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In open brain (opb) mutant embryos, developmental defects of the trunk spinal cord were spatially correlated with severe defects of the epaxial somite derivatives including sclerotomes, whereas hypaxial somite derivatives are much less affected. Later in development, the neural arches (epaxial sclerotome derivatives) formed but were severely disorganized, and also the distal ribs (hypaxial sclerotome derivatives) were malformed. Adjacent neural arches and vertebral bodies were often fused where joints should have formed suggesting defects of the intrasomitic borderlines. Moreover, neural arches frequently and ribs sometimes were split into halves at distinct levels along the dorso-ventral body axis. This suggests that ‘resegmentation’ of sclerotomes across the somite borders did not completely occur. These prominent skeletal defects were preceded by reduced expression of Pax1 along the intrasomitic borderlines, and incomplete maintenance of somite borders between central sclerotome moieties. The defects of the axial skeleton were accompanied by segmentation defects of the myotomes which were split distally, and also partly fused from adjacent segments across somite borders. The segmentation defects observed suggest that in opb mutants both segmental borderlines, the somite borders and the intrasomitic borderlines (fissures), were affected and behaved paradoxically. Dev. Genet. 22:359–373, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Adhesive subdivisions intrinsic to the epithelial somites.   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Developing somites express two subtypes of classic cadherin adhesion receptors, N-cadherin and cadherin-11 (cad11). To investigate the role of these adhesion molecules in somite morphogenesis, we analyzed the somites of mice whose N-cadherin and cad11 genes were disrupted. The epithelial somites of N-cadherin null mutant mice were fragmented as reported, whereas those of cad11(-/-) mice showed no structural anomaly. In mice double homozygous for N-cadherin and cad11 mutation, however, somites were further fragmented into smaller clusters than in the N-cadherin-deficient mice, suggesting that these two cadherins cooperate in the maintenance of epithelial somites. Despite the disorganization of epithelial structures, dorsoventral polarity markers were expressed in their correct patterns in all of these mutant somites. Uncx4.1, whose expression is localized only in the caudal region of each somite, was also expressed in a normal pattern in the mutant somites. However, the staining for Uncx4.1 revealed that, in the N-cadherin mutants, each somite tended to be cleaved at the border between the Uncx4. 1-positive and -negative regions and that the cleaved subunits maintained the clustered state, often exhibiting epithelioid morphology. This separation of the rostral and caudal regions was observed as soon as the epithelial somites had been formed. In the N-cadherin/cad11 double-homozygous mutants, this tendency was also observed, although each half of the somite further disintegrated into randomly arranged cell clusters. These results suggest that cells of the rostral and caudal regions of each epithelial somite have an activity to aggregate independently or separate from one another and that one role of N-cadherin and cad11 is to connect the two halves into a single unit.  相似文献   

We examined the expression and functions of Pax1 and Pax9 in a teleost fish, the medaka Oryzias latipes. While Pax1 and Pax9 show distinct expression in the sclerotome in amniotes, we could not detect the differential expression of Pax1 and Pax9 in the developing sclerotome of the medaka. Furthermore, unlike the mouse, in which Pax1 is essential for development of the vertebral body, and where the neural arch is formed independent of either Pax1 or Pax9, our morpholino knockdown experiments revealed that both Pax1 and Pax9 are indispensable for the development of the vertebral body and neural arch. Therefore, we conclude that after gene duplication, Pax1 and Pax9 subfunctionalize their roles in the sclerotome independently in teleosts and amniotes. In Stage-30 embryo, Pax9 was strongly expressed in the posterior mesoderm, as was also observed for mouse Pax9. Since this expression was not detected for Pax1 in the mouse or fish, this new expression in the posterior mesoderm likely evolved in Pax9 of ancestral vertebrates after gene duplication. Two-month-old fish injected with Pax9 morpholino oligonucleotide showed abnormal morphology in the tail hypural skeletal element, which may have been related to this expression.  相似文献   

