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Objective: Obesity is an established risk factor for higher systolic (SBP) and diastolic (DBP) blood pressure in adolescence and early adulthood, but birth size may also have a role. We analyzed the effects of adolescent and adult obesity and birth size on BP in the young adult. Research Methods and Procedures: In a prospective longitudinal study, anthropometric measurements were obtained at birth on 67 boys and 67 girls bom in Boston. Their body mass indices (BMI) and BP were recorded 17 years and 30 years later. Results: For women, adolescent and early adult obesity appeared to be the stronger determinants of higher BP, although smaller head and chest circumferences at birth may also be related. We found some evidence of birth (ponderal index [PI] and head circumference) anthropometric influences on age 17 BP levels in boys. By age 30, body mass variables were the dominant predictors of male BP levels. Female BMI at age 17 was positively correlated with birth adiposity (PI), but BMI at 30 was related only to age 17 BMI. Similarly, male BMI at 17 years was higher for those who weighed more at birth, but BMI at 30 years was again related only to age 17 BMI. Discussion: We conclude that adult weight and weight gain are the major determinants of adult BP.  相似文献   

Previous research has reported on the development trajectory of the corpus callosum morphology. However, there have been only a few studies that have included data on infants. The goal of the present study was to examine the morphology of the corpus callosum in healthy participants of both sexes, from infancy to early adulthood. We sought to characterize normal development of the corpus callosum and possible sex differences in development. We performed a morphometric magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) study of 114 healthy individuals, aged 1 month to 25 years old, measuring the size of the corpus callosum. The corpus callosum was segmented into seven subareas of the rostrum, genu, rostral body, anterior midbody, posterior midbody, isthmus and splenium. Locally weighted regression analysis (LOESS) indicated significant non-linear age-related changes regardless of sex, particularly during the first few years of life. After this increase, curve slopes gradually became flat during adolescence and adulthood in both sexes. Age of local maximum for each subarea of the corpus callosum differed across the sexes. Ratios of total corpus callosum and genu, posterior midbody, as well as splenium to the whole brain were significantly higher in females compared with males. The present results demonstrate that the developmental trajectory of the corpus callosum during early life in healthy individuals is non-linear and dynamic. This pattern resembles that found for the cerebral cortex, further suggesting that this period plays a very important role in neural and functional development. In addition, developmental trajectories and changes in growth do show some sex differences.  相似文献   

Knowledge of amygdalar and hippocampal development as they pertain to sex differences and laterality would help to understand not only brain development but also the relationship between brain volume and brain functions. However, few studies investigated development of these two regions, especially during infancy. The purpose of this study was to examine typical volumetric trajectories of amygdala and hippocampus from infancy to early adulthood by predicting sexual dimorphism and laterality. We performed a cross-sectional morphometric MRI study of amygdalar and hippocampal growth from 1 month to 25 years old, using 109 healthy individuals. The findings indicated significant non-linear age-related volume changes, especially during the first few years of life, in both the amygdala and hippocampus regardless of sex. The peak ages of amygdalar and hippocampal volumes came at the timing of preadolescence (9–11 years old). The female amygdala reached its peak age about one year and a half earlier than the male amygdala did. In addition, its rate of growth change decreased earlier in the females. Furthermore, both females and males displayed rightward laterality in the hippocampus, but only the males in the amygdala. The robust growth of the amygdala and hippocampus during infancy highlight the importance of this period for neural and functional development. The sex differences and laterality during development of these two regions suggest that sex-related factors such as sex hormones and functional laterality might affect brain development.  相似文献   

