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Comparative genomic analysis of important signaling pathways in Caenorhabditis briggsae and Caenorhabditis elegans reveals both conserved features and also differences. To build a framework to address the significance of these features we determined the C. briggsae embryonic cell lineage, using the tools StarryNite and AceTree. We traced both cell divisions and cell positions for all cells through all but the last round of cell division and for selected cells through the final round. We found the lineage to be remarkably similar to that of C. elegans. Not only did the founder cells give rise to similar numbers of progeny, the relative cell division timing and positions were largely maintained. These lineage similarities appear to give rise to similar cell fates as judged both by the positions of lineally equivalent cells and by the patterns of cell deaths in both species. However, some reproducible differences were seen, e.g., the P4 cell cycle length is more than 40% longer in C. briggsae than that in C. elegans (p < 0.01). The extensive conservation of embryonic development between such divergent species suggests that substantial evolutionary distance between these two species has not altered these early developmental cellular events, although the developmental defects of transpecies hybrids suggest that the details of the underlying molecular pathways have diverged sufficiently so as to not be interchangeable.  相似文献   

The distribution patterns and genetic structure of the Pellioditis marina species complex in Belgium and The Netherlands were compared between four consecutive seasons. Different types of habitats (coast, estuary, semi-estuary and lake) with different degrees of connectivity were sampled. In addition, each habitat type was characterised by either temporal or permanent algal deposits. We screened 426 bp of the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase c (COI) gene with the single-strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP) method in 1615 individuals of Pellioditis marina. The 51 haplotypes were divided into four (sympatric) lineages, with divergences ranging from 0.25 to 10.6%. Our results show that the lineages have different temporal dynamics, which may be linked to abiotic factors. Analysis of Molecular Variance (AMOVA) indicated a significant structuring in the PmI lineage, which correlated with habitat characteristics and which changed over time (Mantel, r = 0.51; p = 0.126). Intrapopulational diversity was similar in all locations, and temporal changes in haplotype frequencies were not higher in temporary than in permanent algal deposits. Instead, the results of the temporal survey indicated that (some) P. marina populations are characterised by a metapopulation structure. It is emphasized that a complete and correct interpretation of processes causing genetic structuring within species and of the genetic structure itself can only be done when analyses are performed at several time points.  相似文献   

Xenobiotic chlorinated phenols have been found in fresh and marine waters and are toxic to many aquatic organisms. Metabolism of 2,4-dichlorophenol (2,4-DCP) in the marine microalga Tetraselmis marina was studied. The microalga removed more than 1mM of 2,4-DCP in a 2l photobioreactor over a 6 day period. Two metabolites, more polar than 2,4-DCP, were detected in the growth medium by reverse phase HPLC and their concentrations increased at the expense of 2,4-DCP. The metabolites were isolated by a C8 HPLC column and identified as 2,4-dichlorophenyl-beta-d-glucopyranoside (DCPG) and 2,4-dichlorophenyl-beta-d-(6-O-malonyl)-glucopyranoside (DCPGM) by electrospray ionization-mass spectrometric analysis in a negative ion mode. The molecular structures of 2,4-DCPG and 2,4-CPGM were further confirmed by enzymatic and alkaline hydrolyses. Thus, it was concluded that the major pathway of 2,4-DCP metabolism in T. marina involves an initial conjugation of 2,4-DCP to glucose to form 2,4-dichlorophenyl-beta-d-glucopyranoside, followed by acylation of the glucoconjugate to form 2,4-dichlorophenyl-beta-d-(6-O-malonyl)-glucopyranoside. The microalga ability to detoxify dichlorophenol congeners other than 2,4-DCP was also investigated. This work provides the first evidence that microalgae can use a combined glucosyl and malonyl transfer to detoxify xenobiotics such as dichlorophenols.  相似文献   

