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Aims: To evaluate the activity of cry1Ia gene against cotton pests, Spodoptera frugiperda and Anthonomus grandis. Methods and Results: Had isolated and characterized a toxin gene from the Bacillus thuringiensis S1451 strain which have been previously shown to be toxic to S. frugiperda and A. grandis. The toxin gene (cry1Ia) was amplified by PCR, sequenced, and cloned into the genome of a baculovirus. The Cry1Ia protein was expressed in baculovirus infected insect cells, producing protein inclusions in infected cells. The Cry1Ia protein has used in bioassays against to S. frugiperda and A. grandis. Conclusions: Bioassays using the purified recombinant protein showed high toxicity to S. frugiperda and A. grandis larvae. Molecular modelling of the Cry1Ia protein translated from the DNA sequence obtained in this work, showed that this protein possibly posses a similar structure to the Cry3A protein. Ultrastructural analysis of midgut cells from A. grandis incubated with the Cry1Ia toxin, showed loss of microvilli integrity. Significance and Impact of the Study: The results indicate that the cry1Ia is a good candidate for the construction of transgenic plants resistant to these important cotton pests.  相似文献   

Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) is an important agricultural commodity, which is attacked by several pests such as the cotton boll weevil Anthonomus grandis. Adult A. grandis feed on fruits and leaf petioles, reducing drastically the crop production. The predominance of boll weevil digestive serine proteinases has motivated inhibitor screenings in order to discover new ones with the capability to reduce the digestion process. The present study describes a novel proteinase inhibitor from chickpea seeds (Cicer arietinum L.) and its effects against A. grandis. This inhibitor, named CaTI, was purified by using affinity Red-Sepharose Cl-6B chromatography, followed by reversed-phase HPLC (Vydac C18-TP). SDS-PAGE and MALDI-TOF analyses, showed a unique monomeric protein with a mass of 12,877 Da. Purified CaTI showed significant inhibitory activity against larval cotton boll weevil serine proteinases (78%) and against bovine pancreatic trypsin (73%), when analyzed by fluorimetric assays. Although the molecular mass of CaTI corresponded to alpha-amylase/trypsin bifunctional inhibitors masses, no inhibitory activity against insect and mammalian alpha-amylases was observed. In order to observe CaTI in vivo effects, an inhibitor rich fraction was added to an artificial diet at different concentrations. At 1.5% (w/w), CaTI caused severe development delay, several deformities and a mortality rate of approximately 45%. These results suggested that CaTI could be useful in the production of transgenic cotton plants with enhanced resistance toward cotton boll weevil.  相似文献   

The cotton boll weevil, Anthonomus grandis, is an economically important pest of cotton in tropical and subtropical areas of several countries in the Americas, causing severe losses due to their damage in cotton floral buds. Enzymatic assays using gut extracts from larval and adult boll weevil have demonstrated the presence of digestive serine proteinase-like activities. Furthermore, in vitro assays showed that soybean Kunitz trypsin inhibitor (SKTI) was able to inhibit these enzymes. Previously, in vivo effects of black-eyed pea trypsin chymotrypsin inhibitor (BTCI) have been demonstrated towards the boll weevil pest. Here, when neonate larvae were reared on an artificial diet containing SKTI at three different concentrations, a reduction of larval weight of up to 64% was observed for highest SKTI concentration 500 microM. The presence of SKTI caused an increase in mortality and severe deformities of larvae, pupae and adult insects. This work therefore represents the first observation of a Kunitz trypsin inhibitor active in vivo and in vitro against A. grandis. Bioassays suggested that SKTI could be used as a tool in engineering crop plants, which might exhibit increased resistance against cotton boll weevil.  相似文献   

