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Response of floodplain grassland plant communities to altered water regimes   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
Floodplain grasslands are often composed of a mosaic of plant communities controlled by hydrological regime. This article examines the sensitivity of floodplain grassland plant communities to water regime using reciprocal transplantation of an inundation grassland and a flood-meadow within an English floodplain. Experimental treatments comprised control, transplanted and lifted plots; the last treatment, in order to elucidate any disturbance effects of transplantation. Plant community response was analysed using species abundance and their ecological traits. Results from both communities showed substantial annual variations related to hydrology, including significant species changes, but generally, vegetation seemed to be responding to drier conditions following a major flood event. This ‘drying’ trend was characterised by increased species diversity, a greater abundance of competitive species and fewer typical wetland plants. Transplanted community composition increasingly resembled receptor sites and transplant effects were most pronounced the first year after treatment for both vegetation types. Differential responses to water regime were detected for the two plant communities. The inundation grassland community was particularly dynamic with a composition that rapidly reflected drying conditions following the major flood, but transplantation into a drier flood-meadow site prompted little additional change. The flood-meadow community appeared more resistant to post-inundation drying, but was sensitive to increased wetness caused by transplantation into inundation grassland, which significantly reduced six species while none were significantly favoured. The effects of disturbance caused by lifting the transplants were limited in both communities, although five species showed significant annual fluctuations. The study shows that small alterations in water regime can prompt rapid vegetation changes and significant plant species responses in floodplain grasslands, with effects probably magnified through competitive interactions. The dynamic properties of floodplain vegetation demonstrated by this study suggest that its classification, management and monitoring are challenging and ideally should be based on long-term studies.  相似文献   

The nature of ecological stability is still debated, and there is a need to establish which types of communities show resistance to environmental change and to explore community responses in relation to their environmental context. This study aims to investigate the effects of reinstating cutting management on abandoned wet grasslands by comparing responses in two different communities with contrasting environmental conditions, to elucidate the restoration potential of wet grasslands. Two coastal wet grassland plant communities in Estonia were monitored over 5?years: a species-poor lower shore grassland and a more diverse tall grassland. Piezometers and soil samples were used to characterise the hydrology, while cutting effects and ongoing abandonment were compared using replicate quadrats in both grasslands. Annual changes and significant differences in community composition were analysed using Detrended and Canonical Correspondence Analyses, diversity indices, and inferential statistics. The results showed that cutting produced greater changes in composition and species abundance in the lower shore community compared to the tall grassland, including a greater proportion of significant differences. The increased responsiveness of the lower shore community may be related to its variable hydrological regime, especially flooding, which creates a dynamic environment favouring adaptable species. In contrast, the tall grassland featured a more stable water regime and species that responded less to perturbation, and manifested resistance to cutting management. Thus, restoring abandoned wet grasslands through vegetation management may be a slow process, especially where there is residual diversity, and the importance of hydrological regime in determining wet grassland communities should be considered.  相似文献   

Question: Can GIS and GPS technology be used to quantify the hydrological regime of different plant communities on turloughs (groundwater dependent calcareous wetlands)? Location: Skealoghan turlough, County Mayo, Ireland. Methods: Plant communities were mapped and digitised with GIS software and a digital elevation model of the site was constructed from differential GPS data. Together with records of water level fluctuations on the site from May 2001 to May 2004, these data were used to calculate hydrological variables for each plant community. Hierarchical cluster analysis was used to identify groups of plant communities with similar hydrological regimes. Results: 15 plant communities were mapped at Skea loghan, with the Cirsio‐Molinietum and Ranunculo‐Potentilletum anserinae being the dominant phytosociological associations. Skealoghan is subject to large temporal and spatial variation in its hydrological regime and fluctuations in water level are intrinsically linked to rainfall. The spatial variation in flooding can be linked to the vegetation zones. Conclusions: GIS and DGPS technology can be used to quantify the hydrological regime of different plant communities on turloughs. Since the hydrological regime is a major environmental factor controlling the vegetation composition of the site, the maintenance of natural flooding regimes is a vital component for the conservation and management of the diverse vegetation mosaic at Skealoghan turlough.  相似文献   

