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The small pyramidal neuron of the rat cerebral cortex   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
Summary The pyramidal neurons in layers II and III of the rat parietal cortex have dendritic spines which form synapses with axon terminals. These synapses have synaptic clefts containing granular material that is concentrated towards the middle of the cleft to form a plaque. Only a small amount of dense material occurs on the cytoplasmic face of the presynaptic membrane, while there is a prominent dense layer, some 300 Å deep, in the dendritic spine. When the synapses formed by the smallest dendritic spines are examined in a frontal or en face plane of section this postsynaptic density has the form of a disc. In the synapses on larger spines, the disc is perforated to form a ring, and in the largest spines a number of perforations may occur. Because of these perforations, in larger synapses sections passing at right angles to the plane of the synaptic junction may show two or more separate postsynaptic densities. The possible significance of these findings is discussed.This work was supported by United States Public Health Service Research Grant No. NB-07016 from the National Institutes of Neurological Diseases and Blindness. The authors wish to express their sincere thanks to Lawrence McCarthy and Charmian Proskauer for their valuable assistance.  相似文献   

The present paper deals with the effect of beta-endorphin on catecholamine content in the hypothalamus and cerebral cortex of male rats. beta-endorphin was found to decrease catecholamine content in the rat brain, with the degree of reduction depending on the brain topography and the time following the peptide administration. 5 min later no changes in catecholamine content were observed either in the hypothalamus or in the cerebral cortex. 20 min later beta-endorphin induced a statistically significant fall of catecholamine concentration in the hypothalamus. A tendency towards its decrease was also observed in the cerebral cortex. 60 min later beta-endorphin produced an insignificant decrease in catecholamine level in both brain areas under study. It may be therefore suggested that beta-endorphin-induced decrease of catecholamine content in the hypothalamus and cerebral cortex represents one of the mechanisms underlying beta-endorphin stimulating action on a number of trophic functions of the hypophysis.  相似文献   

延迟整流型钾通道在动作电位的复极化和时程控制以及绝对不应期的形成中充当重要角色.本文用细胞贴附式和内面向外式膜片箝技术研究了急性分离的SD大鼠大脑皮层神经元上延迟整流型钾通道的特性和阻断剂对其的作用,对推动钾通道的研究,了解皮层神经元电活动的规律有重要意义.  相似文献   

Postnatal developmental patterns of uridine kinase were determined in crude subcellular fractions of the rat cerebellum, hypothalamus and cerebral cortex at ages 3 through 60 days. The highest specific activity and predominant distribution of enzyme was in the 105,000g supernatant of the 3 brain regions. Enzyme activity in hypothalamus and cerebral cortex was maximum at 3 days and decreased with age; in cerebellum it increased through 13 days and decreased thereafter. Thus, the pattern of activity in hypothalamus and cerebral cortex paralleled changes in DNA and RNA synthesis through age 60 days; in cerebellum, it more closely approximated changes in DNA synthesis during early development. Changes inK m with aging suggest that the brain regions contain more than one form of enzyme. The highest particulate activity was in the microsomal fraction of the cerebellum and hypothalamus at all ages and in the cortex at 35 and 60 days. Relative specific activity for microsomal fractions of the brain regions at 60 days indicate a concentration of the enzyme which may be relevant in the maintenance of RNA activity in adult brain.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that compression alone reduced the thickness of rat cerebral cortex and apical dendritic lengths of pyramidal neurons without apparent cell death. Besides, decompression restored dendritic lengths at different degrees depending on duration of compression. To understand the mechanisms regulating dendritic shortening and lengthening upon compression and decompression, we applied transmission electron microscopy to examine microtubule and membrane structure of pyramidal neurons in rat sensorimotor cortex subjected to compression and decompression. Microtubule densities within apical dendritic trunks decreased significantly and arranged irregularly following compression for a period from 30?min to 24?h. In addition, apical dendritic trunks showed twisted contour. Two reasons are accounted for the decrease of microtubule density within this period. First, microtubule depolymerized and resulted in lower number of microtubules. Second, the twisted membrane widened the diameters of apical dendritic trunks, which also caused a decrease in microtubule density. Interestingly, these compression-induced changes were quickly reversed to control level following decompression, suggesting that these changes were accomplished passively. Furthermore, microtubule densities were restored to control level and the number of endocytotic vesicles significantly increased along the apical dendritic membrane in neurons subjected to 36?h or longer period of compression. However, decompression did not make significant changes on dendrites compressed for 36?h, for they had already shown straight appearance before decompression. These results suggest that active membrane endocytosis and microtubule remodeling occur in this adaptive stage to make the apical dendritic trunks regain their smooth contour and regular microtubule arrangement, similar to that of the normal control neurons.  相似文献   

