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Within a local population genotypes differ in the timing of bud burst, but genotypes with early bud burst unfold their leaves slower, resulting in an equal period of carbon gain.


The ability of local populations to cope with disturbances like adverse weather events or a changing climate depends on the genotypic richness of such populations, emphasising the importance of differences between genotypes in traits related to growth and survival at this scale. Due to their longevity, these differences are of special importance in trees, yet for trees, differences between genotypes within local populations remain unexplored. The phenological cycle is important in this respect, since a correct timing of phenological events is critical for growth and survival of trees, especially in environments with strong seasonality and changes in the timing of phenological events has consequences for, among others, net ecosystem productivity and the climate system as a whole. In this light accounting for differences in the timing of phenological events within species is currently identified as a research challenge. This study contributes to the knowledge of differences between genotypes on the small spatial scale of a local population. We examined the timing of phenological events of 15 micropropagated silver birch (Betula pendula Roth) genotypes representing a natural population. Measurements covered bud burst (7 years) and leaf unfolding in spring and chlorophyll degradation in autumn (2 years for both). These data were used to estimate the period of carbon gain. Differences between genotypes in the temperature sum required for bud burst were present, with genotypes showing ‘early’ (i.e. a low temperature sum requirement for bud burst) and ‘late’ bud burst across the 7-year study period. Differences were small in most years (i.e. 3 days), but differences of 16 days were recorded within the 7-year study period as well. Genotypes with ‘early’ bud burst were less sensitive to variations in environmental conditions in spring compared to genotypes with ‘late’ bud burst. Differences in bud burst were not carried over to the estimated period of carbon gain. Due to faster leaf expansion in genotypes with ‘late’ bud burst and the lack of differences between genotypes in autumn senescence the estimated period of carbon gain was similar among genotypes.  相似文献   

Non-structural carbohydrates in silver birch (Betula pendula Roth) wood were analysed in a 7-year-old clone and in five mature stems. The analysis was conducted to obtain more detailed information on seasonal fluctuation of these components and of the tree-to-tree variation and within stem variation. The sugars were analysed by GLC-MS. The smallest total soluble sugar amounts (consisting of sucrose, fructose, glucose, raffinose and myo-inositol) in young trees were measured during mid-summer (ca. 0.3%) and the largest while in dormancy (ca. 1.6% on wood dry weight basis). Raffinose was detected in autumn as a minor component. The proportion of monosaccharides and the amount of myo-inositol were largest during growth. Compared to other studies silver birch showed more evident seasonal fluctuation in soluble sugars than evergreen tree species. The sugar amount in mature stems was approximately at the same level as in young trees that had the same felling time. Tree-to-tree variation in the non-structural carbohydrates in the mature wood was fairly large. However, the amount of total soluble sugars, sucrose and glucose showed significant variation within the stem. The amount of these sugars was largest in samples that were taken close to the cambium. Starch was also detected close to pith. According to the heartwood definition and starch measurement results in this paper, it could be stated that silver birch does not form heartwood.  相似文献   

A long-term free air ozone fumigation experiment was conducted to study changes in physiological ozone responses during tree ontogeny and exposure time in ozone sensitive and tolerant clones of European white birch (Betula pendula Roth), originated from south and central Finland. The trees were grown in soil in natural microclimatic conditions under ambient ozone (control) and 1.4-1.7 x ambient (elevated) ozone from May 1996 to October 2001, and were measured for stem and foliage growth, net photosynthesis, stomatal conductance, stomatal density, visible injuries, foliar starch content and bud formation. After 6 years of exposure, the magnitude of ozone-induced growth reductions in the sensitive clone was 12-48% (significant difference), levels similar or greater than those reported earlier for 2- and 3-year-old saplings undergoing shorter exposures. In the tolerant clone, growth of these larger trees was reduced by 1-38% (significant difference in stem volume), although the saplings had previously been unaffected. In both clones, ozone stress led to significantly reduced leaf-level net photosynthesis but significantly increased stomatal conductance rates during the late summer, resulting in a lower carbon gain for bud formation and the onset of visible foliar injuries. Increasing ozone sensitivity with duration of exposure was explained by a change in growth form (relatively reduced foliage mass), a lower photosynthesis to stomatal conductance ratio during the late summer, and deleterious carry-over effects arising from the reduced number of over-wintering buds.  相似文献   

