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We studied the interaction of the artificial 12-aa proline-rich peptide PD1 with the SH3 domain of the hematopoietic cell kinase Hck and the peptide's potency in competitively displacing HIV-1 Nef from the Hck SH3 domain. PD1 was obtained from a phage display screen and exhibits exceptional affinity for the Hck SH3 domain (K(d)=0.23 microM). Competition experiments using NMR spectroscopy demonstrate that the peptide even displaces Nef from Hck SH3 and allow for estimation of the Nef-Hck SH3 dissociation constant (K(d)=0.44 microM), the strongest SH3 ligand interaction known so far. Consequences of this study for novel antiviral concepts are discussed.  相似文献   

Jung J  Byeon IJ  Ahn J  Gronenborn AM 《Proteins》2011,79(5):1609-1622
Nef is an HIV accessory protein that plays an important role in the progression of disease after viral infection. It interferes with numerous signaling pathways, one of which involves serine/threonine kinases. Here, we report the results of an NMR structural investigation on full-length Nef and its interaction with the entire regulatory domain of Hck (residues 72-256; Hck32L). A helical conformation was found at the N-terminus for residues 14-22, preceding the folded core domain. In contrast to the previously studied truncated Nef (Nef Δ1-39), the full-length Nef did not show any interactions of Trp57/Leu58 with the hydrophobic patch formed by helices α1 and α2. Upon Hck32L binding, the N-terminal anchor domain as well as the well-known SH3-binding site of Nef exhibited significant chemical shift changes. Upon Nef binding, resonance changes in the Hck spectrum were confined mostly to the SH3 domain, with additional effects seen for the connector between SH3 and SH2, the N-terminal region of SH2 and the linker region that contains the regulatory polyproline motif. The binding data suggest that in full-length Nef more than the core domain partakes in the interaction. The solution conformation of Hck32L was modeled using RDC data and compared with the crystal structure of the equivalent region in the inactivated, full-length Hck, revealing a notable difference in the relative orientations of the SH3 and SH2 domains. The RDC-based model combined with (15)N backbone dynamics data suggest that Hck32L adopts an open conformation without binding of the polyproline motif in the linker to the SH3 domain.  相似文献   

The interaction between HIV-1 Nef and the Src kinase Hck in macrophages has been shown to accelerate the progression to AIDS. We previously showed that Nef disturbed the N-glycosylation/trafficking of Fms, a cytokine receptor essential for maintaining macrophages in an anti-inflammatory state, in an Hck-dependent manner. Here, we show the underlying molecular mechanism of this effect. Using various Hck isoforms and their mutants and Golgi-targeting Hck mutants, we confirmed that Hck activation at the Golgi causes the Nef-induced Fms N-glycosylation defect. Importantly, we found that both the co-expression of Nef and Hck and the expression of a Golgi-targeted active Hck mutant caused alterations in the distribution of GM130, a Golgi protein that was shown to be required for efficient protein glycosylation. Moreover, the activation of Hck at the Golgi caused strong serine phosphorylation of the GM130-interacting Golgi structural protein GRASP65, which is known to induce Golgi cisternal unstacking. Using pharmacological inhibitors, we also found that the activation of Hck at the Golgi followed by the activation of the MAP kinase ERK-GRASP65 cascade is involved in the Fms N-glycosylation defect. These results suggest that Nef perturbs the structure and signaling of the Golgi by activating Hck at the Golgi, and thereby, induces the N-glycosylation/trafficking defect of Fms, which is in line with the idea that Src family kinases are crucial Golgi regulators.  相似文献   

