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A procedure is described to determine 2-keto-3-deoxyoctonate (KDO) present in lipopolysaccharide (LPS) of gram-negative bacteria. The method involves the treatment of LPS with 0.2 n H2SO4 at 100°C for 30 min to release KDO, followed by its reaction with periodic acid, sodium arsenite, and thiobarbituric acid. The red chromophore thus formed is kept in solution at room temperature by adding dimethylsulfoxide to the reaction mixture. The final color is stable for days at room temperature and facilitates accurate determination of KDO in microgram quantities. KDO contents of cell surface antigens and glycolipids from gram-negative bacteria are presented as illustrations of the accuracy and sensitivity of the assay.  相似文献   

A procedure is described to determine tryptophan residues in proteins using a tryptophan reagent, 2-hydroxy-5-nitrobenzyl bromide. The method involves the treatment of the unfolded protein with the reagent in 9 m urea at acid pH; incubation of the mixture at room temperature for 2 hr and the removal of the excess reagent by centrifugation and gel filtration. The amount of tryptophan in a protein is determined from the optical density of the labeled protein at 280 and 410 nm, and from the known optical density of 1 mg/ml of the protein at 280 nm and of the reagent at 280 and 410 nm. The efficacy of the method was tested with eight proteins whose tryptophan content is known.  相似文献   

Several types of conditions allow the disconnection of homotropic and heterotropic interactions in Escherichia coli aspartate transcarbamylase. A model that includes a concerted gross conformational change corresponding to the homotropic cooperative interactions between the catalytic sites and local “site by site” effects promoted by the effectors accounts for this disconnection as well as for the other known properties of the enzyme. However, the substrate concentration influences the extent of stimulation and feedback inhibition of the catalytic activity by the effectors. This result is explained by assuming that these effectors promote a “primary effect”, which is exerted locally “site by site”, and a “secondary effect”, which is mediated by the substrate. As predicted by the model, relaxed (R) forms of the enzyme show only the primary effect. In addition 2-ThioU-aspartate transcarbamylase, a modified form of the enzyme in which the homotropic cooperative interactions between the catalytic sites are selectively abolished, shows the same heterogeneity in CTP binding sites as normal aspartate transcarbamylase.  相似文献   

The basis for the specific pattern of ultraviolet-induced reversion of cyc1-9, an ochre allele of the structural gene for iso-1-cytochrome c, has been examined in radiation-sensitive strains of yeast. Previous analysis, using RAD+ strains, showed that 21 out of 23 cyc1-9 revertants induced by ultraviolet light arose by A · T to G · C transition at the first position in the UAA codon, the remaining two occurring by A · T to T · A transversion at the second position (Stewart et al., 1972; Sherman &; Stewart, 1974). All possible base-pair substitutions could be obtained with the aid of other mutagens.It has now been shown that this specificity depends largely on the action of the RAD6 locus, since ultraviolet-induced revertants of cyc1-9 arose by a variety of base-pair substitutions in a strain carrying the rad6-1 allele. Induced reversion frequencies in strains carrying this allele are much lower than normal, though significantly higher than the spontaneous frequency, and the strains are more sensitive to the lethal effects of both ultraviolet and X-irradiation. The phenotypically similar rad18-2 mutation, which appears to block the same repair pathway as rad6-1, also has some effect on the reversion specificity, but its action depends on the presence of other, unidentified, mutations. Specificity was, however, completely unaltered in an excision-defective strain carrying the rad1-2 allele. Induced reversion frequency of cyc1-9 was much higher than normal in this strain. Photoreactivation studies indicated that pyrimidine dimers were responsible for most of the revertants in RAD+, rad1 and rad6 strains. These experiments show that the RAD6+ locus is intimately concerned with error-prone repair, and suggest that excision repair is substantially error-free.  相似文献   

