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Dendritic cells (DCs) are the most potent antigen-presenting cells of the immune system capable of initiating immune responses to antigens. It is also well documented that cancer patients often experience anergy against tumor antigens. In this study we selected the best protocol for inducing the production of antibodies against the HER2 oncoprotein using DCs to overcome anergy. Murine DCs were pulsed in vitro, using different protocols, with recombinant HER2 fused to a human Fc (in order to improve DC antigen uptake) and were used to vaccinate mice. The obtained results indicate that antigen-pulsed DCs can induce an antibody response and that adding CpG after antigen pulsing greatly increases anti-HER2 antibody production.  相似文献   

Although naturally occurring smallpox was eliminated through the efforts of the World Health Organization Global Eradication Program, it remains possible that smallpox could be intentionally released. Here we examine the magnitude and duration of antiviral immunity induced by one or more smallpox vaccinations. We found that more than 90% of volunteers vaccinated 25-75 years ago still maintain substantial humoral or cellular immunity (or both) against vaccinia, the virus used to vaccinate against smallpox. Antiviral antibody responses remained stable between 1-75 years after vaccination, whereas antiviral T-cell responses declined slowly, with a half-life of 8-15 years. If these levels of immunity are considered to be at least partially protective, then the morbidity and mortality associated with an intentional smallpox outbreak would be substantially reduced because of pre-existing immunity in a large number of previously vaccinated individuals.  相似文献   

The recent observation of a surge in human monkeypox in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) prompts the question of whether cessation of smallpox vaccination is driving the phenomenon, and if so, why is re-emergence not universal throughout the historic geographic range of the virus? Research addressing the virus's mechanisms for immune evasion and induction, as well as that directed at elucidating the genes involved in pathogenesis in different viral lineages (West African vs Congo Basin), provide insights to help explain why emergence appears to be geographically limited. Novel vaccines offer one solution to curtail the spread of this disease.  相似文献   

Experiments on guinea pigs demonstrated a mixed cellular-humoral character of allergy in smallpox vaccination. The ratio of cellular and humoral components depended on the site of the vaccina application. Skin manifestations in smallpox vaccination (hyperemia, infiltration, papula) were due to the multiplication of the virus proper, increased sensitivity of the surrounding tissues to the live vibrio, and specific immunological reconstruction. The skin of the sensitized animal after the anaphylactic shock in response to the intracardiac injection of the challenging dose of the vaccine virus acquired areactivity to its subsequent application.  相似文献   

Cutting edge: long-term B cell memory in humans after smallpox vaccination   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
Memory B cells are a central component of humoral immunity, and yet little is known about their longevity in humans. Immune memory after smallpox vaccination (DryVax) is a valuable benchmark for understanding the longevity of B cell memory in the absence of re-exposure to Ag. In this study, we demonstrate that smallpox vaccine-specific memory B cells last for >50 years in immunized individuals. Virus-specific memory B cells initially declined postimmunization, but then reached a plateau approximately 10-fold lower than peak and were stably maintained for >50 years after vaccination at a frequency of approximately 0.1% of total circulating IgG(+) B cells. These persisting memory B cells were functional and able to mount a robust anamnestic Ab response upon revaccination. Additionally, virus-specific CD4(+) T cells were detected decades after vaccination. These data show that immunological memory to DryVax vaccine is long-lived and may contribute to protection against smallpox.  相似文献   

Blood group [ABO system] distribution was analysed in 245 children with complications after smallpox vaccination. One hundred and thirty-two children had neurological and 113 and skin or mucosal complications. 41.6% of the children were blood-group A or AB. 58.4% were blood group O or B, which was not a significant difference from the normal population [44.7%---48.7% and 51.0%---55.9%, respectively]. The analysis did not show in persons possessing blood groups A or AB an enhanced susceptibility to complications following antismallpox immunization or to particularly severe clinical forms of these complications. Immunological advantages in persons with blood group O or B were not found either.  相似文献   

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