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Dasypyrum villosum (2n=14), a Mediterranean grass species of the Triticeae, exhibits intraindividual fruit colour polymorphism from pale yellow to almost black. Several studies have reported differences between the plants emerging from pale and dark fruits. They include histone content in root meristem nuclei, cell cycle duration, heterochromatin banding pattern, frequency of a tandemly repeated sequence, and nuclear genome size. In the present study, we examine whether the reports of genome size being up to 1.24-fold larger in seedlings from the lighter caryopses are reproducible. In all, 29 accessions from various countries, totaling 186 plants, were investigated for genome size using flow cytometry with propidium iodide as the DNA stain. Individuals differed 1.12-fold at most and accessions 1.07-fold. The mean genome size (1C-value) was 5.07 pg or 4954 Mbp. Within-accession comparisons of seedlings derived from light and dark caryopses were insignificant (P>0.100). Thus, we found no evidence for a modificatory genome size plasticity in D. villosum. In the light of our data, the previously reported genome size variation, up to 1.66-fold within populations and 1.67-fold between populations, appears unrealistically high. Suboptimal technical procedures for quantitative Feulgen staining are probably responsible for these earlier observations.  相似文献   

The possible effects of foraging strategy on the relationship between vigilance and group size were studied in three species of waders with different foraging strategies. I predict that (1) pause–travel species should show no relationship between scanning and group size, because these species scan for prey as well as for predators; (2) continuous-tactile foraging species should show a positive relationship between flock size and vigilance level, because in their large groups vigilance towards other birds could be used to avoid interference and aggression; and (3) continuous-visual searching species should show the general pattern of decreasing vigilance when group size increases as predicted by both the 'many eyes' and the 'predatory risk' hypotheses. Results support the predictions for the influence of foraging strategy on the relationship between vigilance level and group size. The mutual exclusion of foraging and scanning can determine the importance of the 'many eyes' hypothesis. Such exclusion seems to be determined by foraging strategy. The influence of foraging on scanning must be taken into account in future studies on the group-size effect. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

J. M. WILLIAMS  P. J. B. SLATER 《Ibis》1993,135(2):202-208
The acoustic adaptation hypothesis suggests that song learning in birds is advantageous because it enables song to become adapted to the habitat in which it is sung. A comparison was made among song types recorded from male Chaffinches Fringilla coelebs at a variety of sites in open scrub and in coniferous plantations, as well as in mature pine forest. Although some significant differences were found among habitats, these were few and there was no systematic relationship with features of the environment. This study does not therefore support the acoustic adaptation hypothesis.  相似文献   

Does hippocampal size correlate with the degree of caching specialization?   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
A correlation between the degree of specialization for food hoarding and the volume of the hippocampal formation in passerine birds has been accepted for over a decade. The relationship was first demonstrated in family-level comparisons, and subsequently in species comparisons within two families containing a large number of hoarding species, the Corvidae and the Paridae. Recently, this approach has been criticized as invalid and excessively adaptationist. A recent test of the predicted trends with data pooled from previous studies found no evidence for such a correlation in either of these two families. This result has been interpreted as support for the critique. Here we reanalyse the original dataset and also include additional new data on several parid species. Our results show a surprising difference between continents, with North American species possessing significantly smaller hippocampi than Eurasian ones. Controlling for the continent effect makes the hoarding capacity/hippocampal formation correlation clearly significant in both families. We discuss possible reasons for the continent effect.  相似文献   

Does foraging mode mould morphology in lacertid lizards?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Evolutionary changes in foraging style are often believed to require concurrent changes in a complex suite of morphological, physiological, behavioural and life-history traits. In lizards, species from families with a predominantly sit-and-wait foraging style tend to be more stocky and robust, with larger heads and mouths than species belonging to actively foraging families. Here, we test whether morphology and foraging behaviour show similar patterns of association within the family Lacertidae. We also examine the association of bite force abilities with morphology and foraging behaviour. Lacertid lizards exhibit considerable interspecific variation in foraging indices, and we found some evidence for a covariation between foraging style and body shape. However, the observed relationships are not always in line with the predictions. Also, the significance of the relationships varies with the evolutionary model used. Our results challenge the idea that foraging style is evolutionarily conservative and invariably associated with particular morphologies. It appears that the flexibility of foraging mode and its morphological correlates varies among lizard taxa.  相似文献   

