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In previous experiments systematic differences have been found in the morphology, carbon economy and chemical composition of seedlings of inherently fast- and slow-growing plant species, grown at a non-limiting nutrient supply. In the present experiment it was investigated whether these differences persist when plants are grown at suboptimal nutrient supply rates. To this end, plants of the inherently fast-growing Holcus lanatus L. and the inherently slow-growing Deschampsia flexuosa (L.) Trin. were grown in sand at two levels of nitrate supply. Growth, photosynthesis, respiration and carbon and nitrogen content were studied over a period of 4 to 7 weeks. At low N-supply, the potentially fast-growing species still grew faster than the potentially slow-growing one. Similarly, differences in leaf area ratio (leaf area:total dry weight), specific leaf area (leaf area:leaf dry weight) and leaf weight ratio (leaf dry weight:total dry weight), as observed at high N-supply persisted at low N-availability. The only growth parameter for which a substantial Species × N-supply interaction was found was the net assimilation rate (increase in dry weight per unit leaf area and time). Rates of photosynthesis, shoot respiration and root respiration, expressed per unit leaf, shoot and root weight, respectively, were lower for the plants at low N-availability and higher for the fast-growing species. Species-specific variation in the daily carbon budget was mainly due to variation in carbon fixation. Lower values at low N were largely determined by both a lower C-gain of the leaves and a higher proportion of the daily gain spent in root respiration. Interspecific variation in C-content and dry weight:fresh weight ratio were similar at low and high N-supply. Total plant organic N decreased with decreasing N-supply, without differences between species. It is concluded that most of the parameters related to growth, C-economy and chemical composition differ between species and/or are affected by N-supply, but that differences between the two species at high N-availability persist at low N-supply.  相似文献   

We examined the effect of growth temperature on the underlying components of growth in a range of inherently fast‐ and slow‐growing plant species. Plants were grown hydroponically at constant 18, 23 and 28 °C. Growth analysis was conducted on 16 contrasting plant species, with whole plant gas exchange being performed on six of the 16 species. Inter‐specific variations in specific leaf area (SLA) were important in determining variations in relative growth rate (RGR) amongst the species at 23 and 28 °C but were not related to variations in RGR at 18 °C. When grown at 18 °C, net assimilation rate (NAR) became more important than SLA for explaining variations in RGR. Variations in whole shoot photosynthesis and carbon concentration could not explain the importance of NAR in determining RGR at the lower temperatures. Rather, variations in the degree to which whole plant respiration per unit leaf area acclimated to the different growth temperatures were responsible. Plants grown at 28 °C used a greater proportion of their daily fixed carbon in respiration than did the 18 and 23 °C‐grown plants. It is concluded that the relative importance of the underlying components of growth are influenced by growth temperature, and the degree of acclimation of respiration is of central importance to the greater role played by NAR in determining variations in RGR at declining growth temperatures.  相似文献   

Mainly based on a simulation model, Lloyd & Farquhar (1996 ; Functional Ecology, 10, 4–32) predict that inherently slow-growing species and nutrient-stressed plants show a relatively strong growth response to an increased atmospheric CO2 concentration. Compiling published experiments, I conclude that these predictions are not supported by the available data. On average, inherently fast-growing species are stimulated proportionately more in biomass than slow-growing species and plants grown at a high nutrient supply respond more strongly than nutrient-stressed plants.  相似文献   

The origin of the carbon atoms in CO2 respired by leaves in the dark of several plant species has been studied using 13C/12C stable isotopes. This study was conducted using an open gas exchange system for isotope labeling that was coupled to an elemental analyzer and further linked to an isotope ratio mass spectrometer (EA–IRMS) or coupled to a gas chromatography–combustion-isotope ratio mass spectrometer (GC–C-IRMS). We demonstrate here that the carbon, which is recently assimilated during photosynthesis, accounts for nearly ca. 50% of the carbon in the CO2 lost through dark respiration (Rd) after illumination in fast-growing and cultivated plants and trees and, accounts for only ca. 10% in slow-growing plants. Moreover, our study shows that fast-growing plants, which had the largest percentages of newly fixed carbon of leaf-respired CO2, were also those with the largest shoot/root ratios, whereas slow-growing plants showed the lowest shoot/root values.  相似文献   

