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In this study we examine the effects of intravenous ethyl oleate emulsions on the metabolism of native and cyclohexanedione-modified human low density lipoprotein in rabbits. Treatment produced a highly significant fall in receptor-independent catabolism as measured by the fractional clearance rate of cyclohexanedione-modified low density lipoprotein. Receptor-dependent catabolism (the difference between the fractional clearance rates of native and cyclohexanedione-modified low density lipoprotein) was variably affected with some animals showing a decrease in receptor activity. These data suggest that the reticuloendothelial system makes a substantial contribution to receptor-independent low density lipoprotein catabolism in the rabbit.  相似文献   

The capacity of the homogenates from human liver, rat parenchymal cells, rat non-parenchymal cells and total rat liver for the breakdown of human and rat high density lipoprotein (HDL) and human low density lipoprotein (LDL) was determined. Human HDL was catabolized by human liver, in contrast to human LDL, the protein degradation of which was low or absent. Human and rat HDL were catabolized by both the rat parenchymal and non-parenchymal cell homogenates with, on protein base, a 10-times higher activity in the non-parenchymal liver cells. This implies that more than 50% of the total liver capacity for HDL protein degradation is localized in these cell types. Human LDL degradation in the rat could only be detected in the non-parenchymal cell homogenates. These findings are discussed in view of the function of HDL and LDL as carriers for cholesterol.  相似文献   

We demonstrate here that hepatic triglyceride lipase (HTGL) enhances VLDL degradation in cultured cells by a LDL receptor-mediated mechanism. VLDL binding at 4 degrees C and degradation at 37 degrees C by normal fibroblasts was stimulated by HTGL in a dose-dependent manner. A maximum increase of up to 7-fold was seen at 10 microg/ml HTGL. Both VLDL binding and degradation were significantly increased (4-fold) when LDL receptors were up-regulated by treatment with lovastatin. HTGL also stimulated VLDL degradation by LDL receptor-deficient FH fibroblasts but the level of maximal degradation was 40-fold lower than in lovastatin-treated normal fibroblasts. A prominent role for LDL receptors was confirmed by demonstration of similar HTGL-promoted VLDL degradation by normal and LRP-deficient murine embryonic fibroblasts. HTGL enhanced binding and internalization of apoprotein-free triglyceride emulsions, however, this was LDL receptor-independent. HTGL-stimulated binding and internalization of apoprotein-free emulsions was totally abolished by heparinase indicating that it was mediated by HSPG. In a cell-free assay HTGL competitively inhibited the binding of VLDL to immobilized LDL receptors at 4 degrees C suggesting that it may directly bind to LDL receptors but may not bind VLDL particles at the same time.We conclude that the ability of HTGL to enhance VLDL degradation is due to its ability to concentrate lipoprotein particles on HSPG sites on the cell surface leading to LDL receptor-mediated endocytosis and degradation.  相似文献   

Low density lipoprotein and high density lipoprotein were isolated from rat serum by sequential ultracentrifugation in the density intervals 1.025-1.050 g/ml and 1.125-1.21 g/ml, respectively. The isolated lipoproteins were radioiodinated using ICl. Low density lipoprotein was further purified by concanavalin A affinity chromatography and concentrated by ultracentrifugation. 95% of the purified low density lipoprotein radioactivity was precipitable by tetramethylurea, while only 4% was associated with lipids. The radioiodinated high density lipoprotein was incubated for 1 h at 4 degrees C with unlabelled very low density lipoprotein, followed by reisolation by sequential ultracentrifugation. Only 3% of the radioactivity was associated with lipids and 90% was present on apolipoprotein A-I. The serum decay curves of labelled and subsequently purified rat low and high density lipoprotein, measured over a period of 28 h, clearly exhibited more than one component, in contrast to the monoexponential decay curves of iodinated human low density lipoprotein. The decay curves were not affected by the methods used to purify the LDL and HDL preparations. The catabolic sites of the labelled rat lipoproteins were analyzed in vivo using leupeptin-treated rats. In vivo treatment of rats with leupeptin did not affect the rate of disappearance from serum of intravenously injected labelled rat low density lipoprotein and high density lipoprotein. Leupeptin-dependent accumulation of radioiodine occurred almost exclusively in the liver after intravenous injection of iodinated low density lipoprotein, while both the liver and the kidneys showed leupeptin-dependent accumulation of radioactivity after injection of iodinated high density lipoprotein.  相似文献   

