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The heat sensitivity of photochemical processes was evaluated in the common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) cultivars A222, A320, and Carioca grown under well-watered conditions during the entire plant cycle (control treatment) or subjected to a temporal moderate water deficit at the preflowering stage (PWD). The responses of chlorophyll fluorescence to temperature were evaluated in leaf discs excised from control and PWD plants seven days after the complete recovery of plant shoot hydration. Heat treatment was done in the dark (5 min) at the ambient CO2 concentration. Chlorophyll fluorescence was assessed under both dark and light conditions at 25, 35, and 45°C. In the dark, a decline of the potential quantum efficiency of photosystem II (PSII) and an increase in minimum chlorophyll fluorescence were observed in all genotypes at 45°C, but these responses were affected by PWD. In the light, the apparent electron transport rate and the effective quantum efficiency of PSII were reduced by heat stress (45°C), but no change due to PWD was demonstrated. Interestingly, only the A222 cultivar subjected to PWD showed a significant increase in nonphotochemical fluorescence quenching at 45°C. The common bean cultivars had different photochemical sensitivities to heat stress altered by a previous water deficit period. Increased thermal tolerance due to PWD was genotype-dependent and associated with an increase in potential quantum efficiency of PSII at high temperature. Under such conditions, the genotype responsive to PWD treatment enhanced its protective capacity against excessive light energy via increased nonphotochemical quenching.  相似文献   

The photosynthetic rate of water stressed leaves of Primula palinuri was reduced drastically by stomatal closure, not by limitations imposed on the capacity of the photosynthetic apparatus, when water loss exceeded 20% of the water content of turgid leaves. The sudden decrease in phtosynthesis was not observed when the lower epidermis of the leaves had been removed. In these ‘stripped’ leaves, inhibition of photosynthesis increased only gradually during the wilting caused by increasing water stress and was complete when the relative water content was as low as 20% compared with the initial value. This corresponded to a water potential of about-40 bar. The light intensity at which half-maximum rates of photosynthesis were observed decreased as stress increased. In intact leaves photosynthesizing in the presence of CO2, light scattering, which is a measure of thylakoid energization, increased steeply during stomatal closure. The observed increase corresponded to the light scattering level measured in the absence of CO2. When the lower epidermis was removed, no sudden increase in thylakoid energization could be observed during dehydration. Thylakoid energization remained high even at low water potentials. It decreased drastically only below a relative water content of 20%. Irrespective, of the extent of water stress, CO2 fixation of stripped leaves increased when the oxygen content of air was reduced from 21% to 2%. Usually the transition from 21 to 2% O2 was accompanied by increased thylakoid energization. The increase in energization was more pronounced below than above a relative water content of 50%. The data show that energy-dissipating photorespiratory CO2 turnover in the in tercellular space of water-stressed leaves whose stomata are closed decreases only slowly as water stress increases. Respiratory CO2 production by leaves in the dark was even more resistant to water stress than photosynthesis. It was still significant at water potentials as low as-80 bar.  相似文献   

A new assay for the evaluation of spermidine (Spd) synthase activity was developed. It involves a coupled reaction and avoids the use of decarboxylated S-adenosylmethionine, which is unstable and not easily available. This assay was applied to assess changes in enzyme activity in oat leaves subjected to osmotic stress in the dark. The results indicate that osmotically-induced putrescine (Put) accumulation in cereals results not only from the activation of the arginine decarboxylase pathway, but also from the inhibition of the activity of Spd synthase, the enzyme which catalyzes the transformation of Put to Spd. Other possibilities which could contribute to the decline of Spd and spermine levels under osmotic stress are also discussed.Abbreviations ADC arginine decarboxylase - Dap diaminopropane - DFMA -difluoromethylarginine - MGBG methylglyoxal-bis-guanylhydrazone - MTA 5-deoxy-5-methylthioadenosine - ODC ornithine decarboxylase - PA polyamines - PAO polyamine oxidase - PCA perchloric acid - PLP pyridoxal phosphate - Put putrescine - SAM S-adenosylmethionine - dSAM decarboxylated S-adenosylmethionine - SAMDC S-adenosylmethionine decarboxylase - Spd spermidine - Spm spermine  相似文献   

