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John Black Grant (1890-1962) was instrumental in getting China, India, and Puerto Rico to develop health systems that integrated preventive and curative care and oriented medical education to be supportive of such systems. As these remain priority goals for all countries today, knowledge of his achievements remains of relevance. This article brings his accomplishments to the attention of the contemporary medical public.  相似文献   

The subject of this Socio-Economic Report is of tremendous importance to the medical profession because physicians should be aware that future programs for the expansion of health care services will be based and, in fact, are being based upon information which this Report contains. The relationship between poverty and accessibility of health care services is therefore quite direct. So, too, will be the impact upon the profession and the organization of medical practice.The 1966 amendments to the Poverty Act are concerned with neighborhood health centers and a vast array of other programs which will touch every physician and every community which can be identified by the standards indicated in this Report as low income, poor, or near poor. For this reason the California Medical Association Committee on Welfare Medical Programs, among several others concerned with aspects of this problem, is trying to alert every county medical society of developments as well as of the responsibilities they should assume in working with the Office of Economic Opportunity and other community organizations in providing guidance and leadership in structuring programs compatible with the interests of the public and the health care professions.This Report on poverty presents a current and prospective view of the problems and issues to be faced. Unless physicians see the relationship and join in a community effort to aid in resolving an issue which underlies public policy, we shall be looking back five or ten years from now to point out that we failed to take advantage of opportunities to assist in the development of a rational system of medical care for low-income groups.Individual physicians, component medical societies on a grass-roots level and CMA as a state organization should all be concerned with and aware of the facts.  相似文献   

Medicine and public health in the space age will work in closer partnership. Both will draw more widely from the behavioral sciences. More spectacular conquests in space will come before man learns much more about man himself and his interrelationships with his fellow man. The past century has been the era of the biological and physical scientist; we are now entering the century of the psychological man. There is a fusion of the sciences—biological, physical and social—in medical research, teaching and service.One is apt to think of public health as a specialty of medicine. Equally valid is the concept that medicine is a specialty of public health, which draws from more of the basic sciences.Epidemiology is concerned with noninfectious conditions and is moving into the epidemiology of health. The spectacular gains in life-saving in this country during the past half century are unrepeatable phenomena. The major gains in the future must come in the older ages.  相似文献   

The mission of local health departments in the U.S. is traced from the 1920s to the present through examination of official promulgations of the American Public Health Association and other organizations. As the communicable diseases came under general control, this mission was conceived more broadly. Nevertheless, in effect their public health role was diminished due to the rapid ascendancy of private and not-for-profit medical care, which consistently sought to keep public health out of potential areas of competition. Thinking both within the public health field (as represented by C.-E.A. Winslow) and outside the public health field (as represented by the American Medical Association), had created boundaries limiting public health's role to preventive medical services. This restriction, in turn, largely excluded the public health field from participation in the tremendous expansion of medical care since World War II. The public health role was further limited in 1970 by the removal of much of environmental pollution from its purview. The sum of these and other forces has left the public health field weakened and in considerable confusion about its role at a time when the resurgence of infectious disease (e.g., AIDS and Lyme disease), environmental hazards, and medical care institutions requires a strong public health presence.  相似文献   

从公益性角度分析并结合我国公立医院公共服务的实践,提出公立医院确保基础医疗服务、提高扶持基层医疗的水平、开展公共卫生和卫生应急服务、控制成本和提供针对弱势群体的医疗服务的公共服务职能,推动公立医院切实履行公益性,为人民群众提供安全、有效、方便、价廉的医疗卫生服务。  相似文献   

Maya mobile medical providers in highland Guatemala and the goods and services that they offer from "soapboxes" on street corners, local markets, and on buses exemplify an important yet underinvestigated domain of localized health care, one that I refer to as the "other" public health. This medical and linguistic examination of traveling medical salespeople calls for a reconsideration (on a global scale) of what has come to be understood as "public health," arguing that "othered," local forms of public health that are often overlooked by anthropologists as "nontraditional" and delegitimized by bio-medicine as nonscientific merit serious consideration and investigation. This ethnography of marginalized forms of public health offers global insights into emerging heterodoxical forms of public health care that contest bio-medical authority and challenge our preexisting definitions of what counts as "access," wellness seeking, and even health care itself.  相似文献   

Although the German health care system has budget constraints similar to many other countries worldwide, a discussion on prioritization has not gained the attention of the public yet. To probe the acceptance of priority setting in medicine, a quantitative survey representative for the German public (n = 2031) was conducted. Here we focus on the results for age, a highly disputed criterion for prioritizing medical services. This criterion was investigated using different types of questionnaire items, from abstract age-related questions to health care scenarios, and discrete choice settings, all performed within the same sample. Several explanatory variables were included to account for differences in preference; in particular, interviewee''s own age but also his or her sex, socioeconomic status, and health status. There is little evidence that the German public accepts age as a criterion to prioritize health care services.  相似文献   