During the breeding season, males often produce costly and extravagant displays or physical ornaments to attract females. Numerous studies have established that testosterone could directly influence the expression of certain sexual signals. However, few of these studies have focused on the indirect role that testosterone could play in modulating prey detection and visual performance to improve the foraging ability of males and hence their acquisition of nutritional resource. In the present study, we experimentally modified the testosterone levels of European tree frog males (Hyla arborea), staying in the natural range previously measured in the field, and we investigated the effect of testosterone on the foraging ability of individuals. Foraging capacities were measured on males placed in an arena with a virtual cricket moving on a computer screen. Our results demonstrated a significant effect of testosterone on the hunting behavior of H. arborea. We observed that testosterone reduced the orientation latency to virtual prey for supplemented males compared to controls. In addition, testosterone significantly increased the attack promptness of male frogs. Finally, our experiment did not demonstrate any impact of testosterone on male attack success.  相似文献   

The adaptive food-web hypothesis suggests that an adaptive foraging switch inverses the classically negative complexity-stability relationships of food webs into positive ones, providing a possible resolution for the long-standing paradox of how populations persist in a complex natural food web. However, its applicability to natural ecosystems has been questioned, because the positive relationship does not emerge when a niche model, a realistic "benchmark" of food-web models, is used. I hypothesize that, in the niche model, increasing connectance influences the fraction of basal species to destabilize the system and this masks the inversion of the negative complexity-stability relationship in the presence of adaptive foraging. A model analysis shows that, if this confounding effect is eliminated, then, even in a niche model, a population is more likely to persist in a more complex food web. This result supports the robustness of adaptive food-web hypothesis and reveals the condition in which the hypothesis should be tested.  相似文献   

Mound-building mice (Mus spicilegus) construct large and often enormous mounds, which may have several functions, including food storage, thermoregulation, and protection from predators. We examined variation in mound size and composition to help determine their adaptive significance. Like previous studies, we found much variation in mound size within and between geographic populations, and the main differences were between habitats: we found up to a 700-fold variation in mound size between corn fields and harvested grain fields. Mice mainly utilized three plants (Amaranthus spp., Chenopdium spp. and Setaria spp.) as building materials, and the availability of these may affect mound size. We found a positive correlation between the availability of plant material in the surrounding of the mound and mound size. Surprisingly, mound size was independent of the number of inhabitants within the mounds, which indicates that larger mounds are not constructed to shelter more individuals. Future studies need to examine how variation in mound size and composition affects overwinter survival, and also which individuals contribute to mound construction.  相似文献   

Reconstructing function from hominin fossils is complicated by disagreements over how to interpret primitively inherited, ape-like morphology. This has led to considerable research on aspects of skeletal morphology that may be sensitive to activity levels during life. We quantify trabecular bone morphology in three volumes of interest (dorsal, central, and palmar) in the third metacarpal heads of extant primates that differ in hand function: Pan troglodytes, Pongo pygmaeus, Papio anubis, and Homo sapiens. Results show that bone volume within third metacarpal heads generally matches expectations based on differences in function, providing quantitative support to previous studies. Pongo shows significantly low bone volume in the dorsal region of the metacarpal head. Humans show a similar pattern, as manipulative tasks mostly involve flexed and neutral metacarpo-phalangeal joint postures. In contrast, Pan and Papio have relatively high bone volume in dorsal and palmar regions, which are loaded during knuckle-walking/digitigrady and climbing, respectively. Regional variation in degree of anisotropy did not match predictions. Although trabecular morphology may improve behavioral inferences from fossils, more sophisticated quantitative strategies are needed to explore trabecular spatial distributions and their relationships to hand function.  相似文献   

