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该文研究了十种苯丙氨酸(Phe)的对位衍生物Fp、Clp、Bp、Ip、Ap、Np、Sp、Mp、Pp、Cp对小鼠黑色素瘤细胞系B16的细胞毒性、诱导细胞凋亡作用和抑制细胞成集落作用。结果表明,它们的细胞毒性大小依次为Pp、Fp、Mp、Ip、Sp、Ap、Bp。其中Mp和Ip的毒性相近,Sp和Ap的毒性相近。它们诱导细胞凋亡的作用强弱依次为Fp、Mp、Ip。其中Mp和Ip的作用相近。它们抑制细胞成集落的作用大小依次为Pp、Fp、Ip、Mp、Sp、Bp、Np、Ap。其中Pp、Fp、Ip、Mp的作用相近,Sp、Bp、Np的作用相近。初步的细胞毒理分析表明,Fp、Mp、Ip能够诱导B16细胞凋亡和抑制B16细胞形成集落。  相似文献   

头面部特征是人类学各人种进行分类的重要依据,在人类学的研究中被用作亲缘关系的证据。2006-2016年在四川、云南、西藏、贵州、海南、新疆、内蒙古共调查14个族群成人2989人(男性1434人,女性1555人)的16项头面部指标,比较这些族群头面部特征差异。研究结果如下:1)在男性族群中木雅人、尔苏人、临高人、白马人的面宽、头宽均较大。图瓦人、布里亚特人、摩梭人的面宽、头宽、形态面高、鼻高值均较大。僜人、革家人、莽人的面宽、头宽较小,而形态面高、鼻高值较大。空格人的面宽、头宽、形态面高、鼻高值均较小。2)在女性族群中图瓦人、布里亚特人的头宽、面宽、鼻高、耳上头高均较大。革家人、空格人的头宽、面宽、鼻高、耳上头高均较小。木雅人、尔苏人、八甲人、白马人、夏尔巴人的头宽、面宽较大,鼻高、耳上头高较小。僜人、克木人、莽人的头宽、面宽较小,而鼻高、耳上头高较大。3)头宽、容貌耳长跟纬度、年平均气温、年降雨量等环境因子相关性较高。4)通过聚类分析和主成分分析木雅人、尔苏人、白马人与羌族头面部特征比较接近。克木人与佤族头面部特征最为接近。革家人、僜人、莽人头面部特征比较接近。图瓦人、布里亚特人头面部...  相似文献   

一市两种市花的: 北京月季、菊花。青岛耐冬、月季。南昌月季、金边瑞香。芜湖月季、菊花。新乡月季、石榴。信阳紫薇、月季。恩施月季、桂花。济宁荷花、月季。无锡杜鹃花、梅花。合肥石榴、桂花。肇庆荷花、鸡蛋花。一市一种市花的:  相似文献   

(一)植物月份准备材料8月 洋葱鳞茎。番茄、苹果或沙果、西瓜等果实。菜豆、玉米、小麦、棉花、苹果、柿、水稻、高粱的种子。小麦粉。单子叶植物和双子叶植物的根及变态根。水培荞麦和番茄。培养金鱼藻和黑藻。采集和制作葫芦科、菊科植物标本9月 萝卜种子。准备南瓜茎、玉米茎(浸制)。采集和制作各种花、果实和种子标本10月 胡萝卜的圆锥根、马铃薯的块茎。1一3年生杨树、极、木横枝茎。蚕豆叶片。准备水稻、凤仙花的茎。采集丁香和杨树的茎芽。种小麦和蚕豆11月 莲的根状茎,葡萄茎的扦插。果树(苹果、梨、桃)芽接材料2月整理装订植物学十…  相似文献   

