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The vomeronasal organ (VNO) detects pheromones via 2 large families of receptors: vomeronasal receptor 1, associated with the protein Giα2, and vomeronasal receptor 2, associated with Goα. We investigated the distribution of Goα in the developing and adult VNO and adult olfactory bulb of a marsupial, the tammar wallaby. Some cells expressed Goα as early as day 5 postpartum, but by day 30, Goα expressing cells were distributed throughout the receptor epithelium of the VNO. In the adult tammar, Goα appeared to be expressed in sensory neurons whose nuclei were mostly basally located in the vomeronasal receptor epithelium. Goα expressing vomeronasal receptor cells led to all areas of the accessory olfactory bulb (AOB). The lack of regionally restricted projection of the vomeronasal receptor cell type 2 in the tammar was similar to the uniform type, with the crucial difference that the uniform type only shows expression of Giα2 and no expression of Goα. The observed Goα staining pattern suggests that the tammar may have a third accessory olfactory type that could be intermediate to the segregated and uniform types already described.  相似文献   

The mechanisms by which varicocele affects fertility remain undetermined. Estrogens play a key role in the human male reproduction and human sperm expresses the estrogen receptors (ERs) and aromatase. In this study, by Western blotting we evidenced the ERs content concomitantly in healthy sperm and in oligoastenoteratozoospermic (OAT) samples without and with varicocele. In varicocele a strong reduction of the ERβ was observed, while the ERα was almost absent. Besides, transmission electron microscopy (TEM) confirmed the reduction of ERs expression in "varicocele" sperm, indicating that varicocele has a detrimental effect on sperm structure at molecular level. To further define the estrogen significance in male gamete and the pathophysiology of varicocele we investigated both the expression of ERα and ERβ in normal and pathologic sperm samples as well as we evaluated estradiol (E2) action on lipid and glucose sperm metabolism. Responses to E2 treatments on cholesterol efflux, protein tyrosine phosphorylations, motility, and acrosin activity in varicocele sperm were reduced or absent. The evaluation of the triglycerides content, lipase and acyl-CoA dehydrogenase activities, suggest that E2 exerts a lipolytic effect on human sperm metabolism. Concerning glucose metabolism, it appears that E2 induces G6PDH activity concomitantly to the insulin secretion. In "varicocele" sperm, the E2 did not induce energy expenditure. OAT sperm had E2-responsiveness but in a lesser extent with respect healthy sperm. This study discovered a novel role for E2/ERs in human sperm physiology, since they modulate sperm metabolism and new detrimental effects related to the pathophysiology of the varicocele condition.  相似文献   

We previously showed that fluorination of the carborane-containing selective estrogen receptor modulator (SERM) BE360 altered the agonist/antagonist activity balance and the estrogen receptor (ER) α/β subtype selectivity. Here, we designed and synthesized a series of fluorinated carboranyl phenols as candidate ERβ-selective ligands. Introduction of a fluorine atom onto the carborane cage commonly reduced the binding affinity for ERα, to an extent that depended on the other substituents present. The B-fluorinated m-carboranyl phenol 4a showed fourfold more potent ERβ-binding affinity than the parent non-fluorinated compound 7. 1-Iodo-9-fluoro-m-carboranyl phenol 4f showed high ERβ-binding affinity with an ERβ/ERα selectivity ratio of 8.2. Among the compounds tested, 6 showed the highest ERβ selectivity (10.1-fold) and the highest ER-agonistic activity (EC50: 5.1 × 10?10 M) in MCF-7 cell proliferation assay.  相似文献   

Activation of vascular mineralocorticoid (MR) or estrogen receptors (ER) exerts opposing effects on vascular remodeling. As we have previously shown, activation of either estrogen receptor subtype, ERα or ERβ, is fully sufficient to attenuate vascular remodeling in aldosterone salt-treated rats. To further elucidate the underlying mechanism(s) we tested the hypothesis that ER and MR activation might differentially modulate vascular reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation. In support of this concept, aldosterone increased ROS generation in vascular smooth muscle cells as determined by quantitative dihydroethidium fluorescence microscopy. Co-treatment with the selective ERα agonist 16α-LE2, the selective ERβ agonist 8β-VE2 or the non-selective ER agonist 17β-estradiol (E2) significantly reduced aldosterone-induced ROS generation. The pure ER antagonist ICI 182,780 completely blocked these salutary effects of E2, 16α-LE2 and 8β-VE2. Activation of ERα or ERβ fully blocked the reduction of intracellular nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH) levels observed in aldosterone treated vascular smooth muscle cells. Intracellular NADPH levels were closely associated with expression and activity of the NADPH generating enzyme glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase. In conclusion, estrogens attenuate the detrimental vascular effects of excessive MR activation at least in part by preventing the depletion of intracellular NADPH levels.  相似文献   