Objective: This study identified genetic and environmental influences on the tracking of body size from birth to 16 to 18.5 years of age. Research Methods and Procedures: Longitudinal information was collected from a nationally representative sample of Finnish twin adolescents (birth cohorts 1975 to 1979) and their parents through questionnaires mailed when the twins were ages 16 and 18.5 years old. The sample included 702 monozygotic, 724 same‐sex dizygotic, and 762 opposite‐sex dizygotic sets of twins. The measures used were length, weight, ponderal index (kilograms per cubic meters), and gestational age at birth, and height, weight, and body mass index (kilograms per square meters) at 16 to 18.5 years of age. The changes in genetic and environmental influences on body size from birth to early adulthood were analyzed by quantitative genetic modeling. Results: The twins who had a higher weight or ponderal index at birth were taller and heavier in early adulthood, whereas those who were longer at birth were taller, but not heavier, later in life. Adult height was affected more by the birth size than body mass index. In the genetic modeling analyses, the genetic factors accounting for the variation of body size became more apparent with age, and both genetic and environmental influences on stature had a sizable carry‐over effect from birth to late adolescence, whereas for relative weight, the influences were more age‐specific. Discussion: The genetic and environmental architecture of body size changes from birth to adulthood. Even in monozygotic twins who share their genetic background, the initially larger twin tended to remain larger, demonstrating the long‐lasting effects of fetal environment on final body size.  相似文献   

Exposure to environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) in the early postnatal period has been associated with several diseases; however, little is known about the brain effects of ETS exposure during this critical developmental period or the long-term consequences of this exposure. This study investigated the effects of the early postnatal ETS exposure on both reference and working memory, synaptic proteins and BDNF from late infancy to early adulthood (P3-P73). BALB/c mice were exposed to ETS generated from 3R4F reference research cigarettes (0.73 mg of nicotine/cigarette) from P3 to P14. Spatial reference and working memory were evaluated in the Morris water maze during infancy (P20-P29), adolescence (P37-P42) and adulthood (P67-P72). Synapsin, synaptophysin, PSD95 and brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) were assessed at P15, P35 and P65 by immunohistochemistry and immunoblotting. Mice that were exposed to ETS during the early postnatal period showed poorer performance in the spatial reference memory task. Specifically, the ETS-exposed mice exhibited a significantly reduced time and distance traveled in the target quadrant and in the platform location area than the controls at all ages evaluated. In the spatial working memory task, ETS disrupted the maintenance but not the acquisition of the critical spatial information in both infancy and adolescence. ETS also induced changes in synaptic components, including decreases in synapsin, synaptophysin, PSD95 and BDNF levels in the hippocampus. Exposure to ETS in the early postnatal period disrupts both spatial reference and working memory; these results may be related to changes in synaptogenesis in the hippocampus. Importantly, most of these effects were not reversed even after a long exposure-free period.  相似文献   

To determine the association between cardiovascular (CV) risk factors in childhood and high‐sensitivity C‐reactive protein (hsCRP) and adiponectin in adulthood, 835 eligible white and African‐American young adult subjects (age range 24–42 years, average 34 years, 43% men, 31% African Americans) who had CV risk‐factor variable data from their childhood (20 years earlier, age range 5–18 years, average 14 years) were selected. Stepwise linear regression models revealed that mean logarithmic hsCRP level in adulthood was 0.02 greater with every increase of 1 mm in skinfold thickness in childhood, 0.25 greater for African Americans than whites, 0.36 greater for girls than boys, and 0.15 greater for every unit increase in BMI z score. Mean logarithmic adiponectin level in adulthood was 0.36 greater for girls than boys, 0.22 greater for whites than African Americans, and 0.01 less with every increase of 1 mm of childhood skinfold thickness. Seventy participants (8%) were overweight or obese in their childhood, and 64 of these (91%) remained obese in their young adulthood. In conclusion, childhood adiposity and African‐American race were associated with higher hsCRP and lower adiponectin levels in their adulthood. Skinfold thickness and BMI z score in childhood were the main obesity determinants for higher hsCRP and lower adiponectin levels in young adulthood.  相似文献   