高血压有无声的杀手之称,这是因为血压过高可引起诸如心力衰竭、动脉粥样硬化和脑溢血等疾病。高血压的最主要的发病原因是精神紧张。此外,生活方式不规则、吸烟、酗酒、浓茶、咖啡、可乐、过多的食盐、高脂肪低纤维和过份精细而又缺乏营养的食物,以及动脉硬化、肥胖、糖尿病、严重便秘和过多地使用止痛药,均可引起高血压。高血压病人应多吃新鲜水果和蔬菜,以助体内毒素的排出。水果可选择柑桔、苹果、梨、芒果、番石榴、菠萝和西瓜等。蔬菜可选择黄瓜、番茄、洋葱、萝卜、甘蓝和菠菜等。能生吃的蔬菜尽量生吃。大蒜是可以最有效地降低…  相似文献   

在中医学中所讲的五行为:木、火、土、金、水。它们相生相克,平衡发展、相互共存。相生为:木生火、火生土、土生金、金生水、水生木。相克为:木克土、土克水、水克火、火克金、金克木。五行是写在黄帝内经里的东西,是由大智慧的人,经实践理论证实的大自然的变化规律,是经过千锤百炼的。  相似文献   

贯叶连翘HypericumperforatumL .为藤黄科多年生草本植物。属暖温带植物类型。在我国主要分布于四川、陕西、贵州、河北、山东、江西、江苏等省。在贵州常见于贵阳、罗甸、独山、兴义。黔东南州呈零星分布于雷山、榕江、台江、剑河、凯里等地的海拔 90 0~ 1 30 0m的溪沟边、荒坡、疏林下、灌丛中 ,喜湿润肥沃土壤。目前尚无人工栽培的报道。1 .研究进展 贯叶连翘传统以全草入药 ,近代分析表明以其花开初期的花序部分的茎、叶、花含有效成分较高。其主要成分和药理作用如下。 (1 )双蒽酮类化合物金丝桃素 ,具抗抑郁、…  相似文献   

黄胸散白蚁 Reticulitermes sperattls Kolbe 1885(=Leucotermes fluviceps Oshima 1911)是建筑物的大害虫之一。 近年来,在山东胶东的蓬莱、黄县、烟台、牟平、文登和威海等地,相继发现。 它为害房屋的门、窗、檩、梁和桌、椅、凳、铺板、橱、书架、书籍、电线杆、衣服、草褥子以及被害屋附近的玉米、小麦、无花果、桃树等。在烟台还为害葡萄。木材受害蛀蚀呈片状。为害初期往往不易发现。被害的门  相似文献   

国际自然保护协会成立于1949年。现在它包括奥地利、比利时、英国、德国、荷兰、希腊、丹麦、印度、意大利、墨西哥、挪威、波兰、苏联、美国、土耳其、法国、瑞士、瑞典等国家的科学与社会团体。协会会员的团体的总数在200个以上。协会的主席是著名的法国植物学家、巴黎自然历史博物馆馆长汉姆(R.Heim)教授。协会目前的工作由设于布  相似文献   

<正> 采用双名法命名生物,一般包括一个名词的属名和一个形容词的神名.例如意大利蜜蜂Apt。。。Ilif。,a L.、葡萄十星甲虫 Oidc。dccc-。pu。c。。。。Billb.;但是,少数属名是名词而种名也是名词。例如牛羽虱Bo。icola ho。i。(L.)、狗林头蚤 c。,,co。p4。l。pos ca。。。(nit1S卜··。 拉丁文及拉丁化的其他文字,名词和形容词都有文法性的,阳性、阴性、中性三者,各从词尾表现出,阳性词尾为:-u。、-or、-7r、-o’、-”、。O。等;阴性词尾为:-。、-。、-S、-x、-cs、-。s、-eo。-。G、-。。等;中性词尾为:-。m、-G。、-O。、。。r、-ar、-ma、J。、-r。、J、-。、-C等,其中阳性词尾较多用一us,阴性词尾用一a,中性词尾用一。。,总的用一a为最多。  相似文献   

