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Polypyrimidine tract binding protein (PTB) is an RNA-binding protein that regulates splicing by repressing specific splicing events. It also has roles in 3'-end processing, internal initiation of translation, and RNA localization. PTB exists in three alternatively spliced isoforms, PTB1, PTB2, and PTB4, which differ by the insertion of 19 or 26 amino acids, respectively, between the second and third RNA recognition motif domains. Here we show that the PTB isoforms have distinct activities upon alpha-tropomyosin (TM) alternative splicing. PTB1 reduced the repression of TM exon 3 in transfected smooth muscle cells, whereas PTB4 enhanced TM exon 3 skipping in vivo and in vitro. PTB2 had an intermediate effect. The PTB4 > PTB2 > PTB1 repressive hierarchy was observed in all in vivo and in vitro assays with TM, but the isoforms were equally active in inducing skipping of alpha-actinin exons and showed the opposite hierarchy of activity when tested for activation of IRES-driven translation. These findings establish that the ratio of PTB isoforms could form part of a cellular code that in turn controls the splicing of various other pre-mRNAs.  相似文献   

Polypyrimidine tract binding protein (PTB) acts as a regulatory repressor of a large number of alternatively spliced exons, often requiring multiple binding sites in order to repress splicing. In one case, cooperative binding of PTB has been shown to accompany repression. The SM exon of the alpha-actinin pre-mRNA is also repressed by PTB, leading to inclusion of the alternative upstream NM exon. The SM exon has a distant branch point located 386 nt upstream of the exon with an adjacent 26 nucleotide pyrimidine tract. Here we have analyzed PTB binding to the NM and SM exon region of the alpha-actinin pre-mRNA. We find that three regions of the intron bind PTB, including the 3' end of the polypyrimidine tract (PPT) and two additional regions between the PPT and the SM exon. The downstream PTB binding sites are essential for full repression and promote binding of PTB to the PPT with a consequent reduction in U2AF(65) binding. Our results are consistent with a repressive mechanism in which cooperative binding of PTB to the PPT competes with binding of U2AF(65), thereby specifically blocking splicing of the SM exon.  相似文献   

Alternative splicing patterns are regulated by RNA binding proteins that assemble onto each pre-mRNA to form a complex RNP structure. The polypyrimidine tract binding protein, PTB, has served as an informative model for understanding how RNA binding proteins affect spliceosome assembly and how changes in the expression of these proteins can control complex programs of splicing in tissues. In this review, we describe the mechanisms of splicing regulation by PTB and its function, along with its paralog PTBP2, in neuronal development.  相似文献   

Alternative splicing patterns are regulated by RNA binding proteins that assemble onto each pre-mRNA to form a complex RNP structure. The polypyrimidine tract binding protein, PTB, has served as an informative model for understanding how RNA binding proteins affect spliceosome assembly and how changes in the expression of these proteins can control complex programs of splicing in tissues. In this review, we describe the mechanisms of splicing regulation by PTB and its function, along with its paralog PTBP2, in neuronal development.  相似文献   

Splicing of exon 6B from the beta-tropomyosin pre-mRNA is repressed in nonmuscle cells and myoblasts by a complex array of intronic elements surrounding the exon. In this study, we analyzed the proteins that mediate splicing repression of exon 6B through binding to the upstream element. We identified the polypyrimidine tract binding protein (PTB) as a component of complexes isolated from myoblasts that assemble onto the branch point region and the pyrimidine tract. In vitro splicing assays and PTB knockdown experiments by RNA interference demonstrated that PTB acts as a repressor of splicing of exon 6B. Using psoralen experiments, we showed that PTB acts at an early stage of spliceosome assembly by preventing the binding of U2 snRNA on the branch point. Using UV cross-linking and immunoprecipitation experiments with site-specific labeled RNA in PTB-depleted nuclear extracts, we found that the decrease in PTB was correlated with an increase in U2AF65. In addition, competition experiments showed that PTB is able to displace the binding of U2AF65 on the polypyrimidine tract. Our results strongly support a model whereby PTB competes with U2AF65 for binding to the polypyrimidine tract.  相似文献   