The wet heathland communities of the Ericetum tetralicis and the Cirsio-Molinietum have declined in the Netherlands due to acidification, eutrophication and lowering of the water table. To investigate the prospects of restoration of both communities, the effects of sod cutting and hydrological measures on vegetation and soil chemistry were studied in two nature reserves where these plant communities occurred decades ago. The combination of sod cutting and hydrological measures has restored several rare, groundwater dependent heathland communities. Sod cutting has restored the Ericetum tetralicis, but not the Cirsio-Molinietum. This might be due to the absence of viable seeds of characteristic species of the Cirsio-Molinietum and/or the absence of optimal site conditions, especially high phosphorus concentrations in the top soil. The high phosphorus concentrations might be a consequence of high mineralization rates and/or prolonged inundation with iron-poor water and the decreased flux of iron-rich groundwater into the topsoil. Restoration of the Cirsio-Molinietum only seems possible when sod cutting is carried out together with hydrological measures that counter prolonged inundation and reinforce the discharge of base and iron-rich groundwater.  相似文献   

A good understanding of the relationship between plant establishment and the ecosystem of which they are part of is needed to conserve rare plant species. Introduction experiments offer a direct test of recruitment limitation, but generally only the seed germination and seedling phases are monitored. Thus the relative importance of different establishment stages in the process of recruitment is not considered. This is particularly true for parasitic plants where empirical data are generally missing. During two consecutive growing seasons we examined the effect of heathland management applications, degree of heathland succession (pioneer, building and mature phase) and seed-density on the recruitment and establishment of the endangered holoparasite Cuscuta epithymum. In general, recruitment after two growing seasons was low with 4.79% of the sown seeds that successfully emerged to the seedling stage and a final establishment of 89 flowering adults (i.e. <1.5% of the sown seeds). Although a higher seed-density resulted in a higher number of seedlings, seed-density did not significantly affected relative germination percentages. The management type and subsequent heath succession had no significant effect on seedling emergence; whereas, seedling attachment to the host, establishment and growth to full-grown size were hampered in older heath vegetation (i.e. high, dense, and mature canopy). Establishment was most successful in turf-cut pioneer heathland, characterised by a relatively open and low vegetation of young Calluna vulgaris. The age of C. vulgaris, C. epithymum's main host, proved to be the most limiting factor. These results emphasise the importance of site quality (i.e. successional phase of its host) on recruitment success of C. epithymum, which is directly affected by the management applied to the vegetation. Lack of any heathland management will thus seriously restrict establishment of the endangered parasite.  相似文献   

Question: What is the influence of hydrological regime, soils and management on the plant community composition and species richness of Skealoghan turlough (groundwater dependent calcareous wetland). Location: Skealoghan turlough, County Mayo, Ireland. Methods: Percentage cover of vascular plants and bryophytes were recorded, and data on hydrological regimes, soils and management were collected. Data were analysed using multivariate statistical techniques. Results: A total of 69 species of vascular plants and mosses were recorded. Cluster analysis grouped the samples into two separate communities, the Cirsio‐Molinietum and the Ranunculo‐Potentilletum anserinae plant communities. The plant community composition and species richness followed a main gradient down into the turlough basin, but also varied with microtopography, resulting in a mosaic of vegetation types. Conclusions: The biodiversity and conservation value of the site is linked to the heterogeneity in its physical environment in which hydrology, soils and grazing management all play critical roles.  相似文献   

《Acta Oecologica》2002,23(5):303-312
It is well accepted that intense anthropogenic activities threaten European heathland communities. The negative impact of high intensities of livestock grazing on heath survival has been demonstrated in many studies, however, it does not seem a straightforward consequence in some cases: in the southern Pyrenees, the existence of large heathland patches in intensively grazed areas suggests that other factors interact and affect heath success. In order to gain insight into the factors affecting heath success, this paper analyses the pattern of occurrence of ericaceous shrubs—particularly Erica vagans—and their effects on soils when compared to herbaceous vegetation, under a complex biotic disturbance regime. Survey plots were established in grassland and heathland communities disturbed by both livestock and by burrowing animals on soils with different levels of basic resources. Relative cover of the species on and off molehills was studied. In heathland plots, ericaceous shrubs were more common on old molehills than off them. This pattern was strongest in the poorest soils. Below established heath shrubs, independently of the initial properties of the soils, some basic resources were more available than in intershrub areas. In grazed ecosystems, where continuous trampling and removal of biomass occurs, the heath canopy provides a site for accumulation of litter and insects, which contribute to the build up of a resource-rich layer. We conclude that successful establishment on ubiquitous molehills and suitable, localised changes in the soil under shrubs are some of the factors that explain the success of ericaceous shrubs in complex biotically disturbed areas.  相似文献   

