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A palynological and sedimentological investigation of two lake sediment cores retrieved from Bafa Gölü (western Turkey) was carried out as a contribution to the environmental history of the lower Büyük Menderes river valley during the later Holocene. Woods of mainly deciduous oak represent the climax vegetation around Bafa Gölü. Human impact on the ecosystem, starting at the latest during the so-called “Bey?ehir occupation phase” in the late second millennium b.c., resulted in the transition to open woodland and maquis scrub. Local settlement phases such as woodland clearance and associated erosion/accumulation features can be detected by pollen as well as sedimentological analyses. The strongest human impact can be detected at the time of the Greek period in the seventh to first century b.c. and especially during the Roman period in the first century b.c. until the fourth century a.d., when sedimentation was 5–6 times greater than in the periods before and after.  相似文献   

Palaeoecological reconstructions from the region of southwestern Bulgaria were used for inferring the human impact on the vegetation and landscape during the last 8 millennia. They are based on data from pollen analyses of lakes and peat-bogs, plant macrofossils, archaeobotanical finds and radiocarbon dating. During the early Holocene, after 7900?cal. b.p. (5950?cal. b.c.) the climate changed to cooler summers, milder winters and higher precipitation resulting in the formation of a coniferous belt dominated by Pinus sp. and Abies alba. These favorable environmental pre-conditions had a positive influence on the Neolithisation of the Balkans after the 8200?cal. b.p. (6250?cal. b.c.) cold event, which caused drought in the Eastern Mediterranean. Direct evidence from wood charcoal records from the Neolithic settlement layers in the study area shows a slight modification of the surrounding woodlands and an increase of the light-demanding components, probably expressed through larger forest border zones and thinning out of the wood stands. The increase in the number of settlements in the valleys of southwestern Bulgaria intensified the human activity visible in the palaeobotanical record from 6950?cal. b.p. (5000?cal. b.c.) onwards. Between ca. 5700–5100?cal. b.p. (3800–3200?cal. b.c.) signs of anthropogenic influence on the vegetation are virtually absent. The intensity of human impact increased notably after 3200?cal. b.p. (1400–1250?cal. b.c., approx. Late Bronze Age), documented by a rise of pollen anthropogenic indicators. The final transformations in the natural forest cover after 2750?cal. b.p. (800?cal. b.c. onset of the Iron Age) marked the reduction of the coniferous forests dominated by Abies alba and Pinus sp. and the expansion of Fagus sylvatica and Picea abies. These vegetation changes are contemporaneous with increase of the palaeofire activities and the next peak of anthropogenic indicators. The changes in the landscape during the Roman period and the medieval period reflect regional environmental features and were forced by the diversification of anthropogenic activity.  相似文献   

Holocene sediment cores from contemporary terrestrialised kettle holes on two islands in the Ostholstein lakeland area, Northern Germany, were investigated by palaeoenvironmental methods. Records from such isolated locations, such as these island mires, are an important source of information on small-scale vegetation changes. Pollen, non-pollen palynomorphs and macrofossils were used to reveal anthropogenic impact as well as lake level fluctuations. Changes in the peat decomposition and the ratio of organic to minerogenic content in the sediment facilitated correlation with past ground water table levels and accordingly with former lake levels. The palynological surveys indicate that human impact on the islands expanded in prehistoric times during phases of low lake levels or periods of stable hydrological conditions. The first distinct low level is recorded between ca. 8210 and 7740?cal.?yr b.p. Another major low level period was detected for the time span from approximately 5290 to 4600?cal.?yr b.p. After a subsequent period with a wetter climate, indicated by rising and fluctuating lake levels culminating at ca. 2420 to 2180?cal.?yr b.p., a third lowering occurred until about 660?cal.?yr b.p. This period was interrupted by minor fluctuations in lake levels from ca. 1770 to 1630?cal.?yr b.p. and from ca. 1370 to 1010?cal.?yr b.p.  相似文献   

