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The lipid composition of flight muscle mitochondria was determined in adult male acclimated for 30 days at 31°C and 45°C respectively. Locusts held at 31°C showed lower levels of phosphatidylcholine and higher levels of phosphatidylethanolamine than the 45°C-acclimated insects. A trend towards an increased cholesterol:phospholipid ratio was also observed at the higher temperature. Wide angle X-ray diffraction procedures indicated a difference of 5°C in the lipid phase transition temperatures of mitochondrial preparations derived from the two groups of insects with the 45°C-acclimated samples demonstrating the higher transition temperature.  相似文献   

A procedure is described for the partial purification of pyruvate carboxylase (pyruvate:CO2 ligase (ADP-forming), EC from the flight muscle of the locust (Schistocerca gregaria). Characterisation of the kinetic properties of this enzyme indicates that it is activated by acetyl-CoA, is insensitive to inhibition by di- and tricarboxylic acids and exhibits an apparent Km for HCO3-(16 mM) which differs by an order of magnitude from that observed for other pyruvate carboxylases. It is suggested that activation of this locust flight muscle pyruvate carboxylase during the rest leads to flight transition may result from increases in the concentrations of pyruvate and HCO3- under these conditions.  相似文献   

Hyperlipaemic response to adipokinetic hormone (AKH I) was demonstrated in both solitary and gregarious phases of the desert locust, Schistocerca gregaria gregaria. Time-course studies showed that the gregarious locusts had a faster response to the hormone than their solitary counterparts. At peak response time (90 min), the gregarious locusts were more sensitive to AKH I doses below 2 pmol while the solitary locusts had a higher response above this dose. Upon injection of the hormone, lipoprotein conversion occurred, resulting in the formation of the low density lipoprotein (LDLp). The LDLp formed in the gregarious locusts was much larger than that of the solitary locusts. The fat body lipid reserve (expressed as % fat body dry weight) was significantly (P < 0.01) higher in the gregarious (79.02 ± 2.77%) than in the solitary locusts (65.23 ± 2.55%). Triacylglycerol was the major lipid class representing 83.9 and 73.9% of the total lipids in gregarious and solitary locusts, respectively. The higher fat body lipid reserves and efficient LDLp formation in response to AKH in gregarious locusts compared to solitary locusts suggests a physiological adaptation for prolonged flights. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Summary The internal equilibrium body temperatures of hoppers (nymphs) of Schistocerca gregaria were studied in the field. The data obtained are here compared with theoretical estimates of the thermal balance resulting from the factors assumed to be concerned in heat loss and heat gain.In the field, the equilibrium body temperature of quiescent hoppers shaded from direct sunshine was up to 3.2° higher than the air temperature when the latter was about 25° or less, but was lower than the air temperature when this was above about 31°. In sunlight, body-temperature excesses increased linearly with total radiation intensity between 0.15 and 1.25 cal/cm2/min. Differences in orientation to the sun gave rise to differences in equilibrium body temperature of as much as 6°. At relatively low radiation intensities (about 0.5 cal/cm2/min) the equilibrium body temperatures were found to vary with a power of the wind speed of about 0.35. There were no demonstrable significant differences in equilibrium body temperature or rate of change of body temperature between hoppers having opposite extremes of possible coloration.Except in hoppers shaded from sunlight and those exposed to low radiation intensities there was good agreement between the observed equilibrium temperatures and those expected on theoretical grounds. This provides evidence of the relative importance of the factors concerned in thermal balance.The relation between body temperature and behaviour is discussed.