We investigated the extent to which leaf and root respiration (R) differ in their response to short‐ and long‐term changes in temperature in several contrasting plant species (herbs, grasses, shrubs and trees) that differ in inherent relative growth rate (RGR, increase in mass per unit starting mass and time). Two experiments were conducted using hydroponically grown plants. In the long‐term (LT) acclimation experiment, 16 species were grown at constant 18, 23 and 28 °C. In the short‐term (ST) acclimation experiment, 9 of those species were grown at 25/20 °C (day/night) and then shifted to a 15/10 °C for 7 days. Short‐term Q10 values (proportional change in R per 10 °C) and the degree of acclimation to longer‐term changes in temperature were compared. The effect of growth temperature on root and leaf soluble sugar and nitrogen concentrations was examined. Light‐saturated photosynthesis (Asat) was also measured in the LT acclimation experiment. Our results show that Q10 values and the degree of acclimation are highly variable amongst species and that roots exhibit lower Q10 values than leaves over the 15–25 °C measurement temperature range. Differences in RGR or concentrations of soluble sugars/nitrogen could not account for the inter‐specific differences in the Q10 or degree of acclimation. There were no systematic differences in the ability of roots and leaves to acclimate when plants developed under contrasting temperatures (LT acclimation). However, acclimation was greater in both leaves and roots that developed at the growth temperature (LT acclimation) than in pre‐existing leaves and roots shifted from one temperature to another (ST acclimation). The balance between leaf R and Asat was maintained in plants grown at different temperatures, regardless of their inherent relative growth rate. We conclude that there is tight coupling between the respiratory acclimation and the temperature under which leaves and roots developed and that acclimation plays an important role in determining the relationship between respiration and photosynthesis.  相似文献   

This study investigates the nitrogen economy of six altitudinally contrasting Poa species which differ in their relative growth rate (R). Two alpine (Poa fawcettiae and P. costiniana), one sub-alpine (P. alpina)and three temperate lowland species (P. pratensis, P. campressa and P. trivialis) were grown hydroponically under identical conditions in a growth room. The low R exhibited by the alpine species was associated with lower plant organic nitrogen concentration (np) and lower nitrogen productivity (Πp, amount of biomass accumulation per mol organic nitrogen and time). The differences in Πp between the alpine and lowland species did not appear to be due to differences in the carbon concentration or the proportion of total plant organic nitrogen allocated to the leaves, stems or roots. Variations in ΠP were also not due to variations in photosynthetic nitrogen use efficiency (ΨN, the rate of photosynthesis per unit organic leaf nitrogen) or shoot or root respiration rates per unit organic nitrogen (ΛSH and ΛR, respectively) per se. Rather, the lower Λp in the alpine species was probably due to a combination of small variations in several of the parameters (e.g. slightly lower ΨN, slightly higher ΛSH and ΛR, and slightly higher proportions of total plant organic nitrogen allocated to the roots). The alpine species exhibited lower organic acid and mineral concentrations. However, no differences in whole-plant construction costs (grams of glucose needed to synthesize one gram of biomass) were observed between She alpine and lowland Poa species. The lack of sub-stantial differences in ΨN between the alpine and lowland species contrasts with the large differences in ΨN between slow- and fast-growing lowland species that have been reported in the literature. The reasons for the unusually high ΨN values exhibited by the alpine Poa species are discussed.  相似文献   

Protein turnover is generally regarded as one of the most important maintenance processes in plants in terms of energy requirements. In this study, the contribution of protein turnover to the respiratory costs for maintenance in the roots of two grass species, the fast-growing D. actylis glomerata L. and the slow-growing F. estuca ovina L., is evaluated. Plants were grown under controlled-environment conditions in a nutrient solution to which NO(3)- was added at a relative addition rate of 0.2 and 0.1 mol N mol(-1) N already present in the plant d(-1) for D. glomerata and F. ovina, respectively, so as to obtain a steady exponential growth rate close to the plants' maximum relative growth rate. Pulse-chase labelling with (14)C-leucine was used to determine the rate of protein turnover in the grass roots. The rate of turnover of the total protein pool did not differ significantly between the two species. The protein degradation constant in D. glomerata and F. ovina was 0.156 and 0.116 g protein g(-1) protein d(-1), respectively, which corresponds with a total protein half-life of 4 d and 6 d. Assuming specific respiratory costs for protein turnover of 148 mmol ATP g(-1) protein, the estimated respiratory costs for protein turnover in the roots were 2.8 and 2.4 mmol ATP g(-1) root DM d(-1) in D. glomerata and F. ovina, respectively. Both the fast- and the slow-growing grass spent between 22-30% of their daily ATP production for maintenance on protein turnover, which corresponds to 11-15% of the total root ATP production per day. Note that the data presented in this abstract are based on the assumption that 50% recycling of the (14)C-labelled leucine took place in the roots of both grass species.  相似文献   