Question: How can long-term monitoring of hydrological and ecological parameters support management strategies aimed towards wetland restoration and re-creation in a complex hydrological system? Location: Newham Bog National Nature Reserve, Northumberland, UK, a site with a long history of active management, and recorded as drought-sensitive over the last 100 years. Methods: Water level readings are correlated with longer-term hydrological databases, and these data related to vegetation data collected intermittently over a 12 year period. Two analyses are undertaken: (1) a composite DCA analysis of 1993 and 2002 survey data to assess plant community transitions within the wetland and over time, and (2) analysis of recent vegetation data to explore wider vegetation gradients. This allows (3) communities to be classified using NVC classes and (4) integrated with revised Ellenberg F-values. Results: Drought impact and subsequent hydrological recovery over a 22-year period are quantified. Vegetation data display strong moisture and successional gradients. Analysis shows a shift from grassland communities toward mire communities across much of the site. Conclusion: The site is regionally unique in that it has a detailed long-term monitoring record. Hydrological data and vegetation survey have allowed the impact of the most recent ‘groundwater’drought (1989–1997) to be quantified. This information on system resilience, combined with eco-hydrological analyses of plant community-water regime/quality relationships, provide a basis for recommendations concerning conservation and restoration.  相似文献   

Questions: What are the effects of raised water levels on wet grassland plant communities and dynamics? To what extent do time since raised water levels, vegetation management and water regime influence community composition? Location: Pevensey Levels, southeast England, UK. Methods: Plant communities and hydrology were monitored during 2001‐03 within 23 wet grassland meadows and pastures where water levels had been raised for nature conservation at different times over 21 years. Community variations were examined using species abundance and ecological traits. Results: Water regime, measured as duration of flooding, groundwater level and soil moisture was significantly related to plant community variation. Communities were divided into grasslands where inundation was shallow (≤8 cm) and relatively short (≤3 months) and sites where deeper flooding was prolonged (≥5 months), supporting a variety of wetland vegetation. With increasing wetness, sites were characterised by more bare ground and wetland plants such as sedges, helophytes and hydrophytes, and species with a stress‐tolerating competitive strategy. All sites showed considerable annual dynamics, especially those with substantially raised water levels. There were no significant relationships between time since water levels were raised and plant community composition. Grassland management exerted a limited influence upon vegetation compared to water regime. Conclusions: Grassland plant communities are responsive to raised water levels and have potential for a rapid transition to wetland vegetation, irrespective of grazing or cutting management. Creation or restoration of wet grasslands by (re)wetting is feasible but challenging due to the high dynamism of wetland plant communities and the need for substantially raised water levels and prolonged flooding to produce significant community changes.  相似文献   

For the conservation of biodiversity, heathlands present important ecosystems throughout Europe. The formerly widespread habitats are nowadays restricted to small and isolated remnants. Without land use heathland vegetation undergoes succession and, in addition, the increasing amount of atmospheric nitrogen deposition has resulted in an encroachment of grasses. In the present study we analysed the effects of succession and grass encroachment on Orthoptera in a coastal heathland on the Baltic island of Hiddensee, Germany. Vegetation, microclimate, soil humidity and Orthoptera were sampled in the five main stages of heathland succession, namely grey dunes, dwarf-shrub heath, grassy heath, heath with shrubs, and birch forest. Vegetation and environmental parameters showed strong differences among the successional stages. Orthoptera species richness was highest in transitional stages. The high proportion of grasses offer favourable habitat conditions for graminivorous, chorto- and thamnobiont species. Orthoptera density was highest in grey dunes. Threatened and specialised species were restricted to the young stages grey dunes and dwarf-shrub heath. Hence, in order to maintain a high diversity of Orthoptera in heathlands, maintaining different successional stages is of critical importance and this should be integrated into heathland management practices.  相似文献   

