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This paper examines the effects of three different types of father absence on the timing of life history events among women in rural Bangladesh. Age at marriage and age at first birth are compared across women who experienced different father presence/absence conditions as children. Survival analyses show that daughters of fathers who divorced their mothers or deserted their families have consistently younger ages at marriage and first birth than other women. In contrast, daughters whose fathers were labor migrants have consistently older ages at marriage and first birth. Daughters whose fathers died when they were children show older ages at marriage and first birth than women with divorced/deserted fathers and women with fathers present. These effects may be mediated by high socioeconomic status and high levels of parental investment among the children of labor migrants, and a combination of low investment, high psychosocial stress, and low alloparental investment among women with divorced/deserted fathers. Our findings are most consistent with the Child Development Theory model of female life history strategies, though the Paternal Investment and Psychosocial Acceleration models also help explain differences between women in low paternal investment situations (e.g., father divorced/abandoned vs. father dead). Father absence in and of itself seems to have little effect on the life history strategies of Bangladeshi women once key reasons for or correlates of absence are controlled, and none of the models is a good predictor of why women with deceased fathers have delayed life histories compared with women whose fathers are present.  相似文献   

This study analyzes the intergenerational effects of late childbearing on offspring’s adult longevity in a population in Utah (United States) that does not display evidence of parity-specific birth control—a so-called natural fertility population. Studies have found that for women who experience late menopause and prolonged reproduction, aging is postponed and longevity is increased. This is believed to indicate female “robustness” and the impact of biological or genetic factors. If indeed there is a genetic component involved, one would expect to also find evidence for the intergenerational transmission of longevity benefits. Our study investigates the relationship between prolonged natural fertility of mothers and their offspring’s survival rates in adulthood. Gompertz regression models (N = 7,716) revealed that the offspring of mothers who were naturally fertile until a relatively advanced age lived significantly longer. This observed positive effect of late reproduction was not independent of but conditional upon survival of the mother to the end of her fecundity (defined as age 50). Offspring’s relative risks at death beyond age 50 were 6–12 percent lower than those of their counterparts born to mothers who had an average age at last birth. Our results, which account for various early, adult, and later-life conditions, as well as shared frailty, suggest that there is a positive relationship between mother’s age at last birth and offspring longevity, and strengthen the notion that age at menopause is a good predictor of this relationship.  相似文献   

Parental effects on offspring performance have been attributed to many factors such as parental age, size and condition. However, we know little about how these different parental characteristics interact to determine parental effects, or the extent to which their effect on offspring depends on either the sex of the parent or that of the offspring. Here we experimentally tested for effects of variation in parents’ early diet and inbreeding levels, as well as effects of parental age, and for potential interactive effects of these three factors on key aspects of offspring development in the mosquitofish (Gambusia holbrooki). Older mothers produced offspring that were significantly smaller at birth. This negative effect of maternal age on offspring size was still evident at maturation as older mothers had smaller daughters, but not smaller sons. The daughters of older mothers did, however, reach maturity sooner. Paternal age did not affect offspring body size, but it had a complex effect on their sons’ relative genital size. When initially raised on a food‐restricted diet, older fathers sired sons with relatively smaller genitalia, but when fathers were initially raised on a control diet their sons had relatively larger genitalia. The inbreeding status of mothers and fathers had no significant effects on any of the measured offspring traits. Our results indicate that the manifestation of parental effects can be complex. It can vary with both parent and offspring sex; can change over an offspring's life; and is sometimes evident as an interaction between different parental traits. Understanding this complexity will be important to predict the role of parental effects in adaptation.  相似文献   

