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Xylem sap primarily transports water and mineral nutrients such as nitrogen(N)from roots to shoots in vascular plants.However,it remains largely unknown how nitrogenous compounds,especially proteins in xylem sap,respond to N under-or over-supply.We found that reducing N supply increased amino-N percentage of total N in maize(Zea mays L.)xylem sap.Proteomic analysis showed that 23 proteins in the xylem sap of maize plants,including 12 newly identified ones,differentially accumulated in response to various N supplies.Fifteen of these 23 proteins were primarily involved in general abiotic or biotic stress responses,whereas the other five proteins appeared to respond largely to N under-or over-supply,suggesting distinct protein responses in maize xylem upon N under-and over-supply.Furthermore,one putative xylanase inhibitor and two putative O-glycosyl hydrolases had preferential gene expression in shoots.  相似文献   

A chitinase activity was detected in fractions of xylem sap collected from the cut surface of cucumber stems. A 28-kDa acidic protein was purified from the active fractions and its N-terminal amino acids sequence was found to be identical to that of a chitinase gene. Cucumber roots produce and secrete an acidic chitinase, one of the PR proteins, into xylem sap and deliver it to aboveground organs.  相似文献   

The difference in electrical potential between the xylem exudateof isolated roots of 1-week-old maize seedlings and the culturesolution surrounding the roots has been determined togetherwith the concentrations of potassium, calcium, chloride, andsulphate in the xylem sap. The difference in electro-chemicalpotential (µ) for these ions has been calculated fromthe measurements. The effects on µ of varying the saltstatus of the roots, the composition of the culture solutionand of 2-4-dinitrophenol have been examined. µ for potassiumand chloride was always positive, implying that movement ofthese ions to the xylem sap was under metabolic constraint.However, pretreatment of the maize seedlings with potassiumchloride and increasing levels of dinitrophenol in the culturesolution over the exudation period caused little or no significantchange in µ for potassium although the rate of movementof ions to the xylem was substantially reduced. For calcium,µ was negative with roots in dilute culture solutionsin the absence of dinitrophenol, implying that calcium couldenter the xylem by passive diffusion. Addition of dinitrophenolchanged the sign of µ and thus brought about an apparentlyactive transport of calcium.Only in the absence of competinganions was the rate of entry of chloride significantly correlatedwith µ, and no such relationship was found for potassiumor calcium individually. These results encourage doubt as towhether measurements of µ provide a valid basis for decidingto what extent the movement of individual ions depends on specific‘active’ or ‘passive’ transport processes.Thedifference in electrical potential appears to be a characteristicof the living root and to depend on the total concentrationof ions in the external solution and on their rate of transferinto the xylem sap.  相似文献   

A modified method for the collection of xylem sap from tea plantsis described. In multistemmed tea plants a marked differencein the composition of the sap collected from different branchesof comparable diameter on the same plant was found. The possibilitythat the variation could be due to root disease or mechanicaldamage on one side of the tree was eliminated byusing V-stemsfrom a main branch. The sap contained a small quantity of asubstance which showed gibberellin-like activity.  相似文献   

几种生理因素对玉米木质部汁液中蛋白质含量的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
受干旱胁迫的玉米叶和茎木质部汁液中蛋白质含量降低,根中蛋白质含量升高.偏酸性营养液中的玉米各营养器官木质部汁液中蛋白质含量降低,中性或碱性营养液中的则升高.以100mmol·L-1的ABA营养液处理后的玉米根、茎和叶片的木质部汁液中蛋白质含量都升高;而用2 mmol·L-1EGTA、80 mmol·L-1三氟啦嗪或100mmol·L-1异博定处理后的木质部汁液中蛋白质含量变化不明显.  相似文献   