Over the last two centuries wet heathlands and associated habitats, such as poor fens and bogs, have suffered extensive fragmentation. Recently, large-scale projects aim to restore these rare habitats throughout Europe. To evaluate post-restoration trajectories of wet heathlands, suitable monitoring tools are urgently needed. Here, we investigated whether spider communities are useful tools for evaluating the restoration success of wet heathlands. Ordination revealed that dissimilarity in spider communities between patches of different age classes resulted mainly from vegetation cover and soil moisture. By using a functional trait-approach, we tested if the time since restoration affects trait distribution of spiders in wet heathlands. Typical wet heathland spider species were less common with increasing vegetation encroachment and lower water content. New patches were inhabited by summer active, eurytopic (non-heathland) spiders, while more typical heathland species were found in middle-aged and old patches. Our results suggest that time-related changes in vegetation structure and moistness of restored wet heathlands are clearly reflected by spider communities. Although mobile spiders quickly recolonize the restored heathlands, it takes time for typical heathland spiders to settle. Restoration measures should prevent the negative effects of a vegetation encroachment and a high density of forested edges and should rehabilitate the hydrological cycle in order to preserve rare heathland spiders. We discuss that accounting for responses of spiders provides additional information to guide wet heathlands restoration.  相似文献   

Aims and Methods Mostly due to land use changes, European heathlands have become increasingly rare. In addition, the increasing amount of atmospheric nitrogen deposition has resulted in an encroachment of grasses and a loss in species diversity. Despite many investigations, information about the precise environmental parameters that determine the development and maintenance of heathland vegetation is still insufficient. In order to determine the environmental factors that control heath succession and grass encroachment, and to develop appropriate management schemes, we studied the influence of several soil and microclimate parameters on species composition and vegetation characteristics in five successional stages in a coastal heathland on the island of Hiddensee, north-east Germany, where the encroachment of Carex arenaria has become a major problem.Important findings We recorded the highest plant species richness in grey dune and birch forest plots, while the encroachment of C. arenaria let to a significant decline in plant species richness. The most important environmental factors influencing species richness and distribution of single species were microclimate, soil moisture, soil pH and the C/N ratio. While many studies reported the importance of differences in nutrient availability, we found no significant correlations between soil nutrient availability and vegetation pattern. Environmental conditions in dense C. arenaria stands, especially soil properties (e.g. soil pH), showed great differences in comparison to the other successional stages. However, no correlations between the encroachment of C. arenaria and single environmental factors were found. Our results show that not only soil nutrients are important abiotic factors in heaths but that also microclimate and soil moisture play an important role and that many factors are involved in heath succession and in the promotion of grass encroachment. Management plans for the conservation and restoration of heathlands should therefore focus on the specific site conditions and should take several abiotic and biotic factors into account.  相似文献   

A hillside with abandoned, wooded hay meadows in Leikanger in Sogn og Fjordane county, Western Norway, was investigated in 1992–1995. A management regime combining restoration (topping) of old pollarded trees, scything and removal of hay was reintroduced in the area. The availability of light, hydrological conditions and the nutrient content of the soil were the most important factors determining development of hay meadow vegetation to forest vegetation. Indicators of shaded conditions included Valeriana sambucifolia and Oxalis acetosella , while Anthriscus sylvestris was indicator of light conditions. Species such as Campanula rotundifolia, Pimpinella saxifraga, Plantago lanceolata, Lychnis viscaria and Hieracium pilosella , which were recorded mostly on dry ridges, were regarded as "relict" species, more common formerly when the area was managed in a traditional way. The cover of tall grasses and herbs, such as Dactylis glomerata, Poa trivialis and Anthriscus sylvestris , increased the first two years after restoration. This indicates an increase in available nutrients, probably a "pioneer clearing fertilization" due to the introduced pollarding. Restoration and management resulted in drier, more homogenous ecological conditions and reduced the differences in local climate between formerly open meadows and more wooded areas in the restored area. However, most of the vegetation seemed to be quite stable during the study period. One class, however, comprised releves from several unstable plots of the experimental site. The frequency of some light-demanding species increased in the experimental site, while the frequency of Oxalis acetosella and Epilobium montanum increased in the control site.  相似文献   

Current restoration measures of degraded, acidified heathland ecosystems have not always been successful in the Netherlands. Positive effects of a restored hydrology are often counteracted by acidification of the soil and the local groundwater system. Liming of the heathlands in the catchment of moorland pools might contribute to the restoration of both habitats. Experimental catchment liming was carried out in two degraded Dutch heathlands, with doses varying between 2 and 6 tons/ha. Catchment liming resulted in increased pH and base cation concentrations in the highest elevated limed parts, as well as in the lower situated, nonlimed heath areas and moorland pools. Generally, catchment liming created suitable conditions for the return of heathland target species, and the positive effects lasted for at least 6 years. The response of the heathland vegetation to the liming has, however, been slow because only a small number of endangered plant species increased in abundance. In contrast, four Red List soft‐water macrophytes strongly increased in abundance in the moorland pool. Our results show that, even with the slow return of Red List plant species, catchment liming can be a successful management tool for the restoration of the acidified heathland landscape.  相似文献   