1. The ability of rain-forest plants to utilize sunflecks for growth was investigated using the following species: Alocasia macrorrhiza, Diploglottis diphyllostegia, Micromelum minutum and Omalanthus novo-guinensis.
2. Growth analysis and gas-exchange measurements were used to assess performance of the four species when exposed to either constant or fluctuating light.
3. Final biomass (g dry wt) in D. diphyllostegia and M. minutum grown under the lightfleck regime (total daily PFD = 7·02 mol m–2 day–1) was significantly greater than in the same species grown under constant low PFD (total daily PFD = 4·86 mol m–2 day–1). In contrast, final biomass in lightfleck O. novo-guinensis and A. macrorrhiza was significantly reduced in comparison with the same species grown under constant low PFD.
4. When grown under either constant or fluctuating light but with the same total daily PFD, A. macrorrhiza and O. novo-guinensis had significantly lower final biomass in fluctuating light as compared to constant light. Final biomass in D. diphyllostegia was not significantly different in either regime, while M. minutum had significantly higher final biomass in the fluctuating light regime.
5. Responses of the four species to fluctuating or constant light appeared to be the result of physiological rather than morphological acclimation as net assimilation rate was more closely correlated with relative growth rate than was leaf area ratio.  相似文献   

Plantago lanceolata L., a grassland species from a relatively nutrient-poor habitat, was grown in nutrient-rich and in nutrient-poor culture solutions. Half of the plants were trensferred from high to low or from low to high nutrient conditions. Shoot growth was immediately reduced upon transfer to low nutrient conditions, whilst it reacted more slowly upon transfer of plants to high nutrient conditions. Root growth was less dependent on the supply of nutrients, but it was slightly reduced upon transfer of plants to high nutrient conditions.
Photosynthesis was largely independent of the nutrient supply, apart from an initial increase upon transfer of plants to low nutrient conditions. Photosynthesis decreased with age in all treatments, and this decrease was not due to mutual shading. The decrease of photosynthetic rate was not accompanied by a decreased relative growth rate: it was compensated by a more efficient root respiration, since the activity of the alternative nonphosphorylating pathway continuously decreased in plants grown in a high nutrient environment.
It is concluded that the alternative pathway was of significance in removal of carbohydrates, which could not be utilized for growth, energy production, etc. , due to a temporary or structural imbalance between assimilate production and requirement. The alternative pathway also appeared to allow P. lanceolata plants to adapt to a changed environment as regards mineral nutrition.
The experimental value for root growth respiration of P. lanceolata grown under high nutrient conditions was compared with a theoretical value, calculated from the biochemical composition of plant dry matter and the known energy costings for biosynthetic and transport processes. A good correlation between the experimental and theoretical value of root growth respiration was found if it was assumed that ion uptake required c . 1.0 molecule of ATP per ion per membrane passage.  相似文献   

The association between the parasite Striga gesnerioides and cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) was investigated using measurements of growth and gas exchange together with calculations of the carbon budget of the association. Striga gesnerioides has a very low photosynthetic capacity coupled with high rates of respiration. Even at photosynthetic light saturation shoots exhibit no net carbon gain. Thus S. gesnerioides is highly dependent on its host for carbon as well as for water and inorganic solutes. It is estimated that 70% of the carbon transferred from host to parasite is used in parasite respiration. Infected cowpea had a lower photosynthetic capacity, at times less than half that of uninfected plants. Infection with S. gesnerioides reduced the growth of cowpea by 75%. Calculations indicate that the loss of carbon from the host by export to the parasite is more important than reduced photosynthetic capacity of the host in accounting for the observed growth reductions.  相似文献   

