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To compare the effectiveness of different embolizing agents in reducing or redistributing bronchial arterial blood flow, we measured systemic blood flow to the right lung and trachea in anesthetized sheep by use of the radioactive microsphere method before and 1 h after occlusion of the bronchoesophageal artery (BEA) as follows: injection of 4 ml ethanol (ETOH) into BEA (group 1, n = 5), injection of approximately 0.5 g polyvinyl alcohol particles (PVA) into BEA (group 2, n = 5), or ligation of BEA (group 3, n = 5). After occlusion, angiography showed complete obstruction of the bronchial vessels. There were no changes in tracheal blood flow in any of the groups. Injection of ETOH produced a 75 +/- 14% (SD) reduction in flow to the middle lobe (P less than 0.02) and a 75 +/- 13% reduction to the caudal lobe (P less than 0.01), whereas injection of PVA produced a smaller reduction in flow to these two lobes (41 +/- 66 and 51 +/- 54%, respectively). After BEA ligation there was a 52 +/- 29% reduction in flow to the middle lobe and a 53 +/- 38% reduction to the caudal lobe (P less than 0.05). This study has significant implications both clinically and experimentally; it illustrates the importance of airway collateral circulation, in that apparently complete radiological obstruction of the BEA does not necessarily mean complete obstruction of systemic blood flow. We also conclude that, in experimental studies in which the role of the bronchial circulation in airway pathophysiology is examined, ETOH is the agent of choice.  相似文献   

In awake animals, our laboratory recently showed that the hypoxic ventilatory response of adult male (but not female) rats previously subjected to neonatal maternal separation (NMS) is 25% greater than controls (Genest SE, Gulemetova R, Laforest S, Drolet G, and Kinkead R. J Physiol 554: 543-557, 2004). To begin mechanistic investigations of the effects of this neonatal stress on respiratory control development, we tested the hypothesis that, in male rats, NMS enhances central integration of carotid body chemoafferent signals. Experiments were performed on two groups of adult male rats. Pups subjected to NMS were placed in a temperature-controlled incubator 3 h/day from postnatal day 3 to postnatal day 12. Control pups were undisturbed. At adulthood (8-10 wk), rats were anesthetized (urethane; 1.6 g/kg), paralyzed, and ventilated with a hyperoxic gas mixture [inspired O2 fraction (Fi(O2)) = 0.5], and phrenic nerve activity was recorded. The first series of experiments aimed to demonstrate that NMS-related enhancement of the inspiratory motor output (phrenic) response to hypoxia occurs in anesthetized animals also. In this series, rats were exposed to moderate, followed by severe, isocapnic hypoxia (Fi(O2) = 0.12 and 0.08, respectively, 5 min each). NMS enhanced both the frequency and amplitude components of the phrenic response to hypoxia relative to controls, thereby validating the use of this approach. In a second series of experiments, NMS increased the amplitude (but not the frequency) response to unilateral carotid sinus nerve stimulation (stimulation frequency range: 0.5-33 Hz). We conclude that enhancement of central integration of carotid body afferent signal contributes to the larger hypoxic ventilatory response observed in NMS rats.  相似文献   

We examined the effects of carotid body denervation on ventilatory responses to normoxia (21% O2 in N2 for 240 s), hypoxic hypoxia (10 and 15% O2 in N2 for 90 and 120 s, respectively), and hyperoxic hypercapnia (5% CO2 in O2 for 240 s) in the spontaneously breathing urethane-anesthetized mouse. Respiratory measurements were made with a whole body, single-chamber plethysmograph before and after cutting both carotid sinus nerves. Baseline measurements in air showed that carotid body denervation was accompanied by lower minute ventilation with a reduction in respiratory frequency. On the basis of measurements with an open-circuit system, no significant differences in O2 consumption or CO2 production before and after chemodenervation were found. During both levels of hypoxia, animals with intact sinus nerves had increased respiratory frequency, tidal volume, and minute ventilation; however, after chemodenervation, animals experienced a drop in respiratory frequency and ventilatory depression. Tidal volume responses during 15% hypoxia were similar before and after carotid body denervation; during 10% hypoxia in chemodenervated animals, there was a sudden increase in tidal volume with an increase in the rate of inspiration, suggesting that gasping occurred. During hyperoxic hypercapnia, ventilatory responses were lower with a smaller tidal volume after chemodenervation than before. We conclude that the carotid bodies are essential for maintaining ventilation during eupnea, hypoxia, and hypercapnia in the anesthetized mouse.  相似文献   

