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The annual legume Medicago truncatula has been proposed as a model plant to study various aspects of legume biology including rhizobial and mycorrhizal symbiosis because it is well suited for the genetic analysis of these processes . To facilitate the characterization of M. truncatula genes participating in various developmental processes we have initiated an insertion mutagenesis program in this plant using three different T-DNAs as tags. To investigate which type of vector is the most suitable for mutagenesis we compared the behavior of these T-DNAs. One T-DNA vector was a derivative of pBin19 and plant selection was based on kanamycin resistance. The two other vectors carried T-DNA conferring Basta resistance in the transgenic plants. For each T-DNA type, we determined the copy number in the transgenic lines, the structure of the T-DNA loci and the sequences of the integration sites. The T-DNA derived from pBin19 generated complex T-DNA insertion patterns. The two others generally gave single copy T-DNA inserts that could result in gene fusions for the pGKB5 T-DNA. Analysis of the T-DNA borders revealed that several M. truncatula genes were tagged in these transgenic lines and in vivo gus fusions were also obtained. These results demonstrate that T-DNA tagging can efficiently be used in M. truncatula for gene discovery.  相似文献   

Adaptation to the environment and reproduction are dependent on the date of flowering in the season. The objectives of this paper were to evaluate the effect of photoperiod on flowering date of the model species for legume crops, Medicago truncatula and to describe genetic architecture of this trait in multiple mapping populations. The effect of photoperiod (12 and 18 h) was analysed on eight lines. Quantitative variation in three recombinant inbred lines (RILs) populations involving four parental lines was evaluated, and QTL detection was carried out. Flowering occurred earlier in long than in short photoperiods. Modelling the rate of progression to flowering with temperature and photoperiod gave high R(2), with line-specific parameters that indicated differential responses of the lines to both photoperiod and temperature. QTL detection showed a QTL on chromosome 7 that was common to all populations and seasons. Taking advantage of the multiple mapping populations, it was condensed into a single QTL with a support interval of only 0.9 cM. In a bioanalysis, six candidate genes were identified in this interval. This design also indicated other genomic regions that were involved in flowering date variation more specifically in one population or one season. The analysis on three different mapping populations detected more QTLs than on a single population, revealed more alleles and gave a more precise position of the QTLs that were common to several populations and/or seasons. Identification of candidate genes was a result of integration of QTL analysis and genomics in M. truncatula.  相似文献   

Many species of rhizobial bacteria can invade their plant hosts and induce development of symbiotic nitrogen-fixing nodules only if they are able to produce an acidic exopolysaccharide (EPS) with certain structural and molecular weight characteristics.13 Sinorhizobium meliloti that produces the functional form of the exopolysaccharide succinoglycan induces formation of invasion structures called infection threads in the root hair cells of its plant hosts alfalfa and Medicago truncatula. However, S. meliloti mutants that cannot produce succinoglycan are not able to induce infection thread formation, resulting in an early arrest of nodule development and in nitrogen starvation of the plant. Mounting evidence has suggested that succinoglycan acts as a signal to these host plants to permit the entry of S. meliloti. Now, our microarray screen and functional category analysis of differentially-expressed genes show that M. truncatula plants inoculated with wild type S. meliloti receive a signal to increase their translation capacity, alter their metabolic activity and prepare for invasion, while those inoculated with a succinoglycan-deficient mutant do not receive this signal, and also more strongly express plant defense genes.Key words: nitrogen fixation, nodule, succinoglycan, microarray, legume, rhizobial bacteria, Sinorhizobium meliloti, Medicago truncatula, infection thread, root hair  相似文献   

Forage quality combines traits related to protein content and energy value. High-quality forages contribute to increase farm autonomy by reducing the use of energy or protein-rich supplements. Genetic analyses in forage legume species are complex because of their tetraploidy and allogamy. Indeed, no genetic studies of quality have been published at the molecular level on these species. Nonetheless, mapping populations of the model species M. truncatula can be used to detect QTL for forage quality. Here, we studied a crossing design involving four connected populations of M. truncatula. Each population was composed of ca. 200 recombinant inbred lines (RIL). We sought population-specific QTL and QTL explaining the whole design variation. We grew parents and RIL in a greenhouse for 2 or 3 seasons and analysed plants for chemical composition of vegetative organs (protein content, digestibility, leaf-to-stem ratio) and stem histology (stem cross-section area, tissue proportions). Over the four populations and all the traits, QTL were found on all chromosomes. Among these QTL, only four genomic regions, on chromosomes 1, 3, 7 and 8, contributed to explaining the variations in the whole crossing design. Surprisingly, we found that quality QTL were located in the same genomic regions as morphological QTL. We thus confirmed the quantitative inheritance of quality traits and tight relationships between quality and morphology. Our findings could be explained by a co-location of genes involved in quality and morphology. This study will help to detect candidate genes involved in quantitative variation for quality in forage legume species.  相似文献   