T J Murray 《CMAJ》1995,153(10):1433-1436
As health care changes under the pressures of restraint and constraint our vision of the future of medical education should be based on the medical school''s responsibility to the community. The medical school is "an academy in the community": as an academy, it fosters the highest standards in education and research; as an institution in the community, it seeks to improve public health and alleviate suffering. The author argues that to better achieve these goals medical schools need to become more responsible and responsive to the population they serve. Medical schools have been slow to accept fully the social contract by which, in return for their service to society, they enjoy special rights and benefits. This contract requires that medical educators listen to the public, talk honestly and constructively with government representatives and assess the needs and expectations of the community.  相似文献   

Medical care applies to the individual, and public health to the community. One is the concentrated application of diagnosis and treatment for the life, the comfort of a patient, and includes guidance in health as for motherhood, infancy, childhood and old age.Public health services, provided by the community through its local government and the local department of health, are concerned with the prevention of diseases of all kinds. Some are controlled by sanitary authority, but the majority of preventable diseases are dealt with by public health education.It is not the function of the health department to treat the sick. The family physicians, the hospitals and dispensaries provide for medical care. Medical care of the sick and public health protection are two parallel activities to make use of medical science, one for treatment, the other for prevention of disease.  相似文献   

V Dirnfeld 《CMAJ》1996,155(4):407-410
The promise of a universal, comprehensive, publicly funded system of medical care that was the foundation of the Medical Care Act passed in 1966 is no longer possible. Massive government debt, increasing health care costs, a growing and aging population and advances in technology have challenged the system, which can no longer meet the expectations of the public or of the health care professions. A parallel, private system, funded by a not-for-profit, regulated system of insurance coverage affordable for all wage-earners, would relieve the overstressed public system without decreasing the quality of care in that system. Critics of a parallel, private system, who base their arguments on the politics of fear and envy, charge that such a private system would "Americanize" Canadian health care and that the wealthy would be able to buy better, faster care than the rest of the population. But this has not happened in the parallel public and private health care systems in other Western countries or in the public and private education system in Canada. Wealthy Canadians can already buy medical care in the United States, where they spend $1 billion each year, an amount that represents a loss to Canada of 10,000 health care jobs. Parallel-system schemes in other countries have proven that people are driven to a private system by dissatisfaction with the quality of service, which is already suffering in Canada. Denial of choice is unacceptable to many people, particularly since the terms and conditions under which Canadians originally decided to forgo choice in medical care no longer apply.  相似文献   

《California medicine》1963,98(3):177-179
Interest in the area of medical socio-economics has largely come about due to the proliferation of social welfare programs and advances in the distribution of health services in the private sector of the economy. The increasing role of our government has also been a stimulus. With the advent of new techniques for the financing of care, a large volume of institutional literature has appeared delving into issues which range from the role of the medical profession in the evaluation of quality of medical care to the measurement of demand for and prepayment of numerous types of health care services. Since the area of medical socio-economics is not considered "pure" enough to be categorized as a discipline, the range of periodicals, government and non-government publications and books, in which data are found, is vast. This report will briefly describe some of the more important sources of data in the area of medical socio-economics. Major emphasis is given to the literature which provides current statistical data on the operational aspects of public and private programs providing health care services, and ancillary activities which affect the market for health care activities. Leading publications of governmental and other community agencies are cited to illustrate the range of materials available to the public and to the medical profession.  相似文献   

Women can and should make a difference in how medical care is given in the future. The increased number of women physicians presents an opportunity to make a significant impact on the quality of medical care. Data is provided on the number of women applicants to medical school, matriculants and graduates, specialty choices, the status of women in academic medicine, and the income of women physicians. Four aspects of the environment that portend important changes for medicine in the future are identified: scientific developments, alternative delivery systems and the corporate practice of medicine, the aging population and other demographic changes, and the expanding number of physicians. Some of these changes suggest opportunities for making a difference in the traditional specialties of medicine, in providing care to underserved populations, in research careers, in the shortage areas of preventive medicine and public health, occupational medicine, child psychiatry, and physical medicine and rehabilitation, and in new areas such as community pediatrics, behavioral pediatrics, and adolescent medicine. There are many choices and many decisions to be made, and each individual can choose to make a difference.  相似文献   

医疗卫生机构公共卫生工作是传染病医疗救治和预防控制的关键环节,文章梳理了医疗卫生机构公共卫生服务能力建设需解决的问题,提出了两者协同运行模式构建方法,为完善协同运行的关键环节建设提供借签。  相似文献   

