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从小葱植物中分离到一株编号为36R-2-1B的链霉菌菌株,该菌株含有一个约为280kb的线型质粒pYY8L。【目的】克隆、测序和分析pYY8L新的端粒和复制区。【方法】采用改良的"在凝胶中进行DNA碱处理与酶切"的方法来克隆大的线型质粒pYY8L的端粒,通过构建基因组柯斯文库和次级克隆的方法来缩小和鉴定pYY8L的复制区。【结果】在小葱植物内生链霉菌36R-2-1B中检测到约为280kb的线型质粒pYY8L,克隆了pYY8L的端粒。其末端的152bp包含6个小的回文序列,可以形成复杂的二级结构。利用柯斯文库构建、次级克隆和测序获得了4891bp的pYY8L的复制区。该复制区含有6个基因,其中2个与天蓝色链霉菌线型质粒SCP1的复制基因非常相似,但是邻近的重复序列不同。【结论】采用新的改良的方法克隆和鉴定了pYY8L新的端粒和复制区。本文首次报道了植物内生链霉菌线型质粒的端粒和复制基因。  相似文献   

本室从西藏采集的土壤样品中分离到了一批链霉菌,利用脉冲电泳确定了其中5株链霉菌含有较小的线型质粒。【目的】克隆、测序和分析5个线型质粒的端粒。【方法】采用改良的"在凝胶中进行DNA碱处理和限制性内切酶酶切"的方法来克隆线型质粒的端粒DNA。【结果】克隆和测序了5个线型质粒的端粒DNA。通过与链霉菌典型端粒进行比较,发现这5个新的线型质粒的端粒序列同样含有多个回文序列。但是有的端粒保守的回文序列I不一定能够"折返"与内部序列配对形成"超级发卡"结构,回文序列的"突出环"不一定都为3nt。【结论】采用改良的方法克隆和鉴定了5个线型质粒新的端粒序列,这些新端粒的特征暗示:回文序列I的"折返"和3nt的回文序列的"突出环"不是端粒复制必需的。  相似文献   

覃重军 《微生物学通报》2013,40(10):1822-1830
近年来, 随着大质粒提取和检测技术的发展, 尤其是高通量DNA测序技术的应用, 使得链霉菌大的环型质粒和线型质粒的研究取得了较快的进展。相比于研究透彻的细菌Theta型复制的质粒, 链霉菌Theta型质粒在复制区的结构、复制蛋白和调控蛋白作用的分子机理等方面具有多样性和新颖性。新鉴定的许多线型质粒的中心复制区表明中心复制的起始可以靠近端粒, 一个质粒也可以有2个以上的复制区。新分离的端粒序列显示端粒“折返”不是必需的, 而形成二级结构对于端粒复制是重要的。链霉菌环型和线型质粒的测序分析显示它们之间存在亲缘关系。环型质粒可以与噬菌体共整合, 实验证明它们在一定条件下可以相互转换。这些研究结果表明, 链霉菌环型、线型质粒和噬菌体从结构到功能到进化具有多样性、新颖性和亲缘关系。  相似文献   

根据单链起点A(SSOA)或复制起始序列的同源性,将滚环复制(PC)质粒分为几个不同的家族。由于pLS1质粒家族PC的调控机理不同于其他质粒家族,且在过去几年中该家族成员已增加到8个。事实上,由于pLS1质粒不需要组成型复制子,该家族已成为诱人的克隆载体,不仅用于各种基因的克隆,还用于研究革兰氏阳性细菌基因与革兰氏阴性细菌基因之间的互补性。  相似文献   

【目的】链霉菌(Streptomyces)X335是从西藏高原活拉山口分离到的,其中含有一个大小为4.3 kb的环型质粒pDYM4.3k。克隆、测序和分析pDYM4.3k,以及鉴定复制和接合转移的基因。【方法】通过克隆和引物延伸获得pDYM4.3k的全序列,利用比对分析推测基因的功能,通过Southern杂交检测复制中间体,利用平板杂交实验证明接合转移功能。【结果】克隆和测序获得了全长为4346 bp的pDYM4.3k序列,预测仅有3个基因,其中1个基因与链霉菌主要接合转移基因同源,另外2个为功能未知。鉴定新的基因orf1及其上游的约300 bp构成了质粒的基本复制区域。检测到质粒存在单链的复制中间体,表明它以滚环方式进行复制。实验证明pDYM4.3k在变铅青链霉菌(Streptomyces lividans)中具有接合转移功能。【结论】质粒pDYM4.3k可以滚环方式进行复制和在链霉菌之间进行接合转移。这是目前报道的最小的、具有游离复制和接合转移功能的链霉菌质粒。  相似文献   

从红球菌NS1中检测到两个线型质粒pNSL1和pNSL2。【目的】克隆、测序和分析pNSL1,并鉴定质粒的复制区。【方法】利用脉冲电泳方法从凝胶中回收大量的质粒DNA,进行鸟枪法克隆、测序和拼接,通过生物信息学分析和实验证明质粒的自主复制区。【结果】克隆、测序和拼接获得pNSL1全长为117252bp的序列,包括在红球菌中保守的1282bp端粒的序列。序列预测含有103个蛋白编码区,包括质粒的复制、分配、转移等功能基因。将pNSL1中一个与分枝杆菌质粒的复制基因同源的pNSL1.038及其上游的767bp非编码序列克隆到大肠杆菌质粒,电击转化珊瑚诺卡氏菌4.1037,获得了抗性转化子。【结论】克隆、测序了全长的线型质粒pNSL1,鉴定了质粒的复制区。  相似文献   

