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The directional transport of the plant hormone auxin is a unique process mediating a wide variety of developmental processes. Auxin movement between cells depends on AUX1/LAX, PGP and PIN protein families that mediate auxin transport across the plasma membrane. The directionality of auxin flow within tissues is largely determined by polar, subcellular localization of PIN auxin efflux carriers. PIN proteins undergo rapid subcellular dynamics that is important for the process of auxin transport and its directionality. Furthermore, various environmental and endogenous signals can modulate trafficking and polarity of PIN proteins and by this mechanism change auxin distribution. Thus, the subcellular dynamics of auxin transport proteins represents an important interface between cellular processes and development of the whole plant. This review summarizes our recent contributions to the field of PIN trafficking and auxin transport regulation.  相似文献   

Cell-to-cell communication is absolutely essential for multicellular organisms. Both animals and plants use chemicals called hormones for intercellular signaling. However, multicellularity of plants and animals has evolved independently, which led to establishment of distinct strategies in order to cope with variations in an ever-changing environment.The phytohormone auxin is crucial to plant development and patterning. PIN auxin efflux carrier-driven polar auxin transport regulates plant development as it controls asymmetric auxin distribution (auxin gradients), which in turn modulates a wide range of developmental processes. Internal and external cues trigger a number of posttranslational PIN auxin carrier modifications that were demonstrated to decisively influence variations in adaptive growth responses. In this review, we highlight recent advances in the analysis of posttranslational modification of PIN auxin efflux carriers, such as phosphorylation and ubiquitylation, and discuss their eminent role in directional vesicle trafficking, PIN protein de-/stabilization and auxin transport activity. We conclude with updated models, in which we attempt to integrate the mechanistic relevance of posttranslational modifications of PIN auxin carriers for the dynamic nature of plant development.  相似文献   

Several mechanisms allow for cargo internalization into cells within membrane-bound endocytic carriers. How these internalization processes couple to specific pathways of intracellular distribution remains poorly explored. Here, we review uptake reactions that are independent of the conventional clathrin machinery. We discuss how these link to retrograde trafficking from endosomes to the Golgi apparatus and exemplify biological situations in which the polarized secretion capacity of the Golgi apparatus allows for retrograde cargoes to be delivered to specialized areas of the plasma membrane, such as the leading edge of migratory cells or the immunological synapse of immune cells. We also address the evidence that allows to position apicobasal polarity of epithelial cells in this context. The underlying theme is thereby the functional coupling between specific types of endocytosis to intracellular retrograde trafficking for protein cargoes that need to be localized in a highly polarized and dynamic manner to plasmalemmal subdomains.  相似文献   

The posttranslational regulation of transferrin receptor (TfR1) is largely unknown. We investigated whether iron availability affects TfR1 endocytic cycle and protein stability in HepG2 hepatoma cells exposed to ferric ammonium citrate (FAC). NH4Cl and bafilomycin A1, but not the proteasomal inhibitor MG132, prevented the FAC-mediated decrease in TfR1 protein levels, thus indicating lysosomal involvement. Knockdown experiments showed that TfR1 lysosomal degradation is independent of 1) endocytosis mediated by the clathrin adaptor AP2; 2) Tf, which was suggested to facilitate TfR1 internalization; 3) H-ferritin; and 4) MARCH8, previously implicated in TfR1 degradation. Notably, FAC decreased the number of TfR1 molecules at the cell surface and increased the Tf endocytic rate. Colocalization experiments confirmed that, upon FAC treatment, TfR1 was endocytosed in an AP2- and Tf-independent pathway and trafficked to the lysosome for degradation. This unconventional endocytic regulatory mechanism aimed at reducing surface TfR1 may represent an additional posttranslational control to prevent iron overload. Our results show that iron is a key regulator of the trafficking of TfR1, which has been widely used to study endocytosis, often not considering its function in iron homeostasis.  相似文献   