The antitumor agent carminic acid 1a does not bind to DNA but nicks it slowly, more rapidly when reduced in situ, and still more rapidly when prereduced at the quinone moiety. The nicking process requires oxygen and is selectively inhibited by (i) superoxide dismutase, (ii) catalase, and (iii) free radical scavengers indicating the involvement of O2?, H2O2, and OH., respectively. The intermediacy of OH. was supported by spin trapping with N-t-butyl-α-phenylnitrone and epr of the radical produced via the carminic acid semiquinone. The single strand scission of DNA by carminic acid requires two adjacent hydroquinone moieties in the chromophore since reduced methyl tetra-O-methylcarminate 1b is without effect although it binds weakly to DNA. Polarographic redox potentials for the reversible (2e, 2H+) reduction of 1a and 1b are ?0.736 ± 0.003 V and ?0.56 ± 0.010 V against SCE, respectively. The fact that daunorubicin and adriamycin produce more extensive DNA strand scission than carminic acid under comparable conditions of prereduction and on a molar basis is largely attributed to the assistance of intercalative binding afforded in the case of the anthracyclines.  相似文献   

Proton magnetic resonance spectra at 100 MHz were obtained for water-soluble and water-insoluble glucans from 11 strains of Streptococcus mutans. The percentages of α-D-(1→6) and non-α-D-(1→6)-, namely, α-D-(1→3)-, linkages were calculated from the anomeric-proton resonances in the 4.7-4.8 and 5.0-5.1 p.p.m. range, respectively. The average content of α-D(1→6) linkages in the polymer fractions precipitating from solution during synthesis of the glucans was generally much lower than that of fractions remaining in solution. The frequent appearance of the α-D-(1→3) resonances as doublets in the spectra suggested neighboring-group effects among the possible α-D-(1→3) and α-D-(1→6) linkage-configurations. These effects were confirmed from 100-MHz spectra of products of a dextranase-degraded, water-insoluble glucan, and a 270-MHz spectrum of an undegraded glucan. It was thus possible to assign the doublet resonances to α-D-(1→3), homogeneous, heterogeneous, and branch configurations, although complete differentiation among proportions of each configuration in the glucan chains could not be achieved.  相似文献   

Both 5-bromo- and 5-iodocytosine are rapidly dehalogenated in dilute bisulfite buffers to yield cytosine. With 5-bromocytosine, but not with 5-iodocytosine, extrapolation of semilogarithmic plots of extent reaction versus time indicates the bisulfite buffer concentration-dependent formation of an intermediate which subsequently reacts to control the rate of 5-bromocytosine dehalogenation. The disappearance of both halocytosines has a second-order dependence on bisulfite buffer concentration. Both imidazole and acetate buffers catalyze the reaction of 5-iodocytosine, but not that of 5-bromocytosine, with bisulfite. In the case of acetate buffer catalysis of the reaction of 5-iodocytosine with bisulfite, the dependence of the observed rate constants changes from first order to zero order as a function of increasing buffer concentration. The observed rate constants for 5-bromocytosine dehalogenation increase, reach a maximum at about 4.5, and then decrease as a function of pH. Iodometric titration of sulfite utilization coupled with spectrophotometric analysis of pyrimidine reactants and products indicates that 1 mole of sulfite is consumed per mole of halocytosine dehalogenated. The spectrophotometrically determined pKa values for the conjugate acids of 5-bromo- and 5-iodocytosine at 25°C and ionic strength 1.0 M are 3.25 and 3.56, respectively. These results are discussed in terms of a multistep reaction pathway which is analogous to the bisulfite-catalyzed dehalogenation of the 5-halouracils.  相似文献   