Sexual dimorphism is commonly used to directly infer or support reconstructions of social behavior in early hominins. This is often done by comparing the magnitude of sexual size dimorphism to that seen in extant primates and extrapolating a likely social behavior. Such comparisons are of limited value, though, allowing only the inference of strong male–male competition when dimorphism is strong. Recent studies have begun to focus on the selective factors that impact female body size, and thereby size dimorphism. Considerations of changes in male and female size in the fossil record potentially allow insight into the meaning of changes in sexual dimorphism through time. To illustrate, I compare estimates of body mass dimorphism for four hominin taxa to assess changes in male and female size. Assuming that early Homo represents a single taxon, sexual size dimorphism increased in early Homo through an increase in male size, but was subsequently reduced through an increase in female size in Homo erectus. This would imply a significant increase in sexual selection acting on males in early Homo. An increase in female size with a loss of dimorphism in Homo erectus would imply a simultaneous shift in female optimal body size through selection for increased female fecundity, and/or an increase in female resource abundance, coupled with a shift in selection acting on male size. Although none of these inferences are certain, the exercise illustrates the potential for considering how dimorphism changes through time, rather than simply focusing on the magnitude of size dimorphism in isolation.  相似文献   

One of the roadblocks to developing effective therapeutics for Huntington disease (HD) is the lack of animal models that develop progressive clinical traits comparable to those seen in patients. Here we report a longitudinal study that encompasses cognitive and motor assessment, and neuroimaging of a group of transgenic HD and control monkeys from infancy to adulthood. Along with progressive cognitive and motor impairment, neuroimaging revealed a progressive reduction in striatal volume. Magnetic resonance spectroscopy at 48 months of age revealed a decrease of N-acetylaspartate (NAA), further suggesting neuronal damage/loss in the striatum. Postmortem neuropathological analyses revealed significant neuronal loss in the striatum. Our results indicate that HD monkeys share similar disease patterns with HD patients, making them potentially suitable as a preclinical HD animal model.  相似文献   

《Endocrine practice》2019,25(4):299-305
Objective: To assess the association between famine exposure in early life and osteoporosis in adulthood.Methods: A total of 2,292 participants born between 1955 and 1965 in Fujian Province were selected; after 3 years, 1,378 participants attended a follow-up research visit. Calcaneus bone mineral density and bone quality were measured by quantitative ultrasound. The T-score was used to assess bone mineral density, and the parameters quantitative ultrasound index (QUI), speed of sound (SOS), and broadband ultrasonic attenuation (BUA) were used to assess bone quality. A T-score threshold of -1.8 was defined as osteoporosis, and a possible vertebral fracture was considered as a prospective height loss of 0.8 inches or more.Results: Compared with the nonexposed cohort, risks of osteoporosis for fetal-, early childhood, and mid-childhood famine-exposed cohorts in postmenopausal women were adjusted odds ratio (OR), 3.741 (95% confidence interval [CI], 1.233, 11.44) versus OR 2.894 (95% CI, 0.997, 8.571) versus OR 4.699 (95% CI, 1.622, 13.612) by logistic regression but not significant in men. Moreover, the fetal-exposed cohort had a weak negative relation with QUI (β, -5.07 [-10.226, 0.127]) and BUA (β, -4.321 [-0.88, 0.238]). The early- and mid-childhood–exposed cohorts had significantly lower QUI (β, -7.085 [-11.799, -2.372] versus β, -10.845 [-15.68, -6.01]) and BUA (β, -6.381 [-10.515, -2.246] versus β, -8.573 [-12.815, -4.331]) than the nonexposed cohort by linear regression. None of the famine-exposed cohorts had a significant relationship with SOS.Conclusion: Famine exposure during early life is associated with higher risk of osteoporosis in adulthood, which is most obvious in postmenopausal women. Furthermore, famine exposure in early life has adverse effects on bone quality.Abbreviations: BMD = bone mineral density; BUA = broadband ultrasonic attenuation; CI = confidence interval; OR = odds ratio; QUI = quantitative ultrasound index; QUS = quantitative ultrasound; SOS = speed of sound  相似文献   