The cotton boll weevil (Anthonomus grandis) causes severe cotton crop losses in North and South America. This report describes the presence of cysteine proteinase activity in the cotton boll weevil. Cysteine proteinase inhibitors from different sources were assayed against total A. grandis proteinases but, unexpectedly, no inhibitor tested was particularly effective. In order to screen for active inhibitors against the boll weevil, a cysteine proteinase cDNA (Agcys1) was isolated from A. grandis larvae using degenerate primers and rapid amplification of cDNA ends (RACE) techniques. Sequence analysis showed significant homologies with other insect cysteine proteinases. Northern blot analysis indicated that the mRNA encoding the proteinase was transcribed mainly in the gut of larvae. No mRNA was detected in neonatal larvae, pupae, or in the gut of the adult insect, suggesting that Agcys1 is an important cysteine proteinase for larvae digestion. The isolated gene will facilitate the search for highly active inhibitors towards boll weevil larvae that may provide a new opportunity to control this important insect pest.  相似文献   

Farnesyl diphosphate synthase (FPPS) catalyzes the consecutive condensation of two molecules of isopentenyl diphosphate with dimethylallyl diphosphate to form farnesyl diphosphate (FPP). In insects, FPP is used for the synthesis of ubiquinones, dolicols, protein prenyl groups, and juvenile hormone. A full‐length cDNA of FPPS was cloned from the cotton boll weevil, Anthonomus grandis (AgFPPS). AgFPPS cDNA consists of 1,835 nucleotides and encodes a protein of 438 amino acids. The deduced amino acid sequence has high similarity to previously isolated insect FPPSs and other known FPPSs. Recombinant AgFPPS expressed in E. coli converted labeled isopentenyl diphosphate in the presence of dimethylallyl diphosphate to FPP. Southern blot analysis indicated the presence of a single copy gene. Using molecular modeling, the three‐dimensional structure of coleopteran FPPS was determined and compared to the X‐ray crystal structure of avian FPPS. The α‐helical fold is conserved in AgFPPS and the size of the active site cavity is consistent with the enzyme being a FPPS. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

A large portion of the world's germ plasm of cotton has been screened at the USDA Boll Weevil Research Laboratory, State College, Mississippi during the period 1962–68 utilizing developed techniques.An oviposition suppression factor causing 25–40% reduction in number of eggs laid by the weevil has been found in Gossypium barbadense and successfully moved into upland cotton, G. hirsutum.Two years field data with frego cottons indicate that the frego character contributes a significant degree of non-preference for egg laying by the boll weevil under field conditions. The frego character is currently being combined with selected lines of G. hirsutum carrying the oviposition suppression factor.A seedling screening technique utilizing field cages and greenhouse sand flats has been shown to have significant value in screening for individual resistant plants within a commercial variety. A number of selections with 25% or more resistance to oviposition are under extensive investigation.A number of biologically active materials have been detected in the cotton plant and other hosts of the boll weevil which significantly influences feeding stimulation, feeding deterrency, repellency and attractancy of the weevil to its hosts.A highly active square abscission factor has been detected and extracted successfully from 2nd and 3rd instar larvae. The material injected into cotton squares causes 95% abscission of squares within 48–60 hours.
Zusammenfassung Ein großer Teil des Weltsortiments der Baumwolle wurde in den Jahren 1962–68 im USA-Baumwollkäfer-Institut der Staatshochschule von Mississippi mit modernen Methoden getestet.Ein die Eiablage unterdrückender Faktor, der die Anzahl der abgelegten Eier um 25–40% herabsetzt, wurde bei Gossypium barbadense gefunden und erfolgreich in Hochland-Baumwolle, G. hirsutum, eingekreuzt.Zweijährige Erfahrungen mit frego-Baumwolle weisen darauf hin, daß das frego-Merkmal unter Feldbedingungen in einem signifikanten Ausmaße zur Nonpräferenz für die eierablegenden Käfer beiträgt. Das frego-Merkmal wird laufend mit selektierten Linien von G. hirsutum kombiniert, die den Faktor für Eiablage-Unterdrückung tragen.Eine Sämlings-Prüfungstechnik, die Feldkäfige und Gewächshaus-Sandbetee benutzt, hatte nachweislich signifikanten Wert für die Auslese resistenter Einzelpflanzen innerhalb einer Handelssorte. Eine Anzahl Selektionslinien mit 25 oder mehr Prozent Eiablage-Resistenz wird intensiv geprüft.Eine Anzahl biologisch aktiven Materials wurde bei Baumwolle und anderen Wirtspflanzen endeckt, das Fraßstimulation, Fraßabschreckung, Repellenz und Attraktanz der Käfer in bezug auf ihre Wirte signifikant beeinflußt.Ein hochaktiver Kapsel-Abwurf-Faktor wurde entdeckt und erfolgreich aus Larven des 2. und 3. Stadiums extrahiert. In Baumwollkapseln injiziert, verursachte dieses Material innerhalb 48–60 Stunden Abwurf von 95% der Kapseln.