Zusammenfassung Das innere Gleichgewicht der Körpertemperatur von vorzugsweise fünften Larvenstadien der Wüstenheuschrecke wurde unter Freilandbedingungen in Beziehung zu Lufttemperatur, relativer Luftfeuchtigkeit, Strahlungsintensität, Windgeschwindigkeit und Aktivität gemessen.Die verschiedenen Faktoren, die das Temperaturgleichgewicht der Heuschrecken beeinflussen, werden theoretisch behandelt. Die unter bestimmten Kombinationen der Umweltbedingungen zu erwartenden Gleichgewichts-Körpertemperaturen werden aus den theoretischen Werten für die verschiedenen beteiligten Faktoren errechnet und mit den unter entsprechenden Freilandbedingungen beobachteten Werten verglichen.Ohne Sonneneinstrahlung und unter relativ windstillen Bedingungen wurde bei ruhenden Larven des fünften Stadiums eine Gleichgewichts-Temperatur des Körpers gefunden, die bis zu 3,2° höher lag als die Lufttemperatur, wenn diese ca. 25° oder weniger betrug. Dieser Überschuß hatte eine abnehmende Tendenz bei Lufttemperaturen bis zu etwa 31° und über dieser Schwelle waren die Gleichgewichts-Temperaturen des Körpers im allgemeinen niedriger als die entsprechenden Lufttemperaturen. Theoretisch würde zu erwarten sein, daß unter diesen Umweltbedingungen das Temperaturgleichgewicht des Körpers in allen Niveaus annähernd der Lufttemperatur entspräche. Folglich scheint hier ein physiologischer Mechanismus zu bestehen, mit dessen Hilfe die Insekten in Abwesenheit von Sonnenschein und unter den Bedingungen schwacher Konvektion ihre Körperausgleichstemperaturen bei niedrigen Lufttemperaturen erhöhen, bei hohen senken können.Es war nicht möglich, im Freiland nachzuweisen, daß Unterschiede in der relativen Luftfeuchtigkeit irgendeinen signifikanten Einfluß auf die ausgeglichenen Körpertemperaturen in dem untersuchten Bereich (Sättigungsdefizit von 2 bis 27 mm) ausübten. Die erwarteten maximalen Differenzen der Gleichgewichts-Körpertemperaturen lagen in diesem Bereich des Sättigungsdefizits in einer Größenordnung von nur 0,5°.Unter relativ ruhigen Freilandbedingungen zeigten die Heuschrecken im Sonnenschein Körpertemperaturüberschüsse, die bei einer totalen Strahlungsintensität zwischen 0,15 und 1,25 cal/cm2/min annähernd linear anstiegen (von einem Mittel von 2–10° bei fünften Larvenstadien). Die in diesem Strahlungsintensitätsbereich gemessenen Übertemperaturen des Körpers stimmten einigermaßen gut mit Werten überein, die von anderen Untersuchern unter Laboratoriumsverhältnissen festgestellt wurden. Unter 0,40 cal/cm2/min waren die beobachteten Körpertemperaturüberschüsse im allgemeinen höher als theoretisch zu erwarten gewesen wäre. Die Körpertemperatur von Larven des ersten Stadiums nahm rascher zu als die von Larven des fünften, jedoch nur bis zu einem niedrigeren Niveau; auch das stimmte gut mit den theoretischen Vorstellungen und mit der Laborerfahrung überein. Die Einstellreaktion der Heuschrecken zur Sonne ergab beobachtete Unterschiede in der Gleichgewichts-Körpertemperatur bis zu 6° zwischen Larven des fünften Stadiums, die sich in Richtung der Sonnenstrahlen eingestellt hatten, und solchen, die im rechten Winkel zur Sonnenrichtung auf dem Boden standen; die erwarteten Unterschiede waren von der gleichen Größenordnung.Im Sonnenschein variierten die erwarteten Intensitätsproportionen zwischen der Ausgleichstemperatur und der Windgeschwindigkeit zwischen 0,5 und 0,6 mit dem Sättigungsdefizit. Bei Strahlungsintensitäten von etwa 1,10 cal/cm2/min stimmten die beobachteten Körpergleichgewichtstemperaturen engstens mit den erwarteten überein, aber bei geringeren Strahlungsintensitäten von etwa 0,50 cal/cm2/min variierten die Meßwerte mit einer Intensitätsproportion zur Windgeschwindigkeit von etwa 0,35. Darin zeigt sich möglicherweise, daß bei niederen Strahlungswerten die Körperausgleichstemperaturen zu höheren Werten tendieren als zu erwarten war.Das beobachtete Ansteigen der Körperausgleichstemperatur von ungefähr 1° bei dritten Larvenstadien und von 2–3° bei fünften Larvenstadien befindet sich in Übereinstimmung mit dem für entsprechende Umweltbedingungen errechneten.Zwischen Larven extrem entgegengesetzter Färbungstypen konnten keine Unterschiede in den Körperausgleichstemperaturen oder dem Ausmaß der Körpertemperaturänderung nachgewiesen werden.Mit Ausnahme der vor direkter Sonnenbestrahlung geschützten Heuschrecken unter relativ ruhigen Bedingungen und der Heuschrecken, die niederen Strahlungsintensitäten ausgesetzt waren, bestand eine gute allgemeine Übereinstimmung zwischen den beobachteten und den erwarteten Gleichgewichts-Körpertemperaturen. Es wurde deshalb geschlossen, daß die durchgeführten Bestimmungen Beweise für die relative Bedeutung der für den Temperaturhaushalt verantwortlichen Faktoren darstellen. Zur Erzeugung beträchtlicher Überschüsse der Körpertemperatur über die Lufttemperatur hat die Strahlung die größte Bedeutung. Für den Wärmeabfluß nach außen werden die durch Konvektion entstehenden Wärmeverluste, die insgesamt 94% oder mehr betragen, als bei weitem am wichtigsten angesehen.Einige mögliche Beziehungen zwischen Körpertemperatur und Verhalten werden besprochen.