Females can affect male probabilities of paternity success through behavioural, morphological and/or physiological processes occurring during or after copulation. These processes under female-control include the acceptance or rejection of mating attempts by subsequent males. Leucauge mariana is an orb weaving spider that shows male mate guarding of penultimate females, male–male competition on female webs and copulatory plugs, suggesting a polyandric mating system. The aim of the present study was to ascertain whether male behaviour during courtship and copulation in L. mariana relate with female re-mating decisions. Forty-three virgin females were exposed to up to three males until they mated. In 24 cases, the copulatory plug was absent after mating and females were exposed the next day to up to three other males. Eighteen females accepted a second mating. Relatively larger females were more receptive to second matings and were more likely to copulate if the second male was smaller. Longer duration of female tapping and abdominal bobbing during courtship, and first copulations with less short insertions and more flubs, were associated with increased female acceptance to second matings. The results indicate cryptic female choice on male courtship and copulatory performance and suggest female-control over the determination of male mating success in this spider species.  相似文献   

Accumulating evidence suggests that delays in receiving treatment are associated with poorer prognosis and longer periods of unneeded suffering. The duration of untreated psychosis (DUP) is considered to be one of the most important determinants of outcome in the first episode of psychosis. However, the focus on decreasing the length of untreated illness tends to overlook the difficult task of making sense of psychotic experiences during a first episode. Using a qualitative analysis of narratives obtained from interviews with an individual and her husband, we examine what delayed her seeking help, how she became convinced that she needed treatment and what this meant for her and her husband. Additionally, we look at the five-year development of both a literal and a figurative space within which both the subject and her husband came to utilize, whether consciously or unconsciously, the ‘stories’ of her psychotic experiences to construct a shared and even ‘safe’ and familiar means of spousal connection. The exploration of this shared space reveals the normative and moral values embedded in the concept of DUP and suggests alternative ways of understanding the help-seeking behaviors in early psychosis.  相似文献   

The goals of this study were to examine gender differences in the adaptive and maladaptive characteristics of clique membership and in clique homogeneity. We compared the characteristics of clique members with liaisons, dyads, and isolates across 3 domains: peer relationships, problem behaviors, and school adjustment. Our sample consisted of 499 sixth and seventh graders (53% 6th graders, 51% girls, 49% Non-Hispanic White, 26% Hispanic, 22% African American). A friendship nomination questionnaire was used to differentiate the friendship groups and isolates based on patterns of reciprocated close friendship nominations. Consistent with past research, our results indicated that isolation from school-based friends is a marker of maladjustment for both boys and girls. For girls, being a clique member or a liaison was associated with adaptive outcomes in the domains of peer relationships, behavior problems, and school adjustment. In contrast, friendship group membership made little contribution to explaining differences in boys' characteristics. Homogeneity among clique members was explored and the implications of the findings were discussed.  相似文献   

The effect of adolescent sucrose diet on ethanol preference was studied in female and male Wistar rats. Our data show less pronounced ethanol preference in females. In males, pubertal exposure to sucrose was crucial for further ethanol preference, suggesting that cross-sensitization is more inherent to males than females, for whom the increased anxiety factor proved to be more significant. Finally, it was shown that in rats of both sexes habitual alcohol intake determins ethanol preference in the two-bottle test. Overall, our study demonstrates sex differences in ethanol preference as well as its anxiolytic properties.  相似文献   

Several sub-Saharan African countries, including Zambia, have initiated national voluntary medical male circumcision (MC) programs to reduce HIV incidence. In-depth interviews were conducted with twenty female sex workers (FSWs) in Lusaka to examine their understanding of MC and experiences with circumcised clients. Knowledge of MC was derived primarily through informal sources, with very few FSWs reporting exposure to MC educational campaigns. MC was not widely believed to be protective against HIV, however it was viewed by some as protective against STIs. Three FSWs reported having sex with recently circumcised clients, and most reported that men often used their MC status to try to convince FSWs to forego condoms. Findings suggest that FSWs, already at high risk for HIV infection, may face additional pressure toward higher risk behavior as a result of MC. As MC services are expanded, programs should support FSWs'' efforts to protect themselves by providing information about what MC can - and cannot - offer for HIV/STI infection prevention.  相似文献   

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