Boar testes synthesize high amounts of estrogens which are known to stimulate several male sexual functions in a variety of extragonadal target tissues. Possible effects within the testis depend on the existence of the estrogen receptor subtypes α and β (ERα, ERβ). The precise cellular localization of these subtypes within the testis was, so far, based mainly on protein expression studies using different antibodies in several species including boars shows contradictory results. Therefore, we investigated the ERα and ERβ gene expression using RT-PCR of testis homogenates and RT-PCR after UV-single cell microdissection combined with in-situ hybridization of four fertile boars with an average age of 32 weeks. Both ERα and ERβ mRNA were found in testis homogenates. Using in-situ hybridization and UV-single cell microdissection ERα mRNA was present in type A and type B spermatogonia up to mid-pachytene primary spermatocytes in stage V–VIII and stage I of the seminiferous epithelial cycle, but not in other cells. ERβ mRNA was found only in Sertoli cells. Interstitial Leydig cells revealed neither ERα nor ERβ mRNA. The data suggest a direct impact of estrogen in the boar on Sertoli cell function via ERβ and germ cell formation via ERα.  相似文献   

Within the ovary, Estrogen Receptor β (ERβ) is localized to the granulosa cells of growing follicles. 17β-estradiol (E2) acting via ERβ augments the actions of follicle stimulating hormone in granulosa cells, leading to granulosa cell differentiation and formation of a preovulatory follicle. Adult ERβ-null females are subfertile and possess ovaries with reduced numbers of growing follicles and corpora lutea. Because the majority of E2 production by granulosa cells occurs once puberty is reached, a role for ERβ in the ovary prior to puberty has not been well examined. We now provide evidence that lack of ERβ disrupts gene expression as early as post-natal day (PND) 13, and in particular, we identify a number of genes of the extracellular matrix (ECM) that are significantly higher in ERβ-null follicles than in wildtype (WT) follicles. Considerable changes occur to the ECM occur during normal folliculogenesis to allow for the dramatic growth, cellular differentiation, and reorganization of the follicle from the primary to preovulatory stage. Using quantitative PCR and immunofluorescence, we now show that several ECM genes are aberrantly overexpressed in ERβ-null follicles. We find that Collagen11a1, a protein highly expressed in cartilage, is significantly higher in ERβ-null follicles than WT follicles as early as PND 13, and this heightened expression continues through PND 23-29 into adulthood. Similarly, Nidogen 2, a highly conserved basement membrane glycoprotein, is elevated in ERβ-null follicles at PND 13 into adulthood, and is elevated specifically in the ERβ-null focimatrix, a basal lamina-like matrix located between granulosa cells. Focimatrix laminin and Collagen IV expression were also higher in ERβ-null ovaries than in WT ovaries at various ages. Our findings suggest two novel observations: a) that ERβ regulates granulosa cell gene expression ovary prior to puberty, and b) that ERβ regulates expression of ECM components in the mouse ovary.  相似文献   

Acute and long-term complications can occur in patients receiving radiation therapy. It has been suggested that cytoprotection might decrease the incidence and severity of therapy-related toxicity in these patients. Developing cerebellum is highly radiosensitive and for that reason it is a useful structure to test potential neuroprotective substances to prevent radiation induced abnormalities. Recent studies have shown that estrogen can rapidly modulate intracellular signalling pathways involved in cell survival. Thus, it has been demonstrated that estrogens mediate neuroprotection by promoting growth, cell survival and by preventing axonal pruning. The aim of this work was to evaluate the effect of the treatment with 17-β-estradiol on the motor, structural and biochemical changes induced by neonatal ionizing radiation exposure, and to investigate the participation of nitric oxide and protein kinase C, two important intracellular messengers involved in neuronal activity. Our results show that perinatal chronic 17-β-estradiol treatment partially protects against radiation-induced cerebellar disorganization and motor abnormalities. PKC and NOS activities could be implicated in its neuroprotective mechanisms. These data provide new evidence about the mechanisms underlying estrogen neuroprotection, which could have therapeutic relevance for patients treated with radiotherapy.  相似文献   