The role of lipids in membrane structure and function was studied by measuring the major lipid classes in mitochondria isolated from flight muscle of the blowfly, Phormia regina. Approximately 98% of the total lipid is phospholipid. Neutral lipid constitutes the remaining 2% of the total. Phosphatidylethanolamine accounts for 55–60% of the phospholipid. A molecular ratio of 4:1:1 is found for phosphatidylethanolamine, phosphatidylcholine, and cardiolipin (diphosphatidylglycerol). The neutral lipids include cholesterol, about 20%, and quinone, 40–45% of the total. The free fatty acid content of the neutral lipid fraction is variable, apparently being generated by endogenous phospholipase activity. The fatty acids of the neutral and phospholipid classes are predominantly 14–18 carbon acids; long-chain fatty acids of 20 and 22 carbons are essentially absent. The neutral lipid fraction contains 43% saturated and 51% monoenoic fatty acids. More than 65% of the phospholipid fatty acids are unsaturated. The principal fatty acids are palmitic, palmitoleic, oleic, linoleic, and linolenic. No trace of α- or β-tocopherol is detected. As vitamin E is considered an important naturally occuring antioxidant that prevents lipid peroxidation, the apparent absence of α- and β-tocopherol in these mitochondria coupled with intense oxidative activity of the mitochondria leads to the suggestion that blowfly flight muscle mitochondria may be particularly susceptible to peroxidative damage.  相似文献   

Abstract. In previous studies we used logistic regression analysis to quantify the change in behavioural phase state of Schistocerca gregaria (Forskål) nymphs subjected to variations in population density. Such work involved restricting insects in small containers either alone or in a crowd. In the present paper we have shown that the fine-scale distribution of food plants, perches and favourable microclimatic sites influences the spatial distribution of locusts, both in the laboratory and under semi-field conditions. When multiple resource sites were provided, solitarious locusts tended to disperse and behavioural gregarization was inhibited. However, provision of only a single site promoted congregation, overcoming the tendency of solitarious insects to avoid each other, and led to behavioural gregarization. The time-course and extent of this response was fully consistent with our earlier experiments using enforced crowding. We suggest that such quantitative, experimental studies of the effects of environmental microstructure on behaviour may yield fundamental insights into the dynamics of plague formation in the desert locust.  相似文献   

Abstract Detailed aspects of the transition from the solitarious to the gregarious phase in the framework of locust ecology are undoubtedly most important for understanding locust phase polyphenism. Nevertheless, due to obvious difficulties in studying the solitarious phase in nature, such information is limited and mostly available from research carried out under laboratory conditions. In the current study, we examined the dispersal patterns of newly hatched locust nymphs in a laboratory setup that simulated seminatural conditions. This was carried out with no previous manipulation of the nymphs other than controlling their parental density. We comparatively tested the spatial distribution of newly hatched nymphs on perches located at different ranges within an emergence arena, and the expected Poisson (random) distribution. Hatchlings were found to disperse among the perches in a pattern significantly different from that expected by random. Irrespective of their parents’ phase, the observed distributions of all nymphs were clearly clumped, similar or close to those expected for gregarious locusts. It seems that rather than emerging with a parentally derived and predetermined phase, hatchlings have an independent default or innate behavioral state, which reflects at least tolerance if not attraction to conspecifics. The typical phase behavior may later become dominant under the appropriate environmental conditions. These results imply novel perspectives on locust phase transformation, which contribute to our understanding of the formation of locust crowds under field conditions. These should be considered in any rationale for developing a preventative management strategy of locust populations.  相似文献   

