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哺乳动物的单配制通常被认为是社会性单配制,它不是单纯地由性行为来决定,而是由诸多因素,包括长期的pair bond、夫妻双方共同抚育后代、免近亲交配以及雌雄两性相似等来决定的。在这篇综述中,我们论述了如何以啮齿类田鼠属(Microtus)为模型,通过比较研究来帮助我们理解社会性单配制的进化以及其神经调控机制。对田鼠属的研究不仅证实了单配制起源于艰苦的生存条件的假说,而且还证实了雌性性选择可能有利于维持单配制。不仅如此,哺乳动物单配制的进化还需要雄性的prosocial行为的不断强化。例如,亲近行为可以促进pairbond的形成并强化雄性对后代的哺育行为,而这种强化则来源于神经多肽催产素(OT)和加压素(AVP)与类固醇类激素的相互作用。催产素和加压素调控pairbond和双亲哺育行为的表达,而单配制和多配制田鼠的催产素和加压素受体在脑内的分布有显的不同。比较研究揭示了小型田鼠单配制的调控机制,而种内差异和行为上的可塑性则有助于我们进一步理解这种机制。比如,在某些条件下,多配制的草原田鼠(Microtus pennsylvanicu)的雄性个体具有哺育后代的行为。尽管草原田鼠的加压素Vla受体在脑内的分布与其他多配制的田鼠相似,但是如果脑室注射加压素,仍可以诱发其哺育后代的行为。同样是单配制的橙腹田鼠(Microtus ochrogaster),生活在:Illnois的显示出高水平的prosocial行为,而生活在Kansas的则表现出较低水平的社会性行为。即使两个种群的催产素或加压素Vla受体在脑内的分布相同,它们的雌激素受体表达水平显不同,这在雄性个体表现尤其明显。与Kansas的雄性个体相比,在终纹床核(bed rucleus of the stria tenninalis)和杏仁核中区(medial amygdala)这两个调控亲近行为和攻击行为的脑区,Illinois的雄性个体的α雌激素受体的水平要低得多。这些研究表明对雌激素的低敏感程度有利于高水平地表达prosocial行为并降低特定类型的攻击行为。  相似文献   

It is proposed that leks have evolved because females benefit by the absence of breeding males from female ranges. Non-lekking males impose several kinds of cost on female reproductive success. Under certain conditions female preference for least costly males can therefore favour males who wait, rather than search, for females.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Except in ducks and geese (Anseriforms), aggressiveor forced copulation in birds is rare. The rarity of forcedcopulation in birds theoretically is dueto morphological andphysiological mechanisms of female resistance that place fertilizationmost often under female control. Traits theoretically associatedwith resistance by females include: digestive epithelium liningthe section of the cloaca receiving sperm and powerful doacalmusculature used to eject contents, including waste materialand sperm. These traits suggest that the Immediate FertilizationEnhancement Hypothesis may be an inadequate ultimate explanationfor forced copulation when it occurs. Ideas in Heinroth (1911)and Brownmiller (1975) suggested an alternative, the CODE Hypothesis,which says that aggressive copulation creates a dangerous environmentfor females. This, in turn, fosters male mating advantage viasocial monogamy, because selection sometimes favors femaleswho trade sexual and social access for protection from maleaggression. Thus, theoretically, "trades" of protection forcopulation favor the evolution of social monogamy even in specieswith little or no paternal care. Individual males may accrueselective advantages through direct benefits, kin-selected benefits,or reciprocal altruism. The CODE hypothesis for social monogamypredicts variation in extrapair paternity from preferred mates,variation in male reproductive success, and variation amongfemales' post-insemination resistance mechanisms as functionsof variation among females' vulnerabilities (ecological andintrinsic) to aggressive copulation. Observers will base intraspecifictests on variation among females in their vulnerabilities tomale aggression against them.  相似文献   

