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红树植物人工湿地对生活污水的净化效果   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了潜流型海桑(Sonneratia caseolaris)人工湿地、桐花树(Aegiceras corniculatum)人工湿地和木榄(Bruguiera gymnorrhiza)人工湿地对生活污水的净化效果。一年来,3种红树植物人工湿地对BOD5、CODCr、TP、TN、NH4^+-N和NO2^--N的平均去除率分别达到83%、71%、41%、55%、50%和84%以上。人工湿地各处理周期之间,BOD5和CODCr去除率波动较小,而TP、TN、NH4^+-N和NO2^--N去除率波动较大。3种红树植物人工湿地对各种污染物的净化效果存在一定的差异。海桑人工湿地和桐花树人工湿地对BOD5、CODCr、TP、TN和NH4^+-N去除率明显高于木榄人工湿地,而海桑人工湿地和桐花树人工湿地相比较,除TP外,BOD5、CODCr、TN和NH4^+-N去除率没有显著差异。人工湿地单一处理周期内,去除率随水力停留时间(HRT)的延长而增加。BOD5、CODCr、TN和NH4^+-N在HRT为1d和2d的去除率分别为HRT为3d去除率的54%-65%和73%-84%,NO2^--N在HRT为1d和2d的去除率分别达到了HRT为3d的70%-81%和85%-94%,而TP在HRT为1d和2d的去除率分别只有HRT为3d的39%-50%和65%-74%。另外,红树植物人工湿地与风车草(Cyperus alternifoliu)人工湿地相比,前者的BOD5、CODCr、TP、TN和NH4^+-N去除率明显小于后者(P〈0.05)。总体上看,3种红树植物人工湿地对生活污水的净化效果呈现海桑人工湿地≈桐花树人工湿地〉木榄人工湿地。  相似文献   

This study aims to estimate the three greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions (i.e. CO2, CH4, N2O) from a vertical subsurface flow constructed wetland (VSSF CW, 1000 m2) and a cluster of conventional wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) in the city of Changzhou, China. The two estimated emissions are set up for comparison. The results show that the WWTP system emits 7.3 kg CO2-eq to remove 1 kg BOD in the studied life cycle, while the VSSF system only emits 3.18 kg CO2-eq, which is only half of the amount given off by the WWTP system. Especially at the treatment stage, the WWTP system's GHG emissions are almost 7 times higher than the VSSF system's. N2O emissions in both systems are only a minor fraction of the total emissions. Therefore, this study has concluded that the VSSF system is an effective option for GHG emissions mitigation in the wastewater sector. The study further suggests that developing countries like China should extensively build up VSSF systems for decentralized wastewater treatment, which could also potentially reduce GHG emissions by 8-17 million ton CO2-eq per year compared with the centralized scenario.  相似文献   

复合人工湿地对水禽污染废水的净化效果   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过在北京市野生动物救护中心构建表流湿地与潜流湿地相结合的人工湿地来处理富营养化的水体,研究该人工湿地对TP、TN、浊度和CODcr的去除作用。研究表明:表流湿地对TP、TN、浊度和CODcr的去除率可分别达到68%,31%,93%和55%,潜流湿地对TP、TN、浊度和CODcr的去除率可分别达到75%,67%,55%和50%,复合人工湿地对TP、TN、浊度和CODcr的去除率可分别达到80%,50%,95%和90%,人工湿地不同构建类型对TP、TN的去除量没有显著差异(P>0.05),对TP的去除率、浊度和CODcr的去除量及去除率之间存在显著性差异(P<0.05),而对TN的去除率没有显著性差别(P>0.05),通过拟合进出水中不同污染物的质量浓度关系发现,表流湿地、潜流湿地和复合人工湿地进出水中TP、TN及CODcr之间存在显著的线性相关关系(P<0.05),相关系数分别为0.948、0.994、0.952,0.948、0.995、0.958和0.963、0.990、0.927,人工湿地进出水中浊度符合多项式方程规律,相关系数为分别为-0.523(R2=0.451,P>0.05),0.854(R2=0.8756,P<0.05)和-0.086(R2=0.197,P>0.05)。  相似文献   

