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Cell cycle checkpoint signaling stringently regulates chromosome segregation during cell division. MAD2 is one of the key components of the spindle and mitotic checkpoint complex that regulates the fidelity of cell division along with MAD1, CDC20, BUBR1, BUB3 and MAD3. MAD2 ablation leads to erroneous attachment of kinetochore-spindle fibers and defective chromosome separation. A potential role for MAD2 in the regulation of events beyond the spindle and mitotic checkpoints is not clear. Together with active spindle assembly checkpoint signaling, AURORA B kinase activity is essential for chromosome condensation as cells enter mitosis. AURORA B phosphorylates histone H3 at serine 10 and serine 28 to facilitate the formation of condensed metaphase chromosomes. In the absence of functional AURORA B cells escape mitosis despite the presence of misaligned chromosomes. In this study we report that silencing of MAD2 results in a drastic reduction of metaphase-specific histone H3 phosphorylation at serine 10 and serine 28. We demonstrate that this is due to mislocalization of AURORA B in the absence of MAD2. Conversely, overexpression of MAD2 concentrated the localization of AURORA B at the metaphase plate and caused hyper-phosphorylation of histone H3. We find that MAD1 plays a minor role in influencing the MAD2-dependent regulation of AURORA B suggesting that the effects of MAD2 on AURORA B are independent of the spindle checkpoint complex. Our findings reveal that, in addition to its role in checkpoint signaling, MAD2 ensures chromosome stability through the regulation of AURORA B.  相似文献   

Characterization of MAD2B and other mitotic spindle checkpoint genes.   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
Aneuploidy is a characteristic of the majority of human cancers, and recent work has suggested that mitotic checkpoint defects play a role in its development. To further explore this issue, we isolated a novel human gene, MAD2B (MAD2L2), which is homologous to the spindle checkpoint gene MAD2 (MAD2L1). We determined the chromosomal localization of it and other spindle checkpoint genes, including MAD1L1, MAD2, BUB3, TTK (MPS1L1), and CDC20. In addition, we resolved the genomic intron-exon structure of the human BUB1 gene. We then searched for mutations in these genes in a panel of 19 aneuploid colorectal tumors. No new mutations were identified, suggesting that genes yet to be discovered are responsible for most of the checkpoint defects observed in aneuploid cancers.  相似文献   

Acidic ribosomal P proteins form a distinct lateral protuberance on the 60S ribosomal subunit. In yeast, this structure is composed of two heterocomplexes (P1A-P2B and P1B-P2A) attached to the ribosome with the aid of the P0 protein. In solution, the isolated P proteins P1A and P2B have a flexible structure with some characteristics of a molten globule [Zurdo, J., et al. (2000) Biochemistry 39, 8935-8943]. In this report, the structure of P1A-P2B heterocomplex from Saccharomyces cerevisiae is investigated by means of size-exclusion chromatography, chemical cross-linking, circular dichroism, light scattering, and fluorescence spectroscopy. The circular dichroism experiment shows that the complex could be ranked in the tertiary class of all-alpha proteins, with an average alpha-helical content of approximately 65%. Heat and urea denaturation experiments reveal that the P1A-P2B complex, unlike the isolated proteins, has a full cooperative transition which can be fitted into a two-state folding-unfolding model. The behavior of the complex in the presence of 2,2,2-trifluoroethanol also resembles a two-state folding-unfolding transition, further supporting the idea that the heterocomplex contains well-packed side chains. In conclusion, the P1A-P2B heterocomplex, unlike the isolated proteins, has a well-defined hydrophobic core. Consequently, the complex can put up its structure without additional ribosomal components, so the heterodimeric complex reflects the intrinsic properties of the two analyzed proteins, indicating thus that this is the only possible configuration of the P1A and P2B proteins on the ribosomal stalk structure.  相似文献   