The small GTP-binding protein Rho and its downstream effector, Rho-kinase, are important regulators of vasoconstrictor tone. Rho-kinase is upregulated in experimental models of pulmonary hypertension, and Rho-kinase inhibitors decrease pulmonary arterial pressure in rodents with monocrotaline and chronic hypoxia-induced pulmonary hypertension. However, less is known about responses to fasudil when pulmonary vascular resistance is elevated on an acute basis by vasoconstrictor agents and ventilatory hypoxia. In the present study, intravenous injections of fasudil reversed pulmonary hypertensive responses to intravenous infusion of the thromboxane receptor agonist, U-46619 and ventilation with a 10% O(2) gas mixture and inhibited pulmonary vasoconstrictor responses to intravenous injections of angiotensin II, BAY K 8644, and U-46619 without prior exposure to agonists, which can upregulate Rho-kinase activity. The calcium channel blocker isradipine and fasudil had similar effects and in small doses had additive effects in blunting vasoconstrictor responses, suggesting parallel and series mechanisms in the lung. When pulmonary vascular resistance was increased with U-46619, fasudil produced similar decreases in pulmonary and systemic arterial pressure, whereas isradipine produced greater decreases in systemic arterial pressure. The hypoxic pressor response was enhanced by 5-10 mg/kg iv nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME), and fasudil or isradipine reversed the pulmonary hypertensive response to hypoxia in control and in L-NAME-treated animals, suggesting that the response is mediated by Rho-kinase and L-type Ca(2+) channels. These results suggest that Rho-kinase is constitutively active in regulating baseline tone and vasoconstrictor responses in the lung under physiological conditions and that Rho-kinase inhibition attenuates pulmonary vasoconstrictor responses to agents that act by different mechanisms without prior exposure to the agonist.  相似文献   

Submandibular secretory and vascular responses to stimulation of the parasympathetic innervation and the output of vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) were investigated in anaesthetized sheep in the presence and absence of atropine (>/=0.5 mg/kg). In the absence of atropine, parasympathetic stimulation caused an increase in the flow of saliva and a decrease in submandibular vascular resistance; the latter response persisted after the administration of atropine and was then significantly reduced at the lowest but not at the higher frequencies tested. The output of VIP from the gland was frequency dependent over the range of 10-20 Hz (continuously) and significantly increased after atropine (P < 0.02). Furthermore, the fall in vascular resistance was linearly related to log VIP output after total muscarinic blockade. Intracarotid infusions of synthetic VIP produced dose-dependent falls in submandibular vascular resistance, together with a corresponding increase in submandibular blood flow. It is concluded that the atropine-resistant vasodilatation that occurs in this gland during parasympathetic stimulation is likely to be due largely, if not entirely, to the release of VIP.  相似文献   

To measure the blood flow of a common carotid artery (CCA) during parabolic flight in the rat, we developed an animal double hold box (ADHB) made of styrene expanded form for the anesthetized rat to keep the animal at a proper posture in an aircaft. Twelve anesthetized rats weighing 291-342 g were surgically operated to mount a ultrasound flowmeter probe (1 mm size,1RS:Transonic Systems Inc.) around the right CCA and to insert a catheter into the right axillar artery for blood pressure measurement. These animals were held comfortably in ADHBs which were placed on the rack installed in the aircraft (MU-300). A total of 27 parabolic flights was performed and the blood flow was measured accurately in 9 rats. This special animal holding facility is useful for various types of animal experiments in an aircraft.  相似文献   

Previous studies suggest that carotid body responses to long-term changes in environmental oxygen differ between neonates and adults. In the present study we tested the hypothesis that the effects of chronic intermittent hypoxia (CIH) on the carotid body differ between neonates and adult rats. Experiments were performed on neonatal (1-10 days) and adult (6-8 wk) males exposed either to CIH (9 episodes/h; 8 h/day) or to normoxia. Sensory activity was recorded from ex vivo carotid bodies. CIH augmented the hypoxic sensory response (HSR) in both groups. The magnitude of CIH-evoked hypoxic sensitization was significantly greater in neonates than in adults. Seventy-two episodes of CIH were sufficient to evoke hypoxic sensitization in neonates, whereas as many as 720 CIH episodes were required in adults, suggesting that neonatal carotid bodies are more sensitive to CIH than adult carotid bodies. CIH-induced hypoxic sensitization was reversed in adult rats after reexposure to 10 days of normoxia, whereas the effects of neonatal CIH persisted into adult life (2 mo). Acute intermittent hypoxia (IH) evoked sensory long-term facilitation of the carotid body activity (sensory LTF, i.e., increased baseline neural activity following acute IH) in CIH-exposed adults but not in neonates. The effects of CIH were associated with hyperplasia of glomus cells in neonatal but not in adult carotid bodies. These observations demonstrate that responses to CIH differ between neonates and adults with regard to the magnitude of sensitization of HSR, susceptibility to CIH, induction of sensory LTF, reversibility of the responses, and morphological remodeling of the chemoreceptor tissue.  相似文献   