Summary Qualitative and quantitative aspects of heterotrophic carbon assimilation by mycorrhizal plants of birch (Betula pendula) were examined. Plants were grown aseptically from seed in the mycorrhizal condition with the fungus Hebeloma crustuliniforme and in the non-mycorrhizal condition, with protein as their sole exogenous nitrogen source. Yields and nitrogen contents were determined in some of the plants, while the roots of others were supplied with 14C-labelled protein and their shoots exposed for up to 72 h to different irradiance regimes. Only mycorrhizal plants utilised the organic nitrogen. Uptake of carbon associated with this utilisation and its translocation to the leaves was demonstrated directly by means of autoradiography. Amounts of activity transferred to shoots were greatest in low irradiance regimes. Calculation of net carbon gain from the heterotrophic source, based upon the assumption that breakdown products of protein are assimilated as amino-acids, indicates that over a 55-day growth period up to 9% of plant C may be derived from protein. The physiological and ecological significance of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

 Cuttings of a single birch clone (Betula pendula) were grown in field fumigation chambers throughout the growing season in either filtered air (control) or 90/40 nl O3 l–1 (day/night). Both regimes were split into plants under high and low nutrient supply (macro- and micronutrients). The stomatal density of leaves was increased by ozone but was lowered at high nutrition, while the inner air space was hardly affected by the treatments. Ozone induced macroscopic leaf injury regardless of nutrition, but leaf shedding was delayed in the low-fertilized plants, despite O3 uptake being similar to that in high-fertilized plants. The leaf turn-over was enhanced in the O3-exposed high-fertilized plants, but length growth and leaf formation of stems were not affected by ozone in either nutrient regime. Leaves of high-fertilized plants showed O3-caused decline in photosynthetic capacity, water-use efficiency, apparent carbon uptake efficiency and quantum yield earlier as compared with low-fertilized plants, whereas chlorophyll fluorescence (FV/FM) and leaf nitrogen concentration were rather stable. CO2 uptake rate and rubisco activity of young leaves compensated for the O3 injury in the ageing leaves of the low-fertilized plants. In 8-week-old leaves, however, the O3-induced decline in CO2 uptake did not differ between the nutrient regimes and was associated with increased dark respiration rather than changed photorespiration. The balance between CO2 supply and demand was lost, as was stomatal limitation on CO2 uptake. High nutrition did not help leaves to maintain a high photosynthetic capacity and life span under O3 stress. Received: 6 July 1996 / Accepted: 4 June 1997  相似文献   

Summary Injury caused by low O3 concentrations (0, 0.05, 0.075, 0.1 l 1-1) was analyzed in the epidermis and mesophyll of fully developed birch leaves by gas exchange experiments and low-temperature SEM: (I) after leaf formation in O3-free and ozonated air, and (II) after transferring control plants into ozonated air. In control leaves, autumnal senescence also was studied in O3-free air (III). As O3 concentration increased, leaves of (I) stayed reduced in size, but showed increased specific weight and stomatal density. The declining photosynthetic capacity, quantum yield and carboxylation efficiency lowered the light saturation of CO2 uptake and the water-use efficiency (WUE). Carbon gain was less limited by the reduced stomatal conductance than by the declining ability of CO2 fixation in the mesophyll. The changes in gas exchange were related to the O3 dose and were mediated by narrowed stomatal pores (overriding the increase in stomatal density) and by progressive collapse of mesophyll cells. The air space in the mesophyll increased, preceded by exudate formation on cell walls. Ozonated leaves, which had developed in O3-free air (II), displayed a similar but more rapid decline than the leaves from (I). In senescent leaves (III), CO2 uptake showed a similar decrease as in leaves with O3 injury but no changes in mesophyll structure and WUE. The nitrogen concentration declined only in senescent leaves in parallel with the rate of CO2 uptake. A thorough understanding of O3 injury and natural senescence requires combined structural and functional analyses of leaves.  相似文献   