Epidermal conductances for water vapour transfer(gep), water vapour efflux(E), and net photosynthetic CO2 uptake (P N ) through adaxial and abaxial leaf surfaces were estimated, simultaneously during the development of water stress in primary leaves ofPhaseolus vulgaris L. Hydration level was characterized by water saturation deficit (ΔW sat ), water potential (Τ w ), osmotic potential (Τ8) and pressure potential (Τp). The conductance of the abaxial epidermis was consistently greater than that of the adaxial epidermis, but the response of both surfaces to the increase in water stress corresponded: with increasing water stress epidermal conductances slightly increased, reached a plateau and then sharply decreased (at a rate of about 1.10x10-6 cm s-1 Pa-1 and 1.55x10-6 cm s-1 Pa-1 of Τw for adaxial and abaxial epidemics, respectively) to very low value. The curves expressing relationship between epidermal conductances and Δ Wsat, Τw, Τs, as well as Τp were of a similar character. E and PN through adaxial and abaxial surfaces were practically not affected until water stress reached the “critical” value (Τw from — 8.2 to — 9.2 x 105 Pa). With further increase in water deficit, however, they sharply decreased. The “critical” value of Τw was the same for both leaf surfaces.  相似文献   

Cayón  M.G.  El-Sharkawy  M.A.  Cadavid  L.F. 《Photosynthetica》1998,34(3):409-418
Field trial was conducted to study the effects of quality of planting material and prolonged water stress on leaf gas exchange of the cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) cultivar M Col 1684. Nutrient contents of planting material affected rootlet formation, but not leaf gas exchange. Net photosynthetic rate (PN), stomatal conductance (gs), and intercellular CO2 concentration (Ci) were significantly reduced by prolonged water stress. New leaves developed after recovery from water stress showed higher PN and gs, as compared to leaves of similar ages of unstressed plants. The higher PN was associated with higher leaf nutrient contents, indicating that photosynthetic capacity was enhanced in these leaves. These compensating characteristics may partly explain the small yield reduction often observed in stressed cassava.  相似文献   

Field trial was conducted to study the effects of quality of planting material and prolonged water stress on leaf gas exchange of the cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) cultivar M Col 1684. Nutrient contents of planting material affected rootlet formation, but not leaf gas exchange. Net photosynthetic rate (PN), stomatal conductance (gs), and intercellular CO2 concentration (Ci) were significantly reduced by prolonged water stress. New leaves developed after recovery from water stress showed higher PN and gs, as compared to leaves of similar ages of unstressed plants. The higher PN was associated with higher leaf nutrient contents, indicating that photosynthetic capacity was enhanced in these leaves. These compensating characteristics may partly explain the small yield reduction often observed in stressed cassava.  相似文献   

Carbonic anhydrase activity of intactCommelina communis L. leaves was measured using mass spectrometry, by following the18O-exchange kinetics between18O-enriched carbon dioxide and water. A gas-diffusion model (Gerster, 1971, Planta97, 155–172) was used to interpret the18O-exchange kinetics and to determine two constants, one (k) related to the hydration of CO2 and the other (ke), related to the diffusion of CO2. Both constants were determined inCommelina communis L. leaves after stripping the lower epidermis to remove any stomatal influence. The hydration constant (k) was 17200 +2200 ·min–1 (mean±SD, 12 experiments), i.e., about 8 600 times the uncatalyzed hydration of CO2 in pure water, and was specifically inhibited by ethoxyzolamide, a powerful inhibitor of carbonic anhydrases, half-inhibition occurring around 10–5 Methoxyzolamide. The diffusion constant (ke) was 1.18±0.28·min–1 (mean±SD, 12 experiments) and was only slightly inhibited (about 20%) by ethoxyzolamide. Carbonic anhydrase activity of stripped leaves was not affected by the leaf water status (up to 50% relative water deficits), was strongly inhibited by monovalent anions such as Cl or NO 3 , and decreased by about 50% when the photon flux density during growth was increased from 100 to 500 mol photons·m–2·s–1. By studying the effect of ethoxyzolamide (10–4 M) on photosynthetic O2 exchange, measured using18O2 and mass spectrometry, we found that inhibition of carbonic anhydrase activity by 92–95% had little effect on the response curves of net O2 evolution to increased CO2 concentrations. Ethoxyzolamide had no effect on the photosynthetic electron-transport rate, measured as gross O2 photosynthesis at high CO2 concentration (>350 l·–1), but was found to increase both gross O2 photosynthesis and O2 uptake at lower CO2 levels. The chloroplastic CO2 concentration calculated from O2-exchange data was not significantly modified by ethoxyzolamide. We conclude from these results that, under normal conditions of photosynthesis, most of the carbonic anhydrase activity is not involved in CO2 assimilation. Measurement of carbonic anhydrase activity using18O-isotope exchange therefore provides a suitable model to study the in-vivo regulation of this chloroplastic enzyme in plants submitted to various environmental conditions.Abbreviations CA carbonic anhydrase - Ccc chloroplastic CO2 concentration - Ce external CO2 concentration - EZA ethoxyzolamide - k CO2 hydration rate constant - ke CO2 diffusion rate constan - PPFD photosynthetic photon flux density - Rubisco ribulose-1,5 bisphosphate carboxylase oxygenase - RWD relative water deficit The authors wish to thank P. Carrier for technical assistance with mass-spectrometric experiments and Dr. P. Thibault for helpful suggestions and comments. Dr. A. Vavasseur is gratefully acknowledged for supplyingCommelima communis. cultures. P.C., P.T. and A.V. are all from the CEA, Département de Physiologie Végétale et Ecosystèmes, Cadarache, France.  相似文献   