Male birds with bright plumage colors which entail production costs and increased predation risks should be able to emphasize the handicap function of their ornaments when they present themselves against a contrasting background. Contrast with the background may accentuate the signal's costliness and make the male more conspicuous to predators. Both effects should contribute to increase male attractiveness. It is therefore conceivable that the extent to which the male plumage contrasts against the background modifies female choice behavior as it improves the discrimination of mates. We tested this hypothesis in domesticated canaries (Serinus canaria). In the first experiment, yellow females could choose between two yellow males presented in front of a yellow and a white background, respectively. In the second experiment we replaced the yellow males with white ones. In experiment 1 females associated significantly more with yellow males which contrasted strongly against the white background. In experiment 2 there was at least a trend for preferred associations with the white male in front of the yellow background. We found no support that male properties per se were chosen. We could further clarify that females associated with the contrasting male and not with a particular background color. Thus, our study demonstrates that not only inherent properties of the sender but also the interaction of bird color with the signaling environment may influence mate choice.  相似文献   

Female mate preference for males tending young offspring has been demonstrated in many fishes; however, not much is known about the choice process. Using the barred chin blenny Rhabdoblennius ellipes, a fish with male uniparental care, field experiments were conducted to investigate the female preference for males tending young eggs and then whether females choose the males with young eggs by discriminating young eggs from old eggs in the nests. Males tending young eggs (0‐ to 2‐d old) acquired new eggs nine times more frequently than those tending old eggs (3‐ to 5‐d old) regardless of other traits in males and nests. In the two egg‐switching field experiments (old to young and young to old), contrary to our expectation, male mating success was neither enhanced when given young eggs nor inhibited when given old eggs. These results suggested that females choose males with young eggs not by discriminating the developmental stage of eggs in the nests but by using other choice processes. By choosing males with young eggs, females may benefit from the dilution effects of egg predation and filial cannibalism risks and avoid male parental care failure.  相似文献   

The neurohypophysial hormone arginine vasopressin (AVP) plays important roles in fluid regulation and vascular resistance. Differences in AVP receptor expression, particularly mediated through variation in the noncoding promoter region of the primary receptor for AVP (AVPR1a), may play a role in social phenotypes, particularly social monogamy, in rodents and humans. Among primates, social monogamy is rare, but is common among New World monkeys (NWM). AVP is a nonapeptide and generally conserved among eutherian mammals, although a recent paper demonstrated that some NWM species possess a novel form of the related neuropeptide hormone, oxytocin. We therefore characterized variation in the AVP and AVPR1a genes in 22 species representing every genus in the three major platyrrhine families (Cebidae, Atelidae and Pitheciidae). For AVP, a total of 16 synonymous substitutions were detected in 15 NWM species. No non-synonymous substitutions were noted, hence, AVP is conserved in NWM. By contrast, relative to the human AVPR1a, 66 predicted amino acids (AA) substitutions were identified in NWM. The AVPR1a N-terminus (ligand binding domain), third intracellular (G-protein binding domain), and C-terminus were variable among species. Complex evolution of AVPR1a is also apparent in NWM. A molecular phylogenetic tree inferred from AVPR1a coding sequences revealed some consensus taxonomic separation by families, but also a mixed group composed of genera from all three families. The overall dN/dS ratio of AVPR1a was 0.11, but signals of positive selection in distinct AVPR1a regions were observed, including the N-terminus, in which we identified six potential positive selection sites. AA substitutions at positions 241, 319, 399 and 409 occurred uniquely in marmosets and tamarins. Our results enhance the appreciation of genetic diversity in the mammalian AVP/AVPR1a system, and set the stage for molecular modeling of the neurohypophyseal hormones and social behavior in primates.  相似文献   

