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For decades researchers have used mirrors to study self-recognition. However, attempts to identify neural processes underlying this ability have used photographs instead. Here we used event related potentials (ERPs) to compare self-face recognition in photographs versus mirrors and found distinct neural signatures. Measures of visual self-recognition are therefore not independent of the medium employed.  相似文献   

Objective: To compare the impact of weight regain and weight loss on health‐related quality of life. Research Methods and Procedures: Subjects were 122 (106 women, 16 men) overweight and obese participants in a weight reduction program (phentermine‐fenfluramine and dietary counseling) who had initially lost at least 5% of their total body weight and then regained at least 5% of their weight during the follow‐up period. Follow‐up periods ranged from 10 to 41 months (mean, 28 months). Participants completed the Impact of Weight on Quality of Life‐Lite, an obesity‐specific health‐related quality of life (HRQOL) measure, at 3‐month intervals. Results: Mean BMI at baseline was 40.9 ± 6.6 kg/m2 (range, 29.2 to 63.7 kg/m2). Average weight loss from entry was 18.8 ± 6.7% (range, 6.0% to 43.7%), and average regain was 10.1 ±4.4% of baseline weight (range, 5.0% to 30.6%). The effects of weight regain on HRQOL mirrored the effects of weight loss—rates of HRQOL change were similar in magnitude but different in direction for comparable weight loss and regain. Those with more severe initial impairments in HRQOL experienced greater improvements in HRQOL during weight loss as well as greater deterioration during weight regain than those with less severe impairments. Discussion: Weight loss and regain produced mirror image changes in HRQOL. The initial severity of HRQOL impairment had a greater impact on the magnitude of HRQOL change than the direction of weight change. Findings underscore the importance of maintaining weight loss for the purposes of retaining obesity‐specific HRQOL benefits.  相似文献   

Communication is an important aspect of human life, allowing us to powerfully coordinate our behaviour with that of others. Boiled down to its mere essentials, communication entails transferring a mental content from one brain to another. Spoken language obviously plays an important role in communication between human individuals. Manual gestures however often aid the semantic interpretation of the spoken message, and gestures may have played a central role in the earlier evolution of communication. Here we used the social game of charades to investigate the neural basis of gestural communication by having participants produce and interpret meaningful gestures while their brain activity was measured using functional magnetic resonance imaging. While participants decoded observed gestures, the putative mirror neuron system (pMNS: premotor, parietal and posterior mid-temporal cortex), associated with motor simulation, and the temporo-parietal junction (TPJ), associated with mentalizing and agency attribution, were significantly recruited. Of these areas only the pMNS was recruited during the production of gestures. This suggests that gestural communication relies on a combination of simulation and, during decoding, mentalizing/agency attribution brain areas. Comparing the decoding of gestures with a condition in which participants viewed the same gestures with an instruction not to interpret the gestures showed that although parts of the pMNS responded more strongly during active decoding, most of the pMNS and the TPJ did not show such significant task effects. This suggests that the mere observation of gestures recruits most of the system involved in voluntary interpretation.  相似文献   

Mirror movements correspond to involuntary movements observed in the limb contralateral to the one performing voluntary movement. They can be observed in Parkinson’s disease (PD) but their pathophysiology remains unclear. The present study aims at identifying their neural correlates in PD using functional magnetic resonance imaging. Ten control subjects and 14-off drug patients with asymmetrical right-sided PD were included (8 with left-sided mirror movements during right-hand movements, and 6 without mirror movements). Between-group comparisons of BOLD signal were performed during right-hand movements and at rest (p<0.005 uncorrected). The comparison between PD patients with and without mirror movements showed that mirror movements were associated with an overactivation of the insula, precuneus/posterior cingulate cortex bilaterally and of the left inferior frontal cortex and with a deactivation of the right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, medial prefrontal cortex, and pre-supplementary motor area and occipital cortex. These data suggest that mirror movements in Parkinson’s disease are promoted by: 1- a deactivation of the non-mirroring inhibitory network (dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, pre-supplementary motor area); 2- an overactivation of prokinetic areas (notably the insula). The concomitant overactivation of a proactive inhibitory network (including the posterior cingulate cortex and precuneus) could reflect a compensatory inhibition of mirror movements.  相似文献   

In modern vertebrates upper and lower jaws are morphologically different. Both develop from the mandibular arch, which is colonized mostly by Hox-free neural crest cells. Here we show that simultaneous inactivation of the murine homeobox genes Dlx5 and Dlx6 results in the transformation of the lower jaw into an upper jaw and in symmetry of the snout. This is the first homeotic-like transformation found in this Hox-free region after gene inactivation. A suggestive parallel comes from the paleontological record, which shows that in primitive vertebrates both jaws are essentially mirror images of each other. Our finding supports the notion that Dlx genes are homeotic genes associated with morphological novelty in the vertebrate lineage.  相似文献   


The circadian rhythm in the flight activity of a tropical microchiropteran bat Taphozous melanopogon responds at all phases with delay phase shifts to single light‐on steps (DD/LL transfers). The circadian rhythm responds at all phases with advance phase shifts to single light‐off steps (LL/DD transfers). Phase shifts were measured from the delays or advances of the onsets of flight activity on days following DD/LL and LL/DD transfers relative to the temporal course of the onsets of activity in controls. The magnitude of the phase shifts was a function of the phases in which the transfers were made. The On‐PRC and Off‐PRC plotted from such data are mirror‐images in their time‐course and wave‐form.