Xylem Sap from Actinidia chinensis: Gradients in Sap Composition   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In early spring, just prior to leaf break, there were substantialgradients in the concentration of many solutes in xylem sapcollected by vacuum extraction from shoots of different ages,from the branches, trunk and roots of mature Chinese gooseberryvines (Actinidia chinensis Planchon) For most nutrients therewas a progressive fall in concentration from youngest shootsdown to the roots and nitrate was the only nutrient to showa trend in the opposite direction These gradients in concentrationare probably sufficient to account for most of the changes observedin the composition of bleeding xylem sap during the first fewhours of bleeding after a branch is cut or wounded Actinidia chinensis, Chinese gooseberry, kiwifruit, xylem sap, nutrient gradients  相似文献   

Under two monoxenic culture techniques of growing plants (filter paper and silica sand cultures), sugar in root exudate from Meloidogyne incognita-infected tomato increased 133 to 836% over controls. In contrast, amino acids were moderately reduced 52 to 56%. Chromatographic analysis showed that galled root exudate contained three sugars, twelve amino acids, and three organic acids, whereas healthy root exudate contained four sugars, fifteen amino acids, and four organic acids. Polysaccharide was responsible for the large increase of sugars in galled root exudates. The concn and the absolute amount of total sugars in the infected plant xylem sap were greater than in healthy plant xylem sap up to 6 wk after inoculation, whereas amino acids were moderately lower than in controls throughout the test period. Chromatographic analysis showed that xylem sap from both healthy and infected plants at 4 wk after inoculation contained four sugars and five organic acids. We identified 18 and 17 amino acids in the healthy and infected plant xylem sap, respectively. The concn of sugar increased as the nematode inoculum increased at 2, 4 and 6 wk after inoculation. The amino acids in all samples from the infected plant moderately decreased with an increase of nematode inoculum. We suggest that changes in total sugars and amino acids, of infected plant xylem sap and root exudate are a probable mechanism by which tomato plants are predisposed to Fusarium wilt.  相似文献   

We address the question of how soil flooding closes stomata of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. cv Ailsa Craig) plants within a few hours in the absence of leaf water deficits. Three hypotheses to explain this were tested, namely that (a) flooding increases abscisic acid (ABA) export in xylem sap from roots, (b) flooding increases ABA synthesis and export from older to younger leaves, and (c) flooding promotes accumulation of ABA within foliage because of reduced export. Hypothesis a was rejected because delivery of ABA from flooded roots in xylem sap decreased. Hypothesis b was rejected because older leaves neither supplied younger leaves with ABA nor influenced their stomata. Limited support was obtained for hypothesis c. Heat girdling of petioles inhibited phloem export and mimicked flooding by decreasing export of [14C]sucrose, increasing bulk ABA, and closing stomata without leaf water deficits. However, in flooded plants bulk leaf ABA did not increase until after stomata began to close. Later, ABA declined, even though stomata remained closed. Commelina communis L. epidermal strip bioassays showed that xylem sap from roots of flooded tomato plants contained an unknown factor that promoted stomatal closure, but it was not ABA. This may be a root-sourced positive message that closes stomata in flooded tomato plants.  相似文献   

Bleeding sap of Actinidia chinensis and Betula populifolia andguttation fluidof Avena sativa were analysed for sugars, amino-acids,auxin, and certain enzymes. A wide range of amino-acids wasfound in all three. Auxin was not detected in the bleeding sap,but was present in Avena guttation fluid (5.1 µg IAA equivalent/l).‘IAA oxidase’, acid phosphatase, ribonuclease, deoxyribonuclease,and protease were detected in the bleeding sap and guttationfluid. The possibility that some of the substances found insap and guttation fluid are products of autolysing, differentiatingxylem cells in the roots is discussed.  相似文献   

The effects of 2,4-dinitrophenol, of changes in the temperatureand concentration of the ambient solution and of variationsin salt status on the electrical potential difference betweenthe xylem exudate of maize roots and the ambient solution havebeen examined. The results are discussed in the light of someof the factors which could give rise to a potential differencebetween the sap and the solution. The rapid response of thepotential difference to dinitrophenol and to changes in temperaturesuggest that, at least in part, it arises directly from metabolicprocesses. Rapid changes in the potential difference broughtabout by addition of salts may be attributed to differentialrates of movement of anions and cations in the initial uptakeprocess. Over longer periods the potential difference appearsto be dependent on the concentration, but not the compositionof the ambient solution, and on the salt status of the roots.The salt status influences the relative rates at which anionsand cations are transported to the xylem sap, and a correlationhas been found between the potential difference and the ratioof the rates of movement of chloride or sulphate to potassiumto the sap. The implications of these findings on the elucidationof the pathways whereby ions are transported to the sap arediscussed.  相似文献   