To better understand the response of forest vegetation to climate and fire regimes with reference to human activities over the last deglacial period in the Aso Caldera, central Kyushu, southwestern Japan, a 33.9 m long sediment core was examined in order to reconstruct the vegetational and fire history using pollen and charcoal analyses. The results show that a cool temperate broad-leaved deciduous forest, dominated by Quercus (deciduous oaks) with Carpinus and Fagus, prevailed in the Aso Valley from ca. 14.6 ka cal. b.p., indicating warming since the last glacial period. The landscape was presumably covered by a mosaic of deciduous Quercus forests and terrestrial Artemisia communities. Around 12.8–11.7 ka cal. b.p., Quercus dominated the forest and fires occurred frequently. Co-expansion of distinctive UlmusZelkova and CeltisAphananthe forests coupled with a progressive retreat of Quercus in the early Holocene could reflect a strengthening of the East Asian summer monsoon under mild and humid climate conditions. Around 8 ka cal. b.p., significant increases in Cyclobalanopsis (evergreen oaks), Castanopsis/Castanea and Podocarpus indicate a further warming, in particular an increased winter temperature. Warm temperate lucidophyllous forests, dominated by Cyclobalanopsis, flourished after 7.3 ka cal. b.p., probably corresponding to the “Holocene Climatic Optimum” interval. Progressive expansion of Quercus at the expense of Cyclobalanopsis began around 6.4 ka cal. b.p. and paralleled an increase in charcoal until ca. 4.8 ka cal. b.p.; this could be evidence of fire disturbance induced by the early-middle Jomon people. The disturbed evergreen forest experienced a temporary recovery but then opened again from 3.6 ka cal. b.p. due to extensive fire deforestation, as suggested by the high charcoal levels during this time. Human exploitation and buckwheat (Fagopyrum) agriculture may have contributed to the opening of the forest, which allowed secondary forests (primarily Pinus and Quercus) and herbaceous communities (mainly Poaceae) to spread. These results are discussed in comparison with other high-resolution pollen data from western Japan to better elucidate the vegetation and fire history over the last deglacial in the Aso Caldera.  相似文献   

As a part of the ELSA-project (Eifel Laminated Sediment Archive) new pollen and plant macro-remain analyses have been carried out on a series of Holocene lacustrine sediments from three open maar lakes of the Quaternary Westeifel Volcanic Field. In combination with already existing pollen analyses, the archaeological record and written sources, the present study casts new light on settlement activities and henceforth the development of agriculture from the prehistoric to historic times in this region. While there are clues that wood pasturing was practised in the Eifel region from the Michelsberg Culture onwards (c. 4300 cal. b.c.), the Vulkaneifel is a remote area with relatively poor soils and a humid climate and was not constantly settled until the Late Neolithic/Early Bronze Age, when cereal pollen was found regularly in the deposits. Plant macro-remains (chaff), which give us direct evidence for arable agriculture in the surroundings of the maars, were also found in layers belonging to the Early Bronze Age (c. 1900 cal. b.c.). At the same time we can observe the massive spread of Fagus sylvatica (beech) in all pollen diagrams, which was most probably caused by a combination of climatic, anthropogenic and competitive factors. Later impacts of agriculture were an abundance of crop weeds and pollen in the following Middle Bronze Age. Nevertheless human impact remained discontinuous until the Urnfield Culture (1200–800 cal. b.c.). A layer of weeds dating at the end of the Urnfield Culture was found and also flax (Linum usitatissimum) cultivation first becomes apparent. However, the subsequent Iron Age and Roman Period reveal only crop weeds and cereal pollen in slightly higher concentrations, but the abundance of Poaceae pollen at this time is most probably consistent with grazing activities. There follows compelling evidence of the importance of flax cultivation and processing at the maars from the Merovingian Period (5th century a.d.) onwards. A detailed insight into the agriculture of the High Medieval comes from flash flood layers of the 14th century a.d., where remains of Secale cereale (rye) and crop weeds reflect winter-sown cultivation of rye. Cannabis sativa (hemp) was also cultivated and processed during the medieval. Finally we can trace the Prussian reforestation in the 19th century a.d., with an increase in Pinus sylvestris (pine) and Picea abies (fir), by both pollen and plant macro-remains.  相似文献   

Pollen, non-pollen palynomorphs, charcoal and geochemical analyses of sediments from Lake Sal?t (NE Poland) were used to reconstruct vegetation changes related to the activity of the West Balt tribes during the Iron Age, in the period between the second half of the 7th century bc and the beginning of the 10th century ad. We distinguished five phases of human impact on environment. Woodland clearing around the studied lake started at the end of the 7th century bc. The most characteristic feature of this area during the whole Iron Age was a very high representation of semi-natural Betula woodlands, which was probably linked to a shifting agriculture. This type of land use lasted for over 1,500 years, until the second half of the 9th century ad. The greatest reduction in Betula woodlands took place between cal. years 650 and 450 bc. Its regeneration took place after ca. ad 830 when human activity decreased.  相似文献   

