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Exposure of theurinary bladder epithelium of Necturusmaculosus (NUB) to protease and collagenase yields~50% isolated polarized cells. These cells express a membranecurrent slowly activated by depolarization or by removal of externaldivalent cations. The biophysical and pharmacological properties of thecurrent are largely consistent with those of gap junctionalhemichannels. After removal of divalent cations, the cells can also beloaded with 5(6)-carboxyfluorescein, a hydrophilic fluorescent anionic dye, and exposure to dye reduces the current in a manner dependent onmembrane voltage and side of application. In contrast,Necturus gallbladder (NGB) cellsexhibit no membrane conductance attributable to gap junctionalhemichannels, although previous studies reveal the persistence of gapjunction plaques on the plasma membrane. We conclude that functionalgap junctional hemichannels can be expressed on the surface of certainisolated epithelial cells and that this is not a necessary consequenceof the isolation procedure. These structures may contribute to celldamage under pathological conditions involving cell detachment.


Ca(2+) regulation of gap junctional coupling in lens epithelial cells   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The quantitative effects of Ca2+signaling on gap junctional coupling in lens epithelial cells have beendetermined using either the spread of Mn2+ that is imagedby its ability to quench the fluorescence of fura 2 or the spread ofthe fluorescent dye Alexa Fluor 594. Gap junctional coupling wasunaffected by a mechanically stimulated cell-to-cell Ca2+wave. Furthermore, when cytosolic Ca2+ concentration(Ca) increased after the addition of the agonistATP, coupling was unaffected during the period thatCa was maximal. However, coupling decreasedtransiently ~5-10 min after agonist addition whenCa returned to resting levels, indicating that thistransient decrease in coupling was unlikely due to a direct action ofCa on gap junctions. An increase inCa mediated by the ionophore ionomycin that wassustained for several minutes resulted in a more rapid and sustaineddecrease in coupling (IC50 ~300 nM Ca2+, Hillcoefficient of 4), indicating that an increase in Ca alone could regulate gap junctions. Thus Ca increases that occurred during agonist stimulation and cell-to-cell Ca2+ waves were too transient to mediate a sustaineduncoupling of lens epithelial cells.


Cumulus cells of the oocyte play important roles in in vitro maturation and subsequent development. One of the routes by which the factors are transmitted from cumulus cells to the oocyte is gap junctional communication (GJC). The function of cumulus cells in in vitro maturation of porcine oocytes was investigated by using a gap junction inhibitor, heptanol. Cumulus-oocyte complexes (COCs) were collected from the ovaries of slaughtered gilts by aspiration. After selection of COCs with intact cumulus cell layers and uniform cytoplasm, they were cultured in a medium with 0, 1, 5, or 10 mM of heptanol for 48 h. After culture in vitro, one group of oocytes was assessed for nuclear maturation and glutathione (GSH) content, and another group was assigned to in vitro fertilization and assessed for the penetrability of oocytes and the degree of progression to male pronuclei (MPN) of penetrated spermatozoa. At the end of in vitro maturation, the oocytes reached metaphase II at a high rate (about 80%) regardless of the presence of heptanol at various concentrations. Cumulus cell expansion and the morphology of oocytes cultured in the medium with heptanol were similar to those of control COCs matured without heptanol. The amount of GSH in cultured oocytes tended to decrease as the concentration of heptanol in the medium was increased. Although there was no difference in the rates of penetrated oocytes cultured in media with different concentrations of heptanol, the proportion of oocytes forming MPN after insemination decreased significantly (P < 0.01) at all concentrations tested. A higher rate of sperm (P < 0.01) failed to degrade their nuclear envelopes after penetration into the oocytes that were treated with heptanol. GJC between the oocyte and cumulus cells might play an important role in regulating the cytoplasmic factor(s) responsible for the removal of sperm nuclear envelopes as well as GSH inflow from cumulus cells.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to investigate the influence of the actin cytoskeleton on gap junctional intercellular communication (GJIC) in cultured astrocytes. This report describes an decrease of GJIC following microinjection of anti-actin antibodies or cytochalasin D treatment. Dye transfer of microinjected neurobiotin was used to assay gap junctional permeability in cultured astrocytes. Besides this translocation of connexins to the plasma membrane we investigated subsequent anti-actin antibody injection. While control cultures exhibited intensive dye spreading of microinjected neurobiotin, GJIC was impaired by microinjection of anti-actin antibodies. Additionally, impaired GJIC was observed after cytochalasin D treatment for 15 min. After the drug had been washed out, a recovery of GJIC was achieved. Cultured astrocytes exhibited a prominent actin cytoskeleton, with strong staining of actin filaments at the plasma membrane. Confocal laser scanning microscopy revealed an impaired translocation of Cx 43 from the Golgi apparatus to the cell membrane of cell processes following anti-actin antibody injection. These results suggest that the morphological integrity of microfilaments seems to be fundamental for GJIC, probably by means of associations among actin filaments, actin binding proteins, and Cx 43 at the plasma membrane or indirectly through the transport of connexins from the cytoplasm to the cell membrane.  相似文献   

