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The main steps are presented that led to our current understanding of the interaction between benzodiazepine receptor ligands and the GABAA receptor. The benzodiazepine receptor is a modulatory site located on the GABAA receptor-chloride channel complex that has the unique property of being able to mediate positive as well as negative modulation of the chloride channel gating by the GABAA receptor. Some critical issues concerning the structure of the receptor-channel complex remain to be clarified. Research on the benzodiazepine-GABA interaction has led to novel concepts of drug action and receptor function and provides the basis for a whole spectrum of potential drugs with therapeutic utility.Special issue dedicated to Dr. Erminio Costa  相似文献   

ATP synthase is a key enzyme of mitochondrial energy conversion. In mammals, it produces most of cellular ATP. Alteration of ATP synthase biogenesis may cause two types of isolated defects: qualitative when the enzyme is structurally modified and does not function properly, and quantitative when it is present in insufficient amounts. In both cases the cellular energy provision is impaired, and diminished use of mitochondrial DeltamuH+ promotes ROS production by the mitochondrial respiratory chain. The primary genetic defects have so far been localized in mtDNA ATP6 gene and nuclear ATP12 gene, however, involvement of other nuclear genes is highly probable.  相似文献   

The mitochondrial ATP synthase is a molecular motor, which couples the flow of protons with phosphorylation of ADP. Rotation of the central stalk within the core of ATP synthase effects conformational changes in the active sites driving the synthesis of ATP. Mitochondrial genome integrity (mgi) mutations have been previously identified in the alpha-, beta-, and gamma-subunits of ATP synthase in yeast Kluyveromyces lactis and trypanosome Trypanosoma brucei. These mutations reverse the lethality of the loss of mitochondrial DNA in petite negative strains. Introduction of the homologous mutations in Saccharomyces cerevisiae results in yeast strains that lose mitochondrial DNA at a high rate and accompanied decreases in the coupling of the ATP synthase. The structure of yeast F1-ATPase reveals that the mgi residues cluster around the gamma-subunit and selectively around the collar region of F1. These results indicate that residues within the mgi complementation group are necessary for efficient coupling of ATP synthase, possibly acting as a support to fix the axis of rotation of the central stalk.  相似文献   


Of the two main sectors of the F-type ATP synthase, the membrane-intrinsic FO domain is the one which, during evolution, has undergone the highest structural variations and changes in subunit composition. The FO complexity in mitochondria is apparently related to additional enzyme functions that lack in bacterial and thylakoid complexes. Indeed, the F-type ATP synthase has the main bioenergetic role to synthesize ATP by exploiting the electrochemical gradient built by respiratory complexes. The FO membrane domain, essential in the enzyme machinery, also participates in the bioenergetic cost of synthesizing ATP and in the formation of the cristae, thus contributing to mitochondrial morphology. The recent enzyme involvement in a high-conductance channel, which forms in the inner mitochondrial membrane and promotes the mitochondrial permeability transition, highlights a new F-type ATP synthase role. Point mutations which cause amino acid substitutions in FO subunits produce mitochondrial dysfunctions and lead to severe pathologies. The FO variability in different species, pointed out by cryo-EM analysis, mirrors the multiple enzyme functions and opens a new scenario in mitochondrial biology.  相似文献   

A 50-amino acid peptide predicted by chemical modification studies of F1 and by comparison with adenylate kinase to comprise part of an ATP-binding domain within the beta-subunit of mitochondrial ATP synthase has been synthesized and purified. In the numbering system used for bovine heart beta, the peptide consists of amino acid residues from aspartate 141 at the N-terminal end to threonine 190 at the carboxyl end. In Tris-Cl buffer, pH 7.4, the peptide undergoes a dramatic reaction with ATP resulting in precipitate formation. Analysis of the precipitate shows it to contain both peptide and ATP. Similar to the ATPase activity of F1 and the binding of nucleotide to the enzyme, the capacity of ATP to induce precipitation of the peptide is decreased markedly by lowering pH. Interaction of the peptide with the fluorescent ATP analog, TNP-ATP (2'(3')-O-(2,4-6-trinitrophenyl)-adenosine 5'-triphosphate), can be demonstrated in solution at low concentrations. A 7-fold enhancement in fluorescence is observed when 2.5 microM TNP-ATP interacts with 2.5 microM peptide. Divalent cation is neither required for ATP-induced precipitation of the peptide nor for demonstrating interaction between TNP-ATP and peptide, just as Mg2+ is not required for nucleotide binding to F1. These results indicate that the beta-subunit peptide studied here comprises at least part of a nucleotide-binding domain within the mitochondrial ATP synthase complex.  相似文献   

