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Cut fibers from Rana temporaria and Rana pipiens (striation spacing, 3.9-4.2 microns) were mounted in a double Vaseline-gap chamber and studied at 14 degrees C. The Ca indicator purpurate-3,3' diacetic acid (PDAA) was introduced into the end pools and allowed to diffuse into the optical recording site. When the concentration at the site exceeded 2 mM, step depolarizations to 10 mV were applied and the [Ca] transient measured with PDAA was used to estimate Ca release from the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) (Baylor, S. M., W. K. Chandler, and M. W. Marshall. 1983. Journal of Physiology. 344:625-666). With depolarization, the rate of SR Ca release increased to an early peak and then rapidly decreased several-fold to a quasi-steady level. The total amount of Ca released from the SR at the time of peak rate of release appeared to be independent of SR Ca content, consistent with the idea that a single activated channel might pass, on average, a fixed number of ions, independent of the magnitude of the single channel flux. A possible explanation of this property is given in terms of locally induced Ca inactivation of Ca release. The solution in the end pools was then changed to one with PDAA plus fura-2. SR Ca release was estimated from the [Ca] transient, as before, and from the delta [Cafura-2] signal. On average, 2-3 mM fura-2 increased the quasi-steady level of the rate of SR Ca release by factors of 6.6 and 3.8, respectively, in three fibers from Rana temporaria and three fibers from Rana pipiens. The peak rate of release was increased in five of the six fibers but to a lesser extent than the quasi-steady level. In all fibers, the amplitude of the free [Ca] transient was markedly reduced. These increases in the rate of SR Ca release are consistent with the idea that Ca inactivation of Ca release develops during a step depolarization to 10 mV and that 2-3 mM fura-2 is able to reduce this inactivation by complexing Ca and thereby reducing free [Ca]. Once the concentration of fura-2 becomes sufficiently large, a further increase reduces the rate of SR Ca release. On average, 5-6 mM fura-2 increased the quasi-steady rate of release, compared with 0 mM fura-2, by 6.5 and 2.9, respectively, in four fibers from Rana temporaria and three from Rana pipiens.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Minimal latency of calcium release in frog twitch muscle fibres   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Intracellular release of calcium in frog skeletal muscle fibres was monitored by the use of arsenazo III, in response to voltage clamped depolarizing pulses. A latency of a few milliseconds was evident between the onset of depolarization and the first detectable rise in the arsenazo-calcium signal, and this decreased logarithmically as the depolarization was increased. The minimal latency with strong depolarization (to +20 to +100 mV) was about 2 ms at 5 degrees C. This delay appears to be sufficiently long to be compatible with a chemically mediated coupling mechanism between depolarization and calcium release from the sarcoplasmic reticulum.  相似文献   

The Ca indicator tetramethylmurexide was introduced into cut fibers, mounted in a double-Vaseline-gap chamber, by diffusion from the end-pool solutions. The indicator diffused rapidly to the central region of a fiber where optical recording was done and, if removed, diffused away equally fast. The time course of concentration suggests that, on average, a fraction 0.27 of indicator was reversibly bound to myoplasmic constituents and the free diffusion constant was 1.75 x 10(-6) cm2/s at 18 degrees C. The shape of the resting absorbance spectrum suggests that a fraction 0.11-0.15 of tetramethylmurexide inside a fiber was complexed with Ca. After action potential stimulation, there was a rapid transient change in indicator absorbance followed by a maintained change of opposite sign. The wavelength dependence of both changes matched a cuvette Ca-difference spectrum. The amplitude of the early peak varied linearly with indicator concentration and corresponded to an average rise in free [Ca] of 17 microM. These rather diverse findings can be explained if the sarcoplasmic reticulum membranes are permeable to Ca-free indicator. Both Ca-free and Ca-complexed indicator inside the sarcoplasmic reticulum would appear to be bound by diffusion analysis and the Ca-complexed form would be detected by the resting absorbance spectrum. The transient change in indicator absorbance would be produced by myoplasmic Ca reacting with indicator molecules that freely diffuse in myoplasmic solution. The maintained signal, which reports Ca dissociating from indicator complexed at rest, would come from changes within the sarcoplasmic reticulum. A method, based on these ideas, is described for separating the two components of the tetramethylmurexide signal. The estimated myoplasmic free [Ca] transient has an average peak value of 26 microM at 18 degrees C. Its time course is similar to, but possibly faster than, that recorded with antipyrylazo III (Maylie, J., M. Irving, N. L. Sizto, and W. K. Chandler. 1987. Journal of General Physiology. 89:83-143).  相似文献   