Splicing of mouse immunoglobulin (IgM) exons M1 and M2 is directed by two juxtaposed regulatory elements, an enhancer and an inhibitor, located within the M2 exon. A primary function of the enhancer is to counteract the inhibitor, allowing splicing to occur. Here we show that the inhibitor contains two binding sites for polypyrimidine tract binding protein (PTB). Mutational analysis indicates that only one of these sites is necessary and sufficient to direct splicing inhibition both in vitro and in vivo. We demonstrate that the difference in activity of the two sites is explained by proximity to the intron. We further show that the presence of the enhancer results in the disruption of the PTB-inhibitor interaction, enabling splicing to occur. In the absence of the enhancer, splicing can be artificially activated by immuno-inhibition of PTB. Collectively, our results indicate that a single PTB binding site can function as an inhibitor that regulates alternative splicing both in vitro and in vivo.  相似文献   

Polypyrimdine tract binding protein (PTB) is a regulator of alternative splicing, mRNA 3' end formation, mRNA stability and localization, and IRES-mediated translation. Transient overexpression of PTB can influence alternative splicing, sometimes resulting in nonphysiological splicing patterns. Here, we show that alternative skipping of PTB exon 11 leads to an mRNA that is removed by NMD and that this pathway consumes at least 20% of the PTB mRNA in HeLa cells. We also show that exon 11 skipping is itself promoted by PTB in a negative feedback loop. This autoregulation may serve both to prevent disruptively high levels of PTB expression and to restore nuclear levels when PTB is mobilized to the cytoplasm. Our findings suggest that alternative splicing can act not only to generate protein isoform diversity but also to quantitatively control gene expression and complement recent bioinformatic analyses, indicating a high prevalence of human alternative splicing leading to NMD.  相似文献   

Cancer-associated retinopathy (CAR) is a rare form of retinal degeneration and also one of the paraneoplastic neurologic disorders. Sera of CAR patients usually contain high titers of antibodies against retinal proteins, and CAR is believed to be an autoimmune disease. Using serum from a CAR patient as a molecular probe, a homologue of the polypyrimidine tract-binding protein (PTB) was isolated from a cDNA library of rat neonatal retina. This homologue, named PTB-like protein (PTBLP), encodes a 532 amino acid residue protein and has 73.5 and 68.8% homology with PTB and with a regulator of differentiation 1, respectively. Functional domains in the PTB, such as nuclear localization signals and four RNA recognition motifs (RRMs), were highly conserved. The expression of PTBLP mRNA was observed in the retina and brain but not in liver, kidney, spleen, or lung. The expression of PTBLP protein in rat retina was distributed in most of the cells in the ganglion cell layer and some cells in the inner nuclear layer. The PTBLP protein was localized in the nuclei of these cells. These results suggest that PTBLP is a new member of the PTB gene family and a neuron-specific homologue.  相似文献   

In this study, we demonstrate the ability of the polypyrimidine tract binding protein PTB to function as a coordinator of splicing regulation for a trio of neuron-specific exons that are subject to developmental splicing changes in the rat cerebellum. Three neuron-specific exons that show positive regulation are derived from the GABA(A) receptor gamma2 subunit 24 nucleotide exon, clathrin light chain B exon EN, and N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor NR1 subunit exon 5 pre-mRNAs. The functional activity of splicing repressor signals located in the 3' splice site regions adjacent to the neural exons is shown using an alternative splicing switch assay, in which these short RNA sequences function in trans to switch splicing to the neural pathway in HeLa splicing reactions. Parallel UV crosslinking/competition assays demonstrate selective binding of PTB in comparison to substantially lower binding at adjacent, nonneural 3' splice sites. Substantially lower PTB binding and splicing switch activity is also observed for the 3' splice site of NMDA exon 21, which is subject to negative regulation in cerebellum tissue in the same time frame. In splicing active neural extracts, the balance of control shifts to positive regulation, and this shift correlates with a PTB status that is predominantly the neural form. In this context, the addition of recombinant PTB is sufficient to switch splicing to the nonneural pathway. The neural extracts also reveal specific binding of the CUG triplet repeat binding protein to a subset of regulatory 3' splice site regions. These interactions may interfere with PTB function or modulate splicing levels in a substrate-specific manner within neural tissue. Together these results strengthen the evidence that PTB is a splicing regulator with multiple targets and demonstrate its ability to discriminate among neural and nonneural substrates. Thus, a variety of mechanisms that counterbalance the splicing repressor function of PTB in neural tissue are capable of mediating developmental splicing control. Altered expression of PTB isoforms during cerebellar development, as documented by Western blot analysis, is proposed to be a contributing mechanism.  相似文献   