The effects of long‐term elevated UV‐B radiation on silver birch (Betula pendula Roth) seedlings were studied over three growing seasons in an outdoor experiment in Finland started 64 days after germination. One group of seedlings was exposed to a constant 50% increase in UV‐BCIE radiation, which corresponds to 20–25% of ozone depletion; another group received a small increase in UV‐A radiation and a third (the control group) received ambient solar radiation. Changes in growth appeared during the third growing season; the stems of the UV‐B treated seedlings were thinner and their height tended to be shorter compared with that of the control seedlings. In contrast, there were no UV‐B effects on biomass, bud burst, bud dry weights, leaf area, rust frequency index or chlorophyll concentrations in any of the summers. During the three‐year study, the flavonols were significantly increased by the elevated UV‐B only in the first growing season. The responses varied greatly among individual compounds; the most induced were the quercetin glycosides, while the main flavonols, myricetins, were reduced by the UV‐A control treatment. In the second summer phenolic acids, such as 3,4′‐dihydroxypropiophenone‐3‐glucoside, neochlorogenic acid and 5‐coumarylquinic acid, were increased by the UV‐B treatment. In the third year, the constitutive concentrations of phenolics were not affected by the UV‐B treatment.  相似文献   

Seedlings of European white birch (Betula pendula Roth) were grown in growth chambers for one growth season under four carbon dioxide regimes (350, 700, 1050 and 1400 ppm) and at three fertilization levels (0, 100 and 500 kg ha–1 monthly). The soluble carbohydrates and secondary phenolics in the leaves and stems were analysed. It was found that fertilizer addition reduced the amounts of glucose and fructose while sucrose remained almost unaffected. The sugar content of leaves increased at 700 ppm and 1050 ppm of CO2 and decreased at the highest CO2 concentration (1400 ppm). The amounts of proanthocyanidins and flavonoids in leaves decreased with fertilization addition and increased with CO2 enrichment. The production of simple phenolic glucosides varied according to the fertilization and CO2 treatments. The triterpenoid content of stems seemed to increase with fertilization and CO2-addition. Our results indicate that the production of phytochemicals in the birch seedlings is very sensitive to both fertilization and CO2 addition, which is in agreement with earlier studies, and thus provide some support for the hypothesis of carbon allocation to plant defence when there is an excess of carbon and nutrient. The considerable variation in the production of secondary components may indicate that the synthesis of these defensive metabolites can be regulated by a plant to certain extent, depending on the ability of the plant to acclimate to changes in the physical environment.  相似文献   

Somatic embryogenesis was induced in cell cultures of birch (Betula pendula Roth.) derived from juvenile tissue of seed embryos and from mature leaf tissue. Embryos were formed in liquid and on solidified medium containing 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) and 6-furfurylaminopurine (kinetin). Sometimes somatic embryos formed only after transfer to medium devoid of growth regulators. The embryos germinated on hormone-free medium and were potted in soil and grown in the greenhouse.Finnish Forest Research InstituteUniversity of Helsinki, School of Pharmacy;  相似文献   

