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In order to investigate the kinetics of vocal fold epithelium a bromodeoxyuridine-anti bromodeoxyuridine method has been applied in vivo at both light and electron microscopy level. This method is able to define the length of both epithelium turnover and cell-cycle in basal elements, as well as the existence of a higher proliferation rate during night time in comparison with day time. Moreover distinct labeling patterns observed in incorporating cells allow us to define the precise localization in S-phase of cycling elements.  相似文献   

The design of cell-based therapies for vocal fold tissue engineering requires an understanding of how cells adapt to the dynamic mechanical forces found in the larynx. Our objective was to compare mechanotransductive processes in therapeutic cell candidates (mesenchymal stromal cells from adipose tissue and bone marrow, AT-MSC and BM-MSC) to native cells (vocal fold fibroblasts-VFF) in the context of vibratory strain. A bioreactor was used to expose VFF, AT-MSC, and BM-MSC to axial tensile strain and vibration at human physiological levels. Microarray, an empirical Bayes statistical approach, and geneset enrichment analysis were used to identify significant mechanotransductive pathways associated with the three cell types and three mechanical conditions. Two databases (Gene Ontology, Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes) were used for enrichment analyses. VFF shared more mechanotransductive pathways with BM-MSC than with AT-MSC. Gene expression that appeared to distinguish the vibratory strain condition from polystyrene condition for these two cells types related to integrin activation, focal adhesions, and lamellipodia activity, suggesting that vibratory strain may be associated with cytoarchitectural rearrangement, cell reorientation, and extracellular matrix remodeling. In response to vibration and tensile stress, BM-MSC better mimicked VFF mechanotransduction than AT-MSC, providing support for the consideration of BM-MSC as a cell therapy for vocal fold tissue engineering. Future research is needed to better understand the sorts of physical adaptations that are afforded to vocal fold tissue as a result of focal adhesions, integrins, and lamellipodia, and how these adaptations could be exploited for tissue engineering.  相似文献   

The human vocal folds are a complex layering of cells and extracellular matrix. Vocal fold extracellular matrix uniquely contributes to the biomechanical viscoelasticity required for human phonation. We investigated the adhesion of vocal fold stellate cells, a novel cell type first cultured by our laboratory, and fibroblasts to eight vocal fold extracellular matrix components: elastin, decorin, fibronectin, hyaluronic acid, laminin and collagen types I, III and IV. Our data demonstrate that these cells adhere differentially to said substrates at 5 to 120 min. Cells were treated with hyaluronidase and Y-27632, a p160ROCK-specific inhibitor, to test the role of pericellular hyaluronan and Rho-ROCK activation in early and mature adhesion. Reduced adhesion resulted; greater inhibition of fibroblast adhesion was observed. We modulated the fibronectin affinity exhibited by both cell types using Nimesulide, an inhibitor of fibronectin integrin receptors alpha5beta1 and alphavbeta3. Our results are important in understanding vocal fold pathologies, wound healing, scarring, and in developing an accurate organotypic model of the vocal folds.  相似文献   

In the search for the mechanisms whereby water is transported across biological membranes, we hypothesized that in the airways, the hydration of the periciliary fluid layer is regulated by luminal-to-basolateral water transport coupled to active transepithelial sodium transport. The luminal-to-basolateral (JWL-->B) and the basolateral-to-luminal (JWB-->L) transepithelial water fluxes across ovine tracheal epithelia were measured simultaneously. The JWL-->B (6.1 microliter/min/cm2) was larger than JWB-->L (4.5 microliter/min/cm2, p < 0.05, n = 30). The corresponding water diffusional permeabilities were PdL-->B = 1.0 x 10(-4) cm/s and PdB-->L = 7.5 x 10(-5) cm/s. The activation energy (Ea) of JWL-->B (11.6 kcal/mol) was larger than the Ea of JWB-->L (6.5 kcal/mol, p < 0.05, n = 5). Acetylstrophanthidin (100 microM basolateral) reduced JWL-->B from 6.1 to 4.4 microliter/min/cm2 (p < 0. 05, n = 5) and abolished the PD. Amiloride (10 microM luminal) reduced JWL-->B from 5.7 to 3.7 microliter/min/cm2 (p < 0.05, n = 5) and reduced PD by 44%. Neither of these agents significantly changed JWB-->L. These data indicate that in tracheal epithelia under homeostatic conditions, JWB-->L was dominated by diffusion (Ea = 4.6 kcal/mol), whereas approximately 30% of JWL-->B was coupled to the active Na+,K+-ATPase pump (Ea = 27 kcal/mol).  相似文献   

