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The digestive glands of Pinguicula vulgaris become fully maturewhilst still enclosed in the bud. All the gland cells remainintact on the fully expanded unstimulated leaves. As the secretoryhead cells mature, a special layer forms between the plasmalemmaand the cell wall. This layer is shown to be different fromthe typical labyrinthine wall of transfer cells and serves forthe storage of digestive enzymes. Ultrastructural analysis,including morphometry, indicates that the digestive enzymesare synthesized on the RER of the head cells and transferredinto the cell wall, particularly into the slime layer, and vacuoles.This transfer is achieved firstly through continuity of theendoplasmic reticulum with vacuoles (static) and the periplasmicspace (dynamic) and, secondly, into the latter through exocytosisof coated Golgi vesicles and of some vacuoles filled with enzymes. Pinguicula vulgaris L., carnivorous plant, digestive glands, ultrastructure, protein synthesis secretion  相似文献   

To survive in the nutrient-poor habitats, carnivorous plants capture small organisms comprising complex substances not suitable for immediate reuse. The traps of carnivorous plants, which are analogous to the digestive systems of animals, are equipped with mechanisms for the breakdown and absorption of nutrients. Such capabilities have been acquired convergently over the past tens of millions of years in multiple angiosperm lineages by modifying plant-specific organs including leaves. The epidermis of carnivorous trap leaves bears groups of specialized cells called glands, which acquire substances from their prey via digestion and absorption. The digestive glands of carnivorous plants secrete mucilage, pitcher fluids, acids, and proteins, including digestive enzymes. The same (or morphologically distinct) glands then absorb the released compounds via various membrane transport proteins or endocytosis. Thus, these glands function in a manner similar to animal cells that are physiologically important in the digestive system, such as the parietal cells of the stomach and intestinal epithelial cells. Yet, carnivorous plants are equipped with strategies that deal with or incorporate plant-specific features, such as cell walls, epidermal cuticles, and phytohormones. In this review, we provide a systematic perspective on the digestive and absorptive capacity of convergently evolved carnivorous plants, with an emphasis on the forms and functions of glands.

A comparison of the forms and functions of digestive and absorptive glands in carnivorous plants sheds light on their convergent evolution.  相似文献   

Investigations have been made on the feeding mechanism, structure of the gut, and digestive physiology of the European lobster Homarus gammarus (L.).Ciné-photography has shown that the mandibles do not possess a masticatory function, merely serving to grip food morsels during the tearing process effected by the pulling action of the third maxillipeds. The remaining maxillipeds, together with the maxillae, then direct food fragments to the mouth for ingestion.Ingestion is facilitated by mucoid secretions discharged from the oesophageal tegumental glands; the glands do not appear to produce any enzymes which directly contribute to the digestive processes.The hepatopancreas is the principal organ concerned with digestion. It possesses a complex tubular organization in which sequential cellular differentiation culminates in the discharge of enzymes from the B-cells for extracellular digestion in the cardiac stomach. The enzymes are synthesized within vacuoles contained in the B-cell precursors (F-cells) and are secreted in three bursts of activity at 0–15 min, 1–2 h, and 3.5–5 h after a meal. The initial secretory phase is holocrine. Extracellular digestion involves esterases, arylamidases, and lipases; endopeptidases have not been positively identified by histochemical means despite the fact that Homarus is a carnivore. There is an intracellular digestive phase, not previously described in decapod crustaceans, at the 7–9 h post-ingestive stage in the hepatopancreatic R-cells which is effected by arylamidases and lipases.Various phosphatase enzymes have been identified in the hepatopancreatic cells. Acid and alkaline phosphatases are apparently concerned with several stages in the digestive cycle, including enzyme synthesis and secretion, and the absorption of digestive products. Adenosine triphosphatase activity is primarily associated with granules located in the distal R-cell cytoplasm; the possible significance of these granules in the elimination of metabolic wastes is discussed. Acid phosphatases and esterases are present in the midgut epithelium. The possibility of a passive uptake of material from the midgut lumen is considered.Faecal material in the hindgut is bound by mucoid secretions derived from the tegumental glands of this alimentary region; the mucus may also assist in defaecation.A complete digestive cycle in Homarus occupies ≈ 12 h.Food reserves in the gut consist principally of fat deposits in the R-cells, but minute amounts of glycogen can also be detected.No evidence of calcium, copper or ferric iron deposition in any part of the alimentary tract was found.  相似文献   