张华  洪斌  李元 《微生物学报》1999,39(4):327-332
质粒pSGL1(7.4kb)是从球孢链霉菌(Streptomycesglobisporus)中分离得到的一个高拷贝质粒,已证明其最小复制子位于Sau3AI酶切的20kb片段上。对该片段进行亚克隆,测序后数据表明该片段是一个新序列。仅有一个开放阅读框架(ORFR)位于最小复制子中,推测其编码的蛋白质含有滚环复制质粒复制酶的特定序列。  相似文献   

从分属于12个种的28株嗜热链霉菌中检测到热灰紫链霉菌(S.thermogriseoviolaceus)T272带有3个质粒(pST1,pST2,pST3),热藤黄链霉菌(S.thermoluteus)T422带有1个质粒(pST4),经电镜观察得到证实,并按经验公式求得其分子量分别为27、8.3、6.9、25.7kb。实验数据表明,T272与利福平抗性有关的基因可能位于质粒pST1;而pST4可能与rRNA甲基化酶合成有关,推测该酶使T422具有红霉素、螺旋霉素、林可霉素抗性。未发现这些质粒与宿主的高温生长特性有关。  相似文献   

The replication origin and both terminal segments were cloned from the large linear plasmid pSLA2-L in Streptomyces rochei 7434AN4. The basic replicon consists of a 1.9-kb DNA fragment, which contains the genetic information required for autonomous replication in circular form. Sequence analysis revealed two ORFs, RepL1 and RepL2, with no similarity to any of the replication initiator proteins in the database. Deletion and mutational analysis showed that RepL1 is essential for replication and RepL2 has a subsidiary function. The origin of replication may be located 800 bp upstream of repL1. Sequencing of the left and right terminal segments revealed the presence of 12 palindromes. The sequence of the first 90 bp, including palindromes I–IV, shows great similarity to that of other Streptomyces linear chromosomes and plasmids. These results suggest that the internal replication origins of the linear replicons vary widely, in contrast to the high degree of conservation of their telomeres. Received: 2 December 1999 / Accepted: 12 April 2000  相似文献   

Streptomyces hygroscopicus 10-22 harbors a conjugative, autonomously replicating linear plasmid pHZ6 of ca. 70 kb, which shows no obvious homology with chromosomal DNA and is temperature-sensitive for replication, being stable in the host at 28 degrees C but easily lost at 37 degrees C. On a lawn of the wild-type S. hygroscopicus 10-22 cured of pHZ6, pHZ6 elicit pocks. Temperature sensitivity seemed to be a unique property for pHZ6 among six linear plasmids tested, including the well-known linear plasmids SLP2 in Streptomyces lividans 1326 and SCP1 in Streptomyces coelicolor A3(2). The distinct identity of pHZ6 from previously identified pHZ1-pHZ5 was demonstrated by the profile of relevant plasmids in six well-defined strains originated from S. hygroscopicus 10-22.  相似文献   

Abstract A linear plasmid was isolated from a strain of Streptomyces rimosus . This plasmid was separated by agarose gel electrophoresis and its size, about 43 kb, determined both by this method and by electron microscopy. The cleavage pattern of the linear plasmid with 5 restriction endonucleases is given. A protein, which is removed by proteinase K, is probably associated to this plasmid. By ethidium bromides or acridine orange treatment we obtained mutants which had lost their aerial mycelium and their linear plasmid.  相似文献   

Abstract The isolation of the replication region of an indigenous plasmid of 42 kb of the phototrophic bacterium Rhodobacter sphaeroides is described. This plasmid was digested with the Bgl II restriction enzyme, ligated to the 2.7 Bgl II fragment of transposon Tn 10 , which contains the tet genes conferring tetracycline resistance, and the mixture was transformed into the Escherichia coli MC1061 strain. One of several chimeric plasmids harboring the replication region of the 42-kb plasmid obtained by this process was named pUA33 and further characterized. Plasmid pUA33 is approx. 8.3 kb. A partial restriction map has been constructed. Plasmid pUA33 is stable in E. coli cells growing under non-selective conditions and is non-self-transmissible. All these data suggest that the pUA33 plasmid may be a very useful tool for gene cloning in R. spheroides .  相似文献   

pSA1.1 is a 9.1-kb multicopy plasmid originally isolated from Streptomyces cyaneus (formerly S. azureus) ATCC 14921. This plasmid accumulates single-stranded DNA in S. lividans and is therefore considered to replicate by a rolling-circle replication. In the present work, the rep gene encoding the replication initiator protein and the replication origin ori of pSA1.1 were determined. The rep and ori are located on separate regions. The Rep protein of pSA1.1 belongs to superfamily I which includes A proteins of phages. Nucleotide sequence of the surrounding putative nicking site of pSA1.1 shows good agreement with those of the pC194 group plasmids and phages. The direction of replication was also determined.  相似文献   

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