Anaphase is promoted by the ubiquitin ligase anaphase-promoting complex/cyclosome (APC/C) only when all the chromosomes have achieved bipolar attachment to the mitotic spindles. Unattached kinetochores or the absence of tension between the paired kinetochores activates a surveillance mechanism termed the spindle-assembly checkpoint. A fundamental principle of the checkpoint is the activation of mitotic arrest deficient 2 (MAD2). MAD2 then forms a diffusible complex called mitotic checkpoint complex (designated as MAD2(MCC)) before it is recruited to APC/C (designated as MAD2(APC/C)). Large gaps in our knowledge remain on how MAD2 is inactivated after the checkpoint is satisfied. In this study, we have investigated the regulation of MAD2-containing complexes during mitotic progression. Using selective immunoprecipitation of checkpoint components and gel filtration chromatography, we found that MAD2(MCC) and MAD2(APC/C) were regulated very differently during mitotic exit. Temporally, MAD2(MCC) was broken down ahead of MAD2(APC/C). The inactivation of the two complexes also displayed different requirements of proteolysis; although APC/C and proteasome activities were dispensable for MAD2(MCC) inactivation, they are required for MAD2(APC/C) inactivation. In fact, the degradation of CDC20 is inextricably linked to the breakdown of MAD2(APC/C). These data extended our understanding of the checkpoint complexes during checkpoint silencing.  相似文献   

The ribosome has a distinct lateral protuberance called the stalk; in eukaryotes it is formed by the acidic ribosomal P-proteins which are organized as a pentameric entity described as P0-(P1-P2)(2). Bilateral interactions between P0 and P1/P2 proteins have been studied extensively, however, the region on P0 responsible for the binding of P1/P2 proteins has not been precisely defined. Here we report a study which takes the current knowledge of the P0 - P1/P2 protein interaction beyond the recently published information. Using truncated forms of P0 protein and several in vitro and in vivo approaches, we have defined the region between positions 199 and 258 as the P0 protein fragment responsible for the binding of P1/P2 proteins in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. We show two short amino acid regions of P0 protein located at positions 199-230 and 231-258, to be responsible for independent binding of two dimers, P1A-P2B and P1B-P2A respectively. In addition, two elements, the sequence spanning amino acids 199-230 and the P1A-P2B dimer were found to be essential for stalk formation, indicating that this process is dependent on a balance between the P1A-P2B dimer and the P0 protein.  相似文献   

Chromosomal instability (CIN) refers to high rates of chromosomal gains and losses and is a major cause of genomic instability of cells. It is thought that CIN caused by loss of mitotic checkpoint contributes to carcinogenesis. In this study, we evaluated the competence of mitotic checkpoint in hepatoma cells and investigated the cause of mitotic checkpoint defects. We found that 6 (54.5%) of the 11 hepatoma cell lines were defective in mitotic checkpoint control as monitored by mitotic indices and flow-cytometric analysis after treatment with microtubule toxins. Interestingly, all 6 hepatoma cell lines with defective mitotic checkpoint showed significant underexpression of mitotic arrest deficient 2 (MAD2), a key mitotic checkpoint protein. The level of MAD2 underexpression was significantly associated with defective mitotic checkpoint response (p<0.001). In addition, no mutations were found in the coding sequences of MAD2 in all 11 hepatoma cell lines. Our findings suggest that MAD2 deficiency may cause a mitotic checkpoint defect in hepatoma cells.  相似文献   

The Saccharomyces cerevisiae ribosomal stalk is made of five components, the 32-kDa P0 and four 12-kDa acidic proteins, P1alpha, P1beta, P2alpha, and P2beta. The P0 carboxyl-terminal domain is involved in the interaction with the acidic proteins and resembles their structure. Protein chimeras were constructed in which the last 112 amino acids of P0 were replaced by the sequence of each acidic protein, yielding four fusion proteins, P0-1alpha, P0-1beta, P0-2alpha, and P0-2beta. The chimeras were expressed in P0 conditional null mutant strains in which wild-type P0 is not present. In S. cerevisiae D4567, which is totally deprived of acidic proteins, the four fusion proteins can replace the wild-type P0 with little effect on cell growth. In other genetic backgrounds, the chimeras either reduce or increase cell growth because of their effect on the ribosomal stalk composition. An analysis of the stalk proteins showed that each P0 chimera is able to strongly interact with only one acidic protein. The following associations were found: P0-1alpha.P2beta, P0-1beta.P2alpha, P0-2alpha.P1beta, and P0-2beta.P1alpha. These results indicate that the four acidic proteins do not form dimers in the yeast ribosomal stalk but interact with each other forming two specific associations, P1alpha.P2beta and P1beta.P2alpha, which have different structural and functional roles.  相似文献   