Proteins and Carbohydrates in Xylem Sap from Squash Root   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
The xylem sap from squash roots was collected from the cut surfaceof stems, and the proteins and carbohydrates in the sap wereanalyzed. The sap contained 18.6 µg ml–1 proteinand the major polypeptides were as follows: 1) two polypeptides,of 75 and 40 kDa, with high-mannose glycans, the levels of whichincreased for about 24 h after cutting and then decreased; 2)a 32-kDa polypeptide, which appeared soon after cutting, disappearedand then reappeared again 48–64 h after cutting; and 3)a 19-kDa and a 14-kDa polypeptide, which were present constitutively.The carbohydrates contained in the xylem sap were fractionatedinto 80% ethanol-soluble and -insoluble material, and whichwere analyzed by high-performance liquid chromatography, gaschromatography and enzymatic mathods. The former fraction containedconsiderable amounts of myo-inositol and fructose as free sugarsand oligosaccharides composed mainly of galactose, arabinoseand glucose. The latter contained polysaccharides composed mainlyof uronic acids, galactose and arabinose. The possible significanceof these substances, which may mediate the interactions betweenthe root and the aerial organs, is discussed. (Received April 20, 1992; Accepted July 4, 1992)  相似文献   

The antitranspirant activity of three inhibitors of cyclic photophosphorylation(2,4-dinitro-phenol, 2-chloromercuri-4,6-dinitrophenol, andsalicylaldoxime) on 6-week-old plants of Datura arborea wasexamined. The test compounds reduced transpiration and the effectpersisted for 12 d. The dry matter production by the plantswas not affected. The reduction in water loss was caused bystomatal closure. Inhibitors of cyclic photophosphorylation,by virtue of their prolonged action associated with a smalleffect on dry matter accumulation, may be useful as antitranspirants.  相似文献   

Complete removal of foliage-bearing branches from tea plantsrecovering from pruning at low altitudes has been observed toresult in a scorching of the newly-developing buds and shoots.Studies on the xylem sap composition have revealed that thereis a very sharp increase in the amino-N content of the sap.The relationship between the sap composition and the physiologyof the plant is discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract: Post-embryonic development is controlled by two types of meristems: apical and lateral. There has been considerable progress recently in understanding the function of root and shoot apical meristems at the molecular level. Knowledge of analogous processes in the lateral, or secondary, meristems, i.e. the vascular cambium or cork cambium, is, however, rudimentary. This is despite the fact that much of the diversity in the plant kingdom is based on the differential functions of these meristems, emphasizing the importance of lateral meristems in the development of different plant forms. The vascular cambium is particularly important for woody plants, but it also plays an important role during the development of various herbaceous species, such as Arabidopsis thaliana. In this review, we focus on the two basic functions of cambial activity: cell proliferation and pattern formation.  相似文献   

