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Arthopyrenia endobrya from Southern Brazil is illustrated and described as a new species of lichens. The thallus is composed of filamentous green algae loosely surrounded by fungal hyphae. Both symbionts grow endophytically within the leaf cells of two species ofLejeuneaceae (Hepaticae). The algae and hyphae penetrate the cell walls of the host by means of fine perforations. The ascocarps develop between the leaves and perforate them with their apical region. The classification as a member of the genusArthopyrenia is preliminary.

From the Buschmann-Klippe-Formation, mainly considered as Late Precambrian in age until now, the ArchaeocyathaBuschmannia roeringi, n. gen., n. sp. is described. Based on this discovery, an Early Cambrian age for the Nama-group is assumed.  相似文献   

From nearshore Upper Oligocène sediments of the coal mine of Sophia Jacoba (SW Erkelenz, NRW), the ostracodeEchinocythereis Symmetrien n. sp., family Trachyleberididae Sylvester-Bradley 1948 is described.  相似文献   

One new genus and 11 new species belonging to a group of problematic protozoan forms are described from the Northwest German Tertiary basin. Stratigraphic ranges of the different species are given.  相似文献   

Summary Four new species of hystrignathid nematodes are described from the midgut caeca of Passalus unicornus (Coleoptera: Passalidae) from St. Lucia, West Indies. Artigasia horridospina n.sp. is differentiated from A. dispar van Waerebeke, 1973 by virtue of fewer rows of spines in the oesophageal region and in possessing lateral alae, and from A. insignia Travassos & Kloss, 1958 in the extent of the oesophageal spiens and in having the lateral alae commence more anteriorly. The first annule is also much shallower than that of A. insignia. Longior semialata n.sp. is differentiated from L. longicollis Travassos & Kloss, 1958 on body length, b ratio, egg size and the starting point of the lateral alae. Mentecle magnifica n.sp. differs from M. parvus Travassos & Kloss, 1958 in having the spines of the oesophageal region extending much further down the body and in having ridged eggs. It is also longer and relatively thinner. Paraxyo ensicrinatus n.sp. differs from P. monodelpho Travassos & Kloss, 1958 in having a proportionately longer tail. The spines in the oesophageal region also extend considerably further posteriorly than in P. monodelpho.Two types of male associated with the above nematodes are described and illustrated, but not assigned to females. Pulchrocephala? pulchrocephala Travassos, 1925 is redescribed from the gut of the mole-cricket Scapteriscus vicinus.Scanning electron micrographs of four of the described species are given and briefly discussed. ac]19801024  相似文献   

A pseudomonotide pelecypod-Pachypteria sinaitica n. sp. - is described from Abu Durba Formation (Visé) of southwest Sinai. The new species forms a link with rather similar populations in the Lower Carboniferous of Marocco. Like the oysters, but byssate and cemented with its right valve,P. sinaitica n. sp. built up small limestone beds within a marginal marine environment of sedimentation. As regards the isotopie composition, the carbonates of the shell were secreted in a water of approximately 25° C.It follows, that the littoral waters of the southern Tethys were warmer during the Lower Carboniferous than those of present Red Sea.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Die neu beschriebene Algen-SyncynoseCyanoptyche dispersa n. sp. unterscheidet sich vonCyanoptyche gloeocystis durch bestimmte, charakteristische Merkmale. Im zentralen Teil ihrer Cyanellen findet sich ein auffallender, eigentümlicher Körper, der bisher nur bei dem Flagellaten-EndocyanomCyanophora paradoxa beobachtet wurde.Über die Natur der Cyanellen läßt sich noch kein abschließendes Urteil fällen. Doch bestehen Bedenken, sie einfach freilebenden Cyanophyceen gleichzusetzen.  相似文献   

Bevocastria magna n. sp., an extremely large nodular species of the genusBevocastria, is described from Upper Triassic (Norian) reef limestones of a locality south of the town of Dereköy (SW Antalya, Turkey). The nodule ofB. magna looks like skeletons of chaetetid sponges which occur commonly at the same locality.B. magna is the first report of the genus from the Triassic deposits of Turkey.  相似文献   

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