The increase in epidermal conductance of primary bean leaves started within 10 min after irradiation by 1200 μmol m−2 s−1 of darkened plants. The rate of stomatal opening increased toa maximum and then decreased till a steady-state value of epidermal conductance was reached. Stomata on the abaxial epidermis always started to open sooner and opened faster than stomata on adaxial epidermis. Both water stress and ageing of leaves delayed the beginning of opening and decreased the opening rate as well as the steady-state values of epidermal conductance.  相似文献   

The interrelationship between water deficiency and hormonal makeup in plants was investigated in detached leaves of romaine lettuce (Lactuca sativa L. cv. `Hazera Yellow'). Water stress was imposed by desiccating the leaves for several hours in light or darkness at different air temperatures and relative humidity. In the course of desiccation, a rise in abscisic acid content and a decline in gibberellin and cytokinin activity were observed by gas-liquid chromatography, by both the barley endosperm bioassay and radioimmunoassay and by the soybean callus bioassay. Gibberellin activity began to decline in the stressed leaves before the rise in abscisic acid, the rate of this decline being positively correlated with the rate of increase in leaf water saturation deficit. Recovery from water stress was effected by immersing the leaf petioles in water while exposing the blades to high relative humidity. This resulted in a decrease in leaf water saturation deficit, a reduction in abscisic acid content, and an increase in gibberellin and cytokinin activity.  相似文献   

Grasslands cover about 40% of the ice-free global terrestrial surface, but their contribution to local and regional water and carbon fluxes and sensitivity to climatic perturbations such as drought remains uncertain. Here, we assess the direction and magnitude of net ecosystem carbon exchange (NEE) and its components, ecosystem carbon assimilation (A c) and ecosystem respiration (R E), in a southeastern United States grassland ecosystem subject to periodic drought and harvest using a combination of eddy-covariance measurements and model calculations. We modeled A c and evapotranspiration (ET) using a big-leaf canopy scheme in conjunction with ecophysiological and radiative transfer principles, and applied the model to assess the sensitivity of NEE and ET to soil moisture dynamics and rapid excursions in leaf area index (LAI) following grass harvesting. Model results closely match eddy-covariance flux estimations on daily, and longer, time steps. Both model calculations and eddy-covariance estimates suggest that the grassland became a net source of carbon to the atmosphere immediately following the harvest, but a rapid recovery in LAI maintained a marginal carbon sink during summer. However, when integrated over the year, this grassland ecosystem was a net C source (97 g C m–2 a–1) due to a minor imbalance between large A c (–1,202 g C m–2 a–1) and R E (1,299 g C m–2 a–1) fluxes. Mild drought conditions during the measurement period resulted in many instances of low soil moisture (<0.2 m3m–3), which influenced A c and thereby NEE by decreasing stomatal conductance. For this experiment, low had minor impact on R E. Thus, stomatal limitations to A c were the primary reason that this grassland was a net C source. In the absence of soil moisture limitations, model calculations suggest a net C sink of –65 g C m–2 a–1 assuming the LAI dynamics and physiological properties are unaltered. These results, and the results of other studies, suggest that perturbations to the hydrologic cycle are key determinants of C cycling in grassland ecosystems.  相似文献   