The phase shifts of the circadian rhythm in either direction were accompanied by changes in period (for the duration of our recordings after die transfer). The period lengthened following a delay shift and it shortened following an advance shift. The phase shifts are abrupt and discernible in the first cycle after perturbation. There are no transients.  相似文献   

The phase-response curves (PRC) for light pulses in continuous darkness (DD) have been described in many mammals, especially in nocturnal rodents. The PRC for dark pulses in continuous light (LL), however, has been described in a few mammals only, in nocturnal for bat and for hamster and in diurnal for Octodon degus, suggesting that this PRC is mirror imaging the PRC for light pulses. Therefore, the effect of 1-h and 3-h lasting dark pulses on the circadian wheel-running activity rhythm of mice in continuous light was investigated and then the PRC for dark pulses in LL was drawn up. For comparison, the effect of 1-h lasting light pulses on the circadian wheel-running activity rhythm of mice in DD was examined and the PRC for light pulses in DD was constructed. It appeared that the PRC for dark pulses, to a certain degree, represents a mirror image of the PRC for light pulses in mice. However, the advance region of this PRC is longer than that of delay. The mechanism of dark pulses action is discussed.  相似文献   

The phase-response curves (PRC) for light pulses in continuous darkness (DD) have been described in many mammals, especially in nocturnal rodents. The PRC for dark pulses in continuous light (LL), however, has been described in a few mammals only, in nocturnal for bat and for hamster and in diurnal for Octodon degus, suggesting that this PRC is mirror imaging the PRC for light pulses. Therefore, the effect of 1-h and 3-h lasting dark pulses on the circadian wheel-running activity rhythm of mice in continuous light was investigated and then the PRC for dark pulses in LL was drawn up. For comparison, the effect of 1-h lasting light pulses on the circadian wheel-running activity rhythm of mice in DD was examined and the PRC for light pulses in DD was constructed. It appeared that the PRC for dark pulses, to a certain degree, represents a mirror image of the PRC for light pulses in mice. However, the advance region of this PRC is longer than that of delay. The mechanism of dark pulses action is discussed.  相似文献   



Stereotypes in medicine have become exaggerated for the purpose of workplace amusement. Our objective was to assess the levels of “dark triad” personality traits expressed by individuals working in different health care specialties in comparison with the general population.


We conducted a prospective, cross-sectional study within multiple departments of a UK secondary care teaching hospital. A total of 248 health care professionals participated, and 159 members of the general population were recruited as a comparison group. We measured 3 personality traits — narcissism, Machiavellianism and psychopathy — through the validated self-reported personality questionnaires Narcissistic Personality Inventory (NPI), MACH-IV and the Levenson Self-Report Psychopathy Scale (LSRP), respectively.


Health care professionals scored significantly lower on narcissism, Machiavellianism and psychopathy (mean scores 12.0, 53.0 and 44.7, respectively) than the general population (p < 0.001). Nursing professionals exhibited a significantly higher level of secondary psychopathy than medical professionals (p = 0.04, mean LSRP score 20.3). Within the cohort of medical professionals, surgeons expressed significantly higher levels of narcissism (p = 0.03, mean NPI score 15.0).