Changes associated with feeding in the histological and cytological structure of the digestive gland of the loliginid squid Sepioteuthis lessoniana were examined, along with the nature of both the intracellular and extracellular enzymes produced by the gland. The timing of the release of the extracellular enzymes during the digestive cycle was also determined using a quantitative experimental program. Like that of all coleoid cephalopods, the digestive gland was characterised by one type of cell with several functional stages. As is the case for other loliginid squids, however, the digestive cells did not contain the large enzyme-carrying boules that characterise the digestive glands of most cephalopods. Instead, smaller secretory granules were found in the digestive cells and these may be the enzyme carriers. The prominent rough endoplasmic reticulum, large mitochondria and active Golgi complexes present in the digestive cells are characteristic of cephalopods and indicate a high metabolic activity. Like that of other cephalopods, endocytotic absorption of nutrients and intracellular digestion occurs in the digestive gland of this squid. From quantitative and qualitative examinations of structural changes in the digestive gland of S. lessoniana after feeding, a schedule of its function during the course of digestion was proposed. This indicated that digestion was very rapid, being completed in as little as 4 h in S. lessoniana. Extracellular digestive enzymes were only released after the first hour following feeding, which implies that they are stored in the stomach between meals to increase digestive efficiency.  相似文献   

Glands of the carnivorous pitcher plant Nepenthesalata are activein transport of materials into and out of the pitcher lumen,indicating dual functions in both secretion and absorption.This study examined the potential for open transport throughthese glands using the ultrastructural tracer lanthanum, whichis restricted to the apoplast, and the fluorescent symplastictracer, 6(5)carboxyfluorescein. Glandular uptake of lanthanumfrom the pitcher fluid occurred through the outer cell wallbetween irregularly spaced cutinized deposits, but was blockedfrom entering the underlying mesophyll cell walls by thick endodermal-likeregions. Similarly, lanthanum localization showed an open apoplasticpathway from the petiole to the endodermal regions in the glandbase. Thus, transport of materials into or out of the glandmust occur through the symplast. 6(5)Carboxyfluorescein showedthat these glands transport fluids directly from the pitcherfluid into vascular endings immediately beneath them via a symplasticroute. When applied to the petiolar vascular system, the fluorescenttracer freely entered immature pitchers, but was blocked fromentering the lumen of the mature pitcher by an endodermal zone.An ultrastructural survey showed infrequent pits with plasmodesmatalconnections to adjoining subepidermal cells. These results indicatethat the function of the gland is developmentally regulated.Prior to maturity, the primary function of the gland appearsto be secretion. However, at maturity, secretion is blockedby an endodermal layer, which limits the function of the glandto absorption. These studies support the theory that the glandsof Nepenthesalata are specialized for the bi-directional transportof materials.Copyright 1999 Annals of Botany Company Apoplastic transport, 6(5)carboxyfluorescein, carnivorous plants, digestive glands, endodermal layer,Nepenthesalata Blanco, lanthanum, pitcher plants.  相似文献   

The nudibranch Discodoris indecora shows a perfect camouflageon its prey, the dictyoceratid sponge Ircinia variabilis. Shapeand colour of the nudibranch are remarkably similar to thatof the sponge which is widespread in the shallow waters of theMediterranean Sea. The metabolite pattern of I. variabilis isdominated by unusual molecules, the sesterter-penoids palinurinand variabilin, containing 25 carbons and displaying at theends a ß-substituted furan ring and a tetronic acid.However, a chemical polymorphism has been recently describedfor I. variabilis. Some specimens contain either palinurin orvariabilin whereas others possess a mixture of both sestertepenoids.During the study of Mediterranean sponges, a linear sesterterpenoidrelated to palinurin and variabilin was found in Ircinia fasciculata,that from a taxonomic point of view is closely relatedto Irciniavariabilis. Discodoris indecora shows a typical defence behaviourwhen it is disturbed, secreting a copious white slime that containslarge amounts of palinurin and variabilin. Most likely the animalis able to transfer the sponge metabolites from the digestiveglands to mantle glands. Electron micrographs of the nudibranchmantle showed the presence of unicellular glands characterizedby a cylindrical vacuole with a big nucleus on the basis. Theglands were concentrated in the most conspicuous tubercles ofthe dorsal mantle. Probably, the sponge metabolites are storedin these glands. Comparative chemical analysis of mucous secretions, dorsal tubercles,mantle, foot, digestive glands and hepatopancreas of D. indecoraconfirmed this hypothesis. Palinurin and fasciculation were,of course, present in the digestive glands but they were alsofound in the mucus and in the mantle sections enriched by theabove described unicellular glands. The defensive role of palinurinand variabilin, strongly suggested by their anatomical location,was supported by recording the induction of feeding-deterrencein the fresh-water fish Carassius auratus and in the marinefish Chromis chromis and Sparus auratus. (Received 15 March 1996; accepted 27 January 1997)  相似文献   