Selenocysteine (Sec) is encoded by an UGA codon with the help of a SECIS element present in selenoprotein mRNAs. SECIS-binding protein (SBP2/SCBP-2) mediates Sec insertion, but the roles of its domains and the impact of its deficiency on Sec insertion are not fully understood. We used Caenorhabditis elegans to examine SBP2 function since it possesses a single selenoprotein, thioredoxin reductase-1 (TRXR-1). All SBP2 described so far have an RNA-binding domain (RBD) and a Sec-incorporation domain (SID). Surprisingly, C. elegans SBP2 lacks SID and consists only of an RBD. An sbp2 deletion mutant strain ablated Sec incorporation demonstrating SBP2 essentiality for Sec incorporation. Further in silico analyses of nematode genomes revealed conservation of SBP2 lacking SID and maintenance of Sec incorporation linked to TRXR-1. Remarkably, parasitic plant nematodes lost the ability to incorporate Sec, but retained SecP43, a gene associated with Sec incorporation. Interestingly, both selenophosphate synthetase (SPS) genes are absent in plant parasitic nematodes, while only Cys-containing SPS2 is present in Sec-incorporating nematodes. Our results indicate that C. elegans and the nematode lineage provide key insights into Sec incorporation and the evolution of Sec utilization trait, selenoproteomes, selenoproteins, and Sec residues. Finally, our study provides evidence of noncanonical translation initiation in C. elegans, not previously known for this well-established animal model.  相似文献   

王云  杨亚楠  简风雷  吴杰宇  沈洁  王顺昌 《生态学报》2011,31(13):3728-3735
本研究利用秀丽隐杆线虫半致死浓度分析和致死曲线分析来筛选对三丁基锡(Tributyltin,TBT)敏感的线虫品系,并讨论与TBT毒理学过程可能相关的基因。通过对秀丽隐杆线虫体长、每窝子代数和怀卵量的测定来探讨TBT的生态毒性效应,以期为TBT对秀丽隐杆线虫和人类的生态毒性评价和致毒机理研究提供科学依据。结果表明:TBT对各品系线虫48 h LC50从小到大依次为egl-1(n487)<ced-4(n1162)<cep-1(gk138)=cep-1(lg12501)<ced-9(n1950)<clk-2(mn159)<ced-3(n717)<N2<opIs34(hus-1::GFP) <opIs56(egl-1::GFP)<daf-16(mn86)<hus-1(op241)<daf-2(e1370)。本研究筛选出对TBT最敏感的线虫品系为egl-1(n487),而对TBT耐受力最强的是daf-2(e1370)。TBT对秀丽隐杆线虫体长、每窝子代数和怀卵量均呈现浓度依赖型的抑制作用。  相似文献   

It is well known that aging and longevity strongly correlate with energy metabolism. The nematode Caenorhabditis elegans is widely used as an ultimate model of experimental animals. Thus, we developed a novel tool, which is constructed from an optical detector, using an indirect method that can measure simply the energy metabolism of C. elegans. If we measure the oxygen consumption rate using this optical tool, we can easily evaluate the activity of mitochondria as an index in the aging process. However, a direct measurement of the oxygen consumption rate of C. elegans exposed in air is thought to be impossible because of the high concentration of atmospheric oxygen and the small size of the animals. We demonstrate here that we can directly detect the oxygen consumption with a small number of animals (相似文献   

Migration of plant-parasitic nematode infective larval stages through soil and invasion of roots requires perception and integration of sensory cues culminating in particular responses that lead to root penetration and parasite establishment. Components of the chemoreceptive neuronal circuitry involved in these responses are targets for control measures aimed at preventing infection. Here we report, to our knowledge, the first isolation of cyst nematode ace-2 genes encoding acetylcholinesterase (AChE). The ace-2 genes from Globodera pallida (Gp-ace-2) and Heterodera glycines (Hg-ace-2) show homology to ace-2 of Caenorhabditis elegans (Ce-ace-2). Gp-ace-2 is expressed most highly in the infective J2 stage with lowest expression in the early parasitic stages. Expression and functional analysis of the Globodera gene were carried out using the free-living nematode C. elegans in order to overcome the refractory nature of the obligate parasite G. pallida to many biological studies. Caenorhabditis elegans transformed with a GFP reporter construct under the control of the Gp-ace-2 promoter exhibited specific and restricted GFP expression in neuronal cells in the head ganglia. Gp-ACE-2 protein can functionally complement its C. elegans homologue. A chimeric construct containing the Ce-ace-2 promoter region and the Gp-ace-2 coding region and 3′ untranslated region was able to restore a normal phenotype to the uncoordinated C. elegans double mutant ace-1;ace-2. This study demonstrates conservation of AChE function and expression between free-living and plant-parasitic nematode species, and highlights the utility of C. elegans as a heterologous system to study neuronal aspects of plant-parasitic nematode biology.  相似文献   