The induction of the glutathione S-transferases by phenobarbital and polycyclic hydrocarbons was studied in male and female rats. Administration of phenobarbital resulted in 60-80% increase in S-aryl and S-aralkyl enzyme specific activities, whereas the S-epoxide and S-alkyl activities were increased by 30-40%. In following the sequence of induction, the former two activities were noted to reach peak activities before an increase in the latter two activities was observed. Both 3-methylcholanthrene and 3,4-benzopyrene were shown toi nduce these four enzymic activities, although without the discrimination between pairs of activities noted with phenobarbital. No change in Km accompanied the increase in Vmax. after induction by drugs, and no change occurred in Ki for sulphobromophthalein inhibition. Significantly lower enzyme specific activities were found for three of the activities studied in female rats but no difference was observed in the S-alkyltransferase activity. However, the proportional increase in the enzymic activities in response to phenobarbital was the same in males and females. These studies demonstrate the drug induction of a group of cytosolic drug-metabolizing enzymes as well as the identification of sex differences in these activities.  相似文献   

杂交水稻金优63幼苗期SOD和POD特性研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对杂交水稻金优63幼苗不同时期的根、茎、叶进行SOD同工酶电泳分析,并测定SOD、POD活性。结果表明,自播种后第7天到第13天,幼苗的SOD同工酶在根、茎、叶中有明显的器官特异性,且SOD活性叶 >茎 >根。相同器官不同时期的SOD同工酶电泳谱带条数及SOD活性都有变化,且SOD活性强弱与SOD同工酶电泳谱带中有无Mn-SOD同工酶带有一定的关系。幼苗的POD活性在根、茎、叶中也有明显的器官特异性,茎中POD活性明显高于根和叶,且POD活性变化与SOD活性变化有一定的关系。  相似文献   

To evaluate the functional role of glutamyl and aspartyl aminopeptidases, their soluble and membrane-bound activities were measured simultaneously in several tissues of normal mice using arylamide derivatives as substrates. Although the soluble aspartyl aminopeptidase activity showed its highest levels in the testicle, the rest of the activities presented their highest levels in the kidney. Different patterns of distribution were observed for glutamyl and aspartyl aminopeptidase activities and also for soluble and membrane-bound aspartyl aminopeptidase activities. However no major differences were observed between soluble and membrane-bound glutamyl aminopeptidase activities. This unequal distribution suggests that the use of arylamide derivatives as substrates is a sensitive method that distinguishes between these enzymatic activities. The results also suggest different functions for soluble and membrane-bound aspartyl aminopeptidase activities, and for glutamyl and aspartyl aminopeptidase activities.  相似文献   

Thermostable extracellular alpha-amylase and pullulanase activities of Clostridium thermohydrosulfuricum E 101-69 were characterized in a crude enzyme preparation. The activities responded similarly to temperature and pH, with optima at 85-90 degrees C and pH 5.6. The activities were stable at 65 degrees C, but were inactivated gradually in an identical manner at higher temperatures in the absence of Ca2+ and substrate. Ca2+ stabilized both activities similarly at high temperatures. Ca2+ also stimulated both activities, whereas EDTA reversed this stimulation. The activities were similarly inactivated at pH extremes. The two activities distributed in the same way during isoelectric focusing. The results suggest that the two activities are properties of the same protein, representing a novel, thermostable, amylase.  相似文献   

The effects of thyroid hormone on lactase activities were studied in vitro organ culture of fetal rat intestine. Triiodothyronine inhibited lactase activities regardless the presence of dexamethasone. Also triiodothyronine decreased lactase activities when added after dexamethasone increased lactase activities. Our results suggest that thyroid hormone may have a role in the maturational changes of lactase activities during weaning.  相似文献   

目的检测长期保存的食用真菌发酵液中超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)活性和谷胱苷肽过氧化物酶(GSH-Px)活性。方法选取3株经实验室长期保存的食用真菌发酵液,采用邻苯三酚自氧化法测SOD酶活性;用二硫代二硝基苯甲酸(DTNB)直接法测GSH-Px酶活性。结果3种发酵液中SOD酶活性和GSH-Px酶活性均为阳性。结论食用菌发酵液中不仅测得SOD,还含有GSH-Px,而且经长期保存仍有很强的酶活性。  相似文献   

