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Activity and synapse elimination at the neuromuscular junction   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The neuromuscular junction undergoes a loss of synaptic connections during early development. This loss converts the innervation of each muscle fiber from polyneuronal to single. During this change the number of motor neurons remains constant but the number of muscle fibers innervated by each motor neuron is reduced. Evidence indicates that a local competition among the inputs on each muscle fiber determines which inputs are eliminated. The role of synapse elimination in the development of neuromuscular circuits, other than ensuring a single innervation of each fiber, is unclear. Most evidence suggests that the elimination plays little or no role in correcting for errant connections. Rather, it seems that connections are initially highly specific, in terms of both which motor neurons connect to which muscles and which neurons connect to which particular fibers within these muscles. A number of attempts have been made to determine the importance of neuromuscular activity during early development for this rearrangement of synaptic connections. Experiments reducing neuromuscular activity by muscle tenotomy, deafferentation and spinal cord section, block of nerve impulse conduction with tetrodotoxin, and the use of postsynaptic and presynaptic blocking agents have all shown that normal activity is required for normal synapse elimination. Most experiments in which complete muscle paralysis has been achieved show that activity may be essential for the occurrence of synapse elimination. Furthermore, experiments in which neuromuscular activity has been augmented by external stimulation show that synapse elimination is accelerated. A plausible hypothesis to explain the activity dependence of neuromuscular synapse elimination is that a neuromuscular trophic agent is produced by the muscle fibers and that this production is controlled by muscle-fiber activity. The terminals on each fiber compete for the substance produced by that fiber. Inactive fibers produce large quantities of this substance; on the other hand, muscle activity suppresses the level of synthesis of this agent to the point where only a single synaptic terminal can be maintained. Inactive muscle fibers would be expected to be able to maintain more nerve terminals. The attractiveness of this scheme is that it provides a simple feedback mechanism to ensure that each fiber retains a single effective input.  相似文献   

The chronology of development of spindle neural elements was examined by electron microscopy in fetal and neonatal rats. The three types of intrafusal muscle fiber of spindles from the soleus muscle acquired sensory and motor innervation in the same sequence as they formed--bag2, bag1, and chain. Both the primary and secondary afferents contacted developing spindles before day 20 of gestation. Sensory endings were present on myoblasts, myotubes, and myofibers in all intrafusal bundles regardless of age. The basic features of the sensory innervation--first-order branching of the parent axon, separation of the primary and secondary sensory regions, and location of both primary and secondary endings beneath the basal lamina of the intrafusal fibers--were all established by the fourth postnatal day. Cross-terminals, sensory terminals shared by more than one intrafusal fiber, were more numerous at all developmental stages than in mature spindles. No afferents to immature spindles were supernumerary, and no sensory axons appeared to retract from terminations on intrafusal fibers. The earliest motor axons contacted spindles on the 20th day of gestation or shortly afterward. More motor axons supplied the immature spindles, and a greater number of axon terminals were visible at immature intrafusal motor endings than in adult spindles; hence, retraction of supernumerary motor axons accompanies maturation of the fusimotor system analogous to that observed during the maturation of the skeletomotor system. Motor endings were observed only on the relatively mature myofibers; intrafusal myoblasts and myotubes lacked motor innervation in all age groups. This independence of the early stages of intrafusal fiber assembly from motor innervation may reflect a special inherent myogenic potential of intrafusal myotubes or may stem from the innervation of spindles by sensory axons.  相似文献   

Role of nerve and muscle factors in the development of rat muscle spindles   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The soleus muscles of fetal rats were examined by electron microscopy to determine whether the early differentiation of muscle spindles is dependent upon sensory innervation, motor innervation, or both. Simple unencapsulated afferent-muscle contacts were observed on the primary myotubes at 17 and 18 days of gestation. Spindles, encapsulations of muscle fibers innervated by afferents, could be recognized early on day 18 of gestation. The full complement of spindles in the soleus muscle was present at day 19, in the region of the neuromuscular hilum. More afferents innervated spindles at days 18 and 19 of gestation than at subsequent developmental stages, or in adult rats; hence, competition for available myotubes may exist among afferents early in development. Some of the myotubes that gave rise to the first intrafusal (bag2) fiber had been innervated by skeletomotor (alpha) axons prior to their incorporation into spindles. However, encapsulated intrafusal fibers received no motor innervation until fusimotor (gamma) axons innervated spindles 3 days after the arrival of afferents and formation of spindles, at day 20. The second (bag1) intrafusal fiber was already formed when gamma axons arrived. Thus, the assembly of bag1 and bag2 intrafusal fibers occurs in the presence of sensory but not gamma motor innervation. However, transient innervation of future bag2 fibers by alpha axons suggests that both sensory and alpha motor neurons may influence the initial stages of bag2 fiber assembly. The confinement of nascent spindles to a localized region of the developing muscle and the limited number of spindles in developing muscles in spite of an abundance of afferents raise the possibility that afferents interact with a special population of undifferentiated myotubes to form intrafusal fibers.  相似文献   