Feeding and digestive cycles in Chlamys varia and Venerupisdecussata are identified and shown to relate to a tidal cycle.The processes of digestion within the diverticula of the twospecies are very different. The tubules of Venerupis are synchronizedand exhibit a monophasic cycle completed within a twelve-hourperiod, facilitating feeding at the next cycle of the tide.The digestive process of Chlamys requires twenty-four hoursand to accommodate feeding at each twelve-hour tidal cycle thetubules within the diverticula exhibit two different digestivephases simultaneously so that a diaphasic cycle is apparent.The pH of the mantle cavity and regions of the digestive tractand the formation and dissolution of the crystalline style areshown to be related to the tidal cycle. *Department of Brewing and Biological Sciences, Heriot-WattUniversity, Chambers Street, Edinburgh, EH1 1HX. (Received 22 March 1978;  相似文献   

The anatomy and histology of the digestive tract of the suspensionfeeding bivalve Lyonsia hyalina were examined using microdissectionand conventional light microscopy. Lyonsia hyalina has a typeIV stomach which contains a major typhlosole that does not penetratethe left pouch, as in other members of the Pandoroidea. Theventral and posterior sorting areas of the stomach are sitesof vigorous ciliary activity. The gastric shield is locatedon the left and posterior stomach walls, underlain by tall basophiliccells with microvilli that project into the gastric shield.The style sac and midgut are combined, and contain the morphologicalcell types A-D seen in other bivalves. Many ciliated cells ofthe digestive tract appear to have high densities of apicalmitochondria. The ducts within the digestive diverticula arelined by epithelia containing a conspicuous brush border. Bothcrypt cells and digestive cells exist in the digestive tubules.The presence of numerous fragmentation spherules throughoutthe digestive diverticula indicates that intracellular digestionoccurs there. (Received 21 April 1992; accepted 1 October 1992)  相似文献   

The Digestive Glands of Pinguicula: Structure and Cytochemistry   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The digestive glands of the carnivorous genus Pinguicula havethree functional compartments, (a) a basal reservoir cell, (b)an intervening cell of endodermal character and (c) a groupof secretory head cells. The gland complex is derived from asingle epidermal initial. The reservoir cell, which is richin Cl ions, is highly turgid before discharge; it islinked by plasmodesmata to the surrounding epidermal cells,and is ensheathed by a pectin-rich inner wall layer. The endodermalcell is bounded by a Casparian strip to which the plasmalemmais tightly attached; it contains abundant storage lipid andnumerous mitochondria. The head cells of the developing glandhave labyrinthine radial walls of the transfer-cell type, theingrowths being composed of pectic polysaccharides. The boundingcuticle is discontinuous, although lacking well-formed pores.Mitochondria are numerous, with well-developed cristae; theplastids are large and ramifying, and invested by ribosomalendoplasmic reticulum. Dictyosomes are sparse, and where theyoccur, are associated with coated vesicles. Ribosomal endoplasmicreticulum is moderately abundant in the head cells, and so alsoare free ribosomes. Optical and electron microscopic localizationmethods indicate that the digestive enzymes are synthesizedin the head cells and transferred both into the vacuoles andinto the walls. There is no evidence of a granulocrine modeof secretion, and the transfer seems to be initially by directperfusion through the plasmalemma. During the final phase ofmaturation of the head cells they suffer a form of autolysis,vacuoles, cytoplasm and wall becoming confluent as all of themembranes of the cell undergo dissolution. The gland head isthus, in effect, simply a sac of enzymes at the time of theultimate discharge. Pinguicula, carnivorous plant, insectivorous plant, enzyme secretion, digestive gland  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Different species of larval trematodes that utilizethe same intermediate host characteristically exhibit distinctivepatterns of response to environmental fluctuations. Not onlyare the responses distinctive for each species, but also theycannot be correlated with that of the host. The physiologicalresponses of the molluscan host to physical changes in the environment,however, are modified significantly by the presence of a larvaltrematode infection. The thermal metabolic acclimation patternsof infected Nassarius obsoleta are quite distinct from thoseof non-infected N. obsoleta. Thex activity patterns during thermalacclimation of cytochrome c oxidase from digestive glands ofsnails infected with different species of larval trematodesindicate that each species of larval trematodes differentiallyinfluences the hosttissue, so that the cytochrome oxidase systemdoes not respond to temperature in the same way as does uninfectedhost tissue.  相似文献   