ABSTRACT. The parasitoid, Bracon mellitor , will probe with its ovipositor plant structures containing its host. The identification of methyl parahydroxy-benzoate (methyl parasept), an antimicrobial additive to the semi-synthetic diet used for rearing the host, as a releaser of this behaviour prompted an investigation of the parasitoid's response to this chemical. Its absence from field hosts suggested the response was learned. Female parasitoids reared in host-infested cotton plant buds from the fields or in methyl parasept-free hosts did not respond to methyl parasept alone until exposed to hosts contaminated with it. This is taken to imply associative learning by the females reared from the methyl parasept-free hosts. A few responses to methyl parasept were elicited from inexperienced females reared from methyl parasept-contaminated hosts, but their responsiveness increased after they had been exposed to methyl parasept-contaminated hosts as oviposition stimuli. These results point to the caution that must be exercised in the isolation and identification of kairomones.  相似文献   

Isolated gut tissue from male cotton boll weevil, Anthonomus grandis (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), incorporated radiolabeled acetate into components that co-eluted with monoterpenoid pheromone components on HPLC. This demonstrates that pheromone components of male A. grandis are produced de novo and strongly suggests that pheromone biosynthesis occurs in gut tissue. A central enzyme in isoprenoid biosynthesis is 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoA reductase (HMG-R), and a full-length HMG-R cDNA was isolated from A. grandis. The predicted translation product was 54 and 45% identical to HMG-R from Ips paraconfusus and Drosophila melanogaster, respectively. HMG-R gene expression gradually increased with age in male A. grandis, which correlates with pheromone production. However, topical application of JH III did not significantly increase HMG-R mRNA levels.  相似文献   

Anthonomus grandis, the cotton boll weevil, causes severe cotton crop losses in North and South America. Here we demonstrate the presence of starch in the cotton pollen grains and young ovules that are the main A. grandis food source. We further demonstrate the presence of -amylase activity, an essential enzyme of carbohydrate metabolism for many crop pests, in A. grandis midgut. Two -amylase cDNAs from A. grandis larvae were isolated using RT-PCR followed by 5 and 3 RACE techniques. These encode proteins with predicted molecular masses of 50.8 and 52.7 kDa, respectively, which share 58% amino acid identity. Expression of both genes is induced upon feeding and concentrated in the midgut of adult insects. Several -amylase inhibitors from plants were assayed against A. grandis -amylases but, unexpectedly, only the BIII inhibitor from rye kernels proved highly effective, with inhibitors generally active against other insect amylases lacking effect. Structural modeling of Amylag1 and Amylag2 showed that different factors seem to be responsible for the lack of effect of 0.19 and -AI1 inhibitors on A. grandis -amylase activity. This work suggests that genetic engineering of cotton to express -amylase inhibitors may offer a novel route to A. grandis resistance.  相似文献   

Bacillus thuringiensis Cry toxins are currently used for pest control in transgenic crops but evolution of resistance by the insect pests threatens the use of this technology. The Cry1AbMod toxin was engineered to lack the alpha helix-1 of the parental Cry1Ab toxin and was shown to counter resistance to Cry1Ab and Cry1Ac toxins in different insect species including the fall armyworm Spodoptera frugiperda. In addition, Cry1AbMod showed enhanced toxicity to Cry1Ab-susceptible S. frugiperda populations. To gain insights into the mechanisms of this Cry1AbMod-enhanced toxicity, we isolated the Cry1AbMod toxin binding proteins from S. frugiperda brush border membrane vesicles (BBMV), which were identified by pull-down assay and liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC–MS/MS). The LC–MS/MS results indicated that Cry1AbMod toxin could bind to four classes of aminopeptidase (N1, N3, N4 y N5) and actin, with the highest amino acid sequence coverage acquired for APN 1 and APN4. In addition to these proteins, we found other proteins not previously described as Cry toxin binding proteins. This is the first report that suggests the interaction between Cry1AbMod and APN in S. frugiperda.  相似文献   