Chemical Composition of Bleeding Xylem Sap from Kiwifruit Vines   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
A study of the chemical composition and charge balance was madeof bleeding xylem sap collected from excised one-year-old extensionshoots of healthy, Mn-deficient, Mn-toxic and Zn-deficient kiwifruitvines (Actinidia deliciosa (A. Chev.) C. F. Liang et A. R. Ferguson)immediately prior to leafburst. The exudates were analysed formacronutrient cations and anions, trace elements, amino acids,organic acids and sugars. Major charged species measured wereCa (13.3 mM), K (8.9 mM), Mg (5.6 mM), malate (12.5 mM) andphosphate (5.8 mM). Glutamine (12 mM) was the predominant Ncarrier identified, accounting for 58 per cent of the totalN followed by NO2-N (4.5 per cent), NH4+-N (3.5 per cent)and arginine-N (2.9 per cent). Approximately 22 per cent ofthe N was in a hydrolysable proteinaceous fraction comprisingmainly glutamine and glutamate. Eighteen free proteinaceousamino acids were idetified in sap, the most abundant being glutamine,glutamic acid, valine, isoleucine and phenylalanine. Computersimulation of the chemical composition predicted that in additionto hydrated cations, ion pairs formed between inorganic components(SO42–, HPO42–, H2PO4) and cations (Ca2+,Mg2+, Mn2+), plus metal-organic ligand complexes (Ca Malate,Zn Malate, FeCit, CuHis, CuGln) are important species involvedin translocation. The solubility product of hydroxyapatite wasexceeded in all exudates although in vitro precipitation wasnot observed. To achieve electroneutrality with the componentsmeasured, however, formation of precipitate precursors (hydroxyapatitenuclei) had to be assumed. Irregularities in Mn nutrition (butnot Zn) were clearly indicated by the elemental compositionof exudate suggesting the use of sap analysis as a possiblepre-season indicator of nutritional status for this species. Actinidia deliciosa (A. Chev.) C. F. Liang et A. R. Ferguson, kiwifruit, xylem sap composition, trace metals, amino acids, organic acids  相似文献   

植物木质部导管栓塞   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
植物木质部栓塞直接影响植物体内的水分传输,文章对近年来植物木质部导管栓塞的时空分布规律、栓塞修复的微观过程,以及根压与作物木质部导管栓塞的关系研究进展作了概述。  相似文献   

Xylem Sap from Actinidia chinensis: seasonal Changes in Composition   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Seasonal variation was followed in the content of total a-aminoacids, arginine, calcium, total carbohydrate, ß-galactosidaseactivity, magnesium, nitrate, phosphatase activity, phosphateand sulphate in vacuum-extracted xylem sap from Actinidia chinensisvar. hispida, the Chinese gooseberry or kiwifruit. There wasa marked increase in the concentration of most sap componentsjust prior to leaf emergence followed by a rapid decrease afterthe leaves had expanded. Experiments with excised extensionshoots showed that much of this spring-time increase in concentrationsof sap components was due to mobilization of nutrients withinthe shoot itself. Sap from the trunk and the older brancheschanged less in composition than did sap from the younger partsof the plant. The amplitude and direction of trends in concentrationof sap from the different parts of the plant varied with nutrientand with time. Analysis of vacuum-extracted xylem sap collectedduring periods of rapid transpiration from early summer onwardsgives a reliable indication of the composition of the transpirationstream. Actinidia chinensis, Chinese gooseberry, kiwifruit, storage reserves, xylem sap, amino acids, arginine, calcium, carbohydrate, ßgalactosidase, magnesium, nitrate, phosphatase, phosphate, potassium, sulphate  相似文献   

FERGUSON  A. R. 《Annals of botany》1980,46(6):791-801
Large differences in composition were found between xylem sapcollected from Actinidia chinensis (Chinese gooseberry or kiwifruit) as bleeding sap and sap collected by vacuum extraction.A comparison of saps collected by the two methods has littlemeaning, however, unless the position on the plant from whichsap was collected and the prior treatment of the plant are specified.Furthermore the composition of bleeding sap changes rapidlywith time, probably because of marked gradients in concentrationof individual solutes in the xylem sap from the base to thetop of the plant. Contamination of vacuum-extracted sap by cellularcontents was shown to be insignificant. Sap collected as bleeding sap and by vacuum extraction are ofsomewhat different origins. It would be difficult to predictthe composition of bleeding sap simply from a knowledge of vacuum-extractedsap: it may be similarly unwise to predict the composition ofthe transpiration stream from that of vacuum extracted sap. Actinidia chinensis, kiwi fruit, Chinese gooseberry, xylem sap, bleeding sap, vacuum-extraction  相似文献   

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