Across mammals many vocal sounds are produced by airflow induced vocal fold oscillation. We tested the hypothesis that stress-strain and stress-relaxation behavior of rat vocal folds can be used to predict the fundamental frequency range of the species' vocal repertoire. In a first approximation vocal fold oscillation has been modeled by the string model but it is not known whether this concept equally applies to large and small species. The shorter the vocal fold, the more the ideal string law may underestimate normal mode frequencies. To accommodate the very small size of the tissue specimen, a custom-built miniaturized tensile test apparatus was developed. Tissue properties of 6 male rat vocal folds were measured. Rat vocal folds demonstrated the typical linear stress-strain behavior in the low strain region and an exponential stress response at strains larger than about 40%. Approximating the rat's vocal fold oscillation with the string model suggests that fundamental frequencies up to about 6 kHz can be produced, which agrees with frequencies reported for audible rat vocalization. Individual differences and time-dependent changes in the tissue properties parallel findings in other species, and are interpreted as universal features of the laryngeal sound source.  相似文献   

Mechanical stresses develop within vocal fold (VF) soft tissues due to phonation-associated vibration and collision. These stresses in turn affect the hydration of VF tissue and thus influence voice health. In this paper, high-fidelity numerical computations are described, taking into account fully 3D geometry, realistic tissue and air properties, and high-amplitude vibration and collision. A segregated solver approach is employed, using sophisticated commercial solvers for both the VF tissue and glottal airflow domains. The tissue viscoelastic properties were derived from a biphasic formulation. Two cases were considered, whereby the tissue viscoelastic properties corresponded to two different volume fractions of the fluid phase of the VF tissue. For each case, hydrostatic stresses occurring as a result of vibration and collision were investigated. Assuming the VF tissue to be poroelastic, interstitial fluid movement within VF tissue was estimated from the hydrostatic stress gradient. Computed measures of overall VF dynamics (peak airflow velocity, magnitude of VF deformation, frequency of vibration and contact pressure) were well within the range of experimentally observed values. The VF motion leading to mechanical stresses within the VFs and their effect on the interstitial fluid flux is detailed. It is found that average deformation and vibration of VFs tend to increase the state of hydration of the VF tissue, whereas VF collision works to reduce hydration.  相似文献   

Vocal fold scarring disrupts the viscoelastic properties of the lamina propria that are critical for normal phonation. There is a clinical need for the development of advanced biomaterials that approximate the mechanical properties of the lamina propria for in vivo vocal fold regeneration. We have developed hyaluronic acid (HA)-based microgels and cross-linked microgel networks with tunable degradation and mechanical properties. HA microgels were prepared by cross-linking HA derivatives carrying hydrazide (HAADH) and aldehyde (HAALD) functionalities within the inverse emulsion droplets. Alternatively, poly(ethylene glycol) dialdehyde (PEGDiALD) was employed in place of HAALD. Microgels based on HAADH/HAALD are more resistant to enzymatic degradation than those generated from HAADH/PEGDiALD. In vitro cytotoxicity studies using vocal fold fibroblasts indicate that microgels synthesized from HAADH/HAALD are essentially nontoxic, whereas microgels derived from HAADH/PEGDiALD exhibit certain adverse effects on the cultured cells at high concentration (> or =2 mg/mL). These microgels exhibit residual functional groups that can be used as reactive handles for covalent conjugation of therapeutic molecules. The presence of residual functional groups also allows for subsequent cross-linking of the microgels with other reactive polymers, giving rise to doubly cross-linked networks (DXNs) with tunable viscoelasticity. Mechanical measurements using a torsional wave apparatus indicate that HA-based DXNs exhibit elastic moduli that are similar to those of vocal fold lamina propria at frequencies close to the range of human phonation. These HA-based microgel systems are promising candidates for the treatment of vocal fold scarring, not just as biocompatible filler materials, but as smart entities that can repair focal defects, smooth the vocal fold margin, and potentially soften and dissolve scar tissue.  相似文献   

