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Since 4-1BB plays a predominant role in CD8+ T cell responses, we investigated the effects of 4-1BB triggering on the primary and memory CD8+ T responses to HSV-1 infection. 4-1BB was detected on 10-15% of CD4+ and CD8+ T cells following the infection. 4-1BB-positive T cells were in the proliferative mode and showed the enhanced expression of anti-apoptotic proteins. Agonistic anti-4-1BB treatment exerted preferential expansion of CD8+ T cells and gB/H-2Kb-positive CD8+ T cells, and enhanced cytotoxicity against HSV-1 that was mainly mediated by CD11c+CD8+ T cells. CD11c+CD8+ T cells were re-expanded following re-challenge with HSV-1 at post-infection day 50, indicating that CD11c+CD8+ phenotype was maintained in memory CD8+ T cell pool. Our studies demonstrated that 4-1BB stimulation enhanced both primary and memory anti-HSV-1 CD8+ T cell responses, which was mediated by a massive expansion of antigen-specific CD11c+CD8+ T cells.  相似文献   

CD1 molecules are MHC class I-like glycoproteins whose expression is essential for the development of a unique subset of T cells, the NK T cells. To evaluate to what extent CD1 contributes to the development of CD4+ and CD8+ T cells, we generated CD1oIIo and CD1oTAPo mice and compared the generation of T cells in these double-mutant mice and IIo or TAPo mice. FACS analysis showed that the number of CD4+ T cells in CD1oIIo mice was reduced significantly compared with the corresponding population in IIo mice. Both CD4+ NK1.1+ and the CD4+ NK1.1- population were reduced in CD1oIIo mice, suggesting that CD1 can select not only CD4+ NK1.1+ T cells but also some NK1.1- CD4+ T cells. Functional analysis showed that the residual CD4+ cells in CD1oIIo can secrete large amounts of IFN-gamma and a significant amount of IL-4 during primary stimulation with anti-CD3, suggesting that this population may be enriched for NK T cells restricted by other class I molecules. In contrast to the CD4+ population, no significant differences in the CD8+ T cell compartment can be detected between TAPo and CD1oTAPo mice in all lymphoid tissues tested, including intestinal intraepithelial lymphocytes. Our data suggest that, unlike other MHC class I molecules, CD1 does not contribute in a major way to the development of CD8+ T cells.  相似文献   

Using transgenic mice that express a constitutively active version of STAT5b, we demonstrate that STAT5 plays a key role in governing B cell development and T cell homeostasis. STAT5 activation leads to a 10-fold increase in pro-B, but not pro-T, cells. Conversely, STAT5 signaling promotes the expansion of mature alphabeta T cells (6-fold increase) and gammadelta and NK T cells (3- to 4-fold increase), but not of mature B cells. In addition, STAT5 activation has dramatically divergent effects on CD8(+) vs CD4(+) T cells, leading to the selective expansion of CD8(+) memory-like T cells and CD4(+)CD25(+) regulatory T cells. These results establish that activation of STAT5 is the primary mechanism underlying both IL-7/IL-15-dependent homeostatic proliferation of naive and memory CD8(+) T cells and IL-2-dependent development of CD4(+)CD25(+) regulatory T cells.  相似文献   

Recent evidence indicates that CD8(+) T cells express natural killer cell receptors that constrain the range and magnitude of their activities. For virus-specific CD8(+) T cells, upregulation of these receptors serves to control infection, while concurrently minimizing bystander pathology. Dysregulated expression of these receptors, however, may foster the establishment of persistent virus infection.  相似文献   

