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In the nonsense-mediated mRNA decay (NMD) pathway, an exon-junction protein complex (EJC) and hUpf proteins mediate rapid downregulation of aberrant mRNAs that terminate translation upstream of the last splice junction. Two EJC subunits, Y14 and RNPS1, have been proposed to act as a link between splicing and NMD by recruiting hUpf3 and the other hUpf proteins. New studies now present evidence that Y14 is directly involved in NMD, and that Y14 is required for hUpf3 activity. These findings suggest unforeseen intricacies in the formation of active NMD complexes.  相似文献   

The eukaryotic replicative DNA polymerases (Pol α, δ and ?) and the major DNA mutagenesis enzyme Pol ζ contain two conserved cysteine-rich metal-binding motifs (CysA and CysB) in the C-terminal domain (CTD) of their catalytic subunits. Here we demonstrate by in vivo and in vitro approaches the presence of an essential [4Fe-4S] cluster in the CysB motif of all four yeast B-family DNA polymerases. Loss of the [4Fe-4S] cofactor by cysteine ligand mutagenesis in Pol3 destabilized the CTD and abrogated interaction with the Pol31 and Pol32 subunits. Reciprocally, overexpression of accessory subunits increased the amount of the CTD-bound Fe-S cluster. This implies an important physiological role of the Fe-S cluster in polymerase complex stabilization. Further, we demonstrate that the Zn-binding CysA motif is required for PCNA-mediated Pol δ processivity. Together, our findings show that the function of eukaryotic replicative DNA polymerases crucially depends on different metallocenters for accessory subunit recruitment and replisome stability.  相似文献   

Alanine:glyoxylate aminotransferase (AGT) is a pyridoxal-phosphate (PLP)-dependent enzyme. Its deficiency causes the hereditary kidney stone disease primary hyperoxaluria type 1. AGT is a highly stable compact dimer and the first 21 residues of each subunit form an extension which wraps over the surface of the neighboring subunit. Naturally occurring and artificial amino acid replacements in this extension create changes in the functional properties of AGT in mammalian cells, including relocation of the enzyme from peroxisomes to mitochondria. In order to elucidate the structural and functional role of this N-terminal extension, we have analyzed the consequences of its removal using a variety of biochemical and cell biological methods. When expressed in Escherichia coli, the N-terminal deleted form of AGT showed the presence of the protein but in an insoluble form resulting in only a 10% soluble yield as compared to the full-length version. The purified soluble fraction showed reduced affinity for PLP and greatly reduced catalytic activity. Although maintaining a dimer form, it was highly prone to self-aggregation. When expressed in a mammalian cell line, the truncated construct was normally targeted to peroxisomes, where it formed large stable but catalytically inactive aggregates. These results suggest that the N-terminal extension plays an essential role in allowing AGT to attain its correct conformation and functional activity. The precise mechanism of this effect is still under investigation.  相似文献   

We have initiated a series of experiments to analyze the biosynthesis and oligomerization of Cx43 in cells containing other connexins through the expression of site-directed mutants and chimeric connexin polypeptides. Here we report studies concerning a mutant of Cx43 (Cx43tr) that has been truncated after amino acid 251 to remove most of the Cx43 carboxy-terminal region. In stably transfected HeLa cells, full length Cx43 localized primarily to appositional membranes while much more Cx43tr was observed in the cytoplasm. Both Cx43 and Cx43tr showed similar oligomerization profiles based on centrifugation through sucrose gradients. HeLaCx43tr cells showed limited transfer of microinjected Lucifer Yellow but did show electrical coupling. Co-expression of Cx43tr with Cx43 or Cx45 led to Cx43tr localization at appositional membranes and co-localization with the other connexins. Moreover, cells co-expressing Cx43tr with Cx43 or Cx45 showed extensive intercellular dye coupling. Thus, Cx43tr was able to oligomerize and form functional channels when expressed alone or with a compatible connexin, but it only formed plaques when co-expressed. These results suggest that the carboxyl tail of Cx43 is not important for oligomerization, but they implicate critical residues in the formation of gap junction plaques.  相似文献   