Human HeLa cells transfected with mouse Cx45 and rat RIN cells transfected with chicken Cx45 were used to study the electrical and permeability properties of Cx45 gap junction hemichannels. With no extracellular Ca(2+), whole-cell recording revealed currents arising from hemichannels in both transfected cell lines. Multichannel currents showed a time-dependent activation or deactivation sensitive to voltage, V(m). These currents did not occur in non-transfected cells. The hemichannel currents were inhibited by raising extracellular Ca(2+) or by acidification with CO(2). The unitary conductance exhibited V(m) dependence (i.e., gamma(hc,main) increased/decreased with hyperpolarization/depolarization). Extrapolation to V(m) = 0 mV led to a gamma(hc,main) of 57 pS, roughly twice the conductance of an intact Cx45 gap junction channel. The open channel probability, P(o), was V(m)-dependent, declining at negative V(m) (P(o) < 0.11, V(m) < -50 mV), and increasing at positive V(m) (P(o) approximately 0.76, V(m) > 50 mV). Moreover, Cx45 nonjunctional hemichannels appeared to mediate lucifer yellow (LY) and propidium iodide (PI) dye uptake from the external solution when extracellular Ca(2+) level was reduced. Dye uptake was directly proportional to the number of functioning hemichannels. No significant dye uptake was detected in non-transfected cells. Cx45 transfected HeLa and RIN cells also allowed dye to leak out when preloaded with LY and then incubated in Ca(2+)-free external solution, whereas little or no dye leakage was observed when these cells were incubated with 2 mM external Ca(2+). Intact Cx45 gap junction channels allowed passage of either LY or PI dye, but their respective flux rates were different. Comparison of LY diffusion through Cx45 hemichannels and intact gap junction channels revealed that the former is more permeable, suggesting that gap junction channel pores exhibit more allosterical restriction to the dye molecules than the unopposed hemichannel. The data demonstrate the opening of Cx45 nonjunctional hemichannels in vertebrate cells when the external Ca(2+) concentration is reduced.  相似文献   

Summary Cultured carrot cells (Daucus carota L.) reduced nitrate to nitrite at a slow rate (0.4 moles/g dry wt · h) without any additions to the reaction medium. This rate was doubled or tripled in presence of 100 M NADH. Ethanol and other alcohols stimulated the basal rate 8–10-fold. Isolated carrot plasma membranes also reduced nitrate to nitrite at a rate of 80 nmoles/mg protein · h. This plasma membrane-bound nitrate reductase activity was estimated to be 1.7% of the total activity. Nitrate reduction by carrot cells was inhibited 56% by sodium tungstate, 57% by potassium cyanide, and 87% by gold chloride. It was stimulated by plasma membrane electron transport inhibitors (retinoic acid and chloroquine) and ATPase inhibitors (diethylstilbestrol). From differential effects of some stimulators or inhibitors in the presence or absence of NADH, it can be implied that the nitrate reductase activity of cultured carrot cells was due to a transmembrane enzyme exhibiting an exogenous nitrate reductase activity when NADH was added.Abbreviation DMSO dimethyl sulfoxide - SHAM salicyl hydroxamic acid  相似文献   