This paper reports on the use of a high-dimensional discrete vocal fold model for the simulation of voice production under the presence of laryngeal disorders. Specifically, the effect of increases in mass and stiffness, both unilateral and bilateral, has been analysed independently for both magnitudes. The glottal flow waveform and the mass displacement have been studied and the obtained results are coherent with clinical observations that relate mass increments with lowered fundamental frequencies and mass and stiffness increments with reduced vibratory amplitudes of vocal folds. The reported results also indicate that asymmetries in the physical properties of vocal folds result in asymmetries in their vibratory patterns, including phase, amplitude and behaviour on collision. These are also correlated with voice perturbation measures such as jitter, shimmer and normalised noise energy.  相似文献   

Summary Bidirectional sodium fluxes across toad bladder were measured after eliminating active transport with ouabain. Mucosal sodium concentration,C m , was progressively reduced (from 114 to 3mm) while serosal sodium remained constant. Potential difference was maintained at zero by current passage. The ratio,Q, of the bulk permeability coefficient for sodium,P, to the tracer sodium permeability coefficientP *, was found to remain constant asC m decreased. Equations were derived on this basis for bidirectional fluxes and forP andP * as functions ofC m , which corresponded closely to the observed data. The explanation for the observed value ofQ and its constancy under these conditions is uncertain.  相似文献   

To better understand the role of each of the laryngeal muscles in producing vocal fold movement, activation of these muscles was correlated with laryngeal movement during different tasks such as sniff, cough or throat clear, and speech syllable production. Four muscles [the posterior cricoarytenoid, lateral cricoarytenoid, cricothyroid (CT), and thyroarytenoid (TA)] were recorded with bipolar hooked wire electrodes placed bilaterally in four normal subjects. A nasoendoscope was used to record vocal fold movement while simultaneously recording muscle activity. Muscle activation level was correlated with ipsilateral vocal fold angle for vocal fold opening and closing. Pearson correlation coefficients and their statistical significance were computed for each trial. Significant effects of muscle (P < or = 0.0005) and task (P = 0.034) were found on the r (transformed to Fisher's Z') values. All of the posterior cricoarytenoid recordings related significantly with vocal opening, whereas CT activity was significantly correlated with opening only during sniff. The TA and lateral cricoarytenoid activities were significantly correlated with vocal fold closing during cough. During speech, the CT and TA activity correlated with both opening and closing. Laryngeal muscle patterning to produce vocal fold movement differed across tasks; reciprocal muscle activity only occurred on cough, whereas speech and sniff often involved simultaneous contraction of muscle antagonists. In conclusion, different combinations of muscle activation are used for biomechanical control of vocal fold opening and closing movements during respiratory, airway protection, and speech tasks.  相似文献   

The vocal folds are known to be mechanically anisotropic due to the microstructural arrangement of fibrous proteins such as collagen and elastin in the lamina propria. Even though this has been known for many years, the biomechanical anisotropic properties have rarely been experimentally studied. We propose that an indentation procedure can be used with uniaxial tension in order to obtain an estimate of the biomechanical anisotropy within a single specimen. Experiments were performed on the lamina propria of three male and three female human vocal folds dissected from excised larynges. Two experiments were conducted: each specimen was subjected to cyclic uniaxial tensile loading in the longitudinal (i.e., anterior–posterior) direction, and then to cyclic indentation loading in the transverse (i.e., medial–lateral) direction. The indentation experiment was modeled as contact on a transversely isotropic half-space using the Barnett–Lothe tensors. The longitudinal elastic modulus E L was computed from the tensile test, and the transverse elastic modulus E T and longitudinal shear modulus G L were obtained by inverse analysis of the indentation force-displacement response. It was discovered that the average of E L /E T was 14 for the vocal ligament and 39 for the vocal fold cover specimens. Also, the average of E L /G L , a parameter important for models of phonation, was 28 for the vocal ligament and 54 for the vocal fold cover specimens. These measurements of anisotropy could contribute to more accurate models of fundamental frequency regulation and provide potentially better insights into the mechanics of vocal fold vibration.  相似文献   