Recently, it has been shown that ratios of chlorophyll a toparticulate phosphorus (Chl a/PP) and chlorophyll a to particulatenitrogen (Chl a/PN) were significantly higher in eutrophic thanoligo/mesotrophic waters in 17 lakes on the central volcanicplateau, North Island, New Zealand. This difference was thoughtto be due to an increase in the chlorophyll a content of phytoplanktonin these eutrophic lakes. Corresponding measurements of chlorophylla and phytoplankton cell volume made during this study do notsupport this hypothesis. However, ratios of chlorophyll a toadenosine triphosphate and estimates of percentage phytoplanktonbiomass were significantly higher (P<0.05) in our eutrophicthan oligo/mesotrophic samples, suggesting that Chl a/PP andChl a/PN may be high in eutrophic waters simply because phytoplanktoncomprise more of the total microbial biomass. This hypothesisis supported by a strong linear relationship (r=0.88, P<0.001)between Chl a/PP and percentage phytoplankton biomass in sixof our study lakes where corresponding measurements were made.  相似文献   

The ability to regulate the rates of metabolic processes in response to changes in the internal and/or external environment is a fundamental feature which is inherent in all organisms. This adaptability is necessary for conserving the stability of the intercellular environment (homeostasis) which is essential for maintaining an efficient functional state in the organism. Symbiotic nitrogen fixation in legumes is an important process which establishes from the complex interaction between the host plant and microorganism. This process is widely believed to be regulated by the host plant nitrogen demand through a whole plant N feedback mechanism in particular under unfavorable conditions. This mechanism is probably triggered by the impact of shoot-borne, phloem-delivered substances. The precise mechanism of the potential signal is under debate, however, the whole phenomenon is probably related to a constant amino acid cycling within the plant, thereby signaling the shoot nitrogen status. Recent work indicating that there may be a flow of nitrogen to bacteroids is discussed in light of hypothesis that such a flow may be important to nodule function. Large amount of γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) are cycled through the root nodules of the symbiotic plants. In this paper some recent evidence concerning the possible role of GABA in whole-plant-based upregulation of symbiotic nitrogen fixation will be reviewed.Key words: γ-aminobutyric acid, nitrogen fixation, nodule, symbiosis, translocation, signalingNitrogen (N) is major limiting nutrient for the growth of most plant species in different ecosystems. Acquisition and assimilation of N is second in importance only to photosynthesis for plant growth and development. Elemental N is a key constituent of protein, nucleic acids and other vital cellular components. Most plants acquire N from the soil solution either as nitrate or ammonium ions. In addition, some plants can utilize the atmospheric gaseous nitrogen pool through symbiotic associations with species of bacteria, cyanobacteria or actinomycetes that contain the N2 fixing enzyme, nitrogenase. Clearly, the crucial role that symbiotic plants play in plant growth requires that physiologists understand the biochemical and molecular events that regulate fixation and subsequent metabolism of nitrogen.Symbiotic N2 fixation is an important process for increasing the plant available N and thereby the growth capacity of legumes. This process results from the complex interaction between the host plant and microorganism.1 The host plant provides the microorganism with carbon and a source of energy for growth and functions while the microorganism fixes atmospheric N2 and provides the plant with a source of reduced nitrogen in the form of ammonium. An adequate supply of carbohydrates is an essential requirement of nodule functioning as N2 fixation is expensive in terms both of energy and carbon for the synthesis of N-products. Sucrose synthesized in photosynthesis and exported to the nodules via the phloem, is the primary fuel for N2 fixation.2 Sucrose can be metabolized in the cytoplasm of infected, uninfected or interstitial cells with organic acids as the end products. Malate is strongly believed to be the major respiratory substrate for bacteroids.3 This dicarboxylic acid is the major energy source for the bacteroids and plant mitochondria, and is used for NH4+ assimilation as carbon skeleton in the glutamine synthetase/glutamate synthase (GS/GOGAT) pathway.4 The products of symbiotic N2 fixation are exported from the nodules to the rest of the host plant where they are incorporated into essential macro-molecules such as amino acids, proteins that drive plant growth, development and yields. According to the fixation products, root nodules are generally divided into two major groupings:1 (1) indeterminate nodules that are elongate-cylindrical activity that transport fixed N as amides such as alfalfa, pea and clover; and (2) determinate nodules that are spherical with determinate internal meristematic activity that transport fixed N as ureides, such as soybean and common bean. The complex series of events leading to the formation and functioning of the fixation machinery required controlled coordinated expression of both bacterial and host plant genes.  相似文献   