It is well recognized that age at onset of Huntington disease (HD) is strongly influenced by the sex of the affected parent, and this has lead to suggestions that genetic imprinting or maternal specific factors may play a role in the expression of the disease. This study evaluated maternal and paternal ages, birth order, parental age at onset, and sex of the affected parent and grandparent in 1,764 patients in the National HD Roster by using linear-regression techniques which incorporated a weighted least-squares approach to accommodate the correlation among siblings. It was found that paternal age is negatively associated with age at onset of HD, particularly among subjects who inherit the mutant gene from grandfathers. Apparent associations between age at onset and birth order and between age at onset and maternal age were not significant after adjustment for paternal age. The paternal age effect is strongest among juvenile-onset cases and individuals with anticipation of greater than or equal to 10 years, although it is detectable across the entire age-at-onset distribution. The tendency for older fathers, including those not transmitting the HD gene, to have affected offspring with early-onset disease may be consistent with a gene imprinting mechanism involving DNA methylation. Because paternal age in unaffected fathers is also a significant determinant of age at onset, methylation in this context might involve HD modifier genes or the normal HD allele.  相似文献   

Longevity was significantly associated with season of birth in 101,634 individuals who died in Kiev during the period 1990-2000. The relationship between age at death and month of birth showed a very similar pattern for both men and women. Mean values for the age at death were lowest for subjects born in April-July, and highest for individuals born at the beginning and end of the year. Minimum and maximum ages at death, analysed according to month of birth, differed by 2.6 years in men and 2.3 years in women. For all major causes of death causes, the mean age at death for persons born in the fourth quarter was the highest. These results suggest that, in this population, longevity is affected by prenatal or early postnatal seasonal factors. This is consistent with the hypothesis that the rate of ageing may be programmed in response to environmental influences at critical periods of early development.  相似文献   

Summary Data on 290 non-mosaic 47,XXY males have been analysed for possible associations with parental ages at birth, season of birth, sex ratio among sibs, and twinning. Comparison with matched population controls revealed a highly significant association with parental age, which was fully explained by dependence on maternal age and maternal age alone. The maternal age effect was determined with greater precision than in an earlier study of the same material, in which siblings were used as controls, and was estimated to result in an increased risk of between 5% and 10% per annum (p.a.). The estimated independent effect of paternal age, after fitting maternal age, was marginally (but not significantly) negative, and excluded an increased risk in excess of 3% p.a. Paternal age therefore appears to have little if any independent significance in the aetiology of 47,XXY. After correcting for seasonal variations in the population birth rate and smoothing, there was a peak of XXY births in March and a trough in November. Though not statistically significant, the pattern resembled that reported in previous studies, and was similar for both younger and older mothers. The twinning rate for both the XXYs and their sibs, and the sex ratio among the latter, were close to the corresponding population values.  相似文献   

Der Einfluß des Zeugungsalters auf die Mutationen zu Hämophilie A   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Assuming that in sibships with sporadic hemophilia the mothers of the patients are already carriers the relationship between the age of the mother's father at birth of the mother and frequency of hemophilia among his grandsons was examined.The ages of the mother's father at birth of the mother of 40 patients with sporadic hemophilia A was compared with that of a control-group as well as with the ages of the mother's fathers at birth of the mothers of patients from families where hemophilia A is inherited. The mean age of these grandfathers was found to be increased. Using the Mann-Whitney-U-test for comparing the ages of grandfathers of sporadic cases with the control-group there is to be found P=.0025, which is highly significant statistically. Comparing data from sibships with sporadic hemophilia with data from sibships where hemophilia is inherited there is no significant difference — perhaps according to the small number of inherited cases (19, P=0.065) —, but the deviation is in the same direction. Comparison of data both from the inherited cases and the control-group with data of sporadic cases gives P=.0087.There is perhaps a connection between parental age and number of children, but it is shown to have no important influence in our material. On the other hand fathers with a higher number of children are significant more frequent among the grandfathers than among the controls. This difference cannot be explained sufficiently. Between cases of sporadic and inherited hemophilia there is no clear cut difference.Certainly there exists a relationship between parental age and birth-rank. Therefore the mothers of sporadic cases — unlike to carriers of sibships with inherited hemophilia — take clearly higher ranks in birth-order than it is theoretically to be expected. Penrose published a method of separating the relative aetiological effects of birth-order and parental age. Using this method an influence of birth-order cannot be found after excluding the influence of parental age. Hence, paternal age seems to be the determining factor.It is discussed which model of mutation the hemophilia-mutation belongs to because of this relationship. We would count it to No. 2 of the classification given by Vogel where mutations are due to copy errors. So cases of sporadic hemophilia seem equal to those of sporadic achondroplasia.

