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Phospholipids of Mycobacterium phlei ATCC 354 and Mycobacterium smegmatis CDC 46 consist of cardiolipin, phosphatidyl ethanolamine, tri-acylated dimannophosphoinositide, tetra-acylated dimannophosphoinositide and tetra-acylated pentamannosphosphoinositide. A comparative study of lipid patterns of M. phlei ATCC 354 and of M. smegmatis CDC 46 in relation to age of culture revealed higher total lipid level and increased activity of malate-vitamin K reductase, a phospholipid requiring enzyme, during the early logarithmic growth phase of the former. No appreciable change occurred in the latter. The high total lipid content coincides with an increase in phospholipid, brought about apparently by the increase in malate-vitamin K reductase. Changes in cardiolipin and phosphatidyl ethanolamine appeared to be unique to M. phlei ATCC 354. However, in both bacterial species, a decrease in glyceride and a progressive increase in tuberculostearic acid with a concomitant decrease in oleic acid, occurred with ageing.  相似文献   

In Mycobacterium phlei, fatty acid unsaturation increased with decreasing temperature. The 10-hexadecenoic acid content increased as the temperature was reduced from 35°C to 26–20°C. At lower temperatures tuberculostearic acid decreased while oleic and linoleic acids increased, the latter being found in M. phlei for the first time. Concomitantly palmitic acid content decreased, and the 6- and 9-hexadecenoic acids increased slightly on reducing the temperature from 35 to 10°C. Thus, down to 26–20°C palmitic acid was mainly replaced by 10-hexadecenoic acid. From this range down to 10°C, palmitic and tuberculostearic acids were replaced by oleic and linoleic acids. Consequently, fatty acid branching decreased and mean chain length increased, as the temperature was reduced. These observations support the view that regulation of membrane fatty acid composition is part of microbial temperature adaptation, and that themechanism behind the responses might be more complex than generally believed.Abbreviations ACP acyl carrier protein - FAS I (Type I) fatty acid synthetase I - FAS II (Type II) fatty acid synthetase II - MGLP methylglucose containing lipopolysaccharide - MMP methylmannose containning polysaccharide  相似文献   

The biosynthesis of hexamannophosphoinositides inMycobacterium smegmatis ATCC 607 was examined using labelled tri- and tetraacylated dimannophosphoinositides (PIM2-3F and PIM2-4F) as precursors, byin vivo andin vitro incorporation. Tetraacylated dimannoside was metabolically more active as compared to triacylated dimannoside and seems to be the precursor for the synthesis of hexamannophosphoinositides.Abbreviations M. 607 Mycobacterium smegmatis ATCC 607 - PIMs Mannophosphoinositides - PIM2-2F diacylated dimannoside - PIM2-3F triacylated dimannoside - PIM2-4F tetraacylated dimannoside - PIM3-3F triacylated trimannoside - PIM6-3F triacylated hexamannoside - PIM6-4F tetraacylated hexamannoside - GDP-mannose Guanosine diphosphomannose  相似文献   

The intracellular concentration of cyclic AMP reached a maximum in 3.5-day old cultures of Mycobacterium smegmatis grown in the presence of glycerol as the main source of carbon. Glucose-grown cells exhibited decreased cyclic AMP levels at all stages of growth. When M. smegmatis cells were incubated with various metabolites, pyruvate increased whereas glucose, citric acid, succinic acid and lactic acid decreased intracellular cyclic AMP levels. No cyclic AMP was detected in the incubation medium. The presence of a cyclic AMP-binding protein was demonstrated in cellfree extracts of M. smegmatis.  相似文献   

The rate of synthesis and degradation of phospholipids in Mycobacterium smegmatis ATCC 607, grown at 27° C and 37° C was studied by incorporation of 32P into phospholipids and chase of radioactivity of the pulse-labelled phospholipids. A relatively low rate of synthesis and degradation of phospholipids in cells growth at 27° C was observed as compared to those grown at 37° C. Phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) had the maximum turnover at 37° C. However, at 27° C, cardiolipin (CL) showed a turnover rate higher than PE. Phosphatidylinositol mannosides (PIMs) were metabolically more active at 37° C than at 27° C. The differences in metabolic activity of the phospholipids at the two temperatures have been discussed.  相似文献   