Higher syntaxa of the classAsteretea tripolium are reviewed. This class covers plant communities of the Euro-Asian continent on low- and medium-salinized soils with medium moisture conditions where perennial herbaceous plants (hemicryptophytes) of non-succulent character prevail. On the territory of the former USSR and Mongolia, the classAsteretea tripolium is represented by the following orders:Glauco-Puccinellietalia Beeftink etWesthoff inBeeftink 1962,Cirsietalia esculenti Mirkin etV. Golub exV. Golub ord. novus,Scorzonero-Juncetalia gerardii Vicherek 1973,Halerpestetalia Mirkin et al. exV. Golub ord. novus,Artemisio santonicae-Limonietalia gmelinii V. Golub etV. Solomakha 1988,Suaedetalia corniculatae V. Golub ord. novus. Superspecies and aggregations of species are used for the diagnosis of higher syntaxa.  相似文献   

Pollen analysis of sediments from three lakes and analysis of plant macroremains including charcoal from archaeological sites in the Mazurian Lake District provide new data for the reconstruction of vegetation changes related to human activity between the 1st and 13th century ad. At that time settlements of the Bogaczewo culture (from the turn of the 1st century ad to the first part of the 5th century ad), the Olsztyn Group (second part of the 5th century ad to the 7th or beginning of the 8th century ad), and the Prussian Galinditae tribes (8th/9th–13th century ad) developed. The most intensive woodland clearing occurred between the 1st and 6th/7th century ad. Presence of Cerealia-type, Secale cereale and Cannabis-type pollen, as well as macroremains of Hordeum vulgare, S. cereale, Triticum spelta, T. cf. monococcum, T. cf. dicoccum, Avena sp. and Panicum miliaceum documented local agriculture. High Betula representation synchronous with microcharcoal occurrence suggests shifting agriculture. After forest regeneration between c. ad 650 and 1100, the area was strongly deforested due to the early medieval occupation by Prussian tribes. The archaeobotanical examination of samples taken in a cemetery and a large settlement of the Roman Iron Age revealed strong differences in the taxonomic composition of the fossil plant remains. An absolute dominance of birch charcoal in the samples from the cemetery indicates its selective use for funeral pyre construction. There is a difference between cereals found in both contexts: numerous grains of Triticum have been found in the cemetery, while in the settlement crops were represented mostly by Secale and Hordeum. Grass tubers, belonging probably to Phleum pratense, are among the particularly interesting plant remains found in the cemetery.  相似文献   

We present the postglacial history of vegetation, human activities and changes in lake level in the context of climate change in northeast Poland from ~14,000 cal. b.p. to the present day. The palaeoecological reconstruction is based on the results of high-resolution plant macrofossil analyses as well as records from pollen, Cladocera and radiocarbon dating. Climate fluctuations and human activity have caused many changes in vegetation development in Jezioro Linówek and in the vicinity of this lake. The Early Holocene warming that occurred at ~9500 b.c. caused an increase in Betula and the colonisation of Linówek by Potamogeton lucens, Nymphaea alba and Chara sp. At ~2300 b.c., climate cooling was accompanied by the spread of Picea abies and the appearance of Potamogeton alpinus and Nuphar pumila in the lake. The first traces of farming in the form of Cerealia pollen have been dated back to ~2100 b.c. The cultivation of Triticum began at ~250 b.c., Secale at ~a.d. 550, and Fagopyrum at ~a.d. 1720. The rapid increase in human activity at ~a.d. 1700 and the simultaneous loss of woodland is associated with the establishment of villages in the area and is expressed by the decline of tree curves. In Linówek, which was formed ~14,000 cal. b.p., three periods of high water level occurred (12000–9400, 7000–4000 and 1450 b.c.a.d. 650), and two periods of low water level (9400–7100 and 3700–1700 b.c.). The changes of water level correspond well with other sites in central and northern Europe.  相似文献   