A number of treatments are being investigated for vocal fold (VF) scar, including designer implants. The aim of the present study was to validate a 3D model system for probing the effects of various bioactive moieties on VF fibroblast (VFF) behavior toward rational implant design. We selected poly(ethylene glycol) diacrylate (PEGDA) hydrogels as our base‐scaffold due to their broadly tunable material properties. However, since cells encapsulated in PEGDA hydrogels are generally forced to take on rounded/stellate morphologies, validation of PEGDA gels as a 3D VFF model system required that the present work directly parallel previous studies involving more permissive scaffolds. We therefore chose to focus on hyaluronan (HA), a polysaccharide that has been a particular focus of the VF community. Toward this end, porcine VFFs were encapsulated in PEGDA hydrogels containing consistent levels of high M w HA (${\rm HA}_{{\rm H}{M}_{\rm W} } $ ), intermediate Mw HA (${\rm HA}_{{\rm I}{M}_{\rm W} } $ ), or the control polysaccharide, alginate, and cultured for 7 and 21 days. ${\rm HA}_{{\rm H}{M}_{\rm W} } $ promoted sustained increases in active ERK1/2 relative to ${\rm HA}_{{\rm I}{M}_{\rm W} } $ . Furthermore, VFFs in ${\rm HA}_{{\rm I}{M}_{\rm W} } $ gels displayed a more myofibroblast‐like phenotype, higher elastin production, and greater protein kinase C (PkC) levels at day 21 than VFFs in ${\rm HA}_{{\rm H}{M}_{\rm W} } $ and alginate gels. The present results are in agreement with a previous 3D study of VFF responses to ${\rm HA}_{{\rm I}{M}_{\rm W} } $ relative to alginate in collagen‐based scaffolds permissive of cell elongation, indicating that PEGDA hydrogels may serve as an effective 3D model system for probing at least certain aspects of VFF behavior. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2009; 104: 821–831 © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The vocal fold mucosa is a biomechanically unique tissue comprised of a densely cellular epithelium, superficial to an extracellular matrix (ECM)-rich lamina propria. Such ECM-rich tissues are challenging to analyze using proteomic assays, primarily due to extensive crosslinking and glycosylation of the majority of high M(r) ECM proteins. In this study, we implemented an LC-MS/MS-based strategy to characterize the rat vocal fold mucosa proteome. Our sample preparation protocol successfully solubilized both proteins and certain high M(r) glycoconjugates and resulted in the identification of hundreds of mucosal proteins. A straightforward approach to the treatment of protein identifications attributed to single peptide hits allowed the retention of potentially important low abundance identifications (validated by a cross-sample match and de novo interpretation of relevant spectra) while still eliminating potentially spurious identifications (global single peptide hits with no cross-sample match). The resulting vocal fold mucosa proteome was characterized by a wide range of cellular and extracellular proteins spanning 12 functional categories.  相似文献   

Tao C  Jiang JJ 《Journal of biomechanics》2007,40(10):2191-2198
The stress information during phonation in the vocal folds is helpful in understanding the etiologies of vocal trauma and its related vocal diseases, such as nodules. In this paper, a self-oscillating finite-element model, which combines aerodynamic properties, tissue mechanics, airflow-tissue interactions, and vocal fold collisions, was used to simulate the vocal fold vibration during phonation. The spatial and temporal characteristics of mechanical stress in the vocal folds were predicted by this model. Temporally, it was found that mechanical stress periodically undulates with vibration of the vocal folds and that vocal fold impact causes a jump in the normal stress value. Spatially, the normal stress is significantly higher on the vocal fold surface than inside of the vocal folds. At the midpoint of the medial surface, the peak-to-peak amplitude of the normal stress reaches its maximum value. Using different lung pressures (0-1.5kPa) to drive the self-oscillating model, we found that lower lung pressure can effectively decrease the mechanical stress in the vocal folds. This study supports the fatigue damage hypothesis of vocal trauma. With this hypothesis and the numerical simulation in this study, the clinical observations of vocal fold trauma risk can be explained. This implies the mechanical stress predicted by this self-oscillating model could be valuable for predicting, preventing, and treating vocal fold injury.  相似文献   

Vibratory function of the vocal folds is largely determined by the rheological properties or viscoelastic shear properties of the vocal fold lamina propria. To date, investigation of the sample size estimation and statistical experimental design for vocal fold rheological studies is nonexistent. The current work provides the closed-form sample size formulas for two major study designs (i.e. paired and two-group designs) in vocal fold research. Our results demonstrated that the paired design could greatly increase the statistical power compared to the two-group design. By comparing the variance of estimated treatment effect, this study also confirms that ignoring within-subject and within-vocal fold correlations during rheological data analysis will likely increase type I errors. Finally, viscoelastic shear properties of intact and scarred rabbit vocal fold lamina propria were measured and used to illustrate theoretical findings in a realistic scenario and project sample size requirement for future studies.  相似文献   

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