It is known from previous laboratory studies that female choice in the river bullhead, Cottus gobio, is mainly influenced by the size of the male, and that the presence of eggs in the nest also plays a role. However, the process by which females visit and choose among prospective mates is still poorly understood. We examined eight possible tactics of female choice through computer simulation, and we compared their fit to the reproductive patterns observed in two natural populations. Neither of the tactics proposed for other species, nor combinations of them, were able to predict accurately the field data, although one of them (fixed threshold) provided a fairly good fitting. Conversely, a new model (cluster sampling), which takes into account the spatial distribution of males, produced for both populations a set of predictions on the male mating success not significantly different from the data recorded in the field. Under this model, females sample more males when males are clumped, thus reducing substantially, on the average, the ratio between the distance travelled before spawning and the number of sampled males. When models incorporated the preference for already mated males, good fitting was obtained if females preferred nests containing eggs not older than 36 h, a finding that agrees with field results.  相似文献   

The use of acoustic signals by males during courtship and mating is well known. Nevertheless, their association with female unwillingness to mate is much less studied. In spiders, stridulation during sexual interactions is relatively common in some groups, but mainly restricted to males. In the pholcid spider Holocnemus pluchei, both sexes have stridulatory organs. The aims of the present work were (1) to establish whether female stridulation occurs during intra‐ and inter‐sexual interactions, (2) to determine whether female reproductive status affects the likelihood that she will stridulate and (3) to determine whether female stridulation is influenced by male sexual behaviour. We found that female stridulation usually occurs both during intrasexual interactions and, most frequently, during intersexual interactions. Females with more previous matings stridulated more frequently. Stridulation intensity was higher in females that did not accept new copulations compared with those that copulated. Female stridulation did not vary in elaborated and non‐elaborated courtship. Thus, females use stridulation to communicate levels of sexual receptivity. It is also possible that females use stridulation to indirectly assess male ability to persist and persuade.  相似文献   

Focal recordings of the vocalizations of squirrel monkeys, Saimiri sciureus, occupying an undisturbed Peruvian habitat were collected to evaluate the importance of both the ecological and social functions of female vocal behavior. The rates and sequences of six call types were examined by context: single, double, and multiple chuck, peep, tweet, and tweet-chuck. In contrast to laboratory studies, our findings emphasize the primacy of ecological functions in the wild, where calling permits females to operate as a convoy of spatially separated individuals in an arboreal habitat where visual contact is limited. Chuck calls are probably best interpreted as contact calls. The rate of chucks and tweet-chucks increased when the nearest adult female was > 5 m away. However, call production did not predict a change in the spatial separation between a female and her nearest adult female. During travel, the rate of single and double chucks was greater and the rate of multiple chucks was reduced. No direct relationship was found between foraging activities and vocal behavior. Although secondary, social factors did have a subtle effect on vocal behavior: the larger the social alliance of a female, the lower the rate and repetitiveness of her chuck vocalizations. We also consider the role of variations in vocalization rates among primates and the differing conclusions of field and captive studies of squirrel monkey vocal behavior.  相似文献   

The detection and avoidance of parasitized conspecifics is proposed to have important consequences for the behavior of animals, especially as related to mate choice. A reduction in pain sensitivity (i.e. analgesia) is a major correlate of exposure to real or potential danger and threatening stimuli, facilitating the expression of various active (e.g. fleeing) and passive (e.g. immobilization) defense responses. The present study examined pain sensitivity (latency of a foot-lifting response to 50 ° C thermal surface) of female mice, Mus musculus, that were exposed to the urine and other odor secretions of male mice subclinically infected with the naturally occurring, enteric, sporozoan parasite, Eimeria vermiformis. A 30-min exposure to the odors of a parasitized male induced an analgesia in the female mice that was found to be mediated by the increased activity of endogenous opioid peptide systems. A brief 1-min exposure to the male odors induced a shorter duration and lower amplitude analgesia of a non-opioid (serotonergic) nature. Maximum analgesic responses were induced by the odors of pre-infective [5 days post-infection (PI)] and infective (day 10 PI) males, with significantly lower responses elicited by the odors of post-infective (day 17 PI) male mice. Exposure to the odors of unparasitized males had no significant effects on the pain sensitivity of female mice. These results indicate that female mice can distinguish between the odors of parasitized and non-parasitized male mice, and find the odors of parasitized males threatening and/or stressful. These odor-induced analgesic responses and their neurohormonal correlates may be part of an adaptive preparatory defense mechanism that facilitates the detection and avoidance of parasitized males by female mice and contributes to female mate choice.  相似文献   