New wood charcoal data from two archaeological sites in western Anatolia (Kumtepe and Troy/Çanakkale province) enabled a review of earlier reconstruction of the mid-Holocene vegetation and land use patterns in the region. Multi-proxy data from archaeology, zooarchaeology and climatology are combined to evaluate the relationship of climate-induced and man-made environmental change for a period spanning the Late Neolithic to the Early Bronze Age (ca. 5000–2450 cal b.c.). During the first settlement period (Kumtepe A: ca. 5000–4600 cal b.c.) lush vegetation with high proportions of deciduous oak and pine prevailed, enabling the intense use of natural resources by the late Neolithic population, which use might be reflected in the first few representatives of maquis vegetation. A settlement hiatus at the site between roughly 4600 and 3500 cal b.c. includes a cooling event in the Aegean and may have supported persistence and/or development of open vegetation units. However, the hiatus may have ended with a period of regeneration of the vegetation. From Kumtepe B2 (ca. 3300 cal b.c.) onward, human impact becomes clearly visible, although the main woodland taxa continue to prevail. In all, environmental and economic dynamics between 5000 and 2300 cal b.c. in the Troad can be characterised as at least two alternating developmental sequences of climate-induced vegetation change and reinforcement of woodland degradation by human activity.  相似文献   

New pollen and plant macrofossil data, backed by radiocarbon dates, from the Kulikovo battlefield area in the forest-steppe region of the Upper Don River basin (central part of European Russia) indicate that the area was covered by mosaic vegetation in the second half of the Holocene. Steppe communities dominated during the mid—late Atlantic (7.2–5.7?cal.?kyr b.p.) and early Subatlantic (2.7–2.4?cal.?kyr b.p.), while forest-steppe dominated during the Subboreal (2.7–5.7?cal.?kyr b.p.), middle and late Subatlantic (2.4?cal.?kyr b.p. – present). Climatic reconstructions based on these data show that landscape dynamics in the region were most probably driven by changes in effective moisture: an excess of precipitation over evaporation. Even small reductions in annual precipitation, accompanied by a rise in summer temperatures by 1–3°C above present values, were sufficient to increase the proportion of steppe communities within this landscape complex, and also probably resulted in higher frequencies of wildfires. Signals of anthropogenic disturbance of vegetation are clearly pronounced in the pollen and plant macrofossil records since the middle Atlantic. However, human-induced changes in the vegetation remain subtle until the medieval period.  相似文献   

A survey of the present vegetation of the Prokop Valley Nature Reserve revealed the following natural communities:Erysimo crepidifolii-Festucetum valesiacae Klika 1933,Alysso saxatilis-Festucetum Klika 1941,Allio montani-Sedetum albi Klika 1939,Helianthemo cani-Caricetum humilis ass. nova,Helianthemo cani-Seslerietum calcariae Klika 1933,Primulo veris-Seslerietum calcariae Zlatník 1928,Prunion spinosae Soó (1931) 1940 em.Tx. 1952,Prunion fruticosae Tx. 1952,Scabioso ochrolecae-Brachypodietum pinnati Klika 1932,Salvio nemorosae-Melicetum transsilvanicae ass. nova,Lathyro versicoloris-Quercetum pubescentis Klika 1932,Geranio-Peucedanetum cervariae (Kuhn 1937)Th. Müller 1961,Galio-Carpinetum Oberdorfer 1957,Aceri-Carpinetum Klika 1941,Luzulo-Quercetum (Hilitzer 1932)Passarge 1953,Genistion Böcher 1943,Mentho-Juncetum inflexi Lohmeyer 1953. For the anthropogenic vegetation another group of units was used. The species composition, environmental relationships an area of distribution are given for every mapping unit; characteristic soil properties for most important units of natural vegetation are also discussed.  相似文献   

The present study deals with five genera of hepatics in Africa, Isotachis Mitt., Anastrophyllum (Spruce) Steph., Tritomaria Schiffn. ex Loeske, Gymnocoleopsis (Schust.) Schust. and Lophozia (Dum.) Dum. All African populations of the genus Isotachis Mitt. are considered to be one species, I. aubertii (Schwaegr.) Mitt. Four species of Anastrophyllum (Spruce) Steph. (s.l.), A. auritum (Lehm.) Steph., A. piligerum (Nees) Spruce, A. subcomplicatum (Lehm. et Lindenb.) Steph. and A. minutum (Schreb.) Schust., and two species of Tritomaria Schiffn. et Loeske, T. camerunensis S. Arnell and T. exsecta (Schrad.) Schiffn. ex Loeske occur in Africa. Gymmocoleopsis multiflora (Steph.) Schust. represents a genus and species hitherto unreported for the African flora. Finally, five Lophozia (Dum.) Dum. species, L. argentina (Steph.) Schust., L. capensis S. Arnell, L. decolorans (Limpr.) Steph., L. hedbergii S. Arnell and L. tristaniana (S. Arnell) Váňa, are reported from central and southern Africa; two of these (L. argentina (Steph.) Schust. and L. decolorans (Limpr.) Steph.) represent the first reports from Africa.  相似文献   