The alpha-actinin gene has a pair of alternatively spliced exons. The smooth muscle (SM) exon is repressed in most cell types by polypyrimidine tract binding protein (PTB). CELF (CUG-BP and ETR3-like factors) family proteins, splicing regulators whose activities are altered in myotonic dystrophy, were found to coordinately regulate selection of the two alpha-actinin exons. CUG-BP and ETR3 activated the SM exon, and along with CELF4 they were also able to repress splicing of the NM (nonmuscle) exon both in vivo and in vitro. Activation of SM exon splicing was associated with displacement of PTB from the polypyrimidine tract by binding of CUG-BP at adjacent sites. Our data provides direct evidence for the activity of CELF proteins as both activators and repressors of splicing within a single-model system of alternative splicing, and suggests a model whereby alpha-actinin alternative splicing is regulated by synergistic and antagonistic interactions between members of the CELF and PTB families.  相似文献   

The requirement of PTB, polypyrimidine tract binding protein, for internal initiation of translation has been tested using an RNA affinity column to deplete rabbit reticulocyte lysates of PTB. The affinity column was prepared by coupling CNBr-activated Sepharose with the segment of the 5'-untranslated region of encephalomyocarditis virus (EMCV) RNA previously shown to bind PTB. Lysates passed through this column were devoid of PTB, and were incapable of internal initiation of translation dependent on the EMCV 5'-untranslated region, while retaining the capacity for translation dependent on ribosome scanning. Full activity for internal initiation was restored by the addition of recombinant PTB at the physiologically relevant concentration of about 5 micrograms/mL. When various PTB deletion mutants were tested, it was found that this activity required virtually the full-length protein. Thus, PTB is an essential protein for internal initiation promoted by the EMCV 5'-untranslated region. However, the PTB-depleted lysate retained the capacity for internal initiation promoted by the 5'-untranslated regions of another cardiovirus, Theiler's murine encephalomyelitis virus, and of the unrelated hepatitis C virus, and in neither case did addition of recombinant PTB stimulate internal initiation. Therefore, PTB is not a universal internal initiation factor that is indispensable in every case of internal ribosome entry.  相似文献   

Previous studies of alternative splicing of the rat beta-tropomyosin gene have shown that nonmuscle cells contain factors that block the use of the skeletal muscle exon 7 (Guo, W., Mulligan, G. J., Wormsley, S., and Helfman, D. M. (1991) Genes & Dev. 5, 2095-2106). Using an RNA mobility-shift assay we have identified factors in HeLa cell nuclear extracts that specifically interact with sequences responsible for exon blockage. Here we present the purification to apparent homogeneity of a protein that exhibits these sequence specific RNA binding properties. This protein is identical to the polypyrimidine tract binding protein (PTB) which other studies have suggested is involved in the recognition and efficient use of 3'-splice sites. PTB binds to two distinct functional elements within intron 6 of the beta-tropomyosin pre-mRNA: 1) the polypyrimidine tract sequences required for the use of branch points associated with the splicing of exon 7, and 2) the intron regulatory element that is involved in the repression of exon 7. Our results demonstrate that the sequence requirements for PTB binding are different than previously reported and shows that PTB binding cannot be predicted solely on the basis of pyrimidine content. In addition, PTB fails to bind stably to sequences within intron 5 and intron 7 of beta-TM pre-mRNA, yet forms a stable complex with sequences in intron 6, which is not normally spliced in HeLa cells in vitro and in vivo. The nature of the interactions of PTB within this regulated intron reveals several new details about the binding specificity of PTB and suggests that PTB does not function exclusively in a positive manner in the recognition and use of 3'-splice sites.  相似文献   