Diese Arbeit wurde der Medizinischen Fakultät der Universität Hamburg als Inaugural-dissertation vorgelegt.

Herrn Prof. Dr. F. Vogel danke ich für wertvolle Hinweise, insbesondere zur statistischen Methodik.  相似文献   

Mortality in the Children of Atomic Bomb Survivors and Controls   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
A continuing study of mortality rates among children born to survivors of the atomic bombings and a suitable group of controls has been updated; the average interval between birth and verification of death or survival is 17 years. The mortality experience is now based on 18,946 children liveborn to parents one or both of whom were proximally exposed, receiving jointly an estimated dose of 117 rem; 16,516 children born to distally exposed parents receiving essentially no radiation; and 17,263 children born to parents not in Hiroshima or Nagasaki at the time of the bombings. No clearly significant effect of parental exposure on child's survival can be demonstrated either by a contingency chi(2) type of analysis or regression analysis. On the basis of the regression data, the minimal gametic doubling dose of radiation of this type for mutations resulting in death during (on the average) the first 17 years of life among liveborn infants conceived 0-13 years after parental exposure is estimated at 46 rem for fathers and 125 rem for mothers. On the basis of experimental data, the gametic doubling dose for chronic, low-level radiation would be expected to be three to four times this value for males and as much as 1000 rem for females.  相似文献   

A genetic model for age at onset in Huntington disease.   总被引:19,自引:8,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
Although numerous investigators have confirmed excess paternal transmission among juvenile-onset cases of Huntington disease (HD), there are conflicting reports that the late-onset form is inherited more often from the mother than from the father. Results from a survey of age at onset and age at death in 569 patients corroborate earlier findings of delayed onset of HD among offspring of affected mothers at both ends of the onset-age spectrum: 23 of 28 juvenile-onset offspring had affected fathers, and there were 1.6 times more late-onset offspring born to affected mothers than to affected fathers. These patterns, together with data that link age-at-onset variability to familial longevity trends, suggest a model where age at onset is governed, generally, by a set of independently inherited aging genes, but expression of the HD gene may be significantly delayed in individuals who possess a particular maternally transmitted factor.  相似文献   

The effects of interracial crossing on the human sex ratio at birth were investigated using United States birth-certificate data for 1972-1979. The sex ratio was 1.059 for approximately 14 million singleton infants born to white couples, 1.033 for 2 million born to black couples, and 1.024 for 64,000 born to American Indian couples. Paternal and maternal race influences on the observed racial differences in sex ratio were analyzed using additional data on approximately 97,000 singleton infants born to white-black couples and 60,000 born to white-Indian couples. After adjustment for mother's race, white fathers had significantly more male offspring than did black fathers (ratio of sex ratios [RSR] = 1.027) and Indian fathers (RSR = 1.022). On the other hand, after adjustment for father's race, white mothers did not have more male offspring than did black mothers (RSR = 0.998) or Indian mothers (RSR = 1.009). The paternal-race effect persisted after adjustment for parental ages, education, birth order, and maternal marital status. The study shows that the observed racial differences in the sex ratio at birth are due to the effects of father's race and not the mother's. The study points to paternal determinants of the human sex ratio at fertilization and/or of the prenatal differential sex survival.  相似文献   