The terminal steps involved in making ATP in mitochondria require an ATP synthase (F(0)F(1)) comprised of two motors, a phosphate carrier (PIC), and an adenine nucleotide carrier (ANC). Under mild conditions, these entities sub-fractionate as an ATP synthase/PIC/ANC complex or "ATP synthasome" (Ko, Y.H., Delannoy, M, Hullihen, J., Chiu, W., and Pedersen, P.L. (2003) J. Biol. Chem. 278, 12305-12309). As a first step toward obtaining three-dimensional information about this large complex or "metabolon" and the locations of PIC and ANC therein, we dispersed ATP synthasomes into single complexes and visualized negatively stained images by electron microscopy (EM) that showed clearly the classical headpiece, central stalk, and basepiece. Parallel immuno-EM studies revealed the presence of PIC and ANC located non-centrally in the basepiece, and other studies implicated an ATP synthase/PIC/ANC stoichiometry near 1:1:1. Single ATP synthasome images (7506) were boxed, and, using EMAN software, a three-dimensional model was obtained at a resolution of 23 A. Significantly, the basepiece is oblong and contains two domains, the larger of which connects to the central stalk, whereas the smaller appears as an extension. Docking studies with known structures together with the immuno-EM studies suggest that PIC or ANC may be located in the smaller domain, whereas the other transporter resides nearby in the larger domain. Collectively, these finding support a mechanism in which the entry of the substrates ADP and P(i) into mitochondria, the synthesis of ATP on F(1), and the release and exit of ATP are very localized and highly coordinated events.  相似文献   

The role of mitochondria in oxidative stress is well recognized, but many questions are still to be answered. This article is intended to update our comprehensive review in 2005 by highlighting the progress in understanding of mitochondrial reactive oxygen species (ROS) metabolism over the past 10 years. We review the recently identified or re-appraised sources of ROS generation in mitochondria, such as p66shc protein, succinate dehydrogenase, and recently discovered properties of the mitochondrial antioxidant system. We also reflect upon some controversies, disputes, and misconceptions that confound the field.  相似文献   

T W Mak  H Wigzell 《FASEB journal》1991,5(10):2338-2339

Recent work has focused on obtaining a better understanding of the three-dimensional structural relationships between the alpha and beta subunits of the F1 moiety and the location of nucleotide binding domains within these subunits. Four types of approach are currently being pursued: X-ray crystallographic, chemical, molecular biological and biochemical. Here we briefly review some of the major conclusions of these studies, and point out some of the problems that must be resolved before an adequate model that relates structure to function in the ATP synthase molecule can be formulated.  相似文献   

We investigated the possibility of using thermostable ATP synthase (TF(0)F(1)) for a new ATP regeneration method. TF(0)F(1) was purified from a thermophilic bacterium, PS3, and reconstituted into liposomes. ATP synthesis experiments showed that TF(0)F(1) liposomes could synthesize ATP in micromole concentrations by acid-base change. The acid-base change was repeated six times over an 11-day period with no detectable loss of activity at the reaction temperature (45 degrees C). Given these encouraging results, we conceptualized and modeled a system to synthesize ATP using ATP synthase with energy supplied by acid-base change. In this system, liposomes containing ATP synthase are immobilized on small glass spheres that facilitate separation of buffers from the liposomes after the acid-base change. Compared to an alternate system that uses membranes to separate the buffers from the liposomes, the glass spheres reduce inefficient mixing of acidic and basic buffers during the acid-base change. To increase the ATP synthesis yield, this system uses electrodialysis to regenerate a potassium gradient after the acid-base change. It also employs water-splitting electrodialysis to regenerate KOH and HCl required to adjust the pH of acidic and basic buffers. All reagents are recycled, so electrical energy is the only required input.  相似文献   

Studies were carried out to determine whether a simple electron-dense "heavy atom" like iodine could be introduced selectively into one or more of the subunits of the mitochondrial ATP synthase complex of rat liver. Surprisingly, very low amounts of iodine are incorporated into the isolated F1 moiety of this complex under conditions which result in a marked loss of catalytic activity. ATPase activity is inactivated in a concentration-dependent manner at pH 7.5 with half-maximal inactivation occurring at about 40 microM iodine. A maximum of only 10 atoms of iodine are incorporated per F1 molecule under conditions where inhibition of ATPase activity is linearly related to iodine incorporation. The molecular size of F1 after iodination is unchanged, indicating that inactivation is due to modification of essential amino acid residues rather than subunit dissociation. Treatment of F1, with 20-50 microM [125I]iodine followed sequentially by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and autoradiography showed that the beta subunit is preferentially labeled. Significantly, about two atoms of iodine per beta subunit are incorporated. Some iodine amounting to less than 23% of the total radioactivity placed on the gels is recovered in the alpha and gamma subunits whereas no radioactivity is detected in the delta and epsilon subunits. Iodination of F1 appears to modify essential residues other than those involved in substrate or product binding per se. Thus, nucleotide binding to F1 is unaltered by iodine, and neither phosphate, MgADP, nor MgATP protects F1 against inhibition by this agent.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Hormone-sensitive lipase (HSL) was initially characterized as the hormonally regulated neutral lipase activity responsible for the breakdown of triacylglycerols into fatty acids in adipose tissue. This review aims at providing up-to-date information on structural properties, regulation of expression, activity and function as well as therapeutic potential. The lipase is expressed as different isoforms produced from tissue-specific alternative promoters. All isoforms are composed of an N-terminal domain and a C-terminal catalytic domain within which a regulatory domain containing the phosphorylation sites is embedded. Some isoforms possess additional N-terminal regions. The catalytic domain shares similarities with bacteria, fungus and vascular plant proteins but not with other mammalian lipases. HSL singularity is provided by regulatory and N-terminal domains sharing no homology with other proteins. HSL has a broad substrate specificity compared to other neutral lipases. It hydrolyzes acylglycerols, cholesteryl and retinyl esters among other substrates. A novel role of HSL, independent of its enzymatic function, has recently been described in adipocytes. Clinical studies revealed dysregulations of HSL expression and activity in disorders, such as lipodystrophy, obesity, type 2 diabetes and cancer-associated cachexia. Development of specific inhibitors positions HSL as a pharmacological target for the treatment of metabolic complications.  相似文献   

