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Crystal structure of human dihydrofolate reductase complexed with folate   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
The crystal structure of recombinant human dihydrofolate reductase with folate bound in the active site has been determined and the structural model refined at 0.2-nm resolution. Preliminary studies of the binding of the inhibitors methotrexate and trimethoprim to the human apoenzyme have been performed at 0.35-nm resolution. The conformations of the chemically very similar ligands folate and methotrexate, one a substrate the other a potent inhibitor, differ substantially in that their pteridine rings are in inverse orientations relative to their p-aminobenzoyl-L-glutamate moieties. Methotrexate binding is similar to that previously observed in two bacterial enzymes but is quite different from that observed in the enzyme from a mouse lymphoma cell line [Stammers et al. (1987) FEBS Lett. 218, 178-184]. The geometry of the polypeptide chain around the folate binding site in the human enzyme is not consistent with conclusions previously drawn with regard to the species selectivity of the inhibitor trimethoprim [Matthews et al. (1985) J. Biol. Chem. 260, 392-399].  相似文献   

R67 dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR) is a type II DHFR produced by bacteria as a resistance mechanism to the increased clinical use of the antibacterial drug trimethoprim. Type II DHFRs are not homologous in either sequence or structure with chromosomal DHFRs. The type II enzymes contain four identical subunits which form a homotetramer containing a single active site pore accessible from either end. Although the crystal structure of the complex of R67 DHFR with folate has been reported [Narayana et al. (1995) Nat. Struct. Biol. 2, 1018], the nature of the ternary complex which must form with substrate and cofactor is unclear. We have performed transferred NOE and interligand NOE (ILOE) studies to analyze the ternary complexes formed from NADP(+) and folate in order to probe the structure of the ternary complex. Consistent with previous studies of the binary complex formed from another type II DHFR, the ribonicotinamide bond of NADP(+) was found to adopt a syn conformation, while the adenosine moiety adopts an anti conformation. Large ILOE peaks connecting NADP(+) H4 and H5 with folate H9 protons are observed, while the absence of a large ILOE connecting NADP(+) H4 and H5 with folate H7 indicates that the relative orientation of the two ligands differs significantly from the orientation in the chromosomal enzyme. To obtain more detailed insight, we prepared and studied the folate analogue 2-deamino-2-methyl-5,8-dideazafolate (DMDDF) which contains additional protons in order to provide additional NOEs. For this analogue, the exchange characteristics of the corresponding ternary complex were considerably poorer, and it was necessary to utilize higher enzyme concentrations and higher temperature in order to obtain ILOE information. The results support a structure in which the NADP(+) and folate/DMDDF molecules extend in opposite directions parallel to the long axis of the pore, with the nicotinamide and pterin ring systems approximately stacked at the center. Such a structure leads to a ternary complex which is in many respects similar to the gas-phase theoretical calculations of the dihydrofolate-NADPH transition state by Andres et al. [(1996) Bioorg. Chem. 24, 10-18]. Analogous NMR studies performed on folate, DMDDF, and R67 DHFR indicate formation of a ternary complex in which two symmetry-related binding sites are occupied by folate and DMDDF.  相似文献   