Src family protein-tyrosine kinases are regulated by intramolecular binding of the SH2 domain to the C-terminal tail and association of the SH3 domain with the SH2 kinase-linker. The presence of two regulatory interactions raises the question of whether disruption of both is required for kinase activation. To address this question, we engineered a high affinity linker (HAL) mutant of the Src family member Hck in which an optimal SH3 ligand was substituted for the natural linker. Surface plasmon resonance analysis demonstrated tight intramolecular binding of the modified HAL sequence to SH3. Hck-HAL was then combined with a tail tyrosine mutation (Y501F) and expressed in Rat-2 fibroblasts. Surprisingly, Hck-HAL-Y501F showed strong transforming and kinase activities, demonstrating that intramolecular SH3-linker release is not required for SH2-based kinase activation. In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, which lacks the negative regulatory tail kinase Csk, wild-type Hck was more strongly activated in the presence of an SH3-binding protein (human immunodeficiency virus-1 Nef), indicating persistence of native SH3-linker interaction in an active Hck conformation. Taken together, these data support the existence of multiple active conformations of Src family kinases that may generate unique downstream signals.  相似文献   

We have examined the differential binding of Hck and Fyn to HIV-1 Nef to elucidate the structural basis of SH3 binding affinity and specificity. Full-length Nef bound to Hck SH3 with the highest affinity reported for an SH3-mediated interaction (KD 250 nM). In contrast to Hck, affinity of the highly homologous Fyn SH3 for Nef was too weak (KD > 20 microM) to be accurately determined. We show that this distinct specificity lies in a variable loop, the 'RT loop', positioned close to conserved SH3 residues implicated in the binding of proline-rich (PxxP) motifs. A mutant Fyn SH3 with a single amino acid substitution (R96I) in its RT loop had an affinity (KD 380 nM) for Nef comparable with that of Hck SH3. Based on additional mutagenesis studies we propose that the selective recognition of Nef by Hck SH3 is determined by hydrophobic interactions involving an isoleucine residue in its RT loop. Although Nef contains a PxxP motif which is necessary for the interaction with Hck SH3, high affinity binding was only observed for intact Nef protein. The binding of a peptide containing the Nef PxxP motif showed > 300-fold weaker affinity for Hck SH3 than full-length Nef.  相似文献   

The nef gene is required for optimal viral spread of human and simian immunodeficiency viruses. However, the molecular mechanisms underlying the action of the Nef proteins may not be identical for all viral families. Here we investigate the interaction between the Nef protein of human and simian immunodeficiency viruses and SH3 domains from Src family kinases. Using the yeast two-hybrid system and immunoblotting we show that, in contrast to HIV-1 Nef, SIV and HIV-2 Nef poorly interact with Hck SH3 but bind to Src and Fyn SH3 domains. The molecular basis of these differences in SH3 targeting was revealed by sequence analysis and homology modeling of the putative SH3-Nef structures. Three amino acids (Trp-113, Thr-117, and Gln-118) that localize in a "hydrophobic pocket" implicated in SH3 binding of HIV-1 Nef, are systematically substituted in SIV/HIV-2 alleles (by Tyr, Glu, and Glu, respectively). We demonstrate that site-directed mutagenesis of these residues in SIV(mac239) Nef suffices to restore Hck SH3 binding and co-immunoprecipitation with full-length Hck from transfected cells. Our findings identify fundamental mechanistic differences in targeting of Src family kinases by HIV and SIV Nef. The herein described mechanism of SH3 selection by Nef via a "pocket" proximal to the canonical proline-rich motif may be a common feature for SH3 recognition by their natural ligands.  相似文献   

Monteiro AN 《Biochimie》2006,88(7):905-911
When cells are treated with Ca(2+) and Ca(2+)-ionophore, c-Src kinase activity increases, whereas c-Yes kinase activity decreases. This opposite modulation can be reproduced in an in vitro reconstitution assay and is dependent on Ca(2+) and on soluble factors present in cell lysates. Since c-Src and c-Yes share a high degree of homology, with the exception of their N-terminal "unique" domains, their activity was thought to be coordinately regulated. To assess the mechanism of regulation we generated stable cell lines expressing eight different constructs containing wild type c-Src and c-Yes, as well as swaps of the unique domain alone, unique and Src homology 3 (SH3) domains together and the SH3 domain alone. Swapping of the unique domains was not sufficient to reverse the regulation of the chimeric molecules. On the other hand, chimeras containing swaps of the unique plus the SH3 domains displayed reverse regulation, implicating both domains in the regulation of kinase activity by Ca(2+). To rule out the participation of the unique domain, we used chimeric molecules with swapped SH3 domains only and found that the SH3 domain is necessary and sufficient to confer Ca(2+)-mediated regulation of Src and Yes tyrosine kinases.  相似文献   