Like most complex phenotypes, exceptional longevity is thought to reflect a combined influence of environmental (e.g., lifestyle choices, where we live) and genetic factors. To explore the genetic contribution, we undertook a genome-wide association study of exceptional longevity in 801 centenarians (median age at death 104 years) and 914 genetically matched healthy controls. Using these data, we built a genetic model that includes 281 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and discriminated between cases and controls of the discovery set with 89% sensitivity and specificity, and with 58% specificity and 60% sensitivity in an independent cohort of 341 controls and 253 genetically matched nonagenarians and centenarians (median age 100 years). Consistent with the hypothesis that the genetic contribution is largest with the oldest ages, the sensitivity of the model increased in the independent cohort with older and older ages (71% to classify subjects with an age at death>102 and 85% to classify subjects with an age at death>105). For further validation, we applied the model to an additional, unmatched 60 centenarians (median age 107 years) resulting in 78% sensitivity, and 2863 unmatched controls with 61% specificity. The 281 SNPs include the SNP rs2075650 in TOMM40/APOE that reached irrefutable genome wide significance (posterior probability of association = 1) and replicated in the independent cohort. Removal of this SNP from the model reduced the accuracy by only 1%. Further in-silico analysis suggests that 90% of centenarians can be grouped into clusters characterized by different “genetic signatures” of varying predictive values for exceptional longevity. The correlation between 3 signatures and 3 different life spans was replicated in the combined replication sets. The different signatures may help dissect this complex phenotype into sub-phenotypes of exceptional longevity.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE--To compare the thermal environment of infants who died of the sudden infant death syndrome with that of age matched control infants. DESIGN--Case-control study. Infants who died were matched with two controls, one for age and one for age and birth weight. Thermal measurements were conducted at the death scene for cases and at the scene of last sleep for control infants, who were visited unexpectedly within four weeks of the index infant''s death on a day of similar climatic conditions. A follow up questionnaire was administered to parents of cases and controls. SETTING--The geographical area served by the professional Tasmanian state ambulance service, which includes 94% of the Tasmanian population. SUBJECTS--41 infants died of the sudden infant death syndrome at home; thermal observations at death scene were available for 28 (68%), parental questionnaire data were available for 40 (96%). 38 controls matched for age and 41 matched for age and birth weight. RESULTS--Cases had more excess thermal insulation for their given room temperature (2.3 togs) than matched controls (0.6 togs) (p = 0.009). For every excess thermal insulation unit (tog) the relative risk of the sudden infant death syndrome was 1.26 (95% confidence interval 1.05 to 1.52). The average thermal bedding value calculated from parental recall was similar to that observed by attendant ambulance officers (mean difference = 0.4 tog, p = 0.39). Cases were more likely to have been found prone (odds ratio 4.58; 1.48 to 14.11). Prone sleeping position was not a confounder or effect modifier of the relation between excess thermal insulation and the syndrome. CONCLUSIONS--Overheating and the prone sleeping position are independently associated with an increased risk of the sudden infant death syndrome. Further work on infant thermal balance and sudden infant death is required and guidelines for appropriate infant thermal care need to be developed.  相似文献   

Seed dispersal plays a crucial role in natural forest regeneration. Changes in the seed rain due to anthropogenic habitat alteration can influence seedling recruitment patterns and affect the evolutionary dynamics of populations. Using a combined endocarp-embryo microsatellite assay of naturally dispersed seeds, we concomitantly quantify the contribution of contemporary pollen and seed dispersal to the genetic structure of the seed rain of the shrub species Pistacia lentiscus L. The study was conducted in two consecutive seasons at four forest fragments embedded in contrasting (connected vs. isolated) landscapes. Interseasonal variation in the parental genetic structure of the seed rain was assessed through analysis of molecular variance, and paternal and maternal correlations and effective parental numbers were computed for different fragments and microhabitats (within fragments) using genetic kinship analysis. Temporal variation in the genetic structure of the dispersed seeds was higher for maternal gametes, reflecting a more temporally variable contribution of individual mother plants to the seed rain, as a potential consequence of masting and/or natural heterogeneity. Higher effective numbers of fathers than mothers were consistently observed in all studied forest fragments and microhabitats, the difference being more pronounced for connected than for isolated fragments. The effective number of mothers, directly influenced by disperser birds’ behavior, was apparently insensitive to fragmentation. Despite potentially high mobility of pollen by wind and seeds by birds, habitat fragmentation could influence the parental structure of dispersed seeds, with potential consequences for the genetic structure of the adult generation.  相似文献   

The role of parental age effects on the evolution of aging   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Many studies have found that older parents have shorter-lived offspring. However, the evolutionary significance of these findings is poorly understood. We carried out large-scale demographic experiments to examine the direct effect of maternal age and paternal age on offspring aging in inbred and outbred strains of the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster. We found that the age of mothers and, to a lesser extent, the age of fathers can have a large influence on both offspring longevity and the shape of the age-specific mortality trajectory. In two independent experiments we found that older mothers generally produced shorter-lived offspring, although the exact effect of maternal age on offspring longevity differed among strains. These results suggest that maternal age effects on progeny aging may influence the evolution of aging.  相似文献   

