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Family-based tests of linkage disequilibrium typically are based on nuclear-family data including affected individuals and their parents or their unaffected siblings. A limitation of such tests is that they generally are not valid tests of association when data from related nuclear families from larger pedigrees are used. Standard methods require selection of a single nuclear family from any extended pedigrees when testing for linkage disequilibrium. Often data are available for larger pedigrees, and it would be desirable to have a valid test of linkage disequilibrium that can use all potentially informative data. In this study, we present the pedigree disequilibrium test (PDT) for analysis of linkage disequilibrium in general pedigrees. The PDT can use data from related nuclear families from extended pedigrees and is valid even when there is population substructure. Using computer simulations, we demonstrated validity of the test when the asymptotic distribution is used to assess the significance, and examined statistical power. Power simulations demonstrate that, when extended pedigree data are available, substantial gains in power can be attained by use of the PDT rather than existing methods that use only a subset of the data. Furthermore, the PDT remains more powerful even when there is misclassification of unaffected individuals. Our simulations suggest that there may be advantages to using the PDT even if the data consist of independent families without extended family information. Thus, the PDT provides a general test of linkage disequilibrium that can be widely applied to different data structures.  相似文献   

Most linkage programs assume linkage equilibrium among multiple linked markers. This assumption may lead to bias for tightly linked markers where strong linkage disequilibrium (LD) exists. We used simulated data from Genetic Analysis Workshop 14 to examine the possible effect of LD on multipoint linkage analysis. Single-nucleotide polymorphism packets from a non-disease-related region that was generated with LD were used for both model-free and parametric linkage analyses. Results showed that high LD among markers can induce false-positive evidence of linkage for affected sib-pair analysis when parental data are missing. Bias can be eliminated with parental data and can be reduced when additional markers not in LD are included in the analyses.  相似文献   

Many investigators of complexly inherited familial traits bypass classical segregation analysis to perform model-free genome-wide linkage scans. Because model-based or parametric linkage analysis may be the most powerful means to localize genes when a model can be approximated, model-free statistics may result in a loss of power to detect linkage. We performed limited segregation analyses on the electrophysiological measurements that have been collected for the Collaborative Study on the Genetics of Alcoholism. The resulting models are used in whole-genome scans. Four genomic regions provided a model-based LOD > 2 and only 3 of these were detected (p < 0.05) by a model-free approach. We conclude that parametric methods, using even over-simplified models of complex phenotypes, may complement nonparametric methods and decrease false positives.  相似文献   

Linkage analysis with genetic markers has been successful in the localization of genes for many monogenic human diseases. In studies of complex diseases, however, tests that rely on linkage disequilibrium (the simultaneous presence of linkage and association) are often more powerful than those that rely on linkage alone. This advantage is illustrated by the transmission/disequilibrium test (TDT). The TDT requires data (marker genotypes) for affected individuals and their parents; for some diseases, however, data from parents may be difficult or impossible to obtain. In this article, we describe a method, called the "sib TDT" (or "S-TDT"), that overcomes this problem by use of marker data from unaffected sibs instead of from parents, thus allowing application of the principle of the TDT to sibships without parental data. In a single collection of families, there might be some that can be analyzed only by the TDT and others that are suitable for analysis by the S-TDT. We show how all the data may be used jointly in one overall TDT-type procedure that tests for linkage in the presence of association. These extensions of the TDT will be valuable for the study of diseases of late onset, such as non-insulin-dependent diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and other diseases associated with aging.  相似文献   

Historically, most methods for detecting linkage disequilibrium were designed for use with diallelic marker loci, for which the analysis is straightforward. With the advent of polymorphic markers with many alleles, the normal approach to their analysis has been either to extend the methodology for two-allele systems (leading to an increase in df and to a corresponding loss of power) or to select the allele believed to be associated and then collapse the other alleles, reducing, in a biased way, the locus to a diallelic system. I propose a likelihood-based approach to testing for linkage disequilibrium, an approach that becomes more conservative as the number of alleles increases, and as the number of markers considered jointly increases in a multipoint test for linkage disequilibrium, while maintaining high power. Properties of this method for detecting associations and fine mapping the location of disease traits are investigated. It is found to be, in general, more powerful than conventional methods, and it provides a tractable framework for the fine mapping of new disease loci. Application to the cystic fibrosis data of Kerem et al, is included to illustrate the method.  相似文献   