Health care professionals expressed low levels of dark triad personality traits. The suggestion that health care professionals are avaricious and untrustworthy may be refuted, even for surgeons.I was quietly admiring my astonishing good looks in the mirror of the operating theatre changing room when one of my anesthesiologist colleagues brazenly interrupted me: “Typical surgeon — you love yourselves so much we’ll need to have the mirrors removed in here if we are to get any work done!” I was somewhat bemused by the 2 obvious inaccuracies in this comment: first, that all surgeons love themselves and, second, that theatre workflow is ever dependent on the work ethos of the surgical team! I immediately went on the counteroffensive by replying, “Don’t worry, sudoku writers are on strike this week so we should be finished before lunch!”These lighthearted, tongue-in-cheek exchanges between medical professionals occur around the world every day and are based on popular stereotypes that have become exaggerated for the purpose of workplace amusement. One might imagine neanderthalic orthopedic surgeons instinctively reaching for a bigger hammer as the singular solution to any problem, grumpy radiologists growling at anyone who dares disturb their dark sanctuary and dour internists glacially grinding their way through a ward round, which necessitates a packed lunch, comfortable walking shoes and a hospital map.Many stereotypes have filtered into the public domain, where emphasis on negative traits can be misleading for the general public. The callous notion that doctors are self-centred, avaricious and untrustworthy is currently being bandied around the media.1,2 There is a real danger of these negative stereotypes eroding the high level of regard in which the profession is held. Perhaps the most undesirable personality characteristics are those that form the “dark triad”: a trio of Machiavellianism, narcissism and psychopathy.3Those expressing Machiavellian traits are deceptive, self-interested and succeed through the exploitation of others.46 Narcissism is defined as a “normal” personality trait at low levels and is characterized by the expression of pride, egotism and vanity.7,8 Psychopathy manifests as antisocial behaviour expressing callousness, remorselessness and selfishness, with little empathy and a high level of impulsivity.9,10 It has been proposed that 2 variants of psychopathy exist: primary and secondary. Primary psychopathy is believed to be a genetic predisposition to certain behavioural patterns, which include cool, calm, meticulous forward planning and emotional dissociation. Secondary psychopathy, however, is an adaptation to environmental factors and involves impulsivity and emotional instability, which can place others at risk.11It is hypothesized that some of these dark personality traits are present within the health care profession and, more specifically, within certain disciplines. It is not implausible for one to conceive that the self-assured surgeon could display evidence of vanity or that the irrational nurse might exhibit psychopathic tendencies. However, scientific evidence is lacking to support or quantify the existence of such personality traits in the health care profession.The aim of this study was to assess levels of dark triad personality traits among individuals working in health care in comparison with the general population.  相似文献   



The assessment of blood lipids is very frequent in clinical research as it is assumed to reflect the lipid composition of peripheral tissues. Even well accepted such relationships have never been clearly established. This is particularly true in ophthalmology where the use of blood lipids has become very common following recent data linking lipid intake to ocular health and disease. In the present study, we wanted to determine in humans whether a lipidomic approach based on red blood cells could reveal associations between circulating and tissue lipid profiles. To check if the analytical sensitivity may be of importance in such analyses, we have used a double approach for lipidomics.

Methodology and Principal Findings

Red blood cells, retinas and optic nerves were collected from 9 human donors. The lipidomic analyses on tissues consisted in gas chromatography and liquid chromatography coupled to an electrospray ionization source-mass spectrometer (LC-ESI-MS). Gas chromatography did not reveal any relevant association between circulating and ocular fatty acids except for arachidonic acid whose circulating amounts were positively associated with its levels in the retina and in the optic nerve. In contrast, several significant associations emerged from LC-ESI-MS analyses. Particularly, lipid entities in red blood cells were positively or negatively associated with representative pools of retinal docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), retinal very-long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (VLC-PUFA) or optic nerve plasmalogens.

Conclusions and Significance

LC-ESI-MS is more appropriate than gas chromatography for lipidomics on red blood cells, and further extrapolation to ocular lipids. The several individual lipid species we have identified are good candidates to represent circulating biomarkers of ocular lipids. However, further investigation is needed before considering them as indexes of disease risk and before using them in clinical studies on optic nerve neuropathies or retinal diseases displaying photoreceptors degeneration.  相似文献   

This paper concerns epistemic developments in the field of sensory perception. I argue that Uexküll’s concept of the Umwelträume and certain principles of multisensory integration explain and describe in similar terms the manner in which different sensory modalities interact. Indeed, they both concern knowledge, describing in spatial terms how the mind makes itself up, makes up its objects, and how the objects, in turn, make up the mind. My intention is to set side by side these two trends of thought in order to mutually explain them. I suggest that there is some sort of dialectic at work between the Umwelträume and multisensory integration: in the first case interaction between the senses results in the creation of high definition subjects, whereas in the latter the interaction of the senses results in high definition objects.  相似文献   

Results are presented from archaeobotanical analyses carried out in ‘The Mirror Pit’, a rectangular pit, situated in the city of Ferrara, in Emilia Romagna—Northern Italy. The study is part of wider research focused on the Mediaeval period of this city. The pit belongs to a building which was in use from the second half of 14th to the end of 15th century a.d. The pit itself was filled with domestic rubbish during a few years in the middle of the 15th century. The layers were preserved by waterlogging and are therefore extraordinarily rich in organic remains and artifacts, among which was the beautiful spherical mirror which gave its name to the pit. Approximately 256,000 well-preserved seeds and fruits belonging to 98 species or carpological types were identified in 12 l of sediment from the different layers. Ficus carica, Brassica rapa subsp. rapa/subsp. sylvestris and Vitis vinifera subsp. vinifera prevailed. Many cultivated plants and weeds were present, together with a smaller number of wild plants of wet environments and woodlands. Altogether they provided much new information on the diet (cultivated and wild fruits, cereals and pulses, vegetables, spices and medicinal/fibre/oil plants) of the middle to upper class inhabitants of a city in Northern Italy during the Renaissance period. The records also yielded evidence of domestic activities such as winemaking, oil making, mustard making and other kitchen practices.  相似文献   

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