AimTo present the solutions implemented in health care institution in the context of identification of patient's requirements, and evaluation of the level of patients’ satisfaction in accordance with the requirements of ISO norm 9001:2008 based on the experience of GPCC.BackgroundThe fundamental mechanisms behind the free market, such as competition, start applying also to the public health sector. Health service providers are gradually realising that patients are actual clients of health care institutions, with physicians, nurses, supporting personnel, registration officers and other staff responding to patients demand for medical and auxiliary services (e.g. exam registration, provision of information).Material and methodsPN-EN ISO 9001:2009 “Quality Management Systems. Requirements”, relevant literature and documentation of quality management system from the GPCC.The review of relevant literature and legal requirements; interpretation of provisions in relation to the functioning of health care institutions.ResultsModel of identification of patient's requirements and satisfaction in accordance with the requirements of ISO 9001:2008 has been elaborated and implemented in the GPCC.ConclusionThe identification of patient's requirements is much more complicated than evaluating the same parameters in manufacturing companies. In the context of medical services one should be aware of the subjectivity of patient's feelings, the psycho-social status and the general state of health during his or her treatment. Therefore, the identification of patient's requirements and satisfaction must be carefully thought out, implemented and regularly improved.  相似文献   

The role of the physician in event of natural disaster or overwhelming (perhaps nuclear) attack by an enemy is:To assist the layman in preparing to meet his own health needs in a disaster situation until organized health services can reach him. To prepare and plan for the provision of organized medical care when conditions permit. To extend his own capability to render medical care outside his normal specialty. To assist in the training of allied and professional health workers and laymen for specific mobilization assignments in health services.  相似文献   

随着我国法治社会的发展及医疗体制的改革,医疗风险成为军队医院管理面临的难题和挑战。目前,我国现有的医疗法规不够完善,医务人员与患者的医疗风险防范意识不足,社会舆论导向性偏移等问题制约着我国医疗系统的发展。作为医疗卫生系事业的重要力量,军队医院要加强医疗风险管理,制定风险评估方法,完善风险管理体系以及加强风险教育,进一步提高医疗服务质量,从而有利维护军队医院在群众心中的信誉和形象。  相似文献   

The role of the physician in event of natural disaster or overwhelming (perhaps nuclear) attack by an enemy is:To assist the layman in preparing to meet his own health needs in a disaster situation until organized health services can reach him.To prepare and plan for the provision of organized medical care when conditions permit.To extend his own capability to render medical care outside his normal specialty.To assist in the training of allied and professional health workers and laymen for specific mobilization assignments in health services.  相似文献   

Social and economic changes—the lengthening life span, the shift of population from rural to urban areas, the growth of industry and other factors—have brought about radical changes in the nation''s health needs. Our greatest health problem today is chronic illness. To cope with these problems public health, medical care and hospital services, which are at present geared primarily for acute illness, must be revised.Immediate and specific steps which physicians, health departments and hospitals can take to accomplish this are to define the problem and to initiate studies in several areas: To determine the incidence and prevalence of disease, injuries and impairments; the nature, degree and duration of resulting disability; and the type of care received.The basic approach to chronic illness is prevention. To accomplish this, more emphasis needs to be placed upon health education. Good health cannot be forced upon the public, but educated and enlightened citizens can and do solve their own health problems and those of their families and communities.Due to the complex nature of today''s health problems, they must be approached jointly by physicians, local health services, hospitals and the public. The efforts of those groups must be coordinated and aimed, directly and indirectly, at preventing disease and disability.  相似文献   

Social and economic changes-the lengthening life span, the shift of population from rural to urban areas, the growth of industry and other factors-have brought about radical changes in the nation's health needs. Our greatest health problem today is chronic illness. To cope with these problems public health, medical care and hospital services, which are at present geared primarily for acute illness, must be revised. IMMEDIATE AND SPECIFIC STEPS WHICH PHYSICIANS, HEALTH DEPARTMENTS AND HOSPITALS CAN TAKE TO ACCOMPLISH THIS ARE TO DEFINE THE PROBLEM AND TO INITIATE STUDIES IN SEVERAL AREAS: To determine the incidence and prevalence of disease, injuries and impairments; the nature, degree and duration of resulting disability; and the type of care received. The basic approach to chronic illness is prevention. To accomplish this, more emphasis needs to be placed upon health education. Good health cannot be forced upon the public, but educated and enlightened citizens can and do solve their own health problems and those of their families and communities. Due to the complex nature of today's health problems, they must be approached jointly by physicians, local health services, hospitals and the public. The efforts of those groups must be coordinated and aimed, directly and indirectly, at preventing disease and disability.  相似文献   

Rising medical care costs are not the problem they seem to be, in part because quality of care is not considered. The problem may be more the absence of choice of alternative health benefit packages with price differences. The future of health services in the United States will have more competing alternatives requiring physicians to be more cost conscious.  相似文献   

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