1,10-Phenanthroline-5,6-dione (C12H6N2O2 (1)) reacts with V(η6-mesitylene)2 and Ti(η6-toluene)2 affording coordination compounds of general formula M(O,O′---C12H6N2O2)3 (M=Ti (2); M=V (3)) which further react with TiCl4 or TiCp2(CO)2 yielding the tetrametallic species M(O,O′---C12H6N2O2---N,N′)3(M′Ln)3 (M=V, M′Ln=TiCl4 (4); M=Ti, M′Ln=TiCp2 (5); M=V, M′Ln=TiCp2 (6)). The complex salt [Fe(N,N′---C12H6N2O2)3][PF6]2 (7) has been obtained from iron(II) chloride tetrahydrate and 1 in the presence of NH4PF6. The reaction of 7 with TiCp2(CO)2 affords the tetrametallic derivative [Fe(N,N′---C12H6N2O2---O,O′)3(TiCp2)3][PF6]2 (8). TiCl2(THF)2 reacts with MCp2(O,O′---C12H6N2O2) to give MCp2(O,O′---C12H6N2O2---N,N′)TiCl2 (M=Ti (9); M=V (10)). By reaction of TiCp2(O,O′---C12H6N2O2---N,N′)TiCl2 (9) with C12H6N2O2, the bimetallic derivative TiCp2(O,O′---C12H6N2O2---N,N′)TiCl2(O,O′---C12H6N2O2) (11) has been prepared, which readily adds to TiCl4, to give the trimetallic titanium derivative TiCp2(O,O′---C12H6N2O2---N,N′)TiCl2(O,O′---C12H6N2O2---N,N′)TiCl4 (12). VCp2(O,O′---C12H6N2O2---N,N′)TiCl2 (10) reacts with the tris-chelate iron(II) cation 7 affording the heptametallic cationic complex [Fe(N,N′---C12H6N2O2---O,O′)TiCl2(N,N′---C12H6N2O2---O,O′)VCp2]3 +2 isolated as the hexafluorophosphate 13.  相似文献   

A model has been developed that describes the dependence of a quantitative selective trait on the animal homo- and heterozygosity for the genes that control the biochemical reaction rate (isoenzyme systems). The model includes any cases of gene control of a quantitative trait and is applicable to real, genetically heterogeneous populations. The results of testing the model show that it can be used for identifying the genes involved in additive polygenic determination of quantitative commercially valuable traits.Translated from Genetika, Vol. 41, No. 2, 2005, pp. 237–245.Original Russian Text Copyright © 2005 by Nikitin, Knyazev, Orlova, Bekenev, Danilchenko.  相似文献   

We report the use of methylotrophic yeast Pichia pastoris as a host to efficiently express complement control protein repeats (CCPs) 1-4 of mouse decay accelerating factor (DAF, CD55) as a soluble protein. With this system, the mouse DAF CCP1-4-active-domain-containing module linked to a 6x His tag at its C terminus was secreted into the culture supernatant at 15 mg/L after 24 h of induction with methanol. A mouse DAF CCP1-4 mutant protein in which its two potential N-glycosylation sites were deleted by changing Asn(187) and Asn(262) to Gln was also produced. Using Ni(2+)-immobilized agarose affinity chromatography, the recombinant mouse DAF modules with their 6x His tags could be one-step isolated to SDS-PAGE purity. Polyclonal antibody against native mouse DAF CCP1-4 was raised by immunizing NZW rabbits with the purified product. Measurements of the bioactivities of the wild-type and mutant mouse DAF proteins in C3b uptake assays showed no differences in regulatory activities in either the classical or the alternative pathways. With the use of the mutant DAF protein, small rod-shaped crystals were produced and preliminary data obtained. The production of large quantities of functional recombinant mouse DAF CCP1-4 modules and their antibody offers the opportunity to study DAF structure and DAF function in vivo.  相似文献   