The gland of Leiblein of the muricid Nucella lapillus and thenassariid Hinia reticulata has been examined by scanning andtransmission electron microscopy. The origin and functionalsignificance of its complex organization and its relationshipwith the rest of the mid-oesophagus in Nucella are discussed.It is absorptive as well as secretory, and a mechanism is proposedby which solute-rich fluids may enter the gland. Its epitheliumis composed of occasional mucous cells and two major cell types:ciliated cells engaged in protein metabolism and unciliatedcells responsible for uptake and storage of lipids and carbohydrates,both of which show evidence of pinocytotic uptake of solutesand intracellular digestion in lysosomes. Some enzyme activitypersists in the residual bodies they shed by apocrine secretion,but they remain intact in a mucous string until they reach thestomach. Preliminary ultrastructural examination indicates thatthe gland absorbs cadmium not only from the blood but also directlyfrom its lumen and that it may have the capacity to sequestera wide range of toxins. The same types of cell occur in Hiniain which their cyclical activity has been correlated with feeding.Similar cells have been identified in the oesophageal glandsof other prosobranchs. The foregut glands of carnivorous caenogastropodsare compared with the gland of Leiblein. There is an inversecorrelation between the role of the mid-oesophagus in digestionand absorption and the complexity of the stomach. (Received 16 August 2004; accepted 24 January 2005)  相似文献   

Sectioning experiments and electrical recording indicate thatthere are many potential pacemakers in polyps of the hydroidTubularia. Functionally the pacemakers are organized primarilyinto pacemaker systems, groups within which there is tight coupling.The different pacemaker systems of a polyp are loosely coupledto one another. There are two principal systems in Tubularia,one in the polyp neck (the NP system) and one in the hydranth(the HP system). In addition, there are pacemakers controllingactivities of individual tentacles. Activity in the NP systemis usually not associated with observable polyp behavior. HPsystem activity is correlated with behavioral responses termedconcerts. Concerts are probably digestive activities; they resultin the mixing of food being digested and the distribution ofthe products of this digestion. The NP systems of polyps ona colony are loosely coupled to one another through one of thethree conducting systems found in Tubularia stalks. The loosecoupling between NP systems of polyps on a colony and the loosecoupling between NP and HP systems within single polyps resultsin there being some coordination of concert activity throughouta colony.  相似文献   

The use of scanning electron microscopy (SEM) allowed a studyof the distribution of bacteria in the various digestive organsof the snail Helix aspersa Müller. The bacteria are enclosedby mucous secretions (mucous film or mucous grains) and sometimesattached on the cilia of some of the digestive walls. Accordingto the food that was given to the snails, different morphologicaltypes appeared, two of which dominated. Adult snails were fasted for 4 days, given a dehydrated artificialfood and then sacrificed at different times during digestion.The presence of bacteria may be related to the time of digestion.In fact, bacteria seem to accompany the food mass; they developmostly in the stomach and in the intestine where they may helpdigest the food. Fasting or hibernating snails do not possess bacteria in thealimentary lumen or on the digestive walls. However, the residualfaeces localized in the distal, intestinal lumen, lodge greatquantities of bacteria. From these results, the endogenous or/and exogenous existenceof the bacterial flora in alimentary system of Helix aspersais discussed. (Received 26 June 1989; accepted 16 October 1989)  相似文献   

Summary The fine structure of the midgut gland and the changes in composition associated with the digestive activity were examined in Phalangium opilio. In the epithelium four different types of cells are present: ferment cells, resorption cells, and digestion cells which probably turn into excretion cells, as can be seen by many intermediate stages. Ferment cells are found only in the midgut gland and in no other epithelia; therefore they should be regarded as a cell type. The relationship between digestion and resorption cells is not yet clear. No regeneration zone or single regeneration cells could be identified.The ultrastructural changes in these different cells during digestion are described, and their functional aspects are discussed. A hypothetical digestive cycle is constructed from these data. The results are compared with those on other chelicerate midgut glands.  相似文献   

