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Summary Radiation-attenuated, aminoazo dye-induced rat hepatoma cells were employed as a standard immunogen in tests evaluating the optimal conditions for the demonstration of resistance to subcutaneous challenge with viable tumour cells. These tests revealed that maximal sensitivity for the detection of the immunogenicity of -irradiated cells was obtained using multiple immunisations via the intraperitoneal route rather than the subcutaneous route. When 3 M KCl extracts of tumours (as soluble tumour antigens) were evaluated for the induction of specific immunoprotection under comparable conditions, weak resistance to tumour was demonstrable, but only within a restricted dose range of the antigen preparation. No significant effects upon tumour growth were observed in rats pretreated with fractions of tumour-bearer serum.  相似文献   

MHC-matched hemopoietic stem cell transplantation is commonly used for the treatment of some forms of leukemia. Conditioning regimens before transplant act to reduce the burden of leukemic cells and the graft-vs-leukemia (GvL) effect can eliminate residual disease. The GvL effect results largely from the recognition of minor histocompatibility Ags by donor T cells on recipient tissues. These Ags are generally widely expressed and also provoke graft-vs-host (GvH) disease. Manipulation of immunity to promote GvL while curtailing GvH would greatly improve clinical outcome. To develop strategies that may achieve this, the parameters which control immunity to minor histocompatibility Ags need to be defined. In this study, we have analyzed responses to the mouse HY minor histocompatibility Ag using hemopoietic cell and skin grafts as surrogate GvL and GvH targets, respectively. We show that natural regulation of CD8 T cell responses to HY operates at multiple levels. First, CD4 T cell help is required for primary CD8 responses directed at hemopoietic cells. However, although CD4 T cells of H2(k) mouse strains recognize HY, they provide ineffective help associated with a proportion of recipients developing tolerance. This was further investigated using TCR-transgenic mice which revealed H2(k)-restricted HY-specific CD4 T cells are highly susceptible to regulation by CD25(+) regulatory T cells which expand in tolerant recipients. A second level of regulation, operating in the context of skin grafts, involves direct inhibition of CD8 T cell responses by CD94/NKG2 engagement of the nonclassical MHC class I molecule Qa1.  相似文献   

The contribution of individual specific molecules of Treponema pallidum subspecies pallidum to cellular immunity in experimental syphilis was evaluated by combining the techniques of Ag identification and purification with the lymphocyte proliferation assay. Proliferative responses of splenic lymphocytes from syphilitic rabbits to complex treponemal Ag and Con A were vigorous throughout the course of intratesticular infection (6, 10, 17, 30, and 210 days). Normal rabbits did not respond to any treponemal preparations and all rabbits failed to respond to normal rabbit testicular Ag (NRT). Seven defined treponemal Ag (47 kDa, 37 kDa, 35, 33-kDa, 30-kDa, 14 kDa, and 12 kDa) stimulated lymphocytes from infected rabbits. Cellular responses to the 37-kDa and 30-kDa fractions were evident by day 6 of infection and responses to the 35, 33-kDa and 14-kDa Ag were first detected on day 10; responsiveness to these Ag continued throughout the observation period. Cellular responses to the 47-kDa molecule were detectable but lower when compared with other individual Ag. Responsiveness to the 12-kDa Ag was not evident until 7 mo postinfection. Specific immunoblot reactivity of serum from rabbits used in this study generally correlated with the development of cellular reactivity to individual Ag of T. pallidum.  相似文献   

The genetic control of the immune response to H-4 histocompatibility alloantigens is described. The rejection of H-4.2-incompatible skin grafts is regulated by anH-2-linkedIr gene. Fast responsiveness is determined by a dominant allele at theIrH-4.2 locus. TheH-2 b ,H-2 d , andH-2 s haplotypes share the fast response allele;H-2 a has the slow response allele. Through the use of intra-H-2 recombinants, we have mapped theIrH-4.2 locus to theI-B subregion of theH-2 complex; theH-2 h4 ,H-2 15, andH-2 t4 haplotypes are fast responder haplotypes. These observations suggest that the strength of non-H-2 histocompatibility antigens is ultimately determined by the antigen-specific recipient responsiveness.  相似文献   