The role of carbon dioxide (CO(2)) as a signal in biochemical regulation networks of plants is fathomed. Transport mechanisms of CO(2) and HCO3- are surveyed, which are the prerequisite for signalling. A CO(2) sensor is not known to date, but any reaction where CO(2)/HCO3- is a substrate can be a candidate. Carbon concentrating mechanisms, e.g., in higher plants C(4)-photosynthesis and crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM), generate high internal CO(2) concentrations, important for photosynthesis, but also as a basis for signalling via diffusion of CO(2). Spatiotemporal dynamics of desynchronization/synchronization of photosynthetic activity over leaves can be followed by chlorophyll fluorescence imaging. One example of desynchronization is based on patchiness of stomatal opening/closing in heterobaric leaves due to anatomic constraints of lateral CO(2) diffusion. During CAM, largely different internal CO(2) concentrations prevail in the leaves, offering opportunities to study the effect of lateral diffusion of CO(2) in synchronizing photosynthetic activity over the entire leaves.  相似文献   

The carbon balances of whole, 21-d old French bean plants (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) grown in standard nutrient solution (1K) and its modifications without (OK) or surplus (2K) potassium were calculated from the daily photosynthetic carbon inputs of individual leaves, and the daily respiratory carbon losses by individual leaves, stalks and petioles, and roots. Under the three K concentrations, maximum net photosynthetic rates (Pn) were found in the 2nd or in the 3rd trifoliate leaves, maximum respiratory rates (Rd) in the youngest, 4th trifoliate leaves; the Pn/Rd ratio decreased with leaf age. In all leaves of 2K plants, leaf dry masses and thicknesses, Pn, Pn/Pd ratios, and stomatal and intracellular conductances were lower than in OK and IK plants. Daily whole-plant net carbon gain was highest in IK plants, whereas in OK and 2K plants it was 98.0 and 81.3 % of IK, respectively. Similar values were found in the parameters of growth analysis, namely in net assimilation rates and relative growth rates. No differences were found in water potential (Ψ w ) or water saturation deficit (Wsat) in the OK, 1K and 2K plants sufficiently supplied with water or during wilting and resaturation. The decrease in Ψw to −0.97 MPa was associated with a 19.9 %, 31.4 % and 23.4 % decrease in Pn of OK, 1K and 2K plants, respectively, but no effect on Rd was found. In the three variants, the short-time effect of mild water stress was fully reversible.  相似文献   

The effect of water stress on plant water status and net photosynthetic gas exchange (PN) in six barley genotypes (Hordeum vulgare L.) differing in productivity and drought tolerance was studied in a controlled growth chamber. Osmotic adjustment (OA), PN, stomatal conductance (gs), and the ratio intercellular/ambient. CO2 concentration (Ci/Ca) were evaluated at four different levels of soil water availability, corresponding to 75, 35, 25 and 15 % of total available water. Variability in OA capacity was observed between genotypes: the drought tolerant genotypes Albacete and Alpha showed higher OA than drought susceptible genotypes Express and Mogador. The genotype Albacete exhibited also higher PN than the others at low water potential (Ψ). The ratios of PN/gs and Ci/Ca showed that differences in photosynthetic inhibition between genotypes at low Ψ were probably due to nonstomatal effects. In Tichedrett, a landrace genotype with a very extensive root development, OA was not observed, however, it exhibited a capacity to maintain its photosynthetic activity under water stress. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Arnau  G.  Monneveux  P.  This  D.  Alegre  L. 《Photosynthetica》1998,34(1):67-76
The effect of water stress on plant water status and net photosynthetic gas exchange (PN) in six barley genotypes (Hordeum vulgare L.) differing in productivity and drought tolerance was studied in a controlled growth chamber. Osmotic adjustment (OA), PN, stomatal conductance (gs), and the ratio intercellular/ambient. CO2 concentration (Ci/Ca) were evaluated at four different levels of soil water availability, corresponding to 75, 35, 25 and 15 % of total available water. Variability in OA capacity was observed between genotypes: the drought tolerant genotypes Albacete and Alpha showed higher OA than drought susceptible genotypes Express and Mogador. The genotype Albacete exhibited also higher PN than the others at low water potential (Ψ). The ratios of PN/gs and Ci/Ca showed that differences in photosynthetic inhibition between genotypes at low Ψ were probably due to nonstomatal effects. In Tichedrett, a landrace genotype with a very extensive root development, OA was not observed, however, it exhibited a capacity to maintain its photosynthetic activity under water stress.  相似文献   