The glutamine synthetase (GS) gene family of Medicago truncatula Gaertn. contains three genes related to cytosolic GS (MtGSa, MtGSb, and MtGSc), although one of these (MtGSc) appears not to be expressed. Sequence analysis suggests that the genes are more highly conserved interspecifically rather than intraspecifically: MtGSa and MtGSb are more similar to their homologs in Medicago sativa and Pisum sativum than to each other. Studies in which gene-specific probes are used show that both MtGSa and MtGSb are induced during symbiotic root nodule development, although not coordinately. MtGSa is the most highly expressed GS gene in nodules but is also expressed to lower extents in a variety of other organs. MtGSb shows higher levels of expression in roots and the photosynthetic cotyledons of seedlings than in nodules or other organs. In roots, both genes are expressed in the absence of an exogenous nitrogen source. However the addition of nitrate leads to a short-term, 2- to 3-fold increase in the abundance of both mRNAs, and the addition of ammonium leads to a 2-fold increase in MtGSb mRNA. The nitrogen supply, therefore, influences the expression of the two genes in roots, but it is clearly not the major effector of their expression. In the discussion section, the expression of the GS gene family of the model legume M. truncatula is compared to those of other leguminous plants.  相似文献   

At the 2nd Medicago meeting (a satellite of the 1999 IS-MPMI meeting in Amsterdam), investigators perceived a need for standardization of genetic nomenclature in Medicago truncatula, due to the rapid growth of research on this species in the past few years. Establishment of such standards grew out of discussions begun at this meeting and continued electronically throughout the M. truncatula community. The proposed standards presented here are the consensus results of those discussions. In addition to standards for gene nomenclature, a method for community governance and a website for cataloging gene names and submitting new ones are presented. The purpose of implementing these guidelines is to help maintain consistency in the literature, to avoid redundancy, to contribute to the accuracy of databases, and, in general, to aid the international collaborations that have made M. truncatula a model system for legume biology.  相似文献   

A new method for the isolation of root hairs from the model legume, Medicago truncatula, was developed. The procedure involves the propagation of detached roots on agar plates and the collection of root hairs by immersion in liquid nitrogen. Yields of up to 40 micro g of root hair protein were obtained from 50-100 root tips grown for 3 weeks on a single plate. The high purity of the root hair fraction was monitored by western blot analysis using an antibody to the pea epidermis specific protein PsRH2. Sequence analyses revealed that the protein homologous to PsRH2 in M. truncatula, MtRH2, is identical to the root protein MtPR10-1. The MtRH2 protein proved to be a useful endogenous marker to monitor root hair isolation since it is also specifically expressed in the root epidermis.  相似文献   

Extensive genomic resources are available in the model legume Medicago truncatula. Here, we present the discovery and design of the first array of single‐nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers in M. truncatula through large‐scale Sanger resequencing of genomic fragments spanning the genome, in a diverse panel of 16 M. truncatula accessions. Both anonymous fragments and fragments targeting candidate genes for flowering phenology and symbiosis were surveyed for nucleotide variation in almost 230 kb of unique genomic regions. A set of 384 SNP markers was designed for an Illumina's GoldenGate assay, genotyped on a collection of 192 inbred lines (CC192) representing the geographical range of the species and used to survey the diversity of two natural populations. Finally, 86% of the tested SNPs were of high quality and exhibited polymorphism in the CC192 collection. Even at the population level, we detected polymorphism for more than 50% of the selected SNPs. Analysis of the allele frequency spectrum in the CC192 showed a reduced ascertainment bias, mostly limited to very rare alleles (frequency <0.01). The substantial polymorphism detected at the species and population levels, the high marker quality and the potential to survey large samples of individuals make this set of SNP markers a valuable tool to improve our understanding of the effect of demographic and selective factors that shape the natural genetic diversity within the selfing species Medicago truncatula.  相似文献   