The differentiation of distinct myotube fiber types in chick limb muscle development is coincident with innervation. The role of motoneurons in influencing fiber type differentiation was analyzed by causing chick hind limb muscles to be innervated by inappropriate motoneurons and then examining experimental muscles for changes in the distribution of myosin ATPase fiber types. Motoneuron innervation of limb muscles was altered by performing either limb shifts, limb reversals, or large spinal cord reversals on early neural tube or limb bud stage chick embryos. The distribution of fiber types was then analyzed in muscles from stage 36 (E10) to stage 45 (E20) embryos after processing hind limb sections for myosin ATPase histochemistry. In the majority of experimental muscles examined (267/312), the distribution of myosin ATPase fiber types was unaltered. In the remaining experimental muscles (14%), alterations in the distribution of myosin ATPase fiber types occurred, indicating that in some cases, foreign innervation may alter the developmental program of differentiating myotubes. The results suggest that myotubes differentiate myosin ATPase staining characteristics according to an intrinsic program and that these differentiating myotubes are selectively innervated by motoneurons of the appropriate type under most conditions including normal development. Under exceptional circumstances of motoneuron-muscle fiber type mismatch, embryonic motoneurons can alter fiber type expression.  相似文献   

Young male rats were castrated at 7 days of age, and treated with testosterone propionate daily from 7 to 34 days of age. At 13 months of age, motor axons and terminals innervating the levator ani (LA) muscle were stained with tetranitroblue tetrazolium (TNBT). The number of separate axons innervating individual muscle fibers was counted, and muscle fiber diameter was measured. Previous studies have shown that this androgen treatment increases muscle fiber diameter and delays synapse elimination, measured as (1) a greater percentage of muscle fibers innervated by multiple axons and (2) larger motor units. The present results indicate that the androgenic effect on synapse elimination is permanent, in that high levels of multiple innervation persisted for 12 months after the end of androgen treatment. In contrast, the effect on muscle fiber diameter was not maintained for this period. This dissociation of androgenic effects on the pattern of innervation from androgenic effects on muscle fiber diameter offers further evidence that the androgenic maintenance of multiple innervation is not dependent on muscle fiber size. In addition, circulating testosterone levels were measured at 50 and 60 days of age in animals similarly treated with androgen or oil from 7 to 34 days of age. By 60 days of age, testosterone levels in hormone-treated animals had dropped below detectability, comparable to levels in oil-treated controls. This provides additional evidence that androgen treatment during juvenile development can have permanent effects on the adult pattern of innervation in the LA muscle.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Most vertebrate skeletal muscles consist of a heterogeneousarray of muscle fiber types that are distinguishable, in part,by differences in their contractile protein isoform content.It is often suggested that the information necessary for directingthe development of these fiber types is derived from interactionswith factors outside the muscle fibers themselves and, in particular,with innervating motoneurons. However, recent data from thisand other laboratories indicate that the emergence of fiberspecialization within developing muscle is not dependent oninnervation at all. These studies recognize two periods of embryonicfiber specialization. The first occurs during early embryonicdevelopment as individual muscles are formed from primary generationfibers expressing different myosin isoform types. The formationof these "early" muscle fiber types and their characteristicdistributions within and among different muscles are not dependenton interactions with innervating motoneurons. Furthermore, myoblastsisolated from "early" embryonic muscle tissue and cultured invitro display the same heterogeneity of myosin expression asthe primary generation fiber types in ovo, suggesting that thedifferences in expression among early muscle fiber types arepreprogrammed within their myoblasts. The second period occurs"late" in development after the major morphological events oflimb formation are complete and the initial pattern of fibertypes has been established. It is during this period that massivegrowth of most muscles occurs which is due, in part, to theformation of a secondary generation of muscle fibers. Thesesecondary generation fibers in ovo and the cultured myotubesderived from "late" embryonic myoblasts exhibit a single myosinphenotype (e.g., fast). The transition from "early" to "late"embryonic phases is accompanied by a change in fast myosin heavychain expression and is blocked by agents that disrupt neuromuscularcontacts.  相似文献   