人工湿地污水处理系统3种红树植物生理生态特性   总被引:10,自引:3,他引:10  
靖元孝  任延丽  陈桂珠 《生态学报》2005,25(7):1612-1619
研究了淡水条件下潜流型人工湿地污水处理系统中红树植物海桑、桐花树和木榄的生理生态特性。一年后,海桑、桐花树和木榄株高增长量分别为134、32cm和21cm,基径增长量分别为18.2、14.3mm和12.9mm,生物量增长量分别为747、113g/株和55g/株,表明海桑生长最快,桐花树次之,木榄最慢。从2004年1月至12月,海桑、桐花树和木榄各项生理指标的平均值分别为:叶片总叶绿素含量1.91、1.26、0.91mg/gFW,叶绿素a含量1.44、0.93、0.64mg/gFW,叶绿素b含量0.5、0.34、0.17mg/gFW,净光合速率9.67、6.39、3.57μmolCO2/(m2·s),蒸腾速率54、38、24mmolH2O/(m2·s),气孔导度285、222、110mmolH2O/(m2·s),电解质渗出率10.2、12.9、13.5%和SOD活性447、396、386U/gFW。结果表明光合作用和水分代谢海桑>桐花树>木榄,植物受伤害程度海桑<桐花树≈木榄。另外,3种红树植物全年的生理生态特征的变化规律基本相似,4~10月份生长较快,大部分生理指标维持高水平,1~3月份和11~12月份由于温度较低,生长比较慢,大部分生理指标处于较低水平。综合比较一年来人工湿地中3种红树植物的各项生理生态特征,结果显示海桑好于桐花树,桐花树好于木榄。  相似文献   

不同植物构成的人工湿地对生活污水中氮的去除效应   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
测定由不同植物构成的人工湿地的氨态氮、硝态氮和亚硝态氮含量,对比不同植物对生活污水中氮的去除效率.结果表明,与不种植物的人工湿地相比,由风车草[Cyperus alternifolius L. ssp. flabelliformis (Rottb.) Kiikenth.]、香根草[Vertiveria zizanioides (Linn.) Nash]、芦苇(Phragmitas communis Trin.)和美人蕉(Canna indica Linn.)构成的人工湿地对氨态氮去除率分别提高6%、8%、11%和14%;对硝态氮去除率分别提高5%、6%、13%和9%;对亚硝态氮去除率分别提高5%、7%、10%和7%,说明种植芦苇和美人蕉的人工湿地对生活污水中的氮具有较好的去除效果.  相似文献   

人工湿地污水处理系统中的植物效应与基质酶活性   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
为了解植物在湿地污水净化系统中的作用与机理,构建了A-B-C三级串连垂直流人工湿地系统,并选择水葱(Scirpus validus)风车草(Cyperus alternifolius)、美人蕉(Canna indica)、和芦苇(Phragmites australis)作为测试植物,进行了生活污水处理试验.结果表明,系统中有植物单元单位面积污染物的去除量均高于无植物对照单元.与对照相比,在A、B、C三级系统中由植物效应产生的CODCr去除增量分别为43.52 g/(m2·d),20.38 g/(m2·d),30.94 g/(m2·d);TN去除增量为13.14 g/(m2·d),28.61 g/(m2·d),6.97 g/(m2·d);TP去除增量为1.2 g/(m2·d),0.66 g/(m2·d),0.06 g/(m2·d).从A到C级,污水中污质浓度递减,呈现根系活力显著增强,而植物生长量、过氧化物酶含量、生长量与氮磷积累量等显著下降趋势.基质酶活性在对照单元中较低,在有植物单元中,基质酶活性明显增大并与根系活力成正相关.  相似文献   