Cut muscle fibers from Rana temporaria (sarcomere length, 3.4-4.2 microns) were mounted in a double Vaseline-gap chamber (14-15 degrees C) and equilibrated with end-pool solutions that contained 20 mM EGTA and 1.76 mM Ca. Sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) Ca release was estimated from changes in pH (Pape, P. C., D.-S. Jong, and W.K. Chandler. 1995. Journal of General Physiology. 106:000-000). Although the amplitude and duration of the [Ca] transient, as well as its spatial spread from the release sites, are reduced by EGTA, SR Ca release elicited by either depolarizing voltage-clamp pulses or action potentials behaved in a manner consistent with Ca inactivation of Ca release. After a step depolarization to -20 or 10 mV, the rate of SR Ca release, corrected for SR Ca depletion, reached a peak value within 5-15 ms and then rapidly decreased to a quasi-steady level that was about half the peak value; the time constant of the last half of the decrease was usually 2- 4 ms. Immediately after an action potential or a 10-15 ms prepulse to - 20 mV, the peak rate of SR Ca release elicited by a second stimulation, as well as the fractional amount of release, were substantially decreased. The rising phase of the rate of release was also reduced, suggesting that at least 0.9 of the ability of the SR to release Ca had been inactivated by the first stimulation. There was little change in intramembranous charge movement, suggesting that the changes in SR Ca release were not caused by changes in its voltage activation. These effects of a first stimulation on the rate of SR Ca release elicited by a second stimulation recovered during repolarization to -90 mV; the time constant of recovery was approximately 25 ms in the action- potential experiments and approximately 50 ms in the voltage-clamp experiments. Fura-2, which is able to bind Ca more rapidly than EGTA and hence reduce the amplitude of the [Ca] transient and its spatial spread from release sites by a greater amount, did not prevent Ca inactivation of Ca release, even at concentrations as large as 6-8 mM. These effects of Ca inactivation of Ca release can be simulated by the three-state, two-step model proposed by Schneider, M. F., and B. J. Simon (1988, Journal of Physiology. 405:727-745), in which SR Ca channels function as a single uniform population of channels. (ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

The Ca indicator antipyrylazo III was introduced into cut frog twitch fibers by diffusion (Maylie, J., M. Irving, N. L. Sizto, and W. K. Chandler. 1987. Journal of General Physiology. 89:41-81). Like arsenazo III, antipyrylazo III was largely bound to or sequestered by intracellular constituents; on average, a fraction 0.68 was so immobilized. After action potential stimulation, there was an early change in absorbance, with a wavelength dependence that nearly matched a cuvette Ca-difference spectrum. As with arsenazo III, this signal became prolonged as experiments progressed. In a freshly prepared cut fiber containing 0.3 mM indicator, the absorbance change had an average half-width of 10 ms at 18 degrees C. The peak amplitude of this Ca signal depended on the indicator concentration in a roughly parabolic manner, which is consistent with a 1:2 stoichiometry for Ca:indicator complexation and, for indicator concentrations less than or equal to 0.4 mM, constant peak free [Ca]. If all the antipyrylazo III inside a fiber can react normally with Ca, peak free [Ca] is 3 microM at 18 degrees C. If only freely diffusible indicator can react, the estimate is 42 microM. The true amplitude probably lies somewhere in between. The time course of Ca binding to intracellular buffers and of Ca release from the sarcoplasmic reticulum is estimated from the 3- and 42-microM myoplasmic [Ca] transients. After action potential stimulation, the release waveform is rapid and brief; its latency after the surface action potential is 2-3 ms and its half-width is 2-4 ms. This requires rapid coupling between the action potential in the transverse tubular system and Ca release from the sarcoplasmic reticulum. The peak fractional occupancy calculated for Ca-regulatory sites on troponin is 0.46 for the 3-microM transient and 0.93 for the 42-microM transient. During a 100-ms tetanus at 100 Hz, the corresponding fractional occupancies are 0.56 and 0.94. The low value of occupancy associated with the low-amplitude [Ca] calibration seems inconsistent with a brief tetanus being able to produce near-maximal activation (Blinks, J. R., R. Rudel, and S. R. Taylor. 1978. Journal of Physiology. 277:291-323; Lopez J. R., L. A. Wanck, and S. R. Taylor. 1981. Science. 214:47-82).  相似文献   