Analysis of leukotrienes by high-pressure liquid chromatography   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
A method is described for the partial synthesis of saturated mixed-chain phosphatidylcholines of a high degree (typically 99 mol%) of purity. This procedure has been designed to eliminate the contamination of the mixed-chain product by symmetric chain phosphatidylcholine and the mixed-chain isomer of the desired product, the two principal impurities introduced by previous techniques. This high degree of purity is obtained by employing a method designed for the complete enzymatic hydrolysis of the C-2 fatty acyl moiety in saturated symmetric phosphatidylcholines and a new technique for the acylation of lysophosphatidylcholines employing the catalyst 4-pyrrolidinopyridine. The versatility of this new procedure is illustrated with the synthesis of several saturated mixed-chain phosphatidylcholines.  相似文献   

Specific adsorption capacity of Sepharose 4B in affinity chromatography for two purified galactose-binding lectins, designated as IIIL and IIIH, from the seed of Ricinus communis (castor bean) was measured from 7 to 24°C. The adsorption coefficients for these two protein fractions as a function of temperature were also obtained. It was found that there is a characteristic transition of adsorption coefficient at 18°C for both lectins. Adsorption coefficients between Sepharose 4B and these two lectins were also expressed in terms of ΔG, ΔH, andΔS. It is suggested that the difference in the temperature dependence of the binding energy of these two lectins may be used for their separation at selected temperature.  相似文献   

A number of analogs of ethyl (2E,4E)-3,7,11-trimethyl-2,4-dodecadienoate were prepared and bioassayed for juvenile hormone activity on the yellow-fever mosquito (Aedes aegypti), the greater wax moth (Galleria mellonella), the yellow mealworm (Tenebrio molitor), the house fly (Musca domestica), and the tobacco budworm (Heliothis virescens). The analog ethyl (E)-3,5-ethanol-7,11-dimethyl-2,4-dodecadienoate (VI), containing a cyclopentene ring, showed remarkable potency on the above insect species. Since this compound possesses a fixed 3-s-trans-diene conformation it may provide some insight into the active conformation of bound 2,4-dienoate analogs.  相似文献   

The computerization of a laser Raman spectrophotometer is described which permits automated operation of the instrument for signal averaging. The use of an interactive-graphics computer terminal for the rapid reduction of digitized data is discussed and illustrated by the acquisition and analysis of the Raman spectrum from the enzyme, protocatechuate 3,4-dioxygenase.  相似文献   

Littoral sediments with a dense population of Littorella uniflora (L.) Ascers. were artificially enriched with nitrogen and phosphorus. Responses to increasing levels of nutrients were recorded as leaf production and tissue nutrient content. Phosphorus enrichment resulted in increasing P concentrations in all plant fractions (leaves, stem and roots), whereas only leaves and roots showed increasing N concentrations when inorganic N was added. Leaf production increased significantly after increasing the sediment P level 2, 3 and 5 times. Nitrogen did not affect leaf production. The tissue content of total N and P in control plants averaged 3.29 and 0.28%, respectively. Thus the critical P level in L. uniflora seems to be about 0.28%, which is higher than previously published values. It was also found that L. uniflora translocates phosphorus from old to younger leaves.  相似文献   

Single-stranded nucleic acids are capable of extensive intramolecular base pairing as well as intermolecular aggregation. Consequently, electrophoretic studies of single-stranded nucleic acids are most effective when conducted under denaturing conditions. A number of techniques are available for nucleic acid denaturing gel electrophoresis (1–3). In this paper we describe certain quantitative features of one of these techniques, mercurial-agarose gel electrophoresis (4–7). Specifically, we address the questions of resolution and base composition dependence and we introduce a new mercurial for agarose gel electrophoresis, p-chloromercuriphenyl-sulfonic acid.In a previous publication we demonstrated that methylmercury was an effective denaturant in an agarose gel (4). The mechanism of denaturation is presumably the disruption of hydrogen bonding by the reversible binding of methylmercury to uridine and guanosine imino nitrogens. At saturating mercurial concentrations accurate molecular weights can be determined, free of conformation effects. The presence of methylmercury has no observable effect on the mechanical properties of the gel. Hence the denaturing power of the gel can be readily varied. The strength and rigidity of agarose gels make them considerably easier to handle than acrylamide gels, and the large pore size ensures a system compatible with high molecular weight RNA.  相似文献   

