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Two opposing hypotheses concerning determinants of mangabey (Cercocebus albigena) ranging patterns have been advocated. One hypothesis suggests that ranging patterns of mangabeys are largely a response to fruit availability, while the other hypothesis advocates that concerns of fruit availability are supplemented or overridden by concerns of fecal contamination and that the risk of parasite infection, especially during dry weather, determines their pattern of range use. In this 9 month study of mangabeys in the Kanyawara study area of Kibale National Park, mangabeys moved longer distances during the wet season than during the dry season. There were no seasonal differences in group spread, number of 50 by 50 m quadrats used, or in quadrat overlap between sequential sample periods. Intensity of quadrat use was closely related to the number of fruiting trees/lianas in the quadrats, irrespective of season. These findings are consistent with the hypothesis that fruit availability is a main factor influencing mangabey ranging patterns. The results are not consistent with the hypothesis that mangabey ranging patterns largely reflect differential seasonal risk of parasite infection. Am. J. Primatol. 43:65–78, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Human female reproductive function is highly sensitive to current energetic condition, indicating adaptation to modulate reproductive effort in accordance with changing ecological conditions that might favor or disfavor the production of offspring. Here, we test the hypothesis that reproductive capacity in female chimpanzees is likewise limited by current energetic condition. We used 12 years of data on wild chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii) in the Kanyawara community of Kibale National Park, Uganda, to examine the relationship of dietary quality, as assessed by fruit components of the diet, to the occurrence of sexually receptive females, concentrations of ovarian steroid hormones, and timing of conception. We found that the frequency of females having sexual swellings was positively related to the consumption of drupe fruits. Estrogen levels of both cycling and noncycling females increased during seasonal peaks in the consumption of drupe fruits. When average fruit consumption remained high across months, females conceived more quickly. These results support the hypothesis that cycling and conception in chimpanzees are contingent upon high energy balance, and they indicate that the availability of fruit is a key variable limiting reproductive performance in chimpanzees. Chimpanzees appear to share with humans a reproductive system that is primed to respond to proximate levels of energy acquisition.  相似文献   

The accuracy and precision of sexual swellings and fecal steroids as measures of ovarian function and the periovulatory period were compared in 4 sexually mature, individually housed, sooty mangabey females. Fecal samples were collected daily over a 10-week period during the normal breeding season. Serum was collected 3×/week, daily during peak swelling, and sex skin was rated 5×/week on a 0–5 relative scale. Both fecal estradiol (fE2) and progesterone (fP4) were significantly correlated with serum values in composite E2-aligned profiles and within the cycles of individual females with average correlations of rs = 0.6. Follicular phase means for fE2 and luteal phase means for fP4 were significantly correlated with the serum means across cycles, suggesting that fecal concentrations could be used to accurately evaluate cycle phases within and across females. In contrast, the timing of peak swelling relative to the periovulatory period varied considerably across the cycles of individual females. Although maximum tumescence appears to bracket the periovulatory period, individual differences in the duration of peak swelling and the timing of its onset and end tend to obscure the exact time of ovulation in relation to maximal tumescence. These data illustrate the utility of fecal steroid analysis as a tool for further evaluation of the signal value of sexual skin and its role in mating interactions. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Sexual reproduction and dimorphism in the pathogenic basidiomycetes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Many fungi in the Basidiomycota have a dimorphic life cycle, where a monokaryotic yeast form alternates with a dikaryotic hyphal form. Most of the dimorphic basidiomycetes are pathogenic on plants, animals or other fungi. In these species, infection of a host appears to be closely linked to both dimorphism and the process of sexual reproduction. Sex in fungi is governed by a specialized region of the genome known as the mating type locus that confers cell-type identity and regulates progression through the sexual cycle. Here we investigate sexual reproduction and lifestyle in emerging human pathogenic yeasts and plant pathogenic smuts of the Basidiomycota and examine the relationship among sex, dimorphism and pathogenesis.  相似文献   