The growth patterns ofMycobacterium smegmatis SN2 in a minimal medium and in nutrient broth have been compared. The growth was monitored by absorbancy (Klett readings), colony forming units, wet weight and content of DNA, RNA and protein. During the early part of the growth cycle, the bacteria had higher wet weight and macromolecular content in nutrient broth than in minimal media. During the latter half of the growth cycle however, biosynthesis stopped much earlier in nutrient broth and the bacteria had a much lower content of macromolecules than in the minimal medium. In both the media, a general pattern of completing biosynthesis rapidly in the initial phase and a certain amount of cell division at a later time involving the distribution of preformed macromolecules was seen. The possible adaptive significance of this observation has been discussed.  相似文献   

DNA gyrase is an essential topoisomerase found in all bacteria. It is encoded bygyrB andgyrA genes. These genes are organized differently in different bacteria. Direct comparison ofMycobacterium tuberculosis andMycobacterium smegmatis genomes reveals presence of an additionalgyrB inM. smegmatis flanked by novel genes. Analysis of the amino acid sequence of GyrB from different organisms suggests that the orphan GyrB inM. smegmatis may have an important cellular role.  相似文献   

The genomes of phage I3 and its host Mycobacterium smegmatis have been compared. From thermal melting studies the GC contents of DNA from mycobacteriophage I3 and its host M. smegmatis were found to be 66%. A new method, based only on the initial rates of reassociation, has been developed for calculating the DNA homology. Analysis of DNA reassociation kinetics suggested the presence of one equivalent of the phage I3 genome within the M. smegmatis genome. Southern analysis revealed the presence of almost all of the phage I3 specific sequences within the host genome.  相似文献   

Gene regulation by small RNAs (sRNAs) has been extensively studied in various bacteria. However, the presence and roles of sRNAs in mycobacteria remain largely unclear. Immunoprecipitation of RNA chaperone Hfq to enrich for sRNAs is one of the effective methods to isolate sRNAs. However, the lack of an identified mycobacterial hfq restricts the feasibility of this approach. We developed a novel method that takes advantage of the conserved inherent sRNAs-binding capability of heterologous Hfq from Escherichia coli to enrich sRNAs from Mycobacterium smegmatis, a model organism for studying Mycobacterium tuberculosis. We validated 12 trans-encoded and 12 cis-encoded novel sRNAs in M. smegmatis. Many of these sRNAs are differentially expressed at exponential phase compared with stationary phase, suggesting that sRNAs are involved in the growth of mycobacteria. Intriguingly, five of the cis-encoded novel sRNAs target known transposases. Phylogenetic conservation analysis shows that these sRNAs are pathogenicity dependent. We believe that our findings will serve as an important reference for future analysis of sRNAs regulation in mycobacteria and will contribute significantly to the development of sRNAs prediction programs. Moreover, this novel method of using heterologous Hfq for sRNAs enrichment can be of general use for the discovery of bacterial sRNAs in which no endogenous Hfq is identified.  相似文献   

The alternate sigma factor, sigB, is known to play a crucial role in maintaining the stationary phase in mycobacteria. In this communication, we have studied the proteomics of Mycobacterium smegmatis mc(2)155 and its two derivatives, one of which has a disrupted sigB gene and the other, PMVSigB, which contains a multicopy plasmid containing sigB. We have identified by two-dimensional gel analyses, several proteins that are over-expressed in PMVSigB compared to mc(2)155. These proteins are either stress proteins or participate actively in different metabolic pathways of the organisms. On the other hand, when sigB deleted mycobacteria were grown until the stationary phase and its two-dimensional protein profile was compared to that of mc(2)155, few DNA binding proteins were found to be up-regulated. We have shown recently that upon over-expressing sigB, the cell surface glycopeptidolipids of M. smegmatis are hyperglycosylated, a situation similar to what was observed for nutritionally starved bacteria. Gene expression profile through quantitative PCR presented here identified a Rhamnosyltransferase responsible for this hyperglycosylation.  相似文献   