Studies on insect food intake and utilization are important for determining the degree of insect/plant association and host species’ resistance, and also for helping design pest management programs by providing estimates of potential economic losses, techniques for mass breeding of insects, and identifying physiological differences between species. We studied the feeding and development of fall armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda (JE Smith) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), on transgenic (Bt) and non‐transgenic (non‐Bt) cotton. The larvae of S. frugiperda fed on Bt cotton had a longer development period (23.0 days) than those fed on non‐Bt cotton (20.2 days). Survivorship of S. frugiperda larvae fed on Bt cotton (74.1%) was lower than that of larvae fed on non‐Bt cotton (96.7%). Pupal weight of larvae fed on Bt cotton (0.042 g) was lower than that of larvae fed on non‐Bt cotton (0.061 g). The cotton cultivar significantly affected food intake, feces production, metabolization, and food assimilation by S. frugiperda larvae. However, it did not affect their weight gain. Intake of Bt‐cotton leaf (0.53 g dry weight) per S. frugiperda larva was lower than the intake of non‐Bt‐cotton leaf (0.61 g dry weight). Larvae fed on Bt‐cotton leaves produced less feces (0.25 g dry weight) than those fed on non‐Bt‐cotton leaves (0.37 g dry weight). Weight gain per S. frugiperda larva fed on Bt‐cotton leaves (0.058 g dry weight) was similar to the weight gain for larvae fed on non‐Bt‐cotton leaves (0.056 g dry weight). The cotton cultivar significantly affected the relative growth, consumption, and metabolic rates, as well as other nutritional indices: the figures were lower for larvae fed on Bt‐cotton leaves than for larvae fed on non‐transgenic cotton leaves.  相似文献   

Larval Spodoptera frugiperda hemolymph contains a specific inhibitor of the alternative pathway of human complement. This inhibitor was purified from larval hemolymph (HL) by 50% (NH4)2SO4 precipitation, DEAE-Sephacel chromatography and sequential gel-filtration on Bio-Gel 1.5m, 0.5m and Sephacryl S-200. Purified HL protein (Mr = 110,000) was composed of two Mr 55,000 polypeptide chains. Addition of purified HL protein to human complement resulted in a dose-dependent inhibition of RaRBC lysis and clumping of cells. The protein inhibitor provides a new tool for investigating the regulation of human alternative complement pathway.  相似文献   

Susceptibility of Spodoptera exigua to 9 toxins from Bacillus thuringiensis   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Nine of the most common lepidopteran active Cry proteins from Bacillus thuringiensis have been tested for activity against Spodoptera exigua. Because of possible intraspecific variability, three laboratory strains (FRA, HOL, and MUR) have been used. Mortality assays were performed with the three strains. LC50 values for the active toxins were determined to the FRA and the HOL strains, whereas susceptibility of the MUR strain was assessed using only two concentrations. The results showed that Cry1Ca, Cry1Da, and Cry1Fa were the most effective toxins with all strains. Cry1Ab was found effective for the HOL strain, but very little effective against FRA (6.5-fold) and MUR strains. Cry1Aa and Cry1Ac were marginally toxic to all strains, whereas the rest of the toxins tested (Cry1Ba, Cry2Aa, and Cry2Ab) were non toxic. Significant differences in susceptibility among strains were also found for Cry1Da, being the FRA strain 25-fold more susceptible than the HOL strain. Growth inhibition, as an additional susceptibility parameter, was determined in the FRA strain with the 9 toxins. The toxicity profile obtained differed from that observed in mortality assays. Cry1Aa, Cry1Ab, Cry1Ac, Cry1Ca, Cry1Da, and Cry1Fa toxins produced a similar larval growth inhibition. Cry2Aa had a lower but clear effect on larval growth inhibition, whereas Cry1Ba and Cry2Ab did not have any effect.  相似文献   