Im Reservat des Kibale Forest in Uganda wurden im Mai—Juni 1971 die täglichen Marschrouten und räumlichen Zerstreuungen einer freilaufenden Gruppe von Cercocebus albigena untersucht. Die räumliche Organisation dieser Gruppe unterschied sich in mehreren Hinsichten von der anderer Regenwaldaffen. Während diese zum Beispiel in ziemlich engen Gebieten leben, bewohnt diese Cercocebus-Gruppe mehr als 34 ha, also ähnlich viel wie Bewohner der offenen Steppe. Ebenso entsprachen die täglichen Marschrouten und die mittlere Entfernung zwischen den Mitgliedern dieser Gruppe eher denen der am Boden in offener Landschaft lebenden Affen. Diese Ergebnisse zeigen, daß sich baumlebende Regenwaldbewohner in Wohngebietsgröße, täglichen Wanderungen und Gruppendichte beträchtlich unterscheiden. Theorien oder Verallgemeinerungen, daß die soziale Organisation waldlebender Arten weniger veränderlich sei als die von offener Landschaft, müssen erneut durchdacht werden.  相似文献   

Female chimpanzees mate promiscuously during a period of extended receptivity marked by prominent sexual swelling. Recent studies of wild chimpanzees indicate that subtle variations in swelling size could act as a reliable cue of female fertilization potential both within and between cycles (Emery and Whitten Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 54, 340–351, 2003; Deschner et al. Hormones and Behavior, 46, 204–215, 2004). Copulation rates increase during the periovulatory period and during conception cycles (Deschner et al. Hormones and Behavior, 46, 204–215, 2004; Emery Thompson American Journal of Primatology, 67, 137–158, 2005a), suggesting that males may be able to assess female fertilization potential. We asked whether facultative timing of copulation in Kanyawara chimpanzees was due to increased male mating interest or to increased female proceptivity during the most fecund days. We assessed multiple measures of male mating effort in cycles aligned relative to the day of detumescence and compared periovulatory days to other days of maximal swelling, and conception cycles to nonconception cycles. The rate and proportion of male initiative in soliciting sexual behavior increased during periods of highest fertilization potential. Males were also more likely to interrupt copulations, associate with estrous females, and compete with other males when females were most likely to conceive. Females initiated copulations more frequently during conception cycles but did not visibly shift mating behavior within cycles. Our results support the hypothesis that male chimpanzees have the ability to assess the profitability of mating attempts, a trait that may act as a counter-adaptation to female strategies to obscure paternity. We discuss potential cues and the implications for female reproductive strategies.  相似文献   

风箱果有性繁殖研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对风箱果(Physocarpus amurensis)适宜的采种时期、不同母树种子的成熟差异和幼苗的生长特征进行了研究。结果表明,风箱果种子的最适采种期在7月末,种子成熟后有休眠特性;方差分析表明,不同植株间种子的发芽率和千粒重都达到极显著水平(p<0.01),并且发芽率与种子重量呈正相关,其相关程度最佳的为幂函数,确定系数是75.75%(p<0.01);风箱果幼苗类型为子叶出土型,幼苗生物量对根的投资最大,其次是叶,茎的最少,在这3部分生物量投资中,对根和叶的投资比较稳定(其变异系数分别为6.8%和11.03%),对茎的生物量投资具有较大的变异(其变异系数为21.81%)。基径是衡量风箱果幼苗空间大小的重要数量指标。风箱果构件生物量(根生物量、茎生物量、叶生物量及总生物量)各组分均随基径的增加,呈线性函数形式增长,这表明随着植株的空间扩展,各构件有着相同的物质生产与积累规律。  相似文献   

2004年5—11月,对芜湖市镜湖大、小湖区水体中长三肢轮虫(Filinia longiseta)的有性生殖及其与种群密度、水温、水体透明度、水体叶绿素a含量和轮虫总密度等环境因子间的关系进行了研究.结果表明:当水温低于22℃或水体透明度大于一定值(小湖区SD>95cm,大湖区SD>100cm)时,长三肢轮虫不进行有性生殖;而当其本身的种群密度达到一定值(小湖区种群密度>122ind·L-1,大湖区种群密度>113ind·L-1)时才进行有性生殖.长三肢轮虫的混交雌体密度仅与其本身的种群密度以及水体中轮虫总密度之间呈正相关关系(P<0·01),而与水温、叶绿素a含量、水体透明度之间均无明显的相关关系;长三肢轮虫种群的混交率和受精率与水温、水体透明度、叶绿素a含量、轮虫总密度和长三肢轮虫种群密度之间也无明显的相关性.长三肢轮虫的有性生殖发生在种群增长的早期阶段,混交雌体以间断的、多循环的方式产生;最大混交率与最大种群密度同时出现,但最大受精率出现在种群即将消失时.  相似文献   