Mouse models suggest that the processing of exogenous Ag by dendritic cells can be important for priming the CD8(+) CTL response. To study the situation in humans, we have exploited the CTL response to EBV infection. In this context EBV expresses eight latent proteins, of which EBV-encoded nuclear Ag (EBNA) 3A, 3B, and 3C appear to be immunodominant for CTL responses, whereas another nuclear Ag, EBNA1, which is completely protected from endogenous presentation via the MHC class I pathway, is thought to induce responses rarely, if ever. Here, using EBNA1 peptides and/or EBNA1 protein-loaded dendritic cells as in vitro stimuli, we have identified memory CTL responses to HLA-B*3501, -B7, and -B53-restricted EBNA1 epitopes that can be as strong as those seen in immunodominant epitopes from the "conventionally processed" EBNA3 Ags. Furthermore, we used HLA-peptide tetramers to show that the primary response to one such EBNA1 epitope constituted up to 5% of the CD8(+) T cells in infectious mononucleosis blood, the strongest latent Ag-specific response yet detected in this setting. We conclude that exogenous protein represents a significant source of Ag for priming the human CTL response.  相似文献   

Immunologic memory involving CD8(+) T cells is a hallmark of an adaptive Ag-specific immune response and constitutes a critical component of protective immunity. Designing approaches that enhance long-term T cell memory would, for the most part, fortify vaccines and enhance host protection against infectious diseases and, perhaps, cancer immunotherapy. A better understanding of the cellular programs involved in the Ag-specific T cell response has led to new approaches that target the magnitude and quality of the memory T cell response. In this article, we show that T cells from TCR transgenic mice for the nucleoprotein of influenza virus NP68 exhibit the distinct phases--priming, expansion, contraction, and memory--of an Ag-specific T cell response when exposed in vitro to the cognate peptide. Saracatinib, a specific inhibitor of Src family kinases, administered at low doses during the expansion or contraction phases, increased CD62L(high)/CD44(high) central memory CD8(+) T cells and IFN-γ production but suppressed immunity when added during the priming phase. These effects by saracatinib were not accompanied by the expected decline of Src family kinases but were accompanied by Akt-mammalian target of rapamycin suppression and/or mediated via another pathway. Increased central memory cells by saracatinib were recapitulated in mice using a poxvirus-based influenza vaccine, thus underscoring the importance of dose and timing of the inhibitor in the context of memory T cell differentiation. Finally, vaccine plus saracatinib treatment showed better protection against tumor challenge. The immune-potentiating effects on CD8(+) T cells by a low dose of saracatinib might afford better protection from pathogens or cancer when combined with vaccine.  相似文献   

Due to their potent immunostimulatory capacity, dendritic cells (DC) have become the centerpiece of many vaccine regimens. Immature DC (DCimm) capture, process, and present Ags to CD4(+) lymphocytes, which reciprocally activate DCimm through CD40, and the resulting mature DC (DCmat) loose phagocytic capacity, but acquire the ability to efficiently stimulate CD8(+) lymphocytes. Recombinant vaccinia viruses (rVV) provide a rapid, easy, and efficient method to introduce Ags into DC, but we observed that rVV infection of DCimm results in blockade of DC maturation in response to all activation signals, including CD40L, monocyte-conditioned medium, LPS, TNF-alpha, and poly(I:C), and failure to induce a CD8(+) response. By contrast, DCmat can be infected with rVV and induce a CD8(+) response, but, having lost phagocytic activity, fail to process the Ag via the exogenous class II pathway. To overcome these limitations, we used the CMV protein pp65 as a model Ag and designed a gene containing the lysosomal-associated membrane protein 1 targeting sequence (Sig-pp65-LAMP1) to target pp65 to the class II compartment. DCmat infected with rVV-Sig-pp65-LAMP1 induced proliferation of pp65-specific CD4(+) clones and efficiently induced a pp65-specific CD4(+) response, suggesting that after DC maturation the intracellular processing machinery for class II remains intact for at least 16 h. Moreover, infection of DCmat with rVV-Sig-pp65-LAMP1 resulted in at least equivalent presentation to CD8(+) cells as infection with rVV-pp65. These results demonstrate that despite rVV interference with DCimm maturation, a single targeting vector can deliver Ags to DCmat for the effective simultaneous stimulation of both CD4(+) and CD8(+) cells.  相似文献   