C G Burd  G Dreyfuss 《The EMBO journal》1994,13(5):1197-1204
Pre-mRNA is processed as a large complex of pre-mRNA, snRNPs and pre-mRNA binding proteins (hnRNP proteins). The significance of hnRNP proteins in mRNA biogenesis is likely to be reflected in their RNA binding properties. We have determined the RNA binding specificity of hnRNP A1 and of each of its two RNA binding domains (RBDs), by selection/amplification from pools of random sequence RNA. Unique RNA molecules were selected by hnRNP A1 and each individual RBD, suggesting that the RNA binding specificity of hnRNP A1 is the result of both RBDs acting as a single RNA binding composite. Interestingly, the consensus high-affinity hnRNP A1 binding site, UAGGGA/U, resembles the consensus sequences of vertebrate 5' and 3' splice sites. The highest affinity 'winner' sequence for hnRNP A1 contained a duplication of this sequence separated by two nucleotides, and was bound by hnRNP A1 with an apparent dissociation constant of 1 x 10(-9) M. hnRNP A1 also bound other RNA sequences, including pre-mRNA splice sites and an intron-derived sequence, but with reduced affinities, demonstrating that hnRNP A1 binds different RNA sequences with a > 100-fold range of affinities. These experiments demonstrate that hnRNP A1 is a sequence-specific RNA binding protein. UV light-induced protein-RNA crosslinking in nuclear extracts demonstrated that an oligoribonucleotide containing the A1 winner sequence can be used as a specific affinity reagent for hnRNP A1 and an unidentified 50 kDa protein. We also show that this oligoribonucleotide, as well as two others containing 5' and 3' pre-mRNA splice sites, are potent inhibitors of in vitro pre-mRNA splicing.  相似文献   

Purine-rich exonic splicing enhancers (ESEs) have been identified in many alternatively spliced exons. Alternative splicing of several ESE-containing exons has been shown to depend on subsets of the SR protein family of pre-mRNA splicing factors. In this report, we show that purified SR protein family member SRp55 by itself binds a 30-nt ESE-containing exon, the alternatively spliced exon 5 of avian cardiac troponin T. We show that purified SRp55 binds specifically to this RNA sequence with an apparent Kd of 60 nM as assayed by gel mobility retardation experiments. Mutations in the exon 5 sequence that increase or decrease exon 5 inclusion in vivo and in vitro have correspondingly different affinities for SRp55 in our assays. The exon 5 sequence contains two purine-rich motifs, common to many ESEs, and both are required for SRp55 binding. Hill plot analysis of binding titration reactions indicates that there is a cooperative binding of at least two SRp55 proteins to the exon sequence. Chemical modification interference studies using kethoxal show that SRp55 binding to exon 5 requires the N1 and/or the N2 of almost every G residue in the exon. Dimethylsulfate modification interference studies indicate that none of the N1 positions of A residues in the exon are important for binding. We postulate that SRp55 may recognize both primary sequence and RNA secondary structural elements within pre-mRNA.  相似文献   

Splicing of the c-src N1 exon in neuronal cells depends in part on an intronic cluster of RNA regulatory elements called the downstream control sequence (DCS). Using site-specific cross-linking, RNA gel shift, and DCS RNA affinity chromatography assays, we characterized the binding of several proteins to specific sites along the DCS RNA. Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein (hnRNP) H, polypyrimidine tract binding protein (PTB), and KH-type splicing-regulatory protein (KSRP) each bind to distinct elements within this sequence. We also identified a new 60-kDa tissue-specific protein that binds to the CUCUCU splicing repressor element of the DCS RNA. This protein was purified, partially sequenced, and cloned. The new protein (neurally enriched homolog of PTB [nPTB]) is highly homologous to PTB. Unlike PTB, nPTB is enriched in the brain and in some neural cell lines. Although similar in sequence, nPTB and PTB show significant differences in their properties. nPTB binds more stably to the DCS RNA than PTB does but is a weaker repressor of splicing in vitro. nPTB also greatly enhances the binding of two other proteins, hnRNP H and KSRP, to the DCS RNA. These experiments identify specific cooperative interactions between the proteins that assemble onto an intricate splicing-regulatory sequence and show how this hnRNP assembly is altered in different cell types by incorporating different but highly related proteins.  相似文献   

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