The association of the SH3 (Src homology 3) domain of SFKs (Src family kinases) with protein partners bearing proline-rich motifs has been implicated in the regulation of SFK activity, and has been described as a possible mechanism of relocalization of SFKs to subcellular compartments. We demonstrate in the present study for the first time that p13, an accessory protein encoded by the HTLV-1 (human T-cell leukaemia virus type?1), binds the SH3 domain of SFKs via its C-terminal proline-rich motif, forming a stable heterodimer that translocates to mitochondria by virtue of its N-terminal mitochondrial localization signal. As a result, the activity of SFKs is dramatically enhanced, with a subsequent increase in mitochondrial tyrosine phosphorylation, and the recognized ability of p13 to insert itself into the inner mitochondrial membrane and to perturb the mitochondrial membrane potential is abolished. Overall, the present study, in addition to confirming that the catalytic activity of SFKs is modulated by interactors of their SH3 domain, leads us to hypothesize a general mechanism by which proteins bearing a proline-rich motif and a mitochondrial localization signal at the same time may act as carriers of SFKs into mitochondria, thus contributing to the regulation of mitochondrial functions under various pathophysiological conditions.  相似文献   

The chemotactic peptide formyl-methionyl-leucyl-phenilalanine (fMLP) triggers intracellular protein tyrosine phosphorylation leading to neutrophil activation. Deficiency of the Src family kinases Hck and Fgr have previously been found to regulate fMLP-induced degranulation. In this study, we further investigate fMLP signaling in hck-/-fgr-/- neutrophils and find that they fail to activate a respiratory burst and display reduced F-actin polymerization in response to fMLP. Additionally, albeit migration of both hck-/-fgr-/-mouse neutrophils and human neutrophils incubated with the Src family kinase inhibitor 4-amino-5-(4-chlorophenyl)-7-(t-butyl)pyrazolo[3,4-d]pyrimidine (PP2) through 3-microm pore size Transwells was normal, deficiency, or inhibition, of Src kinases resulted in a failure of neutrophils to migrate through 1-microm pore size Transwells. Among MAPKs, phosphorylation of ERK1/2 was not different, phosphorylation of p38 was only partially affected, and phosphorylation of JNK was markedly decreased in fMLP-stimulated hck-/-fgr-/- neutrophils and in human neutrophils incubated with PP2. An increase in intracellular Ca(2+) concentration and phosphorylation of Akt/PKB occurred normally in fMLP-stimulated hck-/-fgr-/- neutrophils, indicating that activation of both phosphoinositide-specific phospholipase C and PI3K is independent of Hck and Fgr. In contrast, phosphorylation of the Rho/Rac guanine nucleotide exchange factor Vav1 and the Rac target p21-activated kinases were markedly reduced in both hck-/-fgr-/- neutrophils and human neutrophils incubated with a PP2. Consistent with these findings, PP2 inhibited Rac2 activation in human neutrophils. We suggest that Hck and Fgr act within a signaling pathway triggered by fMLP receptors that involves Vav1 and p21-activated kinases, leading to respiratory burst and F-actin polymerization.  相似文献   