The formation of low density lipoprotein (LDL) from very low density lipoprotein (VLDL) was studied after injecting 14C-radiomethylated or 125I-radioiodinated VLDL into rats. VLDL and LDL B apoprotein specific radioactivity time curves were obtained after tetramethylurea extraction of the lipoproteins. In all experiments, the specific activity of LDL B apoprotein did not intercept the VLDL curve at maximal heights, suggesting that not all LDL B apoprotein is derived from VLDL B apoprotein. Further subfractionation of LDL into the Sf 12-20, 5-12, and 0-5 ranges showed that most (65%) LDL B apoprotein was present in the Sf 0-5 fraction and that only a small proportion (6-15%) of this fraction was derived from VLDL. However, the curves obtained for the Sf 12-20 and 5-12 subfractions were consistent with a precursor-product relationship in which all of these fractions were derived entirely from VLDL catabolism. These results contrasted strikingly with similar data obtained for normal humans in which all LDL is derived from VLDL. In the rat, it appears that most of the B apoprotein in the Sf 0-5 range, which contains 65% of the total LDL B apoprotein, enters the plasma independently of VLDL secretion.  相似文献   

The LDL receptor pathway, which was delineated in cultured cells, is now known to operate in vivo. In this study we have measured the plasma clearances and tissue uptakes of native and chemically modified (1,2-cyclohexanedione-treated or reductively methylated) LDL in rabbits in order to determine the response of the pathway to a high-cholesterol diet. 1 week on the diet increased circulating LDL and suppressed its receptor-mediated plasma clearance and uptake into all tissues. The fractional catabolic rate of the lipoprotein via the receptor-independent route also fell. Continuation of the feeding program for 12 weeks accentuated these changes and virtually eliminated receptor uptake into all tissues so that the plasma decay curves of native and cyclohexanedione-treated LDL were superimposable. Lipoprotein assimilation by the aorta, however, did not follow this general trend. This tissue, after 12 weeks, was variably infiltrated by atheromatous deposits and the appearance of these lesions was associated with a substantial increase in the relative uptakes of both native and chemically modified (cyclohexanedione-treated and reductively methylated) LDL. We concluded (a) that expansion of tissue cholesterol pools virtually abolishes LDL receptor activity in rabbits; and (b) that LDL assimilation (both apparently receptor-mediated and receptor-independent) paradoxically increases at sites where the aorta is affected by atheromatous lesions.  相似文献   

In the present study, we found that catabolism of coagulation factor VIII (fVIII) is mediated by the low density lipoprotein receptor-related protein (LPR), a liver multiligand endocytic receptor. In a solid phase assay, fVIII was shown to bind to LRP (K(d) 116 nM). The specificity was confirmed by a complete inhibition of fVIII/LRP binding by 39-kDa receptor-associated protein (RAP), an antagonist of all LRP ligands. The region of fVIII involved in its binding to LRP was localized within the A2 domain residues 484-509, based on the ability of the isolated A2 domain and the synthetic A2 domain peptide 484-509 to prevent fVIII interaction with LRP. Since vWf did not inhibit fVIII binding to LRP, we proposed that LRP receptor may internalize fVIII from its complex with vWf. Consistent with this hypothesis, mouse embryonic fibroblasts that express LRP, but not fibroblasts genetically deficient in LRP, were able to catabolize (125)I-fVIII complexed with vWf, which was not internalized by the cells. These processes could be inhibited by RAP and A2 subunit of fVIII, indicating that cellular internalization and degradation were mediated by interaction of the A2 domain of fVIII with LRP. In vivo studies of (125)I-fVIII.vWf complex clearance in mice demonstrated that RAP completely inhibited the fast phase of the biphasic (125)I-fVIII clearance that is responsible for removal of 60% of fVIII from circulation. Inhibition of the RAP-sensitive phase prolonged the half-life of (125)I-fVIII in circulation by 3.3-fold, indicating that LRP receptor plays an important role in fVIII clearance.  相似文献   

