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Tulin DV  Chaga OIu 《Tsitologiia》2003,45(10):976-985
The rational classification of blood cells of a blowfly Calliphora vicina larva has been worked out basing on the studies of hemocyte morphology and their dynamics while ageing. Eight morphological cell types can be found during the third age in larva's hemolymph. Hemocytes of type I (prohemocytes) are undifferentiated cells, and, probably, serve as cambial elements of hemocytes of other types. Hemocytes of types II (thrombocytoids), III (cell platelets), IV, and V (early- and late post-thrombocytoids) possibly correspond to consecutive stages of a certain differentiation pattern. Hemocytes of types VI (filopodocytes), VII (crystal cells), and VIII (histolysocytes) posses a number of specific features and represent three independent cell lines. The existence of four independent cell lines in C. vicina hemolymph supports the polygenetic conception of hematopoiesis in insects. We compared our classification with other existing classifications of C. vicina larva blood cells, and proposed a new nomenclature of these cells. The existence of cells with crystal inclusions (type VII hemocytes) in C. vicina larva hemolymph has been shown for the first time. Data on two generations of blood cells during larval development of C. vicina were obtained. Hemocytes of types II, VI and VII belong to the first generation. These cells disappear completely at the stage of empty-poropped larva, when hemocytes of the second generation i.e. those of types III and VIII, appear in the hemolymph.  相似文献   

1. The relative abundance of the blowflies Calliphora vicina (R.-D.) and Lucilia sericata (Meigen) in carrion was considered in relation to inter- and intraspecific larval competition and the distribution of adults between habitat types. 2. In mixed and pure laboratory cultures of L. sericata and C. vicina the mortality of both species increased and adult size declined as the initial larval number was increased. However, for L. sericata at initial numbers greater than ten larvae/g of liver, the effects of competition on adult size and mortality were greater in the mixed cultures than in the pure cultures. In contrast, for C. vicina at numbers greater than ten larvae/g of liver, the effects of competition on adult size and mortality were greater in the pure cultures than in the mixed cultures. 3. The laboratory data suggest therefore that for L. sericata the effects of interspecific competition with C. vicina on size and mortality were greater than the effects of intraspecific competition in a pure culture at the same initial number. Notably, however, the intensity of interspecific competition was not sufficiently asymmetric to allow C. vicina to exclude L. sericata even at the highest numbers examined. 4. In the field, higher numbers of adult L. sericata emerged from the carcasses of laboratory mice placed in open pasture than in woodland or hedgerow sites. In contrast, higher numbers of C. vicina emerged from carcasses placed in woodland and hedgerow sites. 5. Trapping showed that in the field adult L. sericata were relatively more abundant in open pasture than in woodland and hedgerow sites, while C. vicina were more abundant in woodland and hedgerow sites than in open pasture. 6. It is concluded that the low numbers of L. sericata that emerge from carrion relative to the numbers of C. vicina may, in part, be the result of asymmetric interspecific competition, but that the uneven distribution of adults of the two species among habitat types also plays a major role in shaping the blowfly community in carrion.  相似文献   

The attraction of the blowfly Calliphora vicina Robineau‐Desvoidy, 1830 (Diptera: Calliphoridae) to single synthetic compounds, blends and authentic odours was investigated in a wind tunnel. A total of 1850 C. vicina (1750 females and 100 males) were tested. A comparison of male and female responses showed significant differences in attraction between the sexes. Females were more attracted than males to liver odour. The attraction of females lay in the ranges of 0–22% for single compounds, 26–64% for synthetic blends and 58–88% for authentic odours. Dimethyl trisulphide was the most attractive single compound. Significant improvement in attraction was achieved with blends and a three‐component lure, consisting of dimethyl trisulphide, mercaptoethanol and o‐cresol, was found to be the best solution for field trapping of C. vicina. Authentic odours from dead fish and mice were significantly more attractive than liver and the three‐component blend, and the blend and liver were similarly effective as attractants. Field tests support the results of the wind tunnel study and a high number of C. vicina were caught in funnel traps. Overall, 99.1% of the specimens caught were females.  相似文献   