The adaptor AP2 is a heterotetrameric complex that associates with clathrin and regulatory proteins to mediate rapid endocytosis from the plasma membrane. Here, we report the identification of the mitotic checkpoint kinase BubR1 as a novel binding partner of beta2-adaptin, one of the AP2 large subunits. Using two-hybrid experiments and in vitro binding assays, we show that beta2-adaptin binds to BubR1 through its amino-terminal beta2-'trunk' domain, while the beta2-binding region of BubR1 maps to the carboxy-terminal kinase domain. Subcellular immunolocalization studies suggest that the interaction between BubR1 and beta2-adaptin could take place in the cytosol at any time during the cell cycle. In addition, we found that BubR1 and the BubR1-related kinase, Bub1, also bind to beta-adaptins of other AP complexes. Together, these results support a model in which the mitotic checkpoint kinases BubR1 and BuB1, by binding to beta-adaptins, may play novel roles in the regulation of vesicular intracellular traffic.  相似文献   

The ribosome has a morphologically distinct structural feature called the stalk, recognized as a vital element for its function. The ribosomal P proteins constitute the main part of the eukaryotic ribosomal stalk, forming a pentameric structure P0-(P1-P2)(2). The group of P1/P2 proteins in eukaryotes is very diverse, and in spite of functional and structural similarities they do not fully complement one another, probably constituting an adaptive feature of the ribosome from a particular species to diverse environmental conditions. The functional differences among the P1/P2 proteins were analysed in vivo several times; however, a thorough molecular characterization was only done for the yeast P1/P2 proteins. Here, we report a biophysical analysis of the human P1 and P2 proteins, applying mass spectrometry, CD and fluorescence spectroscopy, cross-linking and size exclusion chromatography. The human P1/P2 proteins form stable heterodimer, as it is the case for P1/P2 from yeast. However, unlike the yeast complex P1A-P2B, the human P1-P2 dimer showed a three-state transition mechanism, suggesting that an intermediate species may exist in solution.  相似文献   

Chromosome segregation in mitosis is orchestrated by protein kinase signaling cascades. A biochemical cascade named spindle checkpoint ensures the spatial and temporal order of chromosome segregation during mitosis. Here we report that spindle checkpoint protein MAD1 interacts with NEK2A, a human orthologue of the Aspergillus nidulans NIMA kinase. MAD1 interacts with NEK2A in vitro and in vivo via a leucine zipper-containing domain located at the C terminus of MAD1. Like MAD1, NEK2A is localized to HeLa cell kinetochore of mitotic cells. Elimination of NEK2A by small interfering RNA does not arrest cells in mitosis but causes aberrant premature chromosome segregation. NEK2A is required for MAD2 but not MAD1, BUB1, and HEC1 to associate with kinetochores. These NEK2A-eliminated or -suppressed cells display a chromosome bridge phenotype with sister chromatid inter-connected. Moreover, loss of NEK2A impairs mitotic checkpoint signaling in response to spindle damage by nocodazole, which affected mitotic escape and led to generation of cells with multiple nuclei. Our data demonstrate that NEK2A is a kinetochore-associated protein kinase essential for faithful chromosome segregation. We hypothesize that NEK2A links MAD2 molecular dynamics to spindle checkpoint signaling.  相似文献   

In eukaryotes, the spindle assembly checkpoint (SAC) ensures the fidelity of chromosome segregation through monitoring the bipolar attachment of microtubules to kinetochores. Recently, the SAC components Mitotic Arrest Deficient 1 and 2 (MAD1 and MAD2) were found to associate with the nuclear pore complex (NPC) during interphase and to require certain nucleoporins, such as Tpr in animal cells, to properly localize to kinetochores. In plants, the SAC components MAD2, BUR1, BUB3 and Mps1 have been identified, but their connection to the nuclear pore has not been explored. Here, we show that AtMAD1 and AtMAD2 are associated with the nuclear envelope during interphase, requiring the Arabidopsis homolog of Tpr, NUA. Both NUA and AtMAD2 loss-of-function mutants have a shorter primary root and a smaller root meristem, and this defect can be partially rescued by sucrose. Mild AtMAD2 over-expressors exhibit a longer primary root, and an extended root meristem. In BY-2 cells, AtMAD2 is associated with kinetochores during prophase and prometaphase, but not metaphase, anaphase and telophase. Protein-interaction assays demonstrate binding of AtMAD2 to AtMAD1 and AtMAD1 to NUA. Together, these data suggest that NUA scaffolds AtMAD1 and AtMAD2 at the nuclear pore to form a functional complex and that both NUA and AtMAD2 suppress premature exit from cell division at the Arabidopsis root meristem.  相似文献   