The presence of acetyl cholinesterases, cholinesterases, and non-specific esterases in four different ganglia of Schistocerca gregaria was demonstrated using various substrates, as well as by means of inhibition with physostigmine salicylate and BW 284 C51. The contribution of these enzymes to the total esterase activity in each ganglion was also determined quantitatively.In animals kept under a L:D = 12:12 regime with concurrent changes of temperature (about 30°C during the light period and 20°C during the dark period), the activity of the AChE displays a maximum at about the time of light change or 1 to 2 hr later. The activity peak lasts for about 2 hr. If average enzyme activities are calculated, no statistically significant differences between ‘day’ and ‘night’ animals are apparent.An elevation of the environmental temperature from 20°C to 30°C during the light period led to a significant rise in enzyme activity in all ganglia after 1 to 3 hr. Lowering the environmental temperature from 30°C to 20°C during the light period led to a significant decrease in enzyme activity only in the suboesophageal ganglion after 2 hr. Artificial stimulation of the animals in a wind tunnel decreases the acetyl cholinesterase activity in the suboesophageal ganglion, whereas in the other ganglia no significant change in enzyme activity was observed. Further, no correlation was found between the enzyme activity and O2 consumption of the experimental animals.  相似文献   

GABA and the trans isomer of 4-aminocrotonic acid are equally potent at inducing increases in Cl- conductance when applied to distal extensor tibia muscle fibres of the locust (Schistocerca gregaria). beta-Alanine, norvaline, glycine and norleucine induced conductance increases of less than 5% of GABA responses. C9 and meso-di-GABA did not alter input conductance in a manner consistent with actions on a GABA receptor Cl- channel complex. Picrotoxin and anisatin were equally potent GABA antagonists, however bicuculline and penicillin G did not reduce GABA-induced changes in input conductance. Pentobarbitone, in addition to inducing an increase in K+ conductance, potentiated GABA-induced increases in Cl- permeability.  相似文献   

The lipid composition of flight muscle mitochondria was determined in adult male Schistocerca gregaria acclimated for 30 days at 31°C and 45°C respectively. Locusts held at 31°C showed lower levels of phosphatidylcholine and higher levels of phosphatidylethanolamine than the 45°C-acclimated insects. A trend towards an increased cholesterol:phospholipid ratio was also observed at the higher temperature. Wide angle X-ray diffraction procedures indicated a difference of 5°C in the lipid phase transition temperatures of mitochondrial preparations derived from the two groups of insects with the 45°C-acclimated samples demonstrating the higher transition temperature.  相似文献   

The influence of acclimation to a cold (10 degrees C) or warm (35 degrees C) environment on the functional characteristics of skeletal muscle mitochondria has been investigated in young pigs on a high (H) or low (L) energy intake. Living at 10 degrees C increased the amount of mitochondrial protein and the concentration of cytochrome. Ca2+-stimulated succinate oxidation by mitochondria from the 35H group was tightly coupled and similar to that in pigs living under normal husbandry conditions. Mitochondria from the three other groups were readily uncoupled and thus resembled those from pigs susceptible to malignant hyperthermia. Arrhenius plots of State 3 Ca2+-stimulated succinate oxidation showed that energy intake altered the transition temperature suggesting possible differences in the structure of the mitochondrial membrane.  相似文献   

The effects of philanthotoxin-343 (PhTX-343; tyrosyl-butanoyl-spermine) and photolabile analogues of this synthetic toxin on locust (Schistocerca gregaria) skeletal muscle have been investigated using whole muscle preparations (twitch contractions), single muscle fibres (excitatory postsynaptic currents (EPSCs)) and muscle membrane patches containing single quisqualate-sensitive glutamate receptors (qGluR). Analogues containing an azido group attached to either the butanoyl side-chain of PhTX-343 or as a substitute for the hydroxyl moiety of the tyrosyl residue were about 6 fold more potent antagonists than PhTX-343; those with an azido group located at the distal end of the toxin molecule were generally 2–3 fold less potent than PhTX-343. When these compounds were tested in subdued light, they were reversible antagonists of the muscle twitch, EPSC and qGluR. When a muscle was irradiated with U.V. during application of photolabile toxin combined with either neural stimulation of the muscle orl-glutamate application, antagonism of the twitch, EPSC and qGluR was complete and irreversible.  相似文献   

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