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Insects live in a three-dimensional space, and need to be able to attach to different types of surfaces in a variety of environmental and behavioral contexts. Adult leaf beetles possess great attachment ability due to their hairy attachment pads. In contrast, their larvae depend on smooth pads to attach to the same host plant. We tested friction forces generated by larvae and adults of dock leaf beetles Gastrophysa viridula on different rough surfaces, and found that adults generate much higher attachment to various substrates than larvae, but are more susceptible to completely losing attachment ability on surfaces with “critical” roughness. Furthermore, sex-specific setal morphology has the effect that attachment forces of male adults are generally higher than those of females when adjusted for body weight. The results are discussed in the context of development, ecology, and changing behavioral strategies of successive life stages.  相似文献   

The arolium in Lycorma delicatula is shaped as a truncated pyramid, tapering proximally. The base or the terminal area is corrugated, forming parasagittal wrinkles (period 1.5-5.0 microm), which are supported from inside by cuticular dendrites. Side faces of the arolium are made up of sclerotized dorsolateral plates. When claws slip on a smooth substrate and pronate, the dorsolateral plates diverge and expand the sticky terminal area. The real contact area with the glass plate was recognized by light reflection on its periphery. This area was measured and shown to be smaller when the leg was pressed perpendicularly to the substrate (0.02 mm(2)) than when it was sheared in a direction parallel to the substrate (0.05 mm(2)). Attachment forces were measured with the aid of dynamometric platforms during pulling of active insects from horizontal or vertical glass surfaces. Normal adhesive force (about 9-12 mN) was much less than friction force during sliding with velocity of 6-17 mm/s (50-100 mN); however, when expressed in tenacity per unit contact area the difference was less pronounced: 170 and 375-625 mN/mm(2), respectively. Sliding of the arolium during shear displacement was shown to be oscillatory in frame-by-frame video analysis. Relaxative oscillations consisted of periodical sticks-slips of the arolium along the glass surface.  相似文献   

Climbing organisms are constantly challenged to make their way rapidly and reliably across varied and often novel terrain. A diversity of morphologically and mechanically disparate attachment strategies have evolved across widely distributed phylogenetic groups to aid legged animals in scaling these surfaces, notable among them some very impressive adhesive pads. Despite the differences between, for example, the dry fibrillar pads of geckos and the smooth, secretion-aided pads of stick insects, I hypothesize that they face similar functional demands in their environment. I outline three broad criteria defining dynamic biological adhesion: reusability, reversibility, and substrate tolerance. Organismal adhesive pads must be able to attach repeatedly without significant decline in performance, detach easily at will, and adhere strongly to the broadest possible range of surfaces in their habitat. A survey of the literature suggests that evidence for these general principles can be found in existing research, but that many gaps remain to be filled. By taking a comparative, integrative approach to biological dynamic adhesion, rather than focusing on a few model organisms, investigators will continue to discover new and interesting attachment strategies in natural systems.  相似文献   


The attachment of three anaerobic microorganisms, Desulfomonile tiedjei, Syntrophomonas wolfei, and Desulfovibrio sp. strain G11, was investigated to determine if the presence of one species could influence the adhesion of another species to glass surfaces. The results indicated that the numbers and distribution of attached cells of one species could be influenced considerably by the presence of another species and the order in which the test species were exposed to the surface. D. tiedjei was found to detach readily from surfaces when it was not the primary colonizer. The attachment of Desulfovibrio G11 as the primary colonizer appeared to be stabilized by exposure to another test species. Under certain experimental conditions the test organisms formed close associations with each other on the surfaces. These findings demonstrate that the characteristics of anaerobic community biofilms can be determined by both the adhesion characteristics of the individual species and the interactions among those microorganisms.  相似文献   

Despite impressive variation in leg number, length, position and type of skeleton, similarities of legged, pedestrian locomotion exist in energetics, gait, stride frequency and ground-reaction force. Analysis of data available in the literature showed that a bouncing, spring-mass, monopode model can approximate the energetics and dynamics of trotting, running, and hopping in animals as diverse as cockroaches, quail and kangaroos. From an animal's mechanical-energy fluctuation and ground-reaction force, we calculated the compression of a virtual monopode's leg and its stiffness. Comparison of dimensionless parameters revealed that locomotor dynamics depend on gait and leg number and not on body mass. Relative stiffness per leg was similar for all animals and appears to be a very conservative quantity in the design of legged locomotor systems. Differences in the general dynamics of gait are based largely on the number of legs acting simultaneously to determine the total stiffness of the system. Four- and six-legged trotters had a greater whole body stiffness than two-legged runners operating their systems at about the same relative speed. The greater whole body stiffness in trotters resulted in a smaller compression of the virtual leg and a higher natural frequency and stride frequency.  相似文献   