Recent studies have shown that the H-2K and H-2D transplantation antigens are expressed differentially in different tissues of mouse. Our previous investigations also established that in thioglycolate-stimulated peritoneal macrophages the H-2Dk antigen exists in distinct cell surface and intracellular forms. These two forms are glycosylated differently. In this report, we have found that (1) H-2Dk antigen is phosphorylated whereas H-2Kk antigen is not, and (2) only the cell surface form of H-2Dk antigen is phosphorylated in thioglycolate-stimulated macrophages derived from C3H/Heha mice. This differential phosphorylation of H-2 antigens will provide a model system for further studies on the molecular mechanism and function of phosphrrylation of H-2 antigens.  相似文献   

An established adult infection of Nematospiroides dubius was unaffected by the administration of immune lymphocytes and immune sera whereas an incoming larval infection was expelled. Past experiments have shown that the immune inoculum at least had the ability to recognize adult stages, leading to the hypothesis that adult stages secrete or excrete an immunomodulatory shield around themselves in the gastrointestinal tract. This hypothesis was given further credence by the demonstration that soluble antigens derived from adults abolished the generation of homologous immunity to this parasite. Modulation of immunity was reflected by increased fecundity, increased worm size, and increased survival time in the gut.  相似文献   

Hydrosoluble transplantation antigens were prepared from membranes and microsomes of C(3)H mice (BP8 tumoral cells) and purified by isoelectric focusing. A biologically active fraction which seems homogenous by acrylamide gel electrophoresis was characterized: it specifically inhibits anti C(3)H hemagglutinin antibodies and provokes a highly significant prolongation of skin graft.  相似文献   

The 402AX teratocarcinoma is a 12/J-derived mouse major histocompatibility complex (MHC) antigen negative tumor that is induced to express H-2b class I antigens during rejection. Resistance to 402AX by MHC allogeneic and syngeneic mice is immunologically mediated and involves the recognition of tumor-associated antigens (TAA) in the context of induced MHC class I antigens. The current studies were undertaken to define the 402AX TAAs. Reconstitution of irradiated susceptible hosts (129/J) with 402AX-primed resistant spleen cells (C57BL/6) results in acute graft-versus-host disease, suggesting that tumor-primed C57BL/6 splenocytes are reactive to tumor genotype (129/J) minor histocompatibility (Hm) antigens. C57BL/6 anti-129/J effector cells, although not directly cytotoxic for 402AX cells, are specifically cold target inhibited by 402AX cells. Genetically susceptible hosts (C3H.SW) immunized to 129/J Hm antigens by skin grafting become resistant to an i.p. challenge of 402AX cells. These results suggest that 129/J Hm antigens may be the TAAs recognized during genetically controlled rejection of the 402AX teratocarcinoma.  相似文献   

The physical interactions of fetal antigens (tumor-associated fetal antigens; TAFA-I, TAFA-II, and TAFA-III) with rat histocompatibility antigens were studied. TAFA-I and TAFA-III are present on syngeneic (NBR) and allogeneic (Fisher F344, Wistar Furth, and White Buffalo) rat embryo fibroblasts and on tumor cells. TAFA-II was found only on NBR (syngeneic) rat embryo fibroblasts and on NBR tumor cells. Antibody-blocking experiments were used to examine the fetal and histocompatibility antigen topography on cell membranes of tumor cells transformed by chemical and viral carcinogens. Precoating the tumor cells with alloantisera inhibited the subsequent adsorption of anti-NBR embryo, anti-TAFA-I, and anti-TAFA-III sera, but not anti-TAFA-II serum. Immunofluorescent cocapping experiments indicated that TAFA-I and TAFA-III, as well as other fetal antigens found on cells from 14-day gestation NBR embryos cocap with histocompatibility antigens when tested on syngeneic embryo fibroblasts and on sarcoma cells. TAFA-I cocapped with White Buffalo (Buf) strain rat histocompatibility antigens on herpes simplex Type II virus-transformed cells. The specificity of the TAFA-histocompatibility interactions was confirmed by demonstrating that the different anti-TAFA sera did not have contaminating antiviral antigen specificity; and also that these interactions did not occur on normal adult fibroblasts or spleen cells.  相似文献   