Type II dihydrofolate reductases (DHFRs) encoded by the R67 and R388 plasmids are sequence and structurally different from known chromosomal DHFRs. These plasmid-derived DHFRs are responsible for confering trimethoprim resistance to the host strain. A derivative of R388 DHFR, RBG200, has been cloned and its physical properties have been characterized. This enzyme has been shown to transfer the pro-R hydrogen of NADPH to its substrate, dihydrofolate, making it a member of the A-stereospecific class of dehydrogenases [Brito, R. M. M., Reddick, R., Bennett, G. N., Rudolph, F. B., & Rosevear, P. R. (1990) Biochemistry 29,9825]. Two distinct binary RBG200.NADP+ complexes were detected. Addition of NADP+ to RBG200 DHFR results in formation of an initial binary complex, conformation I, which slowly interconverts to a second more stable binary complex, conformation II. The binding of NADP+ to RBG200 DHFR in the second binary complex was found to be weak, KD = 1.9 +/- 0.4 mM. Transferred NOEs were used to determine the conformation of NADP+ bound to RBG200 DHFR. The initial slope of the NOE buildup curves, measured from the intensity of the cross-peaks as a function of the mixing time in NOESY spectra, allowed interproton distances on enzyme-bound NADP+ to be estimated. The experimentally measured distances were used to define upper and lower bound distance constraints between proton pairs in distance geometry calculations. All NADP+ structures consistent with the experimental distance bounds were found to have a syn conformation about the nicotinamide-ribose (X = 94 +/- 26 degrees) and an anti conformation about the adenine-ribose (X = -92 +/- 32 degrees) glycosidic bonds.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

S M Dunn  R W King 《Biochemistry》1980,19(4):766-773
The kinetics of ligand binding to dihydrofolate reductase from Lactobacillus casei (MTX/R) to form the ternary enzyme-inhibitor-coenzyme complex have been investigated by the stopped-flow fluorescence technique. The fluorescence changes observed when coenzymes or inhibitors bind to the binary complex of the enzyme with the complementary ligand occur in a single fast phase. Under pseudo-first-order conditions the reaction traces could be fitted with precision to a single-exponential decay, and apparent bimolecular rate constants in the range 2 x 10(6) to 3 x 10(7) M-1s-1 have been measured assuming a bimolecular-unimolecular model. The kinetic constants obtained suggest that prior binding of an inhibitor to the enzyme may, to a minor extent, interfere with coenzyme binding but the rates of inhibitor binding seem to be unaffected by the presence of a bound coenzyme. Dissociation rate constants appear to be less than 1 s-1 which suggests that both coenzymes and inhibitors are tightly bound in the ternary complex. An investigation of the effects of pH on the kinetics of ternary complex formation indicated the involvement of ionizable groups in ligand binding, but this shows some ligand dependence. The rates of ligand bindings to form the ternary complex are fairly high, but it is unlikely that these associations are diffusion controlled because their measured activation energies of 7.8-14.5 kcal mol-1 are higher than expected from reactions whose rates are limited by diffusion in aqeous solution.  相似文献   

Type II dihydrofolate reductases (DHFRs) encoded by the R67 and R388 plasmids are different both in sequence and in structure from known chromosomal DHFRs. These plasmid-derived DHFRs are responsible for conferring trimethoprim resistance to the host strain. A derivative of R388 DHFR, RBG200, has been cloned and overproduced [Vermersch, P. S., Klass, M. R., & Bennett, G. N. (1986) Gene 41, 289]. With this cloned and overproduced protein, a rapid purification procedure has been developed that yields milligram quantities of apparently homogeneous RBG200 DHFR with a specific activity 1.5-fold greater than that previously reported for the purified R388 protein [Amyes, S. G. B., & Smith, J. T. (1976) Eur. J. Biochem. 61, 597]. The pH versus activity profile and the native molecular weight of RBG200 DHFR were found to be similar to those previously reported for other type II DHFRs but different from those of the known chromosomal DHFRs. Stereospecifically labeled [4(S)-2H,4(R)-1H]NADPH was synthesized and used to determine the stereospecificity of NADPH oxidation by RBG200 DHFR. RBG200 DHFR was found to specifically transfer the pro-R hydrogen of NADPH to dihydrofolate, making it a member of the A-stereospecific class of dehydrogenases. Thus, although RBG200 DHFR is different both in sequence and in structure from known chromosomal enzymes, both enzymes catalyze identical hydrogen-transfer reactions. Two distinct binary RBG200 DHFR-NADP+ complexes were detected by monitoring the 1H NMR chemical shifts and line widths of the coenzyme in the presence of RBG200 DHFR.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Biliverdin reductase (BVR) catalyzes the last step in heme degradation by reducing the gamma-methene bridge of the open tetrapyrrole, biliverdin IXalpha, to bilirubin with the concomitant oxidation of a beta-nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NADH) or beta-nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH) cofactor. Bilirubin is the major bile pigment in mammals and has antioxidant and anticompliment activity. We have determined X-ray crystal structures of apo rat BVR and its complex with NADH at 1.2 A and 1.5 A resolution, respectively. In agreement with an independent structure determination of the apo-enzyme, BVR consists of an N-terminal dinucleotide-binding domain (Rossmann-fold) and a C-terminal domain that contains a six-stranded beta-sheet that is flanked on one face by several alpha-helices. The C-terminal and N-terminal domains interact extensively, forming the active site cleft at their interface. The cofactor complex structure reported here reveals that the cofactor nicotinamide ring extends into the active site cleft, where it is adjacent to conserved amino acid residues and, consistent with the known stereochemistry of the reaction catalyzed by BVR, the si face of the ring is accessible for hydride transfer. The only titratable side-chain that appears to be suitably positioned to function as a general acid in catalysis is Tyr97. This residue, however, is not essential for catalysis, since the Tyr97Phe mutant protein retains 50% activity. This finding suggests that the dominant role in catalysis may be performed by hydride transfer from the cofactor, a process that may be promoted by proximity of the invariant residues Glu96, Glu123, and Glu126, to the nicotinamide ring.  相似文献   

