returning travellers. A particularly large outbreak occurred on Réunion Island in 2006, the published data from which forms the basis of the current study. A simple, deterministic mathematical model of the transmission of the virus between humans and mosquitoes was constructed and parameterised with the up-to-date literature on infection biology. The model is fitted to the large Réunion epidemic, resulting in an estimate of 4.1 for the type reproduction number of chikungunya. Although simplistic, the model provided a close approximation of both the peak incidence of the outbreak and the final epidemic size. Sensitivity analysis using Monte Carlo simulation demonstrated the strong influence that both the latent period of infection in humans and the pre-patent period have on these two epidemiological outcomes. We show why separating these variables, which are epidemiologically distinct in chikungunya infections, is not only necessary for accurate model fitting but also important in informing control.  相似文献   

Eukaryotic cells commonly use protein kinases in signaling systems that relay information and control a wide range of processes. These enzymes have a fundamentally similar structure, but achieve functional diversity through variable regions that determine how the catalytic core is activated and recruited to phosphorylation targets. “Hippo” pathways are ancient protein kinase signaling systems that control cell proliferation and morphogenesis; the NDR/LATS family protein kinases, which associate with “Mob” coactivator proteins, are central but incompletely understood components of these pathways. Here we describe the crystal structure of budding yeast Cbk1–Mob2, to our knowledge the first of an NDR/LATS kinase–Mob complex. It shows a novel coactivator-organized activation region that may be unique to NDR/LATS kinases, in which a key regulatory motif apparently shifts from an inactive binding mode to an active one upon phosphorylation. We also provide a structural basis for a substrate docking mechanism previously unknown in AGC family kinases, and show that docking interaction provides robustness to Cbk1’s regulation of its two known in vivo substrates. Co-evolution of docking motifs and phosphorylation consensus sites strongly indicates that a protein is an in vivo regulatory target of this hippo pathway, and predicts a new group of high-confidence Cbk1 substrates that function at sites of cytokinesis and cell growth. Moreover, docking peptides arise in unstructured regions of proteins that are probably already kinase substrates, suggesting a broad sequential model for adaptive acquisition of kinase docking in rapidly evolving intrinsically disordered polypeptides.  相似文献   

Limited spatial resources available for conservation lead to controversy about whether to apply single-species management or ecosystemary approaches in order to maintain biodiversity. In this study I analyse changes in a community of breeding coastal birds over a 90-year period, in order to examine whether natural processes on an unmanaged island are in accordance with requirements to save endangered species. Both diversity and species richness of the community increased significantly over time, and evenness increased after having been severely reduced by human impact. Diversity, evenness and species richness seemed to approach an equilibrium in the past decade, but number of breeding pairs declined as a consequence of altered natural disturbance regime. Species identity changed over time, with two initially very common species recently becoming locally extinct. These species are of high conservation concern, and their disappearance causes a problem for the concept of naturalness on islands. I conclude that natural processes need to be applied to the entire landscape in order to maintain dynamic processes that are essential for the survival of these species. The natural changes on the island should not be interrupted, but rather demonstrated to the public in order to increase conservation mindedness and gain support for changes in anthropogenic influences on a larger spatial scale.  相似文献   

The effect of different grazing regimes on pasture vegetation was studied during the intensive grazing of heifers in the Jizerské hory mountains during 1993–1997. The vegetation was monitored in 3 pairs of permanent 1×1 m plots using a continuous grid of nine 0.33 × 0.33 m subplots. We applied continuous stocking and rotational grazing. Vegetation varied as a result of time and differences between treatments. Several prostrate dicotyledonous species (Trifolium repens, Taraxacum sp.,Bellis perennis andLeontodon autumnalis) increased under continuous stocking. This treatment also promoted the growth of the perennial grassLolium perenne, which was able to cope with frequent defoliation. Tall grasses sensitive to frequent defoliation (Poa trivialis, Holcus mollis, Alopecurus pratensis, Dactylis glomerata andElytrigia repens) were more abundant in rotationally grazed paddocks. Species diversity was not significantly influenced by the different grazing systems. The decrease in the potential sward height under continuous stocking revealed the replacing of tall dominants by lower species. Our results indicate that different grazing systems alter the composition and structure of grassland vegetation. Defining the intensity of grazing under continuous stocking or rotational grazing is complex due to the different stocking rates and the heights of sward during a grazing season. Information about pasture management should therefore involve not only grazing intensity but also the grazing system used.  相似文献   

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