The Vip3Aa protein is an insecticidal protein secreted by Bacillus thuringiensis during the vegetative stage of growth. The activity of this protein has been tested after different steps/protocols of purification using Spodoptera frugiperda as a control insect. The results showed that the Vip3Aa protoxin was stable and retained full toxicity after being subjected to common biochemical steps used in protein purification. Bioassays with the protoxin in S. frugiperda and S. exigua showed pronounced differences in LC(50) values when mortality was measured at 7 vs. 10d. At 7d most live larvae were arrested in their development. LC(50) values of "functional mortality" (dead larvae plus larvae remaining in the first instar), measured at 7d, were similar or even lower than the LC(50) values of mortality at 10d. This strong growth inhibition was not observed when testing the trypsin-activated protein (62 kDa) in either species. S. exigua was less susceptible than S. frugiperda to the protoxin form, with LC(50) values around 10-fold higher. However, both species were equally susceptible to the trypsin-activated form. Processing of Vip3Aa protoxin to the activated form was faster with S. frugiperda midgut juice than with S. exigua midgut juice. The results strongly suggest that the differences in the rate of activation of the Vip3Aa protoxin between both species are the basis for the differences in susceptibility towards the protoxin form.  相似文献   

A Brazilian Bacillus thuringiensis subspecies israelensis, toxic to Diptera, including mosquitoes, was found also to show toxicity to the coleopteran boll weevil Anthonomus grandis Boheman at an equivalent level to that of the standard coleopteran-active B. thuringiensis subspecies tenebrionis T08017. Recombinant B. thuringiensis strains expressing the individual Cyt1Aa, Cry4Aa, Cry4Ba and Cry11Aa toxins from this strain were assessed to evaluate their potential contribution to the activity against A. grandis, either alone or in combination. Whilst individual toxins produced mortality, none was sufficiently potent to allow calculation of LC50 values. Combinations of toxins were unable to attain the same potency as the parental B. thuringiensis subsp. israelensis, suggesting a major role for other factors produced by this strain.  相似文献   

Studies were undertaken to investigate vitellogenesis and its regulation in female adults of the fall armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda. A single female-specific protein, likely to be the S. frugiperda vitellogenin (Vg), appeared approximately 5 h after adult eclosion in the hemolymph of virgin females. The concentration of the protein increased with age as sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) revealed. A protein with the same relative molecular mass was also present in egg extracts, but absent from hemolymph samples from male moths. The relative molecular mass of the designated S. frugiperda Vg was determined as 164.5+/-2.5 kDa. Vitellogenic oocytes became visible 36-48 h after emergence and egg deposition began on day 3 of adult life. Vg could not be detected in the hemolymph of females decapitated directly after eclosion. When decapitated virgin females were injected with the JH-mimic methoprene (MP), the level of Vg was comparable to that in non-decapitated moths, indicating that vitellogenesis in S. frugiperda depends on juvenile hormone (JH). However, the number of vitellogenic oocytes was somewhat lower than in non-decapitated virgin females. Injection of 20-hydroxyecdysone (20E) promoted Vg production to a similar extent in decapitated female moths, but in contrast to methoprene injection, treatment with 20E never resulted in the production of vitellogenic oocytes. In vitro cultivated ovaries of adult females dissected directly after eclosion produced lower amounts of ecdysteroids than those isolated on day 1 after emergence. Our results suggest a crucial role for 20E in the induction of vitellogenesis in the noctuid S. frugiperda, while JH seems to be essential for the continued uptake of Vg by developing oocytes and may trigger 20E biosynthesis in the ovary.  相似文献   

The boll weevil (Anthonomus grandis Boheman) is a major insect pest of cotton in North America. Dispersal activity poses a threat to ongoing eradication efforts in the US, but little is known about the frequency of long‐distance migration. Nuclear molecular markers are needed to assess gene flow in relation to geographical distance. A biotin‐enrichment strategy was employed to develop microsatellite markers for the boll weevil. Of 23 loci isolated, 14 were polymorphic with three to 10 alleles per locus. Twelve of the polymorphic loci showed Mendelian inheritance and are likely to be useful in population genetics studies.  相似文献   

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