Silver birch woodlands of two volcanic mountains (altitude 850 m and 1450 m) were studied in order to establish a growth model of birch. Height, radial increment and crown width were measured on both sites taking into account two situations: isolated birch or birch within a stand. For the latter case two categories were sampled considering the competition status of the tree: birch suffering the most severe competition (suppressed tree) were distinguished from trees facing the lowest competition (dominant tree). Measures of competition were also made using plots where each tree was located by its coordinates and its height, trunk circumference and crown width recorded. Examination of radial growth curves showed similar patterns for the two sites for the same category of tree. Radial growth was always inferior for the site located at the highest altitude but tree lifespan was about two-fold longer. Radial increment data were used to calculate circumference as function of tree age. Models predicting circumference with time were then established for each category of tree (dominant, suppressed or isolated) using Chapman–Richards'model. Height and crown width models were produced using circumference as the predictor. Competition indices based on vertical or horizontal angles weighted by the distance were calculated for birches in stands. Indices using vertical angles appeared to be more resistant and robust to characterize local competition. Competition index was then associated with the parameters of Chapman-Richards' growth circumference model for the two sites and models predicting the circumference from the age of the tree and its competition index are proposed.  相似文献   

A study was made of the daily mitotic activity in the seedling root meristem of birch trees growing in an ecologically clear area--the biological station of Voronezh State University "Venevitinovo". The peak of mitotic activity was exposed at 9 a. m. (according to winter time). The rise of mitotic index was noted at 9 and 12 p. m. due to an increase in the share of cells being in the prophase stage, and to a high number of dividing cells with persistent nucleoli. A possibility of prolongation of the mitotic cycle time is supposed to be due to cell delay in prophase stage, which may be associated with anthropogenic and nature-climatic influences on the original trees themselves and on their seed progeny. This makes it possible to consider the investigated region as only conventionally clear, because of the availability of a high recreative pressure upon the trees.  相似文献   

Elevations of carbon dioxide, temperature and ultraviolet‐B (UBV) radiation in the growth environment may have a high impact on the accumulation of carbon in plants, and the different factors may work in opposite directions or induce additive effects. To detect the changes in the growth and phytochemistry of silver birch (Betula pendula) seedlings, six genotypes were exposed to combinations of ambient or elevated levels of CO2, temperature and UVB radiation in top‐closed chambers for 7 weeks. The genotypes were relatively similar in their responses, and no significant interactive effects of three‐level climate factors on the measured parameters were observed. Elevated UVB had no effect on growth, nor did it alter plant responses to CO2 and/or temperature in combined treatments. Growth in all plant parts increased under elevated CO2, and height and stem biomass increased under elevated temperature. Increased carbon distribution to biomass did not reduce its allocation to phytochemicals: condensed tannins, most flavonols and phenolic acids accumulated under elevated CO2 and elevated UVB, but this effect disappeared under elevated temperature. Leaf nitrogen content decreased under elevated CO2. We conclude that, as a result of high genetic variability in phytochemicals, B. pendula seedlings have potential to adapt to the tested environmental changes. The induction in protective flavonoids under UVB radiation together with the positive impact of elevated CO2 and temperature mitigates possible UVB stress effects, and thus atmospheric CO2 concentration and temperature are the climate change factors that will dictate the establishment and success of birch at higher altitudes in the future.  相似文献   

This study investigates the drought response of four genotypes of Betula pendula with a focus on leaf and root morphological traits, leaf phenology and carbon partitioning between shoot and root. Potted one-year-old clonal plants of four genotypes from regions with low to high annual rainfall (550–1270 mm year−1) were subjected to drought periods of 12–14 weeks in two subsequent years. Well-watered control plants of the four genotypes differed significantly with respect to total leaf area per plant (LA) and specific leaf area (SLA), whereas differences in total fine root surface area (RA), root specific area (SRA), and the fine root:leaf mass ratio (FR:LM) were not significant. Highest LA and SLA were found in the clone originating from the driest environment. In complementary physiological investigations this clone was found to have the highest water use as well which was interpreted as competitive superiority in terms of water consumption. Drought resulted in an increase in SLA in all genotypes, and a decrease in LA. Leaf area reduction was more pronounced in the genotypes from high than in those from low rainfall origin. The ratio of total root to leaf surfaces remained more or less constant after drought application despite an increase in FR:LM. This is explained by a decrease in SRA resulting from a reduced abundance of very small fine rootlets (diameter <0.2 mm) in the drought-treated plants. The loss in total root surface area due to a reduction in finest root mass was compensated for by a relative increase in total root dry mass per plant. Comparison of results from the first and second drought period indicated a marked influence of timing of drought, root system size, and putative root limitation on plant drought response. We conclude that leaf and root morphology, the total leaf and root surfaces, and the morphological response to drought in birch are to a large extent under genetic control.  相似文献   