Young male rats were castrated at 7 days of age, and treated with testosterone propionate daily from 7 to 34 days of age. At 13 months of age, motor axons and terminals innervating the levator ani (LA) muscle were stained with tetranitroblue tetrazolium (TNBT). The number of separate axons innervating individual muscle fibers was counted, and muscle fiber diameter was measured. Previous studies have shown that this androgen treatment increases muscle fiber diameter and delays synapse elimination, measured as (1) a greater percentage of muscle fibers innervated by multiple axons and (2) larger motor units. The present results indicate that the androgenic effect on synapse elimination is permanent, in that high levels of multiple innervation persisted for 12 months after the end of androgen treatment. In contrast, the effect on muscle fiber diameter was not maintained for this period. This dissociation of androgenic effects on the pattern of innervation from androgenic effects on muscle fiber diameter offers further evidence that the androgenic maintenance of multiple innervation is not dependent on muscle fiber size. In addition, circulating testosterone levels were measured at 50 and 60 days of age in animals similarly treated with androgen or oil from 7 to 34 days of age. By 60 days of age, testosterone levels in hormone-treated animals had dropped below detectability, comparable to levels in oil-treated controls. This provides additional evidence that androgen treatment during juvenile development can have permanent effects on the adult pattern of innervation in the LA muscle.  相似文献   

Previous results have shown that the adult human masseter muscle contains myosin isoforms that are specific to early stages of development in trunk and limb muscles, i.e. embryonic and fetal (neonatal) myosin heavy chains (MHC) and embryonic myosin light chain (MLC1emb). We wanted to know if this specific pattern is the result of a late maturation or of a distinct evolution during development. We show here that the embryonic and the fetal MHC and the MLC1emb are expressed throughout perinatal and postnatal masseter development. Our results also demonstrate that MLC1emb accumulation increases considerably during the postnatal period. In addition, both the slow MLCs and the slow isoform of tropomyosin are expressed later in the masseter than quadriceps and the fast skeletal muscle isoform MLC3 is not detected during fetal and early postnatal development in the masseter whereas it is expressed throughout fetal development in the quadriceps. Our results thus confirm previous histochemical data and demonstrate that the masseter muscle displays a pattern of myosin and tropomyosin isoform transitions different to that previously described in trunk and limb muscles. This suggests that control of masseter muscle development involves mechanisms distinct from other body muscles, possibly as a result of either its craniofacial innervation or of a possibly different embryonic origin.  相似文献   

The presynaptic neurotoxin, beta-bungarotoxin, was injected into rat fetuses in utero to destroy the innervation of their hindlimb muscles. These injections were made prior to the invasion of motor axons into the muscles and, in some cases, prior to the cleavage of individual muscles. Examination of the lateral motor column of the spinal cord showed a dramatic reduction (greater than 95%) in the number of motoneuron cell bodies. Staining of sections of the hindlimb with silver and with antibodies to neurofilament proteins and to a synaptic vesicle protein indicated that the muscles were aneural. Anti-myosin antibodies applied to sections of the hindlimb revealed that these aneural muscles by the 20th day of gestation had the same types of fibers as were present in normal muscles of the same age. Moreover, fiber types in most muscles showed their characteristic intramuscular distributions. These findings suggest that fiber types can differentiate in the absence of the nervous system. However, some fibers achieved their ultimate fiber type fate without passing through the normal sequence of myosin expressions. Moreover, some slow fibers lost their slow expression, suggesting that the maintenance of the slow differentiation may require innervation. Muscle growth was dramatically affected by the absence of motoneurons; some muscles were decreased in size and others disappeared completely. In muscles which had not degenerated by the time secondary myogenesis normally begins, secondary muscle fibers were generated indicating that the genesis of these fibers is not strictly nerve dependent. Because fiber types differentiate independently of the nervous system, this study suggests that motoneurons selectively innervate fiber types during normal development.  相似文献   

We have compared the development of fast and slow motor innervation in the neonatal rabbit soleus, a muscle which contains two distinct motor unit types during the early period of polyneuronal innervation. The innervation state of individual muscle fibers was ascertained using an intracellular electrode; a fluorescent dye was then injected into particular fibers to permit subsequent identification of histochemical type. We found no significant difference in the time course of synapse elimination for fast and slow motor units as judged by the percentage of fibers remaining polyneuronally innervated at two ages: 7-8 days, when most fibers are multiply innervated, and 10-11 days, when the level of polyinnervation is low. In a second experiment, we examined a phenomenon in which compound end-plate potentials were occasionally seen in muscle fibers at an age (17-23 days) well past the major episode of synapse elimination. We present evidence that this apparent polyinnervation in fact derives from an electrode-induced electrical coupling artifact and that genuinely polyinnervated fibers are very rare at this stage, if present at all.  相似文献   