We compared the effects ofCO2 applied continuously andduring expiration on laryngeal-receptor activity in paralyzed,artificially ventilated and nonparalyzed, spontaneously breathing catsby using an isolated larynx, artificially ventilated to approximate anormal respiratory cycle. The majority of quiescent negative-pressure and all cold receptors were excited by 5 and 9%CO2 applied both continuously andduring expiration. In general, quiescent positive-pressure, tonicnegative-pressure, and tonic positive-pressure receptors were inhibitedby 5 and 9% CO2 appliedcontinuously and during expiration. There were no significantdifferences between responses to 5 and 9%CO2 or to continuous and expiredCO2 or between paralyzed andnonparalyzed preparations. In conclusion, laryngeal receptors respondto changes in CO2 concentrationoccurring during a normal respiratory cycle. Because laryngeal-receptorstimulation exerts reflex effects on ventilation and upper airwaymuscle activity, these results suggest that airwayCO2 plays a role in reflexregulation of breathing and upper airway patency.


We examined the brain oxidative stress which accompanies 30 min of bilateral carotid artery ligation (BCAL) in terms of changes in brain levels of glutathione; reduced (GSH) and oxidized (GSSG) forms and the exacerbation of oxidative stress by disulfiram (DSF). These results indicate that BCAL alone decreases GSH content and limits glutathione reductase (GR) activity, and these changes were enhanced by DSF pretreatment. Similar observations were recorded with DSF alone. GR activity (74.3±4.0 µmol min–1 mg–1 tissue; p<0.001) and GSH content (1.23±0.06 µmol min–1g–1 tissue; p<0.001) was attenuated in rats subjected to synergistic effect of BCAL and DSF with a concomitant increase of GSSG (0.006±0.006 µmol min–1 g–1 tissue; p<0.001). Recovery of GSH/GSSG level and GR activity during reperfusion following 30 min BCAL was considerably delayed (96 h) in the BCAL and DSF group as compared to the recovery time of 24 h in the group subjected to BCAL-reperfusion alone. Perturbation of GSH/GSSG homeostasis as a result of BCAL was augmented by DSF. These findings clearly demonstrate central nervous system oxidative stress due to a BCAL-DSF synergistic effect. Based on the results obtained with this model, we conclude that DSF increases brain oxidative stress and this may be detrimental to alcoholics who might drink and develop an acetaldehyde-induced hypotension while taking DSF.  相似文献   

The formation of nitric oxide (NO) radicals was demonstrated by electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy in the rat during varying degrees of brain ischemia. Diethyldithiocarbamate and Fe-citrate were used as in vivo spin-trapping reagents. The signal of NO spin adducts increased in accordance with the degree of ischemic insults. The formation of NO radicals was inhibited by NG-nitro]l-arginine methyl ester.  相似文献   

Submandibular secretory responses to stimulation of the parasympathetic chorda-lingual nerve in anaesthetized cats have been investigated before, during, and after intracarotid infusion of endothelin-1 (ET-1), which reduced blood flow through the gland by 64+/-7%. Stimulation at different frequencies (2, 4, 8, and 16 Hz) evoked a frequency-dependent increase in the flow of submandibular saliva, sodium concentration and output, and output of both potassium and protein. The reduction in submandibular blood flow, which occurred in response to the infusion of ET-1, was associated with a decreased flow of saliva and a diminished output of both sodium and protein. The flow of saliva was linearly related to submandibular blood flow both in the presence and absence of ET-1. It is concluded that submandibular secretory responses to electrical stimulation of the parasympathetic innervation can be significantly attenuated by reducing the blood flow through the gland by ET-1 infusion, just as it is when the blood flow is reduced by hypotension.  相似文献   

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