The plasma clearance and tissue distribution of radioiodinated low-density lipoprotein (LDL), beta-very low density lipoprotein (beta-VLDL), and acetoacetylated LDL were studied in cholesterol-fed rabbits. Radioiodinated LDL ([125I]LDL) was cleared more slowly than either [125I]beta-VLDL or acetoacetylated-[125I]LDL and its fractional catabolic rate was one-half that of [125I]beta-VLDL and one-ninth that of acetoacetylated-[125I]LDL. Forty-eight hours after the injection of the labeled lipoproteins, the hepatic uptake was the greatest among the organs evaluated with the uptake of [125I]LDL being one-third that of either [125I]beta-VLDL or acetoacetylated-[125I]LDL. The reduction in the hepatic uptake of LDL due to a down-regulation of the receptors would account for this retarded plasma clearance.  相似文献   

Effects of ethinylestradiol on LDL catabolism and plasma cholesterol were studied in the rat. Hormone treatment led to a reduction in plasma cholesterol and to an increased receptor-mediated catabolism of LDL in the liver and the adrenals. The liver was the most important organ accounting for more than 95% of the receptor-mediated tissue accumulation of LDL following estrogen treatment. It is concluded that the reduction in plasma cholesterol during treatment with ethinylestradiol is due to the stimulation of LDL receptors in the liver.  相似文献   

The conversion of very low density (VLDL) to low density lipoproteins (LDL) is a two-step process. The first step is mediated by lipoprotein lipase, but the mechanism responsible for the second is obscure. In this study we examined the possible involvement of receptors at this stage. Apolipoprotein B (apoB)-containing lipoproteins were separated into three fractions, VLDL (Sf 100-400), an intermediate fraction IDL (Sf 12-100), and LDL (Sf 0-12). Autologous 125I-labeled VLDL and 131I-labeled 1,2-cyclohexanedione-modified VLDL were injected into the plasma of four normal subjects and the rate of transfer of apoB radioactivity was followed through IDL to LDL. Modification did not affect VLDL to IDL conversion. Thereafter, however, the catabolism of modified apoB in IDL was retarded and its appearance in LDL was delayed. Hence, functional arginine residues (and by implication, receptors) are required in this process. Confirmation of this was obtained by injecting 125I-labeled IDL and 131I-labeled cyclohexanedione-treated IDL into two additional subjects. Again, IDL metabolism was delayed by approximately 50% as a result of the modification. These data are consistent with the view that receptors are involved in the metabolism of intermediate density lipoprotein.  相似文献   

Modification of low density lipoprotein by nonenzymic glycosylation resulted in decreased receptor-mediated lipoprotein catabolism. Guggulsterone treatment caused significant increase in binding of [125I] low density lipoprotein as well as [125I] glycosylated low density lipoprotein. Scatchard plot analysis of the binding activity revealed that under the influence of guggulsterone, the liver membrane contains increased amounts of a functional lipoprotein receptor that binds more low density lipoprotein particles.  相似文献   

The LDL receptor (LDLR) and scavenger receptor class B type I (SR-BI) play physiological roles in LDL and HDL metabolism in vivo. In this study, we explored HDL metabolism in LDLR-deficient mice in comparison with WT littermates. Murine HDL was radiolabeled in the protein (125I) and in the cholesteryl ester (CE) moiety ([3H]). The metabolism of 125I-/[3H]HDL was investigated in plasma and in tissues of mice and in murine hepatocytes. In WT mice, liver and adrenals selectively take up HDL-associated CE ([3H]). In contrast, in LDLR−/− mice, selective HDL CE uptake is significantly reduced in liver and adrenals. In hepatocytes isolated from LDLR−/− mice, selective HDL CE uptake is substantially diminished compared with WT liver cells. Hepatic and adrenal protein expression of lipoprotein receptors SR-BI, cluster of differentiation 36 (CD36), and LDL receptor-related protein 1 (LRP1) was analyzed by immunoblots. The respective protein levels were identical both in hepatic and adrenal membranes prepared from WT or from LDLR−/− mice. In summary, an LDLR deficiency substantially decreases selective HDL CE uptake by liver and adrenals. This decrease is independent from regulation of receptor proteins like SR-BI, CD36, and LRP1. Thus, LDLR expression has a substantial impact on both HDL and LDL metabolism in mice.  相似文献   