Cut muscle fibers from Rana temporaria (sarcomere length, 3.3-3.5 microns; temperature, 13-16 degrees C) were mounted in a double Vaseline-gap chamber and equilibrated for at least an hour with an internal solution that contained 20 mM EGTA and phenol red and an external solution that contained predominantly TEA-gluconate; both solutions were nominally Ca-free. The increase in total myoplasmic concentration of Ca (delta[CaT]) produced by sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) Ca release was estimated from the change in pH produced when the released Ca was complexed by EGTA (Pape, P.C., D.-S. Jong, and W.K. Chandler. 1995. Journal of General Physiology. 106:259-336). The resting value of SR Ca content, [CaSR]R (expressed as myoplasmic concentration), was taken to be equal to the value of delta[CaT] obtained during a step depolarization (usually to -50 to -40 mV) that was sufficiently long (200-750 ms) to release all of the readily releasable Ca from the SR. In ten fibers, the first depolarization gave [CaSR]R = 839-1,698 microM. Progressively smaller values were obtained with subsequent depolarizations until, after 30-40 depolarizations, the value of [CaSR]R had usually been reduced to < 10 microM. Measurements of intramembranous charge movement, Icm, showed that, as the value of [CaSR]R decreased, ON-OFF charge equality held and the amount of charge moved remained constant. ON Icm showed brief initial I beta components and prominent I gamma "humps", even after the value of [CaSR]R was < 10 microM. Although the amplitude of the hump component decreased during depletion, its duration increased in a manner that preserved the constancy of ON charge. In the depleted state, charge movement was steeply voltage dependent, with a mean value of 7.2 mV for the Boltzmann factor k. These and other results are not consistent with the idea that there is one type of charge, Q beta, and that I gamma is a movement of Q beta caused by SR Ca release, as proposed by Pizarro, Csernoch, Uribe, Rodriguez, and Rios (1991. Journal of General Physiology. 97:913-947). Rather, our results imply that Q beta and Q gamma represent either two distinct species of charge or two transitions with different properties of a single species of charge, and that SR Ca content or release or some related event alters the kinetics, but not the amount of Q gamma. Many of the properties of Q gamma, as well as the voltage dependence of the rate of SR Ca release for small depolarizations, are consistent with predictions from a simple model in which the voltage sensor for SR Ca release consists of four interacting charge movement particles.  相似文献   

Simulation of calcium sparks in cut skeletal muscle fibers of the frog   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Spark mass, the volume integral of Delta F/F, was investigated theoretically and with simulations. These studies show that the amount of Ca2+ bound to fluo-3 is proportional to mass times the total concentration of fluo-3 ([fluo-3T]); the proportionality constant depends on resting Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]R). In the simulation of a Ca2+ spark in an intact frog fiber with [fluo-3T] = 100 microM, fluo-3 captures approximately one-fourth of the Ca2+ released from the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR). Since mass in cut fibers is several times that in intact fibers, both with similar values of [fluo-3T] and [Ca2+]R, it seems likely that SR Ca2+ release is larger in cut fiber sparks or that fluo-3 is able to capture a larger fraction of the released Ca2+ in cut fibers, perhaps because of reduced intrinsic Ca2+ buffering. Computer simulations were used to identify these and other factors that may underlie the differences in mass and other properties of sparks in intact and cut fibers. Our spark model, which successfully simulates calcium sparks in intact fibers, was modified to reflect the conditions of cut fiber measurements. The results show that, if the protein Ca2+-buffering power of myoplasm is the same as that in intact fibers, the Ca2+ source flux underlying a spark in cut fibers is 5-10 times that in intact fibers. Smaller source fluxes are required for less buffer. In the extreme case in which Ca2+ binding to troponin is zero, the source flux needs to be 3-5 times that in intact fibers. An increased Ca2+ source flux could arise from an increase in Ca2+ flux through one ryanodine receptor (RYR) or an increase in the number of active RYRs per spark, or both. These results indicate that the gating of RYRs, or their apparent single channel Ca2+ flux, is different in frog cut fibers--and, perhaps, in other disrupted preparations--than in intact fibers.  相似文献   