Choline is ubiquitous in marine eukaryotes and appears to be widely distributed in surface marine waters; however, its metabolism by marine bacteria is poorly understood. Here, using comparative genomics and molecular genetic approaches, we reveal that the capacity for choline catabolism is widespread in marine heterotrophs of the marine Roseobacter clade (MRC). Using the model bacterium Ruegeria pomeroyi, we confirm that the betA, betB and betC genes, encoding choline dehydrogenase, betaine aldehyde dehydrogenase and choline sulfatase, respectively, are involved in choline metabolism. The betT gene, encoding an organic solute transporter, was essential for the rapid uptake of choline but not glycine betaine (GBT). Growth of choline and GBT as a sole carbon source resulted in the re‐mineralization of these nitrogen‐rich compounds into ammonium. Oxidation of the methyl groups from choline requires formyltetrahydrofolate synthetase encoded by fhs in R. pomeroyi, deletion of which resulted in incomplete degradation of GBT. We demonstrate that this was due to an imbalance in the supply of reducing equivalents required for choline catabolism, which can be alleviated by the addition of formate. Together, our results demonstrate that choline metabolism is ubiquitous in the MRC and reveal the role of Fhs in methyl group oxidation in R. pomeroyi.  相似文献   

In the system with constant content of the chlorophyll a and increasing amounts of human serum albumin, dependence of pigment incorporation into the complex upon interaction of its aqueous associates with protein solutions was studied by applying the gel filtration on Sephadex G-75 and by measuring light scattering and rate of sensitized photoreduction of the methyl red by ascorbic-acid. The curves were obtained after extraction of the chlorophyll by acetone from dry pigment-protein films formed after desiccation of the aqueous systems. Sigmoid character of the above dependences, their linearization in Hill's coordinates and the value of cooperativity coefficient close to 2 testifies in favour of the cooperative character of the complex formation, two pigment molecules reacting with a single protein molecule. Measurement of adsorption isotherms and their treatment with use of the Brunauer-Emmett-Teller theory of polymolecular adsorption make it possible to evaluate the maximum molar ratio of the pigment to the protein in the complex (close to 2). The pigment-pigment interaction suggests that the chlorophyll molecules adsorbed on the protein are in the state of loosely packed dimers. Deaggregation of aqueus pigment associates by the protein in the course of complex formation results in a considerable increase of the protosensitizing chlorophyll activity.  相似文献   

Cholinesterases, in addition to their well-known esterase action, also show an aryl acylamidase (AAA) activity whereby they catalyze the hydrolysis of amides of certain aromatic amines. The biological function of this catalysis is not known. Furthermore, it is not known whether the esterase catalytic site is involved in the AAA activity of cholinesterases. It has been speculated that the AAA activity, especially that of butyrylcholinesterase (BuChE), may be important in the development of the nervous system and in pathological processes such as formation of neuritic plaques in Alzheimer's disease (AD). The substrate generally used to study the AAA activity of cholinesterases is N-(2-nitrophenyl)acetamide. However, use of this substrate requires high concentrations of enzyme and substrate, and prolonged periods of incubation at elevated temperature. As a consequence, difficulties in performing kinetic analysis of AAA activity associated with cholinesterases have hampered understanding this activity. Because of its potential biological importance, we sought to develop a more efficient and specific substrate for use in studying the AAA activity associated with BuChE, and for exploring the catalytic site for this hydrolysis. Here, we describe the structure-activity relationships for hydrolysis of anilides by cholinesterases. These studies led to a substrate, N-(2-nitrophenyl)trifluoroacetamide, that was hydrolyzed several orders of magnitude faster than N-(2-nitrophenyl)acetamide by cholinesterases. Also, larger N-(2-nitrophenyl)alkylamides were found to be more rapidly hydrolyzed by BuChE than N-(2-nitrophenyl)acetamide and, in addition, were more specific for hydrolysis by BuChE. Thus, N-(2-nitrophenyl)alkylamides with six to eight carbon atoms in the acyl group represent suitable specific substrates to investigate further the function of the AAA activity of BuChE. Based on the substrate structure-activity relationships and kinetic studies, the hydrolysis of anilides and esters of choline appears to utilize the same catalytic site in BuChE.  相似文献   

Several hemoglobins were explored by UV-Vis and resonance Raman spectroscopy to define sulfheme complex formation. Evaluation of these proteins upon the reaction with H2O2 or O2 in the presence of H2S suggest: (a) the formation of the sulfheme derivate requires a HisE7 residue in the heme distal site with an adequate orientation to form an active ternary complex; (b) that the ternary complex intermediate involves the HisE7, the peroxo or ferryl species, and the H2S molecule. This moiety precedes and triggers the sulfheme formation.  相似文献   