MAD2 (mitotic arrest deficient 2) is a key regulator of mitosis. Recently, it had been suggested that MAD2-induced mitotic arrest mediates DNA damage response and that upregulation of MAD2 confers sensitivity to DNA-damaging anticancer drug-induced apoptosis. In this study, we report a potential novel role of MAD2 in mediating DNA nucleotide excision repair through physical interactions with two DNA repair proteins, XPD (xeroderma pigmentosum complementation group D) and ERCC1. First, overexpression of MAD2 resulted in decreased nuclear accumulation of XPD, a crucial step in the initiation of DNA repair. Second, immunoprecipitation experiments showed that MAD2 was able to bind to XPD, which led to competitive suppression of binding activity between XPD and XPA, resulting in the prevention of physical interactions between DNA repair proteins. Third, unlike its role in mitosis, the N-terminus domain seemed to be more important in the binding activity between MAD2 and XPD. Fourth, phosphorylation of H2AX, a process that is important for recruitment of DNA repair factors to DNA double-strand breaks, was suppressed in MAD2-overexpressing cells in response to DNA damage. These results suggest a negative role of MAD2 in DNA damage response, which may be accounted for its previously reported role in promoting sensitivity to DNA-damaging agents in cancer cells. However, the interaction between MAD2 and ERCC1 did not show any effect on the binding activity between ERCC1 and XPA in the presence or absence of DNA damage. Our results suggest a novel function of MAD2 by interfering with DNA repair proteins.  相似文献   

The mitotic checkpoint maintains genomic stability by ensuring that chromosomes are accurately segregated during mitosis. When the checkpoint is activated, the mitotic checkpoint complex (MCC), assembled from BUBR1, BUB3, CDC20, and MAD2, directly binds and inhibits the anaphase-promoting complex/cyclosome (APC/C) until all chromosomes are properly attached and aligned. The mechanisms underlying MCC assembly and MCC-APC/C interaction are not well characterized. Here, we show that a novel interaction between BUBR1 and closed MAD2 (C-MAD2) is essential for MCC-mediated inhibition of APC/C. Intriguingly, Arg(133) and Gln(134) in C-MAD2 are required for BUBR1 interaction. The same residues are also critical for MAD2 dimerization and MAD2 binding to p31(comet), a mitotic checkpoint silencing protein. Along with previously characterized BUBR1-CDC20 and C-MAD2-CDC20 interactions, our results underscore the integrity of the MCC for its activity and suggest the fundamental importance of the MAD2 αC helix in modulating mitotic checkpoint activation and silencing.  相似文献   

I G Wool  Y L Chan  A Glück  K Suzuki 《Biochimie》1991,73(7-8):861-870
The covalent structures of rat ribosomal proteins P0, P1, and P2 were deduced from the sequences of nucleotides in recombinant cDNAs. P0 contains 316 amino acids and has a molecular weight of 34,178; P1 has 114 residues and a molecular weight of 11,490: and P2 has 115 amino acids and a molecular weight of 11,684. The rat P-proteins have a near identical (16 of 17 residues) sequence of amino acids at their carboxyl termini and are related to analogous proteins in other eukaryotic species. A proposal is made for a uniform nomenclature for rat and yeast ribosomal proteins.  相似文献   

The nucleotide sequence of a full-length ribosomal P2 protein cDNA from maize was determined and used for a sequence comparison with the P2 and P1 proteins from other organisms. The integration of these data into a phylogenetic tree shows that the P proteins separated into the subspecies P1 and P2 before the eukaryotic kingdoms including plants developed from their ancestor.  相似文献   