We propose a new method for family-based tests of association and linkage called transmission/disequilibrium tests incorporating unaffected offspring (TDTU). This new approach, constructed based on transmission/disequilibrium tests for quantitative traits (QTDT), provides a natural extension of the transmission/disequilibrium test (TDT) to utilize transmission information from heterozygous parents to their unaffected offspring as well as the affected offspring from ascertained nuclear families. TDTU can be used in various study designs and can accommodate all types of independent nuclear families with at least one affected offspring. When the study sample contains only case-parent trios, the TDTU is equivalent to TDT. Informative-transmission disequilibrium test (i-TDT) and generalized disequilibrium test(GDT) are another two methods that can use information of both unaffected offspring and affected offspring. In contract to i-TDT and GDT, the test statistic of TDTU is simpler and more explicit, and can be implemented more easily. Through computer simulations, we demonstrate that power of the TDTU is slightly higher compared to i-TDT and GDT. All the three methods are more powerful than method that uses affected offspring only, suggesting that unaffected siblings also provide information about linkage and association.  相似文献   

In the 20th century geneticists began to unravel some of the simpler aspects of the etiology of inherited diseases in humans. The theory of linkage analysis was developed and applied long before the advent of molecular biology, but only the technological advances of the second half of the 20th century made large-scale gene mapping with a dense genome-spanning set of markers a reality. More recently, the primary topic of interest has shifted from simple Mendelian diseases, for which genotypes of some gene are the cause of disease, to more complex diseases, for which genotypes of some set of genes together with environmental factors merely alter the probability that an individual gets the disease, although individual factors are typically insufficient to cause the disease outright. To this end, a great deal of dogma has evolved about the best way to skin this cat, although to date success has been minimal with any approach. We postulate that the main reason for this is a lack of attention to experimental design. Once the data have been ascertained, the most powerful statistical methods will not be able to salvage an inappropriately designed study (Andersen 1990). Each phenotype and/or population mandates its own individually tailored study design to maximize the chances of successful gene mapping. We suggest that careful consideration of the available data from real genotype-phenotype correlation studies (as opposed to oversimplified theoretically tractable models), and the practical feasibility of different ascertainment schemes dictate how one should proceed. In this review we review the theory and practice of gene mapping at the close of the 20th century, showing that most methods of linkage and linkage disequilibrium analysis are similar in a fundamental sense, with the differences being related more to study design and ascertainment than to technical details of the underlying statistical analysis. To this end, we propose a new focus in the field of statistical genetics that more explicitly highlights the primacy of study design as the means to increase power for gene mapping.  相似文献   

Mourad R  Sinoquet C  Dina C  Leray P 《PloS one》2011,6(12):e27320
Linkage disequilibrium study represents a major issue in statistical genetics as it plays a fundamental role in gene mapping and helps us to learn more about human history. The linkage disequilibrium complex structure makes its exploratory data analysis essential yet challenging. Visualization methods, such as the triangular heat map implemented in Haploview, provide simple and useful tools to help understand complex genetic patterns, but remain insufficient to fully describe them. Probabilistic graphical models have been widely recognized as a powerful formalism allowing a concise and accurate modeling of dependences between variables. In this paper, we propose a method for short-range, long-range and chromosome-wide linkage disequilibrium visualization using forests of hierarchical latent class models. Thanks to its hierarchical nature, our method is shown to provide a compact view of both pairwise and multilocus linkage disequilibrium spatial structures for the geneticist. Besides, a multilocus linkage disequilibrium measure has been designed to evaluate linkage disequilibrium in hierarchy clusters. To learn the proposed model, a new scalable algorithm is presented. It constrains the dependence scope, relying on physical positions, and is able to deal with more than one hundred thousand single nucleotide polymorphisms. The proposed algorithm is fast and does not require phase genotypic data.  相似文献   