Cut muscle fibers from Rana temporaria were mounted in a double Vaseline-gap chamber and equilibrated with an end-pool solution that contained 20 mM EGTA and 1.76 mM Ca (sarcomere length, 3.3-3.8 microns; temperature, 14-16 degrees C). Sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) Ca release, delta[CaT], was estimated from changes in myoplasmic pH (Pape, P.C., D.- S. Jong, and W.K. Chandler. 1995. J. Gen. Physiol. 106:259-336). The maximal value of delta[CaT] obtained during a depleting depolarization was assumed to equal the SR Ca content before stimulation, [CaSR]R (expressed as myoplasmic concentration). After a depolarization to -55 to -40 mV in fibers with [CaSR]R = 1,000-3,000 microM, currents from intramembranous charge movement, Icm, showed an early I beta component. This was followed by an I gamma hump, which decayed within 50 ms to a small current that was maintained for as long as 500 ms. This slow current was probably a component of Icm because the amount of OFF charge, measured after depolarizations of different durations, increased according to the amount of ON charge. Icm was also measured after the SR had been depleted of most of its Ca, either by a depleting conditioning depolarization or by Ca removal from the end pools followed by a series of depleting depolarizations. The early I beta component was essentially unchanged by Ca depletion, the I gamma hump was increased (for [CaSR]R > 200 microM), the slow component was eliminated, and the total amount of OFF charge was essentially unchanged. These results suggest that the slow component of ON Icm is not movement of a new species of charge but is probably movement of Q gamma that is slowed by SR Ca release or some associated event such as the accompanying increase in myoplasmic free [Ca] that is expected to occur near the Ca release sites. The peak value of the apparent rate constant associated with this current, 2-4%/ms at pulse potentials between -48 and -40 mV, is decreased by half when [CaSR]R approximately equal to 500-1,000 microM, which gives a peak rate of SR Ca release of approximately 5-10 microM/ms.  相似文献   

C S Hui 《Biophysical journal》1999,77(4):2123-2136
Calcium release was measured in highly stretched frog cut twitch fibers mounted in a double Vaseline-gap voltage clamp chamber, with the internal solution containing 20 mM EGTA plus 0.4 or 1.8 mM added calcium. Rise in myoplasmic [Ca(2+)] was monitored with antipyrylazo III as the indicator at a temperature of 13 to 14 degrees C. The waveform of calcium release rate (Rel) computed from the absorbance change showed an early peak (Rel(p)) followed by a maintained phase (Rel(m)). Each Rel(p)-versus-V plot was fitted with a Boltzmann distribution function. The maximum value of Rel(p) (Rel(p,max)) was compared in various calcium-containing external solutions. The average value in a Cl(-) solution was about one-third larger than those in a CH(3)SO(3)(-) or gluconate solution, whereas the values in the CH(3)SO(3)(-) and gluconate solutions had no statistically significant difference. In external solutions containing CH(3)SO(3)(-) or gluconate, a replacement of the Ca(2+) with Mg(2+) reduced Rel(p,max) by 30 to 50%, on average. The values of Rel(p, max) also had no statistically significant difference among calcium-free external solutions containing different impermeant anions. An increase of the nominal free [Ca(2+)] in the end-pool solution from a reduced to the normal physiological level increased the value of Rel(p,max), and also slowed the decay of the maintained phase of the Rel waveform. The Rel waveforms in the Cl(-) and CH(3)SO(3)(-) solutions were compared in the same fiber at a fixed potential. CH(3)SO(3)(-) increased the time to peak, reduced Rel(p), and increased Rel(m), and the effects were partially reversible. Under the hypothesis that the decay of the peak was due to calcium inactivation of calcium release, the inactivation was larger in Cl(-) than in CH(3)SO(3)(-), in qualitative agreement with the ratio of Rel(p) in the two solutions. Under the alternative hypothesis that the peak and the maintained phase were separately gated by calcium and depolarization, respectively, then CH(3)SO(3)(-) appeared to decrease the calcium-gated component and increase the voltage-gated component.  相似文献   