The morphology, ultrastrucure, effective elastic modulus, and adhesive properties of two different smooth-type attachment pads were studied in two orthopteran species. Tettigonia viridissima (Ensifera) and Locusta migratoria (Caelifera) have a similar structural organization of their attachment pads. They both possess a flexible exocuticle, where the cuticular fibrils are fused into relatively large rods oriented at an angle to the surface. The compliant material of the pad contributes to the contact formation with the substrate. However, the pad material structure was found to be different in these two species. L. migratoria pads bear a thick sub-superficial layer, as well as a higher density of rods. The indentation experiments showed a higher effective elastic modulus and a lower work of adhesion for L. migratoria pads. When the indentations were made at different depths, a higher effective elastic modulus was revealed at lower indentation depths in both species. This effect is explained by the higher stiffness of the superficial pad layer. The obtained results demonstrate a clear correlation between density of the fibres, thickness of the superficial layer, compliance of the pad, and its adhesive properties. Such material structures and properties may be dependent on the preferred environment of each species.  相似文献   

Frequencies of articular surface defects on the third metatarsal and third cuneiform, seen as pits of varying sizes on the plantar one third of the tarsometatarsal articular face, were investigated in skeletal populations from North America and Japan, as well as in gibbon, orangutan, chimpanzee, and gorilla skeletons. The apes did not exhibit the defects, although the number of observed specimens of each type was small. The newly presented human frequencies corresponded well with those from other published sources. The defects appeared both unilaterally and bilaterally, with no apparent sex or side biases. Statistical tests between the various populations found that, in general, geographically close populations had more similar frequencies of the defect. Possible etiologies for the defect were investigated, including biomechanical influences, degenerative arthritis, infection, trauma, and a developmental condition known as tarsal coalition, which proved to be the best explanation. Tarsal coalition results from the failure of a joint space to form properly during fetal growth. It can occur between any two adjacent bones of the foot. Several clinically important coalitions, whose presence interferes with normal walking, are known. However, coalition between the third metatarsal and third cuneiform has not been reported in the clinical literature, suggesting that the defect causes little or no foot dysfunction. Tarsal coalition is thought to have a strong genetic component, suggesting that the pit defect may be useful as a skeletal nonmetric trait, as others have stated. Am J Phys Anthropol 109:53–65, 1999. © 1999 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Friction of volar skin on wood is not proportional to load in human beings and prosimians, but to load raised to a fractional power. This meets theoretical expectations for the frictional characteristics of convex elastic surfaces. Although this enables small clawless primates to cling to steeper slopes and larger vertical supports than would otherwise be possible, the magnitude of the effect is not great enough to overcome the disadvantages of clawlessness in climbing vertical or steeply-sloping tree trunks and branches. In human subjects, friction appears to be more nearly proportional to load than in small prosimians used as experimental subjects. It is suggested that this is due to the fact that the small animals have discrete, elevated volar pads. Pad coalescence in large primates may be an adaptation for increasing the power to which load must be raised to become proportional to friction; increasing this exponent yields more friction per unit of adduction force on supports that are small relative to the animals' dimensions and weights.  相似文献   

Hyaluronan (HA) is a ubiquitous, major component of the extracellular matrix. It is involved in cell adhesion and locomotion, and hence in tumor metastasis. We have previously reported that 4-methylumbelliferone (MU) inhibits HA synthesis and may be a useful tool for examining the functions of HA. We here demonstrate that the formation of cell surface HA by melanoma cells and its release into the culture medium are inhibited by MU. Adhesion and locomotion assays revealed that the adhesion and locomotion of melanoma cells were dose-dependently inhibited by MU. Conversely, treatment with exogenous HA enhanced both adhesion and locomotion. Thus, preventing the formation of cell surface HA reduced both the adhesion and locomotion of melanoma cells, suggesting that MU may act as an inhibitor of tumor metastasis.  相似文献   

Abstract Factors influencing the adhesion of Ruminococcus albus to cellulose were investigated. Changes in pH between 5.5 and 8.0 had little effect but below pH 5.0 there was a marked decrease in adhesion. The optimum temperature for adhesion was around 30°C. Carboxymethyl cellulose and methyl cellulose both inhibited adhesion, but no significant inhibition was caused by starch or amylopectin. Glucose and cellobiose as well as rumen fluid and sodium chloride mildly stimulated adhesion. Adhesion was resistant to the action of detergents and was not inhibited by EDTA or potassium thiocyanate. Certain commercial lignin compounds caused a marked reduction in adhesion, but a range of phenolic monomers had no significant effect.  相似文献   