Biochemical characteristics of bi-resistant mutants (resistant to ethambutol plus streptomycin or isoniazid plus streptomycin) of mycobacteria isolated by replica plating fromMycobacterium smegmatis ATCC were compared with those of the drug-susceptible strains. Reduced incorporation of [14C]uracil, [3H]lysine and [14C]acetate into RNA, protein and phospholipids respectively was seen in the resistant mutants. Total phosphorlipids were enhanced in ethambutol plus streptomycin resistant mutant and decreased in isoniazid plus streptomycin resistant mutant. There were similar changes in levels of individual phospholipids. The resistant mutants revealed an accumulation of phospholipids in the cell wall, and a marked decrease of phospholipids in the cell membrane in comparison to the susceptible strain. Several qualitative alterations in the polypeptide profile (with respect to number and molecular weight) of the crude protein extract and of different subcellular compartments were seen in the resistant mutants.  相似文献   

Bacterioferritins, also known as cytochrome b (1), are oligomeric iron-storage proteins consisting of 24 identical amino acid chains, which form spherical particles consisting of 24 subunits and exhibiting 432 point-group symmetry. They contain one haem b molecule at the interface between two subunits and a di-nuclear metal binding center. The X-ray structure of bacterioferritin from Mycobacterium smegmatis (Ms-Bfr) was determined to a resolution of 2.7 A in the monoclinic space group C2. The asymmetric unit of the crystals contains 12 protein molecules: five dimers and two half-dimers located along the crystallographic twofold axis. Unexpectedly, the di-nuclear metal binding center contains zinc ions instead of the typically observed iron ions in other bacterioferritins.  相似文献   

d-Arabinose is a major sugar in the cell wall polysaccharides of Mycobacterium tuberculosis and other mycobacterial species. The reactions involved in the biosynthesis and activation of d-arabinose represent excellent potential sites for drug intervention since d-arabinose is not found in mammalian cells, and the cell wall arabinomannan and/or arabinogalactan appear to be essential for cell survival. Since the pathway involved in conversion of d-glucose to d-arabinose is unknown, we incubated cells of Mycobacterium smegmatis individually with [1-(14)C]glucose, [3,4-(14)C]glucose, and [6-(14)C]glucose and compared the specific activities of the cell wall-bound arabinose. Although the specific activity of the arabinose was about 25% lower with [6-(14)C]glucose than with other labels, there did not appear to be selective loss of either carbon 1 or carbon 6, suggesting that arabinose was not formed by loss of carbon 1 of glucose via the oxidative step of the pentose phosphate pathway, or by loss of carbon 6 in the uronic acid pathway. Similar labeling patterns were observed with ribose isolated from the nucleic acid fraction. Since these results suggested an unusual pathway of pentose formation, labeling studies were also done with [1-(13)C]glucose, [2-(13)C]glucose, and [6-(13)C]glucose and the cell wall arabinose was examined by NMR analysis. This method allows one to determine the relative (13)C content in each carbon of the arabinose. The labeling patterns suggested that the most likely pathway was condensation of carbons 1 and 2 of fructose 6-phosphate produced by the transaldolase reaction with carbons 4, 5, and 6 (i.e., glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate) formed by fructose-1,6 bisphosphate aldolase. Cell-free enzyme extracts of M. smegmatis were incubated with ribose 5-phosphate, xylulose 5-phosphate, and d-arabinose 5-phosphate under a variety of experimental conditions. Although the ribose 5-phosphate and xylulose 5-phosphate were converted to other pentoses and hexoses, no arabinose 5-phosphate (or free arabinose) was detected in any of these reactions. In addition, these enzyme extracts did not convert arabinose 5-phosphate to any other pentose or hexose. In addition, incubation of [(14)C]glucose 6-phosphate and various nucleoside triphosphates (ATP, CTP, GTP, TTP, and UTP) with cytosolic or membrane fractions from the mycobacterial cells did not result in formation of a nucleotide form of arabinose, although other radioactive sugars including rhamnose and galactose were found in the nucleotide fraction. Furthermore, no radioactive arabinose was found in the nucleotide fraction isolated from M. smegmatis cells grown in [(3)H]glucose, nor was arabinose detected in a large-scale extraction of the sugar nucleotide fraction from 300 g of cells. The logical conclusion from these studies is that d-arabinose is probably produced from d-ribose by epimerization of carbon 2 of the ribose moiety of polyprenylphosphate-ribose to form polyprenylphosphate-arabinose, which is then used as the precursor for formation of arabinosyl polymers.  相似文献   