Wang T  Elston RC 《Human heredity》2005,60(3):134-142
The lack of replication of model-free linkage analyses performed on complex diseases raises questions about the robustness of these methods to various biases. The confounding effect of population stratification on a genetic association study has long been recognized in the genetic epidemiology community. Because the estimation of the number of alleles shared identical by descent (IBD) does not depend on the marker allele frequency when founders of families are observed, model-free linkage analysis is usually thought to be robust to population stratification. However, for common complex diseases, the genotypes of founders are often unobserved and therefore population stratification has the potential to impair model-free linkage analysis. Here, we demonstrate that, when some or all of the founder genotypes are missing, population stratification can introduce deleterious effects on various model-free linkage methods or designs. For an affected sib pair design, it can cause excess false-positive discoveries even when the trait distribution is homogeneous among subpopulations. After incorporating a control group of discordant sib pairs or for a quantitative trait, two circumstances must be met for population stratification to be a confounder: the distributions for both the marker and the trait must be heterogeneous among subpopulations. When this occurs, the bias can result in either a liberal, and hence invalid, test or a conservative test. Bias can be eliminated or alleviated by inclusion of founders' or other family members' genotype data. When this is not possible, new methods need to be developed to be robust to population stratification.  相似文献   

Most multipoint linkage programs assume linkage equilibrium among the markers being studied. The assumption is appropriate for the study of sparsely spaced markers with intermarker distances exceeding a few centimorgans, because linkage equilibrium is expected over these intervals for almost all populations. However, with recent advancements in high-throughput genotyping technology, much denser markers are available, and linkage disequilibrium (LD) may exist among the markers. Applying linkage analyses that assume linkage equilibrium to dense markers may lead to bias. Here, we demonstrated that, when some or all of the parental genotypes are missing, assuming linkage equilibrium among tightly linked markers where strong LD exists can cause apparent oversharing of multipoint identity by descent (IBD) between sib pairs and false-positive evidence for multipoint model-free linkage analysis of affected sib pair data. LD can also mimic linkage between a disease locus and multiple tightly linked markers, thus causing false-positive evidence of linkage using parametric models, particularly when heterogeneity LOD score approaches are applied. Bias can be eliminated by inclusion of parental genotype data and can be reduced when additional unaffected siblings are included in the analysis.  相似文献   

Ionita I  Lo SH 《Human heredity》2005,60(4):227-240
OBJECTIVE: The conventional affected sib pair methods evaluate the linkage information at a locus by considering only marginal information. We describe a multilocus linkage method that uses both the marginal information and information derived from the possible interactions among several disease loci, thereby increasing the significance of loci with modest effects. METHODS: Our method is based on a statistic that quantifies the linkage information contained in a set of markers. By a marker selection-reduction process, we screen a set of polymorphisms and select a few that seem linked to disease. RESULTS: We test our approach on genome scan data for inflammatory bowel disease (InfBD) and on simulated data. On real data we detect 6 of the 8 known InfBD loci; on simulated data we obtain improvements in power of up to 40% compared to a conventional single-locus method. CONCLUSION: Our extensive simulations and the results on real data show that our method is in general more powerful than single-locus methods in detecting disease loci responsible for complex traits. A further advantage of our approach is that it can be extended to make use of both the linkage and the linkage disequilibrium between disease loci and nearby markers.  相似文献   

Family-based association methods have been developed primarily for autosomal markers. The X-linked sibling transmission/disequilibrium test (XS-TDT) and the reconstruction-combined TDT for X-chromosome markers (XRC-TDT) are the first association-based methods for testing markers on the X chromosome in family data sets. These are valid tests of association in family triads or discordant sib pairs but are not theoretically valid in multiplex families when linkage is present. Recently, XPDT and XMCPDT, modified versions of the pedigree disequilibrium test (PDT), were proposed. Like the PDT, XPDT compares genotype transmissions from parents to affected offspring or genotypes of discordant siblings; however, the XPDT can have low power if there are many missing parental genotypes. XMCPDT uses a Monte Carlo sampling approach to infer missing parental genotypes on the basis of true or estimated population allele frequencies. Although the XMCPDT was shown to be more powerful than the XPDT, variability in the statistic due to the use of an estimate of allele frequency is not properly accounted for. Here, we present a novel family-based test of association, X-APL, a modification of the test for association in the presence of linkage (APL) test. Like the APL, X-APL can use singleton or multiplex families and properly infers missing parental genotypes in linkage regions by considering identity-by-descent parameters for affected siblings. Sampling variability of parameter estimates is accounted for through a bootstrap procedure. X-APL can test individual marker loci or X-chromosome haplotypes. To allow for different penetrances in males and females, separate sex-specific tests are provided. Using simulated data, we demonstrated validity and showed that the X-APL is more powerful than alternative tests. To show its utility and to discuss interpretation in real-data analysis, we also applied the X-APL to candidate-gene data in a sample of families with Parkinson disease.  相似文献   