Connection between the putamen, the brain cortex and the hypothalamus, as well as the role of the former in different aspects of purposive behaviour have been studied in a complex morpho-physiological investigation. In 12 cats, after developing a symmetrical active-defensive conditioned reflex, unilateral electrolysis of the putamen has been performed and the number of conditioned-reflexive reactions have been counted before and after coagulation. The brains have been treated after Nauta--Gygax, Fink--Heimer with additional staining after Kawamura--Niimi. Monosynaptic connections of the putamen with frontal, precentral, postcentral, orbital, parietal cortical areas have been revealed; direct pathways from the putamen to the infundibulum of the grey tuber, to the posterior and lateral hypothalamic nucleus have been demonstrated; participation of the putamen in the formation of active-defensive conditioned reflexes has been stated, as well as in emotional behaviour with a preferable use either the right or the left foreleg.  相似文献   

The cerebral cortex is a brain structure unique to mammals and highly adapted to process complex information. Through multiple developmental steps, the cerebral cortex is assembled as a huge diversity of neurons comprising a complex laminar structure, and with both local and long-distance connectivity within the nervous system. Key processes must take place during its construction, including: (i) regulation of the correct number of neurons produced by progenitor cells, (ii) temporal and spatial generation of neuronal diversity, and (iii) control of neuron migration and laminar positioning as well as terminal differentiation within the mature cortex. Here, we seek to highlight recent cellular and molecular findings underlying these sequential steps of neurogenesis, cell fate specification and migration during cortical development, with particular emphasis on cortical projection neurons.  相似文献   

Summary Using an antibody against somatostatin (antiserum F), two somatostatin-immunoreactive systems, (i) a hypothalamic and (ii) an extrahypothalamic cortical system, are demonstrated in the rat. Another antiserum raised against somatostatin (antiserum BS 102) stains only the axons but not the perikarya of the hypothalamic system; the cortical somatostatin system does not react with this antiserum. The electron microscopic findings do not allow decision whether the above-mentioned hypothalamic and cortical neurons possess a common prohormonal form of somatostatin, immunoreactive only with antiserum F. They show, however, that the granules in both neuronal systems differ considerably; in the cortical neurons they measure approximately 65 nm in diameter, in the hypothalamic neurons 90–120 nm in diameter. Thus, both somatostatin systems are different and independent from one another.Supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Grant Nr. Kr 569/3) and the Stiftung Volkswagenwerk  相似文献   

Although the tissue plasminogen activator/plasminogen system contributes to numerous brain functions, such as learning, memory, and anxiety behavior, little attention has as yet been given to the localization of plasminogen in the brain. We have investigated the localization of plasminogen in the adult mouse brain by using immunohistochemistry. In the hippocampus, plasminogen immunoreactivity was seen in the pyramidal cell layer as numerous punctate structures in neuronal somata. An electron-microscopic study further demonstrated that the plasminogen-immunoreactive punctate structures represented secretory vesicles and/or vesicle clusters. In the cerebral cortex, plasminogen immunoreactivity was evident in the somata of the layer II/III and V neurons. A quantitative analysis revealed that parvalbumin (PV)-positive neurons had more plasminogen-immunoreactive puncta compared with those of PV-negative neurons in the hippocampus and cerebral cortex. Plasminogen immunoreactivity was present throughout the hypothalamus, being particularly prominent in the neuronal somata of the organum vasculosum laminae terminalis, ventromedial preoptic nucleus, supraoptic nucleus, subfornical organ, medial part of the paraventricular nucleus (PVN), posterior part of the PVN, and arcuate hypothalamic nucleus. Thus, plasminogen is highly expressed in specific populations of hippocampal, cortical, and hypothalamic neurons, and plasminogen-containing vesicles are mainly observed at neuronal somata.  相似文献   

The specific binding of 3H-diazepam in the cerebral cortex was investigated in membrane preparations from 6 and 30 month old Fischer-344 rats. No age-related differences in the association, equilibrium, or dissociation binding characteristics were observed. The increased sensitivity of the elderly to the central sedative effects of the benzodiazepines does not, therefore, appear to involve changes in binding to the receptor site located in the cortex.  相似文献   

AChE-containing neurons have been demonstrated by electron-microscopical histochemistry in the neocortex of the rat. These cells are mainly located in layer VI. AChE activity is seen in the cisternae of the RER, in subsurface cisternae and in the dendritic membranes.  相似文献   

Nifedipine inhibits the uptake of [3H]adenosine into rat cerebral cortical synaptosomes with an IC50 value of 1.1 μM. When applied by iontophoresis onto rat cerebral cortical neurons it potentiated the depressant effects of adenosine on spontaneous firing. Some of the calcium-antagonist actions of nifedipine may be mediated by adenosine.  相似文献   

Identification of [14C]pipecolic acid (PA) receptors was attempted in the solubilized membrane fraction from rat cerebral cortex. Specific binding proteins for both PA and muscimol, a potent -aminobutyric acid (GABA) agonist, were detected in the same preparation. Separation of labeled PA and GABA binding proteins by glycerol gradient centrifugation has shown labeled protein bands of similar sedimentation rates, suggesting that PA and GABA may be binding to identical proteins. It seems likely that the PA binding receptor either may possess the same sedimentation characteristics as that of the GABA receptor, or both GABA and PA which is an endogenous and weak GABA agonist may bind to the same receptor complex, if not to the same binding site.  相似文献   

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