Immunization with live plague vaccine has been shown to give no protection to thymectomized mice from subcutaneous challenge with Y. pestis virulent strain. Under the action of the vaccine or individual Y. pestis antigens (fraction I) the functional and morphological activation of thymocytes and macrophages is observed, more pronounced in C57BL/6 mice and less pronounced in CBA mice. Y. pestis antigenic preparations (fractions I and II, pesticin) act as T-cell mitogens and are thus capable of inducing the in vitro proliferation of thymocytes. At the same time the in vivo action of fraction II induces a decrease in the level of lymphocytes in the peripheral blood of mice and the destruction of lymphocytes in their thymus and spleen.  相似文献   

To investigate immunological mechanisms that may be involved in luteal function, the presence of Class I and Class II major histocompatibility complex (MHC) antigens on cultured bovine luteal cells was examined. After 72 h in serum-free culture, Class I antigens were markedly expressed on luteal cells, as determined by indirect immunofluorescence, whereas expression of Class II antigens was limited. The expression of MHC antigens on luteal cells was increased by treatment with the T-lymphocyte factor, interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma). Class I and II antigens were elevated 25% and 370% above controls, respectively, after IFN-gamma exposure. Since the corpus luteum is regulated by luteinizing hormone (LH), luteal cells were treated with either hormone alone or hormone in addition to IFN-gamma, and antigen expression was determined. LH treatment attenuated IFN-gamma-induction of Class II antigens on bovine luteal cells. These observations are the first to demonstrate the presence of MHC antigens on bovine luteal cells and the modulation of antigen expression by the lymphokine IFN-gamma and by LH.  相似文献   

The serological properties of the major histocompatibility (class I) antigens of mammals have raised many questions about the structure and function of these molecules. Over the past four years the cloning of their gene sequences has begun to provide some of the answers to these questions. The structural analyses have demonstrated close similarities between class I genes of man and mouse, established the existence of numerous class I pseudogenes in human and murine genomes, and indicated the importance of gene conversion events in regulating the sequence diversity of this gene family. In addition, the ability to construct new class I genes in vitro and to transfect cultured murine cells with the synthetic sequences is permitting new tests of the functional organization of these genes in relation to their structure.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to elucidate the genetic origin of minor histocompatibility (H) antigens. Toward this end common inbred mouse strains, distinct subspecies, and species of the subgenus Mus were examined for expression of various minor H antigens. These antigens were encoded by the classical minor H loci H-3 and H-4 or by newly identified minor H antigens detected as a consequence of mutation. Both minor H antigens that stimulate MHC class I-restricted cytotoxic T cells (Tc) and antigens that stimulate MHC class II-restricted helper T cells (Th) were monitored. The results suggested that strains of distinct ancestry commonly express identical or cross-reactive antigens. Moreover, a correlation between the lack of expression of minor H antigens and ancestral heritage was observed. To address whether the antigens found on unrelated strains were allelic with the sensitizing minor H antigens or a consequence of antigen cross-reactivity, classical genetic segregation analysis was carried out. Even in distinct subspecies and species, the minor H antigens always mapped to the site of the appropriate minor H locus. Together the results suggest: 1 minor H antigen sequences are evolutionarily stable in that their pace of antigenic change is slow enough to predate subspeciation and speciation; 2 the minor H antigens originated in the inbred strains as a consequence of a rare polymorphism or loss mutation carried in a founder mouse stock that caused the mouse to percieve the wild-type protein as foreign; 3 there is a remarkable lack of antigenic cross-reactivity between the defined minor H antigens and other products.  相似文献   

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