Inactivation of slow Ca2+ channels was studied in intact twitch skeletal muscle fibers of the frog by using the three-microelectrode voltage-clamp technique. Hypertonic sucrose solutions were used to abolish contraction. The rate constant of decay of the slow Ca2+ current (ICa) remained practically unchanged when the recording solution containing 10 mM Ca2+ was replaced by a Ca2+-buffered solution (126 mM Ca-maleate). The rate constant of decay of ICa monotonically increased with depolarization although the corresponding time integral of ICa followed a bell-shaped function. The replacement of Ca2+ by Ba2+ did not result in a slowing of the rate of decay of the inward current nor did it reduce the degree of steady-state inactivation. The voltage dependence of the steady-state inactivation curve was steeper in the presence of Ba2+. In two-pulse experiments with large conditioning depolarizations ICa inactivation remained unchanged although Ca2+ influx during the prepulse greatly decreased. Dantrolene (12 microM) increased mechanical threshold at all pulse durations tested, the effect being more prominent for short pulses. Dantrolene did not significantly modify ICa decay and the voltage dependence of inactivation. These results indicate that in intact muscle fibers Ca2+ channels inactivate in a voltage-dependent manner through a mechanism that does not require Ca2+ entry into the cell.  相似文献   

Two new Ca indicators, purpurate-3,3'diacetic acid (PDAA) and 1,1'-dimethylpurpurate-3,3'diacetic acid (DMPDAA), were synthesized and used to measure Ca transients in frog cut muscle fibers. These indicators are analogues of the purpurate components of murexide and tetramethylmurexide, in which two acetate groups have been incorporated into each molecule to render it membrane impermeant. The apparent dissociation constant for Ca is 0.95 mM for PDAA and 0.78 mM for DMPDAA. One of the indicators was introduced into a cut fiber, which was mounted in a double Vaseline-gap chamber, by diffusion from the end-pool solutions. The time course of indicator concentration, monitored optically in the middle of the fiber in the central-pool region, suggests that 19% of the PDAA or 27% of the DMPDAA became bound or sequestered inside the fiber. In resting fibers, the absorbance spectrum of either indicator was well fitted by the indicator's [Ca] = 0 mM cuvette absorbance spectrum, which is consistent with the idea that PDAA and DMPDAA do not enter the sarcoplasmic reticulum as tetramethylmurexide appears to be able to do (Maylie, J., M. Irving, N.L. Sizto, G. Boyarsky, and W. K. Chandler, 1987. Journal of General Physiology. 89:145-176). After an action potential, the absorbance of either indicator underwent a rapid and transient change that returned to the prestimulus baseline within 100-200 ms. The amplitude of this change had a wavelength dependence that matched the indicator's Ca-difference spectrum. The average amplitude of peak free [Ca] was 21 microM (PDAA or DMPDAA) if all the indicator inside a fiber was able to react with Ca as in cuvette calibrations, and was 26 (PDAA) or 28 microM (DMPDAA) if only freely diffusible indicator could so react. These results suggest that PDAA and DMPDAA are the first Ca indicators that provide a reliable estimate of both the amplitude and time course of (the spatial average of) free [Ca] in a twitch muscle fiber after an action potential.  相似文献   

Antipyrylazo III was introduced into frog cut twitch fibers (17-19 degrees C) by diffusion. After action potential stimulation, the change in indicator absorbance could be resolved into two components that had different time courses and wavelength dependences. The first component was early and transient and due to an increase in myoplasmic free [Ca] (Maylie, J., M. Irving, N.L. Sizto, and W.K. Chandler, 1987, Journal of General Physiology, 89:83-143). The second component, usually measured at 590 nm (near the isosbestic wavelength for Ca), developed later than the Ca transient and returned towards baseline about 100 times more slowly. Although the wavelength dependence of this component is consistent with an increase in either free [Mg] or pH, its time course is clearly different from that of the signals obtained with the pH indicators phenol red and 4',5'-dimethyl-5-(and -6-) carboxyfluorescein, suggesting that it is mainly due to an increase in free [Mg]. After a single action potential in freshly prepared cut fibers that contained 0.3 mM antipyrylazo III, the mean peak amplitude of delta A (590) would correspond to an increase in free [Mg] of 47 microM if all the signal were due to a change in [Mg] and all the intracellular indicator reacted with Mg as in cuvette calibrations. With either repetitive action potential stimulation or voltage-clamp depolarization, the delta A (590) signal continued to develop throughout the period when free [Ca] was elevated and then recovered to within 40-90% of the prestimulus baseline with an average rate constant between 0.5 and 1.0 s-1. With prolonged voltage-clamp depolarization, both the amplitude and rate of development of the delta A(590) signal increased with the amplitude of the depolarization and appeared to saturate at levels corresponding to an increase in free [Mg] of 0.8-1.4 mM and a maximum rate constant of 3-4 s-1, respectively. These results are consistent with the idea that the delta A(590) signal is primarily due to changes in myoplasmic free [Mg] produced by a change in the Mg occupancy of the Ca,Mg sites on parvalbumin that results from the Ca transient.  相似文献   