Je JH  Lee TH  Kim DH  Cho YH  Lee JH  Kim SC  Lee SK  Lee J  Lee MG 《Proteomics》2008,8(12):2384-2393
ROS are produced in dendritic cells (DCs) during antigen presentation in contact hypersensitivity (CHS). As a result, ROS cause a number of nonenzymatic protein modifications, including carbonylation, which is the most widely used marker of oxidative stress. 2,4,6-Trinitrobenzene sulfonic acid (TNBS) is a well-characterized contact allergen that results in the formation of ROS. However, proteins that are carbonylated in DCs in response to TNBS have not been identified. To study ROS-dependent protein carbonylation in response to TNBS, we used the well-established mouse DC line, XS-106. We focused on the effects of TNBS on oxidation by examining selected oxidative markers. We identified TNBS-induced ROS and myeloperoxidase (MPO) proteins and demonstrated that the increase in ROS resulted in IL-12 production. The increase in oxidation was further confirmed by an oxidation-dependent increase in protein modifications, such as carbonylation. In fact, TNBS strongly induced carbonylation of mitochondrial adenosine triphosphate (ATP) synthase in XS-106 DCs, as determined by MALDI-TOF analysis and 2-D Western blotting. ROS production and protein carbonylation were confirmed in human monocyte-derived DCs (Mo-DCs). Furthermore, glutathione (GSH) decreased ROS and protein carbonylation in Mo-DCs. Carbonylation of ATP synthase in DCs may contribute to the pathophysiology of CHS.  相似文献   

The topography of the subunits of the membrane sector F0 of the ATP synthase complex in the bovine mitochondrial inner membrane was studied with the help of subunit-specific antibodies raised to the F0 subunits b, d, 6, F6, A6L, OSCP (oligomycin-sensitivity-conferring protein), and N,N' -dicyclohexylcarbodiimide (DCCD)-binding proteolipid and to the ATPase inhibitor protein (IF1) as an internal control. Exposure of F0 subunits in inverted and right-side-out inner membranes was investigated by direct antibody binding as well as by susceptibility of these subunits to degradation by various proteases as monitored by gel electrophoresis of the membrane digests and immunoblotting with the subunit-specific antibodies. Results show that subunits b, d, F6, A6L (including its C-terminal end) and OSCP were exposed on the matrix side. Sufficient masses of these subunits to recognize antibodies or undergo proteolysis were not exposed on the cytosolic side. This was also the case for subunit 6 and the DCCD-binding proteolipid on either side of the inner membrane. Quantitative immunoblotting in which bound radio-activity from [125I]protein A was employed to estimate the concentration of an antigen in a sample allowed the determination of the stoichiometry of several F0 subunits and IF1 relative to F1-ATPase. Results showed that per mol of F1 there are in bovine heart mitochondria 1 mol each of d, OSCP, and IF1, and 2 mol each of b and F6. Subunit 6 and the DCCD-binding proteolipid could not be quantitated, because the former transferred poorly to nitrocellulose and the latter's antibody did not bind [125I]protein A.  相似文献   

The classical view of oxidative phosphorylation is that a proton motive force (PMF) generated by the respiratory chain complexes fuels ATP synthesis via ATP synthase. Yet, under glycolytic conditions, ATP synthase in its reverse mode also can contribute to the PMF. Here, we dissected these two functions of ATP synthase and the role of its inhibitory factor 1 (IF1) under different metabolic conditions. pH profiles of mitochondrial sub‐compartments were recorded with high spatial resolution in live mammalian cells by positioning a pH sensor directly at ATP synthase’s F1 and FO subunits, complex IV and in the matrix. Our results clearly show that ATP synthase activity substantially controls the PMF and that IF1 is essential under OXPHOS conditions to prevent reverse ATP synthase activity due to an almost negligible ΔpH. In addition, we show how this changes lateral, transmembrane, and radial pH gradients in glycolytic and respiratory cells.  相似文献   

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