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The core domain of p53 is extremely susceptible to mutations that lead to loss of function. We analysed the stability and DNA-binding activity of such mutants to understand the mechanism of second-site suppressor mutations. Double-mutant cycles show that N239Y and N268D act as 'global stability' suppressors by increasing the stability of the cancer mutants G245S and V143A-the free energy changes are additive. Conversely, the suppressor H168R is specific for the R249S mutation: despite destabilizing wild type, H168R has virtually no effect on the stability of R249S, but restores its binding affinity for the gadd45 promoter. NMR structural comparisons of R249S/H168R and R249S/T123A/H168R with wild type and R249S show that H168R reverts some of the structural changes induced by R249S. These results have implications for possible drug therapy to restore the function of tumorigenic mutants of p53: the function of mutants such as V143A and G245S is theoretically possible to restore by small molecules that simply bind to and hence stabilize the native structure, whereas R249S requires alteration of its mutant native structure.  相似文献   

In vitro scanning mutagenesis strategies are valuable tools to identify critical residues in proteins and to generate proteins with modified properties. We describe the fast and simple All-Codon Scanning (ACS) strategy that creates a defined gene library wherein each individual codon within a specific target region is changed into all possible codons with only a single codon change per mutagenesis product. ACS is based on a multiplexed overlapping mutagenesis primer design that saturates only the targeted gene region with single codon changes. We have used ACS to produce single amino-acid changes in small and large regions of the human tumor suppressor protein p53 to identify single amino-acid substitutions that can restore activity to inactive p53 found in human cancers. Single-tube reactions were used to saturate defined 30-nt regions with all possible codon changes. The same technique was used in 20 parallel reactions to scan the 600-bp fragment encoding the entire p53 core domain. Identification of several novel p53 cancer rescue mutations demonstrated the utility of the ACS approach. ACS is a fast, simple and versatile method, which is useful for protein structure–function analyses and protein design or evolution problems.  相似文献   

A p53 hot-spot mutation found frequently in human cancer is the replacement of R273 by histidine or cysteine residues resulting in p53 loss of function as a tumor suppressor. These mutants can be reactivated by the incorporation of second-site suppressor mutations. Here, we present high-resolution crystal structures of the p53 core domains of the cancer-related proteins, the rescued proteins and their complexes with DNA. The structures show that inactivation of p53 results from the incapacity of the mutated residues to form stabilizing interactions with the DNA backbone, and that reactivation is achieved through alternative interactions formed by the suppressor mutations. Detailed structural and computational analysis demonstrates that the rescued p53 complexes are not fully restored in terms of DNA structure and its interface with p53. Contrary to our previously studied wild-type (wt) p53-DNA complexes showing non-canonical Hoogsteen A/T base pairs of the DNA helix that lead to local minor-groove narrowing and enhanced electrostatic interactions with p53, the current structures display Watson–Crick base pairs associated with direct or water-mediated hydrogen bonds with p53 at the minor groove. These findings highlight the pivotal role played by R273 residues in supporting the unique geometry of the DNA target and its sequence-specific complex with p53.  相似文献   

The tumor suppressor protein p53 can lose its function upon single-point missense mutations in the core DNA-binding domain (“cancer mutants”). Activity can be restored by second-site suppressor mutations (“rescue mutants”). This paper relates the functional activity of p53 cancer and rescue mutants to their overall molecular dynamics (MD), without focusing on local structural details. A novel global measure of protein flexibility for the p53 core DNA-binding domain, the number of clusters at a certain RMSD cutoff, was computed by clustering over 0.7 µs of explicitly solvated all-atom MD simulations. For wild-type p53 and a sample of p53 cancer or rescue mutants, the number of clusters was a good predictor of in vivo p53 functional activity in cell-based assays. This number-of-clusters (NOC) metric was strongly correlated (r2 = 0.77) with reported values of experimentally measured ΔΔG protein thermodynamic stability. Interpreting the number of clusters as a measure of protein flexibility: (i) p53 cancer mutants were more flexible than wild-type protein, (ii) second-site rescue mutations decreased the flexibility of cancer mutants, and (iii) negative controls of non-rescue second-site mutants did not. This new method reflects the overall stability of the p53 core domain and can discriminate which second-site mutations restore activity to p53 cancer mutants.  相似文献   

We have utilized both molecular dynamics simulations and solution biophysical measurements to investigate the rescue mechanism of mutation N235K, which plays a key role in the recently identified global suppressor motif of K235/Y239/R240 in the human p53 DNA-binding domain (DBD). Previous genetic analysis indicates that N235K alone rescues five out of six destabilized cancer mutants. However, the solution biophysical measurement shows that N235K generates only a slight increase to the stability of DBD, implying a rescue mechanism that is not a simple additive contribution to thermodynamic stability. Our molecular simulations show that the N235K substitution generates two non-native salt bridges with residues D186 and E198. We find that the nonnative salt bridges, D186-K235 and E198-K235, and a native salt bridge, E171-R249, are mutually exclusive, thus resulting in only a marginal increase in stability as compared to the wild type protein. When a destabilized V157F is paired with N235K, the native salt bridge E171-R249 is retained. In this context, the non-native salt bridges, D186-K235 and E198-K235, produce a net increase in stability as compared to V157F alone. A similar rescue mechanism may explain how N235K stabilize other highly unstable β-sandwich cancer mutants.  相似文献   