Endocytosis is an essential process by which eukaryotic cells internalize exogenous material or regulate signaling at the cell surface [1]. Different endocytic pathways are well established in yeast and animals; prominent among them is clathrin-dependent endocytosis [2, 3]. In plants, endocytosis is poorly defined, and no molecular mechanism for cargo internalization has been demonstrated so far [4, 5], although the internalization of receptor-ligand complexes at the plant plasma membrane has recently been shown [6]. Here we demonstrate by means of a green-to-red photoconvertible fluorescent reporter, EosFP [7], the constitutive endocytosis of PIN auxin efflux carriers [8] and their recycling to the plasma membrane. Using a plant clathrin-specific antibody, we show the presence of clathrin at different stages of coated-vesicle formation at the plasma membrane in Arabidopsis. Genetic interference with clathrin function inhibits PIN internalization and endocytosis in general. Furthermore, pharmacological interference with cargo recruitment into the clathrin pathway blocks internalization of PINs and other plasma-membrane proteins. Our data demonstrate that clathrin-dependent endocytosis is operational in plants and constitutes the predominant pathway for the internalization of numerous plasma-membrane-resident proteins including PIN auxin efflux carriers.  相似文献   

Endocytosis is a crucial mechanism by which eukaryotic cells internalize extracellular and plasma membrane material, and it is required for a multitude of cellular and developmental processes in unicellular and multicellular organisms. In animals and yeast, the best characterized pathway for endocytosis depends on the function of the vesicle coat protein clathrin. Clathrin-mediated endocytosis has recently been demonstrated also in plant cells, but its physiological and developmental roles remain unclear. Here, we assessed the roles of the clathrin-mediated mechanism of endocytosis in plants by genetic means. We interfered with clathrin heavy chain (CHC) function through mutants and dominant-negative approaches in Arabidopsis thaliana and established tools to manipulate clathrin function in a cell type-specific manner. The chc2 single mutants and dominant-negative CHC1 (HUB) transgenic lines were defective in bulk endocytosis as well as in internalization of prominent plasma membrane proteins. Interference with clathrin-mediated endocytosis led to defects in constitutive endocytic recycling of PIN auxin transporters and their polar distribution in embryos and roots. Consistent with this, these lines had altered auxin distribution patterns and associated auxin transport-related phenotypes, such as aberrant embryo patterning, imperfect cotyledon specification, agravitropic growth, and impaired lateral root organogenesis. Together, these data demonstrate a fundamental role for clathrin function in cell polarity, growth, patterning, and organogenesis in plants.  相似文献   

G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) are integral membrane proteins that, in response to activation by extracellular stimuli, regulate intracellular second messenger levels via their coupling to heterotrimeric G proteins. GPCR activation also initiates a series of molecular events that leads to G protein-coupled receptor kinase-mediated receptor phosphorylation and the binding of beta-arrestin proteins to the intracellular face of the receptor. beta-Arrestin binding not only contributes to the G protein-uncoupling of GPCRs, but also mediates the targeting of many GPCRs for endocytosis in clathrin-coated pits. Several GPCRs internalize as a stable complex with beta-arrestin and the stability of this complex appears to regulate, at least in part, whether the receptors are dephosphorylated in early endosomes and recycled back to the cell surface as fully functional receptors, retained in early endosomes or targeted for degradation in lysosomes. More recently, it has become appreciated that the movement of GPCRs through functionally distinct intracellular membrane compartments is regulated by a variety of Rab GTPases and that the activity of these Rab GTPases may influence GPCR function. Moreover, it appears that GPCRs are not simply passive cargo molecules, but that GPCR activation may directly influence Rab GTPase activity and as such, GPCRs may directly control their own targeting between intracellular compartments. This review provides a synopsis of the current knowledge regarding the role of beta-arrestins and Rab GTPases in regulating the intracellular trafficking and function of GPCRs.  相似文献   

While the intracellular pathways of ligands after receptor-mediated endocytosis have been studied extensively in mammalian cells, in insect cells these pathways are largely unknown. We transfected Drosophila Schneider line 2 (S2) cells with the human low-density lipoprotein (LDL) receptor (LDLR) and transferrin (Tf) receptor (TfR), and used endocytosis of LDL and Tf as markers. After endocytosis in mammalian cells, LDL is degraded in lysosomes, whereas Tf is recycled. Fluorescence microscopy analysis revealed that LDL and Tf are internalized by S2 cells transfected with LDLR or TfR, respectively. In transfectants simultaneously expressing LDLR and TfR, both ligands colocalize in endosomes immediately after endocytic uptake, and their location remained unchanged after a chase. Similar results were obtained with Spodoptera frugiperda Sf9 cells that were transfected with TfR, suggesting that Tf is retained intracellularly by both cell lines. The insect lipoprotein, lipophorin, is recycled upon lipophorin receptor (LpR)-mediated endocytosis by mammalian cells, however, not after endocytosis by LpR-expressing S2 transfectants, suggesting that this recycling mechanism is cell-type specific. LpR is endogenously expressed by fat body tissue of Locusta migratoria for a limited period after an ecdysis. A chase following endocytosis of labeled lipophorin by isolated fat body tissue at this developmental stage resulted in a significant decrease of lipophorin-containing vesicles, indicative of recycling of the ligand.  相似文献   