The long terminal repeat from a thymotropic mouse mammary tumor virus variant, DMBA-LV, was used to drive the expression of two reporter genes, murine c-myc and human CD4, in transgenic mice. Expression was observed specifically in thymic immature cells. Expression of c-myc in these cells induced oligoclonal CD4+ CD8+ T-cell thymomas. Expression of human CD4 was restricted to thymic progenitor CD4- CD8- and CD4+ CD8+ T cells and was shut off in mature CD4+ CD8- and CD4- CD8+ T cells, known to be derived from the progenitor double-positive T cells. These results suggest the existence of similar and common factors in CD4+ CD8- and CD4- CD8+ T cells and support a model of differentiation of CD4+ CD8+ T cells through common signal(s) involved in turning off the expression of the CD4 or CD8 gene.  相似文献   

Cytolytic CD8+ T cells fall into two subpopulations based on cytokine-secretion. Type 1 CD8+ cells (Tc1) characteristically secrete IFN-gamma, whereas type 2 CD8+ cells (Tc2) secrete IL-4 and IL-5. We assessed the relative therapeutic effects of adoptively transferred OVA-specific Tc1 and Tc2 CD8+ cells in mice bearing established OVA-transfected B16 melanoma lung metastases. Both Tc1 and Tc2 subpopulations mediated a reduction in lung tumor growth that subsequently prolonged survival times in mice with both early (day 7) and more advanced (day 14) levels of tumor development. CD8+ T cell populations recovered from spleens of tumor-bearing mice receiving Tc1 or Tc2 cells showed markedly enhanced tumor Ag-specific cytolytic and cytokine-releasing activities that correlated with delays in tumor cell growth and progression. Initially, both tumor-reactive Tc1 and Tc2 effector cells accumulated at the tumor site with nearly equal frequency. Tc1 cells persisted, whereas Tc2 cell numbers progressively diminished over time. Titration of Tc1 and Tc2 effector cells showed that protection was dose dependent with the former being 5-fold more effective. Tc2 cells achieved a comparable reduction in lung tumor cell growth at higher concentrations of cell transfer. Tc1 effectors from IFN-gamma-deficient mice were less therapeutically effective than wild-type mice, but there was no significant reduction in activity between corresponding Tc2 populations. We speculate that the effectiveness of Tc1 and Tc2 cells may depend on different mechanisms. These studies suggest a potential role for Tc1 and Tc2 CD8+ subpopulations in tumor regression and immunotherapy.  相似文献   

TGF-beta1 is critical for maintaining T cell homeostasis. Smad3 has been implicated in this regulatory process, yet the cellular targets and molecular details remain poorly understood. In this study, we report that TGF-beta1 impairs the entry of CD4+ and CD8+ T cells into the cell cycle as well as their progression through subsequent rounds of division, and show that Smad3 is essential for TGF-beta1 to inhibit TCR-induced division of only CD4+ and not CD8+ T cells. Both CD8+ and CD4+ T cells from Smad3-/- mice were refractory to TGF-beta1-induced inhibition of IL-2 production, thus demonstrating that not all CD8+ T cell responses to TGF-beta1 are Smad3 independent. These TGF-beta1 effects were all T cell intrinsic, as they were reproduced in purified CD4+ and CD8+ T cells. Finally, we found that Smad3 was critical for the survival of CD8+, but not CD4+ T cells following activation ex vivo. The TCR-induced death of Smad3-/- CD8+ T cells was not dependent upon TNF-alpha production. Exogenous TGF-beta1 partially rescued the CD8+ T cells by signaling through a Smad3-independent pathway. TGF-beta1 also enhanced survival of TCR-stimulated CD4+CD44high T cells in a Smad3-independent manner. Collectively, these findings firmly establish for the first time that TGF-beta1 discriminately regulates CD4+ and CD8+ T cell expansion by signaling through distinct intracellular pathways.  相似文献   