Abstract Three experiments were undertaken to investigate the influence of seed mixture on the establishment of a target grassland community on a site with high available phosphorus. In the first experiment autumn‐ and spring‐sown commercial seed mixtures were compared with seed harvested from a nature reserve with respect to their ability to produce an inundation grassland community similar to that described by the British National Vegetation Classification (NVC) as Agrostis stolonifera–Alopecurus geniculatus grassland (MG13). In the second experiment the composition and sowing rate of a commercial seed mixture were altered to investigate whether these factors were significant in the establishment of a sward similar to MG13. Similarly, in the third experiment the composition of a commercial seed mixture designed to achieve an alternative community, Cynosurus cristatus–Caltha palustris grassland (NVC code MG8), was sown. The vegetation resulting from each of these treatments was monitored with permanent quadrats for a 3‐year period, and the hydrological regime of each quadrat location was modeled and quantified. The results showed that seed mixture, timing of sowing, and seeding rate had an initial effect on the vegetation that established. However, by the third year of monitoring there were no significant differences between these treatments, and hydrological regime had become the most important factor in determining the distribution of species. The vegetation was less diverse than predicted from germination tests and decreased in diversity over the monitoring period. It is suggested that this may be a result of the hydrological regime being unsuitable for several of the sown species or due to the extremely high available phosphorus concentration in the soil. This study highlights the need to understand the soil and hydrological conditions of a site before choosing a target community and designing a seed mixture.  相似文献   

Questions: How do species composition and abundance of soil seed bank and standing vegetation vary over the course of a post‐fire succession in northern heathlands? What is the role of seed banks – do they act as a refuge for early successional species or can they simply be seen as a spillover from the extant local vegetation? Location: Coastal Calluna heathlands, Western Norway. Methods: We analysed vegetation and seed bank along a 24‐year post‐fire chronosequence. Patterns in community composition, similarity and abundances were tested using multivariate analyses, Sørensen's index of similarity, vegetation cover (%) and seedling counts. Results: The total diversity of vegetation and seed bank were 60 and 54 vascular plant taxa, respectively, with 39 shared species, resulting in 68% similarity overall. Over 24 years, the heathland community progressed from open newly burned ground via species rich graminoid‐ and herb‐dominated vegetation to mature Calluna heath. Post‐fire succession was not reflected in the seed bank. The 10 most abundant species constituted 98% of the germinated seeds. The most abundant were Calluna vulgaris (49%; 12 018 seeds m?2) and Erica tetralix (34%; 8 414 seeds m?2). Calluna showed significantly higher germination the first 2 years following fire. Conclusions: Vegetation species richness, ranging from 23 to 46 species yr?1, showed a unimodal pattern over the post‐fire succession. In contrast, the seed bank species richness, ranging from 21 to 31 species yr?1, showed no trend. This suggests that the seed bank act as a refuge; providing a constant source of recruits for species that colonise newly burned areas. The traditional management regime has not depleted or destroyed the seed banks and continued management is needed to ensure sustainability of northern heathlands.  相似文献   

Questions: Does stand age influence the direction and rate of post‐fire successional dynamics in coastal Calluna heaths and can old degraded heath vegetation be restored through reintroduction of fire? Location: Coastal heaths in the Tarva archipelago, central Norway. Methods: We investigated revegetation dynamics after experimental fires set in young (8 years since last fire) and old (>50 years since last fire) grazed heath stands. A repeated measures design was used, with floristic data recorded in permanent plots in the post‐fire successions (n=12) over a 7‐year period. The data were analysed using multivariate ordination techniques (PCA, RDA and PRC) and mixed effects models. Results: The age of Calluna stands strongly influenced post‐fire succession, different trends due to age explained 10.4% of variation in floristic data. Young heath showed faster succession towards pre‐fire community composition than old heath, and this could partially be explained by succession‐related factors: young heath had lower cover of mosses and lichens in the pre‐burned vegetation, and lower cover of litter early in succession. Young heath had a less pronounced overall community response to fire than old heath. Vegetative regeneration of C. vulgaris was absent in both old and young heath, but Calluna still re‐established as the dominant species within 5–7 years in both young and old stands. Regeneration dynamics were also affected by habitat conditions, different trends due to habitat explained 6% of variation. Conclusions: Our study demonstrates that old stands do develop characteristic heathland vegetation and structure after fire, and while potential invasives into the system such as trees and rhizomatous species are present, they do not impair Calluna regeneration or vegetation development towards the target heathland community composition and structure. Further, as our young stands are only in their second fire rotation after restoration, we suggest that characteristic dynamics of managed heathlands can re‐establish relatively rapidly, even in severely degenerated sites (>50 years since last fire). Site‐specific factors also need to be considered. We conclude that there is restoration potential in old heaths, despite slow dynamics in the first rotation.  相似文献   