Are there intrinsic differences in the rates of photosynthesis, shoot- and root-respiration between inherently fast- and slow-growing monocotyledons at high and low nitrogen supply? To analyze this question we grew 5 monocotyledons, widely differing in their inherent relative growth rate at high and low nitrogen supply in a growth room. Nitrate was exponentially added to the plants, enabling us to compare inherent differences in plant characteristics, without any effect of species differences in the ability to take up nutrients. At high nitrogen supply, the fast-growing species from productive habitats had a higher photosynthetic nitrogen use efficiency and rate of root respiration than the slow-growing ones from unproductive habitats. Only minor differences were observed in their rates of photosynthesis and shoot respiration per unit leaf area. At low nitrogen supply, the rates of photosynthesis and shoot- and root respiration decreased for all species, even though there were no longer any differences in these processes between inherently fast- and slow-growing species. The photosynthetic nitrogen use efficiency increased for all species, and no differences were found among species. Differences in the photosynthetic nitrogen use efficiency among species and nitrogen treatments are discussed in terms of the utilization of the photosynthetic apparatus, whereas differences in respiration rate are discussed in terms of the energy demand for growth, maintenance and ion uptake and their related specific respiratory energy costs. It is concluded that the relatively high abundance of slow-growing species compared to fast-growing ones in unproductive habitats is unlikely to be explained by differences in rates of photosynthesis and respiration or in photosynthetic nitrogen use efficiency.  相似文献   

Plantago major L. ssp. major , a grassland species from a relatively nutrient-rich habitat, was grown in nutrient-rich and nutrient-poor culture solutions. Half of the plants were transferred from high to low or from low to high nutrient conditions. The rate of dry matter accumulation in both shoots and roots decreased slowly upon transfer of plants to low nutrient conditions and the shoot to root ratio was unaffected. The rate of structural growth of both roots and shoots increased upon transfer from low to high nutrient conditions and the shoot to root ratio, if calculated from non-structural-carbohydrate-free dry weights, increased.
Photosynthesis was largely independent of the nutrient supply. Root respiration, particularly the activity of the alternative oxidative pathway, decreased with increasing age. This decrease was ascribed to a decreased shoot to root ratio, which reduced the relative amount of carbohydrates translocated to the roots and thus the amount available for the alternative pathway. It is calculated that in young as well as in old plants grown in full nutrient solution 48% of the daily produced photosynthates was translocated to the roots.
This is at variance with data on P. lanceolata , where a decreasing proportion of the daily produced photosynthates was translocated to the roots when the plants grew older. It is concluded that shoot growth plus shoot respiration consumed a constant amount of the daily produced photosynthates in P. major and that the rest was left for translocation. It is further calculated that in P. major plants grown in full nutrient solution c . 25% and c . 2% of the daily produced photosynthates in young and old plants, respectively, was respired in a way that is not involved in production of energy that is utilized in growth and maintenance ('inefficient root respiration').
The results are discussed in comparison with those of P. lanceolata , a species from a relatively nutrient-poor habitat.  相似文献   

Many mycophagous Drosophila species have adapted to tolerate high concentrations of mycotoxins, an ability not reported in any other eukaryotes. Although an association between mycophagy and mycotoxin tolerance has been established in many Drosophila species, the genetic mechanisms of the tolerance are unknown. This study presents the inter‐ and intraspecific variation in the mycotoxin tolerance trait. We studied the mycotoxin tolerance in four Drosophila species from four separate clades within the immigranstripunctata radiation from two distinct locations. The effect of mycotoxin treatment on 20 isofemale lines per species was studied using seven gross phenotypes: survival to pupation, survival to eclosion, development time to pupation and eclosion, thorax length, fecundity, and longevity. We observed interspecific variation among four species, with D. falleni being the most tolerant, followed by D. recens, D. neotestacea, and D. tripunctata, in that order. The results also revealed geographical variation and intraspecific genetic variation in mycotoxin tolerance. This report provides the foundation for further delineating the genetic mechanisms of the mycotoxin tolerance trait.  相似文献   