One of the main problems in combating tuberculosis is caused by a poor penetration of drugs into the mycobacterial cells. A prodrug approach via activation inside mycobacterial cells is a possible strategy to overcome this hurdle and achieve efficient drug uptake. Esters are attractive candidates for such a strategy and we and others communicated previously the activity of esters of weak organic acids against mycobacteria. However very little is known about ester hydrolysis by mycobacteria and no biological model is available to study the activation of prodrugs by these microorganisms. To begin filling this gap, we have embarked in a project to develop an in vitro method to study prodrug activation by mycobacteria using Mycobacterium smegmatis homogenates. Model ester substrates were ethyl nicotinate and ethyl benzoate whose hydrolysis was monitored and characterized kinetically. Our studies showed that in M. smegmatis most esterase activity is associated with the soluble fraction (cytosol) and is preserved by storage at 5 °C or at room temperature for one hour, or by storage at − 80 °C up to one year. In the range of homogenate concentrations studied (5-80% in buffer), kobs varied linearly with homogenate concentration for both substrates. We also found that the homogenates showed Michaelis-Menten kinetics behavior with both prodrugs. Since ethyl benzoate is a good substrate for the mycobacterial esterases, this compound can be used to standardize the esterasic activity of homogenates, allowing results of incubations of prodrugs with homogenates from different batches to be readily compared.  相似文献   

Mycobacterium smegmatis SN2 does not exhibit natural competence for the uptake of phage I3 DNA. Competence can artificially be induced by treatment with glycine or CaCl2, and the combination of both is even more effective. The efficiency of transfection can be improved by inclusion of protamine sulphate and heterologous RNA in the system. From 32P DNA uptake studies the major barrier for the entry of DNA has been found to be the complex cell wall. The efficiency of transfection calculated on the basis of fraction of DNA which has entered the cell is comparable to that of other bacterial systems. The phage development takes a longer time (7 h for one cycle) after transfection, as compared to infection (4 h).  相似文献   

Superoxide dismutase from Mycobacterium species,strain Takeo   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Superoxide dismutase from Mycobacterium species, strain Takeo, has been purified to homogeneity as judged by disc gel electrophoresis and ultracentrifugation. The enzyme was found to have a molecular weight of approximately 61 500 by sedimentation equilibrium and to contain manganese by atomic absorption and electron spin resonance spectra. The amino acid composition was also determined. The enzyme was considerably stable to the treatment with sodium dodecyl sulfate; unless incubating at 80°C for 2 min, it was not completely dissociated into the subunits. The molecular weight of the subunit was found to be approximately 21 000. Antibodies against the superoxide dismutase were produced by immunization of rabbits with the enzyme, and the -globulin fraction was purified. Superoxide dismutase preparations obtained from various species of mycobacteria and nocardia cross-reacted to different degrees with these antibodies on the Ouchterlony double diffusion plates. Comparative immunological studies indicated that strain Takeo might be most closely related to Myobacterium smegmatis among species of mycobacteria and nocardia tested. The antibodies against superoxide dismutase may be used as a valuable tool for the classification of mycobacteria.  相似文献   

