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The data presented herein suggest that an intact pineal gland is required for the expression of the increased nocturnal sensitivity to morphine observed in mice. We report that the day/night rhythm of morphine analgesia was not evident in pinealectomized mice. Further, mice treated with melatonin exhibited a dose-related analgesic response. The decrease in sensitivity to pain was not observed in animals in which melatonin administration was followed by the opiate antagonist, naloxone. These data suggest that information derived from environmental lighting regulates sensitivity to pain via the pineal gland hormone melatonin, which is released and acts upon other areas of the CNS.  相似文献   

Endocrine biorhythms are classified according to the period time, as one of the most characteristic properties of biorhythms. Each endocrine organ has parallel more than one biorhythms with different period time (e. g. circadian and circannual rhythms). The time of acrophase of the biorhythms at the different endocrine organs is fairly variant. This review summarizes the rhythmic function of the THS-thyroid, gonadotrophic-gonadal and ACTH-adrenocortical systems. Pineal gland plays an integrative role in the regulation of rhythmic function of the endocrine system. The melatonin secretion of this gland also reveals conspicuous circadian and circannual rhythms both in mammals and in birds. Mammalian pineal is functional only if its peripheral sympathetic innervation from the superior cervical ganglion is intact. In contrast, melatonin secretion and its circadian rhythm is also maintained in birds under isolated conditions (explanted into an in vitro superfusion system). The 24 hours period time of melatonin circadian rhythm can not be changed by light impulses. The phases of the circadian rhythm, however, can be turned by changing the time of environmental light-dark phases. The wavelength of the artificial light used for reversal of circadian rhythm is an important factor. The development of the entrainment and synchronization of the circadian melatonin rhythm in birds is independent of the rhythmic day-night changes in environmental lighting condition. The differences in the main elements of the biological clock between mammals and birds are discussed.  相似文献   

Morphometric analytical procedures were employed to study the pineal gland of the Mongolian gerbil following superior cervical ganglionectomy (SCGX). The purpose of this study was to define the effects of sympathetic denervation on the morphology of the gland at two time periods, 0500 and 1900 h (one hour before lights-on and lights-off, respectively). Fluorescence histochemistry was employed to determine catecholamine and indoleamine content in intact and denervated pineal glands. After SCGX, the pinealocytes decrease in size, concretions are prevented from forming, and the yellow fluorescence in the gland is lost. Following denervation a depression in the volume of most of the pinealocyte organelles, i.e., SER, RER/ribosomes, free cytoplasm, mitochondria and presumptive secretory vesicles, was also observed. However, synaptic ribbons increased in volume in the gerbils that had been killed at 1900 h. It appears that the sympathetic innervation to the pineal gland is a requirement for the presumptive secretory activity of the pinealocytes.  相似文献   

Summary By means of morphometric analytical procedures, a diurnal rhythm in the cellular volume of gerbil pinealocytes was determined. This rhythm has been attributed primarily to a change in the cytoplasmic volume of the pinealocytes which is low during the daylight hours and increases to reach a peak during the middle of the dark period. At the ultrastructural level, six cytoplasmic components of the pinealocytes were found to exhibit a rhythm: free cytoplasm, smooth endoplasmic reticulum (SER), rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER) and ribosomes, secretory vesicles, microtubules, and mitochondria. The presumptive secretory vesicles and the microtubules reached a peak in volume one hour before lights-off. It is suggested that lights-on and lights-off both signal a decrease in size and/or number of the secretory vesicles. The SER and RER/ribosomes reached their peak volume one hour after lights-off which is interpreted as indicating a peak in indoleamine synthesis and protein synthesis, respectively. The volume of free cytoplasm exhibits two peaks; one occurs one hour before lights-off while the second peak occurs in the middle of the dark phase. It is suggested that, although part of the secretory product of the pinealocyte may be present in dense-cored vesicles, other locations could include the free cytoplasm and clear secretory vesicles.Supported by NSF grant #PCM 77-05734  相似文献   

The interaction of immunological system, thyroid and pineal gland was studied in 5-week old males of Gallus domesticus. Several morphometrical parameters in pineal and thyroid glands were measured after bird immunization with human red blood cells and/or treatment with melatonin or seduxen, melatonin receptor blocker. The peak of the thyroid activity was found on Day 7 after immunization. The immune system appears to directly activate the thyroid gland only in the presence of certain level of melatonin. We suggest that the melatonin mechanism of action includes the enhancement of thyroid gland sensitivity to immune factors. Seduxen prevented the stimulatory influence of the immune system on the thyroid gland.  相似文献   