Dietz KJ  Heilos L 《Plant physiology》1990,93(3):1219-1225
Spinach (Spinacea oleracea) plants were grown either continuously on complete nutrient solutions or for 2 weeks on media deficient in phosphate or sulfate. To characterize leaf carbohydrate metabolism, levels of phosphorylated intermediates, activities of enzymes involved in photosynthetic carbon metabolism, contents of soluble and acid hydrolyzable sugars were measured in leaves differing in age and mineral status and related to leaf rates of photosynthesis and assimilate partitioning. Concentrations of metabolites—particularly those which are preferentially compartmented in the cytosol—decreased from young to old leaves and were lowest in old phosphate starved leaves. Nutrient deficiency showed comparable effects on stromal and cytosolic intermediates. Whole leaf ATP to ADP ratios were dependent on the growth regime, but did not much change with leaf age. The assimilatory force increased in all leaves suffering from mineral deficiency; the assimilatory force was low when photosynthesis was high and vice versa. Sugars accumulated although enzyme activities were decreased under deficiency. The results show that growth of P- and S-starved plants is not limited by photosynthetic reactions.  相似文献   

The threshold leaf water potential required to initiate stomatal closure in cotton (Stoneville 213) became progressively more negative when plants were subjected to a series of water stress cycles. The shift in the threshold water potential required for induction of stomatal closure was dependent on the number of previous stress cycles and leaf age. The basal level of endogenous abscisic acid (ABA) in fully turgid leaves increased in response to the stress treatments, whereas the amount accumulated in response to a subsequent stress did not differ greatly among plants that had experienced different degrees of stress conditioning.  相似文献   

Summary Bean and tomato plants were grown in solution culture root media containing pre-determined concentrations of gibberellin A3 (GA), 1-naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA), N6-benzyladenine (BA), (2-chloroethyl)trimethylammonium chloride (CCC), and at atmospheric levels of 300 and 1000 ppm of CO2. Net assimilation rates (NAR), relative growth rates (RGR), leaf area ratios (LAR), root to top dry weight ratios (R/T) and changes in dry weight, size, and form of each organ were recorded.Gibberellin had no effect on RGR of either plant species but increased the NAR of tomatoes at 1000 ppm CO2. Total dry weight was only slightly affected by GA but root growth and R/T were markedly depressed. CCC had no effect on NAR, but decreased RCR and LAR. Root growth of beans and R/T in both plants were promoted by CCC. NAR and RGR were strongly inhibited by BA and NAA. Inhibition of stem and leaf growth by CCC and NAA was greater than that for roots; thus, R/T ratios were increased. Root branching was promoted by NAA.High (1000 ppm), compared to the low (300 ppm), atmospheric levels of CO2 generally promoted root growth and produced an increase in the R/T, both in the absence and presence of chemical treatment. The multiplicity of effects of the rootabsorbed chemical growth substances and CO2 on growth and photosynthesis is discussed.Journal article No 3883 of the Michigan Agricultural Experiment Station.NATO Fellow, University of Pisa, Italy.  相似文献   

Abstract. The apparatus described here is a fully portable, steady-state gas exchange system for simultaneous measurements of the CO2 exchange and transpiration of single, attached leaves. The leaf cuvette provides temperature, humidity, and CO2-concentration control. The system is suitable for either surveys or detailed studies of photosynthetic and stomatal responses to environmental variables. Representative data demonstrate the response time characteristics of the system and constitute the first field evidence of stomatal behaviour consistent with a recent hypothesis concerning the optimum pattern of stomatal conductance for the maximization of water-use-efficiency.  相似文献   

Carbon dioxide exchange of Alnus rubra   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  

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