Sexual reproduction and asexual reproduction by fission were studied in four populations of Coscinasterias calamaria (Gray), two in Otago Harbour in the South Island of New Zealand and two in the North Island near Auckland. The annual reproductive cycle in both islands of New Zealand is clearly defined with a spawning season between November and January. In both sites the pyloric caeca index was approximately inverse to the gonad index cycle as found in other forcipulate asteroids. There are substantial differences in the sex ratios of mature starfish at each site studied, with 1:1 ratios in two populations, one population heavily biased towards females and the fourth consisting almost entirely of males. Morphometric variation in arm number due to splitting was studied and the frequency of splitting varied considerably between the four populations. Generally speaking sublittoral C. calamaria divide less frequently than intertidal starfish and populations in which food is less abundant or of poorer quality are more fissiparous and put less energy into sexual reproduction, than populations with plentiful readily available food in the form of mussels. The significance of the different reproductive patterns in C. calamaria is discussed.  相似文献   

The balance between sexual and vegetative reproduction inSyneilesis palmata was examined in relation to environmental conditions and the amount of reproductive resources, which is defined here as the total quantity of dry matter invested in both modes of reproduction. The allocation balance was measured for individual plants of two populations, with different densities in an open habitat, for 2 years, and those of two other populations, under different light intensities in a plantation forest (forest floor and edge), for 3 years. Relative allocation to sexual reproduction decreased with increasing reproductive resources in all populations except for the forest edge, which showed a constant allocation balance. The high density population showed lower relative allocation to sexual reproduction than the low density population, irrespective of the amount of reproductive resources. However the between-year comparison of the high density population suggested that under extremely high density, plants with a small amount of reproductive resources enhanced sexual reproduction, while plants with a large amount of reproductive resources reproduced vegetatively. On the forest floor, plants with small amounts of reproductive resources had higher relative allocation to sexual reproduction than the forest edge population, while plants with large amounts of reproductive resources had a somewhat lower one. The adaptive significance of such allocation patterns are discussed, based on qualitative data on the characteristics of both types of offspring.  相似文献   

Mean gestation for seven free-ranging Tana River crested mangabeys (Cercocebus galeritus galeritus) is 180 days (SE = 4.49). All females showed postconception sexual swellings after the first 2 months of pregnancy, and two of the seven copulated with males at this time. One birth was observed; observations of a second infant began less than 1 hr after birth. Details of parturition are given, with responses of group members to the events. Adult and juvenile females showed more sustained interest in the new infants than adult or juvenile males.  相似文献   

Forest succession was studied in four plots in former grasslands at the Ngogo study area in Kibale National Park, Uganda. The plots were located in areas that had been protected from fire for 0.58, 25, 9 and ≈30 years for plots 1, 2, 3 and 4, respectively. Species richness reflected the length of time that the plot had been protected from fire; it was highest in plot 4 and lowest in plot 1. Species density, stem density and basal area were all highest in plot 4 and lowest in plot 1. The species densities of plots 2 and 3 were not different. Similarly, plots 2 and 4 did not differ with regard to stem density or basal area. Animal seed dispersers played a vital role in the colonization of grasslands by forest tree species.  相似文献   

The chemical composition and energy content of North Sea plaice during the spawning period were examined in mature males and females and in immature fish, to study differences in the allocation of energy over reproduction and somatic growth between the sexes. At the beginning of the spawning period mature males and females had equal dry weights of lipid that were 70% higher than in immatures. Protein content in mature males was equal to that in immatures but was 23 % higher in mature females. Immature males and females did not differ in chemical composition. At the end of the spawning period, spent and immature fish had equal lipid contents, but protein content in spent females was 10% lower than in spent males, and 17% lower than in immatures. Gross energy content of the body decreased by 44% (65·2 to 36·3 J cm-3) in mature females, 27% (55·0 to 40·OJ cm-3) in mature males, and 9% (48·7 to 44·2J cm-3) in immatures. Energy content of plaice eggs was estimated at 6·60 kJ per 1000 eggs. Reproductive investment was estimated from the energy loss during the spawning period and included the energy of sex products and spawning metabolism. Somatic growth comprised the annual increase in energy content of fish. The pattern of energy allocation over reproduction and somatic growth differed between males and females. Males started their reproduction at a smaller length and a younger age and allocated a higher proportion of the available energy into reproduction than females. Available energy resources for somatic growth and reproduction (surplus production) were equal between the sexes up to a length of about 30 cm. Beyond this length male surplus production levelled off whereas female surplus production continued to increase. The differences in surplus production and the allocation patterns are discussed. For female plaice the energy allocated into egg production was estimated as between 48 and 64% of the total amount of energy lost during spawning. The remaining energy is used for metabolism during the spawning period, yielding an estimate of the metabolic rate of mature females of between 6·4 and 9·1 kJ day-1. A maximum estimate of the metabolic rate of mature males was 7·4 kJ day-1.  相似文献   