It has been proposed that clearance of cholesterol-enriched very low density lipoprotein (VLDL) particles occurs through a multistep process beginning with their initial binding to cell-surface heparan sulfate proteoglycans (HSPG), followed by their uptake into cells by a receptor-mediated process that utilizes members of the low density lipoprotein receptor (LDLR) family, including the low density lipoprotein receptor-related protein (LRP). We have further explored the relationship between HSPG binding of VLDL and its subsequent internalization by focusing on the LRP pathway using a cell line deficient in LDLR. In this study, we show that LRP and HSPG are part of a co-immunoprecipitable complex at the cell surface demonstrating a novel association for these two cell surface receptors. Cell surface binding assays show that this complex can be disrupted by an LRP-specific ligand binding antagonist, which in turn leads to increased VLDL binding and degradation. The increase in VLDL binding results from an increase in the availability of HSPG sites as treatment with heparinase or competitors of glycosaminoglycan chain addition eliminated the augmented binding. From these results we propose a model whereby LRP regulates the availability of VLDL binding sites at the cell surface by complexing with HSPG. Once HSPG dissociates from LRP, it is then able to bind and internalize VLDL independent of LRP endocytic activity. We conclude that HSPG and LRP together participate in VLDL clearance by means of a synergistic relationship.  相似文献   

Human low density lipoprotein (LDL), radiolabeled in the cholesteryl ester moiety, was injected into estrogen-treated and -untreated rats. The hepatic and extrahepatic distribution and biliary secretion of [3H]cholesteryl esters were determined at various times after injection. In order to follow the intrahepatic metabolism of the cholesteryl esters of LDL in vivo, the liver was subfractioned into parenchymal and Kupffer cells by a low temperature cell isolation procedure. In control rats, the LDL cholesteryl esters were mainly taken up by the Kupffer cells. After uptake, the [3H]cholesteryl esters are rapidly hydrolyzed, followed by release of [3H]cholesterol from the cells to other sites in the body. Up to 24 h after injection of LDL, only 9% of the radioactivity appeared in the bile, whereas after 72 h, this value was 30%. Hepatic and especially the parenchymal cell uptake of [3H]cholesteryl esters from LDL was strongly increased upon 17 alpha-ethinylestradiol treatment (3 days, 5 mg/kg). After rapid hydrolysis of the esters, [3H]cholesterol was both secreted into bile (28% of the injected dose in the first 24 h) as well as stored inside the cells as re-esterified cholesterol ester. It is concluded that uptake of human LDL by the liver in untreated rats is not efficiently coupled to biliary secretion of cholesterol (derivatives), which might be due to the anatomical localization of the principal uptake site, the Kupffer cells. In contrast, uptake of LDL cholesterol ester by liver hepatocytes is tightly coupled to bile excretion. The Kupffer cell uptake of LDL might be necessary in order to convert LDL cholesterol (esters) into a less toxic form. This activity can be functional in animals with low receptor activity on hepatocytes, as observed in untreated rats, or after diet-induced down-regulation of hepatocyte LDL receptors in other animals.  相似文献   

The use of serum from rat fetuses instead of serum from adult rats for preparation of LDL by preparative ultracentrifugation leads to an LDL fraction containing apoB-100 and apoB-95 as the only protein moieties without need for any further purification. The yield of LDL is five times greater compared to the use of adult rat serum. Lipid composition and particle size of LDL from fetal and adult rats are quite similar. The method described allows a simple way for preparation of sufficient amounts of apoE-free LDL for use in metabolic studies.  相似文献   

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