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The "source and sink" for the intracellular calcium released during fertilization were examined in sea urchin eggs, Hemicentrotus pulcherrimus , with chlortetracycline as a fluorescent chelate probe. In order to distinguish the differential distribution of membrane-associated calcium in various compartments in cytoplasm, eggs were stratified by centrifugation before or after fertilization. Only the layer containing mainly mitochondria exhibited the chlortetracycline-fluorescence in unfertilized eggs. After fertilization, a new fluorescent band emerged in the membrane-rich clear layer of stratified eggs. Chlortetracycline-fluorescence in the clear layer was gradually redistributed surrounding the prophase nucleus and then incorporated into the mitotic apparatus. From these observations, we postulate that the major source(s) of released free calcium ions at fertilization is in the mitochondira layer and membranes in the clear layer are newly activated as the calcium sequestering system after fertilization.  相似文献   

The cyclin B/CDK1 complex is a key regulator of mitotic entry. Using PP242, a specific ATP-competitive inhibitor of mTOR kinase, we provide evidence that the mTOR signalling pathway controls cyclin B mRNA translation following fertilization in Sphaerechinus granularis and Paracentrotus lividus. We show that PP242 inhibits the degradation of the cap-dependent translation repressor 4E-BP (eukaryotic initiation factor 4E-Binding Protein). PP242 inhibits global protein synthesis, delays cyclin B accumulation, cyclin B/CDK1 complex activation and consequently entry into the mitotic phase of the cell cycle triggered by fertilization. PP242 inhibits cyclin B mRNA recruitment into active polysomes triggered by fertilization. An amount of cyclin B mRNA present in active polysomes appears to be insensitive to PP242 treatment. Taken together, our results suggest that, following sea urchin egg fertilization, cyclin B mRNA translation is controlled by two independent mechanisms: a PP242-sensitive and an additional PP242-insentitive mechanism.  相似文献   

Sea-urchin blastomeres have two domains of the plasma membrane which can be distinguished immunocytochemically. An egg-surface antibody (anti-ES), which binds to the membrane of the entire surface region of eggs before cleavage, binds to the membrane of the outer surface region of blastomeres after cleavage, but not to that of the cleavage furrow region or interblastomeric surface region.
The anti-ES binding sites on the egg membrane were chased after cleavage by labeling the egg plasma membrane with FITC conjugated monovalent anti-ES (FITC-Fab anti-ES) before the first cleavage, and then allowing the eggs to cleave. The surface fluorescence increased in intensity in the cleavage furrow region with progress of furrowing, but after completion of the furrowing, the fluorescence became uniform and finally decreased in the interblastomeric surface region.
The distributions of pigment granules and NBD-phallacidin stainable microfilaments in the cortex after completion of furrowing were polarized in the same way as the anti-ES binding area. As cytochalasin B completely inhibited the polarization in both the surface and cortical layer but colchicine did not, polarization of the anti-ES binding area was concluded to be due to the post-cleavage polarized distribution of submembranous microfilaments in the cortical layer.  相似文献   

ECHINOCHROME pigment granules in unfertilized eggs of the sea urchin Arbacia punctulata undergo randomly-directed saltatory movements1,2. After fertilization, nearly all these granules migrate to the egg cortex and become embedded. Subsequent pigment granule movements may represent mass cortical changes rather than independent granule movements2,3. At the fourth cleavage, a quartet of micromeres containing little or no pigment forms at the vegetal pole. By the two or four-cell stage, pigment granules have begun to move out of this region, leaving a “clear area” on each blastomere (Fig. 1 and refs. 4, 5). To investigate possible mechanisms for these movements and their relation to cortical events  相似文献   

Electric Field-induced Fusion of Sea Urchin Eggs   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
An electrical method is described which permits the fusion of denuded eggs of the sea urchin species Paracentrotus lividus . In a nearly non-conductive medium, containing 1.2 M glucose at pH 6.0–8.4, eggs or fertilized stages are brought into close membrane contact by dielectrophoresis arising from the application of a highly inhomogeneous alternating electric field. During this process the eggs aligne parallel to the field forming "egg-chains". In well pigmented eggs pigmentcapping is observed in the areas of cell contact. After completion of the alignment, the application of an additional single high field pulse of μs duration induces fusion of two or more eggs. The mechanism underlying the fusion process is the reversible electric breakdown of membranes in the zones of cell-to-cell contact. Fusion proceeds within 1–10 min at 10–20°C. Fused eggs have intact nuclei, can be fertilized, but undergo abortive cleavage.  相似文献   