Axonal tracing and immunocytochemical techniques were used to study the innervation of the head retractor muscle (HRM) in the pond snail Lymnaea stagnalis L. Fibers of both the superior and inferior cervical nerves which innervate the HRM form endings that comply with the structure of chemical synapses. The somata of neurons with axons in these nerves are located in all except the buccal ganglia of the central nervous system, and this seems to be a special feature of the HRM motor system. By staining the filamentous actin with Oregon-green conjugated phalloidin, we demonstrated that the HRM has a multiterminal innervation and one muscle fiber can contain several synaptic endings which appear to be both morphologically and physiologically different. The morphological diversity of synaptic vesicles suggests a multiplicity of neurotransmitters acting on these nerve-muscle junctions. Immunocytochemical evidence was found for a strong serotonergic and FMRFamidergic innervation of muscle fibers through axons of the inferior cervical nerve. The thin fibers of the inferior cervical nerve possess immunoreactivity to glutamate, gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) and choline-acetyltransferase, and form sparser innervation patterns in the muscle. Our results indicate that several neurotransmitters are present in the nerves innervating the Lymnaea HRM and may therefore participate in the control of this muscle. The possible behavioral significance of such different neurotransmitter sets involved in the regulation of contractions is discussed.  相似文献   

In adult skeletal muscles, exogenous ciliary neurotrophic factor (CNTF) induces axons and their nerve terminals to sprout. CNTF also regulates the amount of multiple innervation in developing skeletal muscles during synapse elimination, maintaining multiple innervation of muscle fibers. While CNTF may maintain multiple innervation by regulating developmental synapse elimination, it is also possible that CNTF induces the formation of new multiple innervation through a sprouting response. In this study I examined morphologically the effects of CNTF during synapse elimination in the extensor digitorum longus (EDL) muscle. Rat pups received injections of CNTF in one leg and vehicle in the other either early [postnatal day 7 (P7)-P13] or late (P14–P20) in development. The early treatment period corresponds to that time when the pattern of innervation in the EDL is converted from predominantly multiple to single innervation. The late treatment period is at the end of synapse elimination for the EDL but corresponds to the major period of synapse elimination in the levator ani (LA), allowing a comparison of effects on these two muscles from the same animals. On the day after the final injection, EDL muscles were dissected and stained with tetranitroblue tetrazolium and the resulting pattern of innervation was assessed. The present findings indicate that only the early CNTF treatment regulates the level of multiple innervation in the EDL. Moreover, the effect of early CNTF treatment was local, affecting multiple innervation only in the EDL from the CNTF-treated leg. CNTF injected during the late treatment period had no apparent effects on the EDL but had a potent effect on the pattern of innervation in the LA, significantly increasing the level of multiple innervation in this muscle. Thus, CNTF affected multiple innervation in these two muscles only if provided during the period when single innervation normally develops. There was no evidence to indicate that CNTF induced axons or their terminals to sprout during either treatment period. In conclusion, CNTF increases the level of multiple innervation, probably by regulating synapse elimination, and skeletal muscles themselves may be an important target site for CNTF action. Presumably, the sprouting response to CNTF found in adult muscle develops sometime after P21. © 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

During late stages of neural development, synaptic circuitry is edited by neural activity. At neuromuscular synapses, the transition from multiple to single innervation is modulated by the relative pattern of activity among inputs competing for innervation of the same muscle fiber. While experimental perturbations of activity result in marked changes in the timing of neuromuscular synaptic competition, little is known about the patterns of activity present during normal development. Here, we report the temporal patterning of motor unit activity in the soleus muscle of awake, behaving neonatal mice, and that patterning is modulated by gap-junctional coupling. Our work suggests that neuromuscular synaptic competition is modulated by surprisingly low levels of activity and may be triggered by the disappearance of temporally correlated activity among inputs competing for innervation of the same muscle fiber.  相似文献   