AKAP350 is a multiply spliced family of 350-450-kDa protein kinase A-anchoring proteins localized to the centrosomes and the Golgi apparatus. Using AKAP350A as bait in a yeast two-hybrid screen of a rabbit parietal cell library, we have identified a novel AKAP350-interacting protein, transforming acidic coiled-coil-containing protein 4 (TACC4). Two-hybrid binary assays demonstrate interaction of both TACC3 and TACC4 with AKAP350A and AKAP350B. Antibodies raised to a TACC4-specific peptide sequence colocalize TACC4 with AKAP350 at the centrosome in interphase Jurkat cells. Mitotic cell staining reveals translocation of TACC4 from the centrosome to the spindle apparatus with the majority of TACC4 at the spindle poles. Truncated TACC4 proteins lacking the AKAP350 minimal binding domain found in the carboxyl coiled-coil region of TACC4 could no longer target to the centrosome. Amino-truncated TACC4 proteins could no longer target to the spindle apparatus. Further, overexpression of TACC4 fusion proteins that retained spindle localization in mitotic cells resulted in an increased proportion of cells present in prometaphase. We propose that AKAP350 is responsible for sequestration of TACC4 to the centrosome in interphase, whereas a separate TACC4 domain results in functional localization of TACC4 to the spindle apparatus in mitotic cells.  相似文献   

Chromosomal instability (CIN) is a common characteristic in testicular germ cell tumour (TGCT). A functional mitotic checkpoint control is important for accurate chromosome segregation during mitosis. Mitotic arrest deficient 2 (MAD2) is a key component of this checkpoint and inactivation of MAD2 is correlated with checkpoint impairment. The aim of this study was to investigate the function of mitotic checkpoint control in TGCT cells and to study its association with MAD2 expression using 8 TGCT cell lines as well as 23 TGCT tissue samples. We found that in response to microtubule disruption, 6 of 8 TGCT cell lines (75%) failed to arrest in mitosis demonstrated by the decreased mitotic index and aberrant expression of mitosis regulators, indicating that mitotic checkpoint defect is a common event in TGCT cells. This loss of mitotic checkpoint control was correlated with reduced MAD2 protein expression in TGCT cell lines implicating that downregulation of MAD2 may play a critical role in an impaired mitotic checkpoint control in these cells. In addition, immunohistochemistry studies on 23 seminomas and 12 normal testis tissues demonstrated that nuclear expression of MAD2 was much lower in seminomas (p<0.0001) but cytoplasmic MAD2 expression was higher in seminomas (p=0.06) than normal samples. Our results suggest that aberrant MAD2 expression may play an essential role in a defective mitotic checkpoint in TGCT cells, which may contribute to CIN commonly observed in TGCT tumours.  相似文献   

A complex of three phosphoproteins (P0, P1 and P2) constitutes the stalk region at the GTPase center of the eukaryotic large ribosomal subunit, amongst which the protein P0 plays the most crucial role. Earlier studies have shown the functional complementation of the conditional P0-null mutant of Saccharomyces cerevisiae (W303dGP0) with orthologous P0 genes from fungal and mammalian organisms, but not the protozoan parasite Leishmania infantum. In this paper we show that the PfP0 gene from the protozoan malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum can functionally complement the conditional P0-null W303dGP0 mutant of S. cerevisiae. Unlike the above orthologous genes, PfP0 gene could also rescue the D67dGP0 strain, which in addition to being a conditional null for ScP0 gene, is a null-mutant for both ScP1alpha and beta genes. However, under stress conditions such as high temperature, salt and osmolarity, PfP0 gene could not rescue D67dGP0 strain. Ribosomes purified from W303dGP0 carrying PfP0 gene did not contain ScP1 protein, indicating a lack of binding of ScP1 to PfP0 protein. Yeast 2-hybrid analysis further confirmed the lack of binding of ScP1 to PfP0 protein. The polymerizing activities of ribosomes with ScP0 or PfP0 protein, in the absence of ScP1 protein, were found to be about 40-45% that of ribosomes with all the yeast P-proteins. In its sensitivity to the inhibitor sordarin, PfP0 was similar to the P0 protein from the fungus Aspergillus fumigatus. These results indicate a closer functional relationship of P. falciparum P0 gene to fungal P0 genes.  相似文献   

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