Small on-site decentralized wastewater-treatment systems have been acknowledged as a key component of wastewater infrastructure worldwide. Such systems, with small water volumes, are generally based on microbial treatment and may be subjected to disturbances due to significant variations in influent quantity and quality over short periods of time. The recirculating vertical flow constructed wetland (RVFCW) has been developed as an on-site treatment system, and the aim of this study was to assess its resilience and recovery capacity upon exposure to extreme conditions such as high and low water pH, interruption of water recirculation, and high concentrations of different pollutants. The experimental setup consisted of three bench-scale RVFCWs that served as controls and three to which the disturbances were applied, one at a time. Raw and treated effluents were sampled periodically and analyzed for a variety of water-quality parameters (e.g., BOD5, and TSS). The effects of the disturbances were found to be short-lived and, in general, recovery was observed within 24 h. It was concluded that the RVFCW is a robust and reliable decentralized system for the treatment of domestic wastewater.  相似文献   

小区生活污水处理模式的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
分析了小区生活污水处理模式的现状,指出了集中式处理模式和分散式处理模式的不足.依据人工湿地、地下渗滤为主的土地生态处理技术的特点,提出小区污水处理采取土地生态处理模式的构想.通过分析污水土地生态处理技术的特征及其运行局限性,建议土地生态处理技术应重视强化预处理,采取低进水污染物浓度,高水力负荷的运行方式.  相似文献   

We examined the linkages between plant functional group richness and microbial community structure and functions in a full-scale vertical flow constructed wetland (VFCW), where five plant functional group richness levels (including zero (control), one, two, three and four functional groups) were applied. Most diagnostic phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) abundances and enzyme activities were higher in planted treatments than in the control (p < 0.05). Among the diagnostic PLFAs determined, only the fungal PLFA (18:2ω6,9) abundance was related to plant functional group richness level (p < 0.05). For the enzyme activities determined, dehydrogenase, invertase, urease and acid phosphatase activities responded positively to plant functional group richness (p < 0.05). Redundancy analysis (RDA) identified that the Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria, actinomycetes and fungi abundances affected enzyme activities. Principal component analyses (PCAs) revealed that the enzyme profiles had greater resolving power in distinguishing plant functional group richness than the PLFA profiles. We conclude that plant functional group richness was closely linked to microbial community structure and functions in the full-scale VFCW we studied.  相似文献   

铬污染人工湿地薏米对铬的积累和分布   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过桶栽构筑微型垂直流人工湿地,在生活污水中添加不同浓度的Cr~(6+)(0、20、40 mg·L~(-1),用K_2Cr_2O_7配置),研究了在铬(Cr)污染条件下薏米不同器官和亚细胞水平对铬的积累及分布。结果表明:薏米根茎叶铬含量均随铬处理浓度的提高和处理时间的延长而显著增加,根部铬含量最高,其次是叶片,茎部铬含量最低。随着铬处理浓度的增加和时间的延长,细胞壁和液泡中的铬含量大幅上升,但细胞器中铬含量上升幅度较低,根部细胞壁、细胞器、可溶部分及液泡铬含量均显著大于茎、叶相关细胞组分,根、茎、叶亚细胞水平铬含量分布均依次为细胞壁液泡细胞器。其中,细胞壁铬含量极显著大于液泡以及其他细胞器,薏米根部把大部分铬隔离在细胞壁中,从而降低了地上部分对铬的吸收,导致地上部分干重、鲜重的受抑制程度均低于根系,表明根部细胞壁是降低铬在薏米体内积累的重要屏障,也是薏米在低浓度铬胁迫下能够存活的根本保证。  相似文献   

潜流人工湿地在城市污水三级处理中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用页岩/钢渣强化潜流人工湿地作为城市污水处理厂三级处理工艺.结果表明:在平均水力负荷为0.32 m·d-1的条件下,当进水有机物(CODcr)、总氮(TN)、总磷(TP)平均浓度为33.9、15.1和1.57 mg·L-1时,出水CODcr平均浓度为13.6 mg·L-1去除率为60%,面积速率常数KA值为0.3 m·d-1温度对CODcr的去除影响不明显;出水TN浓度在5.4~14.3 mg·L-1之间波动,KA值为0.09~0.31 m·d-1,去除率受温度的影响较大,随着进水硝态氮比例的提高和运行时间的延长,湿地对TN的去除效率有上升趋势;稳定阶段出水TP浓度为0.6 mg·L-1去除率为50%,KA为0.26 m·d-1温度对,TP去除影响不大.  相似文献   