In unfertilized eggs of the sea urchin Hemicentrotus pulcherrimus , fertilization membrane formation was induced by an incubation with dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) for several min at 20°c followed by another incubation in an ice bath. The number of eggs with fertilization membrane, thus obtained, increased in relation to the concentration of DMSO between 1 and 3% (v/v) and was higher than 75% at concentrations above 3%. Fertilization membrane formation by this treatment occurred in Ca2+ free- or Ca2+, Mg2+ free- artificial sea water containing EGTA (50 mM) and was inhibited by verapamil. In the presence of DMSO, the membrane formation was also induced by 2, 4-dinitrophenol or cyanide in considerable number of eggs at 20°c. Eggs remained fertilizable, even when they were kept with DMSO for 1 hr at 20°c. DMSO slightly enhanced respiratory rate in unfertilized eggs and substantially reduced it in fertilized eggs. DMSO-treated eggs exhibited cyanide-insensitive respiratory burst following chilling in an ice bath or by adding DNP or cyanide, in a similar manner to the burst induced by sperm.  相似文献   

Cytochalasin B action has been investigated in polyploidisation and gynogenesis in Atlantic salmon and rainbow trout. Solutions of 10, 20, 30 and 50 mg/1 were used to treat eggs from 35 h° to the 2-, 4- and 8-cell stages for rainbow trout, from 35 h° to the 2- and 4-cell stages, and 50 h° to the 8-cell stage for salmon. Survival rate was low in all treated groups. Low frequencies of polyploid and gynogenetic individuals were observed in embryos and alevins by means of two methods: DNA analysis by flow cytometry and chromosome counting. All polyploids observed were triploids without evidence of mosaicism. A few spontaneous diploid gynogenetic rainbow trout were registrated, as well as spontaneous triploid salmon, in controls.  相似文献   

Triglycerides in the embryos of the sea urchin, Anthocidaris crassispina , analyzed by gas-liquid chromatography, distributed in a range of carbon numbers between 42 and 58 in the sum of three fatty acid residues. During the development until gastrulation, the levels of triglycerides with 48, 56 and 58 carbon numbers decreased at constant rates and the levels of the others decreased at specific stages different with one another, respectively. Thereafter, the amounts of all triglycerides decreased simultaneously. The amount of oxygen consumed in the embryos is enough for the oxidation of mobilized triglycerides during post-hatching period but is not during pre-hatching period. The levels of neutral glycerides increased gradually during pre-hatching period and thereafter decreased. The fatty acid level also increased during pre-hatching and post-hatching period. These suggest that the cleavage of triglycerides and the oxidation of their cleavage-products occur during whole span of early development. During pre-hatching period, the break down of triglycerides is probably higher in its rate than the rate of their oxidation, resulting in the increase in the levels of neutral glycerides, as well as fatty acids.  相似文献   

The interactions between sea urchin spermatozoa and ova duringfertilization usually exhibit a high degree of species specificity.Under natural conditions and reasonable gamete concentrations,most interspecific inseminations fail to yield zygotes. Macromoleculeson the external surfaces of the apposing gametes must surelybe responsible for successful gamete recognition, adhesion andfusion. Species specific recognition between surface componentsof sperm and egg could occur during at least three events comprisingthe fertilization process. The first event is the interactionof the sperm plasma membrane with the egg jelly coat. This inducesthe sperm acrosome reaction resulting in the exocytosis of the"bindin" -containing acrosome granule and also the extrusionof the acrosome process from the anterior tip of the sperm.The second event is the adhesion of the bindin-coated acrosomeprocess to glycoprotein "bindin receptors" on the external surfaceof the egg vitelline layer. The third event is the penetrationof the vitelline layer and the fusion of sperm and egg plasmamembranes. With the isolations of the component of egg jellywhich induces the acrosome reaction, sperm bindin from the acrosomevesicle and the egg surface bindin receptor from the vitellinelayer, there is hope of discovering the molecular basis of thismost interesting intercellular interaction which results inthe activation of embryonic development.  相似文献   