Intact single twitch fibers from frog muscle were studied on an optical bench apparatus after micro-injection with two indicator dyes: phenol red, to monitor a previously described signal (denoted delta pHapp; Hollingworth and Baylor. 1990. J. Gen. Physiol. 96:473-491) possibly reflective of a myoplasmic pH change following action potential stimulation; and fura-2, to monitor the associated change in the myoplasmic free calcium concentration (delta[Ca2+]). Additionally, it was expected that large myoplasmic concentrations of fura-2 (0.5-1.5 mM) might alter delta pHapp, since it was previously found (Baylor and Hollingworth. 1988. J. Physiol. 403:151-192) that the Ca2(+)-buffering effects of large fura-2 concentrations: (a) increase the estimated total concentration of Ca2+ (denoted by delta[CaT]) released from the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR), but (b) reduce and abbreviate delta[Ca2+]. The experiments show that delta pHapp was increased at the larger fura-2 concentrations; moreover, the increase in delta pHapp was approximately in proportion to the increase in delta[CaT]. At all fura-2 concentrations, the time course of delta pHapp, through time to peak, was closely similar to, although probably slightly slower than, that of delta[CaT]. These properties of delta pHapp are consistent with an hypothesis proposed by Meissner and Young (1980. J. Biol. Chem. 255:6814-6819) and Somlyo et al. (1981. J. Cell Biol. 90:577-594) that a proton flux from the myoplasm into the SR supplies a portion of the electrical charge balance required as Ca2+ is released from the SR into the myoplasm. A comparison of the amplitude of delta pHapp with that of delta[CaT] indicates that, in response to a single action potential, 10-15% of the charge balance required for Ca2+ release may be carried by protons.  相似文献   

This article describes a new apparatus for making simultaneous optical measurements on single muscle fibers at three different wavelengths and two planes of linear polarization. There are two modes of operation: mode 1 measures the individual absorbances of light linearly polarized along and perpendicular to the fiber axis, and mode 2 measures retardation (or birefringence) and the average of the two absorbance components. Although some intact frog twitch fibers were studied, most experiments used cut fibers (Hille, B., and D. T. Campbell. 1976. Journal of General Physiology. 67:265-293) mounted in a double-Vaseline-gap chamber (Kovacs, L., E. Rios, and M. F. Schneider. 1983. Journal of Physiology. 343:161-196). The end-pool segments were usually exposed for 2 min to 0.01% saponin. This procedure, used in subsequent experiments to make the external membranes in the end pools permeable to Ca indicators (Maylie, J., M. Irving, N. L. Sizto, G. Boyarsky, and W. K. Chandler. 1987. Journal of General Physiology. 89:145-176; Maylie, J., M. Irving, N. L. Sizto, and W. K. Chandler. 1987. Journal of General Physiology. 89:41-143), was routinely employed so that all our cut fiber results would be comparable. A simple method, which does not require microelectrodes, allowed continual estimation of a fiber's membrane (rm) and internal longitudinal (ri) resistances as well as the external resistance (re) under the Vaseline seals. The values of rm and ri obtained from cut fibers with this method agree reasonably well with values obtained from intact fibers using microelectrode techniques. Optical measurements were made on resting and action potential-stimulated fibers. The intrinsic fiber absorbance, defined operationally as log10 of the ratio of incident light to transmitted light intensity, was similar in intact and cut preparations, as were the changes that accompanied stimulation. On the other hand, the resting birefringence and the peak of the active change in cut fibers were, respectively, only 0.8 and 0.7 times the corresponding values in intact fibers. Both the amplitude and the half-width of the active retardation signal increased considerably during the time course of cut fiber experiments; a twofold increase in 2 h was not unusual. Such changes are probably due to a progressive alteration in the internal state of the cut fibers.  相似文献   