All-trans retinoic acid (RA), which was recently identified as a morphogen, affects gap junctional permeability in a dose- and time-dependent manner. In five different established mammalian cell lines (FL, BRL, BICR/M1Rk, HEL37, BT5C1) 100 mumol/liter RA reduced Lucifer yellow spreading within 30 min to 20-50% of the control. Ionic coupling, however, remained almost unaffected under the same conditions. Freeze-fractured membranes of untreated and RA-treated cells were similar with regard to frequency and sizes of gap junction plaques. With concentrations of less than 10 mumol/liter RA the dye spreading increased significantly in the human amniotic cell line FL, pointing to a possible modulatory effect of RA on junctional communication.  相似文献   

Cx43 is a widely expressed gap junction protein that mediates communication between many cell types. In general, tumor cells display less intercellular communication than their nontransformed precursors. The Src tyrosine kinase has been implicated in progression of a wide variety of cancers. Src can phosphorylate Cx43, and this event is associated with the suppression of gap junction communication. However, Src activates multiple signaling pathways that can also affect intercellular communication. For example, serine kinases including PKC and MAPK are downstream effectors of Src that can also phosphorylate Cx43 and disrupt gap junctional communication. In addition, Src can affect the expression of other proteins that may affect intercellular communication. Indeed, disruption of gap junctions by Src appears to be complex. It has become clear that Src can affect Cx43 activity by multiple mechanisms. Here, we review how Src may orchestrate events that regulate intercellular communication mediated by Cx43.  相似文献   

We analyzed the pattern of gap junction protein (connexin) expression in vivo by indirect immunofluorescence. In normal rat lung sections, connexin (Cx)32 was expressed by type II cells, whereas Cx43 was more ubiquitously expressed and Cx46 was expressed by occasional alveolar epithelial cells. In response to bleomycin-induced lung injury, Cx46 was upregulated by alveolar epithelial cells, whereas Cx32 and Cx43 expression were largely unchanged. Given that Cx46 may form gap junction channels with either Cx43 or Cx32, we examined the ability of primary alveolar epithelial cells cultured for 6 days, which express Cx43 and Cx46, to form heterocellular gap junctions with cells expressing other connexins. Day 6 alveolar epithelial cells formed functional gap junctions with other day 6 cells or with HeLa cells transfected with Cx43 (HeLa/Cx43), but they did not communicate with HeLa/Cx32 cells. Furthermore, day 6 alveolar epithelial cells formed functional gap junction channels with freshly isolated type II cells. Taken together, these data are consistent with the notion that type I and type II alveolar epithelial cells communicate through gap junctions compatible with Cx43.  相似文献   

Incubation of mouse epidermal HEL-37 cells with 1-oleoyl-2-acetylglycerol (OAG) caused a dose-dependent and transient inhibition of the transfer of microinjected fluorescein between contacting cells. Soluble extracts of HEL-37 cells contained protein kinase C activity after fractionation on DEAE-cellulose and translocation of this activity to the particulate fraction occurred after 10 min exposure to OAG or to 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (TPA). After 18h exposure to TPA essentially all the protein kinase C activity was lost. In such TPA treated cells the transfer of microinjected fluorescein was refractory to inhibition by both TPA and OAG.  相似文献   

We demonstrate that the Src kinase can augment gap junctional communication between cells derived from homozygous null Cx43 knockout mice. The total conductance between Src transformed cells was nearly twice that of nontransformed cells. In addition, the unitary conductance of the majority of single channel events between transformed cells was about 35% greater than that of nontransformed cells. Analysis showed that both nontransformed and transformed cells expressed at least two populations of channels, suggesting that Src increased junctional conductance by up-regulating one population and/or by increasing the unitary conductance of another population of channels. Interestingly, the conductance displayed by heterologous pairs of transformed and nontransformed cells resembled that of nontransformed cells. The majority of single channel events between heterologous pairs shifted back to lower conductances that were exhibited by nontransformed cells. Thus, nontransformed cells can effectively "normalize" the conductance of gap junction channels expressed by adjacent tumor cells.  相似文献   