The acid-labile subunit (ALS) regulates IGF bioavailability by forming heterotrimeric complexes with IGFs and IGF-binding protein-3 (IGFBP-3). A homozygous missense mutation (D440N) resulting in undetectable circulating levels of ALS with a concomitant reduction in IGF-I and IGFBP-3 has been reported to cause mild growth retardation. To understand how this particular mutation affects ALS circulating levels and IGF-transport function, we expressed recombinant ALS and its variants, D440N-ALS, T442A-ALS, and D440N/T442A-ALS, using adenovirus vectors. Compared with wild-type ALS, the secretion of D440N-ALS was 80% lower. The D440N mutation was proposed to generate an N-glycosylation site additional to the seven existing motifs in ALS. D440N-ALS appeared larger than ALS, attributable to N-linked glycans because deglycosylation with N-glycosidase F reduced both proteins to the same molecular mass. When ALS was incubated with IGF-I and IGFBP-3, 70-80% of IGF-I was detected by gel-filtration chromatography in forms corresponding to the 150-kDa ternary complex. In contrast, when D440N-ALS was tested, less than 30% of IGF-I was found in high molecular mass complexes. Two other ALS variants mutated in the same putative glycosylation site, D440N/T442A-ALS and T442A-ALS, showed similar chromatographic profiles to wild-type ALS. The D440N mutation in ALS generates a hyperglycosylated form with impaired secretion and complex formation, potentially leading to dysregulation of endocrine IGF, thus contributing to the growth retardation observed in the affected patient. This is the first study to explain how a natural mutation, D440N, in ALS impairs its function.  相似文献   

A cell-kinetic model for the application of the micronucleus test to polychromatic erythrocytes in mouse fetal liver, fetal blood, and maternal bone marrow after exposure to clastogenic agents is described. The time of expression and dose-response relationships obtained with γ-radiation, methyl methanesulphonate, procarbazine, mitomycin C and benzo[a]pyrene are analysed in terms of this model. The numbers of target cells damaged per unit dose has been calculated and the dose equivalents obtained. Maternal and fetal cells show similar sensitivity to γ-radiation, but fetal cells are markedly more sensitive to MMS and procarbazine. This probably due to differences in tissue distribution and metabolism. Maternal and fetal erythroid tissues can show linear and exponential dose-response relationships, which may not coincide (e.g. with MMS). It is concluded that risks from fetal exposure to genotoxic agents cannot be reliably predicted from in vivo tests restricted to adult animals. However, the micronucleus technique appled to fetal erythroid cells proveds a rapid and reliable short-term test, appropriate to minimising risks of genome damage during prenatal development.  相似文献   

Our studies address questions pertaining to the regulation of D cyclin-cdk4 activity, and the following results were obtained. Conditions that increased the abundance of the D cyclins also increased the abundance of enzymatically active D cyclin-cdk4 complexes in mouse embryo fibroblasts (MEFs) lacking both p27(Kip1) and p21(Cip1) (p27/p21(-/-)). Such conditions included ectopic expression of cyclin D1 and inhibition of D cyclin degradation by the proteasome inhibitor MG132. However, as determined by treatment of wild-type MEFs with MG132, maximal accumulation of D cyclin-cdk4 complexes required p27(Kip1) and p21(Cip1) and coincided with the formation of inactive D cyclin-cdk4-p27(Kip1) or -p21(Cip1) complexes. p27(Kip1) or p21(Cip1) also increased the abundance of D cyclin-cdk4 complexes and reduced amounts of cdk4 activity when ectopically expressed in p27/p21(-/-) MEFs. Lastly, increases in the stability of the D cyclins accounted for their greater abundance in wild-type MEFs than in p27/p21(-/-) MEFs. We conclude that (i) D cyclin-cdk4 complexes are formed and become active in the absence of p27(Kip1) and p21(Cip1) and (ii) p27(Kip1) and p21(Cip1) maximize the accumulation but inhibit the activity of D cyclin-cdk4 complexes. We suggest that D cyclin-cdk4 complexes are more stable when bound to p27(Kip1) or p21(Cip1) and that formation of ternary complexes also stabilizes the D cyclins.  相似文献   

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