Several reports deal with possible effects of female sex hormones on human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC) including elasticity, activation of plasma membrane Na(+)/H(+) exchange, VEGF receptor Flk-1/KDR and many others. In contrast to those findings, some publications pointed out that HUVEC lack expression of both the estrogen receptor (ER) and/or the progesterone receptor (PR). Because the majority of these investigations were carried out at a time period, when only one ER and one PR was known, the aim of this study was the systematic analysis of ERalpha and ERbeta as well as PR-A and PR-B expression in HUVEC with specific monoclonal antibodies by immunocytochemistry and quantitative RT-PCR (TaqMan). As a result, we could show that HUVEC lack ERalpha but express ERbeta. The expression of ERbeta could be significantly upregulated with 17beta-estradiol on mRNA and protein level. In addition, HUVEC express PR-A but not PR-B. PR-A expression could be significantly upregulated with progesterone, again on mRNA and protein level. We conclude that estrogenic effects on HUVEC are mediated via the ERbeta and gestagens act via the PR-A pathway.  相似文献   

Estrogen signaling is considered to play an important role in spermatogenesis, spermiogenesis and male fertility. Estrogens can act via the two nuclear estrogen receptors ESR1 (ERα) and ESR2 (ERβ) or via the intracellular G-protein-coupled estrogen receptor 1 (GPER, formerly GPR30). Several reports on the localization and expression of all three receptors in the human testis have been published but are controversial particularly in case of ERα. Contrary to previous studies, we decided therefore to evaluate expression of all three receptors in the testis by a number of different methods and in comparison with MCF-7 cells. Using qPCR, we could show that mRNA expression of ERα is considerably lower and expression of ERβ and GPER much higher in the testis than in MCF-7 cells. RT-PCR after laser-assisted microdissection of tubular and interstitial compartments from normal and Sertoli cell only syndrome testes plus in situ hybridization and immunohistochemical analyses of the same samples demonstrated that there is very low expression of ERα in germ cells and in single interstitial cells, very high expression of ERβ in germ cells and Sertoli cells and high expression of GPER in interstitial cells and less in Sertoli cells.  相似文献   

Vitamin A metabolites are potent teratogens in a wide variety of species, including man. Transforming growth factor betas (TGF-s) are involved in several mammalian prenatal developmental processes. The aim of this study was to determine the effects of exogenous and excessive all-trans retinoic acid on TGF2 expression in the developing cerebral cortex of the rat. Many of the malformations including exencephaly, exophtalmus, abdominal wall defects, extremity reduction defects observed in this study were dependent on the time of administration of retinoic acid. TGF-2 was diversely expressed, as revealed immunohistochemically, in the cerebral cortex and plexus choroideus. The diversity depended on the gestational day and the was affected by the administration of retinoic acid. In the 15-day-old fetus from mothers who had been fed by gavage a single dose of 60mg/kg body weight of all-trans retinoic acid on the 8th day of gestation, TGF-2 immunoreactivity in the brain was decreased. However, by the 18th day of gestation, TGF-2 expression increased. The expression of TGF-2 in fetuses whose mothers had been given all-trans retinoic acid after the neurulation period (on day 12 of gestation) was generally similar to that in a control group. We conclude that all-trans retinoic acid leads to severe congenital malformations if administered before neurulation whereas if given after neurulation, it is not so teratogenic. Further, retinoic acid has a variable effect on the expression of TGF-2.  相似文献   

Protein posttranslational modifications (PTMs) are signaling alterations that allow coordinating the cellular responses with the changes in the extracellular environment. In this way, the posttranslationally-modified protein becomes a switch node in the transduction network activated by the specific extracellular stimuli. It is now clear that this is the case also for protein ubiquitination: this extremely versatile PTM controls cell physiology through the modulation of protein stability as well as through the modulation of the dynamics of the intracellular signaling cascades. Recent evidence clearly indicates that such a complex scheme appears to be valid also for the 17β-estradiol (E2):estrogen receptor (ER) α signal transduction pathways. Indeed, beside the long standing notion that ERα ubiquitination is required for the regulation of receptor stability, several laboratories, including our own, have clearly indicated that ERα ubiquitination also serves non-degradative functions. This review will reconsider the role of ubiquitination in E2:ERα signaling by particularly highlighting how the functions of the non-degradative ubiquitination impact on ERα activities and contribute to the modulation of E2-dependent physiological processes.  相似文献   