We report on a large-scale expressed sequence tag (EST) sequencing and analysis program aimed at characterizing the sets of genes expressed in roots of the model legume Medicago truncatula during interactions with either of two microsymbionts, the nitrogen-fixing bacterium Sinorhizobium meliloti or the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus Glomus intraradices. We have designed specific tools for in silico analysis of EST data, in relation to chimeric cDNA detection, EST clustering, encoded protein prediction, and detection of differential expression. Our 21 473 5′- and 3′-ESTs could be grouped into 6359 EST clusters, corresponding to distinct virtual genes, along with 52 498 other M.truncatula ESTs available in the dbEST (NCBI) database that were recruited in the process. These clusters were manually annotated, using a specifically developed annotation interface. Analysis of EST cluster distribution in various M.truncatula cDNA libraries, supported by a refined R test to evaluate statistical significance and by ‘electronic northern’ representation, enabled us to identify a large number of novel genes predicted to be up- or down-regulated during either symbiotic root interaction. These in silico analyses provide a first global view of the genetic programs for root symbioses in M.truncatula. A searchable database has been built and can be accessed through a public interface.  相似文献   

Medicago truncatula is a fast-emerging model for the study of legume functional biology. We used the tobacco retrotransposon Tnt1 to tag the Medicago genome and generated over 7600 independent lines representing an estimated 190 000 insertion events. Tnt1 inserted on average at 25 different locations per genome during tissue culture, and insertions were stable during subsequent generations in soil. Analysis of 2461 Tnt1 flanking sequence tags (FSTs) revealed that Tnt1 appears to prefer gene-rich regions. The proportion of Tnt1 insertion in coding sequences was 34.1%, compared to the expected 15.9% if random insertions were to occur. However, Tnt1 showed neither unique target site specificity nor strong insertion hot spots, although some genes were more frequently tagged than others. Forward-genetic screening of 3237 R1 lines resulted in identification of visible mutant phenotypes in approximately 30% of the regenerated lines. Tagging efficiency appears to be high, as all of the 20 mutants examined so far were found to be tagged. Taking the properties of Tnt1 into account and assuming 1.7 kb for the average M. truncatula gene size, we estimate that approximately 14 000–16 000 lines would be sufficient for 90% gene tagging coverage in M. truncatula . This is in contrast to more than 500 000 lines required to achieve the same saturation level using T-DNA tagging. Our data demonstrate that Tnt1 is an efficient insertional mutagen in M. truncatula , and could be a primary choice for other plant species with large genomes.  相似文献   

The tobacco element, Tnt1, is one of the few active retrotransposons in plants. Its transposition is activated during protoplast culture in tobacco and tissue culture in the heterologous host Arabidopsis thaliana. Here, we report its transposition in the R108 line of Medicago truncatula during the early steps of the in vitro transformation-regeneration process. Two hundred and twenty-five primary transformants containing Tnt1 were obtained. Among them, 11.2% contained only transposed copies of the element, indicating that Tnt1 transposed very early and efficiently during the in vitro transformation process, possibly even before the T-DNA integration. The average number of insertions per transgenic line was estimated to be about 15. These insertions were stable in the progeny and could be separated by segregation. Inspection of the sequences flanking the insertion sites revealed that Tnt1 had no insertion site specificity and often inserted in genes (one out of three insertions). Thus, our work demonstrates the functioning of an efficient transposable element in leguminous plants. These results indicate that Tnt1 can be used as a powerful tool for insertion mutagenesis in M. truncatula.  相似文献   

Bottom‐up evolutionary approaches, including geographically explicit population genomic analyses, have the power to reveal the mechanistic basis of adaptation. Here, we conduct a population genomic analysis in the model legume, Medicago truncatula, to characterize population genetic structure and identify symbiosis‐related genes showing evidence of spatially variable selection. Using RAD‐seq, we generated over 26,000 SNPs from 191 accessions from within three regions of the native range in Europe. Results from STRUCTURE analysis identify five distinct genetic clusters with divisions that separate east and west regions in the Mediterranean basin. Much of the genetic variation is maintained within sampling sites, and there is evidence for isolation by distance. Extensive linkage disequilibrium was identified, particularly within populations. We conducted genetic outlier analysis with FST‐based genome scans and a Bayesian modeling approach (PCAdapt). There were 70 core outlier loci shared between these distinct methods with one clear candidate symbiosis related gene, DMI1. This work sets that stage for functional experiments to determine the important phenotypes that selection has acted upon and complementary efforts in rhizobium populations.  相似文献   

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