Abstract Previous experiments on post-fire establishment of two obligate seeders and two resprouting species suggested that initial establishment processes differ between wet- and dry-heath habitats. Disturbance, interspecific competition between seedlings and between seedlings and adults, and access for potential predators were manipulated in the field after a fire to identify mechanisms to explain between- and witm'n-habitat species coexistence. When soil surfaces are disturbed or seeds are buried, dry-heath species can establish in the wet heath. Under natural conditions, however, wet heath is rarely disturbed by animal foragers and lack of safe sites may preclude establishment of dry-heath species. In contrast, dry heath is often disturbed by ground foragers such as bandicoots and safe sites are plentiful for establishment of all heath species. Nevertheless, while wet-heath species can establish in dry heath, their seedlings are apparently unable to survive there due to the drier conditions. No evidence for competition among species was detected in either type of habitat during the first 3 years of the experiment, even at elevated seedling densities. Lack of early competition and unsaturated seed-banks may promote coexistence of species. Seedling predation from vertebrates was low and did not appear to influence patterns of coexistence within or between habitats. In terms of community theory we suggest that several interacting mechanisms are responsible for community structure in heaths after a fire. Chance and microsite disturbance are important during dispersal, while resources are critical during establishment and early survival of seedling populations. In these heath systems where fires burn extensive areas, seed-banks may be more important in temporal storage of species than patch or spatial storage as a mechanism for maintaining coexistence and plant diversity.  相似文献   

The delivery of environmental flows for biodiversity benefits within regulated river systems can potentially contribute to exotic weed spread. This study explores whether exotic plants of a floodplain forest in Victoria, Australia, are characterised by specific functional groups and associated plant traits linked to altering hydrological conditions over time. Permanently marked 20 × 20 m2 plots from five wetland sites in Eucalyptus camaldulensis floodplain forest were sampled twice, first in the early 1990s (1993–1994) and then 15 years later (2007–2008). Species cover abundance data for understorey vegetation communities were segregated by season and analysed using ordination analysis. Exotic species richness was modelled as a function of site flooding history and native species richness using general linear models. Site ordinations by detrended correspondence analysis showed differential community compositions between survey dates, but native and exotic species were not clearly differentiated in terms of DCA1 scores. Most exotics belonged to functional groups containing annual species that germinate and reproduce under drier conditions. Exotics reproducing under wetter conditions were in the minority, predominantly perennial and capable of both sexual and asexual reproduction. Site flooding history and native species richness significantly predicted exotic species richness. Vegetation changes are partially structured by reduced flood frequency favouring increased abundance of exotic, sexually reproducing annuals at drier sites. Sites of low flood frequency are more sensitive to future exotic weed invasion and will require targeted management effort. Flow restoration is predicted to benefit propagule dispersal of species adopting dual regeneration strategies, which are predominantly natives in this system.  相似文献   

Turloughs are groundwater dependent grazed wetlands of conservation importance that occur in limestone depressions in the karst landscape, mostly in the west of Ireland. Data on Carabidae, hydrological regime, soils and management (using grazing exclosures) were collected to assess the effects of both hydrological regime and grazing management on ground beetles of Skealoghan turlough. Distinct ground beetle communities have been found associated with different hydrological regimes with carabid beetle community composition sensitive to both changes in hydrological regime and vegetation structure. The hydrological regime is the primary factor controlling the carabid species composition of this grazed wetland. Grazing, particularly selective grazing by animals plays an important but subordinate role to hydrology in providing suitable habitat conditions for many species of conservation importance. This paper provides a detailed assessment of species responses to wetland management and demonstrates the need to maintain a range of hydrological and grazing regimes.  相似文献   

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