The physiological, stomatal and ultrastructural responses to ozone and drought of ozone-sensitive and more ozone-tolerant birch ( Betula pendula Roth.) clones were studied singly and in combination, in a high-stress chamber experiment and in a low-stress open-field experiment. In the chamber experiment, well watered (WW), moderately watered (MW) or drought-stressed (DS) saplings were exposed for 36 d to 0 or 130 nmol mol∠1 ozone. In the open-field experiment, well watered or drought-stressed saplings were grown for one growing season in ambient air or exposed to 1·8 × ambient ozone. Drought stress reduced growth rate, stomatal conductance, stomatal density and the proportion of starch and thylakoids in chloroplasts, but stimulated net photosynthesis, Rubisco and chlorophyll quantity at the end of the growing season, and increased the size and density of plastoglobuli. Ozone fumigations caused more variable, clone- and exposure-dependent responses in growth, decreased stomatal conductance and net photosynthesis, an increased number of stomata, visible and ultrastructural chloroplast injuries, and enhanced autumn yellowing of the leaves. Ozone-induced changes in plastoglobuli, starch and thylakoids resembled drought responses. The two experiments revealed that, depending on the experimental conditions and the variable, the response to drought and ozone stress can be independent, additive or interactive. Drought protected the plants from ozone injuries under high-stress conditions in the chamber experiment. In the low-stress, open-field experiment, however, enhanced ozone damage was observed in birch saplings grown under restricted water supply.  相似文献   

The efficiency of several promoters (pin2 from potato, ubiquitin from sunflower, rolC from Agrobacterium rhizogenes, act1 from rice and CaMV 35S from cauliflower mosaic virus) fused to the uidA reporter gene was measured after biolistic bombardment of birch leaves (Betula pendula L.). The highest level of β-glucuronidase (GUS) activity was achieved with the pin2 promoter and the lowest activity with the CaMV 35S promoter. The activity of the potato wound-inducible promoter (pin2) was also tested in stably transformed birch. The promoter showed induced activity after mechanical wounding and feeding by leaf weevils. The systemic effect was confirmed by enhanced GUS activity in non-wounded leaves. The results of this study indicated that the potato wound-inducible promoter maintains its function in birch and would be a suitable promoter in studies of insect-birch interaction at the molecular level. Received: 17 October 1996 / Revision received: 7 February 1997 / Accepted: 1 March 1997  相似文献   

Abstract Changes in the uptake and allocation of carbon and nitrogen, after a step-decrease in nutrient availability, were investigated in small birch (Betula pendula Roth). By demonstrating stable nutrition, before and after the decrease in nutrient supply, it was possible to eliminate the effects of plant size and age. Immediately following the step-decrease in nutrient availability, net nitrogen uptake to leaves and the relative rate of increase in shoot area tended to zero. Although photosynthetic rate per shoot area decreased, carbon uptake remained in excess of that used in structural growth and respiration. More of the excess carbon was accumulated as starch in leaves than in roots. After a lag phase, the relative rates of increase in plant dry matter, starch amount, net nitrogen uptake to leaves and shoot area development equalled that of the reduced rate of nutrient supply. It is concluded that the reduction in plant relative growth rate was much more attributable to the reduced allocation of photosynthate to leaf area growth than to the reduction in photosynthesis per shoot area.  相似文献   

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