A particle system, as understood in computer science, is a novel technique for modeling living organisms in their environment. Such particle systems have traditionally been used for modeling the complex dynamics of fluids and gases. In the present study, a particle system was devised to model the movement and feeding behavior of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans in three different virtual environments: gel, liquid, and soil. The results demonstrate that distinct movements of the nematode can be attributed to its mechanical interactions with the virtual environment. These results also revealed emergent properties associated with modeling organisms within environment-based systems.  相似文献   

A key challenge in evolutionary biology is to identify developmental events responsible for morphological changes. To determine the cellular basis that underlies changes in the larval peripheral nervous system (PNS) of flies, we first described the PNS pattern of the abdominal segments A1–A7 in late embryos of several fly species using antibody staining. In contrast to the many variations reported previously for the adult PNS pattern, we found that the larval PNS pattern has remained very stable during evolution. Indeed, our observation that most of the analysed Drosophilinae species exhibit exactly the same pattern as Drosophila melanogaster reveals that the pattern observed in D. melanogaster embryos has remained constant for at least 40 million years. Furthermore, we observed that the PNS pattern in more distantly related flies (Calliphoridae and Phoridae) is only slightly different from the one in D. melanogaster. A single difference relative to D. melanogaster was identified in the PNS pattern of the Drosophilinae fly D. busckii, the absence of a specific external sensory organ. Our analysis of sensory organ development in D. busckii suggests that this specific loss resulted from a transformation in cell lineage, from a multidendritic-neuron-external-sensory-organ lineage to a multidendritic-neuron-solo lineage.Edited by P. Simpson  相似文献   

Commonly studied nematode parasites have not proven amenable to simple genetic analyses and this has significantly reduced the available research options. We introduce here a nematode parasite of mammals, Parastrongyloides trichosuri, which has features uniquely suited for genetic analysis. This parasite has the capacity to undergo multiple reproductive cycles as a free-living worm and thereby amplify the numbers of its infective L3s in faeces. Culture conditions are presented that permit facile laboratory maintenance of this worm for >90 free-living life cycles (to date) without the need for re-entry into a permissive host. Even after long maintenance as a free-living worm, culture conditions can be manipulated to favour development of infective L3 worms, which remain able to successfully infect their marsupial hosts. The switch to infective L3 development is triggered by a secreted factor contained in culture medium conditioned by multiple generations of free-living worm culture. It is simple to perform single pair crosses with P. trichosuri to carry out Mendelian genetics in the laboratory and this has been done multiple times with sibling pairs to generate highly inbred lines. Lines of worms can readily be cryopreserved and recovered. Over 7000 expressed sequence tags have been produced from cDNAs at different life cycle stages and used to identify single nucleotide polymorphisms and microsatellites as genetic markers. Free-living worms live only a few days on average while the patency of parasitic infections can last for several months. Since we show this is not the result of re-infection, we conclude that parasitic worms have a lifespan capacity at least 20-30 times longer than their free-living counterparts. We discuss how it should be possible to exploit these unique features of P. trichosuri as a model for future studies that explore the genetic basis of longevity and parasitism.  相似文献   