Ye H  Choi HJ  Poe J  Smithgall TE 《Biochemistry》2004,43(50):15775-15784
Hck is a member of the Src protein-tyrosine kinase family and is expressed strongly in macrophages, an important HIV target cell. Previous studies have shown that Nef, an HIV-1 accessory protein essential for AIDS progression, binds and activates Hck through its SH3 domain. Structural analysis suggests that Nef forms oligomers in vivo, which may bring multiple Hck molecules into close proximity and promote autophosphorylation. Using bimolecular GFP fluorescence complementation, we show for the first time that Nef oligomerizes in living cells and that the oligomers localize to the plasma membrane. To test the role of Nef oligomerization in Hck activation, we fused Nef to the hormone-binding domain of the estrogen receptor (Nef-ER), allowing us to control its dimerization with 4-hydroxytamoxifen (4-HT). In Rat-2 fibroblasts co-expressing Nef-ER and Hck, 4-HT treatment induced Nef-ER dimer and tetramer formation, leading to Hck kinase activation and cellular transformation. The number of transformed foci observed with Nef-ER plus Hck in the presence of 4-HT was markedly greater than that observed with wild-type Nef plus Hck, suggesting that enforced oligomerization enhances activation of Hck by Nef in vivo. Enhanced transformation correlated with increased Hck/Nef complex formation at the plasma membrane. In complementary experiments, we observed that a Nef mutant defective for Hck SH3 domain binding (Nef-PA) suppressed Hck kinase activation and transformation by the wild-type Hck/Nef complex. This effect correlated with the formation of a ternary complex between wild-type Nef, Nef-PA, and Hck, suggesting that Nef-PA suppresses Hck activation by blocking wild-type Nef oligomerization. Finally, Nef-ER induced Hck activation in a 4-HT-dependent manner in the macrophage precursor cell line TF-1, suggesting that oligomerization is essential for signaling through Hck in a cell background relevant to HIV infection. Together, these data demonstrate that Nef oligomerization is critical to the activation of Hck in vivo, and suggest that inhibitors of oligomerization may suppress Nef signaling through Hck in HIV-infected macrophages, slowing disease progression.  相似文献   

Many proteins involved in intracellular signal transduction contain a small, 50-60 amino acid domain, termed the Src homology 3 (SH3) domain. This domain appears to mediate critical protein-protein interactions that are involved in responses to extracellular signals. Previous studies have shown that the SH3 domains from several proteins recognize short, contiguous amino acid sequences that are rich in proline residues. While all SH3 recognition sequences identified to date share a conserved P-X-X-P motif, the sequence recognition specificity of individual SH3 domains is poorly understood. We have employed a novel modification of phage display involving biased libraries to identify peptide ligands of the Src, Fyn, Lyn, PI3K and Abl SH3 domains. With biased libraries, we probed SH3 recognition over a 12 amino acid window. The Src SH3 domain prefers the sequence XXXRPLPPLPXP, Fyn prefers XXXRPLPP(I/L)PXX, Lyn prefers RXXRPLPPLPXP, PI3K prefers RXXRPLPPLPP while the Abl SH3 domain selects phage containing the sequence PPPYPPPP(I/V)PXX. We have also analysed the binding properties of Abl and Src SH3 ligands. We find that although the phage-displayed Abl and Src SH3 ligands are proline rich, they are distinct. In surface plasmon resonance binding assays, these SH3 domains displayed highly selective binding to their cognate ligands when the sequences were displayed on the surface of the phage or as synthetic peptides. The selection of these high affinity SH3 peptide ligands provides valuable information on the recognition motifs of SH3 domains, serve as new tools to interfere with the cellular functions of SH3 domain-mediated processes and form the basis for the design of SH3-specific inhibitors of disease pathways.  相似文献   

We studied the interaction of hematopoietic cell kinase SH3 domain (HckSH3) with an artificial 12-residue proline-rich peptide PD1 (HSKYPLPPLPSL) identified as high affinity ligand (K(D)=0.2 muM). PD1 shows an unusual ligand sequence for SH3 binding in type I orientation because it lacks the typical basic anchor residue at position P(-3), but instead has a tyrosine residue at this position. A basic lysine residue, however, is present at position P(-4). The solution structure of the HckSH3:PD1 complex, which is the first HckSH3 complex structure available, clearly reveals that the P(-3) tyrosine residue of PD1 does not take the position of the typical anchor residue but rather forms additional van der Waals interactions with the HckSH3 RT loop. Instead, lysine at position P(-4) of PD1 substitutes the function of the P(-3) anchor residue. This finding expands the well known ligand consensus sequence +xxPpxP by +xxxPpxP. Thus, software tools like iSPOT fail to identify PD1 as a high-affinity HckSH3 ligand so far. In addition, a short antiparallel beta-sheet in the RT loop of HckSH3 is observed upon PD1 binding. The structure of the HckSH3:PD1 complex reveals novel features of SH3 ligand binding and yields new insights into the structural basics of SH3-ligand interactions. Consequences for computational prediction tools adressing SH3-ligand interactions as well as the biological relevance of our findings are discussed.  相似文献   