Combined hemelytra-locking system of Heteroptera, consisting of several locking mechanisms, aids the mechanical stabilisation of the body at rest, resists external loads, and keeps air stored with the option to easily unlock hemelytra prior to flight. The resistance to unlocking of the hemelytron was measured (in mN) with the aid of a load cell force transducer combined with a three-axial micromanipulator. It is shown that macro- and microstructural features of several submechanisms are responsible for their directionality. The highest resistance to unlocking was measured in lateral and dorsal directions. Summarised force of separately measured submechanisms was considerably lower than the force measured in the combined mechanism. Each submechanism is optimised for achieving high resistance to the hemelytron uncoupling in particular direction(s) and to be easily unlocked in another direction. It was demonstrated in the high-speed videorecordings that hemelytra uncoupling is promoted by their short anterior displacement.  相似文献   

Abstract A rapid screening procedure was developed for detection of Escherichia coli mutants with altered adhesion abilities using polystyrene 96-well microtiter plates as attachment surfaces. During this assay, bacterial strains grew and adhered simultaneously, and attached cells were measured after crystal violet staining. Starting with a total of 7000 W3110::Tn10 insertion mutants of E. coli K-12 W3110, 50 adhesion-deficient mutants were isolated which showed less than 40% attachment, and 22 mutants were found with an attachment of 40–75%. Motility assays were performed on these 72 mutants, and 34 displayed altered motility.  相似文献   

Crithidia fasciculata is a trypanosomatid flagellate that parasitizes several species of mosquito. Within the alimentary tract of its host, C. fasciculata exists in two forms: one is a non-motile form, attached in clusters to the lining of the gut, the other a more elongated form swimming freely in the gut lumen. We have developed an in vitro culture system that reproduces the appearance of these two distinct morphological forms. Using two different cultivation methods, shaking and stationary incubations, we have demonstrated that adherence phenotypes are growth-phase dependent. Organisms in the logarithmic phase of growth possess the ability to adhere to substrates; this ability is lost when the organism enters a stationary growth phase. Parasite adherence was independent of cultivation method or substrate. Furthermore, adherent forms of Crithidia maintained their adhesive properties following their removal from substrates. Our data reveal a growth-phase-regulated process of cell attachment that may influence the transmission and dissemination of this parasitic flagellate.  相似文献   

A specific type of maternal care occurs in several groups of Arachnida: mothers carry their offspring on their back (pulli-carrying behaviour). In scorpions, whip scorpions and whip spiders it is the prenymphal stage that settles on the mother. The prenymph is not yet fully developed for a free life and very limited in its mobility, but its feet are equipped with special adhesive organs (arolia) that become lost at the nymphal stage. Here we study the morphology, ultrastructure and mechanical function of the arolia. In scorpions (Scorpiones) the contact area between arolia and substrate and thus adhesion of the pad is controlled by the antagonistic work of hydrostatic pressure and muscular retraction. Arolia of whip scorpions (Thelyphonida) do not require muscular action for strong attachment. Arrays of long, branching fibres in the mesocuticle lead to high compliancy of the pad. In whip spiders (Amblypygi) the prenymphal pretarsus is already equipped with sclerites and claws. Its arolium is retained in nymphs and adults in some taxa, but acquires a more complex structure. These results contribute to our knowledge on the postembryonic development of arachnids and to the understanding of attachment pad evolution among arthropods. Some of the described developmental, structural, and mechanical phenomena are not known from other animals and might be of potential interest for further biomimetic developments.  相似文献   

Ultrahydrophobicity indicates a non-adhesive default state in gecko setae   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Geckos may represent the world’s most demanding adhesives application. The adhesive setae on the toes of climbing geckos must adhere strongly yet avoid fouling or attachment at inappropriate times. We tested the hypothesis that gecko setae are non-adhesive in their unloaded default state by comparing the water droplet contact angle (θ) of isolated setal arrays to the smooth surface of eye spectacle scales of tokay geckos (Gekko gecko). At equilibrium, θ was 98.3 ± 3.4° in spectacle scales of live geckos and 93.3 ± 3.5° in isolated spectacles. Isolated setal arrays were ultrahydrophobic, with θ of 160.6 ± 1.3° (means ± SD). The difference in θ of setal arrays and smooth spectacles indicates a very low contact fraction. Using Cassie’s law of surface wettability, we infer that less than 6.6% of the surface of unloaded setae is solid and at least 93.4% is air space. We calculated that the contact fraction must increase from 6.6% in the unloaded state to 46% in the loaded state to account for previously measured values of adhesion. Thus gecko setae may be non-sticky by default because only a very small contact fraction is possible without mechanically deforming the setal array.  相似文献   