Somites are mesodermal structures which appear transiently in vertebrates in the course of their development. Cells situated ventromedially in a somite differentiate into the sclerotome, which gives rise to cartilage, while the other part of the somite differentiates into dermomyotome which gives rise to muscle and dermis. The sclerotome is further divided into a rostral half, where neural crest cells settle and motor nerves grow, and a caudal half. To find out when these axes are determined and how they rule later development, especially the morphogenesis of cartilage derived from the somites, we transplanted the newly formed three caudal somites of 2.5-day-old quail embryos into chick embryos of about the same age, with reversal of some axes. The results were summarized as follows. (1) When transplantation reversed only the dorsoventral axis, one day after the operation the two caudal somites gave rise to normal dermomyotomes and sclerotomes, while the most rostral somite gave rise to a sclerotome abnormally situated just beneath ectoderm. These results suggest that the dorsoventral axis was not determined when the somites were formed, but began to be determined about three hours after their formation. (2) When the transplantation reversed only the rostrocaudal axis, two days after the operation the rudiments of dorsal root ganglia were formed at the caudal (originally rostral) halves of the transplanted sclerotomes. The rostrocaudal axis of the somites had therefore been determined when the somites were formed. (3) When the transplantation reversed both the dorsoventral and the rostrocaudal axes, two days after the operation, sclerotomes derived from the prospective dermomyotomal region of the somites were shown to keep their original rostrocaudal axis, judging from the position of the rudiments of ganglia. Combined with results 1 and 2, this suggested that the fate of the sclerotomal cells along the rostrocaudal axis was determined previously and independently of the determination of somite cell differentiation into dermomyotome and sclerotome. (4) In the 9.5-day-old chimeric embryos with rostrocaudally reversed somites, the morphology of vertebrae and ribs derived from the explanted somites were reversed along the rostrocaudal axis. The morphology of cartilage derived from the somites was shown to be determined intrinsically in the somites by the time these were formed from the segmental plate. The rostrocaudal pattern of the vertebral column is therefore controlled by factors intrinsic to the somitic mesoderm, and not by interactions between this mesoderm and the notochord and/or neural tube, arising after segmentation.  相似文献   

In the development of the somite, signals from neighboring tissues have been suggested to play critical roles. We have found that when interaction between the ectoderm and the somite is blocked by inserting a piece of polyethylene terephatalate film between them in 2-day-chicken embryo, one of the derivatives of somite, the distal rib, did not form. We examined somite development after the operation, to know the correlation between somite development and distal rib formation. In the operated embryo, the dermomyotome was medio-laterally shorter than in the normal embryo, and Pax3 and Sim1 expressions that are seen in the lateral part of normal dermomyotomes were not found, suggesting that the lateral part of the dermomyotome was missing. Although the sclerotome appeared to be normal in its histology and Pax1 expression pattern in the operated embryo, we could not detect the expression of either Scleraxis nor γ-FBP that are expressed in the cells around the boundaries between the adjacent dermomyotomes in normal embryos. Thus, under the influence of surface ectoderm, the lateral part of dermomyotome and/or the mesenchyme around rostral and caudal edges of dermomyotomes are suggested to play an important role in the distal rib development.  相似文献   

The traditional view that all parts of the ribs originate from the sclerotome of the thoracic somites has recently been challenged by an alternative view suggesting that only the proximal rib derives from the sclerotome, while the distal rib arises from regions of the dermomyotome. In view of this continuing controversy and to learn more about the cell interactions during rib morphogenesis, this study aimed to reveal the precise contributions made by somitic cells to the ribs and associated tissues of the thoracic cage. A replication-deficient lacZ-encoding retrovirus was utilized to label cell populations within distinct regions of somites 19-26 in stage 13-18 chick embryos. Analysis of the subsequent contributions made by these cells revealed that the thoracic somites are the sole source of cells for the ribs. More precisely, it is the sclerotome compartment of the somites that contributes cells to both the proximal and distal elements of the ribs, confirming the traditional view of the origin of the ribs. Results also indicate that the precursor cells of the ribs and intercostal muscles are intimately associated within the somite, a relationship that may be essential for proper rib morphogenesis. Finally, the data from this study also show that the distal ribs are largely subject to resegmentation, although cell mixing may occur at the most sternal extremities.  相似文献   