Crystalline R67 dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR) is a dimeric molecule with two identical 78 amino acid subunits, each folded into a beta-barrel conformation. The outer surfaces of the three longest beta strands in each protomer together form a third beta barrel having six strands at the subunit interface. A unique feature of the enzyme structure is that while the intersubunit beta barrel is quite regular over most of its surface, an 8-A "gap" runs the full length of the barrel, disrupting potential hydrogen bonds between beta-strand D in subunit I and the adjacent corresponding strand of subunit II. It is proposed that this deep groove is the NADPH binding site and that the association between protein and cofactor is modulated by hydrogen-bonding interactions along one face of this antiparallel beta-barrel structure. A hypothetical model is proposed for the R67 DHFR-NADPH-folate ternary complex that is consistent with both the known reaction stereoselectivity and the weak binding of 2,4-diamino inhibitors to the plasmid-specified reductase. Geometrical comparison of this model with an experimentally determined structure for chicken DHFR suggests that chromosomal and type II R-plasmid specified enzymes may have independently evolved similar catalytic machinery for substrate reduction.  相似文献   

In the course of study of a (Glu-58 to Gln-58) mutant type II dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR), it was found that the altered DHFR was poorly produced in vivo. Investigations with several common laboratory Escherichia coli strains including htpR and lon strains bearing plasmids expressing the Gln-58 DHFR indicated a correlation of rapid degradation with the presence of a sup+ phenotype. The supo strain MC1061(p3) was transformed with a series of plasmids containing the Gln-58 DHFR gene with and without an additional supF gene, and expression levels were compared. The supF+ constructs exhibited little accumulation of the Gln-58 DHFR, while reasonable levels were found in the supo cases. Experiments with extracts of plasmid-free sup+ and supo strains showed rapid degradation by certain strains compared to MC1061(p3) and this degradation was not dependent upon ATP. In another route to increasing the stability of labile DHFR derivatives, mutagenesis of a strain bearing a N-terminally shortened Gln-58 DHFR was performed. Selection and analysis of a trimethoprim-resistant stable mutant showed that this DHFR gene contained a triple repeat of leu-pro-ser in the enzymatically non-essential N-terminal portion of the protein.  相似文献   