Many biomedical problems relate to mutant functional properties across a sequence space of interest, e.g., flu, cancer, and HIV. Detailed knowledge of mutant properties and function improves medical treatment and prevention. A functional census of p53 cancer rescue mutants would aid the search for cancer treatments from p53 mutant rescue. We devised a general methodology for conducting a functional census of a mutation sequence space by choosing informative mutants early. The methodology was tested in a double-blind predictive test on the functional rescue property of 71 novel putative p53 cancer rescue mutants iteratively predicted in sets of three (24 iterations). The first double-blind 15-point moving accuracy was 47 percent and the last was 86 percent; r = 0.01 before an epiphanic 16th iteration and r = 0.92 afterward. Useful mutants were chosen early (overall r = 0.80). Code and data are freely available (http://www.igb.uci.edu/research/research.html, corresponding authors: R.H.L. for computation and R.K.B. for biology).  相似文献   

Several lines of evidence suggest that the presence of the wild-type tumor suppressor gene p53 in human cancers correlates well with successful anti-cancer therapy. Restoration of wild-type p53 function to cancer cells that have lost it might therefore improve treatment outcomes. Using a systematic yeast genetic approach, we selected second-site suppressor mutations that can overcome the deleterious effects of common p53 cancer mutations in human cells. We identified several suppressor mutations for the V143A, G245S and R249S cancer mutations. The beneficial effects of these suppressor mutations were demonstrated using mammalian reporter gene and apoptosis assays. Further experiments showed that these suppressor mutations could override additional p53 cancer mutations. The mechanisms of such suppressor mutations can be elucidated by structural studies, ultimately leading to a framework for the discovery of small molecules able to stabilize p53 mutants.  相似文献   

Oncogenic mutations in the tumor suppressor protein p53 are found mainly in its DNA-binding core domain. Many of these mutants are thermodynamically unstable at body temperature. Here we show that these mutants also denature within minutes at 37 degrees C. The half-life (t(1/2)) of the unfolding of wild-type p53 core domain was 9 min. Hot spot mutants denatured more rapidly with increasing thermodynamic instability. The highly destabilized mutant I195T had a t(1/2) of less than 1 min. The wild-type p53-(94-360) construct, containing the core and tetramerization domains, was more stable, with t(1/2) = 37 min at 37 degrees C, similar to full-length p53. After unfolding, the denatured proteins aggregated, the rate increasing with higher concentrations of protein. A derivative of the p53-stabilizing peptide CDB3 significantly slowed down the unfolding rate of the p53 core domain. Drugs such as CDB3, which rescue the conformation of unstable mutants of p53, have to act during or immediately after biosynthesis. They should maintain the mutant protein in a folded conformation and prevent its aggregation, allowing it enough time to reach the nucleus and bind its sequence-specific target DNA or the p53 binding proteins that will stabilize it.  相似文献   

Tumour-derived p53 mutants are thought to have acquired ‘gain-of-function’ properties that contribute to oncogenicity. We have tested the hypothesis that p53 mutants suppress p53-target gene expression, leading to enhanced cellular growth. Silencing of mutant p53 expression in several human cell lines was found to lead to the upregulation of wild-type p53-target genes such as p21, gadd45, PERP and PTEN. The expression of these genes was also suppressed in H1299-based isogenic cell lines expressing various hot-spot p53 mutants, and silencing of mutant p53, but not TAp73, abrogated the suppression. Consistently, these hot-spot p53 mutants were able to suppress a variety of p53-target gene promoters. Analysis using the proto-type p21 promoter construct indicated that the p53-binding sites are dispensable for mutant p53-mediated suppression. However, treatment with the histone deacetylase inhibitor trichostatin-A resulted in relief of mutant p53-mediated suppression, suggesting that mutant p53 may induce hypo-acetylation of target gene promoters leading to the suppressive effects. Finally, we show that stable down-regulation of mutant p53 expression resulted in reduced cellular colony growth in human cancer cells, which was found to be due to the induction of apoptosis. Together, the results demonstrate another mechanism through which p53 mutants could promote cellular growth.  相似文献   

Tp53 is the most commonly mutated tumour-suppressor gene in human cancers. In addition to the loss of tumour-suppression function, some missense mutants gain novel oncogenic activities. To elucidate the nature of the gain of function, we introduced the most common p53 cancer mutations (R248W and R273H) independently into the humanized p53 knock-in (HUPKI) allele in mice. Tumour-suppressor functions of p53 are abolished in p53-mutant mice. Several lines of evidence further indicate gain-of-function of p53 mutants in promoting tumorigenesis. p53(R248W) mice rapidly succumb to certain types of cancers not commonly observed in p53(-/-) mice. Interchromosomal translocations, a type of genetic instability rarely observed in p53(-/-) cells, are readily detectable in p53-mutant pre-tumor thymocytes. Although normal in p53(-/-) mouse cells, the G(2)-M checkpoint is impaired in p53-mutant cells after DNA damage. These acquired oncogenic properties of mutant p53 could be explained by the findings that these p53 mutants interact with the nuclease Mre11 and suppress the binding of the Mre11-Rad50-NBS1 (MRN) complex to DNA double-stranded breaks (DSBs), leading to impaired Ataxia-telangiectasia mutated (ATM) activation. Therefore, p53 gain-of-function mutants promote tumorigenesis by a novel mechanism involving active disruption of critical DNA damage-response pathways.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: Many biomedical projects would benefit from reducing the time and expense of in vitro experimentation by using computer models for in silico predictions. These models may help determine which expensive biological data are most useful to acquire next. Active Learning techniques for choosing the most informative data enable biologists and computer scientists to optimize experimental data choices for rapid discovery of biological function. To explore design choices that affect this desirable behavior, five novel and five existing Active Learning techniques, together with three control methods, were tested on 57 previously unknown p53 cancer rescue mutants for their ability to build classifiers that predict protein function. The best of these techniques, Maximum Curiosity, improved the baseline accuracy of 56-77%. This article shows that Active Learning is a useful tool for biomedical research, and provides a case study of interest to others facing similar discovery challenges.  相似文献   

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