The cellular effects of leptin are dependent on the receptor subtypes that mediate the signaling and fate of endocytosed leptin inside the cells. In this study, we examined the differences in receptor expression, endocytosis, intracellular degradation, and exocytosis of a trace amount of leptin in cells overexpressing ObRb and short forms of the leptin receptor. The relative contribution of proteasomes and lysosomes in the intracellular fate of leptin was also determined. There were three unusual findings: (1) all receptor subtypes could mediate the binding and endocytosis of leptin, although ObRb was expressed at a lower level than ObRa, ObRc, and ObRd after transient transfection. This indicates that ObRb can be a transporting receptor. (2) Once internalized, the intracellular degradation pattern and exocytosis of leptin were independent of the receptor subtype. (3) Endocytosed leptin could remain intact for at least 1 h. This stability was further enhanced by inhibition of lysosomal activity. Thus, the intracellular pool of intact leptin may allow prolonged biological functions for this adipokine.  相似文献   

Li G  Xue HW 《The Plant cell》2007,19(1):281-295
Phospholipase D (PLD) and its product, phosphatidic acid (PA), play key roles in cellular processes, including stress and hormonal responses, vesicle trafficking, and cytoskeletal rearrangements. We isolated and functionally characterized Arabidopsis thaliana PLDzeta2, which is expressed in various tissues and enhanced by auxin. A PLDzeta2-defective mutant, pldzeta2, and transgenic plants deficient in PLDzeta2 were less sensitive to auxin, had reduced root gravitropism, and suppressed auxin-dependent hypocotyl elongation at 29 degrees C, whereas transgenic seedlings overexpressing PLDzeta2 showed opposite phenotypes, suggesting that PLDzeta2 positively mediates auxin responses. Studies on the expression of auxin-responsive genes and observation of the beta-glucuronidase (GUS) expression in crosses between pldzeta2 and lines containing DR5-GUS indicated that PLDzeta2, or PA, stimulated auxin responses. Observations of the membrane-selective dye FM4-64 showed suppressed vesicle trafficking under PLDzeta2 deficiency or by treatment with 1-butanol, a PLD-specific inhibitor. By contrast, vesicle trafficking was enhanced by PA or PLDzeta2 overexpression. Analyses of crosses between pldzeta2 and lines containing PIN-FORMED2 (PIN2)-enhanced green fluorescent protein showed that PLDzeta2 deficiency had no effect on the localization of PIN2 but blocked the inhibition of brefeldin A on PIN2 cycling. These results suggest that PLDzeta2 and PA are required for the normal cycling of PIN2-containing vesicles as well as for function in auxin transport and distribution, and hence auxin responses.  相似文献   

The polarization of yeast and animal cells relies on membrane sterols for polar targeting of proteins to the plasma membrane, their polar endocytic recycling and restricted lateral diffusion. However, little is known about sterol function in plant-cell polarity. Directional root growth along the gravity vector requires polar transport of the plant hormone auxin. In Arabidopsis, asymmetric plasma membrane localization of the PIN-FORMED2 (PIN2) auxin transporter directs root gravitropism. Although the composition of membrane sterols influences gravitropism and localization of two other PIN proteins, it remains unknown how sterols contribute mechanistically to PIN polarity. Here, we show that correct membrane sterol composition is essential for the acquisition of PIN2 polarity. Polar PIN2 localization is defective in the sterol-biosynthesis mutant cyclopropylsterol isomerase1-1 (cpi1-1) which displays altered sterol composition, PIN2 endocytosis, and root gravitropism. At the end of cytokinesis, PIN2 localizes initially to both newly formed membranes but subsequently disappears from one. By contrast, PIN2 frequently remains at both daughter membranes in endocytosis-defective cpi1-1 cells. Hence, sterol composition affects post-cytokinetic acquisition of PIN2 polarity by endocytosis, suggesting a mechanism for sterol action on establishment of asymmetric protein localization.  相似文献   