Summary Electron microscopy was employed in a study of the pineal gland of the Mongolian gerbil (Meriones unguiculatus). It was determined that the gerbil pineal gland contains pinealocytes and glial cells with the pinealocytes being the predominant cell type. The pinealocytes contain numerous organelles traditionally considered as being either synthetic or secretory in function such as an extensive Golgi region, smooth (SER) and rough (RER) endoplasmic reticulum, secretory vesicles and microtubules. Other cytoplasmic components are also present in the pinealocytes (synaptic ribbons, subsurface cisternae) for which no function has been assigned. Dense-cored vesicles are rare. Vacuolated pinealocytes are present and appear to be intimately associated with the formation of the pineal concertions. Evidence presented supports the proposal that the concretions form within the vacuoles. Once the concretions reach an enlarged state, the vacuolated pinealocytes break down and the concretions are thus extruded into the extracellular space where they apparently continue to increase in size. The morphology of the glial cells was interpreted as indicative of a high synthetic activity. The glial cells contain predominantly the rough variety of endoplasmic reticulum and form an expansion around the wide perivascular area.Supported by NSF grant PCM 77-05734  相似文献   


M J Brownstein 《Life sciences》1975,16(9):1363-1374

The pineal gland plays a key role in the control of the daily and seasonal rhythms in most vertebrate species. In mammals, rhythmic melatonin (MT) release from the pineal gland is controlled by the suprachiasmatic nucleus via the sympathetic nervous system. In most non-mammalian species, including birds, the pineal gland contains a self-sustained circadian oscillator and several input channels to synchronize the clock, including direct light sensitivity. Avian pineal glands maintain rhythmic activity for days under in vitro conditions. Several physical (light, temperature, and magnetic field) and biochemical (Vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP), norepinephrine, PACAP, etc.) input channels, influencing release of melatonin are also functional in vitro, rendering the explanted avian pineal an excellent model to study the circadian biological clock. Using a perifusion system, we here report that the phase of the circadian melatonin rhythm of the explanted chicken pineal gland can be entrained easily to photoperiods whose length approximates 24 h, even if the light period is extremely short, i.e., 3L:21D. When the length of the photoperiod significantly differs from 24 h, the endogenous MT rhythm becomes distorted and does not follow the light-dark cycle. When explanted chicken pineal fragments were exposed to various drugs targeting specific components of intracellular signal transduction cascades, only those affecting the cAMP-protein kinase-A system modified the MT release temporarily without phase-shifting the rhythm in MT release. The potential role of cGMP remains to be investigated.  相似文献   

Electrophysiologic studies of opioid effects on nociceptive types of dorsal root ganglion (DRG) neurons in organotypic cultures have shown that morphine and mostμ, δ, and κ opioid agonists can elicit bimodal excitatory as well as inhibitory modulation of the action potential duration (APD) of these cells. Excitatory opioid effects have been shown to be mediated by opioid receptors that are coupled via Gs to cyclic AMP-dependent ionic conductances that prolong the APD, whereas inhibitory opioid effects are mediated by opioid receptors coupled via Gi/Go to ionic conductuances that shorten the APD. Selective blockade of excitatory opioid receptor functions by low (ca. pM) concentrations of naloxone, naltrexone, etorphine and other specific agents markedly increases the inhibitory potency of morphine or other bimodally acting agonists and attenuates development of tolerance/dependence. These in vitro studies have been confirmed by tail-flick assays showin that acute co-treatment of mice with morphine plus ultra-low-dose naltrexone or etorphine remarkably enhances the antinociceptive potency of morphine whereas chronic co-treatment attenuates development of tolerance and naloxone-precipitated withdrawal-jumping symptoms. Special issue dedicated to Dr. Eric J. Simon.  相似文献   