For unknown reasons, advanced age remains a dominant predictor of poor clinical outcome for nearly all cancers. A decrease in the production of T cells by the thymus accompanies normal aging and parallels the age-dependent increase in cancer progression, but the specific impact of immunity on tumor progression in general is unknown. Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM), the most common primary brain neoplasm, is characterized by rapid age-dependent rates of progression and death. In this study, we show levels of CD8(+) recent thymic emigrants (RTEs) accounted for the prognostic power of age on clinical outcome in GBM patients. CD8(+) RTEs, typically a tiny proportion of CD8(+) T cells, remarkably accounted for the majority of tumor Ag-binding small precursor cells in PBMC from these patients and from healthy individuals. Large blasting tumor Ag-binding cells comprised of CD8(+) RTEs and phenotypically related cells were predominantly expanded following experimental vaccination of GBM patients. Quantification of CD8(+) RTE expansion in vivo correlated strongly with vaccine-elicited cytokine responses, and estimated numbers of expanding CD8(+) RTEs were consistent predictors of clinical outcome in vaccinated GBM patients. Targeted mutant (CD8beta(-/-)) mice specifically deficient in thymic CD8(+) T cell production uniquely displayed an age-specific decrease in glioma host survival as well as a strong correlation between host survival and thymus cellular production. These findings suggest that levels and function of newly produced CD8(+) T cells critically influence age-dependent cancer mortality and exert one of the strongest known influences on GBM outcome by predominantly mediating clinically beneficial antitumor immune responses.  相似文献   

The adoptive transfer of type I diabetes in nonobese diabetic mice requires the contribution of both CD4+ and CD8+ T cells. To further elucidate the cellular pathway(s) of beta-cell destruction and the responsibility of each subset, high doses of committed T cells from diabetic mice purified to single subsets, were injected into syngeneic nonobese diabetic neonates. The recipients of single or mixed subsets were followed for clinical manifestations of diabetes and examined at 30 days of age for in situ lesions. None of the animals injected with either CD4+ or CD8+ T cells became overtly diabetic during the 30 days of observation whereas 8 of 23 mice inoculated with a mixture of the two subsets developed glycosuria and hyperglycemia. However, insulitis was found in 6 of the 13 mice injected with CD4+ T cells whereas only 1 of the 9 mice injected with CD8+ T cells showed marginal infiltration of the pancreas. The lesions initiated by CD4+ T cells alone were considerably less severe than those induced by the mixture of both subsets, corroborating the fact that overt disease did not occur in the former group. Together, these results suggest a distinct function for each diabetogenic T cell subset. CD4+ T cells, which have the capacity to home to the pancreas, promote in turn the influx of CD8+ effector T cells that do not by themselves accumulate in this organ. These results illustrate a novel form of T-T cell interactions leading to organ specific autoimmune lesions.  相似文献   

Intracellular bacteria such as Mycobacterium tuberculosis primarily infect macrophages. Within these host cells, the pathogens are confined to phagosomes and their antigens are secluded from the classical MHC I presentation pathway. Moreover, macrophages fail to express certain antigen presenting molecules like CD1 proteins. As a result of this intracellular lifestyle, the pathways for the induction of MHC I- and CD1-restricted CD8 T cells by such microorganisms remain elusive. Based on recent findings in tuberculosis and salmonellosis, we propose a new detour pathway for CD8 T cell activation against intracellular bacteria through apoptotic blebs from infected macrophages. Pathogen-derived antigens including proteins and lipids are delivered from infected cells to non-infected dendritic cells. Subsequently, these professional antigen presenting cells display microbial antigens through MHC I and CD1 to T cells. Thus, cross-priming mediated by apoptotic vesicles is not just a matter of antigen distribution, but an intrinsic immunological function due to the nature of phagosomally located intracellular bacteria. We consider infection-induced apoptosis the conditio sine qua non for antigen-specific CD8 T cell activation by phagosome-enclosed pathogens. This important new function of cell death in antibacterial immunity requires consideration for rational vaccine design.  相似文献   

Voltage-gated K(+) channels (Kv) are tetramers whose assembly is coordinated in part by a conserved T1 recognition domain. Although T1 achieves its quaternary structure in the ER, nothing is known about its acquisition of tertiary structure. We developed a new folding assay that relies on intramolecular cross-linking of pairs of cysteines engineered at the folded T1 monomer interface. Using this assay, we show directly that the T1 domain is largely folded while the Kv protein is still attached to membrane-bound ribosomes. The ER membrane facilitates both folding and oligomerization of Kv proteins. We show that folding and oligomerization assays can be used to study coupling between these two biogenic events and diagnose defects in assembly of Kv channels.  相似文献   