Calcium uptake produced by a potassium contracture in isolated frog twitch fibers was 6.7 +/- 0.8 pmol in 0.7 cm of fiber (mean +/- SEM, 21 observations) in the presence of 30 microM D600. When potassium was applied to fibers paralyzed by the combination of 30 microM D600, cold, and a prior contracture, the calcium uptake fell to 3.0 +/- 0.7 pmol (11): the fibers were soaked in 45Ca in sodium Ringer for 3 min before 45Ca, in a potassium solution, was added for 2 min; each estimate of uptake was corrected for 5 min of resting influx, measured from the same fiber (average = 2.3 +/- 0.3 pmol). The calcium influx into paralyzed fibers is unrelated to contraction. This voltage-sensitive, slowly inactivating influx, which can be blocked by 4 mM nickel, has properties similar to the calcium current described by several laboratories. The paired difference in calcium uptake between contracting and paralyzed fibers, 2.9 +/- 0.8 pmol (16), is a component of influx related to contraction. Its size varies with contracture size and it occurs after tension production: 45Ca applied immediately after contracture is taken up in essentially the same amounts as 45Ca added before contraction. This delayed uptake is probably a "reflux" refilling a binding site on the cytoplasmic side of the T membrane, which had been emptied during the prior contracture, perhaps to initiate it. We detect no component of calcium uptake related to excitation-contraction coupling occurring before or during a contracture.  相似文献   

The Ca indicator arsenazo III was introduced into cut frog twitch fibers by diffusion from end-pool segments rendered permeable by saponin. After 2-3 h, the arsenazo III concentration at the optical recording site in the center of a fiber reached two to three times that in the end-pool solutions. Thus, arsenazo III was bound to or taken up by intracellular constituents. The time course of indicator appearance was fitted by equations for diffusion plus linear reversible binding; on average, 0.73 of the indicator was bound and the free diffusion constant was 0.86 x 10(-6) cm2/s at 18 degrees C. When the indicator was removed from the end pools, it failed to diffuse away from the optical site as rapidly as it had diffused in. The wavelength dependence of resting arsenazo III absorbance was the same in cut fibers and injected intact fibers. After action potential stimulation, the active Ca and dichroic signals were similar in the two preparations, which indicates that arsenazo III undergoes the same changes in absorbance and orientation in both cut and intact fibers. Ca transients in freshly prepared cut fibers appeared to be similar to those in intact fibers. As a cut fiber experiment progressed, however, the Ca signal changed. With action potential stimulation, the half-width of the signal gradually increased, regardless of whether the indicator concentration was increasing or decreasing. This increase was usually not accompanied by any change in the amplitude of the Ca signal at a given indicator concentration or by any obvious deterioration in the electrical condition of the fiber. In voltage-clamp experiments near threshold, the relation between peak [Ca] and voltage usually became less steep with time and shifted to more negative potentials. All these changes were also observed in cut fibers containing antipyrylazo III (Maylie, J., M. Irving, N. L. Sizto, and W. K. Chandler. 1987. Journal of General Physiology. 89:83-143). They are considered to represent a progressive change in the physiological state of a cut fiber during the time course of an experiment.  相似文献   

In experiments on cut muscle fibers mounted in a double Vaseline-gap chamber, electrical measurements are usually made by measuring the voltage V1(t) in one end pool and by passing current I2(t) from the other end pool to the central pool, which is usually clamped to earth potential. The voltage in the current-passing end pool is denoted by V2(t). This article describes how the value of the holding current, Ih, and the values of delta V2(infinity)/delta V1(infinity) and delta I2(infinity)/delta V1(infinity) that are associated with a small change in V1(t) can be used to estimate the linear cable parameters rm, ri, and re in a cut fiber that has been equilibrated with a Cs-containing internal solution. rm, ri, and re represent, respectively, the resistance of the plasma membranes, the internal longitudinal resistance, and the external longitudinal resistance under the Vaseline seals, all for a unit length of fiber. The apparent capacitance, Capp, of the preparation is defined to equal integral of infinity 0 delta I2,tr(t) dt/delta V1(infinity), in which delta I2,tr(t) represents the transient component of current that is associated with a change in V1(t) of amplitude delta V1(infinity). A method is described to estimate cm, the capacitance of the plasma membranes per unit length of fiber, from Capp and the values of rm, ri, and re. In experiments carried out with a tetraethylammonium chloride (TEA.Cl) solution at 13-14 degrees C in the central pool, cm remained stable for as long as 3-4 h. The values of cm, 0.19 microF/cm on average, and their variation with fiber diameter are similar to published results from intact fibers. This article also describes the different pathways that are taken by the current that flows from the current-passing end pool to the central pool. Approximately two-thirds of delta I2,tr(t) flows across the capacitance of the plasma membranes in the central-pool region. The rest flows either across plasma membranes that are under the two Vaseline seals or directly from the current-passing end pool to the central pool, across the external longitudinal resistance under the Vaseline seal. [There is also a current that flows directly from the voltage-measuring end pool to the central pool but this does not contribute to delta I2,tr(t).]  相似文献   