PIN-FORMED (PIN)-dependent auxin transport is essential for plant development and its modulation in response to the environment or endogenous signals. A NON-PHOTOTROPIC HYPOCOTYL 3 (NPH3)-like protein, MACCHI-BOU 4 (MAB4), has been shown to control PIN1 localization during organ formation, but its contribution is limited. The Arabidopsis genome contains four genes, MAB4/ENP/NPY1-LIKE1 (MEL1), MEL2, MEL3 and MEL4, highly homologous to MAB4. Genetic analysis disclosed functional redundancy between MAB4 and MEL genes in regulation of not only organ formation but also of root gravitropism, revealing that NPH3 family proteins have a wider range of functions than previously suspected. Multiple mutants showed severe reduction in PIN abundance and PIN polar localization, leading to defective expression of an auxin responsive marker DR5rev::GFP. Pharmacological analyses and fluorescence recovery after photo-bleaching experiments showed that mel mutations increase PIN2 internalization from the plasma membrane, but affect neither intracellular PIN2 trafficking nor PIN2 lateral diffusion at the plasma membrane. Notably, all MAB4 subfamily proteins show polar localization at the cell periphery in plants. The MAB4 polarity was almost identical to PIN polarity. Our results suggest that the MAB4 subfamily proteins specifically retain PIN proteins in a polarized manner at the plasma membrane, thus controlling directional auxin transport and plant development.  相似文献   

Ataxin-2 is a novel protein, where the unstable expansion of an internal polyglutamine domain can cause the neurodegenerative disease Spinocerebellar Ataxia type 2 (SCA2). To elucidate its cellular function, we have used full-length ataxin-2 as bait in a yeast two-hybrid screen of human adult brain cDNA. As binding partners we found endophilin A1 and A3, two brain-expressed members of the endophilin A family involved in synaptic vesicle endocytosis. Co-immunoprecipitation studies confirmed the binding of these proteins as an endogenous complex in mouse brain. In vitro binding experiments narrowed the binding interfaces down to two proline-rich domains on ataxin-2, which interacted with the SH3 domain of endophilin A1/A3. Ataxin-2 and endophilin associated at the endoplasmic reticulum as well as at the plasma membrane as determined by immunofluorescence microscopy of transfected cell lines, and by centrifugation fractionation studies of mouse brain. Importantly, the pattern observed in transfected cells was conserved in rat hippocampal neurons. In the mouse brain, an association of ataxin-2 with endocytic proteins such as the adaptor CIN85 and the ubiquitin ligase c-Cbl was also demonstrated. GST pull-down assays showed ataxin-2 to directly interact with the SH3 domains A and C of CIN85 and with the SH3 domain of Src, a kinase activated after receptor stimulation. Functional studies demonstrated that ataxin-2 affects endocytic trafficking of the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR). Taken together, these data implicate ataxin-2 to play a role in endocytic receptor cycling.  相似文献   

Myosin 1E (Myo1E) is recruited to sites of clathrin-mediated endocytosis coincident with a burst of actin assembly. The recruitment dynamics and lifetime of Myo1E are similar to those of tagged actin polymerization regulatory proteins. Like inhibition of actin assembly, depletion of Myo1E causes reduced transferrin endocytosis and a significant delay in transferrin trafficking to perinuclear compartments, demonstrating an integral role for Myo1E in these actin-mediated steps. Mistargeting of GFP-Myo1E or its src-homology 3 domain to mitochondria results in appearance of WIP, WIRE, N-WASP, and actin filaments at the mitochondria, providing evidence for Myo1E's role in actin assembly regulation. These results suggest for mammalian cells, similar to budding yeast, interdependence in the recruitment of type I myosins, WIP/WIRE, and N-WASP to endocytic sites for Arp2/3 complex activation to assemble F-actin as endocytic vesicles are being formed.  相似文献   

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