Vulval epithelial tubes invaginate through concerted cell migration, ring formation, stacking of rings and intra-ring cell fusion in the nematodes Caenorhabditis elegans, Oscheius tipulae and Pristionchus pacificus. The number of rings forming the invaginations is invariantly seven, six, and eight, respectively. We hypothesize that each ring is formed from pairs of symmetrically positioned primordial vulval cells following three premises: If the final cell division is left-right, the daughters will fuse, migrate and form only one ring. If these cells do not divide, one ring will form. If the final division is anterior-posterior, two rings will form. We test the ring hypothesis and found coincidence between the patterns of vulva cell divisions and the number of rings for 12 species. We find heterochronic variations in the timing of division, migration and fusion of the vulval cells between species. We report a unique ring-independent pathway of vulva formation in Panagrellus redivivus. C. elegans lin-11(n389) mutation results in cell fate transformations including changes in the orientation of vulval cell division. lin-11 animals have an additional ring, as predicted by the ring hypothesis. We propose that the genetic pathway determining how vulval cells invaginate evolves through ring-dependent and ring-independent mechanisms.  相似文献   

Genome duplication is tightly controlled in multicellular organisms to ensure the genome stability. Studies in Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Xenopus show that minichromosome maintenance (MCM) proteins are essential for genome duplication. However, the development role of MCM proteins in multicellular organisms is not well known. MCM5 encodes a member of the MCM2-7 protein family involved in the initiation of DNA replication. The sequences of all Mcm5 homologues from yeast to human are highly conserved and suggest that their functions are also conserved. Here, we isolated the first mutant allele of mcm-5 (fw7) in Caenorhabditis elegans. Homozygous mcm-5 (fw7) mutants from heterozygous parents exhibited variable larval lethality and adult sterility. The postembryonically born neuron number was decreased and also showed aberrant axon morphology. Our study revealed that the losses of neurons in mcm-5 (fw7) mutants were caused by cell cycle defects not by programmed cell death. The examination showed that mcm-5 was widely used for postembryonic development in multiple cells such as seam cells, gonad and intestinal cells. Knockdown of mcm-5 by RNAi caused 98.1% embryonic arrest, suggesting that mcm-5 was also required for embryonic development. After RNAi treatment of the other MCM2-7 family members, we found that they all exhibited similar phenotypes as mcm-5, suggesting that the MCM2-7 family in C. elegans might function associated with cell division as its homologues in S. cerevisiae.  相似文献   

Kim TH  Hwang SB  Jeong PY  Lee J  Cho JW 《FEBS letters》2005,579(1):53-58
Tyrosine O-sulfation is one of the post-translational modification processes that occur to membrane proteins and secreted proteins in eukaryotes. Tyrosylprotein sulfotransferase (TPST) is responsible for this modification, and in this report, we describe the expression pattern and the biological role of TPST-A in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. We found that TPST-A was mainly expressed in the hypodermis, especially in the seam cells. Reduction of TPST-A activity by RNAi caused severe defects in cuticle formation, indicating that TPST-A is involved in the cuticle formation in the nematode. We found that RNAi of TPST-A suppressed the roller phenotype caused by mutations in the rol-6 collagen gene, suggesting that sulfation of collagen proteins may be important for proper organization of the extracellular cuticle matrix. The TPST-A RNAi significantly decreased the dityrosine level in the worms, raising the possibility that the sulfation process may be a pre-requisite for the collagen tyrosine cross-linking.  相似文献   

The elucidation of the whole genome of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans allowed for the identification of ortholog genes belonging to the pigment dispersing hormone/factor (PDH/PDF) peptide family. Members of this peptide family are known from crustaceans, insects and nematodes and seem to exist exclusively in ecdysozoans where they play a role in different processes, ranging from the dispersion of integumental and eye (retinal) pigments in decapod crustaceans to circadian rhythms in insects and locomotion in C. elegans. Two pdf genes (pdf-1 and pdf-2) encoding three different peptides: PDF-1a, PDF-1b and PDF-2 have been identified in C. elegans. These three C. elegans PDH-like peptides are similar but not identical in primary structure to PDHs from decapod crustaceans. We investigate whether this divergence has an influence on the pigment dispersing function of the peptides in a decapod crustacean, namely the shrimp Palaemon pacificus. We show that C. elegans PDF-1a and b peptides display cross-functional activity by dispersing pigments in the epithelium of P. pacificus at physiological doses. Moreover, by means of a comparative amino acid sequence analysis of nematode and crustacean PDH-like peptides, we can pinpoint several potentially important residues for eliciting pigment dispersing activity in decapod crustaceans. Although there is no sequence information on a receptor for PDH in decapod crustaceans, we postulate that there is general conservation of the PDH/PDF signaling system based on structural similarities of precursor proteins and receptors (including those from a branchiopod crustacean and from C. elegans).  相似文献   