This study examined parenting as a function of child medical risks at birth and parental genotype (dopamine D4 receptor; DRD4). Our hypothesis was that the relation between child risks and later maternal sensitivity would depend on the presence/absence of a genetic variant in the mothers, thus revealing a gene by environment interaction (GXE). Risk at birth was defined by combining risk indices of children's gestational age at birth, birth weight, and admission to the neonatal intensive care unit. The DRD4-III 7-repeat allele was chosen as a relevant genotype as it was recently shown to moderate the effect of environmental stress on parental sensitivity. Mothers of 104 twin pairs provided DNA samples and were observed with their children in a laboratory play session when the children were 3.5 years old. Results indicate that higher levels of risk at birth were associated with less sensitive parenting only among mothers carrying the 7-repeat allele, but not among mothers carrying shorter alleles. Moreover, mothers who are carriers of the 7-repeat allele and whose children scored low on the risk index were observed to have the highest levels of sensitivity. These findings provide evidence for the interactive effects of genes and environment (in this study, children born at higher risk) on parenting, and are consistent with a genetic differential susceptibility model of parenting by demonstrating that some parents are inherently more susceptible to environmental influences, both good and bad, than are others.  相似文献   

Previous research indicates that birth order is a strong predictor of familial sentiments, with middleborns less family-oriented than first- or last-borns. In this research, effects of sex and birth order on the actual frequency of contact with maternal and paternal kin were examined in two studies. In Study 1, one hundred and forty undergraduates completed a questionnaire relating to the amount of time they spent in contact with specific relatives, while in Study 2, one hundred and twelve undergraduates completed the same questionnaire with the addition of two questions relating to the subjects’ parents’ birth orders. Subjects were more likely to have frequent contact with maternal, as opposed to paternal, kin and women experienced more frequent contact than men with relatives in general. The birth order of subjects did not appear to have a significant influence on contact but the birth order of the subjects’ parents did, with the offspring of middleborn mothers having relatively little contact with maternal grandparents and the offspring of middleborn fathers having relatively little contact with paternal grandparents. These sex and birth order differences are discussed in relation to possible differences in how women and men use kinship ties and in terms of how birth order may influence parental solicitude. Catherine Salmon recently received her Ph.D. in psychology from McMaster University in Hamilton Ontario. Her interest in kinship and family relationships has grown out of her own large extended family and many visits to Utah as well as exposure to evolutionary thinking about the family in the lab of Martin Daly and Margo Wilson. Her other current research interests focus on female sexuality and the evolutionary study of literature.  相似文献   

Background: Loss of a child has been associated with elevated mortality rates in parents. Studies that focus on the influence of the child's sex on parental mortality are sparse.Objective: The main objective of the present study was to reevaluate the combined impact of the parents' and child's sex within a larger sample and focus on adverse health effects as an objective measure of possible long-term effects of maladaptive grief reactions.Methods: For the time period between 1980 and 1996, all children in Denmark who died before 18 years of age were identified. Parents who had lost a child were identified as the bereaved (exposed) group. Mortality rates of parents within the same-sex parent-child dyad were compared with mortality rates of parents within the opposite-sex parent-child dyad. Separate analyses were performed for bereaved fathers and for bereaved mothers, and additional analyses were conducted to examine the sole effect of the child's sex, irrespective of parental gender. A Cox proportional hazards regression model was used to estimate the hazard ratios (HRs) with 95% CIs.Results: The study population consisted of 21,062 parents (mean age at entry, 32 years; 11,221 mothers, 9841 fathers). Bereaved parents who had lost a child of the same sex had similar overall mortality as bereaved parents who had lost a child of the opposite sex (HR = 1.02; 95% CI, 0.85–1.22). Similar findings were observed for mortality due to natural death (HR = 0.96; 95% CI, 0.78–1.18) or mortality due to unnatural death (HR = 1.22; 95% CI, 0.84–1.77). Bereaved fathers who had lost a son had similar mortality as those bereaved by the death of a daughter (HR = 1.10; 95% CI, 0.86–1.40). Bereaved mothers who had lost a daughter had similar mortality as those bereaved by the death of a son (HR = 0.93; 95% CI, 0.70–1.22). Bereaved parents who had lost a son had mortality rates similar to those who had lost a daughter (HR = 1.09; 95% CI, 0.91–1.31). The interactions between grouping variable and sex of parents were not significant, indicating that the differential effect of losing a child based on sex of the child was not greater for fathers than for mothers.Conclusions: The results of this study revealed no significant effect of sex of the deceased child on mortality in these bereaved parents. The results might differ if this study was replicated in a population with a different grief culture and, more importantly, different gender schemas.  相似文献   