一种新型的人工湿地生态工程设计--以山东省南四湖为例   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
朱棣  聂晶  王成  张治国 《生态学杂志》2004,23(3):144-148
本文采用了一种新的人工湿地设计理念 ,将两种类型的人工湿地有机地 ,动态地结合起来 ,设计出一套具有生态恢复和生态净化功能的工程体系。依据对湖区现状调查结果 ,按照生态学和生态经济学的基本原理 ,以保证湿地生态系统结构与功能的完整性为主要目标 ,在对湖区进行重点规划的基础上 ,提出了重点地段生态工程建设的设计方案 ,并对方案的预期目标进行了讨论  相似文献   

垂直流人工湿地的设计及净化功能初探   总被引:58,自引:2,他引:58  
阐述了垂直流人工湿地小试系统的设计,并测试其冬季污水净化效果,垂直流人工湿地由下地流和上行流方式的两池组成,对受污染地面水体中的CODCr,BOD5和TSS的去除率分别为53.6%,78.7%和80.2%,对细菌,总大肠菌,粪大肠菌和藻类的平均去除率分别达99.4%,85.9%,89.7%和97.7%,。对KN,HN4^ -N和TP的平均去除率分别为39.2%,16.5%和25.8%,各系统对污染物的去除作用无明显差异。系统出水NO3^-N浓度高于进水,而有植物系统中又高于无植物的对照,表明湿地植物的存在有利于硝化,表明下行流-上行流人工湿地在冬季仍能较好地改善水质,是一种有效的水处理技术,对水体水质改善和水生态系恢复具有重要意义。  相似文献   

人工湿地对氮、磷的去除效率与动态特征   总被引:27,自引:1,他引:27  
1999年1月~2003年12月对荣成人工湿地污水处理系统处理效果以及氮、磷去除效果的动态变化特征进行分析。结果表明,人工湿地对SS、COD、BOD均有很好的去除效果,出水浓度分别为27·8±6·7、91·0±13·7和23·8±4·6mg·L-1,去除率分别为71·8±8·4%、62·2±10·1%和70·4±9·6%。大肠菌群去除率为99·7%。对NH4+-N和TP去除效果较差,出水浓度分别为11·3±2·6和2·00±0·28mg·L-1,去除率分别为40·6±15·3%和29·6±12·8%。NH4+-N去除效果和季节变化有关,每年7~9月去除效果最佳,1~3月效果最差,去除率分别为50·7±12·4%和23·0±11·6%。TP的去除效果季节性变化不如NH4+-N明显。NH4+-N年平均去除率2001~2003年逐年增加。TP年平均去除率在2001和2002年基本相同,2003年有所降低。  相似文献   

人工湿地污水处理系统研究及性能改进分析   总被引:106,自引:3,他引:106  
人工湿地污水处理系统是有效的污水处理与水资源再用相结合的方法,与传统的污水处理法相比具有基建、运行费用低,操作与维护简单等优点。该系统已被广泛应用于生活污水的处理,并通过工艺创新有向工业污水、农业废水等特殊污水处理方向发展的趋势。本文总结了人工湿地系统的研究现状,预测其研究与应用发展的趋势,探讨不同类型的污水在人工湿地系统中的净化过程,分析影响人工湿地污水处理性能的因素及技术性能改进的一些措施,并探讨人工湿地污水处理系统的应用前景。  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to evaluate the influence of Agapanthus africanus (A. africanus) on nitrification in a vertical subsurface flow constructed wetlands (VSSFs) system. Two lab-scale VSSFs were operated: a) one was planted with A. africanus (vertical flow planted, VFP), and b) the other was unplanted (vertical flow control, VFC). The operation strategy was divided into three phases and consisted of increasing the ammoniacal nitrogen loading rate (ALR) (Phase I: 1.4; Phase II: 2.4; Phase III: 4.4 g NH4+-N·m?2·d?1). Nitrification was evaluated in the system at two different depths in the VSSFs (30.5 cm and 60.3 cm, from the top of the system).