Differences in the relative growth rules of the inherently slow-growing Deschampsia flexuosa L. and the inherently fast-growing Holcus lanatus L. were reflected in cell wall synthesis in the elongation zone of the leaves. Leaf elongation rates depended on the size of the plant and ranged from 6 to 14 mm d?1 in Deschampsia and from 12 to 42 mm d?1 in Holcus. Anatomical data showed that the epidermis and vascular tissue are the important tissues controlling leaf extension. The cell wall polysaccharides of fully expanded leaves of the two species were identical in sugar composition. Enzymatic hydrolysis of polymeric sugars in the cell walls of the sheath and the lamina gave glucose (85%), arabinose (3.5%), fucose (0.5%), xylose (5.0%), mannose (0.5%), galaclose (0.8%) and galacturonic acid (3–4%). This composition applied throughout the blade and the sheath and did not change with ageing. Polysaccharides in the meristems of the two species showed identical sugar compositions with 51–55% glucose, 13–15% galactoronic acid and 13–14% arabinose as the main components. The extension zone was marked by a gradual increase of driselase-digestable polymers (per mm tissue) and a concurrent shift in sugar composition. The massive increase of glucose in the cell wall polymers of the elongation zone is probably caused by cellulose synthesis. The rate of synthesis of cell wall polysaccharides in Holcus was twice as high as that in Deschampsia. The slower-growing Deschampsia has more ferulic acid esterified with cell walls, which might contribute to the slowing of leaf growth. Lignin is not significantly deposited until growth has essentially ceased and is not responsible for the difference in growth rate.  相似文献   

Two distinct morphological forms characterize the ontogeny of many epiphytic bromeliads. Smaller plants exhibit an atmospheric habit, while larger plants form water‐impounding tanks. The study of the functional significance of heteroblasty in epiphytes is severely hampered by considerable size‐related variation in morphological, anatomical and physiological parameters. To overcome this problem, plants of varying size of both atmospheric and tank form were included in the present study with Vriesea sanguinolenta. The results show that virtually all morphological, anatomical and physiological characteristics vary during ontogeny, but changes were rarely directly related to the step change in gross morphology. Changes were either: (1) gradual from smallest atmospheric to small tank (e.g. leaf divergence angles, reduction in photosystem II efficiency during drought, speed of recovery after drought); (2) there was no change between atmospheric and small tank, but a gradual or step change within the tank form (stomatal density, relationship of leaf N and specific leaf area); or (3) developmental patterns were more complicated with decreases and increases during ontogeny (photosynthetic capacity, carbon isotope ratios, abscisic acid levels during drought). Although the comparisons between ontogenetic phases were always confounded by size differences, a hypothetical small tank plant is expected to suffer higher water loss than a real atmospheric, whereas a hypothetical, large atmospheric plant would show reduced access to resources, such as nutrients, in comparison with the real tank. The present results are consistent with the notion of heteroblasty as an adaptation of early ontogenetic stages to drought, but highlight that size‐related variation greatly modifies any difference directly associated with the step change from atmospheric to tank.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to investigate possible differences in plasticity between a potentially fast-growing and a potentially slow-growing grass species. To this end, Holcus lanatus (L.) and Deschampsia flexuosa (L.) Trin., associated with fertile and infertile habitats, respectively, were grown in sand at eight nitrate concentrations. When plants obtained a fresh weight of approximately 5 g, biomass allocation, specific leaf area, the rate of net photosynthesis, the organic nitrogen concentration of various plant parts and the root weight at different soil depths were determined. There were linear relationships between the morphological and physiological features studied and the In-transformed nitrate concentration supplied, except for the specific leaf area and root nitrogen concentration of H. lanatus, which did not respond to the nitrate concentration. The root biomass of H. lanatus was invariably distributed over the soil layers than that of D. flexuosa. However, D. flexuosa allocated more root biomass to lower soil depths with decreasing nitrate concentration, in contrast to H. lanatus, which did not respond. The relative response to nitrate supply, i.e. the value of a character at a certain nitrate level relative to the value of that character at the highest nitrate supply, was used as a measure for plasticity. For a number of parameters (leaf area ratio, root weight ratio, root nitrogen concentration, vertical root biomass distribution and rate of net photosynthesis per unit leaf weight) the potentially slow-growing D. flexuosa exhibited a higher phenotypic plasticity than the potentially fast-growing H. lanatus. These findings are in disagreement with current literature. Possible explanations for this discrepancy are discussed in terms of differences in experimental approach as well as fundamental differences in specific traits between fast- and slow-growing grasses.  相似文献   

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