Some selected examples of food-getting mechanisms in animalparasites are reviewed. The range of adaptations includes: (1)mechanical devices for biting or sucking plus internal or externaldigestive capacity, (2) internal digestive capacities only,or (3) no mechanical feeding mechanisms and no digestive capacities.In the latter case, feeding mechanisms are restricted to absorptivecapacity. Available data on absorption are briefly reviewed. Questions concerning the food of parasites in hosts are posed,and the following examples are analyzed to demonstrate the difficultiesin answering these questions: Fasciola, hookworms, Trichuris,and some nematode parasites of vertebrates.  相似文献   

The distribution of digestive tubules of Aplysia punctatahas been studied in animals under experimental feeding conditions.Histological analysis of the digestive gland has revealed twotypes of tubules, called tubules A and B. Tubules of type Awere composed of basiphilic cells (calcium, excretory and thincells) and tubules of type B were lined by large digestive cellsand basiphilic cells. The latter occur in small groups, usuallyin the corners of the tubules. Type A tubules are involved inion metabolism and show a diphasic cycle (absorptive and reconstitutive)according to the height and the stage of calcium cells. TypeB tubules are involved in digestive processes and display atetraphasic cycle (holding, absorption, fragmentative and reconstitutive)depending upon the height and the stage of the digestive cells.The tetraphasic cycle was compared with the four categoriesof tubules in bivalves. It is proposed that digestive processesmay be continuous in digestive cells of A. punctata. (Received 16 November 1999; accepted 1 October 2000)  相似文献   

This study investigates the histological development of the digestive system of the common clownfish, Amphiprion percula Lacépède 1802, as a means to predict the time when the early juveniles can begin to digest inert feeds. The incubation period is completed within 7 days. At the time of hatching the alimentary canal is advanced and larvae start exogenous feeding immediately. Three days after hatch (DAH) the yolk sac is completely absorbed and at 5 DAH small supranuclear inclusions appear in the hindgut epithelium, suggesting pinocytotic digestion. At 7 DAH gastric glands are established in the epithelium of the stomach and by 9 DAH supranuclear inclusion vacuoles have appeared in the epithelium of the midgut, indicating extracellular digestion and absorption across the lumen. It was concluded that A. percula could only effectively digest artificial feeds from 9 DAH.  相似文献   

Secretory glands are rare in Liliaceae. We surveyed the scapesof herbarium specimens of all 23 species of Tofieldia and found13 with glabrous scapes, two with sparse emergences on a fewspecimens, and eight that invariably bore emergences which rangedfrom clearly secretory to clearly non-secretory. Gland-bearingspecies are concentrated in North America. Paraffin sectionsshowed anatomical differences among the emergences. Field-fixedscapes of T. glutinosa, with secretory glands, were studiedby the paraffin method and scanning electron microscopy. Themost distinctive feature is a distal pore where usually oneor two epidermal cells appear to be lacking, thereby exposingthe internal, presumably secretory, cells. The secretory productin T. glutinosa is tasteless, colourless, and sticky to thetouch.  相似文献   

The digestive enzymes from salivary gland complexes (SGC) of Eurygaster integriceps, and their response to starvation and feeding were studied. Moreover, digestive amylases were partially purified and characterized by ammonium sulfate precipitation and gel filtration chromatography. The SGC are composed of two sections, the principal glands and accessory glands. The principal glands are further divided into the anterior lobes and posterior lobes. The SGC main enzyme was α-amylase, which hydrolyzed starch better than glycogen. The other carbohydrases were also present in the SGC complexes. Enzymatic activities toward mannose (α/β-mannosidases) were little in comparison to activities against glucose (α/β-glucosidases) and galactose (α/β-galactosidases), the latter being the greatest. Acid phosphatase showed higher activity than alkaline phosphatase. There was no measurable activity for lipase and aminopeptidase. Proteolytic activity was detected against general and specific protease substrates. Activities of all enzymes were increased in response to feeding in comparison to starved insects, revealing their induction and secretion in response to feeding pulse. The SGC amylases eluted in four major peaks and post-electrophoretic detection of the α-amylases demonstrated the existence of at least five isoamylases in the SGC. The physiological implication of these findings in pre-oral digestion of E. integriceps is discussed.  相似文献   

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