During initial several minutes after fertilization, sea urchin eggs exhibited high rate of respiration which was only slightly inhibited by cyanide. This cyanide-insensitive respiration was inhibited by calcium antagonists, diltiazem and verapamil, and calmodulin antagonists, N-(6-aminohexyl)-5-chloro-1-naphthalensulfonamide hydrochloride (W-7), N-(6-aminohexyl)-1-naphthalenesulfonamide hydrochloride (W-5) and chlorpromazine, which were added within 1 min after insemination. The inhibitory effect of W-7 on cyanide-insensitive respiration was higher than that of W-5. Cyanide-sensitive respiration of fertilized eggs observed after this initial period was not inhibited by these compounds. Ca2+ influx in eggs just after fertilization was inhibited by calcium antagonists but was rather enhanced by calmodulin antagonists. Fertilization-induced stimulation of cyanide-insensitive respiration probably results from calmodulin-dependent reactions which are activated by Ca2+ influx.  相似文献   

Ryanodine, miconazole, clotrimazole, doxorubicin, quercetin, halothane, caffeine and chloroform, which activate Ca2+-induced Ca2+release from Ca2+stores, induced Ca2+release from a particulate fraction isolated from sea urchin eggs, Ca2+influx into eggs and formation of a fertilization membrane in an appreciable number of eggs. Their minimum effective concentrations for inducing a fertilization membrane increased in the order of these drugs listed above, and this order was also the same as that of their minimum effective concentrations for inducing Ca2+release from the isolated particulate fraction. Their effect in inducing a fertilization membrane was blocked by ruthenium red and procaine, which inhibit Ca2+release from Ca2+stores. Thus these drugs probably induced sufficient Ca2+release to make the cytosolic Ca2+level high enough in many eggs for formation of a fertilization membrane. In the absence of external Ca2+, fewer eggs treated with these drugs formed a fertilization membrane and more eggs did so on further treatment with either A23187 or carbonylcyanide-p-trifluoromethoxy-phenylhydrazone (FCCP). Thus, a high level of Ca2+is probably derived from Ca2+release through Ca2+releasing channels (by A23187), from mitochondria (by FCCP) and its transport from the external medium.  相似文献   

We have examined the effects of ethanol on early fertilization events and later development in the sea urchin Strongylocentrotus purpuratus . Eggs can still be fertilized in ethanol concentrations as high as 480 mM (2.0%); egg cytolysis was rapidly observed postinsemination in 50% of the cells at 220 mM ethanol. Yet, sperm motility was essentially normal in 250 mM ethanol; 940 mM ethanol was required to affect a 50% reduction. To determine the effect of ethanol on K+-efflux from eggs induced by fertilization, we used parthenogenetic activation induced by the Ca2+-ionophore A23187. Surprisingly, ethanol at only 0.2 mM caused an abnormal K+-efflux, but only when added between 1 and 3 min after induction of activation. The K+-efflux rates of unfertilized eggs were not influenced by up to 730 mM ethanol. Finally, normal embryonic development through the mesenchyme blastula stage was observed in egg suspensions which were treated for 30 min with ethanol concentrations as high as 240 mM, but washed with normal seawater prior to insemination. Normal plutei were obtained from cultures which were continuously cultured in 24 mM ethanol from 15 min postinsemination. We conclude that an extreme ethanol sensitivity of embryogenesis is apparent only during the cortical reaction.  相似文献   

Sea urchin eggs kept in artificial sea water (ASW) containing 0.01–0.3 M NaSCN in place of NaCI from within 2 min after insemination formed thin, enlarged fertilization envelopes, which were broken on mild agitation of egg suspensions more easily than those formed in Ca2+-free ASW. The blastomeres of almost all embryos derived from eggs treated with 0.2M SCN for 1 hr dissociated spontaneously, and did not reassociate with other blastomeres appreciably. Thus SCN probably denaturated some compound(s) participating in blastomere binding and hardening of the fertilization envelope. Abnormal arrangements of blastomeres, probably due to incomplete blastomere dissociation, were observed in embryos derived from eggs treated with 0.1 M SCN for 1 hr. Treatment of fertilized or unfertilized eggs with 0.05–0.1 M SCN for a short period caused concentration-dependent block of morphogenic processes such as formation of the archenteron and pluteus arms in the post-hatching period. The effects of SCN on morphogenesis were not inhibited by furosemide or 4,4'-diisothiocyano 2,2'-disulfonic stilbene. Presumably, the denaturation of several compounds in the egg surface by SCN causes abnormal morphogenesis of embryos. The inhibitory effects of SCN on hardening of the fertilization envelope, blastomere binding and morphogenesis were greater in the absence of Ca2+.  相似文献   