A pollen diagram was constructed for the early- to mid-Holocene transition (ca. 7350–5600 cal. b.p./5400–3650 b.c.) from the Burmarrad ria located in NW Malta. The vegetation at ca. 7350–6960 cal. b.p./5400–5010 b.c. was characterized by an almost tree-less steppe-like open landscape. Early Holocene dry climatic conditions were most probably due to intensification of the subtropical monsoon circulation that strengthened the subtropical anticyclonic descent over the central Mediterranean and blocked the penetration of humid air masses from the North Atlantic Ocean. At ca. 6950 cal. b.p./5000 b.c., the steppe-like vegetation was suddenly replaced by a Mediterranean evergreen forest or dense scrub dominated by Pistacia cf. lentiscus trees. This event, which has simultaneously been recorded in southern Sicily, was most probably caused by the southward shift of the ITCZ permitting the eastward movement of the North Atlantic cyclonic systems. Traces of human activities are evident in the pollen diagram since the beginning of the record but become more pronounced from the onset of the Temple Cultural Phase at ca. 6050 cal. b.p./4100 b.c. with a gradual decline of tree pollen. We suggest that the early- to mid-Holocene vegetation transformation was mainly controlled by a regional climatic change that occurred in a landscape only slightly impacted by human activities.  相似文献   

The species of three genera—Sporoschisma Berk. etBr.,Sporoschismopsis Hol.-Jech. etHennebert andCatenularia Grove are treated in this paper from Czechoslovakia:Sporoschisma juvenile Boudier,S. mirabile Berk. etBr.,Sporoschismopsis moravica Hol.-Jech. etHennebert andCatenularia cuneiformis (Richon) Mason. The studied fungi produce the conidia in basipetal succession, endogenously or subendogenously, quite internally in large phialides or only inside open swollen collarettes.  相似文献   

The Styginidae is regarded as an exclusively Ordovician family of trilobites, separate from the Scutelluidae. The hitherto poorly known genusProtostygina Prantl &P?ibyl, 1949 is revised. It is recorded with certainty only from the Llanvirn of the Czech Republic, and the type species is a senior synonym of“Raymondaspis” rubensi rubensi P?ibyl &VANěK, 1968 and“R.” rubensi lybar ?najdr, 1976. Two new styginid genera are proposed:Cyrtocybe, with type species“Raymondaspis” turgida Whittington, 1965, is known from the upper Arenig and lower Llanvirn of Newfoundland, Maine and Norway; andPromargo, with type speciesP.forteyi n. sp., occurs in the Arenig of Newfoundland and Spitsbergen.Turgicephalus Fortey, 1980 is regarded as a junior synonym ofRaymondaspis P?ibyl inPrantl &P?ibyl, 1949. Three genera are excluded from the Styginidae:Kirkdomina Tripp, 1962,Pseudostygina Zhou inZhou et al., 1982 andStyginella P?ibyl &Vaněk, 1971.  相似文献   

Due to the unique role of l-proline in the folding and structure of protein, a variety of synthetic proline analogues have been developed. l-Proline analogues have been proven to be valuable reagents for studying cellular metabolism and the regulation of macromolecule synthesis in both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. In addition to these fundamental researches, they are useful compounds for industrial use. For instance, microorganisms that overproduce l-proline have been obtained by isolating mutants resistant to l-proline analogues. They are also promising candidates for tuning the biological, pharmaceutical, or physicochemical properties of naturally occurring or de novo designed peptides. Among l-proline analogues, l-azetidine-2-carboxylic acid (l-AZC) is a toxic non-proteinogenic amino acid originally found in lily of the valley plants and trans-4-hydroxy-l-proline (4-l-THOP) is the most abundant component of mammalian collagen. Many hydroxyprolines (HOPs), such as 4-l-THOP and cis-4-hydroxy-l-proline (4-l-CHOP), are useful chiral building blocks for the organic synthesis of pharmaceuticals. In addition, l-AZC and 4-l-CHOP, which are potent inhibitors of cell growth, have been tested for their antitumor activity in tissue culture and in vivo. In this review, we describe the recent discoveries regarding the physiological properties and microbial production and metabolism of l-proline analogues, particularly l-AZC and HOPs. Their applications in fundamental research and industrial use are also discussed.  相似文献   

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