Summary Data on 151 non-mosaic 47,XXY males from Sardinia, previously reported by Filippi (1986), were analysed for associations with parental ages at birth, sib order and sex ratio among siblings. The results confirm those of earlier Scottishbased studies in that: (1) there was a significant increase in risk of 47,XXY livebirths at advanced parental ages; (2) maternal age, and maternal age alone, was sufficient to explain the effect; (3) there were no independent effects of paternal age or sib order once maternal age had been taken into account; (4) there was no evidence of any distortion of the sex ratio among siblings. Estimates of relative risk at different maternal ages were compatible with those from the Scottish studies, and pooled estimates are therefore derived. They suggest, for example, that the risk at maternal age 40 years is 2–3 times that at age 30 years. In 33 cases, the parental origin of the supernumerary X chromosome was determined by analysing the segregation of genetic markers. The mean parental ages of 19 maternal cases were significantly raised above those of controls, whereas those of 14 paternal cases were slightly, and marginally significantly, reduced. The conclusions were essentially unaffected by whether the Sardinian population, the siblings of cases or a group of 94 unrelated Sardinian males were used as controls.  相似文献   

414 adoptees were located in a population of 28,879 males born within a 4-year period from January 1, 1944 to December 31, 1947 whose mothers were officially resident in Copenhagen, Denmark when they gave birth. For all of these males, 2 social class ratings were obtained, based upon their occuppations at age 25-28 and 35-38. A single rating was obtained for their fathers, based upon occupation at the time of birth of the population males. In the case of adoptees, this rating wass obtained for both the biological and the adoptive fathers. The adoptees had, at both ages, an average social class not deviating from the population at large. Their biological fathers were, however, below average paternal social class and their adoptive fathers were above it. Positive correlations for social class were found between the adoptees, at both ages, and their biological and adoptive fathers. The social class of adoptees is less well predicted by that of their biological and adoptive fathers, even when these are taken jointly, than the social class of sons in the population is predicted by that of their fathers. Evidence from both the group means and the correlations suggests that the adoptees at age 35-38 came to resemble their biological fathers in social class more than they had done at age 25-28.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES--To test the hypothesis that there is an association between childhood leukaemia and the occupational exposure of fathers to ionising radiation before a child''s conception. DESIGN--Case-control study with eight matched controls per case. SETTING--Regions of Ontario, Canada, with an operating nuclear facility. SUBJECTS--Cases were children (age 0-14) who died from or were diagnosed as having leukaemia from 1950 to 1988 and were born to mothers living in the vicinity of an operating nuclear facility. Controls were identified from birth certificates, matched by date of birth and residence at birth. There were 112 cases and 890 controls. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES--Paternal radiation exposure was determined by a record linkage to the Canadian National Dose Registry. RESULTS--Six fathers of cases and 53 fathers of controls had had a total whole body dose > 0.0 mSv before the child''s conception, resulting in an odds ratio of 0.87 (95% confidence interval 0.32 to 2.34). There was no evidence of an increased leukaemia risk in relation to any exposure period (lifetime or six months or three months before conception) or exposure type (total whole body dose, external whole body dose, or tritium dose), except for radon exposure to uranium miners, which had a large odds ratio that was not significantly different from the null value. CONCLUSIONS--The findings of this study in Ontario did not support the hypothesis that childhood leukaemia is associated with the occupational exposure of fathers to ionising radiation before the child''s conception.  相似文献   

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