S-Adenosylmethionine synthetase (MAT) catalyzes formation of S-adenosylmethionine (SAM) from ATP and l-methionine (Met) and hydrolysis of tripolyphosphate to PP(i) and P(i). Escherichia coli MAT (eMAT) has been crystallized with the ATP analogue AMPPNP and Met, and the crystal structure has been determined at 2.5 A resolution. eMAT is a dimer of dimers and has a 222 symmetry. Each active site contains the products SAM and PPNP. A modeling study indicates that the substrates (AMPPNP and Met) can bind at the same sites as the products, and only a small conformation change of the ribose ring is needed for conversion of the substrates to the products. On the basis of the ternary complex structure and a modeling study, a novel catalytic mechanism of SAM formation is proposed. In the mechanism, neutral His14 acts as an acid to cleave the C5'-O5' bond of ATP while simultaneously a change in the ribose ring conformation from C4'-exo to C3'-endo occurs, and the S of Met makes a nucleophilic attack on the C5' to form SAM. All essential amino acid residues for substrate binding found in eMAT are conserved in the rat liver enzyme, indicating that the bacterial and mammalian enzymes have the same catalytic mechanism. However, a catalytic mechanism proposed recently by González et al. based on the structures of three ternary complexes of rat liver MAT [González, B., Pajares, M. A., Hermoso, J. A., Guillerm, D., Guillerm, G., and Sanz-Aparicio. J. (2003) J. Mol. Biol. 331, 407] is substantially different from our mechanism.  相似文献   

Hydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA (HMG-CoA) reductase is the primary target in the current clinical treatment of hypercholesterolemias with specific inhibitors of the "statin" family. Statins are excellent inhibitors of the class I (human) enzyme but relatively poor inhibitors of the class II enzymes of important bacterial pathogens. To investigate the molecular basis for this difference we determined the x-ray structure of the class II Pseudomonas mevalonii HMG-CoA reductase in complex with the statin drug lovastatin. The structure shows lovastatin bound in the active site and its interactions with residues critically involved in catalysis and substrate binding. Binding of lovastatin also displaces the flap domain of the enzyme, which contains the catalytic residue His-381. Comparison with the structures of statins bound to the human enzyme revealed a similar mode of binding but marked differences in specific interactions that account for the observed differences in affinity. We suggest that these differences might be exploited to develop selective class II inhibitors for use as antibacterial agents against pathogenic microorganisms.  相似文献   

Crystal structure of the CSL-Notch-Mastermind ternary complex bound to DNA   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Wilson JJ  Kovall RA 《Cell》2006,124(5):985-996

The 2.2-A crystal structure of chicken liver dihydrofolate reductase (EC, DHFR) has been solved as a ternary complex with NADP+ and biopterin (a poor substrate). The space group and unit cell are isomorphous with the previously reported structure of chicken liver DHFR complexed with NADPH and phenyltriazine [Volz, K. W., Matthews, D. A., Alden, R. A., Freer, S. T., Hansch, C., Kaufman, B. T., & Kraut, J. (1982) J. Biol. Chem. 257, 2528-2536]. The structure contains an ordered water molecule hydrogen-bonded to both hydroxyls of the biopterin dihydroxypropyl group as well as to O4 and N5 of the biopterin pteridine ring. This water molecule, not observed in previously determined DHFR structures, is positioned to complete a proposed route for proton transfer from the side-chain carboxylate of E30 to N5 of the pteridine ring. Protonation of N5 is believed to occur during the reduction of dihydropteridine substrates. The positions of the NADP+ nicotinamide and biopterin pteridine rings are quite similar to the nicotinamide and pteridine ring positions in the Escherichia coli DHFR.NADP+.folate complex [Bystroff, C., Oatley, S. J., & Kraut, J. (1990) Biochemistry 29, 3263-3277], suggesting that the reduction of biopterin and the reduction of folate occur via similar mechanisms, that the binding geometry of the nicotinamide and pteridine rings is conserved between DHFR species, and that the p-aminobenzoylglutamate moiety of folate is not required for correct positioning of the pteridine ring in ground-state ternary complexes. Instead, binding of the p-aminobenzoylglutamate moiety of folate may induce the side chain of residue 31 (tyrosine or phenylalanine) in vertebrate DHFRs to adopt a conformation in which the opening to the pteridine binding site is too narrow to allow the substrate to diffuse away rapidly. A reverse conformational change of residue 31 is proposed to be required for tetrahydrofolate release.  相似文献   