The cytotoxic activity of hemocytes isolated from larvae of the blowfly Calliphora vicina was tested using human myelogenous leukemia K562 cells as target. Both single cell and cytotoxicity assays demonstrated that the hemocytes recognize the K562 cells as nonself, firmly attach to their surface and induce target destruction in a manner resembling the effect of mammalian cytotoxic lymphocytes. The cytotoxic activity increased dramatically in the course of larval metamorphosis and was considerably higher shortly before the onset of pupariation, compared to the activity of human peripheral blood or mouse spleen lymphocytes. In insects, the cytotoxic hemocytes may take part in defense against eukaryotic parasites and in the elimination of aberrant self cells, as well as in developmental processes such as metamorphosis.  相似文献   

《Insect Biochemistry》1988,18(8):839-845
Nuclei from fat body of different developmental stages of Calliphora vicina were isolated. They appear to be polyploid and show polytene chromosomes. The isolated nuclei were incubated with [32P]GTP and the RNA transcribed in vitro was hybridized with a DNA fragment encoding a polypeptide subunit of calliphorin. The isolated nuclei transcribe the calliphorin-mRNA correctly and with the same stage specificity as observed in vivo.  相似文献   

Rapid microspectrofluorometry has been used to evaluate 1-pyrene-butyric acid as an oxygen probe in single living EL2 ascites tissue culture cells. Despite instrumental conditions preventing detection of the pyrene butyric acid maxima at 380 and 400 nm, the probe having penetrated the cell can be easily identified (maximum around 440 nm in unconnected spectra) from the fluorescence emission spectrum, as compared with NAD(P)H emission in controls (maximum around 460 nm). Fluorescence changes during gradually increasing anaerobiosis under nitrogen flow, are compatible with a linear relationship between the reciprocal of the fluorescence intensity and the intracellular oxygen concentration (increase in 430, 434, 442/461 nm ratios at anaerobiosis). The cells having absorbed the probe continue to catabolize glycolytic substrate, but some inhibition is noticeable (e.g. from the amplitude of the NAD(P)H fluorescence increase spectrum due to intracellular addition of glucose-6-P). In principle rapid microspectrofluorometry allows a multiprobe (e.g. 1-pyrene-butyric acid for oxygen, vs NAD(P)H for metabolism) exploration of the living cell.  相似文献   

The anatomy and functionality of the stomatogastric nervous system (SNS) of third-instar larvae of Calliphora vicina was characterised. As in other insects, the Calliphora SNS consists of several peripheral ganglia involved in foregut movement regulation. The frontal ganglion gives rise to the frontal nerve and is connected to the brain via the frontal connectives and antennal nerves (ANs). The recurrent nerve connects the frontal- to the hypocerebral ganglion from which the proventricular nerve runs to the proventricular ganglion. Foregut movements include rhythmic contractions of the cibarial dilator muscles (CDM), wavelike movements of crop and oesophagus and contractions of the proventriculus. Transections of SNS nerves indicate mostly myogenic crop and oesophagus movements and suggest modulatory function of the associated nerves. Neural activity in the ANs, correlating with postsynaptic potentials on the CDM, demonstrates a motor pathway from the brain to CDM. Crop volume is monitored by putative stretch receptors. The respective sensory pathway includes the recurrent nerve and the proventricular nerve. The dorsal organs (DOs) are directly connected to the SNS. Mechanical stimulation of the DOs evokes sensory activity in the AN. This suggests the DOs can provide sensory input for temporal coordination of feeding behaviour.  相似文献   