The regulatory domains of Src family kinases SH3 and SH2 suppress Src activity when bound to the catalytic domain. Here, the isolated SH3-SH2 fragment from the Src family member Fyn (FynSH32) is studied by NMR. The properties of this fragment are expected to be similar to the domains in the active state, where they are dissociated from the catalytic domain. Crosscommunication between SH3 and SH2 of FynSH32, measured by chemical shift perturbation, was found to be small. Diffusion and alignment anisotropy measurements showed that SH3 and SH2 of peptide-bound FynSH32 are significantly coupled but still exhibit some interdomain flexibility. The observed average domain orientation indicates that a large SH3-SH2 domain closure is required to reach the inactive state. The implications of these results for Src regulation are discussed.  相似文献   

HIV-1 Nef, which is required for the efficient onset of AIDS, enhances viral replication and infectivity by exerting multiple effects on infected cells. Nef downregulates cell-surface MHC-I molecules by an uncharacterized PI3K pathway requiring the actions of two Nef motifs-EEEE(65) and PXXP(75). We report that the Nef EEEE(65) targeting motif enables Nef PXXP(75) to bind and activate a trans-Golgi network-localized Src family tyrosine kinase (SFK). The Nef/SFK complex then recruits and phosphorylates the tyrosine kinase ZAP-70, which binds class I PI3K to trigger MHC-I downregulation in primary CD4+ T cells. In promonocytic cells, Nef/SFK recruits the ZAP-70 homolog Syk to downregulate MHC-I, implicating this PI3K pathway in multiple HIV-1 reservoirs. Isoform-specific PI3K inhibitors repress MHC-I downregulation, identifying them as potential therapeutic agents to combat HIV-1. The discovery of this Nef-SFK-ZAP-70/Syk-PI3K signaling pathway explains the hierarchal role of the Nef motifs in effecting immunoevasion.  相似文献   

The importance of the SH3 domain of Hck in kinase regulation, substrate phosphorylation, and ligand binding has been established. However, few in vivo ligands are known for the SH3 domain of Hck. In this study, we used mass spectrometry to identify approximately 25 potential binding partners for the SH3 domain of Hck from the monocyte cell line U937. Two major interacting proteins were the actin binding proteins Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome protein (WASP) and WASP-interacting protein (WIP). We also focused on a novel interaction between Hck and ELMO1, an 84-kDa protein that was recently identified as the mammalian ortholog of the Caenorhabditis elegans gene, ced-12. In mammalian cells, ELMO1 interacts with Dock180 as a component of the CrkII/Dock180/Rac pathway responsible for phagocytosis and cell migration. Using purified proteins, we confirmed that WASP-interacting protein and ELMO1 interact directly with the SH3 domain of Hck. We also show that Hck and ELMO1 interact in intact cells and that ELMO1 is heavily tyrosine-phosphorylated in cells that co-express Hck, suggesting that it is a substrate of Hck. The binding of ELMO1 to Hck is specifically dependent on the interaction of a polyproline motif with the SH3 domain of Hck. Our results suggest that these proteins may be novel activators/effectors of Hck.  相似文献   

The accessory protein Nef of human and simian immunodeficiency viruses (HIV and SIV) is an important pathogenicity factor known to interact with cellular protein kinases and other signaling proteins. A canonical SH3 domain binding motif in Nef is required for most of these interactions. For example, HIV-1 Nef activates the tyrosine kinase Hck by tightly binding to its SH3 domain. An archetypal contact between a negatively charged SH3 residue and a highly conserved arginine in Nef (Arg77) plays a key role here. Combining structural analyses with functional assays, we here show that Nef proteins have also developed a distinct structural strategy—termed the "R-clamp”—that favors the formation of this salt bridge via buttressing Arg77. Comparison of evolutionarily diverse Nef proteins revealed that several distinct R-clamps have evolved that are functionally equivalent but differ in the side chain compositions of Nef residues 83 and 120. Whereas a similar R-clamp design is shared by Nef proteins of HIV-1 groups M, O, and P, as well as SIVgor, the Nef proteins of SIV from the Eastern chimpanzee subspecies (SIVcpzP.t.s.) exclusively utilize another type of R-clamp. By contrast, SIV of Central chimpanzees (SIVcpzP.t.t.) and HIV-1 group N strains show more heterogenous R-clamp design principles, including a non-functional evolutionary intermediate of the aforementioned two classes. These data add to our understanding of the structural basis of SH3 binding and kinase deregulation by Nef, and provide an interesting example of primate lentiviral protein evolution.  相似文献   