The removal efficiencies of COD, BOD5, TP, and PO4?3-P were above 40% in the VFP and VFC during all operation. The mean removal efficiencies of NH4+-N were above 70%. Nitrification was the principal NH4+-N removal mechanism in both systems and transformed more than 50% of the NH4+-N to NO3?-N. In terms of the effect of A. africanus on NH4+-N removal during the three operational phases, nonsignificant differences between the two VSSFs were noted (p > 0.05). Thus, A. africanus did not influence nitrification. Finally, the analysis at different depths showed that nitrification occurred in the upper 30.5 cm.  相似文献   

人工湿地及其在我国小城市污水处理中的应用   总被引:79,自引:5,他引:79  
小城市污水处理是我国面临的急待解决的环境问题,通过分析我国小城市污水的水质特点和处理技术要求,得出人工湿地处理技术具有投资低、出水水质好、耗能低、抗冲击力强、操作简单和运行费用低等优点,在解决我国小城市污水处理方面具有广阔的应用前景,应加强该方面的研究。  相似文献   

Estimation of nitrogen dynamics in a vertical-flow constructed wetland   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The vertical-flow constructed wetland (VFCW) is a promising engineering technique for removal of excess nutrients and certain pollutants from wastewater and stormwater. The aim of this study was to develop a model using the STELLA software for estimating nitrogen (N) dynamics in an artificial VFCW (i.e., a substrate column with six zones) associated with a growing Cyperus alternifolius species under a wetting (wastewater) -to-drying ratio of 1:3. The model was calibrated by our experimental data with a reasonable agreement prior to its applications. Simulations showed that rates of NH4+-N and NO3-N leaching decreased with increasing zone number (or column depth), although such a decrease was much more profound for NH4+-N. Our simulations further revealed that rate of NH4+-N leaching decreased with time within each zone, whereas rate of NO3-N leaching increased with time within each zone. Additionally, both the rates of NH4+-N and NO3-N leaching through zones followed the water flow pattern: breakthrough during wetting period and cessation during drying period. In general, the cumulative amounts of total nitrogen (TN) were in the following order: leaching > denitrification > uptake > settlement. About 54% of the TN from the wastewater flowed out of the VFCW system, 18% of TN lost due to denitrification, 6% of TN was taken up by roots of a single plant (one hill), and the rest of 22% TN from the wastewater was removed from other mechanisms, such as volatilization, adsorption, and deposition. This study suggested that to improve the overall performance of a VFCW for N removal, prevention of N leaching loss was one of the major issues.  相似文献   

为研究人工湿地对氟喹诺酮类(FQs)、磺胺类(SFs)、四环素类(TCs)抗生素的净化性能及微生物群落的响应,以运行多年的单层及多层(3层、6层)基质结构的水平潜流入工湿地为对象,分别采用固相萃取-高效液相色谱法和高通量测序来检测抗生素含量和微生物菌落结构,分析对比分层结构湿地系统中3类8种抗生素的去除规律、对常规污染...  相似文献   

As environmental legislation has become stricter in recent years, the issue of wastewater treatment in rural areas has become an increasing concern. Choice of the most suitable on-site purification systems is based on the key issues of affordability and appropriateness in Chinese rural areas. This paper describes an integrated household constructed wetland (IHCW) system planted with willow (Salix babylonica) to treat household domestic wastewater in rural villages in northern China. The precast frame structure of IHCW is strong and waterproof. It can be mass-produced and installed per a standard set of specifications. The IHCW has achieved high overall removal efficiencies for BOD5, TSS, NH4-N, and TP: 96.0%, 97.0%, 88.4% and 87.8%, respectively. A 0.4 m biomass layer cover on the system provided significant system thermal insulation, maintaining high treatment performance in freezing winter conditions. The system is cost effective and does not need any operational energy inputs, demonstrating its feasibility for single-family use in developing countries.  相似文献   

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