Inductive signals from adjacent tissues initiate differentiation within the somite. In this study, we used mouse embryos mutant for the BMP antagonists noggin (Nog) and gremlin 1 (Grem1) to characterize the effects of BMP signaling on the specification of the sclerotome. We confirmed reduction of Pax1 and Pax9 expression in Nog mutants, but found that Nog;Grem1 double mutants completely fail to initiate sclerotome development. Furthermore, Nog mutants that also lack one allele of Grem1 exhibit a dramatic reduction in axial skeleton relative to animals mutant for Nog alone. By contrast, Pax3, Myf5 and Lbx1 expression indicates that dermomyotome induction occurs in Nog;Grem1 double mutants. Neither conditional Bmpr1a mutation nor treatment with the BMP type I receptor inhibitor dorsomorphin expands sclerotome marker expression, suggesting that BMP antagonists do not have an instructive function in sclerotome specification. Instead, we hypothesize that Nog- and Grem1-mediated inhibition of BMP is permissive for hedgehog (Hh) signal-mediated sclerotome specification. In support of this model, we found that culturing Nog;Grem1 double-mutant embryos with dorsomorphin restores sclerotome, whereas Pax1 expression in smoothened (Smo) mutants is not rescued, suggesting that inhibition of BMP is insufficient to induce sclerotome in the absence of Hh signaling. Confirming the dominant inhibitory effect of BMP signaling, Pax1 expression cannot be rescued in Nog;Grem1 double mutants by forced activation of Smo. We conclude that Nog and Grem1 cooperate to maintain a BMP signaling-free zone that is a crucial prerequisite for Hh-mediated sclerotome induction.  相似文献   

We have repeated classic dorsoventral somite rotation experiments (Aoyama and Asamoto, 1988, Development 104, 15-28) and included dorsal and ventral gene expression markers for the somitogenic tissue types, myotome and sclerotome, respectively. While the histological results are consistent with those previously published, gene expression analysis indicates that cells previously thought to be 'sclerotome' no longer express Pax1 mRNA, a sclerotome marker. These results, together with recent quail-chick transplantation experiments indicating that even very late sclerotome tissue fragments are multipotential (Dockter and Ordahl, 1998, Development 125, 2113-2124), lead to the conclusion that sclerotome tissue remains phenotypically and morphogenetically plastic during early embryonic somitogenesis. Myotome precursor cells, by contrast, appear to be determined within hours after somite epithelization; a finding consistent with recent reports (Williams and Ordahl, 1997, Development 124, 4983-4997). Therefore, while these findings support a central conclusion of Aoyama and Asamoto, that axis determination begins to occur within hours after somite epithelialization, the identity of the responding tissues, myotome versus sclerotome, differs. A simple model proposed to reconcile these observations supports the general hypothesis that determinative aspects of early paraxial mesoderm growth and morphogenesis occur in early and late phases that are governed principally by the myotome and sclerotome, respectively.  相似文献   

Somites are transient mesodermal structures giving rise to all skeletal muscles of the body, the axial skeleton and the dermis of the back. Somites arise from successive segmentation of the presomitic mesoderm (PSM). They appear first as epithelial spheres that rapidly differentiate into a ventral mesenchyme, the sclerotome, and a dorsal epithelial dermomyotome. The sclerotome gives rise to vertebrae and ribs while the dermomyotome is the source of all skeletal muscles and the dorsal dermis. Quail-chick fate mapping and diI-labeling experiments have demonstrated that the epithelial somite can be further subdivided into a medial and a lateral moiety. These two subdomains are derived from different regions of the primitive streak and give rise to different sets of muscles. The lateral somitic cells migrate to form the musculature of the limbs and body wall, known as the hypaxial muscles, while the medial somite gives rise to the vertebrae and the associated epaxial muscles. The respective contribution of the medial and lateral somitic compartments to the other somitic derivatives, namely the dermis and the ribs has not been addressed and therefore remains unknown. We have created quail-chick chimeras of either the medial or lateral part of the PSM to examine the origin of the dorsal dermis and the ribs. We demonstrate that the whole dorsal dermis and the proximal ribs exclusively originates from the medial somitic compartment, whereas the distal ribs derive from the lateral compartment.  相似文献   

Abstract. In vertebrates, metameric organization is highlighted by the formation of somites from mesenchymal cells of the segmental plate which then differentiate into dermamyotomal and sclerotomal tissues. The resegmentation of the sclerotome into rostral and caudal halves follows, coincident with the production of specific extracellular matrix molecules at the abutment of these two cell types. Ultimately, cells from the caudal sclerotome migrate ventrally and contribute to the chondrogenic prevertebrae. The objective of this work is to investigate the molecular steps regulating these events. Our study is focused on the paired-box containing genes, which have been implicated in delineating boundaries early in development. A chick embryo system, which is readily accessible to manipulation and observation during early development, is used in this study. We have identified the existence of the paired-box motif in the chicken genome by polymerase chain reaction and hybridization with the mouse Pax 1 paired-box sequence. Expression of paired-box genes occurs early in development as shown by Northern analysis, and is localized by in situ hybridization to the edge of each somite, a patch at the central core of each somite, and the periphery of the neural tube. This specific spatial pattern of expression is consistent with the hypothesis that the pair-rule genes function as effecters of border formation in the early embryo. Moreover, the patch of positive cells at the center of a resegmenting somite appear to migrate ventrally, and may contribute to structures of the prevertebrae. These findings are relevant to our understanding of the mechanism of somite resegmentation and implicate the involvement of pair-rule genes in the process.  相似文献   