Many reports have claimed that the duration of the swelling cycle in female bonobos (Pan paniscus) is longer than that of chimpanzees, and that the bonobo maximum swelling phase is markedly prolonged. Field data on intermenstrual intervals (IMIs) in female bonobos are limited and restricted to interswelling intervals (ISIs), which are assumed to reflect the IMI, though a direct comparison between the duration of ISIs and IMIs is still lacking. Reports on bonobo sexual activity as a function of the swelling phase are often contradictory. Moreover, the function of female homosexual interactions (genito-genital (GG) rubbing) is still debated. This study examines the reliability of the ISI as an approximation of the IMI, and the attractivity of female sexual swellings for other individuals. An analysis of 51 ISI-IMI pairs showed that ISIs are a fair representation of the reproductive cycle. The cycle length was 35.6+/-1.1 SE days relying on the ISI, whereas it was 35.0+/-1.1 SE days considering the IMI. This result is similar to the cycle length reported for chimpanzees. Female homosexual interactions and copulatory rates were higher during maximum tumescence, suggesting that the sexual swelling may be attractive for both males and other females. Furthermore, the GG-rubbing was performed free of a hierarchical postural imposition, and was not correlated with affinitive interactions. We suggest that GG-rubbing, which is generally the most frequent female sexual interaction, is a tool for social assessments among females.  相似文献   

If specialization influences species presence, then high tropical tree and shrub diversity should correspond with high environmental heterogeneity. Such heterogeneity may be found among different successional communities (i.e., canopy types). We explore species associations in three forest-dominated canopy types, forest, gap, and edge, in Kibale National Park, Uganda and determine environmental, soil and light, differences among canopy types. To determine the strength of differences among forested canopy types, they are also compared to grasslands. Tree and shrub density and species richness using rarefaction analysis were determined based on data from 24 small plots (5 × 5 m) in all four canopy types and 16 large plots (10 × 50 m) in forest and grassland canopy types. Environmental variables were determined along 10 (20 m) transects in the four canopy types. Using analysis of variance and principal components analysis, we demonstrate that forest and gap environments had similar soils, but forest had lower light levels than gap. We also found that grassland and edge were more similar to one another than to forest and gap, but differed in a number of important biotic and abiotic factors controlling soil water availability (e.g., edge had higher root length density of small roots < 2 mm diameter in the top 20 cm than grassland). Using principal components analysis to assess similarities in community composition, we demonstrate that gap and forest had indistinguishable communities and that edge was similar to but distinct from both communities. Complete species turnover only occurred between grassland and the three forested canopy types. Even though overall community composition was similar in the three forested canopy types, in analyses of individual species using randomization tests, many common species were most frequently found in only one canopy type; these patterns held across size classes. These results suggest that despite differences among environments, community composition was similar among forested canopy types, which are likely intergrading into one another. Interestingly, individual species are more frequently found in a single canopy type, indicating species specialization.  相似文献   

Patterns of sexual reproduction and clonal growth were investigated in the understory palm Reinhardtia gracilis var. gracilior over a 3-yr period. R. gracilis is a very abundant clonal palm in the tropical rain forest of Los Tuxtlas, Veracruz, México. Because ramets form clumps, genets are easily identified in the field. Genets were monitored in a 0.5-ha area, and classified by size according to the number of ramets they possessed. In contrast to clonal growth, sexual reproduction was highly dependent on genet size. The probability of reproduction, the number of inflorescences, and the number of fruits produced were positively correlated with genet size. However, neither the probability of producing a ramet, nor the number of ramets produced per genet were correlated with genet size. Over the 3 yr of study, 55% of the genet population had at least one ramet with reproductive structures, while <1% (a single genet in one year) had six ramets with flowers. Thirty-two percent of the mature genets reproduced during each of three consecutive years. In contrast, 58% of the genets produced no new ramets during these 3 yr. No evidence was found of a trade-off between clonal growth and sexual reproduction. Ramet production increases genet size and this in turn increases genet reproductive performance. Clonal growth in this species may be viewed as a growth strategy that tends to maximize genet fitness.  相似文献   

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