A novel multitrait fine-mapping method is presented. The method is implemented by a model that treats QTL effects as random variables. The covariance matrix of allelic effects is proportional to the IBD matrix, where each element is the probability that a pair of alleles is identical by descent, given marker information and QTL position. These probabilities are calculated on the basis of similarities of marker haplotypes of individuals of the first generation of genotyped individuals, using "gene dropping" (linkage disequilibrium) and transmission of markers from genotyped parents to genotyped offspring (linkage). A small simulation study based on a granddaughter design was carried out to illustrate that the method provides accurate estimates of QTL position. Results from the simulation also indicate that it is possible to distinguish between a model postulating one pleiotropic QTL affecting two traits vs. one postulating two closely linked loci, each affecting one of the traits.  相似文献   

Incorporating genotypes of relatives into a test of linkage disequilibrium.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Genetic data from autosomal loci in diploids generally consist of genotype data for which no phase information is available, making it difficult to implement a test of linkage disequilibrium. In this paper, we describe a test of linkage disequilibrium based on an empirical null distribution of the likelihood of a sample. Information on the genotypes of related individuals is explicitly used to help reconstruct the gametic phase of the independent individuals. Simulation studies show that the present approach improves on estimates of linkage disequilibrium gathered from samples of completely independent individuals but only if some offspring are sampled together with their parents. The failure to incorporate some parents sharply decreases the sensitivity and accuracy of the test. Simulations also show that for multiallelic data (more than two alleles) our testing procedure is not as powerful as an exact test based on known haplotype frequencies, owing to the interaction between departure from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium and linkage disequilibrium.  相似文献   

Complex disease mapping usually involves a combination of linkage and association techniques. Linkage analysis can scan the entire genome in a few hundred tests. Association tests may involve an even greater number of tests. However, association tests can localize the susceptibility genes more accurately. Using a recently developed combined linkage and association strategy, we analyzed a subset of the Collaborative Study on the Genetics of Alcoholism (COGA) data for the Genetic Analysis Workshop 14 (GAW14). In this analysis, we first employed linkage analysis based on frailty models that take into account age of onset information to establish which regions along the chromosome are likely to harbor disease susceptibility genes for alcohol dependence. Second, we used an association analysis by exploiting linkage disequilibrium to narrow down the peak regions. We also compare the methods with mean identity-by-descent tests and transmission/disequilibrium tests that do not use age of onset information.  相似文献   

In studies of complex diseases, a common paradigm is to conduct association analysis at markers in regions identified by linkage analysis, to attempt to narrow the region of interest. Family-based tests for association based on parental transmissions to affected offspring are often used in fine-mapping studies. However, for diseases with late onset, parental genotypes are often missing. Without parental genotypes, family-based tests either compare allele frequencies in affected individuals with those in their unaffected siblings or use siblings to infer missing parental genotypes. An example of the latter approach is the score test implemented in the computer program TRANSMIT. The inference of missing parental genotypes in TRANSMIT assumes that transmissions from parents to affected siblings are independent, which is appropriate when there is no linkage. However, using computer simulations, we show that, when the marker and disease locus are linked and the data set consists of families with multiple affected siblings, this assumption leads to a bias in the score statistic under the null hypothesis of no association between the marker and disease alleles. This bias leads to an inflated type I error rate for the score test in regions of linkage. We present a novel test for association in the presence of linkage (APL) that correctly infers missing parental genotypes in regions of linkage by estimating identity-by-descent parameters, to adjust for correlation between parental transmissions to affected siblings. In simulated data, we demonstrate the validity of the APL test under the null hypothesis of no association and show that the test can be more powerful than the pedigree disequilibrium test and family-based association test. As an example, we compare the performance of the tests in a candidate-gene study in families with Parkinson disease.  相似文献   