A panel of seven mouse splenic macrophage cell lines, derived from cloned progenitors, was compared for their ability to present antigen to Th1 or Th2 helper T cell lines and hybridomas, as well as to naive T cells, and to provide accessory cell function for the synthesis of antibody from primed B cells. One of the cell lines expressed MHC class II molecules and was the only line with constitutive antigen-presenting activity for Th1 cells. It may represent a subset of splenic macrophages responsible for the activation of naive Th1 helper cells in situ. The remaining six cell lines responded to INF-gamma by up-regulating their class II expression and acquiring Th1 antigen-presenting activity. They may represent cells which, in situ, lack constitutive antigen-presenting activity but are promoted to presenting status by Th1-derived INF-gamma. Five of the cell lines provided accessory cell function to Th2 cells, as indicated by antibody synthesis in suspensions of spleen cells from primed mice depleted of their antigen-presenting cells. One of the cell lines lacking accessory cell activity had constitutive antigen-presenting activity for Th1 cells. This reciprocal expression of antigen-presenting activity supports the idea that Th1 and Th2 helper cells are activated by different antigen-presenting cells. Finally, the cell lines differed in their ability to constitutively induce an allogeneic response; a response that was limited to CD8+ T cells occurred in a CD4+ helper cell-independent manner and was unaffected by the addition of INF-gamma. The alloantigen-presenting macrophage cell lines also possessed the most efficient accessory cell activity for antibody synthesis. These cell lines, which represent a spectrum of antigen-presenting activities in the spleen afford models for defining the roles of macrophages in the induction of immune responses and for resolving issues concerning their development.  相似文献   

The functional capabilities of human peripheral blood CD3+CD4-CD8- and CD3+CD4+CD8+ T cell clones were examined. The clones were generated by culturing purified populations of CD3+CD4-CD8- and CD3+CD4+CD8+ T cells at limiting dilution (0.3 cell/well) in the presence of PHA, rIL-2, and irradiated PBMC as feeders. Twelve CD3+CD4-CD8- and 5 CD3+CD4+CD8+ clones were generated. Clonality was documented by analyzing TCR gamma- and beta-chain rearrangement patterns. All CD3+CD4-CD8- clones were stained by the TCR-delta 1 mAb that identifies a framework epitope of the TCR delta-chain, but not by mAb WT31 that identifies the TCR-alpha beta on mature T cells. In contrast, the CD3+CD4+CD8+ clones were all stained by WT31 and not by TCR-delta 1. All 17 clones were screened for various functional activities. Each secreted IL-2, IFN-gamma, and lymphotoxin/TNF-like factors when stimulated with immobilized mAb to CD3 (64.1), albeit in varying quantities. These clones secreted far less IL-2 and IFN-gamma than CD3+CD4+CD8- or CD3+CD4-CD8+ alpha beta expressing clones, but comparable amounts of lymphotoxin/TNF. All clones also functioned as MHC-unrestricted cytotoxic cells. This activity was comparable to that mediated by the CD3+CD4+CD8- or CD3+CD4-CD8+ alpha beta clones. Nine of 12 CD3+CD4-CD8- and 4 of 5 CD3+CD4+CD8+ clones were able to support B cell differentiation when activated by immobilized anti-CD3, but usually not as effectively as the CD3+CD4+CD8- or CD3+CD4-CD8+ alpha beta clones. The differences in the functional capabilities of the various clones could not be accounted for by alterations in the signaling capacity of the CD3 molecular complex as mAb to CD3 induced comparable increases in intracellular free calcium in each clone examined. When clones were stimulated with PWM, each suppressed B cell differentiation supported by mitomycin C-treated fresh CD4+ T lymphocytes. Suppression was dependent on the number of clone cells added to culture, but could be observed with as few as 12,500 cells per microtiter well. Phenotypic analysis of the clones revealed that all expressed CD29, CD11b, and the NKH1 surface Ag. These results demonstrate that the CD3+CD4-CD8- and CD3+CD4+CD8+ T cell clones exhibit many of the functional characteristics of mature T cells, although they produce IL-2 and IFN-gamma and provide help for B cell differentiation less effectively than CD3+CD4+CD8- and CD3+CD4-CD8+ alpha beta T cell clones.  相似文献   