Cyclic di‑AMP (c-di-AMP) is a second signaling molecule involved in the regulation of bacterial physiological processes and interaction between pathogen and host. However, the regulatory network mediated by c-di-AMP in Mycobacterium remains obscure. In M. smegmatis, a diadenylate cyclase (DAC) was reported recently, but there is still no investigation on c-di-AMP phosphodiesterase (PDE). Here, we provide a systematic study on signaling mechanism of c-di-AMP PDE in M. smegmatis. Based on our enzymatic analysis, MsPDE (MSMEG_2630), which contained a DHH-DHHA1 domain, displayed a 200-fold higher hydrolytic efficiency (kcat/Km) to c-di-AMP than to c-di-GMP. MsPDE was capable of converting c-di-AMP to pApA and AMP, and hydrolyzing pApA to AMP. Site-directed mutations in DHH and DHHA1 revealed that DHH domain was critical for the phosphodiesterase activity. To explore the regulatory role of c-di-AMP in vivo, we constructed the mspde mutant (Δmspde) and found that deficiency of MsPDE significantly enhanced intracellular C12-C20 fatty acid accumulation. Deficiency of DAC in many bacteria results in cell death. However, we acquired the M. smegmatis strain with DAC gene disrupted (ΔmsdisA) by homologous recombination approach. Deletion of msdisA reduced bacterial C12-C20 fatty acids production but scarcely affected bacterial survival. We also provided evidences that superfluous c-di-AMP in M. smegmatis could lead to abnormal colonial morphology. Collectively, our results indicate that MsPDE is a functional c-di-AMP-specific phosphodiesterase both in vitro and in vivo. Our study also expands the regulatory network mediated by c-di-AMP in M. smegmatis.  相似文献   

The composition, subcellular distribution and rate of synthesis of phospholipids were compared in ethambutol susceptible and resistant strains ofMycobacterium smegmatis. Significant quantitative alterations in phospholipids accompanied the acquisition of resistance, whereas fatty acyl group composition of total phospholipid remained the same in ethambutol resistant and susceptible strains. Cell wall of resistant strain exhibited an accumulation of phospholipids and a decrease in the degree of unsaturation of phospholipid fatty acyl groups. Changes in the cell wall phospholipid composition may contribute to resistance ofMycobacterium smegmatis to ethambutol.  相似文献   

Lama A  Pawaria S  Dikshit KL 《FEBS letters》2006,580(17):4031-4041
Unraveling of microbial genome data has indicated that two distantly related truncated hemoglobins (trHbs), HbN and HbO, might occur in many species of slow-growing pathogenic mycobacteria. Involvement of HbN in bacterial defense against NO toxicity and nitrosative stress has been proposed. A gene, encoding a putative HbN homolog with conserved features of typical trHbs, has been identified within the genome sequence of fast-growing mycobacterium, Mycobacterium smegmatis. Sequence analysis of M. smegmatis HbN indicated that it is relatively smaller in size and lacks N-terminal pre-A region, carrying 12-residue polar sequence motif that is present in HbN of M. tuberculosis. HbN encoding gene of M. smegmatis was expressed in E. coli as a 12.8kD homodimeric heme protein that binds oxygen reversibly with high affinity (P50 approximately 0.081 mm Hg) and autooxidizes faster than M. tuberculosis HbN. The circular dichroism spectra indicate that HbN of M. smegmatis and M. tuberculosis are structurally similar. Interestingly, an hmp mutant of E. coli, unable to metabolize nitric oxide, exhibited very low NO uptake activity in the presence of M. smegmatis HbN as compared to HbN of M. tuberculosis. On the basis of cellular heme content, specific nitric oxide dioxygenase (NOD) activity of M. smegmatis HbN was nearly one-third of that from M. tuberculosis. Additionally, the hmp mutant of E. coli, carrying M. smegmatis HbN, exhibited nearly 10-fold lower cell survival under nitrosative stress and nitrite derived reactive nitrogen species as compared to the isogenic strain harboring HbN of M. tuberculosis. Taken together, these results suggest that NO metabolizing activity and protection provided by M. smegmatis HbN against toxicity of NO and reactive nitrogen is significantly lower than HbN of M. tuberculosis. The lower efficiency of M. smegmatis HbN for NO detoxification as compared to M. tuberculosis HbN might be related to different level of NO exposure and nitrosative stress faced by these mycobacteria during their cellular metabolism.  相似文献   

Summary The present study reports on the relationship between adsorption ofMycobacterium phlei onto hematite and flotation of the mineral. From light and scanning electron microscopy, contact angle and electrophoretic mobility observations it was found thatM. phlei is more negatively charged than hematite, that it readily accumulates onto the mineral and that it functions as a flotation collector for the mineral with optimum flotation taking place at about pH 2.5.  相似文献   

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