Experiments were performed to characterize the properties of the intrinsic Ca2+ buffers in the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) of cut fibers from frog twitch muscle. The concentrations of total and free calcium ions within the SR ([CaT]SR and [Ca2+]SR) were measured, respectively, with the EGTA/phenol red method and tetramethylmurexide (a low affinity Ca2+ indicator). Results indicate SR Ca2+ buffering was consistent with a single cooperative-binding component or a combination of a cooperative-binding component and a linear binding component accounting for 20% or less of the bound Ca2+. Under the assumption of a single cooperative-binding component, the most likely resting values of [Ca2+]SR and [CaT]SR are 0.67 and 17.1 mM, respectively, and the dissociation constant, Hill coefficient, and concentration of the Ca-binding sites are 0.78 mM, 3.0, and 44 mM, respectively. This information can be used to calculate a variable proportional to the Ca2+ permeability of the SR, namely d[CaT]SR/dt ÷ [Ca2+]SR (denoted release permeability), in experiments in which only [CaT]SR or [Ca2+]SR is measured. In response to a voltage-clamp step to −20 mV at 15°C, the release permeability reaches an early peak followed by a rapid decline to a quasi-steady level that lasts ∼50 ms, followed by a slower decline during which the release permeability decreases by at least threefold. During the quasi-steady level of release, the release amplitude is 3.3-fold greater than expected from voltage activation alone, a result consistent with the recruitment by Ca-induced Ca2+ release of 2.3 SR Ca2+ release channels neighboring each channel activated by its associated voltage sensor. Release permeability at −60 mV increases as [CaT]SR decreases from its resting physiological level to ∼0.1 of this level. This result argues against a release termination mechanism proposed in mammalian muscle fibers in which a luminal sensor of [Ca2+]SR inhibits release when [CaT]SR declines to a low level.  相似文献   

Lamboley CR  Pape PC 《Cell calcium》2011,50(6):530-547
One aim of this article was to determine the resting concentration of free Ca2+ in the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) of frog cut skeletal muscle fibers ([Ca2+]SR,R) using the calcium absorbance indicator dye tetramethylmurexide (TMX). Another was to determine the ratio of [Ca2+]SR,R to TMX's apparent dissociation constant for Ca2+ (Kapp) in order to establish the capability of monitoring [Ca2+]SR(t) during SR Ca2+ release – a signal needed to determine the Ca2+ permeability of the SR. To reveal the properties of TMX in the SR, the surface membrane was rapidly permeabilized with saponin to rapidly dissipate myoplasmic TMX. Results indicated that the concentration of Ca-free TMX in the SR was 2.8-fold greater than that in the myoplasm apparently due to binding of TMX to sites in the SR. Taking into account that such binding might influence Kapp as well as a dependence of Kapp on TMX concentration, the results indicate an average [Ca2+]SR,R ranging from 0.43 to 1.70 mM. The ratio [Ca2+]SR,R/Kapp averaged 0.256, a relatively low value which should not depend on factors influencing Kapp. As a result, the time course of [Ca2+]SR(t) in response to electrical stimulation is well determined by, and approximately linearly related to, the active TMX absorbance signal.  相似文献   

Existence of Q gamma in frog cut twitch fibers with little Q beta.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
Charge movements were measured in frog cut twitch fibers with the double Vaseline-gap voltage-clamp technique. In most fibers, when a depolarizing pulse to -60 to -40 mV was applied at 13-14 degrees C, the ON segment of a charge movement trace showed an early I beta component and a late I gamma hump component. An ongoing controversy is whether the I gamma hump component triggers calcium release from the sarcoplasmic reticulum or arises as a consequence of the release. Interestingly, a number of cut fibers showed normal I gamma components but greatly diminished, or unresolvable, I beta components. When the amount of charge associated with the current transient was plotted against the membrane potential, the steeply voltage-dependent Q gamma component appeared normal whereas the less steeply voltage-dependent Q beta component was also greatly diminished or unresolvable. These results suggest that I gamma can flow in the absence of I beta, thereby ruling out the possibility that Q beta triggers calcium release which, in turn, causes Q gamma to move. The results, however, do not rule out the positive feedback of calcium release to activate Q gamma, if calcium release is not triggered by Q beta but by Q gamma itself or by some other signal.  相似文献   

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