目的:研究慢性肾病(CKD)患者血清可溶性细胞粘附分子-1(soluble intercellular adhesionmolecule-1,sICAM)的变化与临床意义。方法:用双抗体夹心ELISA方法,对52例CKD患者及20例健康对照人群的sICAM-1水平进行检测分析。52例CKD患者中,其中27例为CRF血液透析患者;25例肾功能正常CKD患者。结果:CKD组患者sICAM-1水平明显高于对照组(105.42±61.95)(P<0.01);肾功能正常CKD组和CKD-CRF组sICAM-1水平均显著高于对照组(P<0.01);CRF组sICAM-1水平明显低于肾功能正常CKD组(P<0.01);但高于对照组(84.80±19.61/164.08±70.66/54.61±5.48)(P<0.01)。结论:sICAM-1水平在慢性肾脏病中明显升高,CRF组病人sICAM-1水平低于CKD肾功能正常患者,提示透析过程中可能有sICAM溢出,吸附并丢失入透析液中(1),或可能是肾纤维化为主的病变使sICAM-1表达下降。  相似文献   

The structure and function of the hemelytra-to-hindwing locking mechanism of the bug Coreus marginatus were analysed. The system consists of a cuticular protrusion in the ventral side of the hemelytra, which locks the subcostal border of the hindwing in flight. The speed and distance slid by both surfaces against one another during flight were assessed using a combination of high-speed video recordings and a 2D geometrical model. The friction coefficient between sliding surfaces was assessed using a micromanipulator, coupled with force transducers. This was done under three experimental conditions: freshly dissected, air dried and rehydrated ethanol preserved samples. The results showed a high speed of sliding, approximately 0.18 m s–1, with a relatively low friction coefficient (0.2 ). There was no evident difference in the friction measured under the various treatments, with the exception of the rehydrated condition, which was lower. The surface morphology of the wing locking mechanism, namely outgrowths of one part having rounded edges, and completely flat surface on the counterpart, effectively aids in the reduction of friction at the microscopic level. The structure is effective even dry, and after being preserved in ethanol, suggesting that no cuticle secreted lubrication substance is responsible for its effectiveness. The ultrastructure presumably confers mechanical stability to the system under the high load it is subjected to in flight.  相似文献   

Despite several studies on the attachment ability of different insect taxa, little is known about this phenomenon in adult Lepidoptera. In this study we combined morphological and experimental analyses of tarsal adhesive devices and the attachment ability of the codling moth Cydia pomonella (L.) (Lepidoptera, Tortricidae) to smooth surfaces. Pretarsi of C. pomonella attach to smooth substrates by means of their smooth, flexible and well developed arolia. Using the centrifugal force measurement technique, friction forces of males and females were assessed on hydrophobic and hydrophilic glass surfaces. Adults of both sexes generated similar forces in spite of the noticeable difference in their body masses. That is why males showed significantly higher safety factors (attachment force divided by body weight) compared to those of females. Hydrophobicity of the substrate had no considerable effect on friction forces. For females, friction forces (sliding parallel to the substrate plane) were compared with adhesive forces (pulling off perpendicularly from the substrate plane) measured on Plexiglas surfaces. It can be concluded that the attachment system of C. pomonella is rather robust against physico-chemical properties of the substrate and is able to achieve a very good attachment on vertical and horizontal substrata.  相似文献   

This study compared the effects of benzo(a)pyrene (BaP) and 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD), two aryl hydrocarbon receptor agonists, on cell attachment and adherens junction proteins in RL95-2 human uterine endometrial cells. Exposure to 10 microM BaP significantly decreased cell attachment to Matrigel, whereas 10 nM TCDD had no effect. Immunocytochemistry and Western immunoblot analysis showed that BaP, but not TCDD, produced a marked loss of plasma membrane epidermal growth factor receptor (EGF-R) localized along intercellular boundaries. BaP-treated cells exhibited significant decreases in beta-catenin and cadherin protein levels, while vinculin levels remained unchanged relative to control. In contrast, TCDD treatment had no effect on the levels of beta-catenin, cadherin, or vinculin. Further studies using the fluorescein labeled peptide phalloidin showed the presence of continuous subcortical actin filaments in control cells, whereas BaP-treated cells had subcortical actin aggregates. Thus, in contrast to TCDD, BaP produces a loss of cell attachment involving decreased localization of molecules important for cell-cell interactions in RL95-2 cells.  相似文献   

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