Gustatory feedback allows animals to distinguish between edible and noxious food and adapts centrally generated feeding motor patterns to environmental demands. In reduced preparations obtained from starved Calliphora larvae, putatively appetitive (ethanol), aversive (sodium acetate) and neutral (glucose) gustatory stimuli were applied to the anterior sense organs. The resulting sensory response was recorded from the maxillary- and antennal nerves. All three stimuli increased the neural activity in both nerves. Recordings obtained from the antennal nerve to monitor the activation pattern of the cibarial dilator muscles, demonstrated an effect of gustatory input on the central pattern generator for feeding. Ethanol consistently enhanced the rhythmic activity of the CDM motor neurons either by speeding up the rhythm or by increasing the burst duration. Ethanol also had an enhancing effect on the motor patterns of a protractor muscle which moves the cephalopharyngeal skeleton relative to the body. Sodium acetate showed a state dependent effect: in preparations without spontaneous CDM activity it initiated rhythmic motor patterns, while an ongoing CDM rhythm was inhibited. Surprisingly glucose had an enhancing effect which was less pronounced than that of ethanol. Gustatory feedback therefore can modify and adapt the motor output of the multifunctional central pattern generator for feeding.  相似文献   

采自广州的两种丽蝇--宽额丽蝇Calliphora latifron_xs Hough,1899、红头丽蝇Clliphora uicina Robineau-Des-voidy,1830,宽额丽蝇为我国新记录种,分析认为这两种丽蝇为入侵种.  相似文献   

Larvae of the blow fly Calliphora vicina R-D. (Diptera: Calliphoridae) display a diapause in response to the exposure of their parents to short photoperiods. Due to geographic variation in photoperiodic response, flies from a southern, English population show a long-day response to the fixed photoperiod of L:D 15.5:8.5 whilst flies from a northern population from Finland show a short-day response to the same photoperiod. Crosses between these strains have shown previously that diapause incidence is a maternal characteristic; here we demonstrate that the hybrid female offspring of such crosses are not intermediate between the two parental strains but show a photoperiodic response biased towards their maternal line. Thus not only are males unable to influence directly the diapause incidence among their offspring but the indirect effects of inheritance down the male line are weaker than down the female. Diapause duration, in contrast, is influenced by each parent in a similar manner. Diapause lasts longer in larvae with a greater admixture of northern genes regardless of whether they were maternal or paternal.  相似文献   

Kind TV 《Tsitologiia》2008,50(9):757-764
The stable hyaline cells (thrombocytoids precursors) are prevailing haemocytes type in young larvae of Calliphora vicina. Their concentration decreased significantly during the crop emptying and became completely absent in wandering larvae. However, the injection of foreign particles into the haemocoel induced evident increase in the number of stable hyaline cells by means of transformation from prohaemocytes within 24 h after the treatment. Maximum of hyaline cells concentration is achieved on the 2-3 day when the part of them starts to transform into prothrombocytoids. Injection of both abiotic (charcoal) and biotic (human erythrocytes) foreign particles exerts an identical effect. Puncture of the body wall, bacterial immunization and injection of saline did not induce hyaline cells appearance. In crop emptying larvae, the stable hyaline cells originate within the clusters of undifferentiated steam cells, i. e. prohaemocytes. After the completion of crop emptying in wandering and diapausing larvae, preliminary dedifferentiation of very young plasmatocytes may be also observed. It is suggested that specification of the stable hyaline cells is induced by thrombocytoids after engulfing of the injected foreign particles and forming of their agglutinates.  相似文献   

Abstract. Larvae of Calliphora vicina R.-D. (Diptera: Calliphoridae) hatching from eggs laid by adult females exposed to short day length, and then raised in darkness at 11oC, normally enter diapause rather than undergoing prompt pupariation. However, if the feeding stage is curtailed by premature extraction of larvae from their food, or if the larvae are subjected to severe overcrowding, smaller larvae side-step the diapause programme to become miniature puparia, whereas larger larvae proceed to diapause as fully-fed ones. In addition, smaller diapausing larvae show a shorter (or less intense) diapause than full-sized larvae. Apart from the smallest individuals, flies can emerge from these miniature puparia and in some cases are capable of laying eggs; this suggests that avoidance of diapause may allow undersized individuals an opportunity to reproduce before winter sets in. Fat determinations performed on larvae and pupae of various sizes, however, showed that short-day (diapause-destined) individuals lay down the same proportion of fat as long-day (non-diapause) individuals, and the same proportion of fat across all size classes. The possible functional significance of this phenomenon is discussed.  相似文献   