In natural aquatic system, Scenedesmus and Microcystis species usually coexist. Microcystins are released into water after lysis of Microcystis cells during the collapse of heavy blooms. The released toxins can then come into contact with a wide range of aquatic organisms. In this study, we used filtered Daphnia test water containing kairomone from Daphnia magna to stimulate the inducible colony formation in Scenedesmus obliquus under microcystin-contaminated system, to examine how microcystin affects the induced effect of Daphnia kairomone on colony formation in S. obliquus. The results showed neither microcystin nor Daphnia kairomone affected the growth of S. obliquus. Microcystin neither promoted nor impaired the overall Daphnia-induced colony formation in S. obliquus, except reducing the proportion of eight-celled colonies on day 2, indicating that the effect of microcystin was just short-term and in general did not disrupt grazer-induced colony formation of S. obliquus.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine the diets of Portunus pelagicus in the large Peel-Harvey and Leschenault estuaries in south-western Australia in order to ascertain whether the dietary composition of this crab changes with body size during two different moult stages and differs between the two estuaries. Portunus pelagicus, ranging in age and carapace width from ca. 2 months and 12 mm to ca. 112 years and 159 mm, were collected from the shallow basins of the Peel-Harvey and Leschenault estuaries. Examination of the cardiac stomachs of these crabs showed that P. pelagicus does not feed just before or immediately after moulting and that the stomachs of recently-moulted crabs contained significantly more food than those of intermoult crabs. Although the volumetric contribution made by calcareous material to the stomach contents was similarly high in all size classes of recently-moulted crabs, i.e. 47 to 55%, the volumetric contributions made by small bivalves decreased with body size, whereas the reverse occurred with shell fragments of large decapods and, to a lesser extent, polychaetes. The dietary compositions of intermoult crabs were shown by classification and multi-dimensional scaling ordination to differ markedly from those of recently-moulted crabs and to undergo similar progressive ontogenetic changes in both the Peel-Harvey and Leschenault estuaries. Thus, the contribution made by small benthic and epibenthic crustaceans, such as amphipods and tanaids, declined with increasing body size, whereas the reverse occurred with larger prey, such as nereid polychaetes, small decapods and teleosts. The dietary composition of P. pelagicus was influenced more by moult stage, i.e. recently moulted vs. intermoult, than by body size. Although the dietary compositions of P. pelagicus in the two estuaries were not significantly different, they did differ from those recorded from coastal marine waters in the same region, thereby reflecting differences in the potential prey in those two environments.  相似文献   

Individuals may join groups for several reasons, one of which is the possibility of sharing information about the quality of a foraging area. Sharing information in a patch-foraging scenario gives each group member an opportunity to make a more accurate estimate of the quality of the patch. In this paper we present a mathematical model in which we study the effect of group size on patch-leaving policy and per capita intake rate. In the model, group members share information equally in a random search for food. Food is distributed in patches according to a negative binomial distribution. A prediction from our model is that, the larger the group, the earlier each group member should leave the current patch. We also find that the benefit from enhanced exchange of information does not exceed the cost of sharing food with group members. The per capita intake rate decreases as the group size increases. Therefore, animals should only form groups when other factors outweigh the costs, which is easiest to achieve when the travelling time is short.  相似文献   

Variation in floral allocation within inflorescences has been attributed to resource competition and/or architectural effect.The two hypotheses were extensively studied and both hypotheses were partly ...  相似文献   

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