Evolution of Classical Polyandry: Three Steps to Female Emancipation   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Abstract In classical polyandry, sex roles are reversed and a female reproduces with several males, each of whom raises his offspring with little or no help from her. This mating system occurs in some fishes and birds, and it is of great interest in relation to parental investment, sex role and sexual selection theory. The evolution of classical polyandry, however, is debated and not well understood. It is here suggested to generally take place in three main steps. (1) First evolves male care for eggs, for reasons that differ between fishes and birds. (2) Second, a female becomes able to lay more eggs than a male can accommodate. This can happen, for example, by evolution of male pregnancy or smaller body size, or by female production of more or larger eggs, made possible by larger female body size or more food. Polyandry in several taxa is associated with shift to a habitat rich in food during the breeding season, to novel specialised foraging methods, or to both. A favourable food situation may be crucial for evolution of classical polyandry. (3) In step three, females compete to lay two or more clutches in sequence for different males. Successful polyandrous females obtain more offspring, spreading traits that enhance success in competition over males. Step three may be most likely in species with small body size, for reasons of reproductive constraints and seasonality. Evolution of classical polyandry appears to have followed these steps in shorebirds, coucals and pipefishes, but the reasons why certain species differ from their close phylogenetic relatives in being polyandrous are far from clear. Behavioural and ecological studies of additional species, and detailed phylogenies of taxa with diverse mating systems including polyandry, are needed for testing these ideas.  相似文献   

The Ephemeral Civilization: Exploding the Myth of Social Evolution. Graeme Donald Snooks. London: Routledge, 1997. 858 pp.  相似文献   

This paper considers the relationship between anthropology and the interdisciplinary field of commodity studies through an examination of an important commodity chain in the Asia-Pacific, the live reef fish for food trade. Using an ethnographic perspective, I focus on how particular social relationships within this commodity chain have significant implications for two key concerns of commodity studies—the distribution of benefits through commodity chains and how commodity chains are regulated. The social relationships between fishers and traders provide a powerful avenue for relative economic prosperity for fishers, yet the forms of social relationships that operate between fishers, traders and regulators mean that regulation of the trade is not being implemented. This analysis provides an example of how an ethnographic lens can provide a useful perspective that can contribute to an interdisciplinary dialogue on commodity chains.  相似文献   

To many pathogenic bacteria, human hosts are an evolutionary dead end. This begs the question what evolutionary forces have shaped their virulence traits. Why are these bacteria so virulent? The coincidental evolution hypothesis suggests that such virulence factors result from adaptation to other ecological niches. In particular, virulence traits in bacteria might result from selective pressure exerted by protozoan predator. Thus, grazing resistance may be an evolutionarily exaptation for bacterial pathogenicity. This hypothesis was tested by subjecting a well characterized collection of 31 Escherichia coli strains (human commensal or extra-intestinal pathogenic) to grazing by the social haploid amoeba Dictyostelium discoideum. We then assessed how resistance to grazing correlates with some bacterial traits, such as the presence of virulence genes. Whatever the relative population size (bacteria/amoeba) for a non-pathogenic bacteria strain, D. discoideum was able to phagocytise, digest and grow. In contrast, a pathogenic bacterium strain killed D. discoideum above a certain bacteria/amoeba population size. A plating assay was then carried out using the E. coli collection faced to the grazing of D. discoideum. E. coli strains carrying virulence genes such as iroN, irp2, fyuA involved in iron uptake, belonging to the B2 phylogenetic group and being virulent in a mouse model of septicaemia were resistant to the grazing from D. discoideum. Experimental proof of the key role of the irp gene in the grazing resistance was evidenced with a mutant strain lacking this gene. Such determinant of virulence may well be originally selected and (or) further maintained for their role in natural habitat: resistance to digestion by free-living protozoa, rather than for virulence per se.  相似文献   

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