R plasmid dihydrofolate reductase with a dimeric subunit structure   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Dihydrofolate reductase specified by plasmid R483 from a trimethoprim-resistant strain of Escherichia coli has been purified 2,000-fold to homogeneity using dye-ligand chromatography, gel filtration, and polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The protein migrated as a single band on nondenaturing polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and had a specific activity of 250 mumol/mg min(-1). The molecular weight was estimated to be 32,000 by gel filtration and 39,000 by Ferguson analysis of polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. When subjected to electrophoresis in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate, the protein migrated as a single 19,000-molecular weight species, a fact that suggests that the native enzyme is a dimer of similar or identical subunits. Antibody specific for R483-encoded dihydrofolate reductase did not cross-react with dihydrofolate reductase encoded by plasmid R67, T4 phage, E. coli RT500, or mouse L1210 leukemia cells. The amino acid sequence of the first 34 NH2-terminal residues suggests that the R483 plasmid dihydrofolate reductase is more closely related to the chromosomal dihydrofolate reductase than is the enzyme coded by plasmid R67.  相似文献   

'Superantigens' (SAgs) trigger the massive activation of T cells by simultaneous interactions with MHC and TCR receptors, leading to human diseases. Here we present the first crystal structure, at 2.5-A resolution, of a complete ternary complex between a SAg and its two receptors, HLA-DR1/HA and TCR. The most striking finding is that the SAg Mycoplasma arthritidis mitogen, unlike others, has direct contacts not only with TCR Vbeta but with TCR Valpha.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of a ternary complex of the alcohol dehydrogenase from the archaeon Sulfolobus solfataricus (SsADH) has been determined at 2.3 A. The asymmetric unit contains a dimer with a NADH and a 2-ethoxyethanol molecule bound to each subunit. The comparison with the apo structure of the enzyme reveals that this medium chain ADH undergoes a substantial conformational change in the apo-holo transition, accompanied by loop movements at the domain interface. The extent of domain closure is similar to that observed for the classical horse liver ADH, although some differences are found which can be related to the different oligomeric states of the enzymes. Compared to its apo form, the SsADH ternary complex shows a change in the ligation state of the active site zinc ion which is no longer bound to Glu69, providing additional evidence of the dynamic role played by the conserved glutamate residue in ADHs. In addition, the structure presented here allows the identification of the substrate site and hence of the residues that are important in the binding of both the substrate and the coenzyme.  相似文献   

R67 is a Type II dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR) that catalyzes the reduction of dihydrofolate (DHF) to tetrahydrofolate by facilitating the addition of a proton to N5 of DHF and the transfer of a hydride ion from NADPH to C6. Because this enzyme is a plasmid-encoded DHFR from trimethoprim-resistant bacteria, extensive studies on R67 with various methods have been performed to elucidate its reaction mechanism. Here, Raman difference measurements, conducted on the ternary complex of R67.NADP(+).DHF believed to be an accurate mimic of the productive DHFR.NADPH.DHF complex, show that the pK(a) of N5 in the complex is less than 4. This is in clear contrast to the behavior observed in Escherichia coli DHFR, a substantially more efficient enzyme, where the pK(a) of bound DHF at N5 is increased to 6.5 compared with its solution value of 2.6. A comparison of the ternary complexes in R67 and E. coli DHFRs suggests that enzymic raising of the pK(a) at N5 can significantly increase the catalytic efficiency of the hydride transfer step. However, R67 shows that even without such a strategy an effective DHFR can still be designed.  相似文献   