We studied the fiber type composition and contractile properties of mouse soleus motor units at 2 days, 5 days and 2 weeks of age. We used Lucifer Yellow injection to mark muscle fibers belonging to the same motor unit in the two youngest age groups, and the traditional method of glycogen depletion in the oldest. The age groups were chosen because 2 days is at the end of muscle fiber production; 5 days is at the start of synapse elimination in the muscle and 2 weeks is at the end. Muscle fibers were classified as fast (F) or slow (S) on the basis of their myosin heavy chain (MHC) content, as determined by different monoclonal antibodies. Motor units are already dominated by either F- or S-fibers at 2 days, suggesting an early preferential innervation of the two types of fibers. A substantial part of the remaining refinement of the innervation takes place during the next 3 days, while the total number of terminals in the muscle remains constant. This is most easily explained by an exchange of aberrant for correct synapses during this period. A smaller part of the refinement of the innervation occurs during the subsequent period of synapse elimination.  相似文献   

Abstract. Myosin isozymes from the slow soleus and fast EDL muscles of the rat hindlimb were analyzed by pyrophosphate gel electrophoresis, by peptide mapping of heavy chains, and by antibody staining. At the earliest stage examined, 20 days gestation, distinctions between the developing fast and slow muscles were seen by all these criteria; all fibers in the distal hindlimb reacted strongly with antibody to adult fast myosin. Some fibers also reacted with antibody to adult slow myosin; these fibers had a precise, axial distribution in the hindlimb. This pattern of staining which includes the entire soleus, foreshadows the adult distribution of slow fibers and may indicate that the specific pattern of innervation of the limb is already determined. In the early developing soleus there are four fetal and neonatal isozymes plus two isozymes present in equal proportions in the 'slow' area of the pyrophosphate gel. The mobility of these two slow isozymes decreases with maturity and the slowest moving isozyme gradually becomes the dominant species. Thus early diversity between the soleus and EDL is expressed by myosins which are distinct from the mature isozymes. The relative proportion of slow isozymes significantly increases with development and as this occurs the fetal and neonatal isozymes are progressively eliminated. Transiently at least one mature fast isozyme appears in the soleus. This is present at 15 days postpartum and probably correlates with the population of fast, type II fibers, which comprise 50% of this muscle cell population at 15 days. The EDL contained three fetal and neonatal isozymes and only one slow isozyme which does not change in mobility with age. Slow isozymes in the soleus and EDL are thus not identical. Each muscle underwent a unique series of changes until the adult pattern of isozymes and heavy chains was reached about one month postpartum.  相似文献   

In this report, we define a muscle-specific marker, beta-enolase, that distinguishes proliferating myoblasts from different stages of development. Enolase exists as multiple isoforms and in the course of cardiac and skeletal muscle development the beta isoform progressively replaces the alpha isoform. In skeletal muscle, this change in gene expression, unlike most developmental changes in myogenic gene expression, is evident in undifferentiated myoblasts. Whereas myoblasts from fetal tissues express alpha-enolase mRNA, beta-enolase is the predominant mRNA expressed by myoblasts from postnatal tissues. Our results are consistent with the idea that distinct precursor myoblasts contribute to the diversity of fiber types characteristic of muscle tissue at different stages of development.  相似文献   

Juvenile androgen treatment during developmental synapse elimination changes the pattern of innervation in the adult levator ani (LA), an androgen-sensitive muscle (Jordan, Letinsky, and Arnold, 1989b). Most notably, such adult muscles contain an unusually high number of muscle fibers that are innervated by two or more axons indicating that these fibers are multiply innervated. Juvenile androgen treatment also increases the adult level of preterminal branching, the number of junctional sites per adult fiber, and the size of adult LA muscle fibers and motoneurons in the spinal nucleus of the bulbocavernosus (SNB). The present study was designed to determine when in development androgen treatment is most effective in maintaining multiple innervation in adulthood and whether there are different critical periods for the different effects of juvenile androgen treatment. Male rats were castrated on 7, 21, or 34 days after birth (roughly corresponding to the beginning, middle, and end of synapse elimination in the LA muscle) and treated daily with testosterone propionate for the next 2 weeks. All rats were sacrificed at 9 weeks and their spinal cords and LA muscles were stained and analyzed. Only during the first treatment period (7-20) did androgen treatment result in increased levels of multiple innervation at 9 weeks. During this period, androgen also increased the number of junctional sites per fiber and the size of SNB somata but did not influence the adult level of preterminal branching or the diameter of adult LA muscle fibers. Androgen treatment during the two later periods increased the level of preterminal branching and the size of LA muscle fibers without influencing the level of multiple innervation.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

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