Gap junctional communication is a universal property of metazoan animals. Biochemical, immunological, molecular biological, ultrastructural, biophysical and physiological studies of gap junctions have permitted increasingly detailed modelling of gap junctional structure and function. In spite of this progress the questions to be addressed are whether the channel is a mixed oligomer and the stoichiometry for each tissue is fixed. Also the extent of homology among gap junction proteins in different tissues and their possible regulatory function have to be clarified. As long as the different channels are not cloned and expressed, the ultrastructural correlates of the physiological concepts such as channel gating, selectivity and regulation, as well as assembly and disassembly cannot be determined. The genetic approach is in full progress. The observed differences between gap junction proteins from different tissues and the multiplicity of subunits in even one channel implies a functional specialization for gap junctions. Correlative studies on the molecular and cellular level should help to clarify the physiological meaning of intercellular communication by gap junctions.  相似文献   

Vascular endothelial cells (EC), communicating with one another across gap junctions, are usually made dysfunctional by hypoxia and reoxygenation (H/R); however, very limited information exists regarding the effects of H/R on the endothelial gap junctions. We investigated whether H/R interferes with endothelial gap junctional intercellular communication (GJIC). After human umbilical vein EC had grown to confluence, they were exposed to hypoxia (pO2 < 0.1%) for 12–16 h and then returned to normal atmospheric conditions for reoxygenation. At 0-, 2-, 4-, 6-h reoxygenation, GJIC was detected by means of a fluorescence recovery after a photobleaching technique. The results demonstrated that a GJIC reduction (about 20% less than that under normoxia) was induced after 2 h of reoxygenation; after 4 h of reoxygenation, it began to recover (to about 10% less than that under normoxia); and after 6 h of reoxygenation, GJIC was restored to the normal level. Calphostin C (1 × 10−7 mol/l), a specific protein kinase C inhibitor, partially inhibited the reduction in GJIC (resulting in a level about 10% less than that under normoxia), whereas the tyrosine kinase inhibitor genistein (10 µmol/L) completely blocked the reduction in GJIC. Vanadate (1.5 mmol/l), a tyrosine phosphatase inhibitor, amplified the inhibitory effect of H/R on GJIC (to about 40% less than that under normoxia). Immunofluorescence and immunoprecipitation showed that 2-h reoxygenation significantly stimulated tyrosine protein phosphorylation, and this phosphorylation event was obviously enhanced by vanadate. The results of Western blotting showed that the gap junctional protein connexin 43 (Cx43) was phosphorylated by H/R; moreover, immunoprecipitation demonstrated that 2-h reoxygenation induced a prominent increase of tyrosine phosphorylation of Cx43 compared with that under normoxia. These data indicate that H/R induces a transient endothelial GJIC dysfunction through the activation of tyrosine kinase and phosphorylation of tyrosine residues of Cx43. J. Cell. Physiol. 180:305–313, 1999. © 1999 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: Evidence collected over the years has demonstrated that cryptorchidism is associated with a defect in spermatogenesis and, as a consequence, with either reduced fertility or infertility. However, the effect of cryptorchidism on Leydig cell function is less clear. The aim of our study therefore was to investigate the regulation of steroid hormone biosynthesis and, additionally, intercellular communication in the cryptorchid equine testes. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Testes of mature bilaterally cryptorchid horse and healthy stallions were used for this study. The expression of luteinising hormone receptor (LHR), 3beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (3beta-HSD), aromatase and connexin43 (Cx43) was detected by means of immunohistochemistry. Testosterone and oestradiol levels were measured in testicular homogenates using appropriate radioimmunoassays. RESULTS: In the testes of both normal and cryptorchid stallions, immunostaining for LHR, 3beta-HSD and aromatase was confined to the Leydig cells. In the cryptorchid horse, the intensity of the staining for LHR and 3beta-HSD was weaker, whereas the staining for aromatase was clearly stronger than that of the normal stallion. Radioimmunological analysis revealed disturbance of the androgen-oestrogen balance in the cryptorchid testes. Additionally, in both the seminiferous tubules and interstitial tissue of the cryptorchid a clear reduction of the Cx43 signal was observed. CONCLUSIONS: Decreased expression of LHR and 3beta-HSD and increased expression of aromatase in the cryptorchid testes suggest that hormonal imbalance was caused both by reduced testosterone synthesis and by increased androgen aromatisation. Impaired expression of Cx43 in the seminiferous tubules as well as in the interstitial tissue of the cryptorchid horse indicates that cryptorchidism affects intercellular communication in the testes.  相似文献   