Summary 1. Innervation of the mammalian pineal gland is mainly sympathetic. Pineal synthesis of melatonin and its levels in the circulation are thought to be under strict adrenergic control of serotoninN-acetyltransferase (NAT). In addition, several putative pineal neurotransmitters modulate melatonin synthesis and secretion.2. In this review, we summarize what is currently known on the pineal cholinergic system. Cholinergic signaling in the rat pineal gland is suggested based on the localization of choline acetyltransferase (ChAT) and acetylcholinesterase (AChE), as well as muscarinic and nicotinic ACh binding sites in the gland.3. A functional role of ACh may be regulation of pineal synaptic ribbon numbers and modulation of melatonin secretion, events possibly mediated by phosphoinositide (PI) hydrolysis and activation of protein kinase C via muscarinic ACh receptors (mAChRs).4. We also present previously unpublished data obtained using primary cultures of rat pinealocytes in an attempt to get more direct information on the effects of cholinergic stimulus on pinealocyte melatonin secretion. These studies revealed that the cholinergic effects on melatonin release are restricted mainly to intact pineal glands since they were not readily detected in primary pinealocyte cultures.  相似文献   

Summary The presence of melatonin is demonstrated in the pineal gland, the retina and the Harderian gland in some mammalian and non-mammalian vertebrates, using a specific fluorescence labelled antibody technique. Four different potent antibodies against melatonin have been used and compared. In the pineal gland of hamsters, mice, rats and snakes, specific fluorescence, mostly restricted to the cytoplasm of the cells, is detected in pinealocytes. Fluorescence is also detected in the pineal organ of fishes, tortoises and lizards, but it has not been possible, from cryostat sections of fresh tissue, to assert which kind of cell is reacting (photoreceptor cells or interstitial ependymal cells). In the retina, fluorescence is almost exclusively restricted to the outer nuclear layer. In the Harderian gland of mammals and reptiles, fluorescence is localized in the secretory cells of the alveoli and mostly restricted to the cytoplasm surrounding the nucleus. These results are discussed in relation to the concept of melatonin synthesis at extrapineal sites independent of pineal production.Parts of this work have been presented in the Xth Conference of Comparative Endocrinologists, Sorrento, May 20–25, 1979 (Vivien-Roels and Dubois 1980) and the VIth International Congress of Endocrinology, Melbourne, February 10–16, 1980 (Vivien-Roels et al. 1980)The author wishes to thank Professor Lutz Vollrath who has accepted her in his laboratory for a short period, Doctor George M. Bubenik for his suggestions and critical remarks, Dr. L.J. Grota for producing the melatonin diazobenzoic acid-BSA and Dr. Castro for preparing one of the melatonin derivates  相似文献   

The primary antibody response of lymphoid tissue occupying the pineal gland of 6-wk-old chickens was studied subsequent to injection of the carotid artery with sheep red blood cells (SRBC) or bovine serum albumin (BSA). Injection of SRBC did not produce plaque-forming cells (PFC) among pineal lymphocytes whereas BSA stimulated synthesis of anti-BSA immunoglobulin in pineal lymphoid tissue. A cytotoxic assay using appropriate anti-lymphocyte sera indicated that single-cell suspensions of pineal lymphocytes were composed of 42% B lymphocytes and 51% T lymphocytes. Bursal and thymic lymphocytes labeled with tritiated thymidine migrated into pineal lymphoid tissue when injected into 4- and 5-wk-old naive chicks. These observations indicate that the bursa and thymus make equivalent contributions to the lymphoid mass in the chicken pineal gland. Challenge of pineal-established lymphocytes by antigen introduced via the blood vascular system suggests that soluble antigens--rather than particulate ones--stimulate antibody production in the pineal gland. Collectively, these studies indicate that the pineal gland should be considered as a functional component of the chicken's lymphomyeloid system.  相似文献   

An immunohistochemical study of the pineal gland of the domestic pig was carried out using the antisera raised against vasopressin (VP). The pineal glands were taken from the newborn, 21-day- and 7-month old female pigs. The pig pineal gland is moderately innervated by VP-immunoreactive nerve fibers. They run from the habenular commissure into the connective tissue septa and further into the pineal parenchyma. In the subependymal tissue as well as in the connective tissue septa, the fibers are smooth or with small varicosities and in the parenchyma with large ones. The obtained results point to extrapineal and extraepithalamic source of the fibers. The density of VP-immunoreactive fibers in the pineal gland of 7-month old pigs is higher than in the younger animals.  相似文献   

Circadian clock system in the pineal gland   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  

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