The effect of a battery of CD1 mAb on intracellular free Ca2+ concentration and IL-2 production has been examined on different T cell lines in this study. Both 0249F and NU-T2 two CD1b specific mAb tested, induced a rapid increase in the intracellular Ca2+ concentration on HPBALL T cells whereas only one (L161) among three different CD1c mAb (L161, 10C3, and M241) produced a similar effect. In contrast the addition of four different CD1a mAb directed against two different epitopic groups of this molecule were uneffective in modifying the intracellular Ca2+. Both L161 and 0249F also induced a comparable increase in the intracellular Ca2+ concentration on MOLT 4 and JURKAT, two other T cell lines of similar phenotype. The effect of L161 mAb on the IL-2 production of the IL-2 producing T cell line JURKAT was also examined. The association of the latter with PMA strongly induced the production of IL-2 on this cell model while either L161 or PMA alone had no effect. Although the natural ligand and the function of CD1 molecules are still unknown, the accumulation of these data strongly suggest that CD1b and CD1c might represent two activatory pathways for immature T cells operating before the classical CD2 and CD3 activation pathways.  相似文献   

The CD8 coreceptor enhances T cell function by stabilizing the TCR/peptide/MHC complex and/or increasing T cell avidity via interactions with the intracellular kinases Lck and LAT. We previously reported a CD4(+) T cell (TIL 1383I), which recognizes the tumor-associated Ag tyrosinase in the context of HLA-A2. To determine whether CD8 independent tumor cell recognition is a property of the TCR, we used retroviral transduction to express the TIL 1383I TCR in the CD8(-) murine lymphoma, 58 alpha(-)/beta(-). Immunofluorescent staining of TCR-transduced cells with human TCR V beta subfamily-specific and mouse CD3-specific Abs confirmed surface expression of the transferred TCR and coexpression of mouse CD3. Transduced effector cells secreted significant amounts of IL-2 following Ag presentation by tyrosinase peptide-pulsed T2 cells as well as stimulation with HLA-A2(+) melanoma lines compared with T2 cells alone or HLA-A2(-) melanoma cells. Further analysis of TCR-transduced clones demonstrated a correlation between T cell avidity and cell surface expression of the TCR. Therefore, the TIL 1383I TCR has sufficient affinity to mediate recognition of the physiologic levels of Ag expressed by tumor cells in the absence of CD8 expression.  相似文献   

We studied the role of NK cells in regulating human CD8+ T cell effector function against mononuclear phagocytes infected with the intracellular pathogen Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Depletion of NK cells from PBMC of healthy tuberculin reactors reduced the frequency of M. tuberculosis-responsive CD8+IFN-gamma+ cells and decreased their capacity to lyse M. tuberculosis-infected monocytes. The frequency of CD8+ IFN-gamma+ cells was restored by soluble factors produced by activated NK cells and was dependent on IFN-gamma, IL-15, and IL-18. M. tuberculosis-activated NK cells produced IFN-gamma, activated NK cells stimulated infected monocytes to produce IL-15 and IL-18, and production of IL-15 and IL-18 were inhibited by anti-IFN-gamma. These findings suggest that NK cells maintain the frequency of M. tuberculosis-responsive CD8+IFN-gamma+ T cells by producing IFN-gamma, which elicits secretion of IL-15 and IL-18 by monocytes. These monokines in turn favor expansion of Tc1 CD8+ T cells. The capacity of NK cells to prime CD8+ T cells to lyse M. tuberculosis-infected target cells required cell-cell contact between NK cells and infected monocytes and depended on interactions between the CD40 ligand on NK cells and CD40 on infected monocytes. NK cells link the innate and the adaptive immune responses by optimizing the capacity of CD8+ T cells to produce IFN-gamma and to lyse infected cells, functions that are critical for protective immunity against M. tuberculosis and other intracellular pathogens.  相似文献   

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