Midgut extracts from Aedes aegypti females exhibited hydrolytic activities against synthetic substrates for carboxypeptidase A, carboxyopeptidase B and leucine-aminopeptidase. The three activities showed a broad pH optimum, with maximum activities at pH between 6.5 and 8.5. Enzymatic activities were further characterized by testing the effects of a variety of protease inhibitors. Captopril and 1-10-phenantroline inhibited the activities of carboxypeptidases A and B, while leuhistin, amastatin and bestatin inhibited aminopeptidase activity. Exopeptidase activities were induced by a blood meal and the highest activities were found during the peak of trypsin activity, about 20-24 h after feeding. An amino acid meal failed to induce significant increases in any of the three exopeptidase activities. The amounts of exopeptidase activities induced were proportional to the protein concentration of the meal. The addition of soy-trypsin inhibitor to the protein meal blocked the post-feeding induction of exopeptidases. The features of the induction of synthesis of the three exopeptidase activities resembled the induction of synthesis of late trypsin during the second phase of digestion.  相似文献   

The relationship between the changes in the four enzyme activities catalysing intracellular post-translational modifications in collagen biosynthesis were studied in rat liver as a function of age and in experimental hepatic injury induced by the administration of dimethylnitrosamine. During aging, relatively large changes were found in prolyl hydroxylase and lysyl hydroxylase activities, whereas only minor changes took place in collagen galactosyltransferase and collagen glucosyltransferase activities. In hepatic injury, the two hydroxylase activities increased earlier and to a larger extent than did the two glycosyltransferase activities, and the largest was found in lysyl hydroxylase activity. The data support previous suggestions that changes in the rate of collagen biosynthesis in the liver cannot be explained simply by a change in the number of collagen-producing cells, but regulation of the enzyme activities existed, so that the two hydroxylase activities altered considerably more than did the two collagen glycosyltransferase activities.  相似文献   

过硫酸化岩藻多糖硫酸酯   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
岩藻多糖硫酸酯(fucoidan或fucan sulfate,FS)是一种硫酸多糖,具有多种生物活性。硫酸基团对多糖活性起重要作用,并且多糖活性与硫酸基团含量呈正相关。近些年,国内外研究者对SF进行硫酸化修饰以获得高硫酸基团含量和高活性的过硫酸化岩藻多糖硫酸酯。为促进对FS硫酸化修饰的深入了解,本文对FS活性与硫酸基团含量及位置的关系、过硫酸化方法及过硫酸化岩藻多糖硫酸酯活性的研究进展进行了综述。  相似文献   

韩美玲  边禄森  姜宏浩  安琪 《菌物学报》2020,39(8):1538-1550
以糙皮侧耳Pleurotus ostreatus为材料,研究简单碳氮源及木质素纯品诱导条件对其木质纤维素酶活性的影响。结果表明,不同的碳源培养基和氮源培养基对糙皮侧耳漆酶活性、羧甲基纤维素酶活性和木聚糖酶活性均具有极显著的影响(P<0.001),且对糙皮侧耳菌丝生物量也有极显著的影响(P<0.001)。以蔗糖作主要碳源诱导物时,有利于提高糙皮侧耳漆酶活性;以果糖作主要碳源诱导物时,有利于提高糙皮侧耳羧甲基纤维素酶活性和菌丝生物量的积累;以葡萄糖作主要碳源诱导物时,有利于提高糙皮侧耳木聚糖酶活性。以酵母浸粉作主要氮源诱导物时,有利于提高糙皮侧耳漆酶活性和菌丝生物量的积累;以硝酸钾作为主要氮源诱导物时,有利于提高糙皮侧耳羧甲基纤维素酶活性;以硫酸铵作为主要氮源诱导物时,有利于提高糙皮侧耳木聚糖酶活性。碱性木素的存在,有利于提高糙皮侧耳漆酶活性,但不利于菌丝生物量的积累。与此同时,碱性木素的存在对糙皮侧耳羧甲基纤维素酶和木聚糖酶活性并没有促进作用。  相似文献   

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