Estrogen replacement therapy could play a role in the reduction of injury associated with cerebral ischemia in vivo, which could be, at least partially, a consequence of estrogen influence of glutamate buffering by astrocytes during hypoxia/ischemia. Estrogen exerts biological effects through interaction with its two receptors: estrogen receptor alpha (ERα) and estrogen receptor beta (ERβ), which are both expressed in astrocytes. This study explored effects of hypoxia and glucose deprivation (HGD), alone or followed by 1 h recovery, on ERα and ERβ expression in primary rat astrocyte cultures following 1 h exposure to: a) 5 % CO(2) in air (control group-CG); b) 2 % O(2)/5 % CO(2) in N(2) with glucose deprivation (HGD group-HGDG); or c) the HGDG protocol followed by 1 h CG protocol (recovery group-RG). ERα mRNA expression decreased in HGDG. At the protein level, full-length ERα (67 kDa) and three ERα-immunoreactive protein bands (63, 60 and 52 kDa) were detected. A significant decrease in the 52 kDa band was seen in HGDG, while a significant decrease in expression of the full length ERα was seen in the RG. ERβ mRNA and protein expression (a 54 kDa single band) did not change. The observed decrease in ERα protein may limit estrogen-mediated signalling in astrocytes during hypoxia and recovery.  相似文献   

Sun D  Cui T  Luo H  Li R  Cui S  Liu J 《Cell and tissue research》2012,348(3):551-558
Estrogens and androgens play important roles in regulating the hormone-secreting functions of the pituitary gland by binding to their corresponding receptors. However, the expression of estrogen receptors (ERs) and the androgen receptor (AR) and the cell types containing ERs and AR in the anterior pituitary gland of adult chickens have not been well-studied. In this study, the distribution of ERα, AR and their corresponding cell types in the anterior pituitary gland of adult cockerels was detected by immunohistochemistry. The results showed that ERα was expressed in 68.63 % of luteinizing hormone (LH) producing cells but was not found in thyrotropes, lactotropes, somatotropes, corticotropes and folliculo-stellate (FS) cells. Pituitary hormone and AR double labeling results showed that about 37 % of LH cells and 50 % of thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) producing cells expressed AR, respectively. In contrast, less than 1 % of the somatotropes had an AR positive signal and AR signals were not detected in lactotropes, corticotropes or FS cells. In addition, there were only a few AR and ERα dual-labeled cells observed. These novel results provide evidence for a cell-specific distribution of ERα and AR in the anterior pituitary from adult cockerels by immunohistochemistry. The different distributions of ERα and AR in the LH cells suggest that the feedback-regulating mechanisms of estrogen and androgen on the pituitary hormones secretion are different. The functions and related mechanisms still need to be elucidated further.  相似文献   


Accumulation of divalent metal ions (e.g. iron and copper) has been proposed to contribute to heightened oxidative stress evident in aging and neurodegenerative disorders. To understand the extent of iron accumulation and its effect on antioxidant status, we monitored iron content in the cerebral cortex of F344 rats by inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES) and found that the cerebral iron levels in 24–28-month-old rats were increased by 80% (p<0.01) relative to 3-month-old rats. Iron accumulation correlated with a decline in glutathione (GSH) and the GSH/GSSG ratio, indicating that iron accumulation altered antioxidant capacity and thiol redox state in aged animals. Because (R)-α-Lipoic acid (LA) is a potent chelator of divalent metal ions in vitro and also regenerates other antioxidants, we monitored whether feeding LA (0.2% [w/w]; 2 weeks) could lower cortical iron and improve antioxidant status. Results show that cerebral iron levels in old LA-fed animals were lower when compared to controls and were similar to levels seen in young rats. Antioxidant status and thiol redox state also improved markedly in old LA-fed rats versus controls. These results thus show that LA supplementation may be a means to modulate the age-related accumulation of cortical iron content, thereby lowering oxidative stress associated with aging.  相似文献   

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