In mammals, two separate but homologous cytosolic quinone reductases have been identified: NAD(P)H:quinone oxidoreductase type 1 (QR1) (EC and quinone reductase type 2 (QR2). Although QR1 and QR2 are nearly 50% identical in protein sequence, they display markedly different catalytic properties and substrate specificities. We report here two crystal structures of QR2: in its native form and bound to menadione (vitamin K(3)), a physiological substrate. Phases were obtained by molecular replacement, using our previously determined rat QR1 structure as the search model. QR2 shares the overall fold of the major catalytic domain of QR1, but lacks the smaller C-terminal domain. The FAD binding sites of QR1 and QR2 are very similar, but their hydride donor binding sites are considerably different. Unexpectedly, we found that QR2 contains a specific metal binding site, which is not present in QR1. Two histidine nitrogens, one cysteine thiol, and a main chain carbonyl group are involved in metal coordination. The metal binding site is solvent-accessible, and is separated from the FAD cofactor by a distance of about 13 A.  相似文献   

The interaction of type II R67 dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR) with its cofactor nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADP(+)) has been studied using nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). Doubly labeled [U-(13)C,(15)N]DHFR was obtained from Escherichia coli grown on a medium containing [U-(13)C]-D-glucose and (15)NH(4)Cl, and the 16 disordered N-terminal amino acids were removed by treatment with chymotrypsin. Backbone and side chain NMR assignments were made using triple-resonance experiments. The degeneracy of the amide (1)H and (15)N shifts of the tetrameric DHFR was preserved upon addition of NADP(+), consistent with kinetic averaging among equivalent binding sites. Analysis of the more titration-sensitive DHFR amide resonances as a function of added NADP(+) gave a K(D) of 131 +/- 50 microM, consistent with previous determinations using other methodology. We have found that the (1)H spectrum of NADP(+) in the presence of the R67 DHFR changes as a function of time. Comparison with standard samples and mass spectrometric analysis indicates a slow conversion of NADP(+) to NAD(+), i.e., an apparent NADP(+) phosphatase activity. Studies of this activity in the presence of folate and a folate analogue support the conclusion that this activity results from an interaction with the DHFR rather than a contaminating phosphatase. (1)H NMR studies of a mixture of NADP(+) and NADPH in the presence of the enzyme reveal that a ternary complex forms in which the N-4A and N-4B nuclei of the NADPH are in the proximity of the N-4 and N-5 nuclei of NADP(+). Studies using the NADP(+) analogue acetylpyridine adenosine dinucleotide phosphate (APADP(+)) demonstrated a low level of enzyme-catalyzed hydride transfer from NADPH. Analysis of DHFR backbone dynamics revealed little change upon binding of NADP(+). These additional catalytic activities and dynamic behavior are in marked contrast to those of type I DHFR.  相似文献   

A plasmid-encoded dihydrofolate reductase that originated in a clinical isolate of Salmonella typhimurium (phage type 179) moderately resistant to trimethoprim has been isolated and characterized. The dihydrofolate reductase (called type III) was purified to homogeneity using a combination of gel filtration, hydrophobic chromatography, and methotrexate affinity chromatography. Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis under denaturing and nondenaturing conditions indicated that the enzyme is a 16,900 molecular weight monomeric protein. Kinetic analyses showed that trimethoprim is a relatively tight binding inhibitor (Ki = 19 nM) competitive with dihydrofolate. The enzyme is also extremely sensitive to methotrexate inhibition (Ki = 9 pM) and has a high affinity for dihydrofolate (Km = 0.4 microM). The sequence of the first 20 NH2-terminal residues of the protein shows 50% homology with the trimethoprim-sensitive chromosomal Escherichia coli dihydrofolate reductase and suggests that the two enzymes may be closely related. This is the first example of a plasmid encoding for a monomeric dihydrofolate reductase only moderately resistant to trimethoprim, and a resistance mechanism, dependent in part on the high dihydrofolate affinity of the type III enzyme, is proposed.  相似文献   

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