Connexin hemichannels have a low open probability under normal conditions but open in response to various stimuli, forming a release pathway for small paracrine messengers. We investigated hemichannel-mediated ATP responses triggered by changes of intracellular Ca2+ ([Ca2+]i) in Cx43 expressing glioma cells and primary glial cells. The involvement of hemichannels was confirmed with gja1 gene-silencing and exclusion of other release mechanisms. Hemichannel responses were triggered when [Ca2+]i was in the 500 nM range but the responses disappeared with larger [Ca2+]i transients. Ca2+-triggered responses induced by A23187 and glutamate activated a signaling cascade that involved calmodulin (CaM), CaM-dependent kinase II, p38 mitogen activated kinase, phospholipase A2, arachidonic acid (AA), lipoxygenases, cyclo-oxygenases, reactive oxygen species, nitric oxide and depolarization. Hemichannel responses were also triggered by activation of CaM with a Ca2+-like peptide or exogenous application of AA, and the cascade was furthermore operational in primary glial cells isolated from rat cortex. In addition, several positive feed-back loops contributed to amplify the responses. We conclude that an elevation of [Ca2+]i triggers hemichannel opening, not by a direct action of Ca2+ on hemichannels but via multiple intermediate signaling steps that are adjoined by distinct signaling mechanisms activated by high [Ca2+]i and acting to restrain cellular ATP loss.  相似文献   

Understanding the process of carcinogenesis will involve both the accumulation of many scientific facts derived from molecular, biochemical, cellular, physiological, whole animal experiments and epidemiological studies, as well as from conceptual understanding as to how to order and integrate those facts. From decades of cancer research, a number of the "hallmarks of cancer" have been identified, as well as their attendant concepts, including oncogenes, tumor suppressor genes, cell cycle biochemistry, hypotheses of metastasis, angiogenesis, etc. While all these "hallmarks" are well known, two important concepts, with their associated scientific observations, have been generally ignored by many in the cancer research field. The objective of the short review is to highlight the concept of the role of human adult pluri-potent stem cells as "target cells" for the carcinogenic process and the concept of the role of gap junctional intercellular communication in the multi-stage, multi-mechanism process of carcinogenesis. With these two concepts, an attempt has been made to integrate the other well-known concepts, such as the multi-stage, multimechanisn or the "initiation/promotion/progression" hypothesis; the stem cell theory of carcinogenesis; the oncogene/tumor suppression theory and the mutation/epigenetic theories of carcinogenesis. This new "integrative" theory tries to explain the well-known "hallmarks" of cancers, including the observation that cancer cells lack either heterologous or homologous gap junctional intercellular communication whereas normal human adult stem cells do not have expressed or functional gap junctional intercellular communication. On the other hand, their normal differentiated, non-stem cell derivatives do express connexins and express gap junctional intercellular communication during their differentiation. Examination of the roles of chemical tumor promoters, oncogenes, connexin knock-out mice and roles of genetically-engineered tumor and normal cells with connexin and anti-sense connexin genes, respectively, seems to provide evidence which is consistent with the roles of both stem cells and gap junctional communication playing a major role in carcinogenesis. The integrative hypothesis provides new strategies for chemoprevention and chemotherapy which focuses on modulating connexin gene expression or gap junctional intercellular communication in the premalignant and malignant cells, respectively.  相似文献   

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