A decade ago, there was widespread enthusiasm for the prospects of genome-wide association studies to identify common variants related to common chronic diseases using samples of unrelated individuals from populations. Although technological advancements allow us to query more than a million SNPs across the genome at low cost, a disappointingly small fraction of the genetic portion of common disease etiology has been uncovered. This has led to the hypothesis that less frequent variants might be involved, stimulating a renaissance of the traditional approach of seeking genes using multiplex families from less diverse populations. However, by using the modern genotyping and sequencing technology, we can now look not just at linkage, but jointly at linkage and linkage disequilibrium (LD) in such samples. Software methods that can look simultaneously at linkage and LD in a powerful and robust manner have been lacking. Most algorithms cannot jointly analyze datasets involving families of varying structures in a statistically or computationally efficient manner. We have implemented previously proposed statistical algorithms in a user-friendly software package, PSEUDOMARKER. This paper is an announcement of this software package. We describe the motivation behind the approach, the statistical methods, and software, and we briefly demonstrate PSEUDOMARKER's advantages over other packages by example.  相似文献   

Zhu X  Elston RC  Cooper RS 《Human heredity》2001,51(4):183-191
Zhu and Elston developed a transmission disequilibrium test for quantitative traits by defining a linear transformation to condition out founder information. The method tests the null hypothesis of no linkage or association and can be applied to general pedigree structures. However, this method requires both genotype and phenotype parental information, which may be difficult to obtain. In this paper, we describe parametric and non-parametric methods to relax this requirement when only nuclear families are sampled. We show that neither method is affected by population stratification in the absence of linkage. The statistical power and validity of the tests are investigated by simulation. A simple simulation method to calculate the power of the nonparametric method is also discussed. In practice, the data may have some families with parental phenotype and genotype information available and some without. We briefly discuss how all the data may be analyzed jointly.  相似文献   

Inferences about linkage disequilibrium.   总被引:32,自引:0,他引:32  
B S Weir 《Biometrics》1979,35(1):235-254
Existing theory for inferences about linkage disequilibrium is restricted to a measure defined on gametic frequencies. Unless gametic frequencies are directly observable, they are inferred from genotypic frequencies under the assumption of random union of gametes. Primary emphasis in this paper is given to genotypic data, and disequilibrium coefficients are defined for all subsets of two or more of the four genes, two at each of two loci, carried by an individual. Linkage disequilibrium coefficients are defined for genes within and between gametes, and methods of estimating and testing these coefficients are given for gametic data. For genotypic data, when coupling and repulsion double heterozygotes cannot be distinguished. Burrows' composite measure of linkage disequilibrium is discussed. In particular, the estimate for this measure and hypothesis tests based on it are compared to the usual maximum likelihood estimate of gametic linkage disequilibrium, and corresponding likelihood ratio or contingency chi-square tests. General use of the composite measure, whether or not random union of gametes is an appropriate assumption, is recommended. Attention is given to small samples, where the non-normality of gene frequencies will have greatest effect on methods of inference based on normal theory. Even tools such as Fisher's z-transformation for the correlation of gene frequencies are found to perform quite satisfactorily.  相似文献   

The opportunity raised by recombinant DNA technology to develop a linkage marker panel that spans the human genome requires cost-efficient strategies for its optimal utilization. Questions arise as to whether it is more cost-effective to convert a dimorphic restriction enzyme marker system into a highly polymorphic system or, instead, to increase the number of families studied, simply using the available marker alleles. The choice is highly dependent on the population available for study, and, therefore, an examination of the informational content of the various family structures is important to obtain the most informative data. To guide such decisions, we have developed tables of the average sample number of families required to detect linkage for autosomal recessive disorders under single backcross and under "fully informative" matings. The latter cross consists of a marker locus with highly polymorphic codominant alleles such that the parental marker genotypes can be uniquely distinguished. The sampling scheme considers families with unaffected parents of known mating types ascertained via affected offspring, for sibship sizes ranging from two to four and various numbers of affected individuals. The sample-size tables, calculated for various values of the recombination fractions and lod scores, may serve as a guide to a more efficient application of the restriction fragment length polymorphism technology to sequential linkage analysis.  相似文献   

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