Abstract. In vertebrates, metameric organization is highlighted by the formation of somites from mesenchymal cells of the segmental plate which then differentiate into dermamyotomal and sclerotomal tissues. The resegmentation of the sclerotome into rostral and caudal halves follows, coincident with the production of specific extracellular matrix molecules at the abutment of these two cell types. Ultimately, cells from the caudal sclerotome migrate ventrally and contribute to the chondrogenic prevertebrae. The objective of this work is to investigate the molecular steps regulating these events. Our study is focused on the paired-box containing genes, which have been implicated in delineating boundaries early in development. A chick embryo system, which is readily accessible to manipulation and observation during early development, is used in this study. We have identified the existence of the paired-box motif in the chicken genome by polymerase chain reaction and hybridization with the mouse Pax 1 paired-box sequence. Expression of paired-box genes occurs early in development as shown by Northern analysis, and is localized by in situ hybridization to the edge of each somite, a patch at the central core of each somite, and the periphery of the neural tube. This specific spatial pattern of expression is consistent with the hypothesis that the pair-rule genes function as effecters of border formation in the early embryo. Moreover, the patch of positive cells at the center of a resegmenting somite appear to migrate ventrally, and may contribute to structures of the prevertebrae. These findings are relevant to our understanding of the mechanism of somite resegmentation and implicate the involvement of pair-rule genes in the process.  相似文献   

The segmental body plan of vertebrates arises from the metameric organization of the paraxial mesoderm into somites. Each mesodermal somite is subdivided into at least two distinct domains: rostral and caudal. The segmental pattern of dorsal root ganglia, sympathetic ganglia and nerves is imposed by differential properties of either somitic domain. In the present work, we have extended these studies by investigating the contribution of rostral or caudal-half somites to vertebral development using grafts of multiple somite halves. In both rostral and caudal somitic implants, the grafted mesoderm dissociates normally into sclerotome and dermomyotome, and the sclerotome further develops into vertebrae. However, the morphogenetic capabilities of each somitic half differ. The pedicle of the vertebral arch is almost continuous in caudal half-somite grafts and is virtually absent in rostral half-somite implants. Similarly, the intervertebral disk is present in rostral half-somite chimeras, and much reduced or virtually absent in caudal somite chimeras. Thus, only the caudal half cells are committed to give rise to the vertebral pedicle, and only the rostral half cells are committed to give rise to the fibrocartilage of the intervertebral disk. Each vertebra is therefore composed of a pedicle-containing area, apparently formed by the caudal half-somite, followed by a pedicle-free zone, the intervertebral foramen, derived from the rostral somite. These data directly support the hypothesis of resegmentation, in which vertebrae arise by fusion of the caudal and rostral halves of two consecutive somites.  相似文献   

We have investigated the interactions between the cells of the rostral and caudal halves of the chick somite by carrying out grafting experiments. The rostral half-sclerotome was identified by its ability to support axon outgrowth and neural crest cell migration, and the caudal half by the binding of peanut agglutinin and the absence of motor axons and neural crest cells. Using the chick-quail chimaera technique we also studied the fate of each half-somite. It was found that when half-somites are placed adjacent to one another, their interactions obey a precise rule: sclerotome cells from like halves mix with each other, while those from unlike halves do not; when cells from unlike halves are adjacent to one another, a border is formed. Grafting quail half-somites into chicks showed that the fates of the rostral and caudal sclerotome halves are similar: both give rise to bone and cartilage of the vertebral column, as well as to intervertebral connective tissue. We suggest that the rostrocaudal subdivision serves to maintain the segmental arrangement when the mesenchymal sclerotome dissociates, so that the nervous system, vasculature and possibly vertebrae are patterned correctly.  相似文献   

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