The stomatogastric nervous system (SNS) associated with the foregut was studied in 3rd instar larvae of Drosophila melanogaster and Calliphora vicina (blowfly). In both species, the foregut comprises pharynx, esophagus, and proventriculus. Only in Calliphora does the esophagus form a crop. The position of nerves and neurons was investigated with neuronal tracers in both species and GFP expression in Drosophila. The SNS is nearly identical in both species. Neurons are located in the proventricular and the hypocerebral ganglion (HCG), which are connected to each other by the proventricular nerve. Motor neurons for pharyngeal muscles are located in the brain not, as in other insect groups, in the frontal ganglion. The position of the frontal ganglion is taken by a nerve junction devoid of neurons. The junction is composed of four nerves: the frontal connectives that fuse with the antennal nerves (ANs), the frontal nerve innervating the cibarial dilator muscles and the recurrent nerve that innervates the esophagus and projects to the HCG. Differences in the SNS are restricted to a crop nerve only present in Calliphora and an esophageal ganglion that only exists in Drosophila. The ganglia of the dorsal organs give rise to the ANs, which project to the brain. The extensive conformity of the SNS of both species suggests functional parallels. Future electrophysiological studies of the motor circuits in the SNS of Drosophila will profit from parallel studies of the homologous but more accessible structures in Calliphora.  相似文献   

Epicuticular lipids in many terrestrial arthropods consist of vast numbers of polar and non-polar aliphatic compounds, which are mainly responsible for the water balance in these animals but can also affect conidia germination of entomopathogenic fungi. In this work the qualitative and quantitative profiles of cuticular fatty acids from three insect species differing in their susceptibility to fungal infection were studied. In an innovative approach, laser light scattering detection was coupled with HPLC in order to identify the non-chromophoric chemicals usually present in cuticular extracts. The acids identified contained from 5 to 20 carbon atoms in the alkyl chain and included unsaturated entities such as C(16:1), C(18:1), C(18:2), C(18:3) and C(20:1). There was a marked dominance of acids containing 16-18 carbon atoms. The relative contents of fatty acids in the extracted waxes varied from trace amounts to 44%. Cuticular fatty acids profile of Calliphora vicina (species resistant to fungal infection) significantly differs from profiles of Dendrolimus pini and Galleria mellonella (both species highly susceptible to fungal infection). The major difference is the presence of C(14:0), C(16:1) and C(20:0) in the cuticle of C. vicina. These three fatty acids are absent in the cuticle of D. pini while G. mellonella cuticle contains their traces. The concentrations of four fatty acids dominating in the G. mellonella larval cuticle (C(16:0), C(18:0), C(18:1) and C(18:2)) were found to fluctuate during the final larval instar and correlate with fluctuations in the susceptibility of larvae to fungal infection. The possible role of cuticular fatty acids in preventing fungal infection is discussed.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. In measurements of the air pressure in the cephalic air-sacs of the blowfly, Calliphora vicina R.-D., negative correlations between air pressure and proboscis extension and retraction were observed, confirming that both extension and retraction are direct muscular actions, extension not being caused by a pneumatic mechanism.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The effect of diet on the activity of male Calliphora vicina R.D. (Diptera, Calliphoridae) was studied. Protein–fed males (PF) were significantly more active than males fed only on sugar and water (NPF); as a consequence they ingested more sugar. The phenomenon was probably due to PF insects spending more time in flight than NPF, as no significant differences were found between the wingbeat frequencies and flight speeds of tethered flies of the two treatments. Protein ingestion also had a physiological effect, as PF flies had heavier thoraces than NPF flies with increased titres of protein.  相似文献   

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