细胞松弛素B对鲍受精卵超微结构的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
细胞松弛素B(CB)作为一种微丝解聚剂,可用于诱导贝类三倍体,但由于其毒副作用导致了受精卵死亡和发育异常。通过透射电镜观察比较了皱纹盘鲍(Haliotis discus hannai)正常受精卵与CB处理后的受精卵亚显微结构的变化,结果显示,CB对线粒体等细胞器的破坏,造成了受精卵的代谢缺陷,是导致鲍受精卵孵化率低的原因之一。  相似文献   

The structure of the eggs of the sea urchin, Arbacia punctulata, has been investigated after the removal of one-half of the cellular protein. The procedure involves treatment of the eggs with 30 per cent ethanol at -10°C. followed by extraction of the soluble proteins with water. The eggs remain intact, although all of the cytoplasmic matrix is removed. Most cell structures can still be identified, although only the membranes of most remain. The mitochondria lose all of their matrix but retain the inner membranes or cristae. The annulate lamellae appear unaffected by this extraction procedure, remaining intact and apparently undamaged. The nuclear envelope is also retained, although it often undergoes a curious disorganization, apparently as the result of the separation of its two layers. The significance of these observations with respect to the structure of the envelope is discussed.  相似文献   

The distribution of membrane-associated calcium in dividing sea urchin eggs was examined with chlortetracycline as a fluorescent chelate probe. The fluorescence of bound chlortetracycline in fertilized eggs was initially evenly distributed, but began to gather around the nucleus in prophase, and formed a dumb-bell shaped condensation enclosing the mitotic apparatus by metaphase. During anaphase and telophase, the fluorescence was observed in kinetochore-to-pole regions of the spindle, with little fluorescence in the interkinetochore region. The astral regions showed intense fluorescence. The distribution of the chlortetracycline-fluorescence coincided with that of ER-like membranes seen in electron micrographs. The distribution of the fluorescence was obscure and the birefringence of spindles disappeared on perfusion on perfusion of the cells in metaphase with 1 mM tetracaine, which is known to displace membrane-bound calcium. These results suggest that intracellular free calcium ions are sequestered in the membrane system associated with the mitotic apparatus during mitosis.  相似文献   

To determine the responsible components of isolated sperm centrioles for the aster induction in sea urchin eggs, the sperm centriolar fraction was treated with various enzymes and was injected into the unfertilized eggs, then the aster formation in first division was observed after fertilization.
Treatment with 1 μg/ml or higher concentration of trypsin inhibited the centriolar activity for aster induction, whereas the treatment with 50 μg/ml of DNase 1, 80 μg/ml of RNase A, 40 μg/ml of RNase T1, or 0.1 μg/ml of trypsin had no inhibitory effect to induce asters. Injection of 0.5 μg/ml of RNase A or 1 mUg/ml of RNase T1 into the egg caused the detention of mitosis at the streak stage. To examine the temperature effect for aster induction, the centriolar fraction was pre-treated with boiling temperature, and it was found that the fraction became incapable to induce any aster.
Results obtained suggest that the effective components of the sperm centriolar fraction to induce asters in the fertilized sea urchin eggs are the proteins but not the nucleic acids. The aster inducing activity is destroyed by heat treatment.  相似文献   

Sea urchin fertilization envelope assembly provides an ideal model system for investigating the production and modification of an extracellular matrix. The contents of secretory vesicles and the egg glycocalyx mix to initiate assembly. Limited proteolysis and covalent crosslinking by a transglutaminase act as early events to modify the nascent envelope. A subset of secreted proteins binds to this matrix through ionic interactions that require divalent cations. For example, one secreted protein, proteoliaisin, is responsible for attaching ovoperoxidase to the envelope. Ovoperoxidase hardens the envelope by using hydrogen peroxide, produced by the egg during the respiratory burst, to form dityrosine crosslinks between a subset of fertilization envelope proteins. Numerous spatial and temporal regulatory mechanisms exist to ensure that proper assembly occurs in an environment isolated from the normal cytosolic regulatory machinery.  相似文献   

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