Emodepside, a cyclooctadepsipeptide, is a broad-spectrum anthelmintic previously shown to paralyse body wall muscle and pharyngeal muscle in the model nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. We demonstrate that wild-type C. elegans L4 are less sensitive than adults to emodepside in two independent assays of locomotor behaviour: body bend generation on agar (adult IC(50) 3.7 nM, L4 IC(50) 13.4 nM) and thrashing behaviour in liquid (thrashing behaviour as a % of controls after 1h in 10 microM emodepside: adults 16%, L4 worms 48%). We also show that continuous exposure of wild-type C. elegans to emodepside throughout the life-cycle from egg onwards, slows worm development, an effect that is emodepside concentration-dependent. The rate of worm-hatching from eggs on agar plates containing emodepside was not significantly different from controls, suggesting that it is development post-hatching rather than hatching itself that is affected by the drug. Emodepside also inhibits wild-type C. elegans egg-laying, with acute exposure to the drug at 500 nM resulting in an almost total inhibition within the first hour. However, the rate of egg production was not inhibited and therefore emodepside-treated worms became bloated with eggs, eventually rupturing. This suggests that the effect of emodepside on reproduction is not due to an inhibition of egg production but rather a paralytic effect on the egg-laying muscles. These results, when coupled with previous research, suggest that emodepside interferes with signalling at the neuromuscular junction on the body-wall muscles (Willson et al., 2003), pharynx (Willson et al., 2004) and egg-laying muscles and thus inhibits three important physiological functions: locomotion, feeding and reproduction.  相似文献   

Tube formation is a widespread process during organogenesis. Specific cellular behaviors participate in the invagination of epithelial monolayers that form tubes. However, little is known about the evolutionary mechanisms of cell assembly into tubes during development. In Caenorhabditis elegans, the detailed step-to-step process of vulva formation has been studied in wild type and in several mutants. Here we show that cellular processes during vulva development, which involve toroidal cell formation and stacking of rings, are conserved between C. elegans and Pristionchus pacificus, two species of nematodes that diverged approximately 100 million years ago. These cellular behaviors are divided into phases of cell proliferation, short-range migration, and cell fusion that are temporally distinct in C. elegans but not in P. pacificus. Thus, we identify heterochronic changes in the cellular events of vulva development between these two species. We find that alterations in the division axes of two equivalent vulval cells from Left-Right cleavage in C. elegans to Anterior-Posterior division in P. pacificus can cause the formation of an additional eighth ring. Thus, orthogonal changes in cell division axes with alterations in the number and sequence of cell fusion events result in dramatic differences in vulval shape and in the number of rings in the species studied. Our characterization of vulva formation in P. pacificus compared to C. elegans provides an evolutionary-developmental foundation for molecular genetic analyses of organogenesis in different species within the phylum Nematoda.  相似文献   

Members of the HES subfamily of bHLH proteins play crucial roles in neural patterning via repression of neurogenesis. In C. elegans, loss-of-function mutations in ref-1, a distant nematode-specific member of this subfamily, were previously shown to cause ectopic neurogenesis from postembryonic lineages. However, while the vast majority of the nervous system in C. elegans is generated embryonically, the role of REF-1 in regulating these neural lineage decisions is unknown. Here, we show that mutations in ref-1 result in the generation of multiple ectopic neuron types derived from an embryonic neuroblast. In wild-type animals, neurons derived from this sublineage are present in a left/right symmetrical manner. However, in ref-1 mutants, while the ectopically generated neurons exhibit gene expression profiles characteristic of neurons on the left, they are present only on the right side. REF-1 functions in a Notch-independent manner to regulate this ectopic lineage decision. We also demonstrate that loss of REF-1 function results in defective differentiation of an embryonically generated serotonergic neuron type. These results indicate that REF-1 functions in both Notch-dependent and independent pathways to regulate multiple developmental decisions in different neuronal sublineages.  相似文献   

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