Temperature-jump relaxation spectra of methemoglobin have been monitored in the spin-sensitive region of the absorption spectrum at pH 6. A single relaxation process is observed, the amplitude of which correlates exactly with that expected for spin state changes. The time-constant is of the order of 1 to 10 ms at 13 °C. Quaternary structural effects perturb the spin dynamics, as evidenced by a slower relaxation in the αβ dimer as opposed to the tetramer. On the other hand, the spin dynamics of the tetramer are not greatly affected by binding saturating amounts of inositol hexaphosphate. This is partly a reflection of the fact that the relative perturbation, caused by inositol hexaphosphate binding, of the equilibrium between high and low-spin species is small, under the conditions studied. In addition, it means that under these conditions, inositol hexaphosphate does not significantly perturb the flexibility of the irons in the heme groups.  相似文献   

Binding of the polyamines spermidine (∼-+3) and spermine (∼-+4) to yeast tRNAphe has been investigated by equilibrium dialysis under the same conditions used to study Mn2+-tRNAphe interactions (Schreier & Schimmel, 1974). The polyamines bind to tRNAphe in a co-operative and a non-co-operative phase, which is analogous to the behavior found with Mn2+. In the co-operative phase, the empirical index of co-operativity is somewhat greater for the polyamines, however. Binding constants for both the co-operative and non-co-operative phases are similar for Mn2+ and spermidine, and are strongest for spermine. Estimates of the total number of ligand binding sites indicate that these numbers are inversely proportional to the charge on the ligand for all three ligands. The interaction of polyamines with four large fragments of tRNAphe shows no evidence for co-operativity. These results, together with recent kinetic studies, collectively suggest that polyamine binding to the co-operative sites is associated with tertiary structure formation and that polyamine and divalent metal ion interactions with tRNA occur by phenomenologically similar mechanisms, in spite of their structural diversity.  相似文献   

New epr features consistent with a novel type of Cu(II) are observed in partially reduced Type 2 copper depleted laccase molecules. Cu(II) hyperfine lines appear near 2590 G and 2770 G, and a rhombic g1 feature is also observed. These reflect a Cu(II) emergent on reductive disruption of the binuclear Type 3 site in T2D laccase. Additionally, much of the new, magnetically isolated Cu(II) is retained on full reoxidation of partly reduced Type 2 copper depleted laccase. The proportion of disrupted Type 3 Cu(II) sites remaining after reoxidation appears to depend on the prior distribution of electrons within T2D laccase.  相似文献   

Alanine aminotransferase catalyzes exchange of the β-hydrogens of alanine with the solvent at a rate commensurate with the rate of exchange of the α-hydrogen. These methyl protons are lost sequentially and intermediates having protons on the α-carbon but deuterium on the β-carbon were detected by nuclear magnetic resonance. The overall rates of exchange of both α-hydrogen and β-hydrogen were less than the rate of transamination and did not vary from pH 6–8. The α-hydrogen of glutamate, on the other hand, was found to exchange at a greater rate than the overall transamination rate with ketoglutarate. However the β-hydrogens of glutamate are not removed during the enzymic reaction. It is concluded that a basic group on the enzyme removes the proton from the α-carbon of alanine at a rate at least as great as the rate of transamination. Because the proton is held on the enzyme, it appears to exchange more slowly in alanine. Labilization of the α-hydrogen of amino acids does not appear to be the ratelimiting reaction of alanine aminotransferase, but occurs at a rate comparable to that of the overall reaction.  相似文献   

The optical antipodes of both atabrine and quinacrine mustard have been prepared. In both cases one enantiomer exhibited greater fluorescence intensity than the other when allowed to interact with human and rabbit lymphocytes.  相似文献   

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