Src homology 3 (SH3) domains mediate protein-protein interactions necessary for the coupling of cellular proteins involved in intracellular signal transduction. We previously established solution-binding conditions that allow affinity isolation of Src SH3-binding proteins from cellular extracts (Z. Weng, J. A. Taylor, C. E. Turner, J. S. Brugge, and C. Seidel-Dugan, J. Biol. Chem. 268:14956-14963, 1993). In this report, we identified three of these proteins: Shc, a signaling protein that couples membrane tyrosine kinases with Ras; p62, a protein which can bind to p21rasGAP; and heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein K, a pre-mRNA-binding protein. All of these proteins contain proline-rich peptide motifs that could serve as SH3 domain ligands, and the binding of these proteins to the Src SH3 domain was inhibited with a proline-rich Src SH3 peptide ligand. These three proteins, as well as most of the other Src SH3 ligands, also bound to the SH3 domains of the closely related protein tyrosine kinases Fyn and Lyn. However, Src- and Lyn-specific SH3-binding proteins were also detected, suggesting subtle differences in the binding specificity of the SH3 domains from these related proteins. Several Src SH3-binding proteins were phosphorylated in Src-transformed cells. The phosphorylation of these proteins was not detected in cells transformed by a mutant variant of Src lacking the SH3 domain, while there was little change in tyrosine phosphorylation of other Src-induced phosphoproteins. In addition, the coprecipitation of v-Src with two tyrosyl-phosphorylated proteins with M(r)s of 62,000 and 130,000 was inhibited by incubation with a Src SH3 peptide ligand, suggesting that the binding of these substrate proteins is dependent on interactions with the SH3 domain. These results strongly suggest a role for the Src SH3 domain in the recruitment of substrates to this protein tyrosine kinase, either through direct interaction with the SH3 domain or indirectly through interactions with proteins that bind to the SH3 domain.  相似文献   

Bcr-Abl is the oncogenic protein-tyrosine kinase responsible for chronic myelogenous leukemia. Recently, we observed that inhibition of myeloid Src family kinase activity (e.g. Hck, Lyn, and Fyn) induces growth arrest and apoptosis in Bcr-Abl-transformed cells, suggesting that cell transformation by Bcr-Abl involves Src family kinases (Wilson, M. B., Schreiner, S. J., Choi, H. J., Kamens, J., and Smithgall, T. E. (2002) Oncogene 21, 8075-8088). Here, we report the unexpected observation that Hck, Lyn, and Fyn strongly phosphorylate the SH3-SH2 region of Bcr-Abl. Seven phosphorylation sites were identified by matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry: Tyr89 and Tyr134 in the Abl-derived SH3 domain; Tyr147 in the SH3-SH2 connector; and Tyr158, Tyr191, Tyr204, and Tyr234 in the SH2 domain. SH3 domain Tyr89, the most prominent phosphorylation site in vitro, was strongly phosphorylated in chronic myelogenous leukemia cells in a Src family kinase-dependent manner. Substitution of the SH3-SH2 tyrosine phosphorylation sites with phenylalanine substantially reduced Bcr-Abl-mediated transformation of TF-1 myeloid cells to cytokine independence. The positions of these tyrosines in the crystal structure of the c-Abl core and the transformation defect of the corresponding Bcr-Abl mutants together suggest that phosphorylation of the